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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33116200 No.33116200 [Reply] [Original]

Traumatized enough she hasn't even logged in rust for season 3 so far.

>> No.33116372

Waiting for the go away go away go away poster.

>> No.33116795

Is it because ame called her a bitch?

>> No.33116908

How do you know she doesn't play offline

>> No.33116929

As rrats go, it's believable. She's so averse to conflict with the other holos that playing amongus upsets her, so Ame being a bitch could seriously put her off

>> No.33116942

go away go away go away fucking bitch

>> No.33117102

>she would never lie!

>> No.33117166

Ame ruined Rust with her spergout. That's fine if you're playing with randos you'll never see again, but not with people you still have to work with.

>> No.33117207

>get verbally abused if you play the game correctly
I cant blame her

>> No.33117217

Funny how this board created artificial drama between Pekora and Matsuri a while ago for this game and they both still play the game regulary and interact with each other, yet Gura stopped playing it after a supposed nothingburger

>> No.33117302

>Verbally abused
What's this gay shit? Grow thicker skin.

>> No.33117341

Gura stops doing stuff all the time, this isn't new. Don't be surprised if she goes full Ayame by the end of the year

>> No.33117350
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>> No.33117375

Not in Rust, Gura would grief that bitch until she stops playing

>> No.33117381

fucking bitch go away

>> No.33117383

Verbally amused more like

>> No.33117401

Tell Gura that, this is the same woman that had a breakdown over fucking Among Us

>> No.33117414

>Ame ruined Rust with her spergout.

Post clip.

>> No.33117501

So this is the last bastion of no male collabs, by rarely streaming.

>> No.33117523

>goes away*

>> No.33117553

Good morning cuckold!

>> No.33117764

That was completely Iofi's fault

>> No.33117803

If Gura's skin is that thin, she really shouldn't be playing games like Rust.

>> No.33117828

it happened during the council one to but Kronii defused the situation

>> No.33117874

she is probably just tired of the game desu

>> No.33117978

Do you even know how to use that word?

>> No.33118012

actually traumatized what a fucking snowflake LMAO

>> No.33118513

She couln't have the last laugh against Mori
She's still malding

>> No.33118813

Doubt its a thin skin thing and more a dont want to ruin friendships thing.

>> No.33119236

People who take amongus seriously should be neutered yes that includes Gura

>> No.33119339

the entirety of Hololive should gang up in Rust and rape Mori untill she uninstalls the game

>> No.33119358

Kek, the only one who takes amogus serious was gura though. Every other holo member play it just for the laugh

>> No.33119412

I'd uninstall the game too if I had to play with that yellow bitch ame. In fact, I'd probably cum

>> No.33119509

My shark wife is on the spectrum, you'd forgive her right anon?

>> No.33119668

this reminds me of a friend I've known since we were 5, he was playing minecraft and i accidentally poured lava into his house when he went ballistic, we both stopped playing building games after that..

>> No.33119865

>by the end of the year

>> No.33119909

>I let my oshi get railed by thousand of other males but I'm not a cuck sir, you're the cuck for pointing out the cuckoldry that's happening in my life.
Okay then cuck.

>> No.33119913

If imagine so, EN were being such faggots to the idea of playing a game properly that she couldn’t be bothered to tip toe around them. The one time gura goes full unhinged and the mood is ruined by the rest of them EN playing a survival FPS as animal crossing.

Now I’m kinda understanding why some folk prefer holoJP and why gura is slowly resenting her own gen.

>> No.33119921

>complain when they play rust
>complain when they stop

>> No.33119967

Thanks Ame!

>> No.33120007

/vt/ in a nutshell.

>> No.33120209

Thank fuck, Ame was a blessing in disguise

>> No.33120699

did you watch the fucking stream?

Game 1: Gets killed first.
Game 2: Gura finds body and reports, everybody votes her out for no reason.
Game 3: Gets killed first. Still holding it together.
Game 4: Gets killed first. Starting to lose it.
Game 5: Accused of not scanning (she was). Find Suisei near a body and accuses her but nobody believes her. Ends up losing. Changes to angry facial expression.
Game 6: Gets killed first. Very pissed off at this point.
Game 7: Risu kills and self reports, accuses Gura. Gura gets voted out.

Imagine if Ame went through that? Her desk would be smashed to smithereens.

>> No.33120932

>chumcucks will blame anyone but themselves or their oshi

>> No.33121040

If this the same stream where suisei was taking advantage of gura being the eop?

>> No.33121085

if anything ame needs to Grow thicker skin how can you get mad at someone for playing the game THE WAY IS SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYED what a bitch

>> No.33121546

To be fair Gura said she doesn't do well when she feels like she's being under pressure. She is the type that would suffer a panic attack if someone harassed her irl. Obviously getting stressed out for being eliminated for no reason not being able to enjoy the fucking game because she's being griefed kicked would definitely an average joe to leave the lobby and join another but because this was a collab with jp she had to put up with the same bullshit. How do you expect her to be all smiley and to be a fucking trooper about it. Is noy like she could go leave and start and among us lobby with her chumbies even if she wanted to.

>> No.33121588

Yeah Ame and Mori are massove assholes who can't cooperate with others. Can't follow rules. And who throw a massive fit when others don't play into their shit.

>> No.33121641

Sorry anon i didn't meant to quote you i wrote the gura post.

>> No.33121831

Won’t lie, not even a big fan of hers but that game would’ve pissed me off too. JP were kind of taking advantage of the language barrier (knowing what she was trying to say in her defense) but still saying “sorry I don’t speak engrish” and iofi was icing on the cake just not translating her defense in full

I don’t doubt Gura was angry but I think she was just got stressed trying to defend herself in a situation that wouldn’t change regardless of what she said or tried to get across.

I’m glad she and suisei interacted in rust though, even if it was a short alliance it was cool to see

>> No.33122085

Iofi, Reine and those niggers should apologize for this fist, literally 100 times worse than the amongus kayfabe that the whole thing was getting blown ouf of proportion by some IDfags and chinks


>> No.33122211

Gura was just the fuse. She already getting mad that entire stream.

>> No.33122937

>Play a game about having a convincing narrative and sticking together
>Fail to provide narrative or stick together

I guess she was shocked and taken aback that not everyone found her cute and funny

>> No.33123039

It's not like she was streaming half the time she was playing
She probably just realized she could play on a real server on her own time and not have to put up with cover's baby rules or chat

>> No.33123132

Nonono, shark good, everyone else bad, always.

>> No.33124072

>gets killed first every time
>Gives argument but none bothered to translate so she ges voted out first
>somehow it's her fault
Teacucks never cease to amaze me.

>> No.33126051

>Chumfucks are STILL seething about this
Its a game about lying, learn to lie better.
You're blaming the other girls for Gura being a spineless wimp who can't stand up for herself.

>> No.33128102

thats true. Ame decided to be a bitch when gura had her social confidence in an all time high while because of the JP warmth.
amelia really fucked up and later said that she deserved it.
amelia is just a bad person

>> No.33128698

Good lord for Ame. The lazy bitch shark should graduate.

>> No.33130487

>can noto speaku englishu
Yeah it was fucking kino

>> No.33132299

Dude, it's just a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

>> No.33132365

haachama is playing now, gura is NOT stepping food into the server again until she's 100% sure that chammers isn't playing

>> No.33132479

1. It's not Iofi's job
2. I know monolinguals don't understand this, but it's hard to do a live translation. Specially when everyone is talking at the same time like in among us.

>> No.33133991

Iofi can go fuck herself

>> No.33136629
File: 183 KB, 327x258, 1650182608802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you guys saying Ame will be the one that got traumatized by Gura & won't play Rust again?
What's the matter? Can't handle a bit of banter? Does it hurt your tiiiny witttle heart?

>> No.33136755

Sasuga detective

>> No.33136890

>She ain't playing rust anymore...
Based! Dope! Super lit!

>> No.33136965

Chad Ame vs Lazy bitch shark

>> No.33137146

cute and smol shark vs fucking bitch ame

>> No.33137549

No, it wasn't. Gura and Ame expected Iofi to do Kiara level translations, but there was no promise of that happening.

>> No.33137565

ame... I kneel...

>> No.33138257

>Thinks VT actually matters
>What's a coincidence?

Dumb take.

>> No.33141234

When will the others stop playing RUST?

>> No.33141312

I need a clip for research purposes.

>> No.33141507

No. She just won't play until Mumei and Fauna start playing.

>> No.33141674

I'll never forget ame, fucking cunt.

>> No.33141797

Chumpedo is seething. You love to see it.

>> No.33141998

She doesn't want the whores in EN leech her again

>> No.33142119

She did play a little. An EN rust player saw her not long after the beginning of ss3

>> No.33142214

You don't watch her. STFU

>> No.33142308

Mumei already playing.

>> No.33142407

This. Her stream literally named prepare for war but she ended up doing random shit. Why she couldn't just follow the rule and play like the rest of JP?

>> No.33142591

Yeah they should be isolated in their own server

>> No.33142698

She built a sniper tower & shoot on sight, threadreaderchama. She just didn't know everyone is preoccupied with Pekora. She got killed twice during the raid & fine with it. Gura killed her when everyone was trying to get a picture.

>> No.33142733

Fuck Watson, for picking dick over friendship

>> No.33142840

she was also burned by Fauna a bit
>Get Fauna to play S2
>Gets on to play with her I think it was guerilla
>Get Fauna to build next to you and team up
>Immediately builds wall to keep everyone else out and Fauna in
>Make sure her house never deteriorates
>Fauna never returns

>> No.33142985

Watson built a ramp, crashed her car and ended it. No picture. Shark was being bullied by Mori at that time

>> No.33143326

She crashed, died, can't spawn on a nearby sleeping bag because it's on cooldown thanks to Gura, spawned on her base, and partied with everyone at the end before logging off.

>> No.33143420

As much as you love getting cucked by ame, cuckmate?

>> No.33143510

I hate Rust, if the rrats are true I'm droping Ame an aka, I rather Gura does anything else, even fucking block game

>> No.33144902


>> No.33145553
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Lmao, the blue fag is a legit chumbud & a groomer.

>> No.33146940

The yellow fag enjoys the cucking.

>> No.33151612


>> No.33156580

Ame will kill Rust streams but only if you reply to this post with THANK YOU AME

>> No.33156908
File: 14 KB, 300x250, 1649246313401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33157233

>Less than a minute of screentime in a 4 hour stream
>Manage to ruin entire stream and kill streamer's joy in thing
The power of Cunt Ame and Alcoholic Wigger! I kneel!

>> No.33158602

Fauna won't play because she doesn't want to have to commit so much time to it.

>> No.33162122

She could just have Rust training sessions and try to get better at the game

>> No.33163568

She spent hours creating farms that already exist in Minecraft, anon.

>> No.33164071

>trannymates screetching this hard because their boring "entertainer" couldn't build her cuck ramp in peace in RUST
Vapid and bitchy like their "entertainer"

>> No.33164152

do you realize what you just typed? 'cuck ramp'? you need to take a step back and realize that you're too far gone by dude. I hope you're just trolling and throwing out buzzwords

>> No.33164219

Chumburds will defend Gura no matter what. Your oshi is a troll. Get over it. You are literally supporting an internet troll.

>> No.33165393

thanks AME

>> No.33166933

>what is banter

>> No.33167359

Watch the stream. There's was no banter in Ame that day. Just exhaustion, frustration, and autism. She isn't Enna who calls everyone a Fucking Bitch causally.

>> No.33167396


>> No.33167615

She hasn't been doing much in general because if personal reasons, this isn't exclusive to Rust. I'm thinking s3 will mostly be prep for new holomems to join in and that s4 might be where they can duke it out properly

>> No.33168714

>She ain't playing rust anymore

>> No.33171666

never say never

>> No.33172479

pacifist route players are super valuable in content creator route servers, granted that they can fucking RP and speak the same language of everyone in there, they establish themselves from the beginning and by default won't be scathed by the war around em even during the darkest hour.
But she didn't lay any of the groundwork beforehand and was in that "grey area" when you don't know if she would shot at you the moment you turn the head.

>> No.33176078


>> No.33177475

Well deserved, fuck Gura.

>> No.33177564

Leave it to Ame to ruin a genmate's enjoyment of the game.
Too bad Gura cares what she thinks instead just enjoying things that make her happy.

>> No.33178750

There is less incentive to play RUST for all the holos now since they were stupid and modded the server making it even easier. Now it's just a minecraft server that resets....why even bother? Now it'll be 1 or 2 streams to build a base... and then maybe a stream at the end of the month for the war? if anyone is even actively playing. Curious how many S3 and S4 season streams we get compared to s2. We all know it will be lower tho

>> No.33179105

I believe in Pekora, she'll cheer up my Gura and they are gonna make something out of this game

>> No.33181342

When did this happen?

>> No.33181401

She just wanted to be annoying, not hated. That's how she likes to interact with ppl she likes, she thinks being annoying is cute and funny. Too bad others don't feel the same. Ame calling her a bitch hit her hard

>> No.33181994

Shes not the only one
They're waiting for Ame to quit before coming back

>> No.33182409

Gura easily gets bored at something this is normal of her but Ame and teaniggers are still obnoxious nonetheless, some of them are still saying Gura was in the wrong in this very thread

>> No.33183088

>She just wanted to be annoying, not hated.
She should've thought about that before griefing someone who had been streaming for like 16hrs already and just wanted to do one final thing before ending

>> No.33183284

Nobody cares about Ames autism. Imagine getting this pissed off for being killed in a PvP game rumao

>> No.33183387

Why do /vt/s most deluded schizos always gather around Gura?

>> No.33183484

I am laughing at the cuckpedos desperately trying to frame it as if Gura was in the right.

>> No.33183486

>Gura's a selfish bitch
Yeah, tell me something I don't know, chumkek

>> No.33183613

>iofi was icing on the cake just not translating her defense in full
Holy fucking hell, let it go, man. It was like two years ago. Cumbuds eternally seething.

>> No.33183624

Why is everyone ignoring the fact that she has had 3 streams only since the last Rust stream?
>Holocure for the update
>Brain Game for the collab try 2
The only one above thats even really optional was the Holocure, but maybe she just wanted to take a break from Rust instead of the schizo theories being spread here?

>> No.33183675

Everyone keeps talking about rules. What rules could there even be in RUST? Isn't it about fucking people over and murdering each other?

>> No.33183781

I'm not a fan of Ame or Gura, but what Gura did was pretty funny, especially with how much it made Ame seethe about her unfunny ramp bit.

>> No.33183814

>Isn't it about fucking people over and murdering each other?
only in pub servers.

>> No.33183941

Then what's the point for the Holos? Also, why the fuck did they let EN in at all? Only two of them can actually speak Japanese. No, deadcucks, Mori cannot actually speak Japanese.

>> No.33183983

she will play rust with another blue gaki soon

>> No.33184087

>Kobo arrives.
>Starts fucking murdering everyone for fun.
She's really just the best.

>> No.33184163

Gura is just waiting for the n00bs to get a head start. Then she'll come in guns ablazing.

>> No.33184213

The JP talents understand "tension rising" as part of any enjoyable stream, so there's ebbs and flows of building and destroying with set characters and timing. Everyone more or less understands their role and know when to hit certain marks for max comedic timing, like Subaru stealing from Moona recently and getting gunned down. EN just has too much ego and puts it above any comedy stuff, possibly with the exception of Bae but I think it's because she really is a bimbo. The invited EN because they're trying to make RUST the new Minecraft, just like they did with ARK

>> No.33184215

Don't offline raid
Notify raid target that you intent to raid
Let others know you're streaming

That's the ones I've seen mentioned in streams so far

>> No.33184435

The thing with Minecraft was that they had the retard containment server away from the JPs and IDs, so it was better, but now the EN spergs are running around being useless and the JP girls have to kinda deal with them.

>> No.33184640

haha go away go away amirite?

>> No.33184695

I mean she's right, Gura is an entitled bitch

>> No.33186547

Good, Rust is shit.

>> No.33187543

this >>33184215
>they're not allowed to build an armored tier buildings.
>they're not allowed to build more than 1 turret

maybe there's more

>> No.33189032


>> No.33189590


>> No.33189869

The PPP is shit, even Ame admits it, and I don't really know where the raid farm is supposed to be.
Still the commitment argument is dumb.

>> No.33190835

Damn, Sasha is in his DMs? Respect

>> No.33193748

ame based

>> No.33193786

>How do you know she doesn't play offline
Where is her base?

>> No.33194144

The only en member who ever complained about dying is literally just Ame, if anything Mumei made Moona seethe harder than most of EN when she gunned her down back to back

>> No.33194211

The map is fucking huge, on the smaller map first season polka played and nobody knew where she lived until near the end of the season

>> No.33195220

In the meetings gura was speaking English like she was talking to people who could understand her. No one could. Then watson would just say "gura sus" which everyone understood. Gura made no effort to be understood and she had a bad time.

>> No.33195565

insider here, it's because the holo rust arc will soon be full of homoEN collabs and Ame is gonna be at the front of it

>> No.33197615

Altaire would grief Ame knowing full well she'll go into autistic rage mode before crawling back to Gura begging her for forgiveness, but the shark will be too surrounded by a harem of cute anime bitches she barely understands to even remember Ame. Altaire ain't in this gig for the girls, he's in it to conquer vtubing, make it a man's job, and forcing the whores back into the kitchen where they belong. He leaves hungry bitches on read and then exposes their whorishness to the world, you think he'll give Watson an iota of respect when she's this blatant for his cock?

>> No.33197858

So fauna was stuck in a house?

>> No.33198243

>ame being a massive bitch, unprovoked

cope harder teacucks, this shit can be used against ame for eternity, don't try to spin it off as something else

>> No.33201599

All true.

>> No.33201833

I want to see her make Ame rage again. Best part about this entire thing

>> No.33207846
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I'm talking about Ame, btw.
