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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32257305 No.32257305 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she quit?

>> No.32257570

Too black.

>> No.32257809 [DELETED] 


>> No.32257853 [SPOILER] 

Probably got sued

>> No.32257870

She's not black but they made her a black, and who the fuck wants to be a black vtuber if they're not black. It's a debuff that's asking for trouble when you get found out

>> No.32257911

Wanted to play chink gacha

>> No.32257930

Black company.

>> No.32258101

You do know they get to partly commission what they want their model to look like right

>> No.32258124

chink gacha money and to join vshojo

>> No.32258178

Yeah, partly. You know she didn't ask to be black, that was the mandatory part. Who the fuck would ask for that.

>> No.32258180

do you want the cope?
lex luthor, saw the male collabs coming, noped out

do you want the realistic speculation?
got in via Ina, voice and model debuff, just wanted to play genshin, vtubing turns out to not really be for her, not sure what the terms of her leaving really was but presented as just graduating

do you want the rrat?
she is omega

>> No.32258206

She just role swapped and became a manager

>> No.32258221

Chink Gacha is one hell of a drug.

>> No.32258344

Yeah, not black but that sweet delicious shade of wheat.

>> No.32258409

Realistically? Probably couldn't do what she wanted to under Hololive and just decided that going back to her old activities was preferable.
Anyone who says she was let go for having poor numbers has been on /vt/ for far too long and clearly hasn't paid any attention to the IDs or JPs.

>> No.32258448

She clearly did. Do you really think an anime artist would default to drawing a niggeroon? She chose that because secretly she wants to be a monkey.

>> No.32258955

Isn't the cope option supposed to be *less* painful than the reality?

>> No.32259252

She had the power of foresight and saw the imminent decline and implosion of EN

>> No.32259400

she knew the boys were about to debut and she was going to be forced to collab with them so she pulled the plug

>> No.32259432

she's going to join vshojo as soon as mori's roommate gets her vtuber model

>> No.32259556

Is she gay?

>> No.32259565

Because the bitch barely even streamed when she was in Hololive, at least she had the decency to officially leave unlike the Oni

>> No.32259593

Funny thing is, I don't watch any of EN from hololive, but I play Arknights and just found who she was. Pretty funny.

>> No.32259700

She refused to be affiliated with a corporation which would allow its talents to purchase A FUCKING MONKEY THEY HAVE NO MEANS OF CARING FOR.

>> No.32259856

Back breaking seggs with me she got better

>> No.32259874

yagoo released sana back into the wild, what's the problem?

>> No.32259929

Gura kept calling her a nigger.
When she said she was asian, Kronii called her a jungle chink

>> No.32259980

She wanted to embrace the chinks and their shitty gacha games more

>> No.32260071

IRyS certainly didn't ask to be black, if she had she wouldn't use filters to make herself whiter

>> No.32260155

she hated the fans on top of not being able to stream chink gachas

>> No.32260232

her roommate recently started bilibili, think about what that means

>> No.32260315

This argument is infallible, thread over. Holo managashit screwed Council out of a member due to a shitty artist.

>> No.32260361

Streaming was a fun side hobby for her, but working at HoloLive turned the hobby into a job. With that said, we saw in the fanart review stream how serious she is about drawing. In addition, she is offered a fat contract from gacha, which gives x3 in annual earnings for streaming.
Now add 2 and 2: on the one hand, there is a fun hobby that has become a job and will bring in some money. On the other hand, you can do what your soul burns about, moreover, for a lot of money. And as a bonus, you get the side hobby back. The choice becomes quite understandable.

>> No.32260418

Dead dog

>> No.32260630

if you think gacha game comp will give her x3 annual hololive earning for a mid-tier non jap or non cn illustrator.. ohh boy..

she simply chose work-life balance

>> No.32260683

She knew that the males were coming and wanted to be remembered as the purest HoloEN member. At the rate things are going, I don't think it'll be too long before she claims that title.

>> No.32260761

Dead dog, back hurt, family got sick, got sick, house fell into sink hole, meteor struck car, attacked by wild animal, documents got lost and needed to prove identity to authorities, woke up from a coma, rose from the dead after allergic reaction, got kidnapped and had to escape. All reasons to disappear, right /vt/?

>> No.32260795

back hort

>> No.32260955

Australia is hard on people.

>> No.32261070

One or more of the following, presented in order of likelihood:
1. She refused to keep a streaming schedule, and her nepotism buff isn't nearly as powerful as Yagoo's girlfriend.
2. The money she got from streaming wasn't enough to make actually doing it feel worth it.
3. Her "back problems" are real, and she's unable to learn to dance for the upcoming 3D debut.

>> No.32261256

HyperGryph pays:
80k/y- B-tier artist
100k/y-A-tier artist
140k/y AA tier artist (character design is here so is her rm)
200+ k/y AAA tier
This is "in house" salary.

rm in outsource company providing services to many gaming companies. So her salary expectations reasonable at 200k/y.

>> No.32261393
File: 845 KB, 1530x928, sanananana1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Altartar sauce"
She was actually the first to acknowledge them on stream, so she doesn't even get that.

>> No.32261424

No they fucking don't, you moron. This has been talked about tons. The character designs are almost completely predetermined. They can provide feedback or make SMALL requests to the artist, who are free to ignore it if they fucking feel like it. They get a greater level of input on extra costumes or on shit they commission themselves, but they have basically no control or input over their look when they debut.

>> No.32261574

She was strongly against Omega's new policy of forced male collabs and wanted to remain pure.

>> No.32261733

She didnt even want to join hololive and was roped into it by ina

>> No.32261783

Because Holotrannies are a blight to this hobby.

Just look at what Kronii is going through.

>> No.32262012

Honestly, the whole situation reminds me of that one wojak drawing of the tranny with a bloody dildo hitting his girlfriend onn the head with it and standing their indignantly like he's in the right. I might make an unwojacked kroni version of that shit sometime.

>> No.32262053

She's making /vt/ggers seethe and nothing else.

>> No.32262145

Also, >>32261424 no one wants to be stuck with a shitty design. Inb4, 'she could've just waited for her costume to fix it.' If she went to adjust the skin tone afterwards she'd have opened up another can of worms. On top of her not wanting to stream with the original. So Cover was a shitty employer and she took her leave.

>> No.32262171

Sold her soul to chinese overlords

>> No.32262246

Dog die
Sad for a month
Management say no kuso game mondays or fortune telling
Sana get bored streaming
Sana get back hort
Sana marathon pokemon because no time for daily streams because drawing jpgs/playing genshin
Management get mad demand more streams
Sana say no
Management show her new contract says more streams
Sana says she quits instead
Now nu-Sana plays Genshin and Arknights

>> No.32262454

She knew she could never compete with Ayame

>> No.32262452

Are you?

>> No.32262494


>> No.32262589

isn't her roommate's avatar that same skin tone? there's no way she didn't ask for it herself. Unless her papa was a fan of her previous work already

>> No.32262785

No, all gays need to be slaughtered

>> No.32262847


>> No.32262964
File: 416 KB, 800x800, 1646596098079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.32263022 [DELETED] 

Kill all gays on sight, including trans
