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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 110 KB, 1005x218, Luxiem mogged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32889510 No.32889510 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

>> No.32889601

Chinks discovered that Enna is gink as well.

>> No.32889787

Nijisanji is now hololive 2.0

>> No.32889795

Chinese propaganda

>> No.32889798

wtf i think she is my oshi now

>> No.32889822

Plenty of the girls have beaten the males streaming unarchived karaoke? That's not really new.

>> No.32889827

Good for her BUT
>collab with males
She'll hit the wall eventually, only purists can truly reach the top

>> No.32889838

cute small chinese feet

>> No.32889926

>rebroadcasting of a karaoke
Clippers that missed the first airing, not real viewers.

>> No.32889992

based numberfaggot

>> No.32890051
File: 66 KB, 500x500, ennerr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching her.
She's mine.

>> No.32890197

i dunno, maybe use your 1 braincell?

>> No.32890247
File: 52 KB, 640x653, qi3p6d3p9df91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young girl looking avatar
>deep foid voice

>> No.32890276

Female fans, that's the secret.

>> No.32890286

NijiEN is not hololive, brony

>> No.32890362

Probably gained a chunk of JPs with the karaoke relay a few weeks ago. Bitch can sing halfway decently.

>> No.32890484
File: 260 KB, 648x475, Pure Ennium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's such a cunt, I love her

>> No.32890581


>> No.32890618

thats true, yall the ones jerking off to tranny BBC porn

>> No.32890746

Ok, tranny

>> No.32891128

I will take Enna's virginity.

>> No.32891182

Literally who?

>> No.32891312
File: 138 KB, 221x302, Enna cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding Enna's frail body down and brutally vindicating her fear of penetration!

>> No.32891451

The holofication of nijisanji

>> No.32891499

i heard about her daddy issues now she's my oshi

>> No.32891643

Someone post that guy sniffing her neck please.

>> No.32891824
File: 3.19 MB, 7112x7240, 1660395766556065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on enna's voice i feel that cute dead eyes like anya's would actually suit her model.

>> No.32892031

omega got tempus, so he stop botting niji streams to convince higher ups in japan.

>> No.32892073

Enna's big enough that I think she deserves her own qrd
feel free to add to this
>still remember's her father's very straight dick from when she was a child
>learned to wipe her ass in school because her parents still wiped her ass for her and she expected her teacher would do the same, but she told her no
>kicked one of her bullies down the stairs when she was in second grade
>almost got into a lesbian threesome at 13
>has very pointy nipples, likes to go braless often and just wears more layers of clothes to hide said nipples
>thinks the best ways to insult people are to insult their looks, personality or what they stand for
>is in her underwear most of the time, hates wearing pants and doesn't unless it is absolutely necessary
>is a virgin

>> No.32892095

People found out Enna is actually funny and a cute virgin thanks to Kyo

>> No.32892152

>thinks the best ways to insult people are to insult their looks, personality or what they stand for

i mean, what else would you insult?

>> No.32892239

Nuh uh. Not so sure about that.

>> No.32892250

She is a dumb bitch who brings her private life to work and deletes her streams later in embarrassment.

>> No.32892270

>>is a virgin

>> No.32892397
File: 1.51 MB, 467x487, 1661167258270213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch some of her streams

>> No.32892501

that's very cute.

>> No.32892554

Stealth hate thread.

>> No.32892774

fuck off, dragoon

>> No.32892787
File: 292 KB, 96x96, 1646169185381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32892927

The ironic

>> No.32893012

last night she woke up the concern fags and now they won't leave

>> No.32893027
File: 3.56 MB, 640x345, Enna loves her Aloupeeps[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fz4txj9.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ror rumao even. Even a clipwatcher is above you worms.

>> No.32893053

>makes somewhat racist jokes sometimes, apologizes for doing it but has no intent to stop

>> No.32893124

Based on Enna's voice I think she could upgrade to a milf body instead of a generic pink haired anime teen, but then ephebos would stop watching and that's like 70% of the audience.

>> No.32893166

Bro... that is Enna's actual body. She is a tiny, flat, Asian girl.

>> No.32893199

It's crazy how happy she looks the moment Enna gets up or leaves her seat. Then you remember she always looks like that even when moving.

>> No.32893251

anon is colorblind

>> No.32893279

Based if true, luxiem fujos are the worst kind of fujos I've ever encountered.

>> No.32893337

Nah, its all her actual roomie, one her roomie debuts, you will see some real numbers

>> No.32893482

>almost got into a lesbian threesome at 13

Woah, clip?

>> No.32893512

Collabing with males is how to incline in 2022, even Yagoo realized this and made HoloEN a cross-gender branch with Tempus

>> No.32893518


>> No.32893556

Why? Her current model fits her perfectly, right now she's a cute little bitch, if she's an adult then she'd just be a bitch and no one would like that.

>> No.32893561
File: 99 KB, 750x1046, 1606179112823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People first noticed this during the Amogus collab. For some reason, Enna got more viewers than Vox, Ike, Shu.....etc. In fact during her highpoint, she was right behind Luca, who was #1 for the whole collab (13 perspectives by the way).

Now she's increasingly showing herself to be kind of a monster when it comes to viewers. Regularly getting over 5k viewers on casual streams. She got over 22k viewers on her English Karaoke stream, and 12k on the rebroadcast that just ended. She's unironically the strongest NijiEN female, numbers wise. Potentially even surpassing Ike Eveland, who's the least-viewed member of Luxiem. To be a Luxiem-tier streamer is quite amazing for a female in NijiEN.

The reason this is so amazing, is because when she started she was only getting like 800 viewers on her streams. She was one of the lowest-viewed members.

>> No.32893806

rosemi is a lazy whore

>> No.32893808
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 5ce7dfcc031dd864fa1aad589d400033fa4b2b84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how I got banned for all the threads I made about kobo's numbers destroying vox and they got deleted instantly, but this stays up for some reason.

>> No.32893857

Bots or female fans. Otherwise it'd be reflected on /vt/.

>> No.32893889

anon, that's because those posts invite inter-agency shitposters and tribalist scum

>> No.32893987

Collab with male is how she became popular

>> No.32894032

The girls can incline by collabing with males for sure, but it'll be temporary and their viewerships will drop of a cliff later when the tourists leave along with some of their core fanbase. It happened to NijiJP, Mito and Himawari used to be #1 and #2 in both viewership and subs, but now they're nowhere to be found while the guys they carried in the past are doing extremely well now.

>> No.32894034

what happened to nina's ccv

>> No.32894056

She's literally Gura but without all the negatives.
-Streams consistently
-Confident in her singing
-Puts out covers and originals
-Actually a weeb

>> No.32894119

>12k ccv
>barely sc
What happen?

>> No.32894122

Lad, what Rosemi can do to complete with Enna

>> No.32894132

She is the icon now for castrating feminist chuubas so they are trying to give a boost.

>> No.32894187

Because you're holobrony tribalist who only shitting on the catalog

>> No.32894242


>> No.32894267
File: 804 KB, 1280x720, 1662827207060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32894275

Rebroadcast the original broadcast pulled over 3k. Also Enna streams almost every day we aren't made of money darnit!

>> No.32894296

Is that the way they get around the copyright bullshit?

>> No.32894345

Most of her stream barely get any SC unless it's special event, price for pandering fellow femcels

>> No.32894434

Rosemi's doing just fine. Her viewers now are much higher than they used to be. Although she's still pretty mid-tier. She used to get about 1200, now she gets 2500

>> No.32894440

Which makes perfect sense since NIJEN has a female fanbase unlike hololive.

>> No.32894453

It really has nothing to do with the male collab thing, other than she gels better with some dudes like Kyo, who I don't really like, because their conversations get really reactions out of Enna.
It's really, really fucking simple - Enna is funny. That's why a shit ton of people watch her. Karaokes always get numbers, so I'm sure the people that watched her just because she's funny got very pleasantly surprised when they found out she has the voice of an angel.

can't believe I forgot these two
>learned about grower vs shower penis from a waiter in Italy, refers to them them as flesh (shower) penis and blood (grower) penis
>saw a woman give birth in middle school
>was enrolled in a school in Japan for a month or two, but couldn't pay the education fees and she got kinda bullied for her bad Japanese

>> No.32894525

she is a drama queen, she keep posting shitty claims on twitter to make people mad and watch her.

>> No.32894589

Nothing. Rosemi will never be a good streamer. She relies on being "cute and seiso" despite how much the fucking hypocrite says she doesn't want to give off that vibe - all her viewers either think she's cute or want to date her. That's her fanbase in a nutshell. Her content is garbage and she basically has a nonexistent personality as almost everything she says she likes she did because her brother was into it at some point
t. nu-Rosecuck. She used to do those numbers before she quit working and sent her content to shit via constant collabs. I'm sure her SC earnings are still dogshit.

>> No.32894718

Oy, when she streams yugioh, it gets to 4k, because our only other options are watching a balding Italian and some autist who can't stop saying 'one card combo', 'NEGATE' and 'come forth and summon'.

>> No.32894719

deserved. shu is boring as hell anyway and only ever spams collabs so i never understood why he has jp viewers in a chokehold

>> No.32894751

No it's to let people who couldn't watch it the first time see the vod without downloads.

>> No.32894784

You hate Rosemi for seemingly deep personal reasons.
Rosemi is fantastic, she's a natural comedian and very creative.

You mentioned her superchats. Everyone's superchats are down recently because of gifted memberships. Rosemi gets flooded with gifted memberships all the time. I think she got 500 of them on a recent stream. Her membership chat is very fast she has a ton of members. And her membership content is great.

>> No.32894846

because he's Japanese-American and was the first good Jap speaker among the men before Noctyx got two (Sonny and Yugo)
but Shu is really boring, I feel like he just contributes laugh and echoing what someone said without cursing in collabs. I dunno why people would watch him, or Sonny. the new guy Ren gives off the same vibes.

>> No.32894848

In Ontario they teach pornography in 6th grade.


>> No.32894887

What is her membership content? It better not be something like playing fall guys with members.

>> No.32894937

>natural comedian and very creative
Best joke I've seen here in a while.
Oh yes, I'm sure her boring watchalongs and membership stream where she does the same shit of playing 1 or 2 games, and ending it with a karaoke is incredible.
Lazy cunt is living in her own shadow, nothing she has done since she quit working is remarkable.

>> No.32894970

>Nijisanji girls have to be a fantastic singer and able to talk for hours to beat a man whose content is joining other members' valorant games 3 times a week

>> No.32895167

pretty much, same reason why some holoEN girls get a huge amount of subs despite being untalented and unfunny like Kronii

>> No.32895716

She doesn't like gacha games.

>> No.32895812

chinese and german fans

>> No.32895867

Post her feet

>> No.32896587

>Nijisanji girls
You mean anyone that isn't in Luxiem.

>> No.32897254

>she's a natural comedian
i've never laugh at anything she says, or what teabagging on valorant or saying "morbing" every 5 minutes a couple months ago makes her a natural comedian?

>> No.32901540

based nijigirl

>> No.32901905

Not girls, just anyone except luxiem. Luxiem got the first-in-the-market buff like holomyth and can coast off laziness and still succeed all they want.

>> No.32902926

90% of HoloEN would be 2 views with out the Hololive name buff.

>> No.32903617

Some of them were 3 views.

>> No.32904214

Yet she is among the worst superchatted NijiEN. Truly a spectacular feat.

>> No.32904572
File: 280 KB, 500x397, 1661294277836622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened?
My wife millie's wife enna is theb est

>> No.32905925

She is the only nijien i watch somewhat consistently. She is a bitch and I love her for it.

>> No.32906791

Not surprising really. Her incline in large part comes from chink Luxiem fans finding their chink sistuber, but they'll still hold back on donations to save for their Luxiem oshi.
She doesn't do terribly in other areas though. She has at minimum 2.5k members, and she's 9th for merch sales out of 26, and that's still top 50% even if you don't count Iluna.
Also funny when I checked the merch site, Selen Elira Pomu and Enna are better sellers than any of Noctyx.

>> No.32907989

Just watch the spider, it's pretty comfy (even if some of his vtubers simps are annoying bitches)

>> No.32908299

She did it in the morning because the original stream was at NA night rather than her normally scheduled NA morning thus regulars couldn't catch it due to time zones.

>> No.32908358

Who do you think they recruit mods from. The mentally ill trannies that post.

>> No.32908490

Japan and the west are different. So coed collabs are generally fine for westerners.

>> No.32908526

either you're a newfag or you're an occasional tourist to NijiEN.
if you were ever in those threads when Enna made the ascent from Millie ccv to being number 1 you would know those threads were numberfagging hard, and at the same time everyone was wondering "why was enna just now increasing in ccv?" - this was around 2 months after noctyx debuted.
the only reason that made logical sense? she was having collabs, all of them were mixed, and a couple others that showed how she's really great at bantering especially against uki, fulgur, and selen.
only after those collabs, especially the Trolly collab that had vox, fulgur, selen, and enna where both enna and selen flexed their chinese language skills for basically the first time on stream to try to get vox's viewers to side with them, did enna's ccv during her solo streams really start to incline heavily. it all accumulated very nicely recently when she really flexed her karaoke skills in NijiMelody where she had the best performance of the EN's by a landslide.
enna has always been how she is, but the collab with the boys gave her exposure to the many fans that're girls that got introduced to vtubing via Luxiem and Noctyx

>> No.32908903

I started watching Enna because I saw a clip of her raging at her kid brother in a medieval plague game and trying get him killed in various manners. Considering that the entire game is a 30 hour escort mission, I could not help but agree.

>> No.32908991

Not for the hololive demographic.

>> No.32909110

Not for /vt/ you mean, normies love this shit

>> No.32909324

Yep that Trolly colab was legendary, one of the best colabs i have seen. It really helped Enna and Selen. Enna got better CCV and Selen the final push to surpass Nina in subs.

>> No.32909957

>and Selen the final push to surpass Nina
That wasn't what gave her the boost, even though it was a great collab. It was the HitD lofi cover she released way later on when she was in the 480's that got a load of Luxiemsisters to sub and member her and push her past Nina.
