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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33120985 No.33120985 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.33121075

Kek calli in the backround saying "nooo its other people not us!!!"

>> No.33121078

>Ame: tells viewers to improve themselves instead of complaining
>Kiara: says Myth needs to improve themselves to set an example for viewers

>> No.33121150

These two things aren't in conflict, autist-kun

>> No.33121192

I just can't stop kneeling bros

>> No.33121334

I Kneel for austrian pussy

>> No.33121388

All four of them were saying things like that, Ina kept pointing out the staff is often the reason why things are slow moving. Kiara once again odd woman out.

>> No.33121422

Is being based in the Austrian school curriculum?

>> No.33121480
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>> No.33121481

Why are Germans like this?

>> No.33121521

>repeatedly throwing her friend under the bus to score easy points with the schizo audience who harass them
Imagine supporting this kind of behavior

>> No.33121545

I guess Kiara is taking back the leadership title from Ame whose done fuck-all to lead. Sad but expected to see Ina try to shift the blame. At some point simply blaming the managers for their laziness is not going to work like it used to. Year 1 is understandable, but by year 2 come the fuck on. They need a tard wrangler and it's up to the queen of Menhera to have to do that.

>> No.33121614

Kiara knows she's the only Myth on the idol path aside from maybe Gura sometimes. She probably figures if she signals well enough to the gachikoi that she's offering the idol experience, her numbers will go up.

>> No.33121615


>> No.33121683

>i wont improve myself because others dont do it
what kind of retarded logic is that

>> No.33121720


>> No.33121765

Back to twitter, tranny.

>> No.33121771

Reading comprehension reps...

>> No.33121828

Why should the managers be 100% responsible for events like this? It's supposed to be a special event for Myth, and it gives the girls an opportunity to do something creative to celebrate their 2nd year as a gen. I think all of Myth needs to prep their shit before blaming others.

>> No.33121833

Kiara once again proving that she's only the true idol in EN.

>> No.33121845

please take a shower, get some fresh air and have sex

>> No.33121847

Kiara was our girl all along

>> No.33121867

I can only imagine she was lowkey calling out someone specific, if there's a cameo from a Myth member in her new song we'll know who.

>> No.33121890

Virtue signaling narcissist

>> No.33121921

the kind of retarded logic exhibited by people who haven't improved themselves to the point where the drive to pursue self-improvement becomes self-sustaining

>> No.33121923

And she sheds crocodile tears wondering why the rest of the girls don't like her.

>> No.33121926

i doubt you have sex. you spam homobeggar shit on this board day and night like a devout cultist

>> No.33121938

>so desperate for numbers that she's willing to undermine her coworkers efforts to normalize cross-branch collabs with Tempus even going for low blows like "I can play with the GIRLS later wink wink" and "maybe you should improve yourself, ame"
Shit like this is why she doesn't have any friends whatsoever in HoloEN, and she'll soon notice that pandering to 20 incels who keep spamming the /vt/ catalog isn't actually the key to success

>> No.33121953

bro, this isn't /infinity/

>> No.33121966
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Homobeggar seethe.

>> No.33121968
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>Ame after preparing half of the things for Holo EN over the course of 2 years being told by Kiara to get her shit together.
>Also Mori deflecting and blaming everyone else.

>> No.33121987

Kiara has the JP mindset, kneel

>> No.33122010

Kiara seems to get along with management better. She also speaks Japanese, which certainly helps move things along since she wouldn't need to rely on management to relay stuff as much. She also seems like the kind of person who would just hassle people if she felt things weren't moving quickly enough (not a bad thing really, since it results in stuff actually getting done).

>> No.33122055

>20 incels who keep spamming the /vt/ catalog
What the fuck are you talking about? It's been days since the Kronii yab and everyone would have moved on if it weren't for you homobeggars making bait threads.

>> No.33122060

Jenma is a submissive doormat for her, which is funny because everyone else only ever complains about management shutting down their fan and bonking them

>> No.33122064

my thoughts exactly

>> No.33122066


>> No.33122088

yeah if the en managers suck (im sure they do) you need to go over their heads and talk to somebody high up in jp and get it sorted out, not wallow in mediocrity for months

>> No.33122152
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Are you aware that just because Kiara is capitalizing on all the cucks like you who felt cucked about a woman playing games with males coworkers does not mean the rest of them feel the same way right? Keep holding onto your delusion and watch Gura be the ? In Ame collab.

>> No.33122159

Orange woman good!

>> No.33122177

Weird how it's the other four who /vt/ keeps accusing of being lazy because they barely stream these days.
Wonder if there is a correlation.

>> No.33122181

Probably this. It would be ok if she said that she needs to get her shit together but instead she calls out her whole gen. And it is probably because of what one of the other girls did.

>> No.33122187

If nothing else I'm actually glad this is happening because I am genuinely curious as to how effective it will be. If people want more of what Kiara is offering, they need to put forth the tiniest modicum of effort and watch her vods. She's still the lowest subbed, bump those numbers up, apply yourselves.

>> No.33122212

What the fuck are you talking about? If you don't believe it, here's an ex janitor confirming this is what happens:
There's a reason why this is an accurate meme depiction of the site.

>> No.33122215

>2 more weeks

>> No.33122219
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Now say that without crying.

>> No.33122243

Fuck off back to /MANS/ or Twitter you tranny

>> No.33122264
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Why kneel when I knew she was the "good egg"?

>> No.33122284

It's not the interaction itself. It's the way it's done. Kronii vs Mumei. We told you this multiple times. You're a kiwifarms refugee just shitting up the board for the milk.

>> No.33122341

Don't talk to literal retards. It's demeaning.

>> No.33122394
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>> No.33122429

>Kiara saying myth needs to get their shit together
>Ame is the one taking care of everything, events, network, making the new coworkers feel welcomed...
this lack of self awareness must be a german thing

>> No.33122442

Kiara did well bringing it up and they all look better for acknowledging difficulties rather than pretending things are perfect.

>> No.33122451

This whole stream was fucking weird and made me feel doomer about the future of Myth. Even this "rally the troops" speech ended in a wet fart when none of them even took it to heart.

>> No.33122467

Kiara should improve herself by sitting on reine's face, then i'll improve myself by blasting my dick at all the fanart of said event

>> No.33122484

All Whoreson does is pay people to do everything for her, retard

>> No.33122486

Seethe more homofaggot

>> No.33122519

she wasn't calling out watson, she was calling out gawr "i'll show up to the vr stream with no vr, tee hee" gura

>> No.33122523

>they all look better for acknowledging difficulties
temporarily. if they dont follow up by improving themselves then it makes them look worse. because now they admit there are issues but refuse to work on them.

>> No.33122525


>> No.33122530

Homobeggars? Yeah, this is accurate. Although I don't think it's 20. Writing styles are too similar. Maybe like 3 dedicated ones. Could be 1. Could be (You).

>> No.33122578
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>but its fine when she says it to the people who pay her bills
I swear teacucks are mind broken at this point

>> No.33122580
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She's trying to help them you idiots. They're straying into a weird path, she wants to get them back on track. If she only cared about herself she'd leave them to sink into the sea of cocks they got themselves into without saying anything.

>> No.33122594

Kiara is so fucking based, truly the hardest working EN

>> No.33122601

>People seething over Kiara saying that all Myth members (including herself btw.) should try to have things ready a bit earlier than the last second
Really are you guys so allergic to criticism of Myth members that it makes you seethe, go back to your hugbox

>> No.33122633

What a retard.

>> No.33122643

It's actually "WE WE WE need to improve"
Also you're a faggot

>> No.33122645

>He confirms it!
Not really? Do you have definitely proof that he is talking about this specific case? The voices in your head don't count
>They don't know is the same people
Sounds lik a newfag too. Faggots do notice, they just can't stop shitposting

>> No.33122661
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Based as fuck chikim

>> No.33122686

What would happen to kiara future project if Ame decides to fuck her over. She's a retard. She's talking about how they're should improve themselves when her dumb ass streams the most of out her gen and the majority fanbase combined STILL DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK. but please continue to have men live rent free in your mind faggot. I'm sure you're father is proud of you.

>> No.33122736


>> No.33122835

You retard he's talking about ~2006-2012 4chan of course he's not talking about this thread that was made 38 minutes ago. Only newfags care about being oldfags. Going on 4chan and visiting it consistently isn't an impressive feat of strength.

>> No.33122861

Mucho seetho

>> No.33122863
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I stopped watching Myth because they are lazy whores.
Kiara says that they shouldn't be lazy whores anymore. And I agree
Anyone who disagrees is called homobeggar
t. homobeggar though I don't want your whores any near my boys. They are just using them to chase their agenda and purge audience from people that actually expect something more than clout chasing and react streams

>> No.33122878

have sex kid

>> No.33122903

>Only newfags care about being oldfags
..until Kiwifarms died and flooded this board with homobeggar baits

>> No.33122906

Then tell your homofaggots to refuse collab invites

>> No.33122925

The original point Kiara made (and not the one dramaniggers try to spread where Kiara implies that everyone but her is a lazy sack of shit) was that they should not leave everything to the last minute and everyone, Kiara included, is guilty of that and she knows that. Ame is no exception.

>> No.33122946

you certainly don't

>> No.33122999

Your bluefaggot has the most annoying voice in Hololive and it pisses me off he'd the one usually accepting the female collabs

>> No.33123014

kiara redemption arc? A lot of people seem to hate her. People say she's annoying, but i thought you liked GFE?

>> No.33123025


>> No.33123029

alright I’ve left your mother sobbing in the bathroom with my cum oozing out of her nose. however I reread your posts and you’re still a cringy faggot. what should I do next to better understand you?

>> No.33123047

Kiara it's just spike them with Ritalin

>> No.33123082

As a schizo I support this.

>> No.33123090

Two years in and faggots still don't get that Kiara takes her role in a Japanese company seriously and wants to work at their standards which will encourage the higher-ups to take notice. Ame throwing together a project or 2 a year is nice but it barely even scratches the surface of what JP does. JP higher-ups treat EN like a side branch because FUCKING MYTH TREATS IT LIKE A SIDEJOB.

Mori dusted off her RM career and is on tour as both
Ina refuses to give up her Priestess duties and focus full time like she assured she would
Gura barely streams
Ame and Kiara are the only ones working.

So with that in mind why the fuck would management cater to that? Kiara understand this and has asked all of Myth without singling any one offender out to actually fucking try. It's not that controversial.

>> No.33123118

Teacope in 3 2 1

>> No.33123139

I wonder what bait threads homobeggars will make to bury this one

>> No.33123147

I still hate her but that doesn't make her point any less valid.

>> No.33123168

There is a ton of astroturfing and falseflagging done by just a few people, and apparently it's so fun for them that they spend hours on it every day.

>> No.33123231

Based and true

>> No.33123252
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>> No.33123264

Kek oh myth never change

>> No.33123282


>> No.33123319
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Ame can start improving by fixing the Worms roster.

>> No.33123323

The JPs are the exact same way with their RM careers, barely streaming, and not completing many projects. I think it's time to accept that this is just how they run all branches.

>> No.33123336

Mumei could be the best idol in Hololive if she tried to. I want her to have a gimmick tweak so bad because Kiara is just f'ing annoying at convincing you she's pure.

>> No.33123378

That subtle jab at Ame in the end: " We need improve ourselves, because if we don't then why would other people improve themselves?"

You can even see Ame stop fucking around as she breaks eye contact with the camera and stands still.

>> No.33123384

Myth can't improve themselves if their fans won't improve themselves and stop this tribalfaggotry. They won't be seiso if there fans refuse to be seiso.

>> No.33123407

They live in Japan. They work for a Japanese company with known preferences to JP. They can get away with it. EN has to work harder to get that attention, that's just how it has to be if they want to get anywhere.

>> No.33123423

>The Leader

>> No.33123424

>faceless viewer and paypig, it is you in this para-social relationship that needs to improve
What are they even saying? Kiara is trying her hardest to save the brand from these retards that still don't get it.

>> No.33123434

I don't find the menhera thing very appealing, and I don't really care for a good chunk of her streaming content. But I'm also just here for cute girls playing games I like, my favorite Myth streams are probably Gura going through Devil May Cry.

>> No.33123454

For Ina this very much is a side job and she would be insane to give up her real job to do it

>> No.33123477

I love that Kiara understands the irony of Amelia Watson telling her fans to improve themselves

>> No.33123479


>> No.33123498

Then she should have cleared that up a year ago. Not do her wishy-washing kick the issue down the road bullshit.

>> No.33123499

True, but at least she sticks to that and knows what the score is unlike Ame and mori.

>> No.33123500

Not here, tribalfag.

>> No.33123535

Fucking based I need to check her out now

>> No.33123543

I dont disagree

>> No.33123553

You can count the amount of JPs that do what you're claiming on one hand and one of them is literally the Mori of JP.

>> No.33123584

Kill yourself cuck homotempus IS NOT HOLOLIVE

>> No.33123585

Nah, JP branch has the same difficulties with management.

>> No.33123593

>What Kiara said
We need to improve ourselves!
>What KFPs think Kiara meant
Kiara is the only true idol and the rest of Myth needs to improve themselves

>> No.33123618

>Weird how it's the other four who /vt/ keeps accusing of being lazy because they barely stream these days.
Ame streams plenty

>> No.33123651

you want her to talk about her job and all her various off-hololive projects on stream ? or do you just want her to freeze a career she's been working towards for 10+ years ? not saying she isn't overworking herself, but i think she can't just "stop" without becoming irrelevant eventually

>> No.33123657

I am KFP and I said this >>33122601

>> No.33123687

Name a few.

>> No.33123690
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Man. Astroturfing, falseflagging and bait threads have really ramped up since KF went under.

>> No.33123712

Yes, we KFP understand her better than anyone else. And?

>> No.33123714

>EN has to work harder to get that attention, that's just how it has to be if they want to get anywhere.
But they already clearly make so much money that they're burning out, what is this weird idea that they're struggling and hungry for a win? They made it, they're the top .1% of vtubers. Kiara may want to go down the JP idol path but I don't think a single other member of Myth feels the same way. Ina basically does vtubing to keep her true passion of her art career stable, Mori is very much in that mindset for her music too. Amelia clearly is spinning wheels not knowing what she wants to do but it's definitely not idolshit, and Gura is literally numero uno vtuber, there's no more horizon for her to reach.

>> No.33123762

why do anything ever since you're gonna die anyway who cares just do whatever or don't do whatever you want lmao

>> No.33123800

Start counting, you gaslighting retard.

>> No.33123824

Kind of like how /vt/ retards ended up on KF to shit their pants about Mori getting Gura raped?

>> No.33123839
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Look there are certain individuals I would rather not see in that worms collab as much as you. But if the others accepted the invitation sooner (like how Reine did) then they wouldn't be there in the first place. I'll just echo what Kiara is saying; these girls really just need to get things done faster in general.

>> No.33123872

ordnung muss sein

>> No.33123876

>we KFP
You don't speak for me or anyone else.

>> No.33123894

I like Kiara but her voice legitimately gives me a headache in long bursts, at this point I turn on her streams and run them muted just to give her the numbers. Then enjoy clips after the fact. I really wish she didn't do the fucking chicken voice I want to watch her goddamn streams.

>> No.33123901

Literally the worst part about it all. The farms may have been a cesspool of Chris-chan level autism and troon level freaks, but it was a good containment for those bottom feeders. Now that the dark rock they were living under is gone, they're skittering everywhere and causing problems.

>> No.33123914

I want her to not lie about how her current RM project is the last, which is what she did over a year ago. I swear, some of you either have such insanely low standards that something as simple as “don’t misrepresent the situation” is seen as a personal attack on the girls, or you’re just fucking retarded.

>> No.33123946

leave my bossu out of your shitposting

>> No.33123957

>It's the homobeggars
>It's the eggs
>It's the kiwitrannies
>It's twitterfaggots
>It's reddit
>It's the deadbeats
Just how mind broken is kfp? If everyone has something against her then maybe she's the problem.

>> No.33123970

she could just say "hey takos, you are just a sidegig, so regular streams will not be a thing or rather rare." so she doesn't trick half a mil people into thinking she is a streamer.

>> No.33123973

They are paid employees in a company.

>> No.33123981

Ignoring the one you are talking about(well since she is the hot topic now), Mel, Noel and Matsuri's RM are also very active. Azki is also active in her own roommate(which is also a vtuber). These are the ones I now of. This was never a problem, I remember when we watched both Coco and Kson since her debut and no one ever complained.

>> No.33123991

That is how it is.
And look I love Ina but saying "Management is slow" is the exact reason why you need to get started early, to account for management being slow

>> No.33123996

i miss when the drama was just miko raped pekora, now everything is divided

>> No.33124035

It is only losers like you, who seem to seethe at Kiara saying something completely logical

>> No.33124071
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Leave this place and everything is the same again.

>> No.33124089

>It's the homobeggars
>It's twitterfaggots
>It's reddit
>It's the deadbeats
These are all the same people.

>> No.33124093

Nobody in KFP thinks that you fucking faggot. We don't care about the fucking collective madness surrounding the HomosEN becase we actually respect Kiara, since she is truly committed with what she does

>> No.33124095
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>> No.33124116

Unicucks and gachicucks don't realize she doesn't give a fuck about what they want in particularly she just want their money kek she's a fucking snake but what you do you know? You can't expect a bunch of fags who last interaction with women was during their senior year high school prom when their mom told them they looked handsome to know when they're being taken advantaged off.

>> No.33124118

A handful of them do that.

>> No.33124152

ESL post.

>> No.33124181

>Barely streams
Shion, Aqua, Marine, Laplus, Ayame, Mel, Suisei, Haachama, Sora, Nene, and some who are borderline like Kanata.
>RM careers
If you know, you know.
Most don't do many and they have the same issues with management blocking them.

>> No.33124183

What does any of this have to do with Kiara saying that they should have things ready a bit earlier? Stay on topic faggot

>> No.33124219

Last time you watched any stream, vtuber and stream topic

>> No.33124233
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>> No.33124261

homeless Kiwifarm roasties kek

>> No.33124310
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>> No.33124320

Cope homotranny

>> No.33124323

Sora has done TEN public streams in this month. Fucking threadreaders.

>> No.33124380

what did Kiara do for Myth? everything was "MEMEMEME" content from her

>> No.33124387
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That's because every Kiara anti belong to all of those groups.

>> No.33124401
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>> No.33124440

Kiara is the only one who actually enjoys being in hololive at this point

>> No.33124508

No wonder myth is falling apart. The others probably hate Kiara for this shit.

>> No.33124555

I'm not asking she stop working her job. I'm fine with that. She put in a fuck ton of work to get to that point." I'm saying she shouldn't have fucking jerked the chains of every who likes her streaming content with false promises. She should have been honest from the start, but she wasn't. It's probably my only issue I've ever had with her.

>> No.33124598

every once in a while there is a post like this, where the comment show just how out of touch with reality /vt/ is.
everyone here knows that the myth girls delay stuff until the last moment (including kiara, which she knows).
but just like mori didn't want to hear the truth, anons deny it.

>> No.33124611

All those groups are the same people, retard.

>> No.33124648

Mori and Ame hate her because she refuses to take part in Tempiss collabs.

>> No.33124659


>> No.33124670

truth hurts

>> No.33124704

>anons deny it.
It's just cuckbeats and homobeggars denying it.
Listen to how defensive Mori got. Even though she was the one that pointed out they hadn't finished the song yet because she hadn't sent in her recordings.

>> No.33124710

Nobody has anything against Kiara accept for eggs and salty homobeggers. Even people who can't stand her voice don't really hate her. The only ones seething about her are you deranged schizo retards.

>> No.33124711

Remember those good ass among us collabs? Coordinated by chikim.

>> No.33124740

Holy fuck, you can see how they immediately feel attacked and start babbling to make noise before they can even come up with an excuse to defend themselves, I KNEEL.

>> No.33124775

>Unicucks and gachicucks don't realize she doesn't give a fuck about what they want in particularly she just want their money kek she's a fucking snake
>Source: the voices in my head
Cool fiction bro

>> No.33124831

why do kiwifags hate Kiara? did you rot your brain with doxx

>> No.33124904

How did a statement like this ended up in "gachikois/homobeggars bad"?

>> No.33124923

the homeless kiwifarms roasties will hate anything that men like. they hate men.

>> No.33124934

>chicken brutalizing 4 people live
God fucking damn I kneel.

>> No.33124942

Because none of them watched the clip

>> No.33124943
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>sometimes its other people('s fault)

>> No.33124953

One thing you're wrong about is that telling western women to try is EXTREMELY controversial

>> No.33124962

Myth will just never truly feel like they've bonded together at all, it's been 2 years and their chemistry with each other hasn't changed.

>> No.33124963

Pretty much this

>> No.33124979

She's the girliest of the four, and they will never be real women.

>> No.33125065

Ina's girly...

>> No.33125085

if you knew 1% of her past you would know, she's more of a grifter than Mori, this is her virtue signaling for ego points

>> No.33125132

>I read Orcschizo

>> No.33125178

>nobody has anything against kiara except for those who hate her
Impressive deductive skills, anon.

>> No.33125311

And those who hate her are only a small number of obese schizos and trannies. Way to miss the point, faggot.

>> No.33125419

That actually looks like a much better collab. I have nothing against Tempus, hell I watch more StarsJP nowadays than most of HoloEN, but this spam of big collabs with them is getting annoying and I just wanted to see them being more active with their actual senpai, not this overcorrection of something that happened 3 years ago.

>> No.33125469

if you actually new MORE than just the 1% that has been fed to you you'd know how retarded you sound

>> No.33125486

>homobeggar seething noises

>> No.33125512

But you can't post any proof she's a grifter because you'd get banned, right? Everyone just has to blindly trust you and take your word for it. But that's okay because surely you're mentally healthy and wouldn't lie on the internet.

>> No.33125743

You don't even watch Shien, you fucking tourist.

>> No.33125804

What does that have to do with anything, dramanigger?

>> No.33125849

People complaining about Kiara saying this are probably the same ones who complain that the girls aren't doing enough for hololive. I guess if they had actually taken the advice to heart shitposters wouldn't have anything to shitpost about

>> No.33125875

Kiara, genuinely, has no friends in EN. Ame is the closest thing, and its still massively lopsided.

>> No.33125915

>Just called Kiara a drifter based on nothing
RUMAO the lack of self-awareness from Kiaraschizo dramaniggers

>> No.33126056

>faggots finally realizing they're not welcome
Seethe more you subhumans

>> No.33126243

I just wanna see Gura or Fauna collab with a male so all you nerds go insane

>> No.33126247

>Kiara, genuinely, has no friends in EN
>Source: the voices in my head
As the favorite source of schizos

>> No.33126251

If they hate her for telling everyone to get their shit together after 2 years of constant fuck ups and delays they really needed her to say this to their face even more bluntly than she already did.

>> No.33126317
File: 21 KB, 304x501, kneel itachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara-Karaage! I KNEEL!
But please, for the love of God, PLEASE drop the chimkin voice.

>> No.33126342

>just wanna see Gura or Fauna collab with a male so all you
t. you: >>33121966

>> No.33126358

What if they don't want to?

>> No.33126363
File: 2.11 MB, 169x169, 1651175144196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Kiara remains my favorite Myth member, chicken voice aside. She's had to fight hard to acquire her position and the extremely dedicated fanbase she has.
The other girls were gifted simps on a silver platter, so they easily take them for granted (ie. improve yourself, losers watching anime girls, 5%, etc.) and expect the world to revolve around them with minimal expectation for reciprocating the time and effort their fans put into them. Kiara understands what it feels like to have an oshi, to follow idols and support them. Due to that her mindset is on PLEASING the fans by reciprocating their adoration with hard work and giving them what she always wanted from those she followed, rather than expecting them to automatically follow in her footsteps no matter what she does like mindless cash drones. This is why she doesn't fit in well at times with the others. Wanna know why she fits so well with Reine? Look at their stream hours from last year.
Gura seems to be an outlier and can see things from Kiara's point of view, but she has spurts of low energy and mental fatigue that make it difficult to keep that work ethic up.
>tl;dr chicken has the JP spirit, other girls are too westernized

>> No.33126377

We'll be waiting for your shitty skit threads if that ever happens, homeless Kiwifarms roastie clown

>> No.33126391

they will, they can't ignore it until graduation

>> No.33126410

They’ll shitpost for a few days and get over it. En fans have no conviction

>> No.33126428

Kiara is the second most stubborn holo after Anya. She can and she will.

>> No.33126483

Okay Kiara you have some pretty big problems too but in this case you were right

>> No.33126518

The absolute state of EOPs

>> No.33126531

Based Kiara. Sad seeing Mori and Ina trying to deflect

>> No.33126542
File: 2.52 MB, 410x471, 1641359094530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real war was the one within HoloMyth

>> No.33126579

The absolute state of homobeggars.

>> No.33126580

Kys faggot

>> No.33126609

First thing that stood out. Jesus, is she fucking insufferable. No wonder the chimkin can't stand her guts anymore.

>> No.33126644

They can and will ignore Tempus. Your homos are completely ignorable. Your cuck fantasies won't come true.

>> No.33126645

orange woman good!

>> No.33126703 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck talked about holostars? Fucking God, Tempus really broke ensharts.

>> No.33126798



>> No.33126826


>> No.33126960

Pomu isn't an annoying bitch like kiara though stop deflecting.

>> No.33126961

She's right and all, but doing it on stream is kinda cringe. This is a post stream private thing ideally. Not necessarily though cause it's not exposing anything, but it's better off stream than on.

>> No.33126975

And who said I was talking about Tempus? Look what I was replying to. >>33126428
>Kiara is the second most stubborn holo after Anya. She can and she will.

>> No.33126977

>so triggered by a homochad posts he spergs out at a random anon

>> No.33127066

It ensures that they will be bloody well aware that their fans will hold them to it.

>> No.33127072

the path of the idol is meant only for cutthroat businesswomen. the rest of holoEN should take notes quite honestly.

>> No.33127106

>it's not always us... (Mori)
>sometimes it's the staff members... (Gura)
who's right?

>> No.33127125

none of these are my oshi so i have no horse in this race but it's absolutely appropriate for an anniversary stream since it gives them all something to aspire towards in the coming year
obviously something more concrete would be more desirable but what can you do
at least they talked about being hopeful for 3D debut

>> No.33127204

Imagine saying this when Mori regularly attempts to trick her branch mates into vshojo and male collabs onstream by doing shit like this.
What Kiara said is peanuts in comparison to that bullshit.

>> No.33127224

she sounds obnoxious, reminder that kiara is ESL so you can't blindly trust her words

>> No.33127296

>only the people I dislike hates her
I dont really think you have a point to begin with. You're rambling, at best.

>> No.33127307

Compare Gura's stream time to Kiara.
Compare all the times Mori cancels and or delays collabd by 1-2 hours compared to Kiara.
Then answer your own question. Hell, this entire exchange happened because Mori proudly proclaimed she hadn't sent in her recordings in yet despite the deadline passing.

>> No.33127331

if ESLs aren't to be trusted you're saying 75% of this boards posts aren't worth reading

>> No.33127377
File: 14 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder that kiara is ESL so you can't blindly trust her words
Do Americans really?

>> No.33127471

>that their fans will hold them to it
rumao even
Normalfags don't care whether what you do is good or bad. All they care about is how they can interact with it for internet points. It's literally not in their interest to see them improve because in that case they can't farm pity points by posting sentimental walls of text blaming idolfags or /vt/.

>> No.33127472

Well the number of worthless posts on this board are higher than 75%

>> No.33127575

Kiara bootylicking cover is kinda sad

>> No.33127607

Holy shit, these are the kinds of people homos brought in.

>> No.33127692

Yes as we all know Kiara has never critisized management...

>> No.33127827

Kiara is the tardwrangler of Myth and her oshi is Pekora, she's based

>> No.33127833

>Unicucks and gachicucks don't realize she doesn't give a fuck about what they want in particularly she just want their money
I thought the obsession with what people are thinking rather than what they are doing is a Christian-only thing, but apparently not, ESL-chama.
I don't give a shit how she feels, as long as she behaves they way I want her too it's all good.
t. unicorn

>> No.33127923

While I agree, it doesn't matter in the end because vtubing is barely a job. There's not enough repercussions for acting poorly or unprofessionally. No one is going to slap their hand unless it's something really absurd. Their only real threat is contract breaching. So of course workers in this situation are going to be lazy.

>> No.33127924

Lmao this further proves that there is no unity in Myth. Women from Europe usually don’t pay close attention to the words that come out from their mouths. They don’t realize that some words might come out as offensive to others.
As seen in this clip Kiara blabbers her mouth immensely Calli and Gura are on the offensive. Meanwhile you got Ina trying to stray the convo and Ame using the bullshit scapegoat in blaming chat. Kiara is speaking facts but it just comes out offensively that it turns out into a bomb ready to blow.
This is one of the reasons why Kiara has no friends in EN.

>> No.33128090

>ID holos and their fanbases are more mentally adjusted than EN's
What a timeline.

>> No.33128185

Based. Shame I'm fucking broke and can't member her now

>> No.33128188

Well it's a good opportunity to appeal to fans with a forward-facing attitude and give them hope for the future. If it were JPs at worst they'd strain themselves and say "yes we can improve" because it's the right move and stance. Instead you get a sentiment of apathy and resistance to change which doesn't come off as likable.

>> No.33128206

>Women from Europe usually don’t pay close attention to the words that come out from their mouths
was that revealed to you in a dream?

>> No.33128446

Nobody wants Tempus collabs normalized, faggot. Myth is dying because of this shit, this years anniversary had less than half the viewers of the last one

>> No.33128464

I used to fuck a foreign exchange student from France.
Trust me I know

>> No.33128563

wow. A whole sample size of 1.
very impressive.

>> No.33128587

>who's right?
The one who streams most often and isn't making excuses for being lazy

>> No.33128673

Kiara is trying to save HoloEN at the moment. The branch is dying because Mori can't stop fucking up and Kiara is trying to keep her accountable

>> No.33128736

>Instead you get a sentiment of apathy and resistance to change which doesn't come off as likable.
This has been a constant since forever.

>> No.33128786
File: 143 KB, 327x281, 1662942038660270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what altare looks like when your oshi is sucking his dick in the collab. Now seethe

>> No.33128862

Based not gonna lie

>> No.33128866

I genuinely wonder if Mori and Omega have been doing this on purpose together.

>> No.33128873
File: 43 KB, 700x335, 4554522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33128884

My oshi isn't a whore like Mori.

>> No.33128891

>Women from Europe usually don’t pay close attention to the words that come out from their mouths. They don’t realize that some words might come out as offensive to others.
More like Americans need to stop being offended when no offense was meant. If Kiara wanted to hurt their feelings, she'd have been much more upfront about it, like most Europeans are.

>> No.33128895

Only because Mori has EN the way she likes it right now. Fractured with little co-ordination or obligation to actually do anything than a half assed hour long stream every week. If Kiara was pushing for more Vshojo and Homo collabs Mori would be right on board saying yes things need to change.

>> No.33128914

>A branch that has existed for less than a month is responsible for Myth declining
Damn that's impressive.

>> No.33128972

your oozing axewound will never be filled by chad's megacock tranny faggot

>> No.33128990

>Mutts are crybabies that get easily hurt by bluntness
Do mutts really?

>> No.33129004
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, chiqqenwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33129048

Germancucks don't know how to say things without coming as offensive,see how they girls become defensive

>> No.33129060

Tempus is only symptomatic of ENs issues, not the cause

>> No.33129081

Go back to twitter tranny fag

>> No.33129153
File: 317 KB, 600x536, 1654516738604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the best meme tempiss cucks could come up with

>> No.33129156

Ame really needs to get her shit together, at this pace she will never have a solo concert

>> No.33129167
File: 670 KB, 1226x467, ahem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33129195
File: 29 KB, 106x64, 1655332914966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy how people still parrot ancient rrats about Kiara.
Really is that simple to just astroturf someone, there's always gonna be that one group of people that will believe every word.

>> No.33129201

Kinda makes you think what shitty ideas the other girls have then...

>> No.33129294

>Gura collabing with Ame after Rust incident
Why homofags are this stupid?
Oh right they don't watch streams

>> No.33129346


>> No.33129363

>More like Americans need to stop being offended when no offense was meant.
Don't bother trying, Anon. Americans can't handle banter and have been consumed by outrage culture.

>> No.33129421

Her streams are shit...
I tried to watch one of mario streams and damn, you really need to be a Gosling to like that...

>> No.33129532

why does Kiara acts like the leader when she has the lowest numbers, that's like an amateur boxer saying Mike tyson should get his shit together

>> No.33129540

don't you a tranny to hide from kiwiloser

>> No.33129570

the actual leader retired from streaming

>> No.33129585

>Women from Europe usually don’t pay close attention to the words that come out from their mouths. They don’t realize that some words might come out as offensive to others.
Yes, a lot of women in Europe are like that.

>> No.33129595
File: 139 KB, 1440x486, Screenshot_20220913-235103_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic rel faggot

>> No.33129629

Getting everyone to put on a VR headset isn’t something a regular person would consider impressive, faggot.

>> No.33129639

Gura's dead subs mean jack shit and she's lazy as fuck.
Someone needs to tard wrangle and nobody is going to step up.

>> No.33129676

this, i feel like she's forcing the idol route on the other girls

>> No.33129678

Kiara is consistently based

>> No.33129718

Because no one else will take up that mantle. They're too submissive and breedable.

>> No.33129737

>>It's the homobeggars
>>It's the eggs
>>It's the kiwitrannies
>>It's twitterfaggots
>>It's reddit
>>It's the deadbeats
Same breed of people lmao

>> No.33129777

why are European women so blunt

>> No.33129798

Gura is especially suspicious for that. If we apply what Kiara has said yesterday to her situation, it's not that far fetched to explain her projects getting canned last minute because she pitches them to her managers too late when there's no manpower to make it happen anymore.

>> No.33129800

He actually thinks people aren’t aware of her RM stuff. Basically, he is a retard, a tranny, will never be a woman, and is one more micro aggression away from killing himself.

>> No.33129842

That's a terrible analogy because most of the best coaches never played the sport they're coaching at the highest level.
If anything you're defending Kiara's case because she knows the most about being an idol and how her JP senpai do things.

>> No.33129867

beating around the bush is inefficient

>> No.33129909

>amateur boxer saying Mike tyson should get his shit together
you mean Cus d'Amato

>> No.33129922

saying this as if the collab HAD to happen regardless of the roster. Maybe they should have gotten xqc to join.

>> No.33129940

Kiara was based there but I don't really feel like the rest were deflecting. They just (rightly) pointed out that not all delays come from themselves and staff/producers/whatever fuck up all the time too.

I mean if I had to deal with some bullshit delay for the music video because some RETARDED fucking nigger producer couldn't get his shit together for months, and then someone told me "lets get our shit together so there's no delays", I would point out the retarded nigger producer delaying shit too.
They are rightfully pissed at these pieces of shit and don't want it to look like they're the ones to blame for every delay ever.

Of course Kiara's point about their own ability being the thing they can control is valid, but still, who would want to stay quiet and take all the blame when it's actually other people fucking up most of the time?

>> No.33129947

Sounds like you just have bad taste.

>> No.33129981

The men are as well.

>> No.33130015

Sometimes I feel bad for all the shit I talked about Kiara in the past but then I just fap to her nudes and call it a night lol.

>> No.33130056

>I mean if I had to deal with some bullshit delay for the music video because some RETARDED fucking nigger producer couldn't get his shit together for months
Kiara had Wah Wah World delayed for months because Mori didn't bother to record her lines til a month after she got them

>> No.33130058

that's literally all of these talents
there's a reason people like irys and enna only peak when they're singing

>> No.33130078

>Maybe they should have gotten xqc to join.
Yeah you would have loved that

>> No.33130082

>lets get our shit together
>nooooo, she's siding with the people who harass us
hi deadbeat

>> No.33130117

Anon that's the point...it was making fun of that retarded shit you KFP faggots kept spamming.

>> No.33130155

Try saying that without shitting your pants, homobeggar.

>> No.33130176

Man, I need to watch this shitshow in full.
Holy shit

>> No.33130244

Are you going to watch her streaming in 1h, so she can prove you wrong?

>> No.33130245
File: 252 KB, 1200x870, 1604323635168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the Orange Goddess, the savior of Hololive EN.

>> No.33130262

Not only women. If a coworker shits on our job, we are considering his words, trying to change way we work or learn new thing. After that we go for a beer, understanding that it is nothing personal.
Americans on the other hand, if you criticize them, they are taking it fully personal, thinking that it is because they are 1/27 maorian and 1/8 italian, then due to i security they shoot you and lit up some random school

>> No.33130278
File: 79 KB, 1200x593, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33130372

Apparently my taste is above watching whores

>> No.33130382


>> No.33130462

Cope and seethe, homobeggar.

>> No.33130532

>anything you're defending Kiara's case because she knows the most about being an idol and how her JP senpai do things.
but who wants to be an idol besides Gura? she's just forcing her beliefs on others

>> No.33130550

the gaslighting begins

>> No.33130572

Yeah, the same friends that routinely bail on group projects all the time, right?
Kiara is directly complaining about the fact that myth is mostly just a series of guerilla streams

Myth's original song is a fucking meme halloween song for fucks sake, when you have 3 people in myth who are musically inclined.
It's embarrassing compared to blue clapper.

>> No.33130599

kek saved

>> No.33130609

Cope and seethe, homobEGGer

>> No.33130641

>Nah dude I want to be a whore
They could have applied to fucking vshojo instead. But we both know why they didn't.

>> No.33130657
File: 3.08 MB, 5284x4466, lettheseethehitthefloor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes are supposed to be funny, like this grude post

>> No.33130671

Ah yes the skill of being able to be ready a bit earlier than the last second is clearly a skill that is only beneficial for idols...
STFU retard

>> No.33130716

at least listen to the fucking clip linked, out of everyone Mori is the FIRST to agree with Kiara's point, she only recedes a bit once Gura and Ina mention other people, and even then she mentions it's only "sometimes" but then immediately agrees with Kiara AGAIN that it's mostly on them

>> No.33130729

Heck it is embarrasing compared to ID

>> No.33130823

watch the video, shitslinger

>> No.33130852

36 hours until worms chumpedo

>> No.33130856

The "20 incels who keep spamming the /vt/ catalog" used to be an entire board of people shitting on her.
You are now the fucking minority and you need to be gatekept out of the hobby.
The tempus collab shit has really revealed awful fans like you that need to be excised like the tumor you are.

You'll honestly take lines like
>girls, we need to improve ourselves first
And think it's some sort of drama line, when it's legitimately the only thing that will save these girls.
HoloEN is fucking lazy, Vesper proved how much viewership you can get if you just work hard.
Mori does NOT work hard on hololive. She works hard on roommate projects that even Kiara dropped because it's a lot less important when your main income is reclining due to your lack of giving a shit about it.

>> No.33130885

>but then immediately agrees with Kiara AGAIN that it's mostly on them
>cuckbeats are now gaslighting clips that are directly linked in the thread
Not sure if I should be impressed by how bold you fucks are.

>> No.33130938


Kiara is the only one trying to save their dying branch

>> No.33130943

>80% of the pic is wasted space
>apparently this makes it funny
I'd rather have the old format.

>> No.33130997

The absolute state of homobeggars. Are the incels in the room with us right now?

>> No.33131010

Kiara's redemption arc started in holofes, she's the only one in myth who still actually tries, the rest just phone it in

>> No.33131091

Half of those are literally the same people

>> No.33131166

If you're gonna post awful images at least post tits while you're at it

>> No.33131192

Kiara was also the one who resolved the whole shadowban shitshow after Mori ignored it fucking up her chat for a year.

>> No.33131209

If saying that is what helps you cope, Anon.

>> No.33131231


>> No.33131252

>kiara is desperately trying to hold onto her dream job
That's not exactly rocket science buddy, she's not virtue signalling as much as she's calling out EN for being shit, they just had a graduation and the first thing on their minds was male collabs instead of actually making engaging solo content.
All the views the girls have gotten in the past couple of months have all been FOTM streams that are mainly just clipfag borefests

>> No.33131283

>Kiara is the only one trying to save their dying branch
kek is this really what KFP are telling themselves lately?

>> No.33131303

Mori was working 3 jobs at the time, Kiara can cry a fucking river

>> No.33131346

No, all of those girls need to have their ass held to a fire so they can't make these excuses, notice how quickly they recoiled to their common excuses they give to their audience as soon as she said it?
This is why EN has been reclining, Kiara forced it in their face and told the audience they need to hold them to a high standard otherwise girls will just end up like Sana.

>> No.33131375

>Mori "I learned to drive in a Ferrari" Calliope was working 3 jobs
Imagine believing anything that comes out of her mouth after the revealed that during chadcast, even Bae and Irys were dumbfounded.

>> No.33131381

kek, incels seething

>> No.33131403 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 628x401, 1636506862215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are homobeggars in the room with us right now?

>> No.33131480

yes, she made up the JET job, even the fucking record of it that comes on google when you search for her name in the program
or the animated MVs that she's credited on
this is how dumb you fuckers have gotten

>> No.33131525

you don't watch Mori

>> No.33131574

And I'm proud of it.

>> No.33131674

You know, I always used to be a kiara anti because I came into her debut with previous knowledge about her RM and some of the drama around her but lately she's been holding the line on a lot of little things that have been improving my image of her.
Kiara more than any of the other girls, I think, still represents the old-style western otaku mindset with both it's few virtues and it's many flaws.

>> No.33131788

Time Line of shit Kiara does to make ppl hate her

>Chimkin voice plus bootlegg pekora voice
>Numberfagg for complaining about being last of Myth to reach 1 mil
>Seething over not being to get cocos reddit meme review

>"Orange woman strong"
>Seething over IRyS debuting during her birthday week lmao
>seething over not wanting a 2nd gen in HoloEN but Council still happens
>Seething over low views
>Kiara all over Ames chode

did I forget something?

>> No.33131789

temptrannies seething kek what a flop bitch failed gen

>> No.33131829

Why would you want to be friends with a bunch of lazy entitled bozos who keep making bank despite doing the least effort possible and treat their fans and Idol culture like shit?

I'd also be outraged at their recent behavior. Gura hardly ever streams, and when she does she's half asleep and unattentive. Ina doesn't hide her disgust of vtuber fans. Mori is openly hostile toward her, vtuber fans and her own fans all the while idolizing ironic grifters like TT. Ame is also a huge contrarian and refuses to do anything for her own fans want so she can do whatever she feels like, which usually entails her playing boring games by herself with no enthusiasm.

She is telling them to their face to get their shit together and stop being so complacent and mediocre. If they get butthurt it's because they are too accustomed to the carefree life, which is only possible thanks to their supporters.
Kiara is always thankful to her fans, the others have become arrogant holier than thou douchebags, except for Gura.

>> No.33131888

Kiara should graduate and join NijiEN. HoloEN is a sinking ship.

>> No.33131997
File: 229 KB, 1189x328, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP before this pic
>Kiara loves us so much she stalks our twitter activities and can easily remember our pictures
KFP after this pic
>wtf do you expect her to remember some random twitter schizo, do you think she's stalking her fans obsessively?

>> No.33132096

>seething this hard because she refuses to collab with homos

>> No.33132101

Eggs general

>> No.33132117

man, it really shows that KFP follow the "watch only Kiara" bullshit to a T, since most of this shit is pure fanfiction

>> No.33132199

>until you graduate you donkey
fuck that made me laugh, but fuck KFP two faced faggots just like their oshi.

>> No.33132284

>screenshotting your own twitter sperging
>replying to your own post

>> No.33132360

mighty cope, you could be a kekbeat

>> No.33132411
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>> No.33132469

Crazy how this entirely rightful statement would be written off as schizo, antis, etc. if it wasn't coming from Kiara. I guess that's just the Holofan mindset, ignore obvious problems until you're allowed to acknowledge them.

>> No.33132658

>whined that making music is hard work and constant problems after a handful of covers and 3 originals
>had to have her Live3D put together by Ame in an improvised studio because she didn't want to invest neither time nor money into existing European studio or her personal setup
>had input on exactly TWO pieces of Hololive merch ever

>saying all that shit in front of Mori, Ame and Ina
kinda funny, if a bit on self-absorbed side

>> No.33132666

>man, it really shows that KFP follow the "watch only Kiara" bullshit to a T, since most of this shit is pure fanfiction
> most of this shit is pure fanfiction

Elaborate, prove any of it is wrong, come on cuckbeat "enlighten" us with the truth.

>> No.33132688
File: 89 KB, 371x210, 1661968217773056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The upper heads are faggot jews but what Kiara says is still true, and it'll be more true if the day they become indies again ever comes

>> No.33132799

I like these kinds of threads, homobeggars and other assorted schizos cannot help but point out exactly who they are.

>> No.33132910

japs see male collabs as an Cover attempt catalysm to boost the EN branch, and get new viewers, they believe the en branch is reclining besides Gura. though they also think it's a risk move to alienate old viewers and they become inverse antis

>> No.33133004

Funny how you point out Mori when she's the the one who sided with Kiara

>> No.33133009

Honestly you're proving him right, not a KFP, Kiara is 100% right that EN needs to get their shit together because even indies are getting better numbers than them right now

>> No.33133874

>all the replies laughing at this are Homotrannies

>> No.33133886

At a certain point you just need to know when to fold 'em and accept when your coworkers just don't care about the gen or the job. Gura had the right idea with snot. Rather than continuing to try to force things after 2 years of myth being a shitshow, it's time to just focus on finding new cliques and forming new impromptu units. Holomyth is basically dead.

>> No.33133927

euro studios quoted her 6 figures

>> No.33134092

homobeggars keep crying

>> No.33135306

lol sounds like this but with people talking in the background.

>> No.33135588

yet you don't watch her because she's annoying lol

>> No.33135702

kek keep seething
