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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32878542 No.32878542 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.32878582

I love Sora

>> No.32878720


>> No.32878756

It does warm my heart a bit when I hear Sora-San say “I didn’t know what to during that presentation, I was so awkward.” Even after 5 years of grinding events and commanding stages, even she has some self-doubt.

>> No.32878850

Gura and Kiara more of an idol than this washed up whore.

>> No.32878884
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Based unity Sora, her kouhai should learn a thing or two from her about being a true idol.

>> No.32878915

Why is she shilling them so hard? They’re going to be sub 2k shitter in a few months if they don’t pump up that fujobaiting

>> No.32878921

without this "washed up whore" there wouldn't be a Gura and Kiara

>> No.32878955

Who cares her generation is over. Idols normally graduate too, clinging to irrelevancy is embarrassing.

>> No.32878982

Because she is the MOTHERHGAVDX

>> No.32879192

she likes adventuring man, nothing wrong with that

>> No.32879257

Keep moving goalpost they were supposed to be sub 2k shitters already and all of them average more than that

>> No.32879260

>Who cares her generation is over.
Gura and Kiara do. Irrelevant or not, she's one of the first and respect is due to the founding idols.

>> No.32879276
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I hate all twitter tourists that think that interacting with males like a seiso idol is acting like a whore like HoloEN and HoloID. This made me just love Sora even more because she is mindful of her and the boys fans and wanted to please everyone

>> No.32879309

Definitely not Regis is we remove the collabs lmao. Fucking leech

>> No.32879314

gura and kiara would've never existed without her you brainless idiot

>> No.32879371

based daisenpai supporting her kouhais

>> No.32879390

that's what I said, maybe actually look up the post before you give me a (You)

>> No.32879466


>> No.32879624

I will fight everyone and even god to keep gura and kiara from homobeggar

>> No.32879823
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No wonder EN are starting to abandon their unicorn fanbase, they are worse than chinks.

>> No.32879905


>> No.32880044

bad comparison

>> No.32880392

I wish I lived in SEA so I could fuck all the brown pussy I want just because I am 185 cms tall and white as a ghost

>> No.32880772

good comparison

>> No.32880804

i mean, Sora did collab with a LITERAL FUCKING MONKEY before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsBD66Sa5Yg

>> No.32880819

>Who cares her generation is over.
Which is why Kizuna Ai had the biggest hiatus stream ever? Fag

>> No.32880825

Sora started off collabing with males before hololives general direction changed to the majority of them avoiding such collabs or doing them very infrequently.

Whilst it is commendable that she never abandoned her friends from that time and continues to support them in one way or another and nobody could possibly say she isn't an idol, she clearly doesn't have a problem with the direction the rest of the JP girls take regarding male collabs so why are you posting her as ammunition for your culture war?

>> No.32881009

>so why are you posting her as ammunition for your culture war
Why do you think this is ammunition for a culture war? OP just enjoyed that Sora cheered for Tempus, what nefarious meaning do you take from that?

>> No.32881085

>tempuschads can't stop winning
Catalog is full of stars bait threads and this is just another one trying to get people to shit on sora and make posts like >>32878850

>> No.32881087

A fucking WHAT???

>> No.32881310

Lmao i swear i would've never known this cover is existed if someone doesn't posted it.

>> No.32881413

No he didn't. Look at the subject line. This thread is just more fuel for the retarded forced "conflict" and OP doesn't even watch Sora nor Tempus.

>> No.32881552

>Japaniggers love medieval fantasy settings
>Wohoooo, my wholesomerina daisenpairina loves the homos, Collab doko
fucking reddit trannies

>> No.32881613

based 4chan incel

>> No.32881737

Get fucked faggot.

>> No.32881806

They are exactly like they chink if anything chuds are good at is projection.

>> No.32881876

The problem was always you (unicorn/gachis) for perverting what idol culture actually is by inserting parasocial mental illness into the mix.
>But my academic study says parasocials are normal
Kys, touch some grass, have relationships with people within your vicinity.

>> No.32881968

Kronies were the ones who started shitting on Sora first when Kronii pulled her whole “unfortunately for idol culture being a thing” bullshit when walking back her stupid yab.

>> No.32882101

Idol culture was always parasocial. The sin committed by unicorns was to mix idol culture with twitch camwhore culture (the first people to create the "no males on screen" rule unicorns use). It is no coincidence the term unicorns use, gfe, was created by literal prostitutes.

>> No.32882129

The slaughter must continue.

>> No.32882234

This, the fact that idol culture is associated with GFE by retarded unicorns on this board is what made me realize these guys have no clue what the fuck an idol is supposed to be

>> No.32882243

I’m so glad I never liked the concept of camwhores even in porn, so I never fell for these bullshit titty hot tub streamers on Twitch who get loads of money on Twitch and their OF without every paying up the goods. I hate women so much.

>> No.32882334

you scum will drag anyone through the mud for your precious yabs

>> No.32882348

I know right? Fucking Unicorns I swear.

>> No.32882401

Very cute Sora with glasses, i've been blessed

>> No.32882689

>homofags abusing Sora’s kindness on the board
I’m treating each and every single post in their benefit to be a hostile one against Hololive.

>> No.32882859

Go do some archive reps and you will Kronies started shitting on her first to deflect from their own monkey paw induced wish to own the homos.

>> No.32883795

Because she knows exactly how it feels to be a 2view for so long and wants to support them. This goes beyond the superficial idol culture. It's called empathy.

>> No.32884307
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homobeggars and anti unicorns larp as unicorn is always funny, this one for example >>32878720

>> No.32884431

You unicorn are disgusting. Please kill yourself and remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.32884512

Why are you too stupid/delusional/schizo’d to recognize spiteful sarcasm?

>> No.32886060

Sora is basically management at this point. Shut the fuck up you tourist faggot.

>> No.32886199

Metastases most commonly develop when cancer cells break away from the main tumor and form new tumors when they settle and grow in a different part of the body.

>> No.32886334

Keep my boys out of your whore mouth.

>> No.32886411

I thought gfe for prostitutes meant they’d do anal

>> No.32886578

>she clearly doesn't have a problem with the direction the rest of the JP girls take regarding male collabs so why are you posting her as ammunition for your culture war?
most of people of this "culture war" probably just pretend don't know that Sora is pretty much neutral and doesn't push anything, they just want to use Sora as their ammunition (applies for both sides) because she is like the ultimate ammunition given her status in the company and the authority she has

>> No.32886744


>> No.32887238

This hardly counts as a collab. It was in a professional environment. The only collabs people care about are on stream collabs because it means the Homos are chatting to your oshi on discord.

>> No.32887429

not sure what you mean by those but no need to take "Sora is not an idol" or "X is more idol than her" or "idol=GFE" too seriously, shitposting or not, they just make themselves looks like retarded EOP newfag

>> No.32887561

How far does the cowardice of homobeggars go?

>> No.32887834

how long does Tempus live rent free in gachicucks' heads?

>> No.32888021

Motherfucker you're literally wasting your time on a forum made for retards trying to defend the choices of people who don't know you, don't care about you and won't shed a tear if you suddenly die today. This is textbook parasocial, you just refuse to accept it because you bought the meme that "parasocial = obsessive". Streamer culture is this days biggest example of parasocial relationships and you're just another example of a dumbass who can't see that.

>> No.32888260

newfags shitting on Sora thinking it won't out them as shitheads who don't belong in this hoby
go shit up some other board

>> No.32889049

only newfag redditors latch on to the le goddess idol sora chan meme and put her on a pedostool while simultaneously not watching any of her streams.

>> No.32889171

>homobeggar calling someone ledditor

>> No.32889275

You are a redditor in denia, what is your pointless greentext even supposed to prove here?

>> No.32889304

/jp/ might have been full of shizoids at the end but even they didn't go for Sora or Mito
congrats dumb nigger faggot you are worse than jp shizoids

>> No.32890717

Homolove JP

>> No.32890949

It means the same it means for a vtuber.

>> No.32891278

i am enjoying this so much, gachikoi's rage its always the best, she was awesome btw.

>> No.32891699

That's not a meme faggot. She's the fucking daisenpai. Kys.

>> No.32893737

You are absolutely right. EN audience = CN audience

>> No.32893872

Are Sora shitposts allowed on this board?

>> No.32895738

people change, incel

>> No.32895745

Sora is the definitive proof that Cover neither caters to nor particularly likes unicorns, as she is the “prototype” that Cover based Hololive on.
You can be sure that this fact infuriates unicorns, and they will struggle hard to prove that it is somehow irrelevant.

>> No.32897028

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. Sora had to endure years of being a 2 view and built this company from the ground up so that her kouhai's can automatically get hundreds of thousands of subs just for being in the company. She can do whatever she damn well pleases.

>> No.32897588

Sora was like this all along, it's why she's not popular. It's also why she's the face of Hololive, because she tries to pay attention to the members everyone else ignores.

>> No.32897840

To be fair, I found Sora charming until she was simping hard for Tempus in their chats recently because they were just being standard EN shits you'd find anywhere on Twitch during that moment and she endorsed them for it. I actually am less bothered by collabs when it's a collab where everyone behaves. Like a lot of the JP Homos know their place in those collabs.

>> No.32897946

>this irrelevant and forgotten member of their massive company who is only remembered for legacy and not for anything currently is proof Hololive hates all their most popular members for not being like her
Where do you weirdos even come up with this shit?

>> No.32898762

You would have to be ridiculously disingenuous to look at the vast majority of hololive girls content right now and think they don't cater to unicorns

Sora can do as she likes, any girl can at the end of the day though if they have not set expectations to expect male collabs early and drop it on their audience 2 years in they can expect to get some backlash and lose some fans.

Hololive as a majority is never going to try to actively chase out their gachikoi or unicorn fanbase however because they comprise the most dedicated fans and also the ones who pay the most, despite all the unicorn-baiting threads on the catalog today they are fundamentally hololives bread and butter and that has no chance of changing on the JP side.

It remains to be seen what happens with the EN girls, maybe they will risk it all and try to go for a nijiEN vibe within the next year, bar Gura it is certainly looking more likely than not.

>> No.32899186

Sora and most of Gen0 + Gen 1 were cases of Cover not knowing what they were doing and just throwing any girl they can get to join into a group and saying "done".

>> No.32899465

Oh he mad

>> No.32902615

Shame that's her only claim to fame nowadays

>> No.32903247

Sora literally just likes Minecraft. I've only ever seen her checking out their Minecraft streams.

>> No.32903577
File: 144 KB, 686x669, 306048281_3223664777881932_7153669182389299127_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He dosen't know

>> No.32907436

Sora is so boring....
