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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32252504 No.32252504 [Reply] [Original]

So the Rust war ended and I was watching Mori's and Ame's stream. Morii ended her stream abruptly because some people in her chat can't stop telling her to go take the group photo, same thing happened in Ame's chat.
Ame didn't end her stream because of that but she did mention before in one of her rust streams that she occasionally gets pressured to do something because chats keeps telling her to, and you can tell by the end of Ame's Rust stream today she was obviously very tired and probably a little bit annoyed by chat constantly telling her to go take the group photo, that's what I felt atleast.
My point is, people ( chat ) need to stop constantly telling the streamers to do something. Just let the streamer do what they want to do and just enjoy the ride. I personally find it more enjoyable to watch when the streamer is doing what they're having fun doing.
Hopefully Mori will continue streaming rust when season 3 drops, but if she doesn't it's understandable.

>> No.32252755
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>I was watching Mori

>> No.32252788

They are entertainers and we give them money. They SHOULD do what we ask them to do.

>> No.32252876

if you don't want to see a form of entertainment where someone interacts with an audience DO NOT WATCH STREAMERS. almost every other form of entertainment EVER does not have the entertainerment interact with the audience. Don't go to one of the very few that does and start bitching people at it. Like seriously you retards might as well complain about people that shout out suggestions at comedy clubs. The streamers that bitch about moan about this should also either hardline ban people (oh no my monieszzzzz) or SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.32252885

If they don't like it they can turn chat off, it's that simple.

>> No.32252890

/vt/ unironically behaves better than most other chatters because 1. /vt/ doesnt aim to backseat and be annoying retards 2. they dont have the balls to say disparaging shit in chat and 3. if they do, they get stomped out faster than chink bots.

>> No.32253048

There are seriously so many ways to EASILY stop this. ban people, pay moderators to MODERATE YOUR CHAT. do you know what doesn't fucking do anything? quietly bitching nonstop or having pathetic sycophants suck each other off about how they're one of the good ones in the audience on reddit or here. pathetic retards. Of course JP doesn't have this issue nearly as much because they aren't half as pathetic and retarded as the EN tubers.

>> No.32253096

Chat sucks. Vtubers that can't deal with that should get out of the business.

>> No.32253112

Gee if only streamers have a function that limits and controls chat..mayeb ame and mori knows how little members they have if it's in members only mode

>> No.32253151
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>I was watching Mori's
stopped reading right there

>> No.32253152

>being entertainer
>doesn't want to please the viewers
what the point?

>> No.32253215

Nice /r/Hololive copypasta

>> No.32253229

This is because you watch EN. I’m being serious btw. You don’t see backseating in JP’s. Stop watching EN whores and come home.

>> No.32253234
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>I was watching Mori

>> No.32253301

Chat being annoying retards just comes with the territory of being a streamer. Its juvenile for a streamer to whine about it honestly and just makes the people behaving feel bad - pull up your big girl pants and start banning motherfuckers if its that bad or pull the stick out of your ass and be grateful for the opportunity.

>> No.32253311

Streamers that hate chat for typing messages to them should retire yesterday.

>> No.32253383
File: 19 KB, 1010x88, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, fag? Is this you?

>> No.32253561

probably not. Hololive redditors are scared to post outside their hugbox. Let alone in this hugbox.

>> No.32253661

I was one of the greynames telling Mori to go join the picture because I could tell it was pissing her off. Didn't expect her to shut down her stream though, shit was hilarious. Expect her to dump rust like she dumped minecraft. Only reason she was playing it was because cr*tikal likes it.

>> No.32253739

If it ain't that its the endless amount of narcs in any Rust chat being real time spies towards other players

>> No.32253917

Hey, I've seen this before.

>> No.32253920

chat doing chat things. what do you fucking expect?

>> No.32254119

No, that's boring. Just because you pay some live show doesn't mean you can just tell them "dance monkey dance". If you think that way most people will consider you an annoying entitled person.

>> No.32255202

These streamers need to stop being a woman. They can either close the chat or heavily moderate them than act like a bitch on stream.

>> No.32255559
File: 194 KB, 360x450, Gawr_Gura_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Streamers can either 1) Somehow tame and disarm all 10 billion people on the internet, or 2) Fortify themselves. Which is more feasible?

Pixelated is gawr gura of hololive EN. Pic unrelated

>> No.32255680

Doctor's coming to take you back to the mental ward.

>> No.32255744

That's what you get for watching Mori and Ame retard

>> No.32260058

No, fuck you. If you're not interesting enough to generate clips of your streams then you don't exist.

>> No.32260622
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>I was watching Mori
Opinion discarded

>> No.32260848

>do you know what doesn't fucking do anything?
It got me to stop watching ame, which I'm pretty grateful for. Maybe she can help other people improve their taste too.

>> No.32263898

>can't stop telling her to go take the group photo
That's literally corpo obligation though.
You don't go to an office christmas party and act like a silent autist the whole time. You're obligated to mingle because it's a company sanctioned event.

>> No.32265251

Imagine being a vtuber with millions of subs. The bar is already incredibly low and you can get away with 3 or fewer streams a week plus as much vacation as you can swindle from your goslings. They're millionaires and have gone from streaming from their family's house to buying and renting their own office space and can afford the best of everything despite having no skills or work ethic.
Imagine that, then throwing a tantrum and denying your paypiggies a show when some rando says something even marginally offensive.
Western chuubas was a mistake.

>> No.32265981

/vt/ is just Reddit in disguise

>> No.32266774

yeah like the niggerstomp on american history x

>> No.32269387

Thank you anon you will certainly change the minds of a billion children all over the world with your thread on 4chan.
I still don't get why all of those people you mentioned were retarded enough to let grays still chat instead of following JP's example of going member-only. Sure there are still a bunch of retarded members and there's always the danger of gift subs but it's still way better than letting any retarded child say whatever they want.
Fuck chat in general by the way.

>> No.32269596

>Dont do that

>> No.32269716

like fan like oshi. maybe vtubers should stop telling their fans what to do. stop telling fans to improve themselves. stop telling fans to get female friends. until then EN are a bunch of hypocrites

>> No.32269728
File: 55 KB, 900x750, 1637736986530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns also need to stop bullying their "oshi" because they can't handle the presence of another man. You're guys autistic screeching and acting like Kazuya are the reason why then people draw shit like this to trigger.

And then Holo girls need to have the strength to tell their chat to stop being a bunch of back seating children or have the strength to tell their members that them talking to someone of the opposite sex doesn't mean anything. "It's just a collab" would've sufficed. God I fucking hate women.

>> No.32269848

Why are you such a sloppy second eating shit dribbling snot gargling piss leaking cock swallowing hemorrhoid nibbling bile reeking fag tears spewing pussy?

>> No.32269967

i don't get retards on this board. these white knights get so pissed off by catalog posts but they keep coming back to this site. there's literal a dozen other sites to use if this one pisses you off so much. and yet they refuse

>> No.32270125

Because this site has influence and they don't want to miss out. It's the reason why anyone sticks around her.
Just look at how /infinity/'s biggest schizo is the reason why this Kronii drama broke containment.

>> No.32270193

They get empowered by their circle jerking reddit karma buffing posts that they think people give a shit what they have to say and that they can convince people to think the "right" way.

>> No.32271562

most of the EN girls didn't know what to do and were dicking around so their chats got bored
the JP girls + gura had their shit planned and their chats were entertained

that's the difference

>> No.32272109

dude the EN talents are swamped with (literally nothing) you think they can actually prepare BEFORE a stream?

>> No.32272347

Tempus don't have this issue. Their problem is perms hell. They even fucked with Axel's Cover which was supposed to release yesterday.

>> No.32272603

I used to hate backseaters, but watching Gura try to play Crazy Taxi without using boosts caused me physical pain
I still hate them, but I guess I understand them a little bit

>> No.32272616

Anon, there are tons of containment breakers nowadays

>> No.32273777

You don't even have to pay the mods. They'll do it for free if the love the chuuba enough.

>> No.32274410

These kike newfags piss me off so much, acting like this site hasn't been mainstream garbage for over a decade.

>> No.32275340

What a fucking first world problem to be told to join the other girls for a group photo. Do they have PTSD from when their family would make them do that?

>> No.32275962

stop watching en, literally not a problem with jp

>> No.32277001

On a few occasions I’ve seen JOPs back seating but usually when they’re told to stop they will. Persistent ones get blocked.

>> No.32277759

/vt/ just uses its generals to chat about ongoing streams. This is way more fun then youtube chat, cause you can post images, screencaps, oc and schizotext.
If someone from here wants to stir up shit they usually just send an aka in a questionable currency instead of shitting up chat like the chinks do.

>> No.32278465

>I personally find it more enjoyable to watch when the streamer is doing what they're having fun doing.
you think chat was having fun watching ame build her pointless watch tower and sniping Zeta and banditcamp for hours.

lets face it OP the only reason most of the EN girls decided to play RUST in the first place was because they felt pressured to do so.
I hope Mori, Ame and Kirara get filtered and dont come back for s3.

>> No.32278855

Kiara's coming back for season 3 but plans to drop it afterwards.

>> No.32278892

>I was watching Mori

>> No.32279772

>So the Rust war ended and I was watching Mori's
this is where i stopped reading

>> No.32280269

some part of the chat will always tell you what to do, you need to just not be a bitch and ignore them

>> No.32280580

Why didn't they take the group photo? What's the problem?

>> No.32281344

>chad greyname "take the damn photo"
>mori "reeeeee" and ends stream
It's hilarious she got so tilted by one negative greyname she had an immediate dummyspit and punished all the fans.

>> No.32281862

She could've just said, "Nah, maybe next time", not that hard. Why is she like this?

>> No.32282441

First time anon?

Back when Rust was popular on Twitch every streamer had the exact same problem. I'm just reliving the drama, it's funny.

>> No.32283940

Either moderate the chat, or pause to consider that a significant portion of your current viewers are conflicted because they want to watch you but are tempted to change streams because other holos are providing more interesting content.

>> No.32286032


>> No.32286285

>enabling contrarians

>> No.32287267

If this your mindset go give camwhores your money instead faggot.

>> No.32287322
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I bet this came from Reddit, I don't even need to check.
Somebody else go check for me in the hololive reddit thing, I bet there's literally this exact post

>> No.32287379
File: 78 KB, 650x498, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck?

>> No.32287401

sometimes, you just know.

>> No.32287458

Do you expect /vt/ have a properly written wall of text?

>> No.32287718

What's the best stream to get the rust drama from?

>> No.32288573

Streamers need to learn to be diplomatic. Parasocial relationships are about compromise and negotiation. If they humor chat by either playing along or explaining their reasoning, I don't see why there'd be issues. tldr Just don't be arrogant or stubborn.

>> No.32288791


>> No.32288878
File: 523 KB, 650x650, 5FC86CC6-B4EF-40C4-961A-2E8BAF374269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t3h BaN4Na oF d00m

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up breadstik* my name is sana but u can call me t3h BaN4Na oF d00m!!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here to urth, 2 meet random ppl like me _... im 13.8 billion years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch kyousougiga w/ my girlfreind ina (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the marrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of superchatses!!!!! BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!<--- me bein random again _^ hehe...toodles!!!!!!

love and bread,

t3h BaN4Na oF d00m
