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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.43 MB, 3927x4096, cute dungeon boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32522092 No.32522092 [Reply] [Original]

Cute Dungeon Boss Edition

Aetheria Official links
Aetheria Project Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChQ5s3lzM4hmOk00fXXY0Sw

Full schedule:

Unofficial Archives:
Menace: https://mega.nz/folder/jocyxQBC#oCFCZ1kZEIy_HaLsCucieA
Miia: https://mega.nz/folder/ztEETb6b#xO35skG5gwNpSHjqPBJA9Q


Utano Pandora:
>Brit living in Japan, bilingual EN/JP. JP idol experience for EOPs. Nintendo focus.

Momozora Seina:
>Speaks EN/ES. Variety, good at rhythm games. Will call you a pig.

Inami Yoki:
>Can draw and sing, easily bullyable. Rhythm game fanatic.

Oumiya Emma:
>Peak dom. Peak sub. Massive SEA appeal. Interactive RPG with chat at the end of her streams.

Alchemilla Menace:
>La creatividad de Cyberlive. Cute autism noises. Gosling magnet with a propensity to stalk them. Occasional ASMR.

Iekushi Chapipi:
>Large variety in singing repertoire, including opera. Mesugaki. Great voice actor, including male voices. Euro prime time streams.

Vera Vee (Aetheria Manager and Member):
>Hopeless romantic cake with big Homeroom Teacher energy. Onee-san to all the other members. Plays VNs and Casual games, occasionally does ASMR.


Aether Friends:
Phase >>>/vt/pcg/
Prism >>>/vt/ppg+/
Kawaii >>>/vt/pkg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt/tsun/
Idol Corp >>>/vt/jidf/
AkioAIR >>>/vt/aa/
Kurohana Inori - https://twitter.com/KurohanaInori
Ayane Hylo - https://twitter.com/AyaneHylo
Vivi - https://twitter.com/vividlyASMR
Shizukou - https://twitter.com/Shizukougames
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Maria Paradisia - https://twitter.com/MariaParadisia
Nunki (Amber Glow) - https://twitter.com/nunki_dayo
VReverie - https://twitter.com/VReverielive
Sava Safari - https://twitter.com/sava_kawaii
Keriki Mara - https://twitter.com/kerikimara
Koa - https://twitter.com/KoaHimari
Miia - https://twitter.com/matoimiia

Previous Thread: >>32145807

>> No.32522399
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Chapipi and Emma playing Devour with MEW from AkioAIR and Zen in an hour

>> No.32523352
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>> No.32524475
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>> No.32526585
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>> No.32527170

They did it first rub

>> No.32527198


>> No.32529112

Emma puke while collab sounds really bad

>> No.32530222

Redpill me on the monke

>> No.32531073

i dont know much about him specifically but i know he always appears within tons of collabs within the SEA sphere so id assume he's just a pretty cool guy behind the scenes and or really good at networking. im sure /warkop/ would know more about the dude

>> No.32533268


>> No.32533327


Sava playing on the kawaii server in 10 minutes

>> No.32533413
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God, I hate L*mi for making her feel like that.

>> No.32534111
File: 17 KB, 298x263, Emma_Head_Empty (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emma got food poisoning, hope she feels better soon.

was Emma first to die?

>> No.32535529

Menace update: she wants to be background noise

>> No.32535722

great, she's pulling a kamiko kana "zero effort background noise do not perceive me"

>> No.32535943

I love listening to this cutie talk.

Leaked Menace stream...

>> No.32537954


>> No.32539441

QRD on Sava?

>> No.32539711

Stinky NEET who loves piss, has an underrated singing voice and draws pretty good.

>> No.32542697


>> No.32543257


>> No.32543772
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>> No.32545129

chip giggles cute

>> No.32547099
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>> No.32549973


>> No.32551653


>> No.32552251

Menace chewy boompas

>> No.32552339

Seina is live (in spanish) and she's back from visiting family in Ecuador im pretty sure

>> No.32552795

>seina cursing United Airlines in spanish

>> No.32552908

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.32554443
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>> No.32554777

I want to enjoy Seina, but I can't into spanish and her numbers are cut by 2/3's whenever she streams in EN

>> No.32555246

i want to anally rape yoki

>> No.32556766

Anon, how about consensually violating Yoki's anus?

>> No.32557489

no, i need to hear her crying and begging for mercy

>> No.32559237

I want to cuddle with Yoki.

>> No.32561175
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based and same

>> No.32563857

making Yoki feel like a pampered princess!

>> No.32567042


>> No.32569584


>> No.32571419


>> No.32572422


Goo night my sweet.

>> No.32572492

Goo nighto my sweat

>> No.32572674

Why does Matoimiia ignore everyone except for Merrick? It's frustrating

>> No.32572904


>> No.32573010

Literally her boyfriend.

>> No.32573815

because she is fucking him

>> No.32573942

the only thing getting fucked by the gougar is you my friend, rest in peace

>> No.32574089
File: 124 KB, 639x469, 1652937664161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panda cute, talented, and strong. Also sexy.

>> No.32574267

I wanna put panda's foot in my mouth

>> No.32574343

>New IP
>New IP
>New IP

>> No.32574906

and you'd be claiming samefag if it was just one, damage controlchama

>> No.32575160

why so offended, chamachama?

>> No.32575541

I love Menace

>> No.32575646

the Aetheria girls each have their own qualities which help them to stand out from the majority of other vtubers

>> No.32578390

Bump akd goo nighto before bed

>> No.32579747


>> No.32581240
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>> No.32583764

*waves back*

>> No.32585160


>> No.32586432

Can't Panda do that herself?

>> No.32588571
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goo morning everyone let me see if i can put together a schedule for today, sorry if any mistakes are made

Aetheria streams today (on schedules):
Chapipi - Super Mario World https://youtu.be/ECYrX1ZIq38 3pm EST, 12PM PST, 9PM CEST, 04:00 JST

Friends of Aetheria streams (on schedules):
Mara - Cult of the Lamb [no reservation yet] 1PM EST, 10AM PST, 7PM CEST, 02:00 JST

Sava - DOOM https://youtu.be/ognGLsT8Cc4
1PM EST, 10AM PST. 7PM CEST, 02:00 JST

Maria - Art Commissions [twitch] 3PM EST, 12PM PST, 9PM CEST, 04:00 JST

Hylo - League and Siege [twitch] 2PM CT (i assume central time) so 3PM EST, 12PM PST, 9PM CEST, 04:00 JST

Lilrya (VReveie) - Vtuber talk/interview [not exactly sure if this is on her channel or what it is/no reservation up] 7PM EST, 4PM PST, 1AM CEST, 08:00 JST

>> No.32589245

thank you based schedule anon

>> No.32589896
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Cute virus

>> No.32590993
File: 205 KB, 1200x1189, lose_and_be_raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emma has a waiting room open, stream starts in 20 minutes


>> No.32591047

oh damn thank you anon i didnt see any stream on her schedule sp thats nice

>> No.32591205

guerilla creatividad streams are Emma's best content.

>> No.32592113

Emma live!

>> No.32592478
File: 230 KB, 1342x806, Just_eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emmate's Sleep Paralysis Demon

>> No.32594408

lucky fucks

>> No.32595022

P sure Mara streams on twitch now, so no more waiting rooms

>> No.32596045

I want to make it

>> No.32596738
File: 703 KB, 894x776, smile_for_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emma Love

>> No.32598090

Sava is live

>> No.32598515

mara is live as well

>sava spent a bunch of hours overnight playing minecraft

>> No.32601804


>> No.32602277

She can put one foot in her mouth and I'll take care of the other foot.

>> No.32605048

Chapipi live!

>> No.32607288

are there any games that dont make chips seethe?

>> No.32609114
File: 170 KB, 500x436, Screenshot 2022-09-06 162320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32609266

Ooo, I can't wait to get accused of being Menace again

>> No.32609519
File: 224 KB, 1280x1280, 1658325476784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called it
I always knew

>> No.32609723

We're gonna make it!

>> No.32609949

She just needs money

>> No.32609966
File: 628 KB, 220x207, 1658099220562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you all to remain strong, and you did.
Now the real battle is about to begin. Are you ready?

>> No.32610062
File: 199 KB, 480x479, 1655964274284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do I but I wouldn't put up with this shit

>> No.32610795

Might as well give her all my $, not like I have much use for it.

>> No.32611594

All these Chip's innuedos are making me horny.

>> No.32613314
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>> No.32613590
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>> No.32613841

Man Mario really got Chips to go all sappy. Cute virus

>> No.32616068

so her last stream was just to milk money from her community? the fuck?

>> No.32616416

im not gonna give you a (You) but anyone who has watched Menace for a day can tell you she can never make up her mind. and she did say she wanted to make asmr content on her hiatus plus she never said how long itd be OR if this is even the end of it. if she needed more money she would have just done a subathon

>> No.32617531

unfortunately weak bait. Very happy she is back

>> No.32618157

Seina is live (in Spanish) playing Fall Guys

>> No.32618158

It was her longest break in a while. Probably all the support restored her.

>> No.32618426
File: 31 KB, 640x662, 301547279_171255482102937_2066622254543643727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to seeing menace tonight!

>> No.32620762

based catposter

>> No.32622023

damn I really needed this, excited to see her stream again

>> No.32623941


>> No.32624122
File: 26 KB, 612x194, Screenshot 2022-09-06 204925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goobers, I don't blame you for being excited, but please temper your expectations. Menace may still need to rest after this one.

>> No.32624491

I'm just happy to see her around

>> No.32625719
File: 79 KB, 540x540, tumblr_9a11ef3e82a0af88e7ef05ca2858c298_2c186ea5_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff menaces feet.

>> No.32625874

I'm happy she's back in any capacity

>> No.32627597

menace live!

>> No.32627650

come watch menace's cute hands and new model

>> No.32627883

Lmfao, if you knew menaces PL you would know she did this in the past. Have a sob story and disappear then re-appear to harvest donos then disappear again.

Hey menace if you read this, go away and never come back.

>> No.32627937


>> No.32627979

this is so pathetic menace

>> No.32628346

my oshi is such a menhera...i missed her.

also welcome champyons and lumigumis, i would have assumed you'd be having fun at your oshi's 5k celebration and regular stream respectively but i hope youve enjoyed your stop by

>> No.32628440

Lmfao cope more, just someone from wvt who knows that she has done this multiple times. Then cries about bullying.

>> No.32628451


>> No.32628506
File: 855 KB, 1027x588, file (91).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goobers being happy attracts the schizos

>> No.32628520

my wife called us stupid I'm gonna cum!

>> No.32628538

Did she blocked you because of your sexpesting, male chuuba?

>> No.32628590

Cry more nigger.

>> No.32628594

>she hates us
Welp, that sucks. But I understand.

>> No.32628633

holy shit, anon just got called out and didn't even try to deny it

>> No.32628660

man, just look at this thread. I hate us too. Anxiety's too bad not to be anonymous though, so I can't go elsewhere.

>> No.32628711
File: 601 KB, 629x842, 1648087603711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH my god
her return has healed me

>> No.32628771

I hope you can come out of your shell one day Anon. Until then, thank you for being around

>> No.32628779

i mean there is nothing we can do about the thread being bad i just want a place to talk about the girls. i mean i understand her saying that and i cant blame her but i dont think she feels that way about any of us individually

>> No.32628837

Yeah, anon. You too. It's anons like you that post wholesome things that keep this board from being a total hellhole.

>> No.32628938

Menace would be the perfect girl for me if she wasnt such a jojofag.

>> No.32628981

I'm here to coompost about Menace's feet 1st and foremost

>> No.32629025

This mic really HITTING with the blowing and 'mhmms' my crops are watered

>> No.32629036


>> No.32629089

a respectable grind

>> No.32629646
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1662074202527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only means you aren't worthy of her, midwit

>> No.32629871

What the fuck is Menace talking about, I really dont get it.
What she could had possibly said to be taken out of context and make her look bad?

>> No.32629883

what is menace vagueposting about?

>> No.32630000
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goob taste anon

>> No.32629998

literally anything can be taken out of context. This is your brain on anxiety. You literally make shit up that might possibly happen and get anxious about it happening. Actual, clinical anxiety is a real mental illness that fucking sucks.

>> No.32630315

She is covering her ass for throwing shit at Lumi & Yuri and realized that she fucked up. No one from /pcg/ gives a shit about Menace.

>> No.32630338

I think this is at least partially about the menace leaking shit posts

>> No.32630336


>> No.32630344

lmao even

>> No.32630841

Yeah she made it clear its about those vtubers she was related to before Aetheria.
I never digged up all that stuff but I feel like I know who she talks about.

>> No.32631372

Menace makes me so happy

>> No.32631380

no vods is gonna suck

>> No.32631440


>> No.32631460

if its the price we have to pay, so be it

>> No.32631491
File: 558 KB, 900x900, 1661253354832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking tell me about it I'm a vod watcher and she systematically overlaps with my oshi

>> No.32631653
File: 501 KB, 512x512, 1646558435427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a job that frequently overlaps with her stream times
>no fucking vods now
what the fuck

>> No.32631658

Did she say she gonna delete her vod channel on youtube?
If so I will at least save my favorite vods

>> No.32631669

I don't care what menace says, I will still hate certain people.

>> No.32631694

You're a bit late on that, bud... You can still get them from the OP though.

>> No.32631732

I feel like Menace's vagueposting is hard to understand. And I don't know if I can just not hate K*ki and L*mi. They're so wretched.

>> No.32631833

I wasn't around for it so I don't really care about the drama but it's obvious that it's still bothering her.

>> No.32631854
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>> No.32631869

Good it should fucking bother her because those screenshots just showed how much a massive piece of shit menace is.

>> No.32631960
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>> No.32632014

I mean honestly (you) but all I could think after I saw those screenshots was "that's it?" it was fucking nothing compared to how I've seen women treat their "friends"

>> No.32632039

rabbid peach chama...

>> No.32632103

Evidently it still bothers them too. Seen several posts from their goons or actually them ever since Menace's break.

>> No.32632211

why are women like this? Schizos I understand because they're mentally deranged but literally almost all women are like this...

>> No.32632324

one day the L*** screenshots will get leaked too

>> No.32632361
File: 6 KB, 230x219, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care

>> No.32632518

Truth is Lumi has more on her plate now.
Kiki got into like 4 different yabs since this happened.
Most Lumi mods stop bothering since they were left behind.
Overall you what got is the trash diaper shitter >>32628440 and maybe one mod left who thinks Lumi left him because of what happened.

>> No.32632782

kek we all just got called out

>> No.32632795

vtsisters... we lost

>> No.32632990

Menace, as long as you dont admit to having a boyfriend, you can do literally anything else and I wont give a shit and still love you.

>> No.32633068

The most sane goober

>> No.32633251

god I just wanna rub my dick all over menace's sweaty slick tummy after a nasty vr stream in the middle of the summer

>> No.32633299


>> No.32633438

Who was 2faced to Menace? Who were the friends that dropped her? Was it Gezu?

>> No.32633498

it was me, I nutted in her on a not safe day

>> No.32633545

Pretty sure it was Gezu.

>> No.32633587


>> No.32633612

It was me barry

>> No.32633640

I knew her PL and I just remember her own fans anti-ing her nonstop for some reason. Pretty messed up

>> No.32633675


>> No.32633785

It's K*ki and L*mi bullshit

>> No.32633801

Like Menace, like Lumi. simple as.

>> No.32633806


>> No.32633831

the second most sane goober

>> No.32633838

Ah, a fellow man of culture.

>> No.32633878

wait, I'm not the only one?

>> No.32633954

architechtbros, we fucking won.

>> No.32634030

a very respectable position Anon

>> No.32634034

Don't know lumi but if I didn't like every women that did something retarded to someone I'd be a fag

>> No.32634137

We might be the only two lol, as cyberlive refugees. They are both extremely appealing in their own way. In anime terms lumi is the shows main girl romance and menace is the childhood friend who may also be best girl.

>> No.32634159

Based unitychad

>> No.32634237
File: 57 KB, 187x187, 1654324207996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of being NTRd by Jack Black and fucking Bowser

>> No.32634304

gotta jackblackmax, my friend. My beer gut and beard are setting in nicely. Menace will be mine soon.

>> No.32634358

Sorry, I've already got the gut and the beard, she's been mine. We actually went on our honeymoon during her hiatus

>> No.32634386
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>> No.32634407

that's funny. I accidentally replied to myself

>> No.32634454

i was always more of a Yuri guy myself

>> No.32634456


>> No.32634538
File: 117 KB, 1164x1118, FJUfFIuXwAMy1QJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just existing in the world

>> No.32634595
File: 726 KB, 638x714, 1636061305699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he looks like this I can believe the electrical infetterence pasta

>> No.32634601

I don't really like Lumi anymore but I don't hate her, I'm quite ambivalent.

>> No.32634649

Menace, Lumi, and Yuri were all my favorite from Cyberlive

>> No.32634681

I wrote this

>> No.32634685

I just don't want to be around Sei nor any chuubas he's interested in.
I'm just going to sit it out until he's gone for sure.

>> No.32634774
File: 9 KB, 259x195, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32634781

I used to like her. Then I discovered the Sei stuff and then she became more number hungry and pandering and outwardly sociopathic. (dropping Yuri, dropping pretty much all mods, losing a lot of her old viewer base, doing stupid shit)

>> No.32634784

I'm so happy seeing Menace happy and talking about the future. I really needed this.

>> No.32634824
File: 224 KB, 334x416, 1634000657635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she would like this one too.
He looks pretty human and average.

>> No.32634906

I loved the slime stuff so much, I'm not gonna make it guys

>> No.32634931
File: 386 KB, 460x578, goslingcoke012013_01-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want a drink getting

>> No.32635033

Lumi literally talked about Menace yesterday.
I dont feel theres hate between then, but who knows.

>> No.32635196


>> No.32635197

what did she even said

>> No.32635303

there's one schizo (maybe a couple) who likes to drum up the drama, the string of streams that Yuri, Lumi, and Menace did talking about the Cyberlive situation was good enough to convince me that they were all good with each other

>> No.32635550

I want to suckle on Menace's chubby folds...

>> No.32635658

I miss Boss...

>> No.32635712

I wanna have sex with those chubby folds

>> No.32635902

This menhera slime....

>> No.32636246

This menhera *mushroom witch....

>> No.32636337

From lvl1 starter rpg monster to starter lvl 5 rpg monster

>> No.32636390

so now we know it's just kiki and her cucks

>> No.32636592

Hajimemashite fellow funguys

>> No.32636609
File: 21 KB, 327x327, 1658681898116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very nice but I still need someone in so they can tell Ina to dm me so I can't stop now. This plan has already taken two years of my life.
Get into Hololive, Shinji.

>> No.32636676


>> No.32636901

>Sister Claire

>> No.32636953

menace said she likes tsugu this is the best crossover ever

>> No.32637190

>gura face pillow that she sits on

>> No.32637781
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>> No.32637828

In one side I would like to see Menace in Hololive so she could have all the resources to do ASMR or whatever stream she wanted, but in another side I would miss her not reading my comments and giving me attention.

>> No.32637956
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>> No.32638129

Sold. Stinky NEET girls are the best.

>> No.32638274
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>> No.32638501

when Melody raided her, we got a taste of that, and while it was great to see her happy from the raid, I hated it personally

>> No.32638551

I like Menace, Lumi and Kiki

>> No.32638749

id probably unironically watch kiki sometimes if it wasnt for all this, but even without that i lurked /pyon/ for a little and hated it. plus she kinda filtered me with a really gross piss story about saving it in a toilet for weeks/months love her fucking accent though can't even lie

>> No.32638784

Is this Menace stream going to get added to the Mega archive as well?

>> No.32639158
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I am glad that she will keep streaming. At this current time, Menace is pretty much the only vtuber that I love and still remotely trust, so that sudden break got me scared.
Hopefully she will come back rested and more mature to ignore hate messages.

>> No.32639284

She turned off maros. While I will miss sending her silly messages, the fact she won't get sent hate and death threats is worth it

>> No.32639411

I hope all my maros at the very least put a smile on her face

>> No.32639695

My fear is that closing maros will not be enough.
She seems incapable of ignoring people saying bad things. Heres hoping I am wrong.

>> No.32639832

Goobers, you are good people. Excellent job today listening to Menace talk about her feelings and simply taking care of her. She may be a sad and broken but hopefully the comfy ambience and love you Goobers give reach her so she returns happy and healed.

>> No.32640916
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If you fellas desire I could propose a compromise: Every so often /lig/ creates birthday cards with messages >>/vt/thread/S31665644#p31681828
If don't mind being cringe in /here/, a "maroo card" could be collected and delivered anonymously via twitter dms or be placed in the art tag, just as they do in /lig/.
This could tacitly replace the maroo system, maintaining anonymity while vetoing out the worst entries. They could be sent monthly or just on special occasions depending on how long it takes for them to be filled. This way you still can remain anonymous while being certain the system cannot be used to hurt her.
I wouldn't mind organizing said card myself, for I have assisted in such procedures before on the /lig/ ( where she is actually still welcome, by the way). Would you gentlemen be interested in this deal? Do you have the numbers to sustain it?

>> No.32641159

unless it really kicked off and a bunch of people did it I probably wouldn't.

>> No.32642272

>Menace has a taste for fat bastards
Working out motivation plummeting...

>> No.32642303

She likes pecks more anon, keep at it

>> No.32642735

Chest day everyday from now on.

>> No.32644557

>Menace streamed
>I missed it
>no VOD
Just fucking end me.

>> No.32646238

Goo nighto anons

>> No.32646453

We found out she's a chubby shortstack

>> No.32649208

Big if True
