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File: 583 KB, 1192x623, laplusherpes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32611225 No.32611225 [Reply] [Original]

Laplus confirmed she has herpes, why isn't this a bigger deal? Shouldn't some JP have gone psycho by now since his oshi confirmed she has a STD?

>> No.32611521

In Japan they just say herpes instead of the softer western "coldsores" so there isn't as much of a stigma attached to it

>> No.32611719

Coldsore is herpes

>> No.32611789

Most humans have herpes retard

>> No.32611817

You need to work on your reading comprehension, retard.

>> No.32611836

>As of 2016, about 67% of the world population under the age of 50 had HSV-1
This anon is right.

>> No.32611862

what's that?

>> No.32611881

are you retarded?

>> No.32611905

>Literally 90% of the world have a mild form of herpes
>Only someone who avoid human touch their entire life would be without

>> No.32611926

monkey status?

>> No.32611931

Most people contract oral herpes as children because humans are disgusting and kiss their children.
Look up the stats on how much of the population is infected, it's waaaaay higher than you'd think it is, since most people are usually asymptomatic.

>> No.32611952

Bladder infection too. Lapkeks, care to explain?

>> No.32611977

Sorry it was me, had to be done she needed correction

>> No.32612074

>most people are usually asymptomatic
So I guess it doesn't interfere with their work life in that case, then?

>> No.32612123

You can have herpes and not be STD related. You can have even a type of herpes that only requires you to have had varicella.

>> No.32612144

My whole family gets them really bad. No clue How I dodged it unless I'm compleatly asymptomatic.

>> No.32612189


>> No.32612223

I bet the little fuck was dieting hard or something that comproised her inmune system. You can have a first severe case of herpes zoster if you had varicella as a child. Then the body remembers that and you don't have it perhaps ever again as it maintains the shit controlled.

>> No.32612235

this nigga think you need to get dicked to get herpes. holy shit.

>> No.32612253

Herpes simplex 1 is cold sores
Herpes simplex 2 is genital
3 is chicken pox/shingles, 4 is mono, 5 is CMV, I forget the rest.
Herpes viruses are so omnipresent that there's literally Herpes in your DNA.

>> No.32612287

h-haha yea
i definitely have it ahha

>> No.32612356

90% of the world are whore.

>> No.32612384

Women get UTIs from literally anything

>> No.32612388

Oral herpes (cold sores), what Laplus says she has, is usually HSV-1 and is usually transmitted without sexual contact. HSV-2 is the strain most commonly sexually transmitted, and it usually affects the genitals, although it's possible for either strain to affect other parts of the body as well.

>> No.32612406 [DELETED] 

Don't fall for it you idiots, Laplus is an infamous liar.
Check >>32610232
Check -iketog- as well for more.

>> No.32612485

>about 67% of the world population

>> No.32612501

One more power to add to my wizard status.

>> No.32612500
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>> No.32612552

Cold sores, fever blisters, cankers, etc. It's technically an STD but it's just as easy to catch it by drinking after the wrong person as through sexual contact. Also because of the way it gestates it's entirely possible to get it from someone who doesn't even know they have it. It's pretty easy to manage with medication but obviously preferable not to get infected in the first place.

>> No.32612615 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. You never medicated yourself to hell and back because you had to do something? She even said she was having only the tummy thing and a cold now. You just numb yourself with chemicals and fucking work.

If you had varicella as a kid... I have to tell you something...

>> No.32612630

This is what happens when you give blowjobs without protection

>> No.32612644

Most people get HSV1 as children by sticking something in their mouth. My cold sore comes back in the same spot every few years.

>> No.32612712 [DELETED] 

image trusting a fucking holowhore in 2022 couldn't be me

>> No.32612782

i'm an actual wizard and even i have cold sores.

>> No.32612821

Super common in women. Also some are into holding pee (like Luna) so it tends aggravate it.

>> No.32612888

I always get them if I bite my tongue, lip, or cheek. No matter how much I brush my teeth, use mouthwash ect I know I about 3 days I'm gonna be fucked. Would suck to try and stream with them.

>> No.32612904
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>All these whores and sluts trying to make you believe that herpes isn't really herpes.
Yeah, now tell the one about how most girls tear their hymen "horseback riding' or "doing gymnastics".

>> No.32613035
File: 68 KB, 540x540, tumblr_c2e9ac429de884651b9d2fa570bdc891_77173799_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laplus Darkness? More like Laplus Whoreness

>> No.32613057

-30 iQ thread

>> No.32613104

lesbians are disgusting

>> No.32613133

i have it yet ive never touched a woman in my life
what does this mean

>> No.32613163

I don't regret it
I'd be an incel otherwise

>> No.32613204

Luna is so based

>> No.32613206

Prolly diddled as a kid.

>> No.32613292

>american education

>> No.32613343

I've never even kissed a girl but I get occasional cold sores.
life is fucking bullshit, how tf is it even possible I have herpes

>> No.32613364

>tfw Kenzoku has to accept the fact that Laplus WILL pozz Towa with her bug-child herpes

>> No.32613483

its cuz ur gay

>> No.32613524
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>> No.32613562
File: 1.57 MB, 280x200, Where.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32613565

human touch avoids me...

>> No.32613743

are you confusing cold sores with canker sores? canker is not herp. cold sores are usually like on the lips, canker is inside.

>> No.32613778

>"she's not a whore guys, girls who say they aren't whores (and why would they ever lie about it?) Can have it too"
Holy fucking cope

>> No.32613824

how is that relevant?

>> No.32614417 [DELETED] 

I love seeing retards here post that website and act like they own some super secret insider knowledge.

>> No.32614539

I'm a kissless virgin so not me. I've had canker sores but not cold sores.

>> No.32614613

Laliar Whoreness.

>> No.32614668 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1646393426788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love seeing retards here post that website and act like they own some super secret insider knowledge.

>> No.32614747

oral herpes isn't herpes, like 95% of third worlders have mouth herpes

>> No.32614843
File: 158 KB, 1115x1107, 1662445758981443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is biologically impossible for lesbians to get herpes.

>> No.32614880

just think a little

>> No.32615011

Why haven't the fucking incompetent shitheads running our world fixed this shit already? God between this and Zeta's forced apology I'm really fucking mad

>> No.32615114

Why are holos constantly getting sick, but vtubers of other companies never have these kind of problems?

>> No.32615122

>"oral herpes isn't genital herpes
>she (probably) doesn't have anything on her vagina
>and the infection she has down there is totally unrelated
>I swear bro"

>> No.32615284

She blow the wrong person, ooof

>> No.32615437

>in japan of all places
I bet she fucked a black dude or something

>> No.32615511

they notoriously have poor sex education so its more likely than you think

>> No.32615522

She's preggo with my black child, also she's great at blowjobs thus her oral herpes. ;)

>> No.32615572

Retards. A large number of people who have this got it as children living with family members who have it. It's why the percentage of people in the world who have it is so high. You can be a kissless virgin and still have it.

>> No.32615609

You probably had a family member who has it

>> No.32615690

We have a lot of legit stupid people on this board huh

>> No.32615719


>> No.32615725

Only the best education SEA has to offer

>> No.32615828

>"just because she has an std infested pussy doesnt mean she's a whore, you stupids"

>> No.32615930

I mean it can be. But it can also be spread just from using the same cup or utensils as someone who has it. Or really any close contact involving the mouth. That's why there's a lot of unfortunate souls out there who have never felt the touch of a woman but get oral herpes as a child anyways cause their sister or mother had it.

>> No.32615952

Unless we have an actual doctor here I doubt it's an STD

>> No.32615954

Who ya quoting, Nguyen?

>> No.32616099

The ones I'm calling stupid are the ones that don't understand what cold sores are and are calling her a whore.

>> No.32616400

Oh so my aversion to human contact is a super power?

>> No.32616442

>all herpes are genital herpes
Is this the result of American education?

>> No.32616683

believe it or not, herpes.

>> No.32617138

this anon didn't french kiss his mom loser

>> No.32617223

herpes is not only transmitted sexually, illiterate-chama.

>> No.32617355

Women get UTIs from fucking sitting

>> No.32617408

>Herpes labialis
The medical term for coldsores

>> No.32617514

That makes sense. I used to hold my pee in too many times when i was a little faggot teen playing mmos all day and ended up with a painful infection that made peeing hurt and cumming hurt

>> No.32617617

canker sores != cold sores.

>> No.32617779

>Zeta's forced apology

>> No.32618372

Don't bother. You can explain basic cold sores to unicornfags until you're blue in the face but they won't listen.

>> No.32618741

On dick

>> No.32619872

i have herpes and i never kissed a girl. now what?

>> No.32619986


>> No.32620332

Get medical advice from 4chan

>> No.32621561

Every human being on the planet is infected with this kind of herpes, it's just rare for it to give symptoms since it requires very badly compromised immune system.

>> No.32622295

Anon is retarded

>> No.32622840

She touched pecola monkey. Monkeys are known for giving herpes through bites

>> No.32623335

your mom gave it to you at some point congrats

>> No.32623553

I've only met one person who thought Oral Herpes was an STD and it was a Euro.

>> No.32624876

Do japs care about herpes?

>> No.32624928

it kinda hurts

>> No.32626649


>> No.32628987

I'm sorry, I wasted all the condom money

>> No.32630711

To be fair, I heard a rrumor that her roommate did threesome/gangbang vids when she was younger.

>> No.32630868

You can't just go around saying that without links to the vids.
Also since she actually has a roommate, do you actually mean her roommate?

>> No.32631057

No I mean "her roommate"
I forgot she had a roommate roommate lol.

And I don't have links, i heard it /here/, but that anon wasn't willing to go to gulag just to give links

>> No.32631089

she's still pretty young, though.

>> No.32631156

I heard she was 15 during the gangbang

>> No.32631198

If you want to see how she caught the herpes you should check out her Fantia.

>> No.32631220

The absolute state of burger education.

>> No.32631223

well, that doesn't exclude Laplus, then.

>> No.32631224

Post links, loser

>> No.32631306

If the anon wasn't willing to go to the gulag than their likely talking out there ass
t.anon who got gulaged for posting dox after people asked for evidence

>> No.32631382

Probably got it from your uncle

>> No.32631396

Oral herpes, you can get it simply from drinking from the wrong glass at a party when you are a kid, or sharing a water bottle with a friend during PE.

>> No.32631551

>that post
I can't tell if it's satire or not.

>> No.32631753

I'd prefer to be a miscarriage than to be born in such "family".

>> No.32632098

I know people from SEA struggle with conjugation but do you people really struggle with differentiating between mouth and pussy? I'd think it would be more obvious since those words are what you use when offering yourself up to sex tourists.

>> No.32632365

Mine always appear when I have exams or have to do works for uni.

>> No.32632741

This is a new low for drmaniggers huh

>> No.32633010

>her baby
keeps getting worse

>> No.32633357

I'll wear a condom next time, sorry.
no I won't

>> No.32633359

>rrat gets disproven on the first post
>people ignore it and keep forcing it anyway
This board really is something else

>> No.32633558


>> No.32634291

>got chickenpox as a kid

>> No.32635573

The japs have a big std problem among those of them that are actually fucking

>> No.32635943

>Only someone who avoid human touch their entire life would be without
that would be me, yes.

>> No.32636538

yes they do struggle to differentiate, cus it seems a lot of people equate herpes only with the genital variant, even tho thats HSV-2 and HSV-1 the mouth one ;cold sore; is present in like 70% of the world pop...

>> No.32636570

Goddamnit. We've been whores from the very beginning.

>> No.32636628

That one black Jamaican dude from Futarama.

>> No.32636662

I didn't know Herpes is a disease. I thought it was some greek god name.

>> No.32636838
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>> No.32636893

Yeah, we us veetee ran a train on her tiny body
I fucked you are oshi

>> No.32636904

so she sucked cock and got herpes.

>> No.32637110

By the way, after Laplus streaming, my old roommate, a vtuber.
Liars are quick to use a fake illness.
They use fake illnesses as an excuse for not calling in.
Don't be that guy! he said in the streaming.

>> No.32637337

jesus christ what kind of shit filled sewer in jakarta did you learn english from

>> No.32637596

is this a 5ch post?

>> No.32637810

Herpes is very common and isn't necessarily an STD. Something insane like 90% of all people have had oral herpes at some point.

>> No.32638125

That's Hermes, the greek messenger god.

>> No.32638254

I live inside a bubble, does that mean I have herpes? Hurray!

>> No.32638520

Oral herpes? Goddamn you weak

>> No.32638827

There is unironically no sex Ed in SEA

>> No.32638953

Tokyo most likely

Stupid american EOP cant even recognise Japanese posting

>> No.32639309

so me

>> No.32639750

If you get a cold or something and your immune system weakens, it would break out

>> No.32639879

I've never gotten why STDs dont' get more done to try to cure them or remove them
Is it just because people don't fund if because they think only sluts get them?

They're so fucking common it's insane.

>> No.32639925

That looks like a Jap to me, something about the way of writing.

>> No.32639966

>why isn't this a bigger deal?
Because they are better educated?

>> No.32640145

gross. unironically whore.

>> No.32642729

Brush your teeth after eating you dum dum

>> No.32642779


>> No.32642871

you can thank - like with many other retarded legislation plaguing us - Reagan and his fucking insane response to the HIV epidemic throughout the 80s

>> No.32643067
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>> No.32643094

Yeah. Me

>> No.32643113

Ok way to turn me off all Laplus lewd art from now on. That's disgusting. Imagine being a lesbian jesus christ

>> No.32643117

How do you think Lap got the clap?

>> No.32643137

They're very promiscuous, yes.
Not exactly the "check with your Dr before we go to town" types.

>> No.32643211

ITT american education

>> No.32643214

She kissed me and gave me herpes guys

>> No.32643307


>> No.32643329
File: 464 KB, 731x1279, laplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a first yearer med student so I can try my best. Herpes can be spread like any virus, by surface, sneezing, or kissing. Its not really an STD but it can be spread via sex. HOWEVER, majority of the time its spread via wiping your nose and handshaking someone or kissing. Considering she's been doing some Live shit recently, most likely another holomem gave her herpes by touching her in a NON-sexual manner.

>> No.32643607 [DELETED] 

Wow she's a whore

>> No.32643652

Ya can't say that without the sauce

>> No.32643655

Lmao what a cuck

>> No.32643663


>> No.32643664

They're right for the wrong reason.

>> No.32643694

Means your oshi is a whore, anon

>> No.32643700

schizo classic

>> No.32643729

samefag btw

>> No.32643762

t. nigger whore

>> No.32643825
File: 2.03 MB, 980x1472, bjdheadphones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never gotten a cold sore and i literally have sex with lots of hot women all the time. am i just lucky?

>> No.32643907


>> No.32644056

idk idc post another cute bjd

>> No.32644247

>Lap has herpes
>I have herpes

>> No.32644346

Objectively untrue outside of certain parts of the americas and most of africa.
As of 2021 around 36% of the western civilization had antibodies with no viral remnants and less than 12% actually ever had HSV (both 1 and 2).
Africa padding statistics by around 95~98% of its population doesnt change that.
The fact that you managed to either just google copy pasta the first numbers, believed that insane Qatar estimation paper that even most non-reviewed magazines didnt publish due to plain impossible values or just took the US CDC estimate paper by Newman that got all its funding from Teva is almost as sad as the responses to the Gura math shitpost over social media.
Austria and nearby countries the rates are 35~36% for women of all ages above 20 while its 19-23% for guys above 18 and both below 60.

>> No.32644562

wtf she would never do this

>> No.32644648

I think I had oral herpes like 5 times in my life so far.
Its no big deal unless its on your genitals.

>> No.32644860

If anything is worth getting gulagged for its hot sweaty laplussy

>> No.32644884


>> No.32644962

Population control

>> No.32645075

it was quickly exposed even amongst the schizos on 5ch.
And it was exposed by the admin of the dox site.
You know who I'm talking about.

Once again shows that without hard proof you cannot believe what they say about la+

>> No.32645572

They get them from fucking in other positions, too.

>> No.32648332

>Laplus confirmed she has herpes, why isn't this a bigger deal?
coof is herpes now?

>> No.32648674

What the fuck is with burgers and thinking oral herpes is an STD lol you get it from your disgusting grandma kissing you when you're a baby

>> No.32648701 [DELETED] 

Sexhavers get what they deserve.

>> No.32648713

I've never had herpes in my 28 years

>> No.32648745

Taking vaccine could also make you have std.

>> No.32648747

It's like the fair version of how conservatives want to ban abortion so women suffer. Sexhavers get what they deserve.

>> No.32648768

Yeah, she has it from me

>> No.32648770

Why all the lapras hate on this board

>> No.32648783

Yeah no shit bitch it's not literally everyone but it's a good 50% of people by your age. I'm 29 and I've had it my whole life.

>> No.32648801

>she kissed someone at some point
oh nooooooo

>> No.32648914
File: 357 KB, 473x449, 12343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first the homos, now every holo is infected with herpes, it's over

>> No.32649067

Lol that's gay

>> No.32649471

If you're getting cold sores not canker sores, then you're a slut.

>> No.32649542

but you suck your own dick instead of masturbating
>could it be that you infect yourself?

>> No.32649559

Yeah, me.


>> No.32649569

>herpes isn't herpes

>> No.32649864

Yeah the way this reads looks like it was translated from Japanese with how the sentence structure looks

>> No.32649926

Did you literally just make that up because I never heard about anything like that. Also she just turned 20 so that is pretty much impossible because before two months ago, JAV studios didn't even hire anyone under 20 and they still pretty much don't because the law is brand new.

That's not how it works, brainlet. If I said something that is easyily verifiably false like the sky is purple, you don't get to then say scientists are wrong about light defraction causing rainbows.
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.32649944

I never met my grandma, I've only been kissed by my mom, I think... maybe my dad too when I was a lot younger but I can't remember desu

>> No.32650061

man you people are a buncha dummies

>> No.32650098

You can get genital strain on your mouth by… doing oral.

>> No.32650284

If one holo had herpes, theres a good chance they spread it to other holos due to exposure anon

>> No.32650313


>> No.32650373

Oh describe to me the whole situation that was there. I'm waiting.
I'll tell you right away, I was there.

>> No.32650472

what are you talking about ESL schizo? What situation?

>> No.32650689

my sea friend, talk about pornography schizorrat.
how it came to be

>> No.32650694

But when she has a UTI at the same time things look a little suspicious.

>> No.32650738

I still don't understand you.
Your English is way too shit.

>> No.32650845

I realise you have no proof. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.32651461

Uh oh, she was choking on too many cocks and gobbling up too many cummies

>> No.32651769

You're a retarded ESL that can't understand English and are angry because in your own incompetency and illiteracy, you think I said something bad about Laplus when in reality the only thing I said was you can't dismiss all info just because one idiot made something up. You are fundamentally retarded and shouldn't be posting here because you can't read English. You will only continue to cause problems in the future by being here so please go back to whatever facebook group you came from.

>> No.32651866

>If I said something that is easyily verifiably false like the sky is purple, you don't get to then say scientists are wrong about light defraction causing rainbows.
You wrote an incoherent set of words, you stupid idiot.

>> No.32651972

Holy shit.
Have you never heard of a metaphor, you retarded underage faggot?
Please learn Englsih, leave 4chan, or kill yourself. I don't care which.

>> No.32652040

>You wrote an incoherent set of words
Holy fuck are you stupid. You don't even know what a metaphor is. Are all island faggots this dumb?

>> No.32652129

Don't say things you don't understand then.
You are misleading people.

>> No.32652308

You're the one who doesn't understand what you're even reading, you absolute retard. Everyone else understood what I said just fine.
Go back to your facebook group.

>> No.32652397

She could have gotten it from kissing a family member, it's no big deal

>> No.32652464

Don't write complicated things. They look like schizophrenia to you. You're too dumb for that.

>> No.32653360

You get UTI's from bacteria anon. Bacterial infections are so rare through sex

>> No.32653530

Learn English.
There. Is that simple enough for you?

>> No.32653616

>Don't write in English on an English speaking board meant for English speaking people
Who the fuck do you think you are, you petulant dog?

>> No.32653814

write to /sci/ about light defraction.
I'll say it again. Don't write complicated things you don't understand.

>> No.32654059

You seem hung up on the metaphor.
Look, I have a science degree, you faggot. I understand everything that I wrote about and so does everyone else here. It's not our fault you're uneducated.
Do you not even know what a fucking rainbow is? Seriously? Or do you think our understanding of optics is wrong and it's actually a magical message from your fairy tale god?

>> No.32654241

Thanks for not making a metaphor out of quantum mechanics. I'm sure it would have been even more obtuse and irrelevant

>> No.32654595

>If I said something that is easily verifiably false like ice cream is made of chalk, you don't get to then say no one knows how to make frozen dairy treats.
Is that easier for an idiot like you to understand? Are you happy now?

>> No.32654697

Most of us here probably have "herpes"
a sexually transmitted disease
implying sex related
See you later virgins

>> No.32654881


>> No.32654885

Gee, I wonder how Laplus got an infection in her ass, bladder and mouth at the same time.

What could possibly have caused that.
I guess we'll never know.

>> No.32654950


>> No.32655056

It was me

>> No.32655126

who 10% here?

>> No.32655768

You guys are retarded.
Anon 1 said "I was there when we deboonkerino'd the laplus jav"
Anon 2 went off on some retarded metaphor about the sky being blue which doesn't make any point in this context, all while calling anon 1 illiterate.
Anon 3 is anon 2 just samefagging.
I would like any one (1) of you to provide proof either way

>> No.32656581

Sorry, anon, I'm new to fingering and ended up inside the wrong hole, won't happen again

>> No.32656606

in the past it was so common that it wasn't even considerd an STD because almsot all people get it through normal platonic human contact with friends and family like sharing food. these days the kissless, friendless incel population is like 30% due to the internet age, so oral herpes is actually much much lower in younger generations than it was in the past.

>> No.32656631

I want to see laplus jav

>> No.32659453

>barely had a voice a day ago, couldn't talk and acted like she was dying
>now she can suddenly talk and sing just fine in her stream
She really is a liar huh.

>> No.32660127

My cold sores have a tendency to appear when I have a fever or am stressed. It makes perfect sense to have them simultaneously.

>> No.32662605

It's also the kind of sickness that, just like normal herpes, you're destined to bear at least once in your lifetime.

I got mine when I was 13, eating normal stuff like a piece of bran bread, crackers or even smashed potatoes was a living hell for a week, not to mention the fever.

>> No.32663314

>She really is a liar huh.
The moment i saw her clothing style on her rm's insta i immediately saw the writing on the wall. Literally dresses like a prostitute lmao.

>> No.32665224

That's not very nice, anon.
She went to fashion school.

>> No.32665423

Please fuck spoonfeed me I need to see Japanese girls

>> No.32669125

You can google that just fine
Not worth of your time tho

>> No.32672738


>> No.32673054

the mental gymnastics normalfags go through to justify their disgusting STIs lmao

>> No.32673656

>Haven't had any and even spent a week with chicken poxed people, never caught it
Bit worried about it since I hear that shit hits way harder if you catch it later in life.

>> No.32675199

Laplus is one of the most obvious liars in hololive
That bitch has never watched a towa stream in her life

>> No.32678103


>> No.32678712

Herpes Condom?

>> No.32682853

Is everyone still clowning on OP for being stupid?

>> No.32683376
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, cropped-1920-1080-1194152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking from experience, I have a theory:
>our dark queen got the cold from her friend/coworkers
>she unwittingly ate some tainted food and couldn't taste anything off about it cuz cold
>next morning, cold takes a 1-2 day intermission
>she erupts from both ends during this time
>one end (the diarrheal end) causes the UTI either by:
>a) she wiped a bit too far with the TP and smeared shit on her pussy
>b) in her first post-diarrhea bath, some shit particles floated from her butt to her urethra (and throughout the water) and bam
>that just leaves the herpes, which could've also come from her friend/coworker sneezing on her food/sharing a drink with her
There you have it. La+ is pure. Not whore.
