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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 205 KB, 1200x630, Hololive-community-says-goodbye-to-VTuber-Kiryu-Coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32898378 No.32898378 [Reply] [Original]

Coco was already declining as a content creator long before her graduation. Asacoco was where she peaked, and Meme Review was unwatchable, uninspired garbage.

>> No.32898556 [DELETED] 

uhhhmhmmm uhhhhhmhmmmmm

>> No.32898574

Not a fag so I don't swallow, but where's the part that's hard to accept?

>> No.32898656

if you thought meme review was unwatchable, you should try watching one of her meme review videos after graduating
they make her old meme review streams look like masterpieces

>> No.32898662

CCV is an utterly worthless metric, having a few thousand extra greyniggers spamming the chat with "PLS SAY ARA ARA" makes absolutely no difference in the amount of money chuubas make or the quality of their streams.

>> No.32898766

The purity-spiraling concernfags that post /here/ don't operate against the chuubas that perform actual sex work, only the idols and idol-adjacent ones

>> No.32898930

Mori is a really good position as a streamer despite the hate she got from not trying to be 'idol'.
good SC. good CCV. despite being unicorn-free
have something else outside of being a Vtuber like music and anituber network.

She suck at everything but she manage to success.

>> No.32899190

maybe the managers shouldn't have stopped her from doing asacoco then?

>> No.32899227

>and Meme Review was unwatchable, uninspired garbage.
The memes were unfunny but the interactions made it enjoyable. Her new "meme review" (i.e. look up random shit on google images) is infinitely worse.

>> No.32899240

Anon she said it herself, Asacoco was way too much work for her on top of her existing schedule.
The truth is more likely that she simply ran out of ideas for the show.

>> No.32899452

yeah she just ran out of ideas right after the managers started demanding that she presents every episode to them beforehand
then she ran out of even more ideas after the taiwan thing

>> No.32899516

Many anons here seem to hate Coco's meme review, but I actually liked it. As the name "reddit shitpost review" implies, the memes were shit 90% of the time, but the reason why I liked it is because of many 1-on-1 collab opportunities she had to interact with other members. After Coco left I don't think anyone ever managed to collab with a different member each week. Also, we had some nice reactions from various homomem such as pekora reacting to ogeys and completely having no idea what "pain peko" is despite being the one who started it and so on.

>> No.32899541

I never watched her because she was boring.

>> No.32899593

If managers or taiwan were the issue, she would have brought back an Asacoco like show when she went vshoujo.

>> No.32899630

Gura will eventually collab with EN star and it's probably sooner than you think.

>> No.32899638


>> No.32899654

She just about outright said that she was not allowed to do Asacoco anymore.
Literally the first thing she did after Souchou debuted was start a new morning show that was basically solo Asacoco.

>> No.32899658

the other vshojos don't even stream except mouse
there's nothing to report on

>> No.32899743

Cover is pushing to normalize male and female colabs

>> No.32899769
File: 359 KB, 920x900, 1635740304839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one that applies even to people itt:
You can not want Tempus to collab with Hololive without being a unicorn.

>> No.32899807

this is literally the consensus. The issue is that asacoco was being blocked and crippled by management

>> No.32899853

She hasn't followed them, hasn't mentioned them, and deliberately avoids mentioning them even when reading superchats (e.g. someone's name is "Magni Simp"). I don't see when or why she'd flip.

>> No.32899886

The English branch specifically? 100%, but that's in large part because Omegay is non-binary and wants to normalize that shit to give himself an opportunity to really start grooming the girls.

>> No.32899911

This is true in the sense that /vt/ has totally bastardized what a unicorn means. Watame and Fauna don't collab with males but they're not unicorn-friendly.

>> No.32900031

Unicorn is just another buzzword now. It means whatever is convenient for me specifically in this argument about girls streaming with anime avatars on the internet.

>> No.32900112

finally someone had the balls to say it
this foghorn of a woman was never entertaining

>> No.32900531

The people who post on here to spread rrats about vtubers they hate don't actually care about the hobby. They're more addicted to the dopamine hit that they get from people replying to their posts than they care about watching streams.
Every large drama that happens brings in more of these types

>> No.32900574

Here's one, anon.
Most rrats are started by people that like the vtuber in question.

>> No.32900655
File: 176 KB, 607x389, 1636772227253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtubing is in decline because normies are losing interest. but the worst hit will be large corpo chuubas

>> No.32900740 [SPOILER] 
File: 506 KB, 1020x824, 1661612861100480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still love her tho

>> No.32900774

That's simply not true, unless you mean inverse anti.
Especially on the /jp/ side. I've been keeping close tabs on my oshi and it's not her fans spreading shit about her daily.

>> No.32900803

God, tongue piercings are disgusting.

>> No.32900886

I think the biggest decline is already behind us with covid culture mostly being over, those that would get hit have already gotten hit.
At worst, big corpos might just recede back to Japan, folding in talent with staying power into a single EN label.

How do you keep track of who spreads rrats on an anonymous image board?

>> No.32900913
File: 55 KB, 438x327, 1662813629890322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Calliope is one of if not THE most successful hololive EN vtuber in the current batch of myth/council/tempus and will continue to grow with hololive until it eventually dies.

>> No.32900991

how strong is JP anti culture
don't hear much about them here

>> No.32901025

If you want to be a numberfag, why not check out the meme review numbers?
Tell me if that's decline, retardchama.

>> No.32901041

This >>32899886 is what I'm talking about.
they think its only EN

>> No.32901157

I rrat about vtubers I don't watch, not about the ones I do watch. I may try to defend the vtubers I watch, which I suppose means I join the discussion anyway.

>> No.32901189

>I rrat about vtubers I don't watch, not about the ones I do watch. I may try to defend the vtubers I watch
Autistic or female?

>> No.32901542

Sadly true. She knows the brand name can't carry her forever like Kronii so she puts in the work into her music. Albeit they are dog, normies dig that shit and her numbers are slowly but surely on its way to mog the shark.

>> No.32901583
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1656313479327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I got into chuuba culture after the Taiwan yab but I'm still having a hard time understanding it.
Why would they get irate over such an innocuous observation when they themselves, using VPNs to Taiwan to bypass their country's firewall, are living proof that it is a distinct polity?

>> No.32901665

Bugs have no self awareness

>> No.32901688

>how strong is JP anti culture
Far worse than here. For reference, my oshi is Mikeneko. To my knowledge, here's a few things they've done
>attempted to dox her location with urls
>doxxed her fans, through links or by impersonating fans and inviting them to Discords
>publically doxxed a 10 year old girl on 5ch, just because she was a Mikeneko fan
>publically doxxed some highschool kid,, posted photographs of his route to school on 5ch
>sent mutilated cat pictures/gore to an anon on here, which couldn't be found in any reverse image search engines (consider the implications)
>spread every manner of rumour about her private life, with no evidence, which get picked up by websites and published as "fact"
>death threats and general harassment on a daily basis
>stirring up problems in the communities of any game she plays, including spreading false rumours about her fans
>falseflag as her fans to make other content creators hate her through harrassing DMs

>> No.32901713

Chinese bugs have a warped sense of nationalism because they live under a strict, communist totalitarian regime.

>> No.32901766

Kys zhang

>> No.32901784

Truth bombs?
"Talent freedom" was a convenient excuse. Chinks spammed everything. Including things not including Coco like the Gen 1 anniversary concert. Coco kneeled for Hololive. Fubuki does have chink spammers, so maybe it was all for naught. Still all the
>Talent freedom
spammers are deluding themselves if they think that's really why Coco graduated.

>> No.32901798

Vtubers are fucking boring and the only reason people watch them is because they use cute anime girl avatars. If they were actually entertaining they wouldn't need to be vtubers in the first place.

>> No.32901806

>Not unicorn friendly nor the most GFE of all of HoloEN

>> No.32901850


>> No.32901880

But unlike Kiara she hasnt outright say she wouldnt either

>> No.32901902

You know the talent freedom meme was made up by /vt/, right?

>> No.32901968
File: 50 KB, 671x750, 7A728318-BF49-4088-BA30-74CA8B91CD60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of us are both

>> No.32901969

Women have traditionally struggled to break into streaming outside of cam whoring because the typical streaming audience (preteen boys) have no interest in women outside of sex. Vtubing attracts an audience that has a greater potential to be interested in a woman's personality in addition to preteen boys.

>> No.32902518
File: 313 KB, 1279x720, 1640954730540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempted to dox her location with urls
how, are they getting her to click stuff or are they just trying to decipher urls they see and hope it contains relevant information
>doxxed her fans, through links or by impersonating fans and inviting them to Discords
>publically doxxed a 10 year old girl on 5ch, just because she was a Mikeneko fan
>publically doxxed some highschool kid,, posted photographs of his route to school on 5ch
that's absolutely fucked. i'd feel fucking terrible as a talent if people are getting hurt just because they like me. what the hell japan?
i was reading the other day about the extent mito took to protect her identity and i was comparing it to how enna and millie were surprised that no one recognized them at a con. while the latter two should probably start exercising more caution (thankfully pomu is suitably paranoid), i now understand why mito did the things she did since she grew up knowing the culture there. does this shit extend past vtubers as well? there's so many celebs there that are much less anonymous, do they attract the same level of schizos?
thanks for the info by the way, i'm like 5k vocab into japanese but i haven't made it a habit to browse 5ch yet.

>> No.32902658

1. Due to powerful government propaganda they actually think that Taiwan is owned by China and anyone that says otherwise is directly attacking China and Chinese people, so they get really mad over it. Brainwashing, basically.
2. Multiple Holos have done Taiwan "yabs" in the past, Cover apologized and said they would instruct their talents about the sovereignty of China over Taiwan so they don't make that mistake anymore (this was a lie and basically just PR, obviously. They probably just wrote an email that said "don't say Taiwan" that most of the girls didn't read)
3. Haachama did a Taiwan yab of her own the night before (while Coco was asleep) and her Bilibili channel got banned.

Because of those points, they interpreted Coco's Taiwan mention as a deliberate attack on Chinese people, as revenge for Haachama getting banned the night before, rather than a complete coincidence which it actually was. To make matters worse, Cover management forbid Coco from talking about it, so she was unable to explain herself until it was too late. They instead opted to appear to punish her in the hopes that the Chinamen would calm down, but that didn't work. The Chinese antis then used Coco's silence and lack of apology as proof that she deliberately tried to insult Chinese people, allowing them to build an army of angry spammers, including schizo nationalists from outside of the vtuber fandom.

Interestingly this also indirectly led to Rushia getting fired. After her Discord yab she was instructed to shut up and do nothing, but after seeing that strategy fail with her friend Coco she decided to try to clear her name on her own, which lead to management axing her.

>> No.32903039

>that's absolutely fucked. i'd feel fucking terrible as a talent if people are getting hurt just because they like me. what the hell japan?
Yeah, that's one of the most awful things about it. She's definitely aware of groups going around doxxing her fans (I believe she's given us warnings on Twitter about it), so I hope she doesn't take this stuff too personally or blame herself for it
She's brought far more joy into the world than pain, and I really hope that she understands how important that is for some of us.

>> No.32904308

Also, her time was up after EN debuted.

>> No.32904409

Amelia Watson checked out in Summer 2021. What came back is not the same person.

>> No.32905014

Why was asacoco not allowed?

>> No.32905145

I disagree. Haato saw a substantial popularity boom after EN debuted, granted it faded with time.

>> No.32905186

Daily reminder that it was bugmen fault for her mental health degradation.

>> No.32905241

Chinese are the final form of the chronically offended leftists who plague the western world. Any minor slight against any facet of their personality must be met with enough force to put the threat out of commission.

>> No.32905244

Did the bugmen force her to start doing reaction videos for vshojo?

>> No.32905592

Gura is not a virgin.
She rode at least 2 different cocks like Ame.

>> No.32905647


>> No.32905684

Yeah, both of mine, and both of them.

>> No.32905745

The "yeah me" cope is one of the most pathetic things that ever came out of this board.

>> No.32905847

It's just another way for a poster to amuse themselves without really caring about the topic at hand. You've clearly never been in a brap thread.

>> No.32906341

Funny of you to assume that. I maintain/create roughly 1/3 of the brap threads on 4chan.

>> No.32906487

Amazing...one of the three great brap powers on 4chan is gracing us with his presence...

>> No.32907112

>doesn't know the numbers

>> No.32907236

I kneel...and sniff...

>> No.32908568

Sometime between the end of 2020 and early 2021, management made new rules that at least in part makes shows like Asacoco basically impossible. We don't know the specifics of them, but Coco said that Asacoco as well as some other ideas for shows she had were shot down despite her attempts at compromise, which was the major reason behind her departure.

The only other apparent victim of this rule (as far as I know at least) was Kanata's idol show, which was supposed to be a regular program where she'd talk about the Hololive girls, show highlight clips, and talk about why she likes them or something to that effect. She mentioned that due to the rules it would have to be largely premade and submitted for management approval before airing, which would require a significant amount of time for each episode, so she put it on hiatus and it now appears to be dropped completely.

From that we can determine that at least one of those new rules probably has something to do with clips from Hololive girls requiring managerial approval before they can be shown on another stream. But whatever they are they seem to be very specific and perhaps even specifically made to target Coco as only her and maybe one or two others were affected by them.

>> No.32908659

Coco was too good for Hololive. And is too good for vshojo.

>> No.32909369

I'm afraid you might correct.
I never made the connection.
We are utterly fucked, aren't we?
Never thought the zombie apocalypse would be so mundane and terrifying.

>> No.32910231

Your explanation is completely rational which is why I think you are wrong. Bugmen hate Americans more than you think. Bugmen think that Japan and Korea might "change their ways" and now they are only acting as a puppet of US, but if US would leave them they would be buddy-buddy with each other.

I'm not even a burger - I don't think the order of events would made much of a difference.

>> No.32910274

Hololive is dying

>> No.32911141

The Chinese generally dislike most foreigners but they like when they get pandered to. There are actually some big vtubers on Bilibili now who are Americans who only really speak English and some basic Chinese and they're making a living purely from that site. They have basically no presence on the western internet.

>> No.32911279

True, but the people loudest and angriest about it on here sure seem to fit the bill. I like Tempus a lot but even I'm not terribly interested in watching them collab with Hololive.

>> No.32911673

China will never forgive manchuoko
