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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32835347 No.32835347 [Reply] [Original]

Geishas are not sex workers. They are entertainers selling companionship and entertainment.

Geishas are well educated in the trend of their days, such as songs, poetries, games, literatures etc.

Translating to the modern context vtubers fit the geisha concept perfectly, except they do it over the internet. Vtubers know the cure games current songs and current memes. They entertain and not camwhores who sell sex.

>> No.32836077

I'll masturbate to that image later.

>> No.32836384
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Back in those days, an oji-san was raised in a community that valued honor and family. He could even buy the services of a barely postpubescent whore without the shogunate riding his ass. Geisha filled the remaining niche as companions and entertainers, but weren't a substitute for family or sex.

Fast forward to Marxist western society. No honor. No family values. No paying young women for sex. And in the absence of those highly important things, which are intrinsically tied to a man's psychological needs, geishas are set up to always disappoint because they fail to provide all the things the wayward modern man is missing in his life.

What a man wants is a woman who can be mother, wife and lover to him at the same time, because society saw fit to deprive him of these things in pursuit of MUH HECKIN' GDP GROWTH LAMAO.

>> No.32836942

>Geishas are not sex workers. They are entertainers selling companionship and entertainment.
While this is true, it is very very likely that some geisha's would have occasionally granted special patrons, uh, "escort" in exchange for money or as thanks for their continuous support.

To say that Geishas NEVER had sex with their clients, like it was some golden unbreakable rule, is historical revisionism.

Following your metaphor, I guess this would be the equivalent of Rushia having PMed her biggest donor, or Altare following his biggest donor on twitter.

>> No.32837308

They're more like cabaret girls to me

>> No.32837310

This has to be the most based post I've seen here, they may show a bit of skin sometimes and roleplay with fans but they often tell fans to not expect more of them too.

>> No.32838266

Her stream is so fucking boring. That talentless hack has no entertainment value.

>> No.32838434

you buy a geisha, chubas don't owe you anything because you aren't a customer.

You're literally a volunteer sheeps that gives them views and donate to them.

>> No.32838449
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