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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33004658 No.33004658 [Reply] [Original]

autistic penguin edition

A thread for the Vampire survivors inspired Holo fan game

Link to download the game:

HoloCure Twitter:

Assortment of information(e.g. unlocks etc.)

prev thread >>32975064

>> No.33004749

post a fucking tier list

>> No.33004912

its ok to play the superglitch build for fun
you beat the game anon

>> No.33004976

She finally beat hard mode?

>> No.33005037

I think Irys mentioned playing with a controller now as well.

>> No.33005096
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Why did this game + xenoblade 3 + splat3 have to come out so close together gdi

>> No.33005143

She beat hard mode a while ago, in the first stream she attempted it I think. She's now doing hard mode once with every character, which shouldn't be too hard since she isn't taking halu. Once you get used to the waves that spawn and how to dodge them (particularly that one wave at 15:45) stage 1 hard loses its difficulty without halu.

>> No.33005156

so what was everyone using ot cheat in coins and does it still work?

>> No.33005221

Collector's Edition

>> No.33005294

Ill try a few

>Pettan board
Power gap

>Frozen Sea
>Broken Dreams
>Elite Cooking
>Dragon Fire


>Breathe in Asacoco
>X Potato

Everything else sucks

>> No.33005396

...Kan was kidding when he said he was going to add FFXIV style Extreme/Ultimate mechanics in the game was he

>> No.33005571

this stream? not yet
last stream? 4 times already with different characters

>> No.33005596

>>33005396 (me)
Wasn't kidding*

>> No.33005656

I've played HoloCure all weekend but I think Kaela has still played more than I have.

>> No.33005658

Chariot followed by dynamo

>> No.33005867
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i was just running and running because i couldn't get the last upgrade for my collab
this game sucks

>> No.33005930


Stupid OP and I love them for it

Kinda easy to play at high level

Good if you have a brain

Working for a living

With nobody being bad just having to put more effort/pay more attention to get by

>> No.33005970

what items do you build on miko that makes stage 1 hard easy for her?

>> No.33005980

Gotta drop the two KFP Meteors far enough away from each other so they don't Explode to close together and cause a wipe.
Also twisters

>> No.33006000
File: 331 KB, 1650x719, sana back hort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good run for no anvil or glasses

>> No.33006036

Does Broken Dreams hit screen-wide?

>> No.33006059

>tfw i only get worse at the game every time I play
the fuck...

>> No.33006163

Gotta be brain dead to not get through on her kit alone

>> No.33006196

Pretty much. The thing nobody can figure out is just how much it hits . Ive found its performance similar to Elite Cooking and could go either way on them but I think I use Broken Dreams more since tears are generally better than Lava bucket until you get the coikllab

>> No.33006267

>plushie super nerfed
What's the point of getting this shit if the iframe will only trigger once every 3 second.

>> No.33006289
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Halu sure makes this a lot more tricky.

>> No.33006538

It was too good the way it was making people completely invulnerable and having a lot of glitchy interactions. Now its just fairly solid especially with all the new stuff added in

>> No.33006606

>She's now doing hard mode once with every character
Sounds autistic. But then again, it's Kaela.

>> No.33006726

She already mined all everything in MC she needs a new world to conquer

>> No.33006965
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>> No.33006972

Is sora bugged? the skill that weakens and has a chance to heal no longer appears on enemies after reaching level 3

>> No.33007225

i didnt attach an image what the fuck jewmoot

>> No.33007303

holy autism

>> No.33007517


>> No.33007797
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Figured I'd try Kiara and holy shit she's stronk af

>> No.33008260

Now that I think about it, Halu probably goes really well on Mumei with Civilization.

>> No.33008369

Anyone playing on Steam Deck? I got the update by downloading the files but can't figure out the launcher. Any non retards able to help?

>> No.33008375

it does same with dropping more batteries for Roboco and more saplings for FauFau and more bakery treats for Okoro

>> No.33008649

Watching Moomers gameplay right now i noticede Friend fires stream of tears and it somehow never occured to me he could fire your collabs as well

>> No.33008829

Fauna starts falling off in terms of consistent damage to benefit from higher levels of Halu.

>> No.33008845
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Controller support was implemented in the worst way possible. If you want to add twin stick support for aiming then fine, be my guest. But if you don't add mouse support at the same time then you're giving a massively unfair advantage to players that have controllers. Literally pay to win.

>> No.33008873


>> No.33008985

Who are the stick figures? they look familiar but idk. irys or coco fans maybe?

>> No.33009032

the fairys were just something ku made up

>> No.33009034
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Dont you own a controller for playing 3D action games such as Devil May Cry and Dark Souls?

>> No.33009036

IRyS fans, they're called "GuyRyS" specifically

>> No.33009070


>> No.33009101

>claiming to be a gamer while not owning even a single controller

>> No.33009150
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add him to the game coward

>> No.33009179

Is there a list of the nerfs and buffs? the patch notes just listed the new stuff

>> No.33009187
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I used to use a wii U pro controller for that sort of thing, but the software I was using stopped working for some reason.
I have a PS3 duel shock controller but it randomly disconnects
I have a third party xbone controller but it has massive dead zones which make the game harder to play.
My xbone controller is sadly still better than playing keyboard, but obviously I'd prefer keyboard and mouse over that.

>> No.33009265

Yeah I got killed right before A0Chan in the office just now. Might have made it if I finished another collab to carry me though

>> No.33009287

Is there any broken combo with the milk now that it increases all attack size?

>> No.33009300

Just go into desktop mode and add the executable to your steam library, then right click it in your library, go to properties then compatibility and set it to whatever the latest version of Proton is. Should show up in steam OS after that.

>> No.33009311

I think all healing effects were turned into flat healing instead of percentage healing (mostly to avoid abuse with high hp numbers that allowed players to become immortal)
Ina got some massive nerfs (AO no longer causes enemies to drop xp twice, converted takos no longer trigger effects that trigger when you get hit)
Kiara got hugely buffed in every way

>> No.33009424

G Rank 21 is max.

>> No.33009525

current stweams
https://youtu.be/m53VJFqoW5c kaela
https://youtu.be/GP_0SSBMsCo mumei
https://youtu.be/Tivn6IV_P_A iwys

Starting soon
https://youtu.be/xYFI2IoASbM matsuri

>> No.33009529

it always increased all attack sizes now you also have Miko working good with it and stacks with limiter to basically grab the entire screen

Nurse Horses got converted to flat instead of % but alot of character specific ones like Faun are still healing by %

Ina just isnt invincible anymore which is fine

>> No.33009540

Anything that hit in a big area so it could proc NYE! and slow the enemies to kite them.

>> No.33009560

Does G1 not exist?

>> No.33009595

i...is Irys doing as bad as I expect or not? Im watching Moom and dont really wanna switch over

>> No.33009632

Last time I watched her she was mega retarded and i couldnt handle it

>> No.33009662

IRyS is doing alright. She was playing Hard Stage 1 for a while but I left for a bit and she's doing Stage 1 now. No idea if she managed to beat Hard.

>> No.33009685

kaela is barely hanging on with Ina right now kek

>> No.33009762

Now that this game is the most successful and polished VS clone of all time why do we hate Gamemaker again?

>> No.33009805

She's in a weird place where her kit has decent synergy, but it's all flat damage that doesn't scale as the game goes on. Her durability/healing also starts to fall off as the game progresses so she isn't tanky enough to dodge/absorb damage while failing to do enough damage to mitigate her increasing frailty. In the end, the only stat that becomes important for her to survive is speed and so she ends up having to run and kite the mob while praying that she won't get hit. I wouldn't be surprised if she is rated low or bottom end of mid tier if we're talking Endless Mode.

>> No.33009873

Gamemaker is fine though?
This game is poorly optimized regardless.

>> No.33009967

That works if you download the update itself, but I can't get the launcher to, well, launch.

>> No.33010046

You don't need the launcher anyway.

>> No.33010089

How long does it take for you guys to kill Bae?
I just did a run with Fauna and it took like 2 minutes, maybe more

>> No.33010099

I figured constantly triggering Guardian tree would carry me through with that 300% damage and knockback but even that was enough once the last minute hit. It was close though I think I need to be a bit more careful maybe max second tier attack

>> No.33010125

I know, but it would be nice to auto update.

>> No.33010349

2 min is about how long I would expect (and when the next wave starts). Any longer is perfectly possible but indicative of low damage. I'm certain I've killed her in well under 2 minutes in a good run but I wasn't keeping careful track.

>> No.33010493

>Get the NUT and get XP glasses and Halu almost immediately for calli
>Keep getting upgrades for them maxing them early
>Ramp to the moon as the swarms only make my explosion chains harder
>Short circuit during the boss fight and walk into a dead end then die

The good news is xbc3 and holocure you can pick up and put down whenever

>> No.33010560

Halu's busted for Mooms. It's just more exp

>> No.33010562

Foolishness Dante. Foolishness
If anything Immortal Ina and Gura have taught you:
>Outscale Yagoo
>Outrun Yagoo
Which route would win?

>> No.33010680

If you have to circle kite or dive the pickup radius is more valuable than the size.

>> No.33011252

I didn't know it was possible to get more than 1 super item. Last run managed to pull super gorilla, super pillow and super glasses back to back on suisei. Those crits of her erased everything in the map with no issue.

>> No.33011358

Did not beat the game

>> No.33011416

I only got super items twice and it was both the body pillow

>> No.33011454

Expected upgrades for the stages.
Stage 2:

Stage 1 Hard:

>> No.33011482

Just luckshitting it's pure aids.

>> No.33011686

Yeah saw mumei on hard and the enemies were booking it. RIP muh coins

>> No.33011746

Shiny items were a mistake.

>> No.33011944

And here I am struggling to get ANY super items.
I get one super item in 10 runs or even more.
Never get more than 1 super items in a run either.
Anon mentioned that Botan got Golden Yagoo appeared twice in a run all the time while I only saw Golden Yagoo appears twice in a run once (I think it was in endless mode).

>> No.33012156

goob still da best

>> No.33013108

wait until gen 4
if stage 1 is modelled after en, and stage 2 is modelled after gen 0 and gamers, its clear that fans are released at the same time as their oshis
considering asacoco tail i think he would include coco, not aloe/chris maybe rushia?? she definitely still has fans that all moved on to her vslutjo side

>> No.33013164

The way to fix Mio is either making Omen proc reliant in some stat, bigger thus capable of hit more targets or give her a more consistent healing so she can abuse Piki Piki Piman.
Ame need that Mastery DPS and Detective Eye give you another thing apart from flat stats.
Azki and Kronii are a glass cannon type characters so they probably just need some number tunning and with Sora, I think her special need some sort of extra damage or % healing baked in.

>> No.33013450

I only played Roboco briefly, what makes her good?
Also unless Fauna got buffed she's incredibly overrated.

>> No.33013451

Get Haste on Mio and she's infinitely more playable.

>> No.33013453

the only think kronii suffers from is speed if you have no upgrades
its not about losing perfectionist the 5% heal and new bandage item keeps it up really well, but 33% is just not fast enough to do what kronii wants to do with her base kit without 5 speed level ups from the shop

>> No.33013470

>buy all upgrades in shop
>complete the armory
>get all character's rank up to 21+
>get all outfits (EN + FBK)
I'm done with this for now.
Time to wait for another big update (more characters)

>> No.33013608

The extra experience the stats scaling and the passive damage every time you level up.

>> No.33013626
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how's your day lads? got me some Gura, Mori, and Sana outfit from gacha today

>> No.33013975
File: 30 KB, 128x124, aqua_neee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the last outfit I haven't found, Kronii's.
It's from the last 1k I had, I'm now broke with only 808 coins.
I hope Aqua will appear in the next update (Gen1 + Gen2).

>> No.33014300

i spent all night trying to do a halu stage 1 hard run and never got it. my last run i died with miko at the very end before bae spawned to all the red zone spam. i think i could do the level without halu with anyone easily now but now that's just boring

>> No.33014996

They need to be max upgrades you buy on anvils.

>> No.33015098

gacha/luck isnt even a factor any more, you can get like 40k+ coins per stage 1 roboco clear. maybe more on stage 2 but im bad and havent tried farming there yet.

>> No.33015141

is old save NOT compatible with this new update?

>> No.33015311

>coin grinding with the mooms
>superchat won't drop, exp glasses won't drop, halu didn't show up until 10 min mark

>> No.33015507

Is it possible to transfer a save file from one PC to another?

>> No.33015533
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, HoloCure Screenshot 2022.09.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know you could get 2 in one run, neat.

>> No.33015599

ofc anon

>> No.33015673

I haven't gotten any super item since the update that fixed them always dropping.

>> No.33015731

ya but it's not as simple as copy-pasting the file. https://old.reddit.com/r/holocure/comments/vmqy6z/how_to_edit_transfer_saves_between_pcs/

>> No.33015830

>Kronie get a non canon gold color with crown form for their 'boss' form.
>Expect the designer to do their homework and add the human sized kronies as a secondary enemy
>Instead he just shrinks the non canon gold ones and uses those.
I will always point to that as a black mark when people say this game is faithful to lore.

>> No.33016122

AZKi is god tier wtf. Rap dog + Frozen Sea+ her passives make her strong af.

>> No.33016276

Older saves should be compatible with newer ones.
Newer saves might not be compatible with older game versions.
Reroll and restart if you don't get Halu in the first 5 minutes.
I'm a lucklet, I never get more than 1.
inb4 the cheat build.

>> No.33016282

who's the best tank? for me it's Okayu

>> No.33016349

Ina in older versions.
Dunno if her gimmick is still doable in this version.

>> No.33016395

The update has been out long enough.
Hit me with some tierlist shitposting, /cure/.

>> No.33016490

Actual tank for me is Korone probably. 25% dmg reduction from daki and 15% from Endurance let's her take hits like a champ, and the bonus % healing from Chocokorone let's her heal up easy.

>> No.33016562

do i need to max out shop items to beat hard + halu 5 with roboco?
struggling to get past 15min all day

>> No.33016679

Attack to kill the mobs.
Speed to kite the mobs.
The others are optional.
I guess you can ditch Money Gain.

>> No.33016752

What makes the cutting board so good? Just damage scaling? Is it higher on flat characters, or does that only affect the size?

>> No.33016794


>> No.33016987

Her passive are Speed Haste and a 1/5 dodge chance both of which are gone on a single point of damage. I ranked her there because you have to prepare and work around it to keep her buffs off as opposed to someone like Korone getting insane speed by killing things

Cutting board is insane damage to a good AOE two times each time its triggered and that goes up with Haste. Its particularly good on bosses since it tracks enemies and the big ones are usually alone/few miniors. The buff for Gura/Ina/Susei is 30% to both size and damage which is pretty noticable and pushes it into insert (anime power-up here) levels of busted

>> No.33017028

I don't know what the cheat build is

>> No.33017150

A bugged build that got pushed out at some point. It had inflated rates for super passives drops, so people were easily getting multiples of those in a single run and destroying every stage on easy mode. And when it got patched, they copied the old files separately to still play them after the master branch is updated.

>> No.33017283

If a character doesn't have movespeed baked into their kit they're not worth playing, prove me wrong

>> No.33017329

Sounds cringe

>> No.33017518

>supposedly they playtest it
>Suisei and Mio come out in the same patch
Favoritism or incompetence?

>> No.33018063

make or post a tiermaker template with a bait list of your own and people will make one

>> No.33018076

I'm too lazy for that.

>> No.33018109
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>> No.33018454
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I prophesy: the next update will include JP Gen 1 and Gen 2, and the new map will be Yamato Phantasia.

>> No.33018539

Fuck thats a great idea but you need to bug them about it on Twitter or Reddit I doubt they come here to get ideas. Meme it until it comes true

>> No.33018574

the next update will have fuck you

>> No.33018669

>try Mio
>no idea what I'm doing

>> No.33018711

I feel like she's by far the weaker character if you play her normally, outside of a specific build. Basically, you want to focus on special meter gain and it'll be you main weapon. Then she's usable.

>> No.33018993

whats the best way to grind coins? is it just halu on endless? i am really autistic and want to get all the upgrades

>> No.33019089

It's hard to say what the best way is definitively, but Mumei stage 2 endless with max halu early is easy and probably more money per time spent than stage mode. Stage 1 with max halu is also easy and can be done with any character if you don't want to just play Mumei/Roboco endlessly.

>> No.33019150


>> No.33019182


>> No.33019215

>go to make a tiermaker list
>need to create account to make a new list
>need a twitter account to make a tiermaker account

anyways here's my list, now give me (You)s.

Study Glasses

Knightly Milk
Super Chatto Time!

>not that bad
Nurse's Horn
GWS Pill
Energy Drink
Face Mask
Gorilla's Paw
Body Pillow

>questionable value
Credit Card
Injection Type Asacoco
Idol Costume
Stolen Piggy Bank

>get this shit outta my face
Just Bandage
Chicken's Feather
Uber Sheep
Full Meal

>piki piki piman tier
Piki Piki Piman

>> No.33019230
File: 97 KB, 1366x768, moomay_endless_71499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 71k with Moomay in Stage 2 Endless 30 minutes.
Someone posted he got 73k.

>> No.33019276

Stopped reading there.

>> No.33019450

I know he's shit when he put Full Meal in the bottom tier.

>> No.33019786

How does Sora’s skills work with double healing?

>> No.33019849
File: 126 KB, 662x415, AZKi max rank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azu-chan my beloved

>> No.33019885

Wamy Water honestly feels stronger as a standalone compared as a collab

>> No.33019922

I have the zip file saved in a folder
How does the installer (for future updates), work?

>> No.33019977
File: 39 KB, 642x392, migoopi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Migoopi level 52.
Tied with Moomay.
Install the launcher if you want auto update.
The launcher will detect if there's a new update available.

>> No.33020039

Frozen Sea is the biggest bait. I tried it yesterday for the first time and it's fucking garbage. It does no fucking damage, zero.

>> No.33020071

Do I need to install the launcher at the same folder as my directly downloaded game?

>> No.33020102

I don't know, because I didn't use the installer.
It has a bigger file size (unzipped), almost twice the game only.

>> No.33020590

But I like standing still as Mumei w/ limiter.

>> No.33020693
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Well that's enough for one night.

>> No.33020957
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We need 10-rolls. . .

>> No.33021158

Suisei is shit.
She's just big numbers fag bait

>> No.33021202
File: 49 KB, 600x436, waifu_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is SHIT!

>> No.33021426

Suisei is objectively shit in this game

>> No.33021694

Why is Okayu so obsessed with onigiri? Isn't it just a ball of rice? Sounds like shit

>> No.33021739

it's pretty forced because she has nothing else to latch on

>> No.33021752

A problem with arguiong over items is that certain ones are great on some characters ass on others and certain ones are just great in a certain kind of build like Piki or Idol outfit

The only ones I can think of with no good use are Piggy Bank (pitiful returns and negatives) Injection type asacoco(Even suspect on Irys) and Ubersheep (Only characters have passives with dropping food at a good rate). Im on the fence about full meal as a lot of the later levels healing is more of a matter of surviving outright death from swams and double healing wont matter if you are dead yet I still think its an alright if niche item

>> No.33021772
File: 18 KB, 324x324, 1d99a67d20221fd47f5194591983c3e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like jelly-filled donuts?

>> No.33021843

XP doesn't help if it isn't picked up, your thoughts?

Injection's okay with nurse horns and anyone with a good attack pattern. Irys doubling up on it is nice.

>> No.33021848

I have a Joystick, but it doesn't work with this.

>> No.33021853

onigiri generally have fillings so its not as blant as you might expect...
Isn't it like korones yubi, fubukis burger, takos cookies? irys soda?

>> No.33021865

You better do another vid on this update Noble

>> No.33021992

They're fine when they're salted properly. There's a million different seasoning mixes to coat it with or stuff to wrap it with like various seaweeds, roasted seaweeds, and so on. That's not getting into the millions of great fillings either.

>> No.33022047

>Get Halu and XP early
>Quit and retry until you do
Nice game lmao

>> No.33022054

I agree about Limiter its underratred especially when late game mobs limit your movement but I stand by what i say about Injection Asacoco. I just dont think you get enough attack for the loss in health it causes. I find Mask much better for the role as a 1 level inventmewnt that doesnt wreck Daki and trades a little attack for haste

>> No.33022133

Yeah it's definitely a win more item. If you can manage it. I forget if injection gets higher than +80% attack and if you don't have any passives you lose on damage and wont get caught by swarms then it's free real estate. More of a minmax than a general item for sure.
Some day I'll get gorilla, mask, injection, energy drink, and nurse horn together.

>> No.33022446

I think it needs reworking like Purple Drank and Mask got. Add a little power to it so it doesnt look like a bad option compared to Mask and it can have a place on folks with lots of sustain . Either that or make the drain slower and more in line with a reverse Bandaid

>> No.33022479

She gets an insane amount of XP and is also as far as I know the only character that has stats that scale based off level.

>> No.33022532

The best onigiri I've ever had I made at home with Japanese mayo mixed into the Japanese rice (it's not gonna turn out good if you don't use Japanese rice) and chopped up pieces of salmon sashimi put in the center

>> No.33022702

What is Halu supposed to represent? I actually don't get quite a lot of new references.

>> No.33022762

Tried new update for an hour.
Several good balances were made. Dev fucking saved Kiara. Ame still feel the same and weak to me.
I tried Robo for 5 second and I was pissed. Robo's normal atk made Ame's look like a joke.

>> No.33022781

Halusinasi from ID, when you are creating a narrative in your own head.

>> No.33022817

Me too. Glad I'm not the only one. The weird thing is I'm not a newfag. But I don't get the new references added.

>> No.33022831

What was bad about Kiara before? What was the changes?

Are you rushing collabs or getting bubba early on Ame?

>> No.33022969

>Okayu is another streamer grabbing glasses and leaving it low levell
>Screaming "Hamburger hamburger" on gura with built in sustain

God it hurts but at least she didnt grab ubersheep

>> No.33023037

I heard Mumei got nerfed? I see people saying she's still the best.

>> No.33023085

>grabs low level weapon with shitty collabs instead of glasses

Friend has lower damage and now her feathers fly towards where you are facing before tracking effectively making them start slightly slow.. It makes her less stupid busted but shes still the best overall even if Roboco is breathing down her neck

>> No.33023221

>Are you rushing collabs or getting bubba early on Ame?
I tried everything on Ame. Ame is simply weaker than others. She doesn't have strong skills. Bubba is skippable imo. Not sure if some new items work well with Ame though.

>What was bad about Kiara before? What was the changes?
Kiara's trailblazer sucked a lot. It can heal now. Kiara's special can revive her. Pheonix shield didn't have much meaning in the past (why do you want to get hit).
But now you can use special to revive, use Piki Piman to take hit and regen special, and use Phoenix shield to tank better, and use Trailblazer to heal. Playing Kiara now is much more fun. It used to be a frustrating experience to play Kiara. All her skills didn't make sense.
Now the dancer buff doesn't get canceled when you stop, it just decreases very slowly (literally doesn't decrease).
BIG WIN FOR KFP and players who care for game balance

>> No.33023361

Bubba's not great yeah but he stabilizes the early game and still gathers stuff if you fall behind and lose control of the swarm so you can get back on trap.

Nerfed but still the best. They didn't nerf too hard thankfully.

>> No.33023398

>What was the changes?
Also, the changes made Kiara very hard to die. Just like a Phoenix.

I appreciate this delicate and befitting idea from Dev.

>> No.33023465

Is Limiter a bait pick on Hard1? it seriously fucks up the pool by constantly being there because you probably don't need it higher than 1

>> No.33023478

Halusinasi (Hallucination)

>> No.33023479

She's an ult spammer. Get the idol dress or if you're lucky enough, the gold version, then just focus on survivability for the rest of the items.

>> No.33023608

If you can't clear packs no it'll help you yank shit out. Yeah it fucks up the pool being a sabo unlock for some modes, characters, and strategies is a problem.
If you got xp glasses or halu then limiter 2-3 is nice and lets you grab 2/3 of the screen

>> No.33023643

Do you pick 4+ weapons you want for the collabs, or do you rush the first collab ignoring other weapons and items, hoping they'll come up again later?

>> No.33023650

I'm yet to watch a holomem have a run that wasn't insanely lucky. It's always at least one goldenboy, at least one super, at least one triple.

>> No.33023653

Gold dress is so incredible oh my god.
It's a real shame armor isn't collab capable. I hope they add that in a few months

>> No.33023687

Limiter is always bait either way. The pickup range shop skill goes to rank 10, +100% range is right there in every run already you just need to farm it.

>> No.33023695

Suisei da best

>> No.33023707

Golden YAGOO and triples aren't that rare. But yeah, I don't get supers every run. Only every few runs.

>> No.33023724

>Golden YAGOO and triples aren't that rare
I've gone strings of runs without them. It's a damn shame too because with coins rank 10 he drops about 10k coins.

>> No.33023743

Take all weapons I want to use but focus on upgrading 2 weapons for a collab.

>> No.33023846

I build 2 weapons for a collab and try to get it up as soon as possible since that'll carry. It's easy to take main wep/skills or armors when you don't get what you're looking for.
It's probably placebo but I don't like having rando weapons cause it feels like I'm losing slots and box rewards to them instead of getting the collab up ~15 levels earlier.

>> No.33023905

I'm only picking more weapons if i just don't have a choice. Collabs are too powerful. But it's mostly because i'm rushing halu for endless mode. Otherwise it doesn't really matter, you can do whatever.

>> No.33023984

building random non-collab weapons until you have 5 random non-collabs at 7 is so terrible compared to just one collab. It's ridiculous.

>> No.33024034

Mumei was never good in endless

>> No.33024051

Limiter is perma-bait once you got a few levels into the shop upgrade.

>> No.33024228
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i just use this with my wiiu controller, no software needed

>> No.33024252

Full Meal is good if you are going for the TankRyS build. With her already insane healing doubled she basically can't die unless you are dumb and walk directly into a mob of enemies.

Uber Sheep also has obvious synergy with Sake if you want to use that item since Sake gets buffed when you eat food.

>> No.33024462

>Uber Sheep
No. Just no. Sake passive is enough for crit characters. And the only character with food pickup synergy - Okay - already generates a ton of food pickups on her own.

>> No.33024491

I usually take Wamy Water because it's too fucking good for the early-mid game and grab two others for my first collab. I will prioritize maxing out Wamy first and grabbing passives but I don't prioritize upgrading them. I usually don't pick up another weapon until the 2 for my first collab are each level 6 or at the very least one is 6 and the other is 5 (saved up anvils included).

>> No.33024717
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30 minutes and 22 seconds

>> No.33024900

the only time I take limiter is when Im doing a coin farming run.
If Im doing some challenge I dont even bother getting the 2-3 coin items so no need for Limiter

>> No.33025275
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, hfgdhfgdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't touched the game after original release. Seems like old tricks doesn't work anymore. So what's a new meta for 30+ mins?

>> No.33025314

Is 100 Haste Mumei still viable post-30 mins?

>> No.33025493

The Nurse's Horn heals you for 6 HP.
It used to heals you for 10% of your Max HP.

>> No.33025565

Longest I got was 32 minutes as Gura with Glasses, Anvil, Just Bandage, Plushie, Headphones, and Halu. Anvil is not needed I think, so getting Full Meal might have been better.

>> No.33025794

Thinking more, I wonder if Plushie is still worth it. The duration is low and it super nerfs your damage. So Maybe:
Body Pillow
Full Meal
Just Bandage
Feels sad to skip Halu though. Could swap with Glasses.

>> No.33025860

>Not getting dragon fire every run
Do it for Kaichou.

>> No.33025864


>> No.33025942

Without hooking up a controller it's stroke inducing.

>> No.33026048

So hook your controller up. With controller it's probably the single best collab.

>> No.33026054

The plushie isn't triggered by ghost takodachi anymore either. But the damage penalty hardly matters when you're getting swarmed by YAGOOs. AO does most of the work at this point. But I don't think you can become immortal anymore. That's the point of the 30 minute YAGOO wave. To end the run and let you cash in the coins. "Endless" only supposed to mean "10 minutes longer than usual".
Maybe FBK could...

>> No.33026065

But constantly having to deal with the strafe mechanic is a pain
>Just use a controller

>> No.33026173

Do lazy figure 8's. Balls them up and you bore through then flip

>> No.33026185

I hate the chinks as much as the next anon, but I can't say I loved the reddit dragon either. Especially not considering what she's done after graduating.
And in general, I feel like more AoE spam is better than direct damage. The bosses don't really pose as much problems as the hordes of regular enemies. And they die to the AoE eventually. Crowd control is king.

>> No.33026193

Since I'm sure you're all curious, special timer does indeed freeze while you're waiting on the Phoenix Feather revive screen. Sadly.

>> No.33026231

So stream of tears circular motion scales with haste... Who stacks haste the most? Maybe it's good on them.

>> No.33026253

Stage 2 practically funnels enemies at you.

>> No.33026283

Did anyone get a super item late into the game? I got an impression that if one drops it happens early in the run, or doesn't happen at all.

>> No.33026303

It's long range aoe crowd control if your MC lacks it built-in you can keep spinning to win

Kronii maybe?

Yeah. It's just a random low, low chance.

>> No.33026367

I use it with Kronii and i honestly can't see the difference.

>> No.33026452

>Who stacks haste the most?
Kronii, Korone, AZKi

>> No.33026453

Ogayu did it!

>> No.33026473

Huh I thought I saw Okayu's speed up on her stream. Maybe I'm wrong and hoping for something good out of that horrible collab item.

>> No.33026583

Well, i USE it with Kronii, so it's 100% good. For Kronii specifically, to clear the space in your bubbles.

>> No.33026592

If you want to meme you can run it on mumei. Friend'll clone it occasionally. I guess you can be a sociopath and just built it and her main weapon to increase the use rate

>> No.33026710

She was using RBC ult. Even with 50% Haste the difference really isn't that much.

>> No.33026777

already bored, when's the next update kay yu

>> No.33026874

We still didn't solve the meta yet. what are you bored of?

>> No.33026904

Gen 5 update with 8bit Blue Clapper in 5 minutes

>> No.33026969

Escape from HoloID stage in twenty minutes bro.

>> No.33027062
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Anyone likes Ame? I do

>> No.33027084

holoCN stage for the autumn festival is uploading now, see you there bros!

>> No.33027132
File: 121 KB, 1365x767, 1641402232421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to beat stages with only the main weapon now.

>> No.33027141

>the holos who play the game rush awakening the main weapon first
I like how it got an upgrade in the shop now to make it more impactful. But the collabs are just so much more powerful.

>> No.33027191

That's just how Mio plays.

>> No.33027213

So what's the point of upgrading something to 120% damage and beyond? You can hit the Yagoos on halu 5 pretty consistently without it, so like why?

>> No.33027325

Two more weeks.

>> No.33027475
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>potatoes fly into the void beyond the stage area, where they can hit no enemies
Stage 2 was a mistake.

>> No.33027518

Tell me about Gura's main weapon, why does it feel so underwhelming? am I doing something wrong?

>> No.33027566

>Not realising that potatoes are flying into the void where they deal no damage
Honestly the mistake here is IRyS.

>> No.33027570

how do you know

>> No.33027583

she has a shit weapon and lame super but makes up for it with good skills

>> No.33027603

You take that back, sir.

>> No.33027630

taters are worthless anyway until you get the debuff collab

>> No.33027670

>lame super
Character buff supers are high tier in my book. The damage nukes are the lame ones, because they scale poorly.

>> No.33027863

AZKi Frozen Sea/ Rap dog is instant win.

>> No.33027868

You see this mistake with a lot of the girls playing. They have like 4 level 1-3 weapons that stop doing any noticiable damage fast and they cant figure out why tey are stuck when Glowstick and Idol concert and uber sheep wasted 10 levels and they passed on glasses good damage items and/or their own special abilities

>> No.33027887

Her Speed and Dodge don't drop off when hit, they just lose 2 stacks, Haste is the only one that fully drops

>> No.33027923

Okay nerds it's time to use the Wisdom of Crowds to find out what the actual best collabs are for farming. You get up to 4 votes to pick the 4 collabs you'd ideally finish in a coin farming run.


>> No.33027987

>Glowstick and Idol concert and uber sheep wasted 10 levels and they passed on glasses good damage items and/or their own special abilities
That's not what I asked about though. I meant, do you pick all CORE items for your build lvl 1, and THEN focus on one collab? Or do you RUSH the first collab, and pass the core items, hoping they'll appear again randomly?

>> No.33027994

That's correct. Awakenings are stable though

Bait, fun, sandbagging friend's selection pool, increasing water shotgun or flamer coco's

Awaken it and circle kite. No main weapon holds up to collabs. Once you have water blast you can just drive right through swarms with a little aim wobbling to keep the channel open

>> No.33028037

Get to 40 minutes and come back.

>> No.33028051

What the fuck is "Win"?

>> No.33028058

>No main weapon holds up to collabs
Comparing main weapons to collabs seems a tad unfair because your main weapon only takes 6 ranks to max out while a collab takes 14.

>> No.33028154

lmao what nerd voted Elite Cooking

>> No.33028156

Rap dog
Frozen sea
Broken dream
Dragon fire
In that order, with dragon fire's upgrade as the priority.

>> No.33028204

You just can't lose with that, no matter the stage you're in. As for endless it's just a matter of Kiting.

>> No.33028205

>Max XP glasses/Halu
>Level 1 core armors since they're harder to get
>Rush only the two weapons for the collab if you believe in the placebo effect giving more on-collab upgrades instead of having a level 6 spider cooking and 1/3 in your collab
>Level up the armors while building 3 other collabs and capstone with your meme Lv7 filler pick

>> No.33028211

She's /here/.

>> No.33028307

I was pointing out why gathering multiple weapons is a mistake. Its best to focus on something before you fall behind and cant take out enemies once the next spike in difficulty happens

>> No.33028359
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Collab poll as it stands. Seems some collabs really are just considered bad.

>> No.33028416

Some are just built different

>> No.33028622
File: 96 KB, 1279x750, SexRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 seconds baby

>> No.33028662

Actually, it depends. If you go for classic elite cooking and fujoshi collabs i doubt you'll have any problems with 4 unmaxed weapons, because all of them are strong individually. But if you'll spend 4 points for cutting board... good luck with that.

You asked for coin farming.

>> No.33028700

Is it still possible to survive infinitely?

>> No.33028742

I mean sure, but I'd expect people's coin farming collabs to be a rough general power list too since you can't be taking garbage beyond 20 minutes.

Doesn't look like it. Yagoo wants your run to end.

>> No.33028761

What can she even do to survive it? It doesn't help that Irys base hp is agonizingly low.

>> No.33028765

Maybe if you get nothing but Supers

>> No.33028785

Idol concert getting slept on, the fact that both damage portions had knock-back added makes it fantastic for buying space. Especially good for characters who already increase damage on enemies, like Gura, since Rap Dog's debuff won't stack with it.

>> No.33028817

I think they're all patched out since the super spam bug is fixed

>> No.33028836

Rap Dog's debuff probably beats it out.

>> No.33028898

she has a heal hp% passive when hit add that to the headphones and the plushie and maybe she'll last

>> No.33028936

Haven't had a chance to play the new update yet.
I thought Elite Cooking was considered high tier because of overlapping damage zones, what happened to it?

>> No.33028954

I JUST realized watching IRyS' stream, but... should I be saving the anvils to upgrade the Collabs, since it's the only way to upgrade them, instead of using them to level up regular weapons so I could get to those collabs faster?

>> No.33028996

Save anvils. You can use player skill and specials to get by

>> No.33029025

depends on your gameplan. you need to hit collabs by certain thresholds unless your character can survive waves at min 9/19

>> No.33029027

Kronii is the only one we know about so far. But this shit isn't easy. I was close a few times but still failed. And even if you succeed you still can get cucked by terrain.

I'm only playing endless and there is no way i'm picking all that garbage on top.

HP power up was nerfed hard and her Hope skill doesn't work properly. There is still some potential, but i don't think you can just tank Yagoo anymore.

It still is, but some people are forcing board and micomet for some reason.

>> No.33029035

Damage got hard nerfed. Still works fine, but definitely not the go-to best collab for every character now.

>> No.33029175

Boy, I just can't get a single win as Sora.

>> No.33029234

Don't mix up her with IRyS and build for damage.

>> No.33029239

Don't give up anon, I won as Sora in my 4th play.

>> No.33029294

>should I be saving the anvils to upgrade the Collabs
I had 4 anvils once and I tried to upgrade the Flattening Board 4 times.
One of those anvil upgrades actually "Failed" though. Apparently, the more you try to upgrade a single collab, the more likely it will "Fail" and you'll have wasted an anvil. Just keep that in mind.

>> No.33029327

You can still get pretty far and there's success rate upgrades in the shop

>> No.33029332

if you can survive, yea. DPS is king in this game, and you need upgraded collabs to get to the end of endless mode. maybe a crit build/ upgrades can get some characters by on their base move but i kinda doubt it

>> No.33029353

Build damage, and pick up Wammy Water but don't collab it. The knockback spaces enemies perfectly to be chainsawed by her stars.

>> No.33029358

I want to try perma special build at some point. I think Sora has some potential. Probably. Maybe it's just a bait and she just sucks.

>> No.33029364
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bros I'm having skill issues with halu 5 mio. I even got her favorite super dress yet the cooldown is still too long to spam her special so she's stuck throwing shitty cards praying omen procs often enough to regain special fast. I've been able to do halu 5 with most of the new chars but it's been a day I think with mio of just pure failing.

>> No.33029381

Are you making collabs at least?

>> No.33029395

Does that mean Credit cards are viable now?

>> No.33029439

Was never not viable. So, do you feel lucky?

>> No.33029469

I don't want to tell you to give up on your dreams. So I won't say anything.

>> No.33029482

is light beam really that bad? i'm a retard, but i've always gotten it in any run i made to the end of endless stage 2. what makes it bad exactly?

>> No.33029507

Fuck it, might as well make a poll for best farming characters while we're here too. Pick up to 5:


And the collab poll again:


Lets get a feel for what's good!

>> No.33029522

I disagree with this. My go-to has been Elite Cooking, Frozen Sea, Rap Dog and Flattening Board. You guys are really underestimating Rap Dog.
Idol Concert is definitely much better now but Rap Dog is an absolute staple IMO. The debuff is just too good.

>> No.33029561


>> No.33029586
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>> No.33029657

You can make it to 30 minutes with any collab combo. Light Beam is definitely the worst collab alongside Stream of Tears. Just bad AoE.

>> No.33029667

i see a lot of people say that roboco and mumei are the best characters, but honestly i don't know if i'm just building her wrong but i don't see what makes roboco anywhere near as good as mumei. feels like she's got DPS issues late in stage 2 and hard mode. nothing that can't be overcome with upgrading collabs, but that applies to anyone.
kiara, for example, seems a lot stronger than roboco to me.

>> No.33029701

>i don't see what makes roboco anywhere near as good as mumei
High impact sexual leveling up.

>> No.33029767

The direction of the beams is random, and the area of effect is narrow. As another anon said, it's not bad by itself, since all collabs are beastly compared to non-collab weapons. It's just the other collabs do more damage/have better AoE/or apply debuffs.

>> No.33029825

piggy bank worth it?

>> No.33029835

Roboco has built-in exp gain. More levels = more coins.

>> No.33029840

that makes sense. on that note, does anyone else kinda wish the game wasn't so collab meta? there's just no reason not to go for collabs, which kinda makes the weapon choice feel staid after a while. maybe it wouldn't be much different in the alternative though.

>> No.33029860

Yes, if you get it really early.

>> No.33029868

>Stream of Tears
Fucking garbage is what it is.

>> No.33029917

I'll have you know my wife was an honor student in AP classes

>> No.33029947

Sana can do push-back builds with non-collab weapons. Worked well enough before the update on stage 1. Haven't taken her to endless or the new maps though.

>> No.33029961

When coin drop is maxed it gives 3.6/second on stage 2. 3.6*1800 = up to 6480 coins from a single item that doesn't need ranking up. People are seriously sleeping on that shit.

>> No.33030071

>kiara, for example, seems a lot stronger than roboco to me.
depends on your preferred playstyle

>> No.33030114

Is there a playstyle other than build collabs and die to A-chan because all the weapon effects are covering A-chan's danmaku?

>> No.33030117

Who cares about 6k coins when a halu run gets me ~50k as it is. Piggy Bank is the biggest noob bait in the game.

>> No.33030118
File: 248 KB, 1281x718, KoroHard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone can also handle non-collab runs given how strong her basic attack is. I wish they'd add a no-weapon mode so you can focus level-ups on stats, as she would tear it up.

>> No.33030158

>Who cares about 6k coins when a halu run gets me ~50k as it is.
So why don't you just go pick up another halu instead then OH WAIT.

>> No.33030192

why not try piki piki piman if you're gonna get hit anyway

>> No.33030219

Stream of Tears is for characters that are fighting in close range. Kronii, Irys, Koro, maybe Sora, but i only played her once so i'm not sure.

>> No.33030248

maybe i'm fucking stupid but i think glasses are overrated. i mean, at least for non-endless runs. the levels you spend upgrading them aren't worth the extra levels you get in the end, and they also take up a slot. if you get them early enough that they'd actually appreciably increase your max level at important moments, you tradeoff being pretty fragile early game.
they're great for farming though.
anyway, i can kind of get putting ubersheep that low but really just bandage too? then you put nurse's horn in mid-tier. maybe i just suck at the game but i can't understand putting no healing item up in top tier.
chicken's feather is the best survivability item by far. i have no idea why it's so low. if you put it down there because it's a wasted slot for coin farming, then why would you have membership all the way up in good.
anyway, most of this list is common sense but there are a few things that i just can't understand about it.

>> No.33030249

Every 8 runs is basically an entire half hour saved.

>> No.33030260

The point is that nobody needs more than 50k coins per run. It's fucking redundant.

>> No.33030305

Glasses and halu give you another ~20 levels so you're getting another 15 levels in profit.

>> No.33030346

>an entire half hour saved
You're supposed to be playing this game for fun. If you have to """save time""" then go play something else you actually enjoy, you dumbfuck.

>> No.33030406

no yeah i mean i agree, they're necessary for coin farming. i just mean that i keep seeing people recommend glasses to the girls who are just trying to clear stages and they're really not a good item for that

>> No.33030430

What the fuck do you think coin farming is you fuck dumb? They're already doing it you umbfu ckd

>> No.33030444

>nobody needs more than 50k coins per run
It's literally one item that doesn't need leveling up that shits coins at you. Lets compare it to Study Glasses. Assuming >>33030305 is roughly correct with glasses 5 giving you 15 levels, that's 15*360 coins on S2 endless, since in the end levels just convert into coins. 15*360 is 5400. So in the end, study glasses 5 gives you LESS COINS THAN A SINGLE PIGGYBANK.

>> No.33030460

Sure, I guess. The piggy bank gives a little extra pocket change.

I was mostly satisfied with this run. Although, this run could've been a bit better if I got the Face Mask instead of Full Meal.
It's not like any enemy survives long enough to touch Mumei once she has so many collabs shielding her.

>> No.33030464

I got 71k with a Piggy Bank >>33019230

>> No.33030495

i mean there are plenty of games where i wanna max out shit, which takes grinding, which i don't necessarily want to extend as long as possible. max upgrades in holocure actually seems pretty intense time-wise unless you're specifically doing halu runs, and even then it takes a while.

>> No.33030536

They are though? Ramping up your level sooner helps you quickly finish the glasses then you surge ahead of the difficulty jumps and helps spam levelups to get collabs online sooner which gives a free ride.

He was saying for stage rather than endless. Endless isp robably more.

>> No.33030546

>Breathe-In Type Asacoco
why is this considered shit again? i myself dont use it because it locks out dragon fire and flattening board. would be it considered to be good if it didnt lock out those collabs or would it still be shit?
did idol concert's knockback buff make it worth using or is it still bad?
rip light beam.

>> No.33030567
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Damn if piggybank had dropped in my run I could've been the thread record holder.

>> No.33030644

if anons in this thread are to be believed, then even at the end of a halu run they give you 15-20 levels. i guarantee you that in a normal stage clear, then, they would give you 5-10 extra levels at best. add in the fact that you spend 5 of those levels upgrading the glasses, and that they take up a slot and they seem useless to me.

>> No.33030700

No, I'm saying that in stage, glasses give you about 20 levels which is a net gain of about 15 levels. Endless should be more.

>> No.33030724
File: 179 KB, 361x331, 1654609383401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way of the Mio is to stack up any item that reduces your SA cooldown, right?

>> No.33030793

The reason I farm coins is to
>get all the upgrades at the shop
>get every character to G Rank 20
>save up money to buy upcoming characters and alt outfits
When kay yu drops Stage 2 Hard in the next update, I'll already be set.

>> No.33030805

ok, i'm the retard then. still seems finnicky to me though

>> No.33030892

Someone posted a 73k screenshot with Moomay yesterday.
I forgot if he had a Piggy Bank or not.

>> No.33030893

The opportunity cost of pulling ahead of the level curve early giving you more levels means more rolls for collabs, getting ahead of difficulty spikes, and being less impacted by bad levelup rolls when you're building your 4 collabs

>> No.33030922

kind of? depends on the situation.
imo if im able to stockpile anvils i would keep them around to either pump up exp glasses ASAP or use it to upgrade halu when i feel like i can handle the difficulty spike. (the latter is not a go to strat i just like it as an ad hoc difficulty toggle.)
it could be useful for rushing collabs where if you have one or both at levels 5-6 you can upgrade them to max and be able to fuse them much more quickly.
overall while saving anvils isnt a bad idea i have more of an "use it or lose it mentality" i.e if theres a good chance im going to lose the dps race within a few minutes may as well use the anvils to even the odds. they wont do me any good if im dead you know?

>> No.33031052
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 73k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is (from the archive).
He had a Piggy Bank too.

>> No.33031077

>maxed out credit card
>only two anvils in a 30 minute run
>no credit card
>get ten anvils
i swear the "double the rate of anvil drops" is just increasing the drop rate from 1% to 2%.
getting anvils is still heavily rng dependent credit card or no

>> No.33031118

How do you guys get that many coins? I had Halu level 5 within first 10mins and even got Super Chat but I only got 48k total at most.

>> No.33031172

I was just warning that anon that anvils aren't always successful if you stack them all onto one collab.

When an anvil "Failed" to upgrade my collab, I went like 'What the fuck.'

>> No.33031208

>broken dreams
aint that shit
how fast is your mio? is it at least above 60%?
i guess you could cheese it by getting the revive feather
pikipiki piman is pretty decent at building meter

>> No.33031225

I forgot to mention I was also using Mumei so I racked up those kills well.

>> No.33031294

>How do you guys get that many coins?
The coin skill in the shop goes to rank 10.

>> No.33031341

I like her kit but being unable to aim anywhere but left to right really hurts when characters like roboco basically stat with a better version of her gun.

>> No.33031367

Re-upping the polls for best characters and collabs!


>> No.33031401

Maybe it's the Credit Card that's an underrated contributor to this high score.
If the anvils helped him max out his weapons/items so fast, he could then start collecting those level-up HoloCoins sooner.

>> No.33031413

Get Halu in the first minute (level 2 or 3) helps.
Increase your DPS so you kill faster and keep moving to meet new mobs and kill them.

>> No.33031458

It's fairly solid to like +4 though and you got 4 collabs

>> No.33031465

I like to think that getting Halu in under 1k kills is great, under 2k is fine, and after that it's just varying degrees of sadness. Remember to save those anvils to max it fast!

>> No.33031570

oh woops replied to the wrong guy my b
yeah it can fail. pre v0.4 i managed to bankrupt myself trying to get micomet to +10 during an endless run that went on for hours
you can get the anvil upgrade in the shop that maxed out gives a +15% chance for successful enhancements. this more or less ensures youll get at least 3 upgrades before you run the risk of failure

>> No.33031778

Do any drops or boxes ever expire? Do XP bits or coins expire if I go far enough away or wait long enough?

>> No.33031798

Do speed stat buffs picked from the level up screen affect Fox King? What about speed upgrades from the shop?

>> No.33031835

Anon's 73k actually ended in 29:32 so he could've gotten more coins if he had survived another half a minute (till Yagoo).
Both my 71k run and anon's 73k run had these items:
Broken Dreams
Flattening Board
Frozen Sea
Study Glasses
Super Chatto Time
Piggy Bank

>> No.33031847

i still consider her to be a good pick for newbies. shes the only one with a ranged weapon out of myth so kiting is super easy with her. bubba also helps with attacking enemies and picking up shit
her ult is a boss melter too
shes really straightforward. its how i got my first win in the game
obviously she pales in comparison to roboco tho. ame is roboco with training wheels

>> No.33031897

couldn't find it, didn't want to delay it forever. I'd definitely go for it if I saw it. it's like those runs where you don't find halu it feels horrible
yeah she was at 80+ to dodge

>> No.33031975

no drops expire
XP can fuse into bigger gems is near each other though so it might look like you've lost stuff

>> No.33031994

She's worse than the others because her attack pattern is more demanding. Everyone else in myth can just circle kite like retards.

>> No.33032048

>XP can fuse into bigger gems
Do they?
I thought it's a Vampire Survivors thing.

>> No.33032055

Thanks bro. I might try to see how many boxes and anvils I can get clustered on one screen

>> No.33032128

Don't forget the 71k in >>33030567 too which would be sat at 75-77k if piggybank had dropped. If you consider that run too, the pool of consistently good weapons shrinks a little since they didn't have Flattening Board.

>> No.33032252

I'm assuming yes since Gura has 2 debuff effects as it is (whirlpool and bite) but do we know for sure that Rap Dog also stacks with such effects?

>> No.33032258

got super dress with bae and had probably the easiest run ever

>> No.33032263

not before, but they do now
try it out yourself. cure some fans. leave the xp alone. keep curing fans and youll soon see the blue xp turn into green.
i think that helps with performance?

>> No.33032270

I remember I had like 10+ anvils when I did an endless run with Ina in the older version.
Sometimes the anvil appeared right at Ina and the Anvil screen popped up.
I had to move away from them because it's pretty irritating.
Thankfully the run ended after almost 50 minutes (I stopped getting stats after 3 minutes on Yagoo).

>> No.33032304

You didn't beat the game.

>> No.33032432

>using bae
you didnt beat the game

>> No.33032607
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First time trying the money farming build. SuperChatto time never dropped.

>> No.33032691

>Halu level 3
>money farming

>> No.33032709


>> No.33032734
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This is the most powerful I've felt during any run

>> No.33032765

>Halu level 3
I think you got bigger problems then Super Chat not dropping buddy...

>> No.33032797

can you guys stop speaking in riddles. the description stops mentioning money increase so it led me to believe it only causes more spawns

>> No.33032822

>spawn rate
Each additional upgrade adds 2 to the spawn rate, resulting in an increase in the effective spawn rate of new enemies by between 15% to 70% of base spawn rate at most times, depending on how long the player is into the game.
>coin gain from halu
Although not listed in the item description, level 4 gains the player 1 HoloCoin for every 2 targets defeated since taking the item, and level 5 gains 1 HoloCoin for every targets defeated since taking the item.


More dead enemies = more coins.

>> No.33032852

Brainletchama. . . more spawns = more $$$

>> No.33032873

>causes more spawns
That's what you need, anon.

>> No.33032946

>more spawns = more coins + xp
if you can handle the difficulty spike then getting halu 5 is absolutely worth it.
i think you get a bigger bonus too from winning

>> No.33033308

She wasn't able to beat Hard Mode on her first stream, which was 6 hours I think.
Mumei then beat her as the first holomen to clear it while Kaela slept, but Kaela woke up to beat it the next morning.

>> No.33033466

Would focus enemy mechanics work in holocure, like you have to beat Enemy A before you beat Enemy B or would that be too hard due too some characters not having control over it.

>> No.33033593

I just ran with it on Okayu and yeah the knockback is reasonably good. Its one shot and the same KB as any other item but like Rapdog its a utility choice. Probably mid tier and not a complete waste like it used to be

>> No.33033760

I'd put Gura tier higher, her 2 passives other than the dodge one are pretty busted, and she can do an insane amount of burst damage with her special combined with her passives.

>> No.33033936

Remember I was listing them based on not just strength but how hard you have to work. I actually think Gura is one of the best in the game with a perfect kit like Miko but if you gave say....Irys or Roboco or your little brother timmy the game and they played Gura they arent beating stage mode while Moom or Sana could sleep through it

>> No.33034021

Idol costume is great for characters that have strong specials.

>> No.33034179

i tier listed some other stuff on here and kinda wanna do items too but honestly a lot of it is dependant on character builds and its harder to poeg down. The only thing I know for sure is nobody should take Uber Sheep

>> No.33034419

brehs...I think credit card might be good...

>> No.33034474

It's not.

>> No.33034497

>Halu Lvl 5
>Don't do it.

>> No.33034547

I'm going to set a new coin farming thread record with it then explain to you why you're dumb.

>> No.33034640

What's the %damage of AZKi's special? I can easily OS any boss up until the real boss at 20min when I'm near them.

>> No.33034685

That warning is a trap.

>> No.33034699

The 20 minute boss is the last holozon box we get unless a golden Yagoo appears, right?

>> No.33034745

Someone needs to collect some objective data and see whether maxing CC actually gives you twice the amount of anvils or not or is it still left to RNG to see if it's worth it.

>> No.33034778

Yep. I once got two Yagoo in Stage 2 endless.
One appeared after A-chan.

>> No.33034834

How will you setting a new record in money farming with an item that doesn't affect the income of money you get in the game prove him wrong?

>> No.33035044
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Alright I took your advice and this is the second try

>> No.33035155

So what's stopping Kay Yu from adding mouse support for aiming/clicking menus? Gamemaker shit?

>> No.33035168

>item that doesn't affect the income of money
I'm not going to bother posting the explanation. Instead I'm going to put my theory to the test and THEN call you a retard using the screenshot. I just died in my current run at 29 minutes with 57k, except I didn't have Study Glasses (see: a huge deal). My idea requires me to play VERY dangerously.

>> No.33035177

>31047 vs 13676
Much better!

>> No.33035209
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My wife IRyS is strong

>> No.33035222

73K Anon here
I always try to reroll into halu as my first item. From there it’s a balance of maxing halu and feathers as needed, grabbing either glasses or piggy bank if they show up in that timeframe
My strategy revolves around grabbing at least one level for the passives just so rng won’t screw me later
The collabs in this run are actually not my go-to set. We don’t have concrete numbers so I may have just lucked into something. I do prioritize flattening board
I do think credit card is being slept on. It’s used to completely level up my second item for the 4th collab and the filler item as I just focus on coins whenever they appear for level up. You’ll still have enough anvils to +2 most collabs before 30 assuming you don’t get fucked by rng
I think the last passive has flex. Bandage or horns could work equally well but I could see arguments for face mask or limiter. In my experience you’re not hurting for food drops. The sub-30 death was unfortunate but I didn’t have attack maxed in the shop so it feels like a one-time thing
It all comes down to rng in the end. I’ve been trying to one-up my score but the closest I had was a 68K run with no golden yagoo

>> No.33035281

Oh and in that 57k run I got absolutely zero golden yagoos, triple boxes, or supers. That's on top of study glasses not dropping. My bad luck is insanely consistent.

>> No.33035310

Let me guess, your master plan is to use the "higher" chances of getting anvils to upgrade your weapons and items and use the level ups to get more money?

>> No.33035473

The idea is that the extra anvils mean 1) you get to a maxed out inventory faster so get to coin drops sooner, and 2) you might not actually need to have max collabs considering you save yourself 7 levels up by not doing so. That's an extra 7*360 or 2.5k. Spending a few hundred on upgrading just a couple collabs might be better. Question is what are the actual best collabs since those are the ones you'd need.

>> No.33035833

71k here.
I knew you had rolled Halu very early because even though I got to 30 minutes, you still earned almost 2k more than my run.
I didn't remember when I got Halu but it's probably in the first 2-3 minutes.
I didn't actually try to aim to earn coins as much as I could, I was just trying a Stage 2 endless.
It's the only endless run I have played so far and I think I got 2 Yagoo in that run, the 2nd Yagoo appeared in 25 minutes or so.
I haven't beat my 71k because I haven't played another endless run.
