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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33164101 No.33164101 [Reply] [Original]


>Japan will implement a new system for filing invoices in October 2023, but it is unpopular among members of the creative industries who use pseudonyms. Under the new proposed system, invoices can only be considered "verified" if individuals file them using their real names, and the names will be accessible to the public via a national database.

No need for Dox anymore, Japan is gonna do it.

>> No.33164149

So long, gay Bowser!

>> No.33164160

What's the rationale for making the data public though? That defeats the purpose of pseudonyms

>> No.33164164

It will hit just indies, tho. Vtuber working for companies will be able to hide behind companies.
It may give rise to micro-companies that as sole purpose will have hiding names of vtubers. It's just shitty bloat law.

>> No.33164201

It’s all about collecting tax revenue in the long wrong. You deanonymize everyone and you can go after ever source of revenue a person that the government is interested in uncovering

>> No.33164200

Great news.
I'm tracking Pekora down, finding out where she lives and i'll save Jill-kun.

>> No.33164220


goodbye indies, I enjoyed my stay

>> No.33164224

>>33164201 (me)
Long run*** I had a stroke and it’s late

>> No.33164235

>Japan is gonna end vtubing
What will the hentai artists do?

>> No.33164258

From what I remember the law would apply to current corpo vtubers too as they're technically not employees. Some things may need to be shifted around in their contracts to protect them.

>> No.33164274

But why a PUBLIC database?

>> No.33164304

Can't corpo just set up an overall account or have the company takes the overhead cost of filing the invoices via their finance department?

>> No.33164332

maybe there's a long shot that people sympathize with them and it normalizes being able to attach your name to stuff like ero doujin/JAV without much social recourse.

>> No.33164371

Why would the government need to make that public information though?
They can keep that private and still fulfill their taxation duties

>> No.33164427

holos are contractors, not employees

>> No.33164464


>> No.33164472

He's dead, anon...

>> No.33164535

I can't imagine any of the Holos do their own invoicing. Cover takes care of that.

>> No.33164570

What can you do with a name? Like pretend Coco's name was public knowledge during the Taiwan incident and following harassment or Aqua's apex antis, would they have had more ways to harass the girls if they had a name?

>> No.33164677

yes anon, most corpo can take care taxes on behalf of their employee. Indies on other hand gonna get screwed so hard

>> No.33164687

someone in the japanese government REALLY REALLY wants to see if pekora's monkey is still alive

>> No.33164715

It's way easier to find someone adress or information on the person with a name.
So it can do some harm.

>> No.33164934

this shit is garbage but its not forced. im sure companies that are close to indie vtubers dont require this invoice shit bc most of them are also the same kinds of small-mid otaku companies, and even if big corpos require it they dont give indie vtubers any job in the first place.

>> No.33165088

I understand some of the rationale for having a database but WHY THE FUCK PUBLIC? Are they seriously out of their minds? Japan already has a terrible stalking problem and this only makes it worse. Hope the MP who made this gets mob lynched when inevitably an oshi gets raped.

>> No.33165151

among other things they're arguing that it will make it easier for employers to process new workers

>> No.33165213

not for workers sorry but for contractors

>> No.33165267


>> No.33165280
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>they're technically not employees
what if they get a base salary?

>> No.33165321

they won't do shit

>> No.33165355

this shit doesnt even work at this point. im pretty sure no indie or individual creator will register it.

>> No.33165408


I read the proposal and it goes beyond vtubers. If it's adopted as is, then Japan is literally fucked. Since it includes artists, any artists on pixiv or fantia or any other service in which they're able to make money will have to register their real name with the government's open database that can be accessed by anyone. You can basically completely say goodbye to any artist that draws anything even a little controversial including adult drawings. Since Japan's artists almost all rely heavily on their anonymity for their work, only those that are okay with all their neighbors knowing what they draw will still operate under such a system.

This is truly a nightmare dystopian scenario unless it is somehow changed.

>> No.33165468

So that the general public can know how much money you make and make informed decisions on that basis on a political and commercial level.
And so that tax evasion gets more difficult.
It also has some basis on socialist principles but I doubt that Japan has that in mind considering what the tentpole party actually values.

>> No.33165494

>base salary
>only hololive doin that

>> No.33165500

Also: https://shueisha.online/culture/52936
>Shocking response from the Ministry of Finance. "Real reason" to introduce the invoice system even if "real name is exposed" is unavoidable
>``names are mandatory rather than high-risk personal information such as addresses and phone numbers,''

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] What do you think about the risk of infringement of privacy regarding the problem that the real name of a sole proprietor is disclosed on the website of a qualified invoice issuing business?
[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] When the recipient of the invoice with the registration number confirms its validity, additional information such as the name is required. For example, if you check the registration number written on the invoice received from Mr. Sasaki, you can confirm that the registration number is valid, but you cannot judge whether it is really Mr. Sasaki's registration number. At this time, if the name is also disclosed, it can be quickly confirmed that it is Mr. Sasaki's registration number. From this point of view, we believe that disclosure of real names is necessary in practice. Names were chosen because they are effective for narrowing down the list and are not highly dangerous personal information such as addresses and phone numbers.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] Why did you allow commercial use of the information published on the website of eligible invoice issuers?
[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] If there are many business partners, we assume that the accounting software vendor will create its own database and refer to it. Accounting software users refer to information downloaded by vendors. This is the operation that we assumed for commercial use.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] I feel uncomfortable with the commercial use of personal information registered for tax purposes. Why should it be used for the benefit of a company that has nothing to do with the taxpayer himself?
[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] Only the minimum information, such as names, is disclosed.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] In the first place, isn't it rude to publish all the data in a form that can be downloaded all at once from all over the world? It would have been possible to search for each registration number and confirm whether or not it is registered.
[Deputy Director, Nishiko, National Tax Agency] For businesses that do not have many business partners, it is possible to search and check them one by one, but for large companies with many business partners, it is time-consuming to check each one. Efficiency can be achieved by constructing a database with a list and searching for the registration number from there.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] The convenience of such large companies and the privacy of us taxpayers are completely different issues. It has nothing to do with taxpayers who don't want their real names published.
[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] In the case of sole proprietorships, it is not the address or phone number that is disclosed, but the name, so we believe that it is unlikely that the individual will be identified.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] Do you have any plans to review it?
[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] Not yet. We are following the law.

TL;DR: Basically, these dinosaurs that don't understand how much easier it is to track someone down with a name online are going to destroy Japan.

>> No.33165508

> You have their name.
> You have their place of work
> You have their country of living and very often via usually innocent twitts also their city of living.
In case of Coco that could actually end in catastrophe beyond imagination because she was living with other girls in Holohouse and had bunch of genuine freaks hellbent on dealing as much damage as possible to her. We talk multiple Hololive members being physically hurt or even dead kind of shit. And from Kyoani situation from few years ago showed, Japanese companies kinda don't care about security.

>> No.33165519

I am specifically worried about any artists on pixiv or any platform that create particularly taboo or fetishy works, including loli/shota or rape themes, or even adult works in general.
This law as written will completely destroy any artist's ability to profit from their work while remaining anonymous to the public, not just the government. Because of Japan's cultural reliance on privacy and its artists' tendency to employ self-censorship, this will be the death knell for the creative industries in Japan besides the most mainstream publications.

>> No.33165525

shueisha never works with indie vtubers. your dramafagging is pretty miserable.

>> No.33165557

again if you really believe such niche publishers force their creators to use this shit you are a cunt

>> No.33165639

these fucking geezers in government haven't spent a day on the internet holy shit

>> No.33165680

>all vtubers become small corpo
I saw this ending in a vtwbg diagram. Nostradamus really was in that thread.

>> No.33165690

>again if you really believe such niche publishers force their creators to use this shit you are a cunt
Are you illiterate, you stupid fuckhead? The proposal isn't optional. The whole point is that publishers are going to be required by law to provide the real names of all artists and anyone else using a pseudonym who's making money on their platform, you underage retard.

Pixiv will be required to force artists to provide their real names if they want to make a fanbox account to profit off their work. The same goes for Fantia and all the others.
Most JP artists will just quit instead of giving their real names to a database that their friends and family can go look them up on.

>> No.33165726


dramaniggers absolutely have no fucking clue

>> No.33165758

>it is not the address or phone number that is disclosed, but the name, so we believe that it is unlikely that the individual will be identified.
I'm wondering if someone is going to show him how much damage someone can do with just a name.

>> No.33165835

What are you even talking about, you petulant subhuman?

>> No.33165866

So you're incapable of reading.

>> No.33165875

Why make it a public database? Plausible deniability, because this will likely the most targetted database. They want the taxes, but also don't want yhe responsibility for any incident connected to a breach.

>> No.33165965

You think you're capable of reading Japanese?
Then by all means, go ahead faggot and see why you're a fucking retard that doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.33166013

This fucking system has my favorite skeb artist spooked, and they suggested they might stop doing commissions cause of it

>> No.33166066

Every public registry I ever saw was misused to the point it was not even feasible to maintain it. Last one I know got so many search bots it was practically ddos'd.

Japan is proving once again, they don't understand shit.

>> No.33166124

Of course they would.
The majority of artists on twitter/pixiv/fantia/skeb are going to quit if this goes into effect. No one that makes adult art is going to want others to be able to find their real name so that faggots online can go harass them and their family.

>> No.33166127

Nigger, this invoice shit is about 個人事業主, you fucking brainless dramanigger EOP subhuman. 個人事業主s arent indie creators or anyone selling their handmade shit on e-commerce sites. They are practically one man operated ”companies” and to be a 個人事業主, you need to fulfill the requirements and be approved by the govt.


>> No.33166171



I dont think dramaniggers can read Japanese though

>> No.33166500

Nips are too trusting, and believes no one will use it for nefarious crimes. It's like what happened with Capcom back during Street Fighter x Tekken.

>> No.33166585

You're a fucking idiot.
That's not what that means, you stupid fucking retard. Holy fucking shit.
Intead of misreading definitions like an EOP retard, why don't you go read what the actual intention of the law is from the members of the tax agency itself, you Dunning-Kruger asshole?
Artists on pixiv and doujin circles absolutely fall under the category of 個人事業主, you brain damaged moron.
You think the purpose of this law was to make tax collection easier on small websites? Are you fucking dense? Even if you didn't know Japanese (and you clearly don't), just from context clues alone, you should be able to tell you're completely wrong.

>> No.33166632


>> No.33166727

>Artists on pixiv and doujin circles absolutely fall under the category of 個人事業主

Of course dramaiggers are too delusional to face the reality. You believe you have to be a 個人事業主 to repeatedly sell your used shit on Mercari? If so then nearly all young Japanese will have to go for it.

>> No.33166750

Literally all the reporters during the committee hearing all asked what about the privacy of small creators/users?
Their response was it's just a name so no one will be able to use that to identify them and if they do, corporations ease of doing business with individuals and being sure of who they are is more important than an individual's privacy.
One of the interviews with the idiots that are proposing this law is literally right here >>33165500

>> No.33166797

You don't need to pay salary to have employment contract

problem with indies is probably that they _have to_ include someone else as store front to maintain anonymity

>> No.33166879

>artists that use a pseudonym are not 個人事業主
Let me ask you one simple question that will completely blow you the fuck out, you retarded faggot:
Do you think artists on pixiv/fantia/skeb/whatever are required to pay taxes on the income they make from those sites? If so, what do you think they're classified as for tax purposes, you air-gulping, knuckle-dragging, mudhut-dwelling, feces-smearing, subhuman retard?

>> No.33166961

>It's like what happened with Capcom back during Street Fighter x Tekken.

>> No.33167040

Not just vtubing, but their culture in general too

>> No.33167096

>I'm an actual low-functioning autistic chink SEAmonkey that has never had a job and thinks he knows Japanese. That's why I know that for tax purposes, artists on pixiv aren't small business owners, they're obviously pixiv employees.
You are either too stupid or too underage to post here. Go back to your facebook group.

>> No.33167103

This is already how it works in most of the developed world and it has never been an inssue.

>> No.33167174

Tell the dumb ministry to expose the real name of 5 generationa of his freakin family as example and see what he react

>> No.33167215

This is what happens when you have no fourth amendment

>> No.33167236

i dont have much time talking with a schizo nigger like you. Read these instead.


Also this nigger law or something wont work. Im sure as fuck that it will be fixed after being roasted hard. Its always like that.

>> No.33167247

there is nothing wrong with doxing.

>> No.33167253

Korean will dominate the Asia entertainment industry if this happen. The law maker is a gooks spy

>> No.33167288

based retarded boomers with policies that don't care about their citizens

>> No.33167317

Tell the geezer to bring the real name of his family on the internet and we'll do the rest

>> No.33167407

Japan was the only country at the time that still did On-Disc-DLC. Meaning that there's no need in download DLC since it's already on the disc, you just needed to wait for an update to actually access it. Right before the game's launch, the American marketing team told Capcom to remove the On-Disk-DLC because hackers and data miners would be able access it, and Capcom's literal response was: "Why would they do that? That's illegal." And as you expect, hackers were already playing dlc content 24 hours after the game's launch and 6 months before the dlc's actual release.

>> No.33167559

After a sufficient amount of rapes, kidnappings, and murders committed using this new stalking database, they will reverse this process.

>> No.33167583
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Vshojo JP. American company.

>> No.33167642

Nah, they'll double down that it was the correct decision and that the blame solely lies with any perpetrators. And if it's rape/murder of women, they'll add that the victims should have considered a different career.

>> No.33167658

same shit happened in my country, retarded boomers who don't know shit about our industry wanted to collect more taxes so they implemented some shitty impractical regulations so they can collect more taxes, and now the industry is ruined forever

>> No.33167677

I will commission porn with shinzo abe and then dox the artist

>> No.33167685

>cites me the current law like a retard as if it changing isn't the entire point of this thread

The entire point of the newly proposed law is to change the third part here (making less than 10 million yen = you don't have to necessarily register) into forcing them to register for the invoice system. By registering, they must use their real name. Therefore, anyone who makes less than 10 million yen per year creating and selling art, doujin, commisions, or anything else will be required to register after October 2023. The invoice system is publicly available information. If you were making over 10 million yen per year, then you have to register, but most individual artists and artist circles don't. So this proposed change to the law is going to primarily affect them. That's why people think this is stupid.

>> No.33167687

>Why would they do that? That's illegal
wtf that's so funny

>> No.33167735

It doesn't matter to most vtubers, even indie or not.

>> No.33167783

Don't worry anon he's waiting for Otakmori to translate all this for him.

>> No.33167786

>1 yen = 0.007 USD
lol the yen is so shit, it's a meme currency

>> No.33167787

Coco is safe because she's registered under Vshojo, an American company.

Good thing she left lmao

>> No.33167822

This is the system that allows artists to gain greater trust with their clients.
If you don't want to dox your real name, just use the conventional system.

>> No.33167889

welp. I'm guessing someone is going to get assassinated soon.

>> No.33167941

>It's 8pm in korea

>> No.33167958

Rushia safe too. Expect more graduation from hololives lol imagine people showing up at inas job or at the shelter where gura volunteers for autographs? This is so fucked.

>> No.33167963

i finally have a chance to rape Sakura Miko.
For Pekora

>> No.33168053

First, the yen was never equivalent to the dollar. It's always been functionally compared to the cent instead.
It's at a severe low right now because of recession. For the last few decades, 1 yen was roughly equivalent to 1 cent or $0.01. Up until this year, it was hovering around $0.0091 to $0.0097. Then in February it nosedived to $0.0081 and has continued to fall to $0.007.
So 10 million yen ~= $70,000.

>> No.33168092

With the newly proposed change to this law, using the conventional system is no longer an option. That's why people are freaking out.

>> No.33168135

that nigger doesnt seem to know much about doujins or otaku stuff. it was my mistake. you should read this instead.




you dont need to be needlessly skeptic here or make a nontroversy like b-but jap companies like squareenix and crapcom are so fucking greedy! japanese business ethics reeee. they are big corps that are inherently globohomo so cant be a good example

if any doujin site or SNS site like pixiv went full retard theyd be massively roasted on 5ch and twatter and many otaku users would stop buying and selling shit there. if you arent a schizo nigger, you gotta understand they have many rivals and theres a bunch of alternatives that caters to indie creators.

>> No.33168356

Because Jap Government can't into InfoSec

Okay registering online is one thing but why have the database be SEARCHABLE on a public website?

Well the Japs want everyone to be nice obedient cube drones for the gigacorps.
Can't have the proles think that they can escape their corporate masters.

Wait until some politician gets a mountain of "FREE SAMPLES" of magazines and shit dumped on their door because they got doxxed or images of them and all their family members put on Social Media and they might wake the fuck up.
This has always been about punishing the small people as the rich of course won't have to worry about this.

>> No.33168541

>if any doujin site or SNS site like pixiv went full retard theyd be massively roasted on 5ch and twatter and many otaku users would stop buying and selling shit there. if you arent a schizo nigger, you gotta understand they have many rivals and theres a bunch of alternatives that caters to indie creators.
Anon, the thing you don't seem to understand is that this proposed law change means that artists will have to register for the invoice system themselves. It doesn't matter what pixiv or nijie or dlsite or fantia or melonbooks or any other site wants or does or doesn't do. If an artist is making less than 10 million yen per year by selling goods or services, then even if they use a pseudonym on websites, they will still be forced to register for the invoice system which is publicly available information. Pixiv doesn't have a choice or anything to do with whether the artists are forced to register for the invoice system or not.

>> No.33168581

>why have the database be SEARCHABLE on a public website
So big businesses have all the info they need on you in one place

>> No.33168638

You are still citing an article covering the current law. This thread is about the new proposal to change this law that was announced this month.

>> No.33168787

This is incredible governmental overreach and just plain naive stupidity. Just wow. Wonder which brave Otaku will Abe these geeks in the name of his oshii?

>> No.33168885

>Wonder which brave Otaku will Abe these geeks in the name of his oshii?
why would he do that when he can just kidnap his oshi and keep her in his basement now

>> No.33168906

Google translation? DeepL?

>> No.33169036
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The thing is, if you look at another article, the data you said is already made public. So, the system already exists.


According to that article, the author downloaded the data from here: https://www.invoice-kohyo.nta.go.jp/download/zenken

I downloaded the one with 個人. The file name is the same as pictured in that article. The important data are the real name, "trade name", and workplace address.

I did try to search several indie JP VTubers with their "stage name", assuming its falls under "trade name". Yeah, that includes Beatani. None of their names are listed in it, at least for now.

>> No.33169049

Ahh yes catering to the corporate masters. Kinda forgot that Japan's not even trying to hide that the corps are running the show.

>> No.33169428
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Time for some Ali Baba shenanigans

>> No.33169656

Corpos won't be that affected because their VTuber names are not the pseudonym of the "voice actor"'s business. They would only be listed with their real name, worst case their roommate's name, which would be bad.

It's pretty bad for Indies though. Could be easily solved by not making the list public, but make a service that only checks validity (like the VIES VAT number validation system). But Japanese politicians are probably too old to even think of something like that.

>> No.33169704

>The data is already publicly available, we can download it.
what are you worried about?

>> No.33169741

It'll depend. You can probably get around it by only issuing qualified invoices under your real name, this way only your business partners know the connection between the person and the VTuber and the list would only list you under your real name.

>> No.33169746

you didnt read the japanese article. try again. rrats dont work here because what you are saying is actually totally baseless. you talk about japan as if all japanese companies one sidedly force all japanese creators to comply to the same froced shit which can never happen

>> No.33169787

Contractors are obliged to do their own invoicing.

>> No.33169819

I guess that's why I haven't seen any JP VTubers (outside big agencies like Hololive, Nijisanji, and others) I know on the list. They're already alerted with this system, or so I think. Also, I do wait for the response from JP schizos on 2ch or 5ch.

>> No.33169820

Not true if you're a contractor. Just face it, VTubing is dead by 2023 and there's no way to work around it since they only comply by law.

>> No.33169851

All contractors nationwide are obliged to take part in this. For fuck's sake, they're not employees.

>> No.33169927

No more secret identities. It's just like Civil War.

>> No.33169961

Well I sure am glad Cover now have an office in the UK so they can move their headquarters from Japan so they can avoid some of this bullshit

>> No.33169983

dramaniggers cant even research. it hasnt changed

>> No.33170061

contractors? the fuck does even mean

>> No.33170081

there seems to be a simple fix for big companies like Hololive and Nijisanji, simply hire talents on as employees instead of contractors and they won't have to deal with this shit.
Indies and most of the doujin scene is absolutely getting fucked, tho.

>> No.33170222

So what you are telling me is, there is currently a baked in 25% discount on all JP products that hasn’t happened in decades. Seems like a good time to buy in bulk all the hentai, figurines and mercy I always wanted.

>> No.33170233

>Roommates' name will be listed, but their work will never be doxed.
That's all.

>> No.33170254

Oh right since this only effects Japan the EN side of things are gonna be completely safe. Phew!

>> No.33170253 [DELETED] 

Reminder that AZKi was mastermind that seduced Pekora and forced her to commit war crimes

>> No.33170271

They're paid on a contractual basis rather than a fixed yearly salary. They're not employees.

>> No.33170281

>Indies and most of the doujin scene
who? seriously who?

>> No.33170301

And all of HoloJP's named are known.
Neither can afford to do this.

>> No.33170318

in my country any holomem who worked full time hours on average would already be counted as an employee, and if other holomem didn't do full time hours, they would still be part time employees.

>> No.33170369

yeah it has nothing to do with vtuber agencies

>> No.33170397

Don’t know shit about their legal system, but aren’t all the talents already registered under a worksheet with all healthcare systems being paid? Making it public does not change much. BUT, if their names are really clouded even inside the company, then this is another case like fixing the minimum wage for staff members of anime studios.
This is what normally happens when a company move millions and blatantly game the system. Anonymity is an internet phenomena only, everywhere else you represent yourself or the company you work in/with.
Wish I could talk properly but don’t know the technical terms in English.

>> No.33170421

My rrat is this was made by a particularly irritated gachikoi working for the Japanese government, he finally had enough of not knowing who his oshi was IRL so he pushed this law.

>> No.33170441

and thats a good thing
Why hide informations from the government? What are they scared about

>> No.33170452

>And all of HoloJP's named are known.
JPs are smart. All the names they were just doxed are stage names.
Even if they were on the list, there would be no way for us to know.

>> No.33170510

It'd be hella funny if this ends up with Hololive going full "international company" and using its EN side to protect it from Japanese laws by listing itself like an american company or some shit. It sure as hell would be a good incentive for the girls to study english.

With Tokyo and Kyoto slowly rotting due to no tourism, skeb artist freaking the fuck out and Japan's laws becoming even more retarded as third parties are allowed to buy land and make shit everywhere expensive as fuck. Either Japan gets bought by China, the Japanese wake the fuck up and either start demanding their boomer's heads, using crypto to make their transactions or even abandon ship and realize they can get more bucks for their effort by being employed at an english or korean company. Imagine the doubling down, it'd be glorious

>> No.33170521

>from the government
the list is going to be publicly available.
any jackass will be able to look up a pseudonym and see a real name associated with it for anybody who has done contract work under a pseudonym.

>> No.33170525

All contractors are freelancers. Yes it does.

>> No.33170598

Names are a huge issue when people also know the age or atleast the rough age of the girls. John Smith may be common, but it's much easier to find John Jones born in 1994 than all the John Jones. You know damn well schizos will abuse the shit out of this list, especially when girls have retroactively talked about things in the past like being from rural areas, having X siblings, etc.
>B-but there is no way autists would look through an entire list of names to stalk people
They literally have cases of people stalking girls through pictures using the reflections in the girls eyes. Some people not only have the time, but are also batshit insane.

>> No.33170608

>korean company
This ESL was doxed himself without being listed.

>> No.33170637

in your stupid rrat ofc. one of the really weird things on this garbage board is that some schizos are actually really desperate to push their japanese rrats no japanese is even talking about

>> No.33170700

Do the Holomen pay their own taxes or does Cover do it for them?

>> No.33170703

Is Japan seriously allowing other countries to buy its land? That never ends well.

>> No.33170726

Good luck to you.

>> No.33170865

Does this affect EN and ID branches? Mori and IRyS might get keked but I'm not sure about the others

>> No.33170961

for fuck's sake you turbo retard.
>you didn't read the article.
The two articles you sent are dated February 2022 and July 2022. They don't cover the newly proposed changes, you insufferable faggot.

you keep thinking it's up to companies. IT'S NOT.
It's required of the artist themselves BY THE GOVERNMENT. This has nothing to do with online platforms other than that is where most artists make their money and these platforms will use the invoice service to make sure they're paying the correct people.
Why are you so fucking stupid? Why are you pretending to know Japanese? Why are you arguing something you don't understand?
Holy shit.

>> No.33170964

The holo talents are contractors/freelancers, not employees. Some have talked onstream about their taxes as a contractor and complained about how much they have to pay.

>> No.33171013

I'm not Japanese or gachikoi, I'm just telling you stalkers will 100% abuse this.

>> No.33171070 [DELETED] 

Of course it hasn't changed yet, you fucking turbo autist SEAfaggot.
The proposed changes are set to take effect October 1st, 2023, you absolute illiterate brainlet
Do you not even know English?

>> No.33171071

It won't affect them.
IRyS has a high level of internet literacy and has never doxxed real name or face.
Mori is much safer. She even posted her birthdate and real name on blog when she was a teenager.

>> No.33171084

There's nothing wrong with that but WHY THE FUCK MAKE IT PUBLIC?

>> No.33171117

As if artist aren't fucked enough by AI.

>> No.33171134 [DELETED] 

damn this nigger cant research any fucking thing. 財務省 fucktard boomers just had one meeting with activists who are against this nigger law. nothing has been changed.

if you mean 契約社員 "the contractors" arent 個人事業主

>> No.33171174

Actually that's not true for Hololive. Nijisanji livers don't receive a salary, but the Hololive girls receive a small salary every month.

>> No.33171175

Man, they are all so fucked.

>> No.33171193 [DELETED] 

too many eop niggers are wallowing in their nigger rrat hell lmao

>> No.33171210

>Why hide informations from the government?
This list is publicly available and can be downloaded by anyone, not just the government.

>> No.33171214

Proof next thread?

>> No.33171254
File: 82 KB, 1920x805, 2022-09-14_08h55_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just downloaded the data now.

>> No.33171266

Making it public is the only issue that people have. Like seriously Japan? You're not even competent enough to solve stalkers issue.

>> No.33171280

do vtubers have something to hide?

>> No.33171289

Because nothing is going to be done to change it to save all of Japanese VTubing, which are required by law to present their real life credentials to the public, dumbfuck

>> No.33171383

post your full name, address and company right now anon. surely you've got nothing to hide right?

>> No.33171384

Well then anon, why don't you post your full name and address /here/?

>> No.33171391

Basically this. The system itself tries to do what the VAT system of the EU does, just with the most incompetent technical implementation that you could imagine.

>> No.33171415

Someone in government has a son that is a vtuber doxer obviously

>> No.33171492

after you

>> No.33171497

man your eop dramaniggering is really something else. so according to you all holo and niji vtubers are doxxed by the govt and all jp indie vtubers have to be forced to obey the laws? amirite? lolololol

>> No.33171506

>The Ministry of Finance is reportedly not considering countermeasures for privacy-related issues, responding that it did not believe that listing a person's real name is "highly risky personal information." According to a representative, the individual's real name was chosen over addresses or telephone numbers as a point of identity verification for this reason. The database will be open to commercial use; the MIF clarified that its purpose is to allow companies that deal with a large number of clients to verify invoices in batches, instead of identifying the individuals one by one. The ministry currently has no plans to review or change the identification system, and is proceeding with the system according to the law.
There it is. The law is the law. Goodbye VTubing in Japan. You better hope Akamatsu or others do something about this, I don't think there will be enough manpower.

>> No.33171504

yea because they don't pay taxes to the Japanese government retard? They are japanese citizens, they would have to provide their info to the database, or they'd be breaking JP law.

>> No.33171562

Yes you fucking dense faggot
>The Ministry of Finance is reportedly not considering countermeasures for privacy-related issues, responding that it did not believe that listing a person's real name is "highly risky personal information." According to a representative, the individual's real name was chosen over addresses or telephone numbers as a point of identity verification for this reason. The database will be open to commercial use; the MIF clarified that its purpose is to allow companies that deal with a large number of clients to verify invoices in batches, instead of identifying the individuals one by one. The ministry currently has no plans to review or change the identification system, and is proceeding with the system according to the law.
NOTIHNG will be done about this. NOTHING

>> No.33171598

this nigger really lives in his rrat universe lol

>> No.33171602

the doxxnigger doesnt like it when the tables get turned it seems

>> No.33171609

I downloaded this data from
It's just like VAT system.

>> No.33171611

good, that means it will either die or be heavily changed.

>> No.33171622

You're the one denying reality and people are dunking on you for it.

>> No.33171632

VTubing will still prevail in the west though

>> No.33171636

>accuses me of not being able to research when he
>1) doesn't know Japanese.
>2) doesn't know English.
>3) is too dumb to translate.
>4) doesn't understand legal terminology.
>5) every one of his posts in this thread has either misunderstood key details or been completely wrong.
>6) keeps sending me the current law and telling me how the PROPOSED CHANGES are not in the current law.
>7) doesn't seem to understand how governments, taxes, companies, employment, or anything else works in Japan or any other country.

Shut the fuck up retard. You literally don't understand anything that is being talked about in this thread. You don't even understand how laws or governments work probably because you're an uneducated chink that has never learned how other countries' governent systems operate. Stop pretending to know Japanese. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.33171707

I believe they're technically listed as contractors but a few of them have talked about receiving a small monthly salary from COVER, especially when they started out.

>> No.33171718

You don't know Japanese nor English, you can't translate anything, you don't know what legal terminology is, you didn't read the fucking article, you fail to understand that the law is complete and is set to go through, and you don't seem to understand that because that is the case, lawyers will have to fight the government in monthlong battles over this, which are never easy.

So shut the fuck up retard. You don't know how ANY of this works.

>> No.33171754

That probably doesn't mean anything though.

>> No.33171763

it's funny because marine sued someone for an anonymous post on 5ch and forced his isp to reveal his real name and personal information
guess you dont like it when the tables are turned, huh, tranny

>> No.33171831

NTA, but I haven't seen anyone blown the fuck out as badly as you have been this entire fucking thread in a long, long time.

>> No.33171856

he fucked around and found out.

>> No.33171878

Where do you think this ESL is from?
I'm guessing he's Korean.

>> No.33171933

You might be right, but perhaps their lawyers will be able to define them differently or something and find a workaround to this proposed law.
I'm just speculating with that. (or maybe just coping who knows yet.)

>> No.33171984

that uhhh wouldn't change a thing, they certainly aren't employees.

>> No.33172003

Why are you posting as anon? Why not your real name?
Do you have something to hide?!

>> No.33172007

Then the only hope is for hundreds of corpos to sue to Japanese government into submission? I mean that's the only way I can see the law changing but even then I don't think they'll even notice the incoming lawsuits headed their way.

>> No.33172071

jesus christ. Are you fags gonna start posting about birthrates and refugees too?

>> No.33172082

They're the only ones who are capable or reading a source of information and then deny that source says what it is actually saying.
He's been completely retarded and digging himself deeper this entire thread because he's trying to save face like a cornered chinese person.
I also suspect he's underage because he's been trying to sprinkle random Japanese words in his posts even though he obviously doesn't speak Japanese at all.

>> No.33172119

Now how would this affect foreign members of Japanese companies, like Niji and HoloEN? If this is a duty of the individual to register then presumably they wouldn't have to right? Or would they because they are being paid by a Japanese company? Nazuna and Kson would still have to pay regardless, being Japanese citizens of course.

>> No.33172134

It's the only news source accurately reporting on the issue that's readily made for non-Japanese public so do the math.
Of course he is. Who else does the doxxing?

>> No.33172153

This legislation doesn't affect corpo VTubers, since the actor does not own the VTuber name.

>> No.33172185

Yes it does. Contractors are not employees. Stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.33172215

>>33172119 (me)

and just to be clear, I don't mean they'd be in danger of being arrested for not, but it is conceivable that companies could standardize it regardless of branch just for easier processing, which could feasibly lead to graduations from those uncomfortable about doing so.

>> No.33172260


>> No.33172302

But almost all of the Hololive talent names are known on the I site. Problem is there, not ownership.

>> No.33172309

Unfortunately, this isn't getting a lot of coverage in Japan at the moment.
I think what's going to happen is some of the art sites like Pixiv or skeb are going to eventually make an announcement asking artists to register in advance as the date these changes take effect draws nearer.
There will probably be a lot of push back and if there's enough, they might delay the October 1st deadline or end up changing it somehow. There are already some artists talking about it and one of the Holo's roommates talked about it yesterday as well.

So I don't think it's completely set in stone yet. There will probably be a lot more talk about it starting next year.

>> No.33172334

ogey zhang

>> No.33172347

Couldn't you game this by making a company for the chuuba and just never mentioning it on anything related to chuuba?

>> No.33172358

samefagging wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww im staring to doubt if you are some real chink shill

>> No.33172366

YIKES I know Jap Politicians are dinosaurs and don't understand computers much less the internet, but you'd think they'd have some people on staff bring up the dangers this would provide.
Or is more that they're not going to dare impede the corps and the money going into their pockets?

>> No.33172396

Good luck to all of them. I have no faith anything will get done though.

>> No.33172400

zhangはてめーだろwwwwwwwwww あんま笑わせんなよ

>> No.33172415

just search インボイス on twitter if you want to see what japs are saying about this

they're not happy.

>> No.33172430

Your Japanese is shit, chink. No one talks like that.
You have no argument and are only trying to save face at this point.

>> No.33172455

>Or is more that they're not going to dare impede the corps and the money going into their pockets?

>> No.33172472

>Do I really want to send that SC?
>Checks entire personal history of streamer to look for any offenses
>Any found are tweeted about to alert others

>> No.33172491

Honestly, the desperate concealment of a chuuba's identity reeks of unicornfaggotry. The Vtuber is A fictional character keyfabed by a real actress who may or may not have a bf.

>> No.33172500

>Japanese birthrates down
>Introduce law so doxniggers can rape their oshi
Did they do it to keep up the population?

>> No.33172510

what did the holo rm say?

>> No.33172517

>There are already some artists talking about it and one of the Holo's roommates talked about it yesterday as well.
So they know. Well, all the best to them. I don't think anything will change though because the resistance won't be noticeable enough or the government will just completely ignore it to the point that it's all just a futile fight they won't win.

>> No.33172521

isn't the simple solution to just treat vtubers as a character in entertainment? most chuubas don't own the characters anyway so I doubt they'd be registered under it
seems like the point if to have an actual name tied to the faceless characters for taxes so there's no reason why they can't be registered to an agency or whatever, I think? This is already the case in some countries where you have to get an agency for youtube and shit when you get big enough revenue that you have to register it as a company
Am i misreading this?

>> No.33172567

Ownership isn't the issue. The problem is that there's a website that has complete and total doxxes of every Hololive, Nijisanji, and other small corpos/indies out there, so schizos have the names they need to track down their addresses.

>> No.33172582

>japan is getting ruined
Fuck japan.

>> No.33172610

I don't doubt at all that it isn't set in stone. I honestly expect there will be big changes in it that will give the corpo vtubers an out, but Indies would be fucked.

>> No.33172617

You seriously write like a gradeschooler. This is just pathetic at this point, chankoro.
You still have not supported anything you've claimed with any up to date information this entire thread.
Your accusations and insults ring hollow.

>> No.33172621

but your nigger rrat is actually all fucking false. also do you even know cover gets benefit out of their vtubers activity so the "invoices" are basically shared

>> No.33172638

I'll have to see it to believe it. I'm convinced nothing will be done at all.

>> No.33172660

I'm not sure. /jp/ said Noel mentioned it, but I don't follow her "other" streams.

>> No.33172673

calm the fuck down, schizo nigger. you are spamming too much

>> No.33172681

>also do you even know cover gets benefit out of their vtubers activity so the "invoices" are basically shared
LMAO you can't be this fucking retarded. Contractors are always individual when it comes to tax forms.

>> No.33172730

The boomer strikes again.

>> No.33172740

>too many ESLs
>too many JSLs
What's going on? Is it Chinese New Year today?

>> No.33172754

Learn English if you're going to post here.
Your posts have stopped making sense and you aren't worth talking to because you don't even seem to understand what anyone else is saying.

>> No.33172774

what are contractors, schizo nigger? 契約社員? say it in japanese

>> No.33172809

>According to a representative, the individual's real name was chosen over addresses or telephone numbers as a point of identity verification for this reason.
the only issue is chuubas getting their real name leaked here though

>> No.33172830

Learn English and maybe you'd understand what others are saying here.
It's not like these terms mean different things in Japan.

>> No.33172834

do you even understand what the "invoice" is?, dumb chinky nigger?

>> No.33172881

this eop nigga be really trippin lmao

>> No.33172898

Like they're not regularly posted on 5ch every hour?

>> No.33172970

that's a whole other thing entirely unrelated to this

>> No.33172997

Truthfully, I don't think anyone here knows exactly how the Holos are categorized for tax purposes. I know they receive a very small base salary but I also remember others being sure that they are contractors.
Either way, they might be able to argue that they're not independent creators and won't have to register through this invoice system. I'm sure that Cover has a tax lawyer on retainer so they'll probably figure it out.

>> No.33173014

Tell me you're a nijinigger without telling you're a nijinigger.

>> No.33173048

You're clearly ESL, so why do you keep talking like a black person?
Do you love them that much?

>> No.33173091

There's no way to connect their name to their job, so it's probably safe to assume.
There is a meme that Japanese still use FAX, but in reality, most Japanese don't even have a fixed line contract.
That's why goverment decided to put real names on the list.

>> No.33173122

I doubt the Japanese employment law would allow such variability in pay if they weren't contractors.

>> No.33173178

I'm an ESL and sometimes this happens when I use DeepL.

>> No.33173199

There's a meme that japanese companies still use fax. That has nothing to do with personal landlines.

>> No.33173231

That is if we know if Cover is aware of this or not. Which their response pretty much determines the future of Hololive.

>> No.33173257

so what, schizo eop nigger? i speak 3 languages. sorry but english is an absolutely useless globohomo language only used for woke trash. i cant take such a third world nigger language seriously anymore.

>> No.33173271

But they are and Choco and Noel are among a few that have said this?

>> No.33173379

Yes, but let's say person A is contracted to play VTuber B. The list will not list person A's pseudonym as VTuber B, because VTuber B is not the pseudonym of Person A's business, but a trademark of the company that hired Person A.

>> No.33173406

I wish it was a meme, I worked for a jp company and had to figure out how fax machines worked kek

>> No.33173600

I fell like they’ll be some loophole to prevent this from happening to vtubers specifically. Also You folks only found out about this now? This has been brought up for months now

>> No.33173604

I worked in JP 10 years ago and my fax was stored in dropbox and notifications were emailed to me so I was never confused.

>> No.33173640

>>33173379 (me)
To make it even easier.
"Inugami Korone" is not contracted by Cover. The person behind Korone is contracted to play the role of Inugami Korone. So the contractor is the real person and that person has no right to name Inugami Korone thus they cannot register themselves under that name.

>> No.33173718

So in the end, Rushia really did nothing wrong WHEN THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT ITSELF IS ABOLISHING NDAS.

>> No.33173862

Those who have their real names exposed between now and September 30, 2023 still contracted by Cover will have the hardest time then. Now the question is not if, but when the harassment occurs.

>> No.33173909

It really makes me nostalgic.

>> No.33173927

They sold dlc disc separately these days

>> No.33173987

no nobody here except for me cant understand covers share and what "invoices" theyd make bc they are eops and it totally breaks their rrat bubbles. so they believe all holomems and niji livers are doxxed by the govt lmao

>> No.33174031

It will, they will get money through Vshojo contracts which doesnt have to obey JP rules.

>> No.33174051

>According to a representative, the individual's real name was chosen over addresses or telephone numbers as a point of identity verification for this reason.
Kiwifarms had already destroyed the lives of countless people just by getting their names, and they're the SANE ones. Asian schizos are on an entirely new level altogether and makes KF look like tame pussies. It's not just doxxing and harassment, these fuckers are willing to actually rape and/or kill their oshi.

>> No.33174109

Theoretically though, that's what the PUBLIC database will provide to the Japanese PUBLIC? Why don't you read the article again

>> No.33174135

Don't know exactly how you mean it.
It'll basically depend if the connection between VTuber and real name becomes public. I think there are some who's real name is already known. So for those it's kind of a problem.

Similarly those who have roommates who are actively doing stuff might also have problems, in case they do their business under that name.

But I also don't see what would prevent self employed people from registering themselves without a pseudonym. Obviously it would require them to invoice or be invoiced under their real names, but I'd think that their business partners already know their real names. This way the connection between the pseudonym would remain private.

>> No.33174153

A full name can be connected to a lot of things. In the USA of you know someone's name and roughly what area they live you can often find their address through the voter registry. Japan is probably different but I'd wager a full name makes doxxing someone a lot easier.

>> No.33174190

>Obviously it would require them to invoice or be invoiced under their real names, but I'd think that their business partners already know their real names. This way the connection between the pseudonym would remain private.
That sentence makes absolutely no sense at all. This is a public database created by the government. It's not just business partners that have access to this information. All of Japan has access to it.

>> No.33174194

She's an indie, right?
By your logic all vtubers who get paid by youtube and twitch are the same as Vshojo.

>> No.33174436

What a bummer. I don't think anything will be done to stop this. EN people won.

>> No.33174439

>She's an indie, right?
What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.33174554
File: 232 KB, 607x615, pekoha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all of this happen because pego doesnt reveal to Us whether her monkaw is alive or not!?!?

>> No.33174623

>western commies complaining about government surveillance, mass doxxing and preferencing corporations
Kek. Now complain about the western surveillance state.

>> No.33174666

Vshojo doesn't have to obey these rules, but Kson and Nazuna do, as they are Japanese citizens who are either contractors or sole proprietors of themselves. They are certainly not employees of vshojo. so if they don't register with the database, they will be breaking the law if it passes as it is. They aren't unknowns either, so they can't expect anonymity to save them.

>> No.33174744

According to this article, since very few people have a completely unique name, it is impossible for business partners to verify that a person's registration number is correct unless they also registered either their trade name or address.

>> No.33174785

Didn't Indonesia do this for tech companies? Seems like a bad precedent being set, could be a test ground before the US tries to adopt it.

>> No.33174845

this post glows

>> No.33174958

Deter tax evasion and public shaming of the high earners by using the anti autism to find out tax evaders

>> No.33175110

Can you proof that they are contractors though?

>> No.33175150

Oh so you do have something to hide. Very interesting.

>> No.33175151

>I sincerely doubt DeepL translates what you say into "this nigga really be trippin"

>> No.33175211

It's very obvious that you're a chink at this point.
Please leave and go back to NGA or whatever.

>> No.33175219

>They are certainly not employees of vshojo.
They literally are.
> if they don't register with the database, they will be breaking the law
No, they wont. The Vshojo will pay the taxes, not them. They can do so because they are american company, they dont have obey JP rules.
The vtubers themself, Nazuna and Kson (expecially Kson) dont have to sign up to database if they have a contract with Vshojo. They will still pay taxes under their real names, just like everyone else but they are not obliged to reveal their pseudonyms.

>> No.33175431

>nips are even more retarded than chinks

>> No.33175434

All corpos start as indie chubbas tho

>> No.33175443

Prove it retard. They literally are not, they receive no salary.
predicated on them being employees, which they are not. They are likely contractors but even if we assume kson cope, they are sole proprietors then.

>> No.33175519

They literally have managers, dude. Maybe "employees" is not a right word but they have a contract with Vshojo.

>> No.33175624
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1647124383001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think names are just minimum information
what the fuck? knowing someone's full name is enough to track them down, are they stupid?

>> No.33175640

Vshojo(The Company) is essentially a support company company that only does the work of affiliated Vshojo(The Vtubers) members.
It's basically a very exclusive company with selective clients

>> No.33175733
File: 2.99 MB, 640x640, kekw-kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having managers means they are employees

Well guess Nijisanji and Hololive have nothing to worry about then, they are all employees after all, only employees can have contracts!
I want to see Kson and Nazuna use this argument when the police come calling asking why they haven't registered.

>> No.33176208
File: 965 KB, 1300x1190, western.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33176455

Nijisanji and Hololive are JP companies, retard.

>> No.33176977

Managers are also contractors though.

>> No.33177128

Read it better then.

Let's say you are Person A and self-employed. You operate the VTuber channel VTuber B.
You register your business at the Japanese government as Person A in order to get your JCT Id.
Now Company C wants you to do a promotional Video as VTuber C among other things. So you write them an invoice but your business is officially Person A so you put Person A into the invoice.

Company C knows that VTuber B.
The public database lists you a Person A, but not as VTuber B. The public cannot find out Person A is VTuber B.
It about how you registered your business to the government.

There is some mention that the name is not sufficient as a unique identifier, this is kind of the problem here and can make you end up being listed with an address instead, as far as I see in the Shueisha article.

>> No.33177433

As it is, there should be no way to connect a person with a vtuber persona with only the public data right?
nta btw

>> No.33177461

So according to this new law, if you have some non-employment contract for a company to pay you in exchange for your services, they can write off more consumption tax if you send them an officially registered invoice. In order to register for the invoice system, you can no longer file as a consumption-tax exempt sole proprietor, and thus have to pay that consumption tax along with your income taxes. Most people are freaking out about this part because the lower/middle class people that qualify to file with the exception are now being heavily pressured by their clients to register with the system, which ends up raising their taxes. The privacy issue is just an extra fuck you.

>> No.33177596

If there aren't sweeping changes to this legislation it's over. One then has to wonder what companies like Cover, Anykara, etc. will do in response to this, if they know about this as of now. This is possibly going to be the biggest test VTubing will have to overcome in its time, and I fear that it may not be received well by the government boomers.

>> No.33177723
File: 8 KB, 480x360, thinking_bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP govt will only back down if Pego reveal the monkeys status, is it alive or not?

>> No.33177788

The police are not involved in this (unless somebody dodges taxes) and registration is not required by the government.
However the law incentivizes payers to require their contractors to register and use the invoices.

>> No.33178498

anon, the companies don't need to do shit, this law primarily only affects indie content creators and doujin artists, if you're part of a company you're already registered with the government under that company for tax purposes and don't need to further register for this system

>> No.33178563

You're misunderstanding me here. They're not employed by Cover or Anykara. They're under contract by them, that's a big difference.

>> No.33178639

You guys worry too much about Holo, remember the companies bend rules and laws.
Havent you seen US top riches????
They dont fucking pay taxes!!!
Protecting Girls Identity is a piece of cake to Cover.

>You guys should worry more on whether the monkey is alive or not!

>> No.33178741

For the last time, contractors are not employees.

>> No.33178804

Cover isn't on the level of FAANG, wallstreet firms, banks etc. In the scheme of the Japanese economy they are tiny. Maybe an amendment gets added, but Cover certainly doesn't have the money & resources to lobby directly.

>> No.33178938

Seems like a mix of what others said and making info easy to obtain for corpo algorithms

>> No.33179357

chinks will have a good time with doxx

>> No.33179433

any chance of this not passing?

>> No.33179616

For anyone not following global trends there's a huge pendulum swing back to conservative values on a global scale. It's happening in every major country due to a lot of stuff that happened and was revealed during and post coof lockdowns. Keep your head down and protect your neck outside.

>> No.33179865

0% for now. That is tentative if the government boomers actually listen to advocacy groups over the course of the next year, but I doubt it.

>> No.33180032

its already too late

>> No.33180088

100% being implemented as it's set in stone. No one can do anything about it. VTubing (from an anonymity perspective) in Japan is doomed as we know it.

>> No.33180154

The fact that it isn't being talked about way more than it should be is what's the most harrowingly bone-chilling reality that people just aren't willing to fight to save VTubing as it is. People care more about shitposting or just seeing Japan's VTuber culture die altogether. Then again, what can I expect from the EOP board?

>> No.33180162

Finally I can see Marine's fat ass irl and jerk off on her irl photos

>> No.33180192

It doesn't matter because they don't have to register their trade name, only their real name. This only puts their name next to a registration number. The registration number doesn't lead to anything but their real name. You won't be able to find them on the public list unless you know either of those two things, and you will only know those two things if you are receiving an invoice from them, that will have both anyway. Indies may have a reason to register their trade name, and thus associate it with their real name, but even they won't have to.

>> No.33180217

It's already effectively a law. It will just be formalized by October 1, 2023. And yes, every VTuber in Japan is affected by this.

>> No.33180264

And all of their real names and date of birth are stored on the I site. Hololive is so fucked.

>> No.33180568

Well boys it was fun while it lasted.

Long live /wvt/ I guess. The age of japanese vtubers is over.

>> No.33180680

bro there's a reason cyberpunk settings imagine powerful zaibatsus with their own paramilitary orgs

>> No.33180779

How do we know for certain that Cover's vtubers are contractors and not employees?

>> No.33180910

The name does not necessarily have context. It doesn't have to list the vtuber name along with the real name unless they want to register it that way. Some people may want to register their pseudonym, but as far as corporate vtubers are concerned there wouldn't even be any reason to do that.

>> No.33181146
File: 83 KB, 373x412, 1653552475038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is fucked, what can we do for this anyway? Its not like you anons are just gonna do squat and wait until some horny old fucks rapes your oshi live on stream.

>> No.33181355

You can take vacations there and do it yourself

>> No.33181510

I guess the only thing Cover can do is have the vtubers be considered employees rather than contractors somehow.

>> No.33181639

And the big question is, will they do it or can they afford to do that?

>> No.33181693

Date of birth and work address are also listed in the database dumbass.

>> No.33181697

this is Japan
where KyoAni got burned down and their former premiere shot dead with a homemade firearm
they're ignorant to the dregs of their own society

>> No.33181748

Because Cover has less employees than talents. Look it up.

>> No.33181802

And I expect it to happen within days or weeks. October 2023 is when something very serious could happen.

>> No.33181903
File: 497 KB, 3258x2984, 1608129270604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched an accountant's video about whether you should be registering or not, and it turns out the difference in consumption tax that a payer can save by requesting a registered invoice is just 20% (2% of the total price), so in many cases its not actually necessary. Given the privacy risk of registration, I double that requesting registered invoices will be standard in this industry.

tl;dr: your oshi should be okay

>> No.33181919

So there's literally nothing that can be done about this at all right? This is the undoubtable end of Japanese VTubing? Not even advocacy groups or widespread protests will change anything. Maybe it could make some difference, but if it affects mangaka and artists too, shouldn't they at the very least be preparing to mobilize efforts to change the legislation? Or are they scared that the Japanese government will police them out? Seems like a very grim situation from the bottom to the top.

>> No.33182007

What you just said made absolutely no sense at all. Wouldn't it mean that they would have to register based on yearly income on a contractual basis?

>> No.33182041

On October, everything comes tumbling the fuck down.

>> No.33182170

yes. every japanese vtuber is gonna quit. everyone is doxxed by the govt. it will be a disaster. not to mention cover and any colour are gonna go out of business. you should watch chinese vtubers instead asap

>> No.33182191
File: 38 KB, 500x500, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look it up.
>cause I made it up so you can chase something that doesn't exist

>> No.33182212

>corporations ease of doing business with individuals and being sure of who they are is more important than an individual's privacy
holy fucking yikes

>> No.33182234

As much as i'd love to, those xenophobic fucks aren't letting foreigners in either.

>> No.33182278

If there was ever a time for "unity" it is now.

Cover, AnyColor, and any other organization available needs to work together to oppose and spread awareness against this legislation.

>> No.33182529


>> No.33182610

They only have to register in the system somebody who is paying them asks for a registered invoice. The only reason to ask for a registered invoice is so that the payer gets a larger deduction when they file taxes. However in the end the difference isn't that much.

This video explains it pretty well.

>> No.33182684


>> No.33182802

At least we are still at a stage where accountants are advising people NOT to register.

>> No.33182828

this is the system that allows clients to point out who you are on a public searchable database

>> No.33182869

too many ching chong chink bugs

>> No.33183466

I don't believe that's a reliable accountant. Try again.

>> No.33183554

So they'd all need to have an accountant and therefore this one accountant is advising them not to enroll in it? I guess this changes my perception a little bit.

>> No.33183614

I guess this changes everything and therefore it'd only affect those who are looking to pay less taxes? Man why can't they just report that in the damn article? Fucking sensationalist faggots.

>> No.33183742

I dunno. Even if it were private, all it takes is one breach or one leak. Of course it would be fine if it were just numbers but the name, pseudonym and possibly address being available in the same dataset still makes it risky.

>> No.33184243

If you want you can read the explanation directly from the tax office.
Look for the section:

No need for an accountant. The guy in the video is advising people not to register because it can increase their taxes by 10% of their income, despite not even being necessary.

It only affects those who make a contract with those looking to pay less taxes. For some people that is going to be very hard to avoid, but I think it can be avoided by vtubers. They might get paid less though.

>> No.33184294

I've dealt with crazies from all around. Definitely feels more Chinese to me than Korean. Koreans mainly care about their domestic issues and representation and will argue more about how you can't judge them because you aren't Korean. Chinese prefer subterfuge, probably partly because they are already bypassing the firewall and don't want to explicitly out themselves. They're like Russians but still try to fit in as East Asian. It could be a SEAnigger but they don't type like it.

>> No.33184472

>register to pay tax
>if you don't register pay fine instead
>pay fine
>thank you for your business
not that hard anon

>> No.33184576

Wait wait wait, registration is optional? I thought if you registered you'd get a larger deduction. I'm still so confused by all of this.

>> No.33184659

This all happened because Abe died

>> No.33184754

nta but
If you don't register they assume you're hiding income so pay more taxes
If you do register then they know you're hiding income so pay more taxes
It's a false binary to just get more tax revenue, the question is whether they're dumb enough to actually register just to try pay less tax

>> No.33185037


>> No.33185172

were tax brackets a mistake
