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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32519726 No.32519726 [Reply] [Original]

Announced a collab with a Chink that is living in the western world and calls white people "Snow roaches" to "prove a point". This is just one of her racist comments (literally just google it and you will see). Who in Hololive management thought that this is a good idea?

>> No.32519796


>> No.32519798

/vt/ hate racism now?

>> No.32519839

cry about it on reddit wigger

>> No.32520113

I believe Kiara also collab with some SJW like her during a promotional stream.

>> No.32520242

lol if ur white and u care about what chinkoids have to say neck lmao

>> No.32520266

Yes I know you already made a thread about this

>> No.32520327

I've been seeing this 39daph everywhere recently. QRD on who this person is?

>> No.32520342

/vt/ just hates everything except their ever changing oshi at the moment.

>> No.32520381

>calls white people "Snow roaches"
Holy based

>> No.32520439

we're just jealous that they're getting away with racism despite being considered honorary whites

>> No.32520450

>If you are white, you should be insulted by default no matter the context just because of the history of colonization and slavery
Yes, because no other races / peoples were involved in those, like the Moors, Huns, Mongols, Ottomans, Sub Saharan slave trade that was much bigger than what europeans and americans did, etc.
So now as a white man, you have to walk on eggshells around other races, while they are apparently given carte blanche to throw out racist insults everywhere?
Its not about me being offended, It's about the double standard. And the main point is that Hololive shouldnt be allowing this whore to collab with Dezmond. Altho', seeing how they are IRL friends, I doubt that he is much different than her.

>> No.32520508

le /pol/tards have arrived

>> No.32520512

Don’t let /vt/‘s sudden interest in what Homos do on their ecosystem distract you from the fact that PEKORA BOUGHT A FUCKING MONKEY!

>> No.32520536

Unicuck hands typed this thread

>> No.32520570

I hate /pol/tards

>> No.32520577

le redditor has arrived

>> No.32520604

Maybe do not bring in political cunts into VTubing, if you do not want them posting on this board

>> No.32520613

What race is Peko's monkey though?

>> No.32520701

>Forcing a month old meme to derail a convo
Sasuga /vt/ mongoloids.
Dont worry, I'm sure vt_kek will include you in the screenshot. Fucking imbeciles...

>> No.32520704

I wonder

>> No.32520812
File: 60 KB, 806x720, 1602518496577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumei is themed after civilization in a gen that was ostensibly supposed to be all about the lore
>is not allowed to actually do anything at all with her theme for fear of yabs. literally cannot even do a stream about the history of the potato.
>also dandan

>tempus is allowed to bring in people who are openly political
>double standards.

>> No.32520838

>nuuuuuu reply to muh epic bait

>> No.32520888

Good point actually. Mumei cant even play CIVILIZATION one of the tamest history themed games ever.

>> No.32520917

Blame Kronies from trying to deflect their drama onto the Rust bullshit by shitting up catalog with it.

Poor little nigga must be dead. Pain peko…

>> No.32520920

true, I am /vt/ can confirm

>> No.32520929 [DELETED] 

It almost like men have backbones until females who born without one

>> No.32520965

It almost like men have backbones unlike females who born without one while being given anything they want

>> No.32520969

She is a bitch with borderline personality disorder who got famous drawing fan art of top streamers such as Tyler1.

>> No.32521018

>show a microsecond of Gandhi on screen
>Poointheloondians throw a massive shit fit
Clone High had depictions of Jesus, alluded to the Kennedy assassination, turned Joan of Arc into a Goth GF, and generally mocked all sorts of European figures, but it was Gandhi that got the show canceled.

>> No.32521063

Or the homos deal with far more lax management due to being a pet project.

>> No.32521428

>turned Joan of Arc into a Goth GF
Maybe that why the Japanese did it?

>> No.32521483

Cant be racist to white people

>> No.32521523

She's here and talking about you, btw.

>> No.32521596

Isnt he a chink himself?

>> No.32521693

I don't get it... You're crying about someone that's racist but in the same sentence you refer to her as a chink?
I used to watch her content but the idgaf/lazy attitude towards almost everything got out of hand

>> No.32521767

>I’m already getting gatekept

>> No.32521785

"chink" is no racism because they are CURRENTLY the bad guys

>> No.32521911

Trust me, nobody wants the Homos to collab with this random Anon either

>> No.32521936

You are missing the point. If my chink friend called me a snow monkey i would laugh my balls off. Daph is a very popular streamer and she can apparently throw those terms around with no bonk from the platform. Meanwhile, some streamer got banned because the system THOUGHT they said "nigger". One example is Pink Ward (LoL streamer) saying YIKES and someone interpreted it as nigger and he got shit for it.
Also, what >>32520812 said too.
I hate double standards and I hate the so called "collective guilt" that is imposed on all white people no matter their background. Some fucking kid can move to the US from fucking Romania, and all of a sudden he becomes the "oppressor" just because of his skin color. Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.32521947

It's a nationalist slur, if that. It's on the same level as Kraut, Roast Beef, Yank, Nip, Frog, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.32522015

What's concerning me is Mag has connection to SJW

>> No.32522027 [DELETED] 

She is genuinely racist and applauded for it. Pretty gross. I have nothing against throwing around slurs.

>> No.32522102


>> No.32522108

>She is genuinely racist and applauded for it. Pretty gross
>I have nothing against throwing around slurs

>> No.32522187 [DELETED] 

I knew something was off when we has on his knees trying to explain specifically to her that the suffering thing was "just a joke bro".

>> No.32522217

his roommate was a pretty big and he's got connections to a lot of twitch degenerates from what i heard

>> No.32522241

wow this bitch is insane

>> No.32522261

I don't like women, I don't like asian americans, I don't like americans
That woman is all three of them combined, I'm just gonna skip this stream

>> No.32522262


Which is why im surprised he took this gig when he was doing really good

>> No.32522264
File: 74 KB, 965x683, 1645304065375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People generally want celebrities to act like decent human beings and not like the average 4chan browsing faggot.

>> No.32522285 [DELETED] 

Why can't they just leave us alone, do they like ruining everything we make?

>> No.32522303


>> No.32522311

/vt/ is no different than twitter these days holy shit

>> No.32522340

I'm racist but I don't see any problem holding other racists to the same rules I'm held to. Actually it benefits me.

>> No.32522395

>these days
always has been

>> No.32522470

from the rrats i've seen anons basically said his roommate's channel was practically dying and Mag wanted a change of scenery, also his eceleb friends were pretty much surface level clout chasers since he mentioned that he was lonely before getting into Tempus

>> No.32522496 [DELETED] 

Lol thats not real racism dumb bitch

>> No.32522539 [DELETED] 

His channel was doing fine, I think he was just tired of doing the same thing over and over again. Also he wanted to fuck his oshi 100%

>> No.32522548

>no problem throwing around chink/indog/nigger/faggot/tranny
>seethes at snow roaches the tamest fucking """slur"""

a fucking monkey

>> No.32522617 [DELETED] 

I cant go on twitter and call someone a nigger tho. Its different

>> No.32522634

Learn to read, ape. >>32521936

>> No.32522636

Except her racism was quite literally just saying slurs in her chat

>> No.32522656

apparently racism against white people is okay in the current year

>> No.32522680

>Tempiss bringing politically divisive ecelebs into the holosphere is fine because people /here/ do it
Retard. HoloEN really is becoming nijified, and tempiss should have been antid from the start.

>> No.32522707 [DELETED] 

Im going to find you and rape you daph i already have the doxx

>> No.32522730 [DELETED] 

Theres a difference between sjw faggotry snd mixed gender collabs

>> No.32522762

Why are you people defending women?

>> No.32522806

Okay but seriously what's the difference between her genuine racism and just saying slurs? I still haven't gotten an answer

>> No.32522810

I don't have a twitch channel.
Also, if a white guy said any of the things she said he'd be instantly and permanently banned.

>> No.32522820 [DELETED] 

Ive never spent 12 hours of my day workshopping new slurs for niggers. Kinda weird!

>> No.32522821

to be fair, Mumei is just not creative enough. She could have just opened novelai and created her own fictional history with suggestions from chat and that would be hilarious. Imagine if she creates her fictional kingdom and tries to go on a world domination in her fictional world. 1000% kino

>> No.32522874

Because there's no point, nothing's going to top nigger. Cracker on the other hand is weak as fuck and no cares if you call them that, snow roach is at least a little bit better.

>> No.32522879 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you chink slut

>> No.32522902

>anons on 4chan
>an e-celeb that is about to do a collab with hololive member
not even comparable

>> No.32522924

So you don't know?

>> No.32522931

The same ones who thought Tempus was a good idea.

>> No.32522956

Dude just liked vtubers. The real thing that surprises me is that he went for holostars. Nijisanji would had let him in for sure, and honestly he'd kinda fit in. Dude's pretty gay.

>> No.32522962

Yeah, a girl that can barely keep her head up from taking care of her dog, family stuff, college, and streaming, should now also create a whole alternate universe just so she can do streams that are related to her lore.

>> No.32523014

It's her job

>> No.32523016

yeah twitch is run by faggot libs that have double standards for their creators, why is this a fucking shock. That one bitch literally fucked on stream and got banned for a week.

Why are whites seething when all the coloreds are treated as subhuman on this board anyway? Who the fuck cares. If Daph said "fuck niggers" you'd be crying based

>> No.32523049

Nigger came from Negro which literally means black. Cracker came from a term used to describe slave owners. Calling someone with no relation to slavery whatsoever is like saying "hey its YOUR FAULT for slavery" only based on your skin color, even if the individual in question is, like someone already said, from fucking romania or something and was under the ottomans at the time for centuries.

>> No.32523140

Daph doesn't like white poeple fetishizing asian women because she has imposter syndrome thinking the sole reason she has success is because of her white viewers wanting to fuck her.
That's why to make her mad I will masturbate to the thought of her getting fucked by the huge white Mag cock while my Apex nigga Aceu watches with no emotion

>> No.32523192

These people are hypocrites they are fine with political stuff as long as it enforces their world view and when then get called out they scream about the pol boogie man. It’s pathetic.

>> No.32523209 [SPOILER] 

>japan entertainment = 100% entertainment
>western entertainment = 50% entertainment 50% politics
you all need to die now

>> No.32523217

And? It still doesn't change the fact that calling a nigger nigger is still the ultimate insult for them, even worse than calling him a monkey, while no sane white person will care if you call him cracker. If anything a nigger calling you a cracker imply they see you as their owner and superior in society.

>> No.32523221

>she has success is because of her white viewers wanting to fuck her
She's not wrong

>> No.32523264

nigger have you been to /pol/?

>> No.32523311
File: 185 KB, 1080x1344, 1662384356246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Announced a collab with a Chink that is living in the western world and calls white people "Snow roaches"

>> No.32523349

Which is fucking weird because without make up, she looks like a Mongolian stable master.

>> No.32523510

You could do that on twitter until about 2016. What changed? You lost bro?

>> No.32523564

schizos please send this information to cover corp, cancel this collab NOW

>> No.32523760

/vt/ complaining about racism is actually hilarious. you niggers are actually a bunch of thin skinned whiners holy shit.

>> No.32523941

Don't care, still watching. I hope they continue to do whatever they want while you fags cry about it

>> No.32524098

not everyone in /vt/ is racist retard

>> No.32524512

it's all envy becase they hate their own bug eyes but everyone think green and blue eyes are beautiful. Watch any video on youtube where Asians get asked what do they think of whites people and a lot of them say they look like angels. Meanwhile all Asians have the same black straight hair and bug eyes.

>> No.32524514

I an racist. I am fine with most forms of racism. I don’t like double standards and hypocrites

>> No.32524632
File: 79 KB, 888x626, 1662376737186813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can decide for yourself.

>> No.32524716

Man, you white roaches need to chill out. Us colored roaches had do real with this our entire lives. At least cops aren’t randomly executing you on the side of the street.

>> No.32524892

i refuse to believe an actual human typed this shit

>> No.32524928

>he doesn't know the cops kill more whites than blacks
>he believes the false narrative
If you want to talk politics take it to /pol/, bug man

>> No.32525072

shutup Mori

>> No.32525131

you people always resist, if you just comply the cops wouldn't shot your ass

>> No.32525186


>> No.32525202

/vt/ said racism is based though?

>> No.32525208

I really though tempus were different, but all the small things keep piling up.
This isn't broshit anymore I'm going back to twitch

>> No.32525327

I’m going to shit if they let Daph into EN3

>> No.32525365

Just ignore the cringelord. He gives me Mori vibes.

>> No.32525445
File: 84 KB, 198x198, 1632731192648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>against white people
Literally not possible by definition.

>> No.32525498

Sounds based

>> No.32525518


>> No.32525525

I thought we discussing racism /here/

>> No.32525539

50% entertainment is generous considering how shit tier the writing for everything is nowadays

>> No.32525587

sensitive hands wrote this post

>> No.32525662

Mayo boy
Your women are getting blacked while you watch vtubers

>> No.32525675

It's not really as much double standards as it's a completely different set of managers. And Mums managers are retarded.

>> No.32525809

Pretty sure he's Taiwanese or HK

>> No.32525902

Wonder if some day, it'll be possible to actually insult crackers without invoking Mutt's Law.

>> No.32525912

Good evening, west Taiwan

>> No.32526215

>Why is this allowed
White people don't need to take part in the global inequality pity party. Only the weak need to worry about racism.

>> No.32526357

But why they cry when i call them niggers/bugs?

>> No.32526453

You can but that will always get the most (You)s. It's the white equivalent of latinx.

>> No.32526533

>Racism is based until it's against white people
Why is this?

>> No.32526612

>Hololive greenlights a chink to collab with a Holostars member

Holy fucking shit. The chinks are actually coming back for Hololive

>> No.32526691

Because they need to pretend to care about other people.

>> No.32526708

Racism is based when it is said by people without double standards and cringe when it is done by people that get mad and want to socially and financially punish people that say "nigger"

How hard is this to understand?

>> No.32526744

Not on topic. Reframing a censorship issue as a stance issue does not compute. Nice try.
Always asking pointless questions is right out of the subversive playbook. You want to fatigue your "enemy" and waste his resources.
You are not commenting in good faith and your ruse is obvious to anyone with a working brain.

>> No.32526890

Ironic when her nationalities entire driving force is being a colony of ants and seething when one hill decides it doesn't want to pay tribute to the "queen" anymore.

>> No.32526960

>Snow roaches
Why is it so hard to come up with actual offensive-sounding slurs for white people?

>> No.32527043

Why are twitch kids raiding /vt/?
I thought you hated vtubers

>> No.32527160

Because they're just being tsundere, they don't actually hate whites

>> No.32527566

How low can they go though?

>> No.32527681

>Trump supporter
>"You're acting white"

>> No.32527729

>Chink that is living in the western world

>> No.32527790

They all do, this shit has been seeping through the cracks for a while now.

>> No.32527819

4chan in 2022

>> No.32527855

these are really uncreative and shit, where are all the actual offensive slurs?
