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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32598629 No.32598629 [Reply] [Original]

where did the myth unity go?
were they not supposed to be super best friends???

>> No.32598687

They're all wallflowers except for Kiara and Mori, except the later is only socially engaged when talking to men.

>> No.32599133

I dont give af what you fags say this shit was way better than councils original

>> No.32599238 [DELETED] 

Mori has men now. Too busy being their cocksleeve.

>> No.32599367

Never expect women to be "super best friends." Most women have very little respect for other women.

>> No.32599449

Never were

>> No.32599555
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blame kiara and ame (and mori if you would like to)

>> No.32599606

Mori - would rather hang out with tempus
Gura - would rather hang out with her council sycophants
Kiara - would rather the other three fuck off so she can monopolize Ame
Ame - would rather be alone

>> No.32599645

Fucking bitches

>> No.32599668

There never was any Myth unity in the first place (you could say it was quite literally a "myth", heh).
They were just girls thrown together by circumstance, being coworkers, but there's very little holding them together, for example matching personalities or common interests to bond over.

It wasn't AS apparent in the first year (I mean it was still pretty apparent, if you go back and watch some of the old group collabs, holy hell you could cut the awkwardness with a knife), but that was just because Myth as the only/first generation of this new sidebranch only had each other, so they were forced to collab with each other all the time - but make no mistake, this was not by choice or because they liked each other so much, but only because they lacked other better alternatives.

For proof, just see what happened after those alternatives became available, for example with Council and now with the males, everybody just fucks off into their own little clique corners and "Myth unity" is completely abandoned (only to be trotted out once per year now for some forced setting like an anniversary stream) because everybody found other people they actually vibe better with.

>> No.32599888

why did you faggots think five girls living in different timezones and only meet once a year can be bestfried? yeah i know discord exist, but it''s different if they all live nearby, take a look at JP and ID as a comparison, they can just take a day off and meet each other, that's how you build a real friendship

>> No.32600466

I thought Ame and Gura were pre-Hololive friends?

>> No.32600561

Nope, that was just a shipper rrat back in the day.

>> No.32600640

their discord server must have looked like a desolate, barren wasteland before council arrived, dead conversation and zero interest in each other's projects

>> No.32600772

Just wait a little longer. Their second anniversary is coming.

>> No.32600934

>super best friends
Fucking Matt and Liam, if only it was Pat,Woolie,Takahata from the start

>> No.32601445

only Sana and Ina were
and we all saw where nepotis leads to

>> No.32601708

>being surprised that damaged goods really into her new job, a wannabe using Hololive to boost her fading career, a toxic Twitch streamer, a minimal effort YouTuber, and a gacha introvert all playing characters aren't actually friends

>> No.32601716

no ame was just a gura copycat back in the day, many of those existed while gura streamed with that past name

>> No.32601731
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You know who else are super best friends? Pekora and her monkey. Did you hear she bought a pet monkey?

>> No.32601794

Clockcucks really are malding

>> No.32601805

half of council (if not all of them) are "nepo" hires

>> No.32601874

>no ame was just a gura copycat back in the day,
Ame's content was absolutely nothing like Gura's. Do people just make stuff up on the fly now, even if it makes zero sense, hoping people go with it?

>> No.32601891

Pekora's cat killed that monkey by the way which shows Pekora is actually a bad owner.

>> No.32601972

Besides Ina-Sana, who were the nepo hires in Council and what pre-existing connection did they have with whom in Myth?

>> No.32602008

I think they were aware of each other, or at least Ame was of Gura based on her meece comment that led Gura to doxx her. That aside, they are definintly the two with the most in common in Myth but Ame is too bipolar, antisocial and retarded for Gura to deal with long term.

>> No.32602070

More was more interesting in e-celebs and males so she distanced herself

>> No.32602075

There were no other outright nepo hires in council except for Sana. Kronii may have known Ina before. Fauna used to watch Gura. Moomei used to watch Ame. Bae was an avid Homostar viewer and IRyS never bothered with EN, she applied for HoloJP and got rejected.

>> No.32602127

usually people who say that are just vaguely aware of the time where ame said she didn't want a be a sidekick, so they retrofit that she was a leech because "why else would she say that?"

>> No.32602354

Who's Ina?

>> No.32602470

This is true, the biggest haters of women are women themselves

>> No.32602586

This is a pathetic grudge posting attempt

>> No.32605013

Man, Kimono Gura is so fucking cute. I always thought long hair was king, but shoulder length hair with exposed shoulders is making me weak

>> No.32606695

Ame is too unapologetic and uncompromising.
Imagine the gamer rage Gura is exposed to

>> No.32606756

Yeah keep grudgeposting me lol

>> No.32606771

>Gura - would rather hang out with her council sycophants
What's funny is the Minecraft Festival showed that normally behind the scenes, Kronii was the top and Gura is the bottom.

>> No.32606824

Take your meds

>> No.32606904

Kronii is on top of Altare

>> No.32606946

Kronii knew IRyS
Mumei's Oshi is Ina.
Kiara applied to Gen 5
IRyS wanted into Niji.
