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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 36 KB, 340x340, tokino_sora_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33106733 No.33106733 [Reply] [Original]

I dont get her appeal? shes so bland and boring compared to the other rival companies founders.

>> No.33106823
File: 491 KB, 1200x849, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP deserves to be forced to listen to Mori's entire discography.

>> No.33106836

>she's bland
That applies to all women and only horny neckbeards would say otherwise

>> No.33107483

She's the protagonist

>> No.33107538

Salted is my favorite potato chip flavor. When I'm feeling adventurous, I'll go for lightly salted.

>> No.33107596

I love Sora!

>> No.33108103

She is vanilla aka my main wife

>> No.33108250

I've listened to Alien several dozen times over the past few days, what means

>> No.33108348

She's the most forbidden of forbidden fruits in Hololive.

>> No.33109070

Ok good that's one less rival for my tradwife

>> No.33109307

>compared to the other rival companies founders.
Name them without using a wiki you piece of shit.
You can't.
/thread myself

>> No.33109308
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I revel in that which you call bland. Really.
She's wholesome and relaxing (by that I mean I can fall asleep listening to her). Other than that, her numbers already tell you what you want to know.

>> No.33109357

Sorry, OP-kun, I'll try to do better

>> No.33109439

She was literally an Ai clone, and people knew it.

>> No.33109465
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 1600708423_83DVYCEk6WHlBO00L_Source.mp4_snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's got the strongest iwara game in Hololive

>> No.33109499

>compared to the other rival companies founders
Can you even name every rival company founders and their appeal?

>> No.33109623

Stop using sora to shit post. If you're that fucking pathetic over male collabs just skip them altogether or kill yourself. Go and see if Yagoo gives a fuck. You fucking disrespectful western incel fuck.

>> No.33109951

She's really cute and goofy, kind of like Suisei.

She's also insanely talented. Can play piano and the ukelele while singing in octaves most people can't reach and not even hurt her voice in the process. She can speak simple English with good pronunciation and of course can dance crazy good.

Sora's excellent. But I know to coombrains, enjoying something that doesn't consist of sex jokes and whore behavior is very difficult to grasp.

>> No.33110160

bait,shitpost,drama etc using Sora deserves to get range ban, this should be enforced rule

>> No.33110164

stop replying to yourself homobeggar

>> No.33110909

She's a trooper on regards her duties but at the same time she comes off as somewhat childish and spoiled.
And above all, she loves music.

>> No.33111976
File: 704 KB, 653x766, sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when she dances naked

>> No.33112222

less is more
she's like the vanilla flavor for holos; nothing special going on but a lot of people like it because it's simple
also sexo model

>> No.33112617

Never intended to be the company's MC. She was just a generic anime girl to showcase the tech.

>> No.33112998
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>> No.33113018

Also, as far as we know. She was not a streamer before all of this. She posted music covers but she has no real background as a streamer.
People often assume that she is as experienced as a youtuber as the rest and are disappointed in comparison. She's come a long way thou

>> No.33113110


>> No.33113467


>> No.33113733

I recommend Venom and Remote Controller feat. Roboco

>> No.33114245
File: 60 KB, 711x1054, FB6C4F59-99A9-4A1C-ADAD-D052C3FC35B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33114424

She has a massive futa dick.

>> No.33114483

Her design is unabashedly sex for someone whose portrayed as seiso by her coworkers and the community at large
That too

>> No.33114555

Good, the less schizos near my oshi the better, last thing she needs is a bunch of /vt/ autists whose last IRL social interaction was their mom telling them they look cute 6 years ago following her

>> No.33114616 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 1024x1024, 1661968726239065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misasagi and Elsje have romance lines recorded as well

>> No.33114661

If she wasn't the first Hololive member, nobody would care about her.

>> No.33114666

She wasn't a streamer even after, it took the pandemic and being forced to be at home that forced her to become a streamer

>> No.33115195

NTA but not quite true but aside from coof which obviously make streaming from studio getting harder, it was her decision to stream alone from home because she feels different from other member and it less hassle and more relax streaming from home (even tho she is bad at tech and newbie streamer at best) Sora being Sora she does what she wants

>> No.33115475

and like all of them is a nobody before Hololive so ?

>> No.33115599

You shut your whore mouth

>> No.33120917

based MMD enjoyer

>> No.33121178

Vanilla is best

>> No.33122266

Man you beed to be one sad motherfucker to try and shit on Sora of all people.

>> No.33122800

She's refreshingly normal in an industry where a lot of people try to be weird, funny, vulgar, loud, or obnoxious in order to stand out and be unique.

>> No.33122915

take that back sora is #1

>> No.33123089

Why are you assuming she has appeal? She's not even in top 30 most popular Holomems. Her appeal is being seiso, it's not that hard.

>> No.33123225


>> No.33123242

I want to have rough but loving sex with her
