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32550023 No.32550023 [Reply] [Original]

Well /vt/?

>> No.32550076

Order of operations

>> No.32550134

my result is: your a fag.
I'm pretty sure, I mathematised this twice.

>> No.32550182

Order of operations

>> No.32550187


Use better notation

>> No.32550191


>> No.32550207

Anyone that says 1 should be executed via firing squad

>> No.32550224


>> No.32550226


>> No.32550234

What's wrong with 1?

>> No.32550257

The solution is firing Mori.

>> No.32550296


>> No.32550306

Its wrong and onefags will insist that it is correct despite not following order of operations

>> No.32550330


>> No.32550348
File: 50 KB, 420x456, 1660592130581362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIMDAS tells me 9

>> No.32550359

>it’s a “ambiguity created by the use of the division symbol rather than fractional notation” episode

>> No.32550438

Division and multiplication are on the same tier of importance, so you would do them left to right. It would be 6/2 then 3*3.

>> No.32550458

You're just retarded

>> No.32550472

you dumbasses it equals question mark it says so right there on the chalkboard in dry erase marker

>> No.32550550
File: 322 KB, 818x631, order-of-operations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: there's people who needs to go back to school

>> No.32550561

Don't you learn fractions in like 3rd grade? How do people still fall for this 15 year old bait is beyond me.

>> No.32550628


>> No.32550658

2(1+2) -> 2 + 4 = 6
6 / 6 = 1
so 1

oops i mean ?

>> No.32550712
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What 3rd world shithole used BIMDAS? In fact, question for everyone what does your county use for the order of operations?

>> No.32550760

> ITT underage redditors can barely solve this shit
this board was a mistake

>> No.32550791

It's 9.

>> No.32550816

I'm going to nip this in the bud right now.
BEDMAS, BODMAS, PEMDAS, PEDMAS, whatever you use, they are all the same. There is no difference in the order of operations between them. It is:
Brackets (aka Parenthesis)
Exponent (aka Order)
Multiplication and Division in order left to right
Addition and Substraction in order left to right.

So in 6/2 (1+2) you do what's inside the brackets(parenthesis) first
It becomes 6/2(3)
Then as division and multiplication are done at the same time in the order they are encountered left to right in the equation it is 6 divided by 2, equalling 3, then multiplied by what is in the brackets (parenthesis). 3 x 3 is 9.
The answer is 9

>> No.32550841

No one should be allowed to contribute an answer without also saying who their oshi is so we can have multiple reasons to laugh at them

>> No.32550862

US of North America = PEMDAS

>> No.32550870

off yourselves numbersharts

>> No.32550883


>> No.32550898
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>> No.32550899


>> No.32550946


>> No.32551017
File: 1.04 MB, 825x825, 1660709728595138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these retards who answered 9
Holy shit, no wonder this place is so shitty.

>> No.32551022

(1+2) should be denominator.

>> No.32551027

show your work

>> No.32551067

this is gibberish, there's no multiplying sign but it uses linear notation for a fraction
does 6/2x=3x or 3/x? noone fucking knows because i used unclear notation

>> No.32551074
File: 2.11 MB, 552x1000, 844583468647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inputs 6(1+2) / 2 instead of 6 / 2(1+2)

>> No.32551099

As written the notation is unambiguously 9. If you want to have it a different way, you have to write it a different way. Type that exact string into any graphing calculator or CAS

>> No.32551131

i say 1 but i've always been a retard with maths

>> No.32551165

Gura is gonna screw this up right

>> No.32551169

It's 1. Don't you morons know what implied parentheses are?

>> No.32551180

>Trying to infer parentheses where there aren't any
You'd fail out of a freshman algebra course

>> No.32551184

it's going to be: 6 / 2 * 3

You weigh multiplication and division the same and work left to right.

>> No.32551246

6÷6 is 1.

>> No.32551254

Get back to me after you pass an eye exam.

>> No.32551257

the way it's noted it's 9
everyone knows that it gets to 6/2(3), right?
(3) is "solved" to x 3
if it was [2(3)] it could been 1 as some anons are trying to asnwer but as 6/2x3 it goes left to right

>> No.32551271

Tell me you failed math without telling me you failed math

>> No.32551295

I don't think you even know what I'm talking about.
Innumeracy is a plague in this country, this is why we have people making $250k a year who don't even know how tax brackets work

>> No.32551373


>> No.32551421

>ITT people who didn't spend enough time with their Aunt Sally learning order of operations

>> No.32551453

It's 1 anyone saying it's 9 needs to take his meds.

>> No.32551482

Ehem. How about you take YOUR meds

>> No.32551492

so what's the answer?

>> No.32551508


>> No.32551556

I tried it but it doesn't work without using a multiplication sign.

>> No.32551612

1 unless you take that (1+2) and shove it somewhere it doesn't belong

>> No.32551620

A lot of these morons don't seem to remember that multiplication/division have equal priority to each other and you just from left to right.

>> No.32551627

2 is a part of the bracket
but apparently this depends on the country. For example in usa it would be 9 (other anons already explained why).

>> No.32551662

>ITT people will accept the implied multiplication sign but not the implied parentheses.

>> No.32551670


>> No.32551723

everything to the right of the ÷ is in the denominator, anyone who says otherwise is retarded, and people being retarded is why they stopped using this notation and use fractions for everything now

>> No.32551734

Numerator = 6
Denominator = 2 * (1+2) = 6
6 / 6 = 1

>> No.32551741
File: 4 KB, 178x80, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every computer you ask says 9
You cannot ask a single calculator or computer that will come back with the answer "1"

>> No.32551743

A number adjacent to parentheses has always been multiplication. That's not ambiguous.
there is no such fucking thing as "implied parentheses" and if you're using that term to refer to the order of operations, you're wrong.

>> No.32551765

bc 1.07.1
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type `warranty'.

>> No.32551773

>depends on the country
That's not true at all, there's been a global standard for well over 100 years, it is 9 in every part of the world

>> No.32551785


>> No.32551786


>> No.32551788


>> No.32551799

Im a burger and I know that the 2 is attached to the parentheses and therefore multiplied with the result of what’s in the the parentheses first, anyone who doesn’t is just retarded

>> No.32551817

inline division symbols are stupid

>> No.32551822


bc 1.07.1
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>> No.32551835

the answer is don't be shit at formatting because you think you're clever and tricking people. It's either 6/(2(1+2)) or (6/2)(1+2)

>> No.32551856

>pulling out wolfram for a troll question
honestly, respect

>> No.32551869

>but apparently this depends on the country. For example in usa it would be 9 (other anons already explained why).

This must be how they teach math in SEA

>> No.32551877

I've failed my Laplace and Fourrier on the first try. Please dont laugh at me anon, I'm very insecure about that.

>> No.32551894

I bet I could with Maple.

>> No.32551909

It is written in a stupid way. Either write (6/2)(1+2) or 6/(2(1+2))

>> No.32551944

Depends on who wrote the equation.

Snarky shark trying to trick people? Answer is 3*3 = 9.

Math teacher trying to prove a point? The point is that you're supposed to notice it's ambiguous. 9 is still technically correct, but "hey, shouldn't you write this more clearly" is MORE correct.

Your boss who took "math for business majors" 47 years ago trying to explain something to a whole department of engineers and mathematicians? Probably 1.

>> No.32551945

Countries that haven't landed human beings on the moon should always defer to countries that have. This applies to all fields of scientific inquiry.

>> No.32551949

>type warranty

Wtf is Stallman's problem

>> No.32551959

Anon, the only difference is the acronyms because some countries call them Brackets/Parentheses, Order/Exponent, etc.
The order itself itself is still the same, you just suck ass at math.

>> No.32551964

How about math reps?
Is 6÷2•(1+2)
There's no ambiguity

>> No.32551990

The whole purpose of writing it that way is so you'll solve it first and it looks cleaner than having a ton of parentheses and multiplication symbols everywhere.

>> No.32551998

Math has rules for formatting, this is valid formatting and the result is 9

>> No.32552018

It's obviously



>> No.32552025

>6(2+1)÷2 = 6÷2(2+1)

>> No.32552050

how the fuck did you get 6. Dont tell me you got 2 from 6/2.

>> No.32552061

This (9 or 1)

>> No.32552075

My fucking eyes

>> No.32552108
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>> No.32552109


>> No.32552165
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>> No.32552220

That's why you don't use "÷" after primary school

>> No.32552224
File: 30 KB, 577x496, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32552235 [DELETED] 

I'm so sorry the education system wherever you live has failed you so badly. I don't want you to lose hope. Know this: There are probably continuing education classes at your nearest community college where they can re-teach you basic math and how to read long books with big words, among other essential life skills.

>> No.32552252

Just think for a second, what do you think the ÷ represents? Everything after this symbol, until a -,+, or =, is a denominator. Look at the symbol closely and you'll realize it's supposed to represent the division between numerators, which come before, and denominators which come after.

>> No.32552259

>look, there's no ambiguity if I add symbols.
Now add the rest of them.

>> No.32552260

you skipped foil

>> No.32552301

trying to teach amerimutts algebra was a mistake

>> No.32552329

This guy is right, but this thread is full of too many virgin mathematicians and not enough chad engineers.

>> No.32552355

6 is the only correct answer, where the fuck are these people pulling 9 or 1 from?
Go back to elementary school.

>> No.32552391


parentheses first so 1+2=3

do what's by the parentheses second 2x3 is 6

6 divided by 6 is 1.

>> No.32552395

the virgin 6/2 vs the gigachad 6/all
if you've ever done math you'll always see that as its own entity

>> No.32552429

This, americans are the most retard human being in all world

>> No.32552463

You're all a bunch of retards for even discussing a poorly notated equation.

>> No.32552514 [SPOILER] 
File: 845 KB, 640x622, 1503526704859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but fr fr, in what fucking context would you need to do math like this, were you are not some gay nerd that knows all math rules and shit?

>> No.32552522

It's not even poorly notated.

n(a+b) is common notation for n * (a + b)

The rest is: m / n * c which is just working left to right. The problem is people aren't doing the left to right evaluation.

>> No.32552543

I think this thread is a severe example of mathematical cultural imperialism. All cultural mathematical practices are equally correct. Everybody making fun of the 1-kuns should really check their privilege.

>> No.32552568

The only retards here are the people who can't remember that anything in parentheses comes before anything outside of parentheses. You can only get 1 if you do (2*1 + 2*2) instead of 2*(1+2)
>b-but foil
FOIL isn't applicable in this problem.

>> No.32552608

It is poorly notated, it's designed to make retards argue exactly like this.
Any time you have to rely on "it's to be read left to right" it's because shit is poorly notated and would benefit from an extra set of brackets.

>> No.32552693
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>> No.32552706

It only seems poorly notated to people who aren't used to seeing a lot of algebraic problems.

>> No.32552708

>do what's by the parentheses second 2x3 is 6
Wrong. Multiplication and Division has equal priority, and when multiple expressions have the same priority you go left to right. 6/2, then 3 * 3.
This is completely unambiguous and you can enter the equation, as written, into any calculator and get the same result.

>> No.32552755

I mean if the expression: 6 / 2 * 3

is poorly notated to you then you have really low standards.

You really shouldn't need to write (6 / 2) * 3

>> No.32552789


>> No.32552820

Stop being elementary student and ditch division sign already

>> No.32552834

If this were 1917 you'd be right on certain parts of the world, but since then there's a global standard and it's the reason every single calculator capable of solving this will only say 9: it is the only valid answer, 1 is simply wrong

>> No.32552845

Poor notation is the ultimate cope of the mathematically illiterate.

>> No.32552871

Sorry, friend, but it's you who is wrong. Anyone educated in math after the 1970s would see this problem and do it correctly in their head without even thinking about it.

>> No.32552975

Who the fuck still use division sign post primary school

>> No.32552977

my calculator gives me 6/2(1+2)=1 but 6/2*(1+2)=9. the multiplication sign matters

>> No.32552997

>m-muh kikeulator

>> No.32553014

I'm fairly certain it's a nation based thing in education. I did maths at a reasonably high level and this left to right shit was never an issue, things were never left that ambiguous with missing parentheses.

>> No.32553030

>2 is a part of the bracket
You're actually retarded, I'm so sorry.

>> No.32553069
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brackets first.
Check for exponents, there are none.
Multiplication and division are performed from left to right.
Answer is 9. Toss it into a computer and this is how the computer will solve it >>32552224.

The root of the issue here is the American mnemonic for order of operations switches the places of division and multiplication, which has somehow metastasized into grown adults thinking multiplication happens first even if it's right to left, which is how you get people giving 1 as an answer.

>>32550076 and >>32552355 meanwhile are either trolling or actually mentally challenged. Do holobronies really?

>> No.32553092

Look, they clearly intended for you to do the division last, otherwise they would have written it differently. You must not have much real world experience if you think otherwise.

>> No.32553094

Why am I not surprised that half of 4chan failed grade 3 math? Anyone that gets an answer other than 9 is either still in primary school, or failed math.

>> No.32553112

Post dissertation

>> No.32553118

It's a thing that exists globally, however among mathematicians it's generally agreed to never create a notation that would lead to this

>> No.32553125

No, its not because of left or right, its because they're thinking anything after the ÷ is in the denominator

>> No.32553146

I didn't know this was some viral trash equation. Found videos on YouTube discussing about it.

>> No.32553156

1 or 9?

>> No.32553161

lol a bunch of nerds fighting xddd

>> No.32553198


>> No.32553202

Because it is

>> No.32553218

How new? To the world, not 4chan.

>> No.32553244

You solve for the variable first and then do just normal order of operations. 9.

>> No.32553253

One thing I learned on the internet is that people are incredibly proud of not having learned something as basic as the standardized order of operations.

>> No.32553256


>> No.32553271

The worst part is they could type the equation into a calculator and get the right answer but still insist that their wrong answer is the correct one.

>> No.32553304

You need to be mentally challenged to say 9

>> No.32553311

>The root of the issue here is the American mnemonic for order of operations switches the places of division and multiplication
This isn't the problem you autist.

>> No.32553316

Imagine trusting (((calculators)))

>> No.32553324

It's not their fault really. You see, if the task was phrased in a way that included a shopping cart full of melons, they would've had it for sure.

>> No.32553330

the x isnt in the denominator faggot only the 2

>> No.32553354

this. thats the entire fucking point of these tricks, format for shit so there's enough ambiguity that retards argue over which way to solve it is correct.

>> No.32553410

There is no ambiguity. There's only retards who forgot to work left to right when there's multiplication and division in the same problem

>> No.32553422

There's zero ambiguity. Literally zero. The reason this is a "trick" is because most people barely struggled through high school math and retained none of it, so they'll confidently argue all day when they're just flat wrong.

>> No.32553437

Some dumbfuck mathematician will say it's 9, but engineers will know it's 1.

>> No.32553456

learn what foil is

>> No.32553483

It's 6 though


Please go read a book

>> No.32553503

A method for multiplying two binomials which has no relevance at all to what we're talking about?

>> No.32553526

>6/2 = 2

>> No.32553550

x is the denominator actually
it's also multiplied by 2 btw

>> No.32553564

Left to right isn't a thing. Commutative property would be useless if it was a thing.

>> No.32553568

It's only poorly notated if you have no idea what math is used for and have to rely on literal textbook explanations on what to do.

>> No.32553583

No its not faggot or the OPs answer would be 1 too, and its not

>> No.32553587

The reason is we don't use division sign past primary school. Mentally healthy people use denominator instead

>> No.32553609

no, there's only retards that don't know when to include the parentheses. the only people that format an equation this way are people looking to start arguments between idiots on the internet, everyone else writes it as either 6/(2(2+1)) or (6/2)(2+1)

>> No.32553612

commutative doesn't apply for subtraction and division

>> No.32553623
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>> No.32553649

>OPs answer would be 1
It is

>> No.32553679

The only way you don't see it's 6 is you actually inserted a crayon through your nose.

>> No.32553697

This anon is correct, but retards will deny it because they want to feel superior for once in their miserable lives.

>> No.32553701

It's 9

>> No.32553767

>tfw in my 3rd year in college with middle school math knowledge (i skipped it in high school)
goml nerds

>> No.32553770

It's 6, remember the parenthesis multiplies by the 6/2.

>> No.32553782

Anons proud of their elementary math is cutest thing happened to this board recently

>> No.32553787

and you're fucking retarded and don't know jack shit about math apparently
there's commutativity and non-commutativy, no "left to right" bullshit or whatever they taught in american grade school

>> No.32553801

Post major

>> No.32553817

I typed the equation into the Windows Scientific Calculator and got 3.

>> No.32553844

biology lol

>> No.32553871

I'm going to shove you into a locker, nerd.

>> No.32553877

The only correct answer.

>> No.32553879

how the fuck did you pass organic chemistry?

>> No.32553911
File: 228 KB, 517x336, 1656823722146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok good job guys that was a really productive discussion i think it's safe to say the real answer is-

>> No.32553919

Kek, that's pathetic. Studying FUCKING MONKEYS out of all things...

>> No.32553941

>3rd world countries never taught left to right

Kek, that's why can't evaluate 6 / 2 * 3?

>> No.32554064


>> No.32554088

Don't you need calc and statistics for that?

>> No.32554110

simple as

>> No.32554115


>> No.32554125


>> No.32554147


>> No.32554151

What uni doesn't require at least calc 1+2 and stats for a biology degree?

>> No.32554198

yes i am deferring my math general eds until my 4th year

>> No.32554199


>> No.32554204

Almost as cute as anons proud of failing an elementary math question.

>> No.32554233
File: 230 KB, 656x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is 3. I don't care about the math, I just like that number.

>> No.32554261

>His math courses weren't prereqs for his higher-level physics and chemistry
what kind of ramshackle university... Anon, I hope you're going to a high-research and decently ranked school if you want to go into hard sciences

>> No.32554278

(You) are the ones who can't calculate. It's 6, don't know whwre the fuck you are getting 1 and 9 from.

>> No.32554289

Uhhh >>32552224

>> No.32554293
File: 104 KB, 800x600, UWAAAA[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frrnvw1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32554336

My favorite number is 11

>> No.32554341

they lowered standards because of covid and lack of enrollment

>> No.32554363

Mine is 12

>> No.32554370

Retarded notation, but 1. Anyone who says otherwise is a turbofag

>> No.32554461

He added symbols.

>> No.32554474
File: 373 KB, 1125x564, 1661104854454092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Six divided by two is.... two.

>> No.32554554

Weird. Don't you guys need at least some physics? Fluid dynamics seems like it would be very important for biology students. Is biology degree just learn a lot of names in latin and how to group them?

>> No.32554610

actually the windows calculator doesn't like the formatting for an entirely different reason and if you type it in exactly as it's written with no modification it actually turns it into 6/(2+1) =2

>> No.32554625 [DELETED] 

I checked my alma mater and it requires general physics 1 and 2, general chem 1 and 2, ochem 1 and 2, applied statistics, and more. I fear for that anon if he's 3 years in and feels he never needed any math

>> No.32554636

Multiplication is implied in the absence of a symbol, anon.
Go study for your GED.

>> No.32554639
File: 120 KB, 828x996, 1613645646992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora bought 6 female monkeys.

Her cat was left alone with the monkeys and hungry so it ate half the monkeys. She finds out her mother bought 1 male monkey awhile back and 2 more male monkeys recently. Her mother's monkeys and her own remaining monkeys went into heat and reproduced, each female monkey producing 1 offspring.

How many monkeys are there now?

>> No.32554660
File: 225 KB, 850x953, 1662192786603328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons are wrong
>math books are wrong
>calculators are wrong
>the computer I'm typing this on is wrong
>WolframAlpha is coded wrong

>> No.32554763

it says 1 on microsoft's calculator actually

>> No.32554766

Nobody uses that symbol for division past 3rd grade. The answer is "fuck you, use standard notation".

>> No.32554851

yes. a semester of physics. I'm not doing post-grad so I don't need to go deep into it. I'm not shit at math, I just haven't taken it in a long time. Chegg/youtube videos can take you pretty far.

>> No.32554969


>> No.32555019

The answer is one (1) monkey you retard because Pekora only ever bought ONE MONKEY and it's STILL ALIVE

>> No.32555067
File: 31 KB, 732x516, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.32555084

1+2 = 3
2(3) = 4
6/6 = 1
Fuck you

>> No.32555106

>is fetus a living being or not
According to trannies it's not

>> No.32555113

6/2x is this 3x or 3/x

The answer is your teacher slaps you and tells you to write unambiguously.

>> No.32555127

it's not. until it's born out of a womb, it's not a real life.

>> No.32555142

division before multiplation before addition

>> No.32555227

It's 6...

>> No.32555276

imo it's not real life until you are an adult

>> No.32555354

Well, I guess you can just throw your hands up whenever you see division and multiplication in the same expression without parenthesis.

>> No.32555427

>/wvt/ is once again proven the dumbest board
I'm pretty sure watching vtubers is up there with huffing glue when it comes to brain cells murdering hobbies.

>> No.32555432

Every time I see this thread, I'm reminded the average IQ is only 100, and the average person is basically a fucking retard.

>> No.32555434

Pekora has 6 monkey rats that she is transporting
She has 2 carrying cases, each has one pocket that can hold 1 monkey rat and one pocket that can hold 2 monkey rats
If she can hold one carrying case in each hand, how many trips will she need in order to transport the monkey rats?

>> No.32555476

its 1

>> No.32555512

What's the answer then?

>> No.32555531


>> No.32555548

hololive fans, right?

>> No.32555561

I was expecting ironic answer but instead I just got reminded of how fucking stupid vt actually is

>> No.32555646

1 is the correct answer.

>> No.32555666

Each case can carry 3 monkey rats.
She can carry 2 cases per trip, so 2 * 3 monkey rats per trip.
There's only 6 monkey rats, so it's 6 monkeys rats / 6 monkey rats / trip = 1 trip.

>> No.32555699
File: 672 KB, 976x738, 1651402832189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can trust me. I'm doing my Doctorates in Combinatorics.

>> No.32555778
File: 262 KB, 310x343, 1640959863077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regional differences in notation means different people will get different answers to the problem, the answer is "use proper notation that people agree on instead of the shit you were taught in 4th grade"

>> No.32555792

indeed. are you coming to the annual children eating ritual this year?

>> No.32555808
File: 99 KB, 828x914, 1643422689922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resolve the parenthesis first (2+1) = 3
>Go left to right and do multiplications first 2(3) = 6
>Do divisions second 6/6 = 1

>> No.32555813

It's hard to tell if half the posters are just trolling or are just genuinely retarded. I'll choose to believe they are trolling.

>> No.32555843

It's a meme problem, could literally be 1 or 9 depending on how you read it. Growing up the way we were taught, the answer would be presumed to be 1. In recent math classes I've taken it would be written out as (6/2)(1+2) if they wanted the answer to be 9. The problems were written very precise to avoid shit like this.

>> No.32555854

PEMDAS, nigga.
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Multiplication comes first.

>> No.32555897
File: 268 KB, 388x417, 1546809280388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Division and multiplication are on the same tier of importance
So you flip a coin to decide or what?

>> No.32555904

Anon, IQ is scaled so that 100 is the average

>> No.32555905

it literally is 1. do you not do PEMDAS?

>> No.32555910

12 is really cool too!

>> No.32555934

You're the reason we teach people how to use calculators to check their work.

>> No.32555963

left to right priority

>> No.32555974

ab÷cd = abd over c according to 9 apologists

>> No.32555977

>so you would do them left to right.
You slept through English class too didn't you.

>> No.32556007

what if you are japanese?

>> No.32556023

>Angry Beavers
God, I miss that show. Surprised to see an image of it here.

>> No.32556029

Top to bottom priority

>> No.32556049


This is actually a fairly simple problem. It’s basic middle school math, the tricky part is that the notation is unclear but if you go through it step by step it’s easy.


>Step 1
Parentheses first, use PEMDAS
6/(2) x 2/(1)

>Step 2
Cross multiply, we are done with the parentheses so we move right
6/2 x 2 x (2+1)/2

>Step 3
We’re done with parentheses and multiplication from PEMDAS so we move to division. This is the tricky part.
3 x 2/1 x 2/2

>Step 4
Just simplify now, this is easy
3 x 2 x 1

>Step 5
Finish multiplying and we’re done
3 x 2 x 1 = 6

The answer is six, simple as that. EZ

>> No.32556053

oh yeah it totally is bro

just confirming you're a HOLOCHAD getting the right answer

>> No.32556069

They are weighted the same, you do left to right because the commutative property states order only doesn't matter if you have addition and multiplication (but order obviously matters with subtraction and division).

>> No.32556083

Check out 3blue1brown before you start calculus and statistics.

>> No.32556081

Alright niggers, here's the actual answer
Approximately 0.26
In other words, 6/23

>> No.32556099


>> No.32556119

its actually BODMAS

>> No.32556184

Just googled that. Never heard of BODMAS. Apparently different teachers teach different ones, but they all mean the same thing.

>> No.32556208

You just go from left to right
So for 6/2*3, you do 6/2 first which is 3, then you do 3*3 which is 9.

>> No.32556215

The school system has really failed the youth of today. It's unironically over

>> No.32556238

wasn't it always

>> No.32556240


>> No.32556271

Division and multiplication is the same thing. You can do them in any order if the equation is properly written

>> No.32556290


>> No.32556299

Yeah, that was to remember the acronym. PEMDAS.

>> No.32556304

left to right is stupid, question makers should just use more brackets. Also its clear that if this was a real question instead of a stupid troll meme there would be brackets around the second half.

>> No.32556305

look I fucking hate math, but you make me feel smart towards this subject

>> No.32556309

Its actually

>> No.32556352

What the absolute fuck are you smoking? Multiplication and division are literally opposites.

>> No.32556453

>6 / 2 * 3

>> No.32556463

(1+2) takes precedence as it's the first step in PEMDAS. However, anything that's solved within the parentheses gets preferential treatment in multiplication as the parentheses remains until it has been multiplied.

So ideally, it's 6 / 2(3) and as 2(3) still has a parentheses, that takes precedence and you get 6 / 6 which equals to 1.

>> No.32556516

division is just multiplication by the inverse you absolute dumbass

>> No.32556522

it's the same thing just inverted. /2 = *(1/2). reasonable not to call them opposites

>> No.32556534
File: 73 KB, 239x215, 1659106391737379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiplication and Division
Addition and Subtraction
are on the same fucking tier. They are done in order from LEFT TO RIGHT.
God damn, you are a dumb faggot.

>> No.32556544

By the inverse. Meaning the opposite, you fucking sperg.

>> No.32556610

You do the ones in brackets first retard. It's 9.

>> No.32556647

What the fuck is a PEMDA? Sounds degenerate.

>> No.32556653

no. In fact in real math you'll often write *(1/x) instead of /x

x/y*z looks much less clean than x*(1/y)*z. Although it all means the same thing, it's just your personal notation preference.

>> No.32556660
File: 98 KB, 1080x941, 1649279647377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you answer anything other than 1, you do not deserve to breathe.

>> No.32556675

Parentheses -> Exponents -> Multiplication -> Division -> Adding And Subtracting
(Please Excuse My Dear Auld Aunt Sally)
It’s how we all learned it in school, parentheses first, then exponents, then multiplication, then division, then addition and subtraction going in order. A few contrarian brainlets like >>32556271
>>32556208 will disagree but literally everyone irl knows it’s multiplication first so the answer is 1, 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/6 = 1.

>> No.32556678

>However, anything that's solved within the parentheses gets preferential treatment in multiplication as the parentheses remains until it has been multiplied.
Who taught you this and why do they still have a teaching license?

>> No.32556679
File: 10 KB, 603x368, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32556713

Opposites attract so you should do them at the same time.

>> No.32556734


>> No.32556753

no, multiplication and division are literaly just the same operation. Just multiplying by the inverse instead. Just as subtraction is really just addiction of a negative.

It's kind of funny how the dragoon gets it right: >>32553069
while all the holofags are completely retared

>> No.32556758


Y'all forgot that a number in front of a bracket is implied to multiply everything within the bracket.

>> No.32556808


>> No.32556837

Then why didn't the calculator imply it? I punched it in exactly. Checkmate.

>> No.32556841

When the fuck did this become Facebook?

>> No.32556843

How come Europoors were never taught how to solve problems without parentheses? Why do they refuse to solve problems without parentheses? Just do left to right nigga, it's not that hard. It's literally ONE EXTRA RULE in math where there are already hundreds I'm sure you've already memorized.

>> No.32556848


>> No.32556886

Some people here didn't graduate high school.

>> No.32556906

You're right, 2 is the correct answer.

>> No.32556982

I'm from Canada and was taught BEDMAS

>> No.32557002

It's 6, you have to separate the operation in groups divided by the - and + symbols.

>> No.32557063

so is it
everyone makes valid points

>> No.32557062

>the reddit tourist can’t even figure out order of operations
None of your pseudo intellectual talk matters here. The problem is entirely based on math.

Inside the parentheses first
Multiplication takes precedent because there are brackets

The answer is one brainlet

>> No.32557085

I hate americans

>> No.32557115

Math is never wrong as long as you can justify how you arrived to your conclusion and it makes sense.

>> No.32557129

It's 6.

>> No.32557135

PEMDAS, fool.

You add the numbers inside of the parentheses first. The you have 6/2(3) which is the same as 6/2*3. And the rule is that multiplication and division have equal precedence and you go from left to right, so you do 6/2 first, which leaves you with 3*3. Which is 9.

>> No.32557137
File: 522 KB, 640x771, 38652845624852624845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I looked into it. Apparently the math problem went viral back in 2016. Apparently by modern standards, the answer is 9. However, historically, we used to figure out these math problems in a different way. If you were to do things like they used to do it, the answer would be 1.
So everyone is right based on what method they used. Mainly because I said 1.

>> No.32557180

Finally someone who gets it. Everyone confused in this thread, just carefully study and memorize this pattern. And then apply it everywhere both at school and your daily life.

>> No.32557189

>the answer is 9 because… it just is okay?!
>NO parentheses don’t have precedent
>NO it’s not PEMDAS even though we all know it is
>NO you’re the brainlet not me!!!

>> No.32557208

>Modern standards
So they released math 2.0? where can I see the patch notes?

>> No.32557217

it's 1 you dumb motherfucker

>> No.32557281
File: 306 KB, 1215x1078, 1659278792950843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read? They are on the same fucking tier of importance. Done from LEFT to RIGHT.
M = D
A = S

>> No.32557282

Common Core strikes again

>> No.32557291

Anyone who says anything other than 6 should relearn maths.

>> No.32557304

Were you taught math by the Quakers in a frontier schoolhouse circa 1820?

>> No.32557317

>So they released math 2.0
Yes, for americans
The rest of the world is still using 1.0 release

>> No.32557371
File: 49 KB, 847x630, 2022-09-05 192730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all calculators give the same answer

>> No.32557375

Go back to school.

>> No.32557379

You fucking faggots can't even use NIGMAS or LIGMAS

>> No.32557405

If I was, apparently a lot of other people were as well, given how many people said 1.

>> No.32557414

Because this notation makes no fucking sense for a computer so they just do whatever they want

>> No.32557441
File: 23 KB, 403x391, 1659684545292193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is 9, no one gives a fuck about how they did math a hundred years ago.
Trying to downplay your smoothbrain getting 1 as an answer.

>> No.32557482

if all of them give the same answer, they are following the same standard

>> No.32557498
File: 926 KB, 1080x1315, 659456247358462374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently a ton of people give a fuck given how many people said 1. Therefore it is an acceptable answer. Cope and seethe.

>> No.32557504
File: 352 KB, 708x762, 1659765460995820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice retort, seethe more please.

>> No.32557503
File: 57 KB, 816x860, win32calc_g2KKHRRWBz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone upthread said the Windows calc returns 1 and yeah, no.

>> No.32557540

They are following the (((standard)))

>> No.32557556

>appeal to the majority
Math doesn't work like that.

>> No.32557578

>they just do whatever they want
If everyone one of them get the same answer, guess what? Guess the logic must be faulty in every tool used, huh? Ain't that just a nice coincidence?

>> No.32557598
File: 38 KB, 1182x431, oh no no no sixkeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you say?

>> No.32557615

But it does. That's how standards work, anon.

>> No.32557618

6 is objectively the right answer. In shorthand the expression is 6/2 (1+2), once you expand that you get (6/(2))2((1+2), you cancel out the twos and you’re left with (6(1) + 2(6)/(2))/2 which equals 6(1) which is of course 6. Again the notation is poor which is why you are getting the wrong answers, once you write the whole thing out anyone who understands basic arithmetic knows the answer is 6

>> No.32557624

Yes it does. If the majority did things our way to figure things out, that would be the accepted method.

>> No.32557637

the answer doesnt actually matter because any actual important equation will not use the gay divide sign and will just put things on top or on the bottom and also because there isnt even any context around the question.
If you had either of these there would be no ambiguity at all. At the end of the day you are just playing around with made up numbers and made up rules.

>> No.32557672
File: 1.74 MB, 356x574, filth[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnwd84y.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to reply to all the retards who didn't say 1 but there are too many of you subhuman room temp IQ browns.

>> No.32557689

Mine says 2...

>> No.32557696

interesting, what year is this program from?

>> No.32557720


>> No.32557749

I agree with you I was just trying to make anon read your post.

>> No.32557763

There weren't computers back then, you fucking retarded retard.

>> No.32557770

this is what happens when you let liberals control the schools

>> No.32557774

But I'm brown and I said 1...

>> No.32557793

Submitting a bug report now, hopefully Rajeesh will fix this by the end of the week.

>> No.32557915
File: 146 KB, 1467x1214, bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit a bug, click solve and see:

>> No.32557939

There were computers back then, you sre straight up wrong.

>> No.32557940

Congrats on not being subhuman

>> No.32558033

honorary white intellectual

>> No.32558105

/vt/ autistically debugging Microsoft math engines in a same-chan bait thread, incredible

>> No.32558208
File: 10 KB, 394x545, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works on my end

>> No.32558253


>> No.32558286

You are the bug.

>> No.32558596

>An expression like 1/2x is interpreted as 1/(2x) by TI-82, as well as many modern Casio calculators,[22] but as (1/2)x by TI-83 and every other TI calculator released since 1996,[23] as well as by all Hewlett-Packard calculators with algebraic notation. While the first interpretation may be expected by some users due to the nature of implied multiplication, the latter is more in line with the rule that multiplication and division are of equal precedence.

Boomer and Yurop version is 1
Zoomer version is 9

>> No.32558870
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1602954230405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had my old math professor's number and texted him
he told me the answer is 9

>> No.32558918

I love this thread, classic 4chan
The answer is 9, but that isn’t the point of the question

>> No.32559187

I'm sorry they let people like that teach you, the answer is 6.

>> No.32559572

>The answer is 9,
But it is not a correct answer

>> No.32559592

The elite have had computers for a while. They're just letting us plebs leverage a small fraction of the computing power they posses.
The latest AMD threadripper 9001x processor with 24 6nm cores? that's a grain of sand compared to that they have in the white house basement.
You're a fool if you don't think they had computers during the revolution and were crunching numbers to make tactical decisions.
