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32725557 No.32725557 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel sorry for the guy? He got hired on just to find out that all the Koreans hate him for how he was born.
All he wanted to do was yell at pepper plants. If you would have told me Hololive was like I'd have never believed you until today.

>> No.32725946

Anon it's fine, they're probably calling him "one of the good ones" so he wont feel bad.

>> No.32726048
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I dunno man, it's one thing to shitpost here, but he has to work with those people.

>> No.32726087

What the fuck is wrong with the Daph woman Magni collabed with? I just looked her up to see the things she wrote and it's clear she hates whites.

>> No.32726143

Don't drag Axel into this.

>> No.32726145

Axel is jap living in Australia.

>> No.32726265

Axel is good and did nothing wrong because he's Japanese. The others are to blame. Magni watches anti-white Chinese women in his off time, apparently. Altare was doing damage control for Magni on Twitter while it was going on.

What the actual fuck is wrong with the Tempus Koreans? Why do they hate whites?

>> No.32726378

It's all Yagoo's plan. First she cured Kronii from wokeness, now he'll do the same to Daph by making her collab with male

>> No.32726439

Stop using my grandpa to fuel your schizoposts faggot.

>> No.32726462

Hopefully that faggot never collab with the whore ever again. He seemed bored as fuck by the end of it

>> No.32726607
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>> No.32726633

>Altare was doing damage control for Magni on Twitter while it was going on
what the fuck are you saying? his twitter is just him retweeting fan art of his minecraft dogs

>> No.32726642

>the Koreans hate him for how he was born.
They don't though? Take your meds

>> No.32726666

Why don't YOU hate whites?

>> No.32726761

Daph is a huge retard. She is a big pretentious dramafag. She is the type to pretend to act tough but the second people call her out she pretends to be a victim. Wouldn't be surprised if Magni will collab with Bao later.

>> No.32726846

Why is it always asian-americans that are insufferable little shits? They live in white countries and have such inferiority complexes.

I'm going to assume Magni signs off on this behavior by how he went so far out of his way to collab with her. He also dunked on Jordan Peterson out of nowhere the other day. If he's trying to get political, I'm going to anti him. Can't believe he's bringing garbage like her into Hololive and Tempus.

>> No.32726851

>Op is a women that cannot mans banter

>> No.32727017
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Typical Chinese woman showing her gratitude for living in a white country.

>> No.32727110

This seems pretty funny to me. We are on an imageboard where people are called niggers and fags.

>> No.32727129

I thought he was black

>> No.32727135

It's not funny because of the doublestandards of these chinks, we cant even call her kind chinks or else get cancelled.

>> No.32727145

He blocked people calling it out and banned people in magni's chat over it as well.

>> No.32727151

It's 4chan, fragile white boys only think it's funny when they're making fun of niggers and chinks, but call them a cracker and they sperg out.

>> No.32727172

Imagine being a woman that can't handle banter.
That's pretty much this entire thread right now. If they think of him as a snow roach he probably thinks of them as gooks and they banter back and forth about it. Grow some balls holy fuck.

>> No.32727219

>jordan peterson

>> No.32727226

its funny when an anonymous person does it on 4chan, its just odd when a public figure does it, especially when you can bet calling black people roaches would result in a permaban

>> No.32727234

*Freemason country

>> No.32727253

The worse part of it is that she's living in what was a white country. Don't like whites? Go back to your shithole. Don't want to because it's a shithole and you'd rather live with 'wypipo'? Then shut the fuck and be grateful to the hosts kind enough to give you a home, cunt.

>> No.32727287

That how you know vt has been invaded by redditors
>don't talk about juden peterson
>don't be racist
I'm glad cover has taken a hard stance on free speech. Fuck niggers fuck blm fuck jews

>> No.32727292
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you should spam altare like this fine specimen of mental health

>> No.32727297

That's not damage control that's just basic moderation, what did the people calling his collab partner racist in his chat expect? if you really have a problem send a mail to cover

>> No.32727309

Dunking on drug addicts is based though.

>> No.32727316

Third option, be like the other chinks and go into real estate and take the white man's land from them and sell it back to them.

>> No.32727322
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I'm not a wammenz I'm just worried about poor Vesper. REEEEEEEEEE
Oh, and it sounds like Axel gets a pass. Sorry Axel.

>> No.32727335

I'm unironically happy I didn't get an interview to join starsEN. I cannot fucking imagine being in Tempus and not just losing my shit. Vesper seems alright though.

>> No.32727348

>banned people for shitting up his bro's chat

>> No.32727379

Is she still here? Why were you posting in the thread instead of paying attention to the fucking collab? You can tell she was posting because all her insults are <uncreative word for pale> and <dehumanizing word>. Chink women don't have thoughts in their heads so she think she's really creative.

>> No.32727383

>He also dunked on Jordan Peterson
he did the clean your room bit in his funny kermit voice, how fucking schizo do you have to be to interpret this as a dunk on peterson's political views

>> No.32727395

why are we being raided around the clock by underage mayo monkeys from livestreamfail?
you mad you didnt get daph banned so you came here to shit up the catalog around the clock?
we dont have an e-celeb board, firmly kill yourselves

>> No.32727418

So you're a woman that can't banter, got it. If you get your feelings hurt, talk it out like men in private and sort it out instead of sperging out.
If Vesper can't handle himself either by talking to them in private that it ain't cool or bantering back, then there's bigger problems. He doesn't need (you) to concernfag over him.

>> No.32727424

I bet Altare share the ban list with other Holos.

>> No.32727443

>Israel's mercenary slave nation
>white country

>> No.32727449

He brought him up out of nowhere with something to do with "us being the real aliens", in an obvious attempt to dunk on his speeches as some kind of random psychobabble. Considering his SJW past it's not surprising, really.

>> No.32727454

A lot of freemasons are white, you know. Better than being a fucking chink communist.

>> No.32727488

Yikes femanon /here/ cannot handle humor either.

>> No.32727490

No political trash in my vtubers, it's been a countdown since HoloEN was announced when political trash would start finding its way in and here it is

>> No.32727494

It was near the end of his last Subnautica stream. Don't remember the exact timestamp, somewhere in the last 20 minutes I think

>> No.32727499

Nigger you're the invading tourist from twitter, why're you projecting?

>> No.32727505
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Nah if I break containment I'll hit hard enough to burn bridges and I'm too attached at the moment to do that good sir.
This is all they get.

>> No.32727510

This Daph person is right. Too many fragile people on the internet and too many men need a dumb lead to tell them to wash their balls.

>> No.32727531

thats pretty cringey nigger

>> No.32727532

Wonder what mori feels about dez and altare who think she's a snow roach.

>> No.32727558

you're truly too far gone, I don't think meds are enough anymore

>> No.32727567

She's a woman, she's probably losing her mind.
Vesper is a man, he's probably coming up with witty banter right now.

>> No.32727570

go back

>> No.32727572

Alright women calm down will ya? Do you perhaps have sands in your vagina that needs to be dig out?

>> No.32727576

lel, yeah okay dude, sick attempt at a callout when this thread is literally just a bunch of /vpol/ subhumans

>> No.32727577

Look up thread 32717278 in the catalog. She was seething here the whole damn time the collab was going on and phoneposting with her female chink friends.

>> No.32727578

Oh wait, so they're both actually amazingly based? I will support them to spite you

>> No.32727602

>people can't tell Daph is female because she has such an ugly voice
This has been the funniest part of this night by far.

>> No.32727614

Even before debut people pointed out that Magni was friends with a ton of terrible people. I still haven't seen him do anything that I'd consider bad at all but I'm on edge all the time.

>> No.32727617

She's too big to be a roach, she's more like a snow pig

>> No.32727620

Axel is Japanese and the only good one left in Tempus.

>> No.32727640

I don't like Jordan Peterson, China woman. It's the fact you're a retarded outsider trying to bring politics into vtubing. You deserve all the hate you get for being openly racist.

>> No.32727647

Yes, indeed. Your race make up the most of Freemasons. Yes. You have no idea what that means, do you? You absolute fool.

>> No.32727654

odds of Altare not agreeing with her but just deleting comments to avoid drama?

>> No.32727657

Because I'm not retarded enough to hate a segment of the population I always outperform, who are routinely demonized as an excuse to do away with egalitarian policies that benefit me because I worked my ass off to get into good schools and get high paying jobs.

>> No.32727689

0% by how enthused he is whenever she shows her face in his chat

>> No.32727711

Bringing trash around Hololive is Mori-type behavior

>> No.32727715

That's not fair. Vesper is good too and hasn't done anything wrong. They probably shitpost behind the poor guys back because they hate Caucasians. Just block the Koreans and the ugly Chinese woman they collabed with.

>> No.32727762

Ill wait to see if it happens again, maybe he just didnt know until he saw it on twitter today

>> No.32727772

Was it as female? I tuned in late and it sounded like a tranny. Magni doesn't even sound like he liked her. Maybe he realized it wasn't a real woman too late into the stream. wtf was he thinking?

>> No.32727817

>my race is made up mostly of freemasons.
Cool, I'm a freemason? Thanks for telling me bugperson.

>> No.32727838
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>> No.32727856

He's ingrained in the autistic culture war so any comment for or against him is somehow endorsing or critiquing his views. Meanwhile for those of us who aren't mentally ill freaks, we can appreciate JBP is a fucking goof whose dysfunctional life is more interesting than any of his political stances. Irrespective of his views, that kermit voice and getting completely owned by benzos to the point where his weird daughter had to take him to a Russian gulag is just funny stuff.

>> No.32727892
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isnt Vesper black?

>> No.32727894

With the clumsy, autistic ways those annoying faggots who keep bringing it up have been going about things, he's probably closed off any understanding of that perspective on daph. The mind tends to do that to you when an army of spergy faggots descend on you and your workplace like a torrent of locusts. He'll just chalk it off to "some kind of misunderstanding".

>> No.32727901

Sure, I'll buy it. You totally didn't know what was meant. Sensitive little bitch kek

>> No.32727930

It is a very ugly Korean woman, which is probably why she seethes so hard about white people

>> No.32727955


>> No.32727960

Shitposters don't know that, because they don't actually watch the boys or know anything about them.

>> No.32727961

i was only commenting on the twitch chat leaks. I didnt watch the stream. When i opened this thread i thought snow roach was referring to vesper's avatar. I will add snow roach to my vocabulary now that i know its a slur that triggers people.

>> No.32727984

>autistic culture war
I just wanted to watch cute anime girls play videogames.

>> No.32728004

>already inventing a cope for when he defends it
Kek, so transparent

>> No.32728007

Is it too much to keep politics and political people out of hololive/stars? I don't even care if their pl or roomate is political. Just keep it out of holo. At the very least just keep these types of collabs on the other persons channel.

>> No.32728006

He's not black he just has a lisp

>> No.32728016

I'd literally never heard of this chick until yesterday when she did a niji collab and then again with magni. She's some kind of botfly, laying her eggs in more successful organisms because she can't do it herself. The fact that she's a seething racial minority who thinks she can hurt white people with mere words just shows that she knows how incompetent she is.

>> No.32728040

looks like it worked

>> No.32728042

Someone pointing out hypocracy does not mean their own beliefs suddenly changed, it's weird people always do this thing where they act like pointing out hypocracy is itself hypocracy

>> No.32728051

He talked about steel bicycles, not stealing bicycles.

>> No.32728075

Why the fuck do you care abpout what jokes Magni says in streams where he's not even collabing with Holo EN girls then?

>> No.32728093

I'm just telling anon what he should expect. I don't give a shit either way about it.
But if I had to take a stance I'd say, would you rather convince people and win your little culture war, or be an annoying little faggot, get that feel good dopamine hit for being the righteous do gooder you think you are, and then lose like a failure?

>> No.32728098

I never heard the term snow roaches until today, is that supposed to be some sort of slur? cuz it just sounds like a species of insect to me and I've never heard anyone use anything like that irl or online

>> No.32728108

Look at how her little Twitter friends are shitting up this thread. Holy shit, Magni. This is why you don't collab with political nutjobs who are racist on top of it. He might honestly be worse than Mori, but he's definitely a male Mori.

>> No.32728151

>shitting up this thread
>implying the thread wasn't shit from the moment it was made

>> No.32728154

You can make fun of whoever you want here.
Imagine if Magni invited someone who posted a ton of black hate publicly. Would that be cool? No.
Leave the shitposting here. Bringing racist shitposters on stream is an awful idea.

>> No.32728155

Clearly not if you're getting your panties in a bunch of a completely anodyne apolitical Peterson joke. You yourself ascribed a political slant to it because you allowed your frail mind to be broken over the culture war, I'm different.

>> No.32728156

You deserve Tempus

>> No.32728158

>what was a white country
I put in in past-tense for a reason

>> No.32728159

>Wouldn't be surprised if Magni will collab with Bao later.
I'm not sure if you know, or if you don't know and just said that as a coincidence, but he fucked Bao and used to interact with her on her roommate and talk about her on stream.

>> No.32728164

yeah, wish they'd stay in pol

>> No.32728177
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>> No.32728205

On his roommate*

>> No.32728215

She is definitely a bitter asian "woman" (debatable. did not sound feminine on stream) that is mad white men will not fuck her. I have never seen so many poorly strung racially charged insults.

>> No.32728218

Anyone who thinks Vesper isn't "woke" doesn't watch him. Nice shitpost OP

>> No.32728250

>hardcore bicyclist
>hardcore camper
>was homeless for fun for months
>builds computers
>a tea enthusiast
>into anime that isnt dbz or naruto
>builds computers for fun
>as a child parents seemingly were into tech and computers in the 80s/90s

Not saying its impossible for him to be black, but c'mon. Theres gotta be like at most a handful of black people that would even be close to fitting all that.

>> No.32728274

He's worse than Mori. I am really feeling bad for Axel and Vesper now.
>Just let Axel join JPstars like he wanted, he's a good boy who didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.32728284

He's that one token nerdy black guy

>> No.32728296

>saying Magni shouldn't collab with an unhinged racist nutjob on her period makes me /pol/

>> No.32728310

She specifically was just looking up a weird list of slurs against white people, cause cracker was feeling a bit dull or something? Who knows.

>> No.32728313

People could just go on twitter and respond to his tweets larping as white-hating SJWs to cause a massive shitshow for him to handle but they prefer to post on /vt/

>> No.32728331

The very first president, George Washington, was a 33rd degree Freemason. America is literally the "Mystery Babylon" that is fated to be brought up to aid the Zionists and then discarded (destroyed). Then the merchants of the world like China are said to mourn the loss of business. So yeah. Groomed from the very start to be the Devil's helper. Doomed from the start.

>> No.32728357

wojakposting is the most obvious sign of surrender in the marketplace of ideas, anon.

>> No.32728369

Wait, is she's an ugly korean? I thought for sure she was a chinese. I guess if you're an ugly korean woman it's the same as being a chinese woman.

>> No.32728398

Unironically take your meds, schizo

>> No.32728420

I wish she'd keep going. White insults have zero sting to them and she is fucking mad.
>t. white man

>> No.32728422
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>> No.32728424

>culture war
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.32728431

There's that spiritual deficiency showing. But hey, at least you didn't resort to China deflection.

>> No.32728481

I genuinely wonder what he actually looks like, like one of the two ENs that actually has good opsec

>> No.32728493

Are you faggots seriously trying to make (((snow roach))) a thing

>> No.32728501

He is exactly what /jp/ said would happen with an EN branch, a genuine worst case scenario

>> No.32728511

Who's the other?

>> No.32728517

That's the proper response, letting some random nonwhite offend you over that boring list of made up insults is pathetic, but here we are with nerd ass faggots having a melty because they can't even summon the confidence of a proper white man. This is why they're mutts.

>> No.32728528
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>> No.32728560

Oh this was around the time of the Hasan/twitch cracker drama so a nothingburger, carry on then

>> No.32728607

He was austistic about it even when he was a 2view, I guess since he's more familiar with IT and the internet than probably any of the other talents in EN he's more aware of how to stay private

>> No.32728645

>cause cracker was feeling a bit dull or something
It's because cracker became a banned word on twitch and Hasan was suspended over using it

>> No.32728647
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That woman, and half of Tempus are Korean and both the Koreans are ignoring this is happening, right?

Do Koreans hate whites? Can someone explain it to me? I'm kind of taken aback these korean-Americans loathe us so much. Isn't Kronii one and she's some non-binary lesbian manhater/white hater, too? Should I just fucking avoid Korean vtubers?

>> No.32728667

>Should I just fucking avoid Korean


>> No.32728671

>That woman
she's chinese

>> No.32728691

Does Ina hate us?

>> No.32728694

You can say it on YouTube still but not twitch. Funny shit

>> No.32728739

Someone post that Ayame post on Ina's drawing

>> No.32728746

I don't know if Ina ever feels extreme emotions like hate or love. Seems to have some sort of defect where she can only be varying stages of neutral.

>> No.32728751

why wouldn't they? you call them chinks and they know it
