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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32904377 No.32904377 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they called Unicorns? Why is that the term exactly?

>> No.32904418


>> No.32904579

Interesting. I've literally never heard of this before. It's ironic how it's supposed to be about the "sworn protection of someones virginity", and yet these unicorns themselves want to be the ones to fuck the girls, so get mad at males for interfering.

>> No.32904699

Yeah you dont hear about it a lot cause unicorns are mostly used in little girls media

>> No.32904852

>these unicorns themselves want to be the ones to fuck the girls
You're retarded twitter user if you assume this. That's probably just a tiny subset of them. The vast majority probably just watch vtubers to cope with loneliness and don't want to see them interact with males because it's their coping mechanism. They don't believe they have any chance with the chuuba.

>> No.32904928

That's hardly a coping mechanism. If I were in the situation you're describing, watching the streamers I was a unicorn for would just make me more miserable.

>> No.32904974

"males are bad unless it's me" is literally the definition.

>> No.32905028

No its not
The males in the streams that they dont want there actually interact with the chubas
Watchers do not
Theres a clear undeniable difference

>> No.32905102

>They don't believe they have any chance with the chuuba.
Of course they don't. And that's why they get jealous and angry when men join the picture.

>> No.32905108

>Pretend to be an anime girl and collect simp bux for a living
>"wtf why are my viewers fucked in the head???"

Imagine being so retarded that you think pretending to be an anime girl for a living will attract a mentally healthy audience.

>> No.32905121

So they're like one of those pokimane/amouranth simps but even more pathetic? Suge..

>> No.32905155

I don't care what I am, all I want is titfuck Zeta. Look at those melons.

>> No.32905218
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>elusive and untameable by whores
>only want to be ridden by virgins
>can judge moral character
>will make exceptions for those pure of heart
>susceptible to being trapped and exploited when women are used as lures
>only ever attacked by the transparently evil
Yes, this is what it means to be a unicorn. Friend to none, enemy of all.
t. vtuber in denial
Yes, it does.

>> No.32905262

I'm a bicorn, which chuuba is for me?

>> No.32905266
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>IRL women streaming? Fuck that I'm not watching that.
>the same woman but with a poorly animated cartoon character moving around slightly instead of a facecam? FUCKING SOLD
Watching vTubers is an incel hobby to begin with. Have some empathy.

>> No.32905276

Haachama, there's literally two of her.

>> No.32905517

vtuber fans are just camwhore fans in denial and i'm tired of pretending otherwise
especially since there's an entire fucking industry built around the sheer concept and they're ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY doing it for the money

>> No.32905638

>vtuber fans are just camwhore fans in denial
Vtubers have no body to whore money off of unless you go all the way into retarded kson territory. Instead, vtubers have to have a nice personality to get views. Imagine that, girls with a nice personality.

>> No.32905743

>the same woman but with a poorly animated cartoon character moving around slightly instead of a facecam? FUCKING SOLD
This but unironically.
No. We're camwhore fans who want our camwhores to be anime instead of real.

>> No.32905775

Then why don't JP gachikoi get mad when JP chuubas interact with males during sponsored streams or when they interact with yagoo?
Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about and just came here from twitter because you want to "dunk on them incels". You don't understand incels or vtuber culture.

>> No.32905852

>why don't JP gachikoi get mad when JP chuubas interact with males during sponsored streams or when they interact with yagoo
Because they're weak

>> No.32906391

Because, they aren't retarded.

>> No.32906517

The ones that are most corrupted, so to /vsj+/ you go

>> No.32906808

>throw money at a woman
>invest time and effort watching her streams and flattering her ego
>sit behind a glass wall and wave to her while she interacts with men who aren't (You)
They really are, unironically. If they had any stones, Cover would've been kyoani'd a long time ago.

>> No.32906824

No. The appeal is the model as well, because you get to 'interact' with a 2D character. Based on your logic would a flat women who always wears 3 layers of clothes be on the same playing ground as a vtuber? If she has a personality that's just a cherry on top, but Veibae swearing and talking about tits and dicks all day sounds boring af won't affect her numbers.

>> No.32906933

Can you FBI faggots just give up? Everywhere I go you faggots are trying to instigate incel or right wing attacks. Nobody is going to fall for it.

>> No.32906935

that's the cope of "it doesn't count because it's sponsored". simple as.
i'm going to sponsor a gravure session of pure chuubas

>> No.32907007


>> No.32907117

I really want a vTuber who starts out seiso and family friendly and then becomes a corrupted slut doing secret xxx streams.

It would piss most people off but I'd be cumming buckets. Lewd streamers are boring which is why vshojo is so shit

>> No.32907161
File: 510 KB, 1280x853, C480AB5A-F271-4E41-A93C-9308F339B4C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone uses the term wrong. The unicorn is the Streamer and the audience is the unicorn seeker/watcher
> Homobeggars and antis
These are the poachers trying to kill the unicorn. If it’s not a normal horse it has to die mindset. Of course the Unicorn seekers/watchers are then left distraught if the unicorn is killed/dies.

>> No.32907300

You are the only one using the term wrong, sweaty. That doesnt make any sense.

>> No.32907615

Massive cope. They seek the pure devotion they themselves lack and are completely undeserving of. But they don't wish to ride the unicorns. Rather, they desire the vain satisfaction of only ever being surrounded by unicorns without having to offer themselves up. That's what makes them unsightly and unworthy.

>> No.32910160

The point is that in mythology, unicorns can only be tamed by virgin females.

>> No.32910239

Unicorns only shop up for pure women. That's why they're unicorns. Fucking watch the movie you posted a picture of they explain that.

>> No.32910405
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