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File: 1.28 MB, 1811x1811, La+_Darknesss_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33043263 No.33043263 [Reply] [Original]

How does she get away with it?

>> No.33043330

those attached to towa are immune to all liability and live on a greater plane than others

>> No.33043442

She simply does not stream and instead has sex with her apex eceleb BF.

>> No.33043495

Yeah, me

>> No.33043531 [DELETED] 

I wish that were the case. She's actually worse. She's going out to nightclubs and having one night stands and then posting selfies from the hotel bathrooms.

>> No.33043618

Away with what you fucking braindead fuck OP? Threads this should be reported for spam along with all worthless "APOLOGIZE" threads.

>> No.33043656

Yeah, with me!

>> No.33043742

Is this real or am I being rrated?

>> No.33043791

if you have to ask if its a rrat, its a rrat

>> No.33043844 [DELETED] 

90% true. She's going out with friends to clubs and spending her superchat money on $5000 Gucci purses and taking selfies from various bathrooms.

>> No.33043898

Those friends? All me baby!

>> No.33043954

Karma will come back to bite her in the cunny

>> No.33043963
File: 1.54 MB, 2272x3512, 100482783_p1-ラプちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just missed that it's girls only.

>> No.33043990

Literally all I have against this girl is that Miu Miu is extremely tacky and not worth the money.

>> No.33044025

Is Karma going to be a loli VTuber too?

>> No.33044048

she's very funny.

>> No.33044089

It does the job she bought it for which is to show that she "won at life" already.

>> No.33044092

>herpes in the pussy
>herpes in the mouth
big yikes from me

>> No.33044624

Get away with what? She hasn't done anything for longer than 30 minutes

>> No.33045090

What an iconic zoomer way to waste money.

>> No.33045135

you wish.

>> No.33045396

>How does she get away with it?
She can do hard drugs on stream and Cover will never acknowledge it because she's their attempt to have a jp Gura.

>> No.33045427

>spending her superchat money
She doesn't get much of that since she can't be bothered to do the bare minimum to get it.

>> No.33045446

part of the point of having money is to have good aesthetics.

>> No.33045535

>less charming
>worse singer
>somehow streams even less
>complete normalfag
Cover clearly doesn't understand why Gura is so popular

>> No.33045572

Wearing brands that signify having money is good enough for some people and she's one of them.

>> No.33045701

first two points are incorrect, but she's actually supposed to be the next Pekora.

>> No.33045718
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Having only mouth herpes proves she only does girls.

>> No.33045817

sounds fun desu

>> No.33045846
File: 1.09 MB, 2793x4096, FTiDjIFUcAE0iTe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate precious La+?

>> No.33045915

She had the potential to be the next Pekora, but she just doesn't care enough about it to get to that level.

>> No.33046004

why are you so fixated on this.

>> No.33046504

Lacunny can do no wrong.

>> No.33046569

Pekora is a total hikki who uses streaming as her way to cope with loneliness and her ever increasing age
Laplus is a spoiled zoomer who only ever viewed hololive as a way to make money and network

>> No.33046585

Goddamn midget zoomer brat needs rape.

>> No.33046625

they're both very online, Pekora's just older.

>> No.33046742

I don't.

>> No.33046829

You do if you spread malicious slander about her having sex with men.

>> No.33046901

Cover doesn't care about idol culture. Yagoo's time is over. Only disappointment and decline will ensue.

>> No.33047250
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I don't understand. So she doesn't really care about her Hololive persona because of all the PL and vapid normalfag zoomer stuff, but then she cares enough to personally go fight her antis on 5ch? Which is it?

>> No.33047268

She's not going to clubs, retard. Her last pics were from a fucking arcade, you insufferable lying piece of shit.

>> No.33047303

Cope Laptard

>> No.33047343

That Karma? Me.

>> No.33047369

It'd be more accurate to say she cares more about her RM activities than her Hololive activities, but she still wants there to be a good perception of her Hololive persona so she can make money off of it. Hence her saying positive things about herself on 5ch.

>> No.33047432

cope with what? That you're a lying faggot that's trying to spread rumors like a woman?

>> No.33047502

If Pekora was a "total hikki" then she wouldn't even go outside to do work related stuff, which she does regularly. Stop using words you don't understand the meaning of, retard. She's antisocial, but she's not a hikki.

>> No.33047826

Enjoy your herpes

>> No.33048765

Do you for some strange reason believe normalfags don't go to arcades?

>> No.33048835

I think unsociable is a more accurate description of Pekora rather than antisocial. She's just an introvert who prefers being by herself. Nothing wrong with that.
I agree she's not a hikki though.

>> No.33048993

Why do nijiniggers keep making up bullshit rrats to divide the cover fanbase?

>> No.33049175

What does that have to do with anything I wrote?
The faggot said she was going clubbing. An arcade is not a club, you smoothbrain retard.

>> No.33049209

It’s fun

>> No.33049459

Laplus fell off so fucking hard it's insane.
We need more girls like Watame and pekora who actually like streaming and actually understand what their audience likes.
Instead of giving failed Stacy's a new lease on life so they can show off to the girls who used to bully them and chase Chad cock they missed out on when they were too poor to afford makeup and clothes

>> No.33049461

Laptard can't stop replying to baits

>> No.33049576

La+ isn't hot enough to be even a failed stacy, she's a generic dime a dozen accesory friend for actually popular people.

>> No.33049821

Kinda based

>> No.33050650

as somebody who likes her style/voice/personality quite a bit, i fully agree with you. she turned out to be a terrible waste. if her issue is really that games make her too motion sick, she could just be a zatsu/singer, which is basically what marine is now. but she does literally fucking nothing. its possible management pushes it so shes less conspicuous after the high amount of doxxing, but it really feels like its probably her. truly a shame

>> No.33051429

>high amount of doxxing
What's up with that anyway? Did she dump iketog's owner? Her page is starting to turn into cwc wiki.

>> No.33051845

She's by far the most blantant jp in regards to linking her public and private life
It's way easier to find info on her

>> No.33052363

At the rate she is going, I'd hardly be surprised if she quits before the year is out.

>> No.33052519

>eating random pussy and ass in the club and in one night stands
>getting herpes in the mouth
I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of "getting away with it"

>> No.33053446 [DELETED] 

It's not just her private life. She's also actively trying to build an audience for her "previous" chuuba persona channel. Remember that Twitcasting video she did few days ago as La+ claiming to be sick (which included her having a sore throat)? Five hours later she went on to do a zatsu on YT as La+ and then 5 more hours later she did a karaoke on her "other" channel at like 4-5AM JST and she had around 800-1k viewers there. You know what the title/video description was? She said she has taken medicine and is feeling all better. At this point she's not even trying to differentiate between La+, her RM activities and her PL chuuba channel and she's doing everything to siphon her audience from Hololive. Also, hasn't she recently somewhat disrespected one of her senpai saying that she's set [for life] implying she can take it easy? She hasn't even yet celebrated her 1st anniversary and yet she's already slacking, acting ungrateful and trying to speedrun leeching Holo in case she needs to GTFO when her zoomer brain gets tired of management nagging her.

>> No.33056587

All of this is exactly why I don't like her. She's a pathological liar, lazy, ungrateful, disrespectful and disingenuous. I really don't understand why some people overlook things like this or why they like her so much.
It's a shame too because I think out of everyone in her gen she had the most potential by far. She has the perfect voice for the whole overconfident, haughty, kusogaki loli demon overlord persona, and she just wastes it. Even Cover have been trying to push her really hard as one of the new faces of Hololive for whatever reason. I really wish the ones who are just going to half-ass it and who don't really care would just fuck off and not apply.

>> No.33059376

t. women

>> No.33060057

cover should stop hiring zoomers and go for hags only.

>> No.33060205

2views seething with envy at holos will never not be funny

>> No.33061166

Yeah because it's totally impossible to have a sore as fuck throat 65 hours previous to when you don't have one. Doesn't happen, totally impossible, absurd even.
Fuck outta here. What is your immune system, the dollar store variety?
The rest is true though. I don't hate her for it though. Rushia did the same thing while we are at it. She regularly replied to Fandead on Michael Myers
If Cover never did such dodgy shit as you saw in her relationships, none of the MANY incidents in the past would have prompted her and other people to start relying more on their personal ventures. Even Pekora was considering it at one point due to the potential shitfest she thought might have happened behind the scenes, but fortunately it never. Towa likewise, who never even hid the fights with management that she had, Matsuri likewise.
The more management meddles, the higher the chance of multiple persons fucking off at once and that's when the floodgates open.
Nobody wants it to happen, but management seem overly eager to make it happen.

>> No.33061611

Not quite sure how I missed that 65 hours typo, 5 hours rather. kek
Again, it's almost like people can recover from scratchy throats, especially with good lubricating medications, and not cheap-shit "medications" that are basically candy chemical flavor with "medication" in it. Most of them are literal candy.
Actual proper throat medication is great.

>> No.33062534

QRD on the senpai disrespect thing ?

>> No.33062610

Everyone who criticizes a vtuber must be a 2view. Right? I'm just tired of seeing yagoo hire lazy bitches like la+ or sana. I really wanted to like lapussy but she's making it hard with all the shit she's been doing lately. It's like she's trying to be the next pink woman.
>fuck throat 65 hours previous to when you don't have one
Her announcing to be sick and having a karaoke all happened in approximately 10 hours time frame. Also, I'm fully aware that with the right medicine it's possible to get rid of common cold or sore throat symptoms in a matter of hours. What I wanted to point out is that she told her fans she's sick on her La+ account and then hours later said she's okay because she's taken medicine on her PL chuuba account while doing karaoke thus completely eroding any walls between the characters and fan bases.

>> No.33072281


>> No.33075167

Get away with what?

>> No.33075844

>Laplus is a spoiled zoomer who only ever viewed hololive as a way to make money and network
he doesn't know of her boasting that she's already made it in life since she's from a rich family

>> No.33076229

How the fuck are those two contradictory in any way?
She literally defended herself by saying "she said she would upload a video during her break, not multiple videos" once.

>> No.33076340

Her getting into hololive is part of her "making it" since she was a nobody before it.

>> No.33076456

>its possible management pushes it so shes less conspicuous after the high amount of doxxing
What does management have to do with anything? What do her streams have to do with doxing?

>> No.33076466

She's a bratty loli in need of severe correction. Who's gonna volunteer?

>> No.33076569

She has a crocodile

>> No.33080008

I'm on the way.

>> No.33080407

She wants Holo fans to have at least a neutral opinion of her so she can keep raking in money. La Plus basically signs up for every single sponsorship and main channel opportunity. I think that e-celeb Rust server incident is what really set her off to stop giving a shit so she just does everything on her roommate channel now including pumping out covers and streaming for hours after a Holo stream.

>> No.33080419

>the clap, herpes, and UTIs
I'll uh, I'll pass, thanks.

>> No.33080903

They should just stop hiring people who are too young as they haven't experienced a lot of things
Just look at Cover's past cases of hiring people who are too young
And this new zoomer let fame go to her head

>> No.33080937

>e-celeb Rust server incident
What happened?

>> No.33080995

where is this "already made it in life" thing coming from

>> No.33081001

This place is a fucking hugbox now?

>> No.33081004

I’m a certified and licensed oji-san, I got this

>> No.33081043

Her parents won’t spank the menhera out of her

>> No.33081255

>La Plus basically signs up for every single sponsorship and main channel opportunity.
And this is where Cover is partially at wrong here
Shouldn't have given the new face too much opportunities
Now look at her kek

>> No.33081406

Cover smacked her for joining the e-celeb discord server as La Plus without permission. She only got found out because Shaka had discord messages from one of the server channels popping up on his stream.

>> No.33082787

The drinking UNO collab where they had to delay it and then wait for 10 more minutes on stream because Laplus was already drunk and hadn't prepared the game for the stream.
The rule for the stream was that if you lose you drink but she was drinking before losing and said she doesn't need to follow rules because she already won at life.
You can call it "banter" but that one comment really encapsulates the behavior she keeps displaying.

>> No.33083239

no wonder she got herpes

>> No.33085358

with what? the crocodile?

>> No.33085628

>for joining the e-celeb discord server as La Plus without permission.
Do I sense another Rushia in the making?

>> No.33085701

>You can call it "banter" but that one comment really encapsulates the behavior she keeps displaying.
So that's why Towa-sama was always kinda distant with her?

>> No.33086270

>The rule for the stream was
> if you lose you drink
lol. Why are you saying things you don't know? What ass are you sniffing out?
The whole thread is filled with bits and pieces of truth, to which the dumbasses add their fantasies

>> No.33086376

I really like her covers so she's fine by me.

>> No.33086444

Ok anon what were the rules? Why did she end up saying what she did?
You can only ever deflect by claiming everyone is wrong but can never say what's right.

>> No.33088204

So basically, she's just throwing a tantrum because she can't do whatever she wants? As if I needed even more reason to dislike her. Her getting special treatment and being pushed hard by Cover really got to her head, huh?
Sounds like she's half-way out the door, really. She'll just do the bare minimum from now on and cash in as much as possible.

>> No.33088642

she wants to do what towa does without going through the consequences of what towa did before starting to incline again

>> No.33088977

My dick will.

>> No.33089988

She would have had zero consequences for it if she did it right from the start, but she probably chose to go the gachikoi pandering route (without doing any actual pandering for months now as Laplus) since she sells those yandere GF RP voices on her rm BOOTH.

>> No.33090222

Too cute and too funny

>> No.33090345

that's where it went? I thought she just stopped doing it

>> No.33090764

That's where it'd always been. When it comes to ASMR, she claimed she ordered a KU100 after her first ASMR mic "broke" so doing another ASMR from home would expose the fact that she did not actually order it.

>> No.33091051

yeah... she is one of those vtubers that i really tried really hard to like, because her voice is perfect for the model, the model is nice, she knows how to roleplay and her ero voice is interesting, but her personalitie its so bad that just kill anything else, it was a waste of time.

>> No.33091863

to busy moving in with her BF and getting herpes.

>> No.33091981

you act like a women right now.

>> No.33092188

Dude, Towas distant with half the damn company.
She is La+ light, she went through the same shit she did to lesser extents, including fights with management.

>> No.33092350

It's a shame. It genuinely made me think a lot less of her, seeing her in those brands. But I of course can't afford those brands myself, so I'm sure a 4chan user of the late 2010s and early 2020s would just call that poorfag cope.

>> No.33092523
File: 144 KB, 460x295, real life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only just realised that 'laplus' is supposed to be japenche for Laplace.

>> No.33092590

Na it ain't a poorfag cope at all, they are genuinely worthless to any but the most vapid of people. It saddens me to see she is one of them.
At least, say, Apple hardware has some use, but most expensive clothing is just manufactured garbage. Worse, people will pay an arm and leg for thin clothing simply because it has a high price tag, literally paying for less clothing "wrapped around air".
It's not even a case of "b-b-but those brands will last longer because they are expensive!", that's a thing that has been disproved countless times. I've bought expensive as fuck trainers that fell apart in a few years. "Surely these will be made of tougher, better materials, stitched better". Nope.
Yet I still have some to the left of me that weren't super pricey that I had from my fucking school days 18 years ago that have only just started to show age the past year, and I did parkour regularly and still exercise in them regularly today.

>> No.33095107
File: 5 KB, 208x242, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herro everyong
Next gen with be full of hags and cakes, and you'll love it

>> No.33096164

kek, Laplus and Chloe blow Lui and Koyori out of the water.

>> No.33096361

which parts of her personality, exactly?

>> No.33096476

yeah, man, that statement that was obviously a joke and not serious really encapsulates it.

>> No.33096835
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>> No.33096982

Imagine the married women gen.

>> No.33097202
File: 72 KB, 293x304, 1643396987536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello xxxCunnyLoverxxx, thank you for the aka supa for little David's diaper fund"

>> No.33097925

I'm counting in you YAGOO

>> No.33098251
File: 2.76 MB, 492x640, 1626809211825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33098545

You'll be a fuckton more successful with a new gen if they're all lolis, Yagoo

>> No.33098641

laplus is sitting on the sidelines, she doesn't even remember to cheer most of the time

>> No.33099520

by not streaming

>> No.33099658

Isn't La+ the only zoomer?
Chloe is already a cake

>> No.33099740

They'll be hags with loli models.

>> No.33102071

If Kobo is 36kg and Moona said Lapu is smoller than Kobo, how smol is Lapu?

>> No.33102445

150 and skeletal

>> No.33102507

For streaming the minimum amount of 1 hour apparently? And not even that is always done, look at her Jump King stream. Wtf was that?

>> No.33104024

most likely, I just grouped them together.

>> No.33104808

>he wants mesugaki loli
>doesn't realize that entails zoomer behavior and wanting to show off
Just let the zoomer have her character development arc, she'll get tired of the bling bling and become more mindful of what she's doing.

>> No.33104925

Her development arc will be graduating and moving onto something she actually wants to do.

>> No.33105979

but she's good at this.

>> No.33111123

I've never actually watched Laplus besides her 3D debut, what does she want to do?

>> No.33111206

Fashion design and play Valorant.

>> No.33111241

Oh right she's an FPS holo

>> No.33111295

She's not an FPS holo since while she's streaming as holo she gets motion sick, but she can play games with her friends both on and off stream as long as she's not Laples Darknesss.

>> No.33112772

everyone has flaws, I guess.

>> No.33114498

based La+ ahead of the investment curve


>> No.33114623

She uses them so they don't keep value.

>> No.33114675

t. wallstreet analyst
