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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32935236 No.32935236 [Reply] [Original]

Something about her just clicks with me. I don’t fully know why. Maybe it’s her humility and comfiness that reminds me of the early days of Holomyth, before fame and being “too big to fail” got to their heads.
Anyway, I’ve really been enjoying Aia Amare lately, despite rarely watching nijis before.. She reminds me of better days.

>> No.32935467

>I love this nerd
Aww cute
>Compares it to Myth
Aaaand is a baitpost..... sigh.

>> No.32935487
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>> No.32935785

I want to nut in her so bad you wouldn't even believe. I have to turn her into a single mother. I have to sex her anus. I have to make her beg for me to stop, which I won't, because I know how much of a whore she can be.

>> No.32936021

Fair, I should’ve complimented Aia without knocking anyone else.
Based nerd.

>> No.32936223

I pity her for being 3view so i"ll comment to bump you bait. No gona watch her though.

>> No.32936336

Made for full nelson

>> No.32936374

she look cute. too bad i dont watch nijisanji

>> No.32937845

she dropped that shit so fast after seeing her numbers lmao

>> No.32938071

>she dropped that so fast
Talks about said things if asked about them, you guys just thought she was going to be a sjw boogey man.

>> No.32938220

Her tweets and that shit in her debut stream are a huge fucking anchor she will never fully recover from.

>> No.32938486

>Shoto sepai hi!

>> No.32938570

She's terrible. Everyone just hopes she graduates as soon as possible.

>> No.32938767

That's called cope, anon.

>> No.32938824

I asked this in NijiEN general before, but I want to like her because her design is pure sex but she's awful at streaming. How do I enjoy her bros?

>> No.32940643

She's far from my favorite in nijien or even iluna, but I like her, I've watched a handful of her streams and enjoy her presence in collabs.

>> No.32940939

I'm a huge right winger who was turned off by her debut but I drop in on her streams now and then because I find her somewhat cute.

>> No.32940968

watch her muted

>> No.32941025

I will break her, make her renounce progressivism and become a proper submissive trad wife

>> No.32941094
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She has fancy footwork too

>> No.32941439

People really just follow inferior oshis to support an underdog and then become riddled with confusion when their oshi turns out to be exactly who she said she was

>> No.32941750

She has a great model and her voice is great and fits her perfectly. All the SJW shit never even mattered she never brings it up or talks about it. She really tries hard to be entertaining in her streams and I appreciate that. She actually gives a shit and streams. She just kinda fucked herself over by including the SJW shit in her debut. She needs to find her niche and she will naturally incline once she finds it.

>> No.32942333

To be honest, she should turn the GFE bait up to 11 and swear never collab with males, she has the voice and design for it

>> No.32942590

Isolating her from the rest of NijiEN is too much of a gamble considering every unicorn abandoned the company long ago, flocked to HoloEN, and has since an hero’d

>> No.32942715

Hi Aia

>> No.32942908

Her first collab was with her oshi in luxiem, it's too late for that lmao

>> No.32943769

nice drawing

>> No.32943825

literally who

>> No.32943977

Hi anon

>> No.32943997

Her model is pretty and her voice is really fucking cute

>> No.32945484

it's statistically improbable that 5 of her 500 regular stream viewers are gathered here in this catalogue bait, so nice try intern-kun

>> No.32945553

>I'm a huge right winger

>> No.32945675

I think she has a lot of potential. She just needs to get over her crippling social anxiety.
She's huge GFE when you hang out at her stream towards the end.... her goslings are the most dedicated I've ever seen

>> No.32947268

He just means he’s fat, anon. Give him a break.

>> No.32948592

>huge right winger
>outs himself as a retard who believes Kennedy is alive and waiting to crown Trump as King of America.
Do yourself a favor and neck yourself.

>> No.32948720

Seriously? She does GFE?

>> No.32948812

As opposed to what?

>> No.32948850

Aia has never been a SJW, but she's very clearly a progressive person trying not to offend anyone. Whether or not you're the kind of person who gets triggered by that is up to you.

>> No.32948911

>She just needs to get over her crippling social anxiety.
She's getting there. More Millie collabs will help.

>> No.32948953

She often talks about how much she loves Aiadmirers and how they brighten her day and she doesn't want to leave them.
She'll often spend hours talking with her small chat about nothing and letting herself be bullied.
At the end of her stream, she will turn on her "goodbye" screen and then hide herself somewhere on it after a minute and blow kisses or wink.
Also sometimes she'll write sweet messages in chat before she goes.

>> No.32949127

What a sweet girl. I really do hope she inclines the way Enna did.

>> No.32949182

Stop...you're going to make me watch her...

>> No.32949342

Very cute voice and I love her model.
Unfortunately, she collabs with men so I can't support her.

>> No.32949435

Is there a single Nijisanji talent that doesn't collab with men? Genuinely asking

>> No.32949515

I just watched her fnaf vod, I can vouch for this guy.
skip to around 3:24:00 for start

>> No.32949535


>> No.32949630

Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me, and I hate her for it. But her personality is really cute and I want to like her. Haven't been able to sit in her stream for more than 10 minutes at a time, unfortunately.

>> No.32949633

They're not idols. The idea is ludicrous.

>> No.32949736
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>> No.32949855
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Personally, I dislike her voice but she's very nice. I still won't watch streamers though. There are just too many other things to do.

>> No.32950065

Why are you on this board then anon?

>> No.32950338

For /vt/ itself. The schizo posts are fun and reading a few threads take less time/attention which is pretty nice when I'm on the train.

>> No.32950375

>the presence of otherworldly forces or beings
>possibility of other realities
So is she a fabled /x/tuber in disguise or just another disappointment?

>> No.32950884

what in the goddamn fuck

>> No.32951307

Back in my day, people like you would be banned on sight. 7 times.

>> No.32951411

To people who know what Hololive and Nijisanji are, but don’t give a fuck about vtubing, /this/ board is extremely hilarious.

>> No.32951530

>>32951411 (me)
There are a lot more people like this than you might think. Hololive’s like Jojo now, in that even if you don’t watch it, there’s so many memes about it that every weeb is familiar with it

>> No.32954231

Is there a market for fascists vtubers?
I don't think so.

>> No.32954452

>she's very nice
She is a far left extremist who even sounds kind of schizo when her voice shifts and she talks fast. She makes Feesh seem like a reasonable person in comparison.

>> No.32954990

I know this but people here tend to equate left leaning to sjws or overly progressive types, the amount of people that were saying she was going to fail because she’s too woke or shit like that weren’t few. While I do think she has legitimate problems she needs to work on I feel a lot of people here just treat here like a boogey man because of her views.

>> No.32955819

>equate left leaning to sjws or overly progressive types
What exactly makes you believe she isn't fully on board with the agenda anon? You know full well she is or she wouldn't have brought up extremely divisive groomer ideology with her underage audience so casually.
It is perfectly fair to judge someone based on the things they bring up on stream themselves. HoloEN is full of people with similar beliefs but they keep it all off stream so it isn't a part of their vtuber persona. Once they make it an issue then people need to make a choice if they want to support someone like her.

>> No.32955942

Isn't she a fujoshi? That's a huge disqualifier, men don't like that.

>> No.32955992

>I'm a huge right winger
Why do you admit to being a gullible boot licking retard?

>> No.32956036

Enna inclined with the help of female fans. They dont watch her after spamming collabs with ike.

>> No.32956864

Who is “everyone”? You, and the voices in your head?

>> No.32957135

OP is a faggot

>> No.32957255

Yeah lesson learned I guess.

>> No.32959382

That's it. I'm gonna get groomed by her

>> No.32960831
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You can always tell that somebody is a burger when they call some bland progressive liberal "far left". Anon, you have never seen a genuine far left extremist in your entire life.

>> No.32961429

I'm not the one bootlicking globohomo.

>> No.32961771

"Globohomo"(Shitty dogwhistle term for it btw, don't even try to pretend the "homo" part isn't intended to be homophobic) is a right-wing thing. What, did you think all of those billion dollar corporations and millionaire politicians and celebrities were left-wing?

>> No.32961942
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>> No.32961988

At least half of these were written by the same guy

>> No.32962039

She's not the hateful "Kill all men" kind or anything. You may disagree with her but she has a good heart and just wants people to be happy regardless of their gender identity or ethnicity.

>> No.32962134
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>she has a good heart and just wants people to be happy regardless of their gender identity or ethnicity.

>> No.32962550

"Sure we may go against everything the right wing stands for but we are totally right wing guys which is why we actively stand against the right wing." -Globohomo
Stop coping, I am not saying that those politicians, celebrities and corporations are literal communists but they are definitely not social rightists.

>> No.32962551

spats are so much better than panties none of you can prove me wrong, left or right

>> No.32963870

Like I said you can disagree with her all you want but she's not a bad person like many of the SJWs that just want an acceptable target to hate. I thought it was important to make that distinction.

>> No.32963940

So she won't hate me for wanting all jews to die?

>> No.32964139

I think it's cute how her parents watch her stream, while everyone around her is being a degenerate.

>> No.32964221

She already drew a line in the sand that she's an SJW fuck her. If she laughs at an Enna racist joke, will subscribe to her even member her.

>> No.32964501

How does being right wing make him gullible? Right wing views are completely natural and nearly every human that has ever lived would be defined as a right wing "extremist" when viewed through a present day lense. Meanwhile, left wingers are clueless and misguided, especially so with the ones in the 21st century. The term "useful idiots" springs to mind. I can tell you're a lefty, and your views likely match those propagated by the same bankers, politicians, and businessmen you claim to despise. You likely hate the problems of our society yet also hate the idea of natural law, like every other lefty. Just know that all lefties and progressives of today happen also to be marching in lockstep with those in power, the ones creating the problems in the first place.

>> No.32965543

Hell yeah brother!

>> No.32968956

I agree that people are freaking out too much about her politics, but let's be serious: there is no such thing as a non-SJW leftist in 2022. That is, unless you count the Old Left types who love Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong-un, but that's clearly not the group that Aia's in.

>> No.32969201
File: 189 KB, 620x509, widesemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waw waw waonwa weow woaw wwooaaa
bee bodda dadoop da dee bodda deep dee dee dee doo dee dee doo dee dee doo doo dee dee doo dee da dee da doo da da dee dee da doo dee dee doo

>> No.32971548

>Trusting woman
>Trusting Viets
Top kek

>> No.32972377

I like her to and don't care about her personal beliefs, long as she doesn't bring up that stuff in her streams she can do as she pleases.
Sadly this board is filled with people that don't feel that way, they'll alway crucify her over that stuff.

>> No.32973054

Hmmm let's see...
>inclusive bullshit since debuting
>rice purity is like 20
Seems like she got gangbanged in college by 7 dudes and 3 dogs and now she regrets and wants to acts inclusive to forget her past.
If you think this is not the case go outside more.
Most women are absolutely disgusting and shameless i hate women.

>> No.32973148


>> No.32973332

> Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me
Her speaking voice is gorgeous, what the hell is wrong with you. It’s like the first thing that stands out about her.

>> No.32973461

Bro, you should learn Vietnamese so that you can speak in the language of her heart =)

>> No.32973480
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Inshallah, brother. May all whores be put to death by stoning and their bodies left to the devouring sands of the Empty Quarter. Truly God is highest, greatest.

>> No.32973687

I don't believe that score. Wouldn't you have to commit multiple felonies to get that low?

>> No.32973774

She admitted to this on stream

>> No.32973801

She is my girlfriend

>> No.32973903

You just have to be a slut

>> No.32975934

Most questions are normal sex this, only like less than 30 are on the questionable side like police, incest,stis & bestiality. Most are normal sex things you’d try in life anyway.

>> No.32977274

She really should collab with Bao soon

>> No.32977569

The whole thing is fucking retarded. I think having done drugs is the same as having kissed someone, both of which are weighted similarly to having fucked a dog.

>> No.32978020

It really is like the
>right winger has a brown wife
Meme. Not dogging on you but I always wonder how this works out.

>> No.32979414

Not really, you just have to have a not-boring sex life.

>> No.32979774

this is extremely shizo. youre either lying or you live the most boring live unimaginable to spend time here if youre not into vtubers

>> No.32979910

whatever. as long as she isnt doing political charged streams it shouldnt matter what she wants to believe in. dont burgers scream about their freedom every damn second of the day. let her live her sjw life off stream if she wants to. shes still cute

>> No.32980040

be in one functioning adult relationship and try out a few drugs and youre down there. anyone who is over 20 should not have a score higher than 40 anyway, what the fuck. boring virgins

>> No.32980474


>> No.32981423

Incest, bestiality & doing hardcore drugs are the same score as holding hands and kissing too lol.

>> No.32981672


This is why the weighted purity test is the best. Being in a threesome will take off more points than holding hands.

>> No.32982506

> Had 2 or more distinct acts of sexual intercourse with 2 or more people within 24 hours

how is that an unspeakable act, thats not even that bad

>> No.32985244

she probably smells wild
