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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32899740 No.32899740 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.32899792 [DELETED] 
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trump lost
mori lost
homobeggars lost
wawa won

>> No.32899816

She won't use her normal voice.

>> No.32899864

Her voice is jarring

>> No.32899892

watched her rm bday stream and she seems real hung up on her age, kfp, is your oshi ok?

>> No.32899898 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeat detected, everyone laugh

>> No.32899906

Annoying voice (her normal voice is great) and I don't like people who tries to make everything about them

>> No.32899941

Every time kek

>> No.32899945

go watch gura react to gordon ramsey

>> No.32899974


>> No.32899990

I like her. Might be blunt sometimes but she has a great work ethic. I honestly don't mind her voice.

>> No.32900047
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>> No.32900116

She's fine.
Faggots just want seiso vtuber idols to become like obnoxious 'normal' womyn, because they are mentally ill.

>> No.32900121

Because you don’t like streamers that put in effort
Sides are on way to mars.

>> No.32900153

Kek. This is literally cuckbeat deflection thread.

>> No.32900168
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Every fucking time.

>> No.32900247

>kiwawa hate thread
rise of the orange board?

>> No.32900309

Nice post history, retard

>> No.32900524

cause she's fritz

>> No.32900547

You know people save images from the board for later use, yes?

>> No.32900650

And yet, threadshitters only save 5 pictures and use them on repeat.
Most probably because they’re phoneposters.

>> No.32900744

Europeans scare Americans.

>> No.32900857

>Posting a LITERAL cuckbeat deflection thread
Now say that without crying and shitting yourself.

>> No.32901261

Eggs have had a very hard time recently

>> No.32901878


>> No.32901929

lmao deadbraps are homobeggars confirmed

>> No.32902124
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>Attacking Kiara because they are too chicken to go after Gura
Lmao, KFPs I don’t like you but I like the Homobeggars even less

>> No.32902550

Try mentioning C*nnor, c*ckoldry, or Temp*s together for a quick ban

>> No.32902768

Do you trannies even use IRC anymore? Because I'm this close to hopping on to call you a faggot.

>> No.32902795

In one of her streams recently (I think it was one of the Tunic playthroughs) she kept going on about how awful it was that some airport staff wouldn't make an exception to her friend and let her travel with extra weight on her bag.
Small example but it happens constantly with her, she always think SHE (and by extension her friend, in this case) should be treated differently than everyone else, and how dare people not treat her like a princess and do everything exactly the way she wants!
That's just the kind of person Kiara is and I don't have the patience to watch it.

>> No.32902853
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something something homobeggars

>> No.32903272

>Loudest talks over everyone in collabs
>Jarring voice
>Everything has to be about her
>Numberfagged boohoo why aren't I more popular
While I get some people like these girls because they're playing characters, I don't like when they lean waaaaay too into it so when I hear kfp this or kfp that it gets annoying

>> No.32903548

Her austrian lineage is the problem. Nobody like germans, even less the wal-mart version.

>> No.32903704

>the rest of the holoen dont know how to fill the space on stream
>Im a schitzo
>I D O L
>She cares (unless reclingurrers)

>> No.32903802


>> No.32903879
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>>Loudest talks over everyone in collabs
>>Everything has to be about her
Threadreaders really still believe it's 2020-early 2021

>> No.32904055

The absolute state of jannies
If I posted this exact same thread with a Mori image, I'd get banned.

>> No.32904062

Because you're a woman and you feel threatened by a sexual competitor that you perceive to be superior.

>> No.32904868

The jannybeat gets really mad over the word "cuckbeat" and deletes any post that uses it

>> No.32904966
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>> No.32905602

Two reasons. First her voice is grating to listen to, made worse by it not being her natural voice, so she's making a conscious effort to filter people despite being the biggest numberfag in EN. Second, her fanbase are the most obnoxious fucking shills on the planet, bringing her up at every opportunity they can, blindly praising everything she does, and flocking to her defense over every slightly mean comment about her with their cope egg seethe or some shit. I can poke and laugh at the pathetic behavior of [insert fanbase here] over the latest meltdown, but the unironic self important air of superiority that KFP try to maintain makes me hate them with a passion. And in turn, I dislike Kiara, because she's responsible for creating her abomination of a fanbase.

I'll take my egg seethe now, KFP fags, cause I know you can't resist it.

>> No.32905771

Hearsay. Conjecture.

>> No.32905785

>her fanbase are the most obnoxious fucking shills on the planet, bringing her up at every opportunity they can, blindly praising everything she does, and flocking to her defense over every slightly mean comment about her with their cope egg seethe or some shit.
Name one EN fanbase that doesn't do this

>> No.32905937

First two are kinda true, though not necessarily in a bad way. It's probably because of audio delay but she does end up talking over people a lot (usually when trying to make conversation happen when the collab is mostly silent) and her go-to for topics is usually talking about herself and then asking the other person if they have similar experiences.

>> No.32905970

>her fanbase are the most obnoxious fucking shills on the planet, bringing her up at every opportunity they can, blindly praising everything she does, and flocking to her defense over every slightly mean comment about her with their cope egg seethe or some shit.
But enough about chumbuds

>> No.32905990

>>32905785 (me)
Sorry I thought this was a Mori thread. I was talking about cuckbeats.

>> No.32906115

kek this

>> No.32906152 [DELETED] 

I see the cuckbeats are still seething that their fat wigger is the Judas everyone claimed Kiara was going to be

>> No.32906195

>proof for literal deadbeat deflection
>ok cool, so when will mods do something about that, what even was the reason for him getting banned

>> No.32906209

More likable than the majority of her gen, homobeggar

>> No.32906318

non-meme answer. when she debuted and she was getting depressed about her numbers being the worst in Myth it really pissed me off when she breezed past my oshi and several others who built the platform for her success in subs. Since then I have grown to appreciate her for sincerely loving her fans, appreciating hololive and trying get better rather than blaming the fans

>> No.32906358

I accept all of this. You don't have to like her.
It's the homobeggars deflecting and getting assmad over Kiara not wanting to do a homoEN collab I have a problem with.

>> No.32906611

Everyone gets like that when they turn 30

>> No.32906705
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chumpedo deflection threads

>> No.32907013

She is Austrian. They are fucking annoying and full of themself.

>> No.32907110

Unironically, in order to prevent Kiara from hitting the wall soon, she will have to be sustained by large amounts of Eggcoom to re-invigerate her essence. Thats how Marine survives, trough the flow of sexual energy, appreciating many men at once.

>> No.32907119

Two things: Voice and Color Scheme. Her voice has this sharp, false edge to it that can be grating for many. It's like beer where you have to get used to it but in the vtubing world where there are so many options now, 'getting used to' is something that's no longer possible. Then there's her color scheme. Inherently there's nothing wrong with the design, but it's been prove that while bright colors draw your attention more easily, they're not very conducive at keeping your attention. It's why color schemes like blue (which often convey a comforting feeling) and dark schemes (which are typically inoffensive) fair better than bright ones.

>> No.32907195

You're just anti-idol.

>> No.32907294

Seems more likeable now than before.
Probably because she did not live up to everyone's worries about bringing on the current trend of western bullshit to the jps.

>> No.32907420

I dislike kiaras voice but i dislike mori as a person more

>> No.32907528

>still trying

>> No.32907646

she's a gigastacy so i can see why people might find her annoying.
she's also an austrian weeb. to some, myself included, these traits react together in a process of mental alchemy that transforms her annoying points into cute points.

>> No.32911916

>Probably because she did not live up to everyone's worries about bringing on the current trend of western bullshit to the jps.
This is the one big thing which doomposting retards don't seem to understand. You have it very, very good with HoloEN compared to the other big corpos in the west.
Despite hiring people like Mori, Kiara, Kronii and Mags, management has somehow kept them all on leashes and avoided political commentary that is divisive for the most part.
Vshojo I don't need to mention so compare to NijiEN instead. Lazulight, the first fucking wave, has hardcore lgbt ideologues that share these views on stream and Feesh even had to apologize to her community for her behavior on this topic recently.
Then Obsydia was the non-political wave, so good for them, but every single wave afterwards is just as, if not more, politically extreme than Lazulight is.
All HoloEN has for a brewing controversy is whether men and women should collab together, something that is only truly controversial with normal people in certain Muslim countries, not even SEA Muslims give a shit.
So stop acting like it is the end of the world and Chimkin and Shork are saviors of the branch somehow, I beg of you. Save this energy for when it will really matter.

>> No.32912460

Why are you spamming so many kiara threads lately?

>> No.32912694

Desperation. >>32912460

>> No.32912764


>> No.32912808
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This statement of hers made some people to lose their fucking minds.

>> No.32912842

>She has all this money
>Still no invisalne or braces
Snaggletooth till she dies?

>> No.32913116

every fucking time

>> No.32913172 [DELETED] 

homobeggar or cuckbeat detected

>> No.32913516

I unironically love watching kiwawa.
Her streams feel like some highschool giga stacy randomly took a genuine interest in weeb stuff and videogames and now hangs out with you sometimes
She's annoying but at the same time endearing and the normieness just makes her more likeable somehow

>> No.32913752

the baby talk you freaks constantly lapse into is so fucking gay.

>> No.32914018

I think she's fine and I watch her sometimes. She's sweet and a bit needy. I don't get the hate for her
>The chicken voice
I find it tolerable. I find Bae's voice way more jarring

>> No.32914200
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HAHAHAHA, One for the cringe comp

>> No.32920438 [DELETED] 
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Cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.32920680

Man the homobeggers are not happy Kiara chose not to collab with the guys huh? Absolutely livid.

>> No.32920866

She's the second MOST likeable in Holomyth at this point

>> No.32920867

I'm loving this arc. I membered the chicken just because she has the balls to not pander to redditrannies

>> No.32922523

Today I will remind them


>> No.32922676

Same, all the "negative" things I read I actually unironically like. Her voice? I fucking love it, my ears and brain melt. Her bitchy and complaining about everything attitude? Literally the definition of european, and I love it. The only thing I don't like about her is the cult-like relationship but that's me being the weirdo cause everyone seems down for that. She's also a menhera but who isn't

>> No.32922784

Being a big corpo vtuber is the ultimate form of cuckery. Can't even date anyone cuz their stuck at home streaming everyday

>> No.32923227

that was right before the holotalk with yagoo
nobody would even think to ask their fans for permission to collab with their boss, but she did it anyway
thanks for the reminder about how considerate she is

>> No.32923336

That was before the collab with Yagoo though

>> No.32923403

She asked her audience and then respected them enough to not go through with it

>> No.32924360

Keep pretending like she wasn't testing the waters. If male collabs drew in numbers she would be the first to suck cock.

>> No.32924541

dropping her fake voice would draw in numbers too but she hasn't done that either
you homobeggars aren't very smart huh

>> No.32924797

If kiara wanted numbers she would stream at NA primetime playing buff games.

>> No.32924831

>still coping

>> No.32927171

>still seething

>> No.32927439

And do they go through the trouble of making the same exact filename as the one they downloaded?

>> No.32927856

lmao retard

>> No.32928009

Kiara is now one of the most beloved in /vt/. Sorry bud you lose.
