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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3236623 No.3236623 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3236677
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>> No.3236694

The game was rigged from the start. She only used you to get closer to the bugs.

>> No.3236706

People who say yikes are faggots OP. That means you.

>> No.3236735

>People who say yikes are faggots
>said yikes

I've got news for you anon-chama, but you might not like it

>> No.3236758

I don't think it works like that anon.

>> No.3236794

I've personally learned the top 1200 chinese words just to call you a faggot

>> No.3236834

Yes, they speak Chinese there.

>> No.3236859

Canotonese/Taiwanese Hokkien bait & switch when?

>> No.3236872

yellow gura in more ways than one now

>> No.3236896

Imagine hating an entire race of people just because reddit dragon got suspended for a few months

>> No.3236899

I thought they spoke Canto and Hokkien in Taiwan.

>> No.3236927
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*blocks ur path*

>> No.3236940

basically an auditory lobectomy

>> No.3236957

inb4 zhang posters

>> No.3236970

They have soooo many legit reasons to be hated by literally the rest of the entire world.

>> No.3236975

it's called the country not the people. i like the republic of china's people, not west taiwan's people (because they're brainwashed by the country)

>> No.3236999

Those are dialects.

>> No.3237129

iirc they just have bunch of different words, and slightly different accent. think of brit english and us english

>> No.3237200

Taiwan mainly speaks Mandarin with Hokkien as a widely used dialect, Hong Kong speaks Cantonese retardchama

>> No.3237255

how different are those compared to og chinese?

>> No.3237273

Shes so cute though.

I hope she doesn't end up in a big Yab that gets her to quit.

>> No.3237351

Said the country which have 150+ TV channels broastcast killing Japanese propaganda everyday.

>> No.3237376

Chinese is very broad, all three are Chinese dialects and uses the same writing system, Mandarin is the main dialect or the "standard form" it's the one you hear the most, Hokkien and Cantonese are regional dialects, originating from Fujian and GuangZhou

>> No.3237405

The differences between them are more different than brit/us english
If you only know standard beijing mandarin ("default" chinese) then you'd have a hard time conversing with someone that only knew the others.

>> No.3237512

You guys know they are fucked if the China actuallly invades don't you. Like everyone in the west talks big game but if China actually does invade im not sure a war is gonna super popular with the electorate. This isn't Vietnam or Iraq, this is another major world power going up against anothet major world power.

>> No.3237575

Id vote to just drop nukes all over china. what do we even lose

>> No.3237646

Ok, I was just asking for clarification, bugman. Most Chinese in America don't speak standard Mandarin as their mother tongue. At least not the ones that aren't recent immigrants.

>> No.3237661

The Chinese military has no idea how to conduct a war with a foreign power and is built entirely around low intensity war with rebels
In an actual tooth to tooth fight they're fucked from a doctrine standpoint

>> No.3237727 [SPOILER] 
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Nothing wrong with learning chinese...they won't expect you to understand/insult them back and will go into a rage and die of an aneurism.

>> No.3237783

Why would they invade? It would be more likely for the U.S. to invade than them.

>> No.3237816

>what do we even lose
My cheap tech chinkshit that's still waiting to be shipped...

>> No.3237919

>why would China invade Taiwan?
anon-chama, your geopolitical reps.
Taking back Taiwan has been one of the main talking points of the CCP for decades.

>> No.3237942

I'm not sure about recent American immigrants, I'm a 5th gen Singachink who can't even speak in full Chinese without inserting English words here and there.

>> No.3238065

Taiwan is an USA ally, China won't invade unless they want to risk a world war since invading an USA ally means picking a fight with all US and its allies, and of course China will bring its allies too and everybody who hates the US with them. It's one tiny step to total annihilation that nobody sane would be willing to take, same reason the US won't invade North Korea.

>> No.3238121
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>Learning Chinese

>> No.3238226

The yellow jew has always been the enemy, that's just another sin on the pile.

>> No.3238256 [DELETED] 

Silly anon, bugmen aren't people

>> No.3238274

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.3238471 [DELETED] 


>> No.3238577

dont have to imagine, I already do it

>> No.3238920

exactly- the ethnically chinese people from taiwan, from HK, and those who have immigrated to western countries are generally cool
those still under the CCP are the ones everyone hates

>> No.3239017

which board is that? /int/?

>> No.3239070

chink navy is a meme

>> No.3239089

This is Gura's sister, right?

>> No.3239138


>> No.3239458

Amphibious invasions are one of the hardest tactics for a military to pull off.

Taiwan has limited beaches suitable for landing.

They can redeploy forces relatively quickly because of its size.

Land based anti ship missiles make cock and ball torture look appealing.

Taiwan can operate modern fighters under cover of modern AA.

Chinese subs have limited access to the pacific through narrow gaps that are quite shallow making cutting off shipping insanely hard.

Rest of the world pissed because you touched their graphics cards, making them intervene.

It would be a fucking bloodbath.

>> No.3239512
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Why would China invade its own capital?

>> No.3239519

It's an island, and China's navy would die too easily to missile attacks. They would have bum-rushed it ages ago if they could just drive there.

>> No.3239811

I already hated them long before.

>> No.3239832

Why is it that Gura looks different from Luto and Naname? its subtle

>> No.3239934

Just Zerg Rush

>> No.3240024

Holy shit how does that country even operate

>> No.3243552

dangerously based

>> No.3243607

Will she collab with Chinese Ame?

>> No.3243968

There's a reason why they never even attempted to do that. Taiwan is an island, sure, but it's a pretty big one and full of mountains,. They'd have to go all in to invade it in a fell swoop, cause the moment the USA, Japan and South Korea entered the fray, they'd be royally screwed.

>> No.3244016

It's why the zhangs support the CCP and the iron fist so much. The general populace is so filled with chaos and savagery that without a central authority to impose strict rules and beat them into submission, all hell will break loose and their society falls apart.

>> No.3244018

Fuck speaking full chink. Your pidgin is entertaining to hear anyway. Zhangs only want to wipe out other languages anyway and make Mandarin the only Chinese language/dialect.

>> No.3244217

Civil wars. Lots and lots of civil wars.

>> No.3244266

The chinese live in all your heads rent free so much so that you bring them up for no reason. go back to /pol/ and tell your buddies you donate half of your paycheck to women pretending to be anime. im sure they will think that's super redpilled

>> No.3244305

Shit rigger. The same one also did Anya and you know how much she hates her L2D.

>> No.3244337

That's what's gonna happen anon

>> No.3244393

If only we could show Truman what the world is like today so he’d let MacArthur go through with his plan to glass the place.
Or even better show Roosevelt so he doesn’t put the oil embargo on the Japanese and allows them to cleanse the han off the face of the earth unmolested. Then we’d have a strong anti-communist ally in the east as well

>> No.3244397

>the moment the USA, Japan and South Korea entered the fray, they'd be royally screwed.
This is kinda why Chinese generals and officials can't seem to decide when to go all in, sure they delete the proof right at their doorstep that their system is completely broken and is unnecessary but they risk igniting the entire planet on fire so bad they might as well not survive as a nation never again.

>> No.3244433

>Imagine hating an entire race of people just because reddit dragon got suspended for a few months
The average balanced individual only hates the CCP's lapdogs and their masters, not the chinese themselves, Asians in general are cool tho.

>> No.3244461

Not to mention all the revolts that would happen all over their absolute mess of a country while they focus their efforts on invading that island. They'd set their own country on fire first and foremost. They really have a lot more to lose than they could win.

>> No.3244699 [SPOILER] 
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Great vtuber discussions


>> No.3246083

Only a mainlander would say this.

>> No.3246101

I'm not a mainlander but I can assure you, it is not hard to notice dialects if you look into how a region works.

>> No.3246132

Don't expect to find any average balanced individuals here

>> No.3246175

I know, I'm just saying.

Also, if anything's gonna escalate into a world shattering conflict at SEA, let it happen, there was A LOT of time to stop it, nobody cared, let it happen so people can see their mistakes come back to haunt them.

>> No.3246606

The majority of Chinese are CCP or have family ties to the CCP, they are inseparable from one another. If you hate the CCP you might as well say you hate Chinese people.

>> No.3246647

>If you hate the CCP you might as well say you hate Chinese people.
Imagine living with logic this circular holy shit.

>> No.3246851 [DELETED] 

they literally cook dogs alive in the most painful way possible on purpose

they are less than human

>> No.3247063 [DELETED] 

And that's precisely why I hate them all. They gave away their humanity. They're nothing but insects now.

>> No.3247250

That's the logic the chinks themselves came up with. That's why you get "hurting the feelings of the chinese people" all the time.

>> No.3247507

>CCP silences all anti-CCP posts online
>see only pro-CCP posts online
>think that this is what all chinks actually believe
This is why people with a hate-boner for chinese people have reddit tier IQ. Pretty appropriate for reddit dragon fans. I'm sure Aqua is thankful for your hard work!

>> No.3248922

Chinese makes sense to learn, but only after you already know English. Anyone who isn't already fluent in English should prioritize that first.

Certain Vtubers have been doing Spanish instead of English, which is a huge mistake. Learn English first.

>> No.3248932

So does this confirm the shady company she works for is also chinese? Wouldnt be the first case

>> No.3250113

We speak both Mandarin and Hokkien, but Mandarin is more prominent

>> No.3254300

>The majority of Chinese are CCP
False. Only around 10% of Chinese people are members of the CCP. Thing is, there are no other political parties allowed so either you are CCP or unaffiliated which means Chicoms still are in charge.

>> No.3254640

Ok fascist

>> No.3254911

Seeing all that replies to your post is making me laugh. They are talking like China is a rotten country incapable of waging a war, and the moment they do, their country is gonna fall apart.

For now, sure. But they're dismissing the fact that the west is also rotten. This pandemic showed the world that the west isn't capable anymore to mantain the world order.

CCP haven't tried to invade Taiwan not only because they're not prepared yet, but they're also waiting for the western allies to be in their most vulnerable state.

>> No.3255030

US would step in, China fails, the end.

>> No.3257418

They actually speak Taiwanese, which yes, is a different language.

>> No.3257695 [DELETED] 

Taiwanese Hokkien is considered to be Chinese by Taiwanese themselves ignorantchama

>> No.3257758
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>> No.3258632

It doesn't matter my dude, even if the west is super-vulnerable when China does that, it still ends in China breaking up due to stress which the population won't take, doesn't help that a lot of non-combatant westerners will become war prisoners in China, this includes people from all of the races which will spark some hardcore hate towards their government, no psi-op needed also, the moment their navy attacks some American ship, the moment it gets sunk by a coalition of western countries, not just Americans, we are also not quite sure how "good quality" is their fleet considering a good chunk of materials they use have all of the chemical parameters waving like crazy and they don't have the US level of weapon and war material production nor the capability to sustain an international war effort (most of their kinda "experienced" armed forces have only fought local terrorists at their border), you have to remember, all of their weaponry has been amassed over several decades of production, what you see in parades is mostly just their new shiny toys but not anything much after that.

>> No.3259322

I just hate Chinese people because of how they smell

>> No.3260160

That army of babies who took a beating from India recenlty is no threat to any decent sized, properly trained military.

>> No.3262477

>can't even beat the loos on land
>pretend to perform an amphibious assault on an island country

>> No.3262980

I don't hate all of them. Just the commie fucks who love their government too much.
