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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32240853 No.32240853 [Reply] [Original]

> there's a literal number that you can pay attention to
> like the score in a video game
> high score = you're being extra funny, low score = you're not very funny.
> there's a lot of min-maxing, overlaps and meta shit relating to streams to increase numbers - it's exhausting.
> can't ignore the numbers because he stresses about it too much.
> "If I'm ignoring bad things, I'm giving myself more problems" is what I think.
> Industry is cutthroat (immediately rephrases).
> "Around April, I was the top dog for a bit. We were growing faster than everyone else."
> "We're still doing well, but not quite as well as we were."
> just being there once makes you want to do it again. "It happened. Go and get it back" - hence pressure.

>> No.32241036

the price of pandering to an audience that hates you

>> No.32241631

It just fascinates how numberniggers stress so bad about when streamers care about their number.
All while there's a literal numbernigger shithole general, that celebrates every time Pekora weasels her way to catch funnels and raids every time one her fellow Holomember finish a big event to get her usual 40k views late night stream.

This board is truly a mentally ill shithole

>> No.32241687

hello Paul Li, this is your fault btw

>> No.32241831

they're all numberfags. their livelihood depends on it.
they just don't all need to talk about it on stream.

>> No.32241921

Buck broken by kobo fucking kek

>> No.32241924

>Get caught
Kill yourself numbernigger, everyone hates you.

>> No.32241971

What’s the point of being in a corpo anyway if you don’t care about numbers to some degree? At the end of the day it is your job. Those that claim they don’t care should have just stayed indie

>> No.32242064

>defend a bitch coworker and bitch about your fans
>wtf where did everyone go?
I thought only women were this stupid

>> No.32242229

>SEAfaggot sees Vox
>Makes it about himself
I wish Kobo could collab with Vox, if the HomoJPs and a shitter Regis can make Kobo's pussy flow like a waterfall after calling her princes, imagine how would Vox make her.
I know it won't happen, but I'd like you to have that mental image IDcuck.

>> No.32242489

was he actually talking about subs here?

>> No.32242559

People say that parasocials don't help your numbers but he's really losing since the Reimu yab, Mysta is the new Luxiem top dog

>> No.32242693
File: 2.93 MB, 2483x1899, august median and true average.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Vox, you aren't doing that badly.

>> No.32242967

I hope /vt/ can stop shitting on numberfags now seeing that many chuubas are obsessed with numbers as well

>> No.32243015

This raging nonce did handcam streams, fujo baiting streams, gay ASMR, You all pandered to China and the fucking freak fans who only masturbate to you.

No one wants to watch your normal streams bro and you made that bed.

>> No.32243085
File: 68 KB, 512x384, Gil Vox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox sounding like Gil from the Simpsons. Streamers don't usually get a second chance to get back on top. There are few chances where there is a popularity resurgence later down the line but it's far-and-few between and mostly temporary.

>> No.32243144

HoloJP doesn't use raids and Pekora doesn't catch any more funnels than anyone else since no one overlaps events. If you think she got to that position by gaming the system you're completely delusional.
I do agree that streamers caring about numbers is normal, though. Not sure what part of the OP prompted you to sperg out so much. Or are you too new to remember when the same thing happened to Pekora?

>> No.32243349

huh didn't expect Regis to be the runt after everything
interesting to see Ina and IRyS hang with Council despite their buffs

>> No.32243352

I don't usually visit your thread, /#/anon, so kindly tell me: what did you guys mean by *true* average there (I know what medians and averages are, obviously)?
Just curious because some chuubas seem to get pretty big drops between their medians and (true?) averages there, while some others seemed to be barely affected.
I.e: between the left and right tables, Fauna dropped from 11k to 9.6k, IRyS dropped from 9.1k to 6.7k, Mysta dropped from 10k to 8.7k. On the other hand, Ame only dropped from 5.9k to 5.7k and Vox only went from 9.2k to 8.7k.
I see "Mean Peak" on the left table, so I assume "Average" on the right table is the average of the whole stream / multiple data points of a stream or something? Wouldn't that scew all those with long post-stream chatting sessions?

>> No.32243468

Anon, Idk what "buff" Ina was supposed to have, but Mumei and Fauna are strong as hell

>> No.32243580

I mean Council's Anniversary

>> No.32243744

Man this guy really let fame go to his head. He'll never be "top dog" again though because he cast out his top paypiggies over a manipulative latina. I bet he grinds his teeth at night thinking about it over and over again.

>> No.32243818

How do we save him bros?

>> No.32243838

>Around April I was the top dog for a bit.,
things a V-Tuber should never say, Jesus fucking christ you egotistical cunt.

>> No.32243867
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It's pretty much used to show retention in a stream, and yea it is averages of every stream of the month put together then divided.
It affects people that get artificial peaks through raids or just bleed viewers (see picrel) as well as people that does SC reading.
Neither metrics are perfect which is why both are posted together.

>> No.32243934

I think I realized what was missing from his content a while back and it's the lack of any need to commit and no journeys. Something I really found myself enjoying was Pomu going through the whole Metal Gear saga, integrating her experiences with it into her content and crying together with her at the climax, it was long but meaningful. Vox hasn't had anything like that for a long time and the more familiar I am with Vox the less I bother if I'm not interested and all the one-offs can blur together sometimes.
I guess something a bit harder to quantify, but it feels like he's been less classy. More swearing, crude stuff doesn't always land, his twitter stuff having more lulrandum coomer humor, it's just a bit in-your-face.

>> No.32243976

She got 54k under heavy overlap last night, and HoloJP has never once used the raid function besides for Minecraft relays, so get fucked NijiCN tard.

>> No.32244035
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Another note it is also used to deal with an annoying CCV bug coined the Z that artificially inflate peaks.

>> No.32244043

I don't like Vox acooma but he is allowed to numberfag, it's his fucking job, the viewers aren't

>> No.32244273

To be fair, I'd be having daily meltdowns too if I had his fanbase.

>> No.32244282
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NijiEN fans are also numberniggers though, just like their livers. What kind of viewer wants to hear people talk about their numbers and see discord leaks about it every few weeks? Outfit reveals dragged out for the sole purpose of maximizing numbers, handcam stream spam to the point you wonder why you're watching vtubers in the first place, retarded raids between streams that have nothing in common.

>> No.32244349

He turned into a sex icon and only that. People want to hear him get fucked and rape them. Nobody wants to watch him play games as those are when he gets sub 100k vod views. Just like when small asmr vtubers get 20x the viewership when doing lewd asmr then drop back down to regular shit numbers when not

>> No.32244701

The only variable Vox needed to have a successful stream is he needs to stream on CN prime time. That's it. Wtf are all these words he's saying

>> No.32244745

Not a numbers-fag but true average tends to mean dropping outliers. So if she did a massive hype stream that got very unusual views they would skew the average. For instance Niji's always talk about numbers for their baseball autism streams but that even draws fans from all of the different niji-chuubas and in no way affects how many views whats-his-name gets on an average day

>> No.32244766

That's what I feel like too, like he needs to tone himself down some like in collabs. Not sure when he let his "classyness" slip like that. Wish he would go back to some stream ideas and stuff even if it doesn't get him numbers but he's like this so...

>> No.32245000

>besides for Minecraft relays
They didn't for the SummerFes relay. When did they use it?

>> No.32245026

If you're a top dog during your birthday and milestone month, then you're really not the top dog. You're a top dog only if you can be THE top dog by doing anything, ANYTHING. Chatting streams, streaming on the opposite of your prime time, etc

>> No.32245118

Most NijiENs are, Kiara and Calli for HoloEN. If Gura is a numberfag, she should've already done handcam streams, public ASMRs, milestone streams, etc

>> No.32245166

Gura seems to be afraid of numbers with how much content she hides behind member streams.

>> No.32245290
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>> No.32245295

Dude has competition and 1000 yabs. Should be happy to still have good numbers.

>> No.32245377

She just wants money from her fans, that's a different issue.

>> No.32245397

Love how in a thread which is about Nijisanji members proving yet again they're number fags you try to deflect this onto a Hololive talent because something her fans care about.
It's always Hololive's fault for how your community behaves.

>> No.32245833

Typical. They group Holos with their proven numberfags chuubas because that would somewhat soothe the pain when Holos mogged them despite giving no fucks about numbers. I can still name some numberfags in Holos, ofc, Kiara, maybe Mori, But that's miniscule compared to the majority of their branch

>> No.32245834

Don't usually watch Niji but I watched Pomu's MGS journey and it was a pretty good one. I thought it was really cute how she teared up at Ocelot's death in 4, of all people. That's the kind of investment I wish was more present in EN vtubing in general.

>> No.32245991

if they even numberfag Twitter likes, I repeat, TWITTER LIKES, they numberfag everything.

>> No.32246140

Not to mention based on all of the discord screenshots and what they've admitted this all stems from their management. This is what happens with a publicly traded company. Everyone is reduced to a number and you're only a cog among many cogs.
Nijisanji is a corporate hellscape

>> No.32246231

he should spam rp everyday lmaoo

>> No.32246262

It is almost as if that having viewers watch their live streams is their job.

>> No.32246317

for a sponsored stream not to mention that was after chat told her

>> No.32246380

Apparently he didn't sign up for that. Guess he'll be going to Vshojo soon. At least then he can completely have the talent freedom to do more rape role play.

>> No.32246647

Vox content is definitely not for me, but I can respect the hustle and grind.
Imagine a timeline where Gura had a celebration stream every 100k, actually fucking used twitter, and actually read superchats more than 20% of the time. Think of the handcams, asmr, gfe we dont get because this shark doesnt want to be top dog.

>> No.32246680

Ok threadwatcher

>> No.32246744

t. didn't actually watch it

>> No.32246840

When you're being funny and seeing the number go up, that's because more people are tabbing into the stream. Those people are still listening to the stream regardless, but they're doing other things on their computer. So it's not like you're bringing more people to the stream when you're telling a good joke. It just means more people temporarily tabbed to you. If you're doing something funny, it will generate tweets and interest and more people will pile in. But that's a different thing

>> No.32246851

from reading this thread I didn't realize handcams were
a) numberstreams
b) people feel very strongly about them

>> No.32246928

He's losing because there's a retarded fanbase war on the chinese internet that he can't even interact with, his fans are some of the most annoying people on earth and the hate reflects on him

>> No.32247008

Yeah no shit they are. I go to a holoEN video page, here is what I see
>buff stream
*4 day break*
>buff stream
*5 day break*
>buff stream

It's buff stream, after buff stream, after buff stream. So of course their average is higher. Imagine playing Xenoblade Chronicals for 9 hours everyday like Elira does. It's amazing she gets 2500 people watching that.

HoloEN are complete numberfags, they're trying to maximize their ccv average however possible. The one person in NijiEN doing that is Enna Alouette, who does buff stream after buff stream. And what do you know, her ccv average is through the roof, but her donations are in the toilet, just like all the holoEN girls.

>> No.32247233

dont fucking remind me, ive moved on

>> No.32247241

I'm going to paraphrase this because it's obnoxious to fully transcribe.
>Doesn't like the scrutiny associated with being "top dog" and the scrutiny will reduce his numbers and he "didn't sign up for that"
You trying me to increase the view count on this shithole of a streamer so you can brag in the numbers thread?

>> No.32247351

Gura doesn't want to be talk dog.
*goes to gura's video page*
>mortuary assistant
>mario kart
>sponsored stream

lol, yeah Gura's totally not a numberfag at all

>> No.32247484

>Nijisanji members proving yet again they're number fags
Can you fucking explain me why is it bad when Niji numbefags around is bad?
I swear you monkeys are no different than lobotomy patients.

>> No.32247629

Because even your oshi Vox is sick of your shit and you're making him want to quit like 5 months in.

>> No.32247722

Latina's pussies are always a poison huh

>> No.32247723

Someone save Pomu, Selen and Enna from this company. Jesus christ

>> No.32247730

he later goes on say that just because he didn't sign up for it doesn't mean he regrets or hates it. for the record I don't watch or even care about Vox, but taking him out of cintext to shit on him isn't cool. this boards been doing it all day with Kronik too

>> No.32247797

Pomu and Enna are happy there thank you very much

>> No.32247815

damn the way he describes it makes it seem like NSO/NGO is actually accurate
>self care is actively detrimental to your career
is there really no way to balance your life while being a successful full time streamer?
honestly it feels like you never have enough time for yourself unless you're worry-free rich

>> No.32247861

Content creation for the sake of numbers is always bad, you should be making content that makes you proud of the work you do as a creator.


>> No.32247917

dunno, I've seen Pomu doing retarded shit because Paul Li is on her neck numberfagging

>> No.32248128

>and HoloJP has never once used the raid function besides for Minecraft relays,
And NijiJP never once used raid even with relays, get fucked holowhores

>> No.32248328

What? They used it for every single stream in the relay except into Salome.

>> No.32248374


>> No.32248473

Some schizo might be able to help me with the screenshot, but there was the pathetic begging for 400k subs and 1m views on the VtL cover before her birthday.

>> No.32248558

hmm I wonder what happened in April that tanked his numbers?

>> No.32248664
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stop living in the past, that stream of his was during CN primetime, he's not pulling 10k for random bullshit nwo

>> No.32248676

I remember that i don't need a screenshot. that was definitely unnecessary as she would have hit those numbers regardless, but regardless she definitely enjoys being at Niji with her friends not to mention lazulight 3d next month

>> No.32248849

who ISN'T a numberfag anyway

>> No.32249002


>> No.32249063


>> No.32249267

this is why you don't stream just to see the numbers go up, eventually the numbers are going to peter out and you'll end up mindbroken about it

>> No.32249289

isn‘t it his own fault? he thought he was untouchable and fumbled his „top dog“ status over his 3view coworker, noticed he fucked up, spammed coomershit, and now people don‘t tune into any of his other content because he made being a discord daddy his whole personality

>> No.32249303

Elira, Petra, Fulgur, maybe Shu

>> No.32249457

huh, I wonder if the koboposting actually got to him

>> No.32249637

He literally made more money in six months than pekora did in 3 years. And he didn't spend it on a monkey.

>> No.32249664

Really the only meaningful thing to take away from this thread is that Vox is the kind of person to describe himself as being "top dog" even though he's #43 for views this month. He's exactly the shitty kind of braggadocios cunt you'd expect given all of the information we have about him.
He's like a guy who peaked in high school trying too remain relevant even in his own mind.

>> No.32250162 [SPOILER] 

This. Being the one-eyed in a group of blinds made him uppity, just to get buckbroken by kobo and the algorithm

>> No.32250173

you cant call yourself a top dog, then add in birthday month + tons of milestones the sentence after... Now he is an 8-10k ccv, above average. This is your TOP DOG, Nijibros?

>> No.32250370

Alright I just looked at his SC earnings.
Good fucking god I wish I was him unironically.
Honestly fuck your CCV if you're making that kind of money just by virtually fleecing Chinese women.

>> No.32250757

Honestly it sounds like management on his ass gaslighting him or someshit now that he's declining.

>> No.32250807

I feel like he is aware that he is walking on eggshells by pandering to China, so he is making an effort to make a non problematic long term audience to stick with him

>> No.32251189

He needs to decide on what kind of audience he wants. He shits on his gachis but doesn‘t want to lose money, which is just stupid. Mysta filtered his fanbase hard and got to the highest CCV in Luxiem, but he also has the least SC earnings in the entire group. Vox needs to decide if he wants to do the same instead of flipflopping because it just makes him look disingenuous.

>> No.32251324
File: 66 KB, 630x435, d18a190cbdada8cc9da2c4f199bcb062c7e840ffea743fa2935565cd47a9726a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbernonces are retarded and so is Vox for being one.

>> No.32251585

>Not to mention based on all of the discord screenshots and what they've admitted this all stems from their management.
Imagine being the retard to think this became a thing now and wasnt a thing for years. What a fucking retard.
imagine also being a retard to not understand what was leaked was about a fucking sponsored stream

>> No.32251651

it sounds like you are a retard.

>> No.32251687

Well you can't blame people for wanting to earn a living.

>> No.32251718

Vox earns a living just fine, he's whining about not being top dog

>> No.32251853

>Imagine being the retard to think this became a thing now and wasnt a thing for years. What a fucking retard.
>imagine also being a retard to not understand what was leaked was about a fucking sponsored stream
Imagine if I had said that...you would have totally owned me dude!
Take your pills Nijischizo.

>> No.32251968

Just spam some more "white man rapes you" ASMR bro! You'll be fine.

>> No.32252034

This is the average melted brain of a nijitard

>> No.32252185

he's been seething in /#/ about fauna playing minecraft and Rust and begging for those streams to be disqualifed because they're unfair

>> No.32252323

Man, imagine that anon stays in /#/ for this long and the only thing learned about numbers and Gura is this narrow lol

>> No.32252445

Really? How much money did Pekora make in 3 years?

>> No.32252719

>vox is a mal menhera

>> No.32252765

Both of them would fucking kill to get in Hololive, especially Enna who loves Calli

>> No.32252809
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no he hasn't, he's not even close

>> No.32252845

>not numberfags
Just because they're not successful doesn't mean they're not obsessing over this shit all the time, like in every screenshot we've ever seen of them

>> No.32252905

He said he *was* top dog, and it was kind of justified considering he was making like 150k per month in superchats

He's an ass, but you niggers don't even read summaries of clips

>> No.32253004

Around x3 of Vox's networth

>> No.32253109
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Plus millions in merch sales and sponsorship stuff.

>> No.32253213

dont forget ads revenue for Pekora's 400m total views. That's an easy 2m USD

>> No.32253472

i fucking kneel
she can buy as many eccentric pets as she wants

>> No.32253692

Hololive have very different stance on numbers with Niji.
>Umm my numbers looks bad this month manager-san
>Don't mind it, just do whatever you want anyway here's another event you need to attend, also please help this project, don't forget to sign your limited merch, and here please pick the sponsorship you want from this list! We are on deadline.
>Your number looks bad this month liver-kun
>here's another graph from Paul Li!
>Do something you piece of shit!
>You're not hitting your targets this month, another month of this and you're going to need to publicly beg on stream like that dog.

>> No.32254165

Don't forget the ''Retweet it! It didn't get enough traction!'' stance

>> No.32254377

He gets money from Bilibili too, big brain.

>> No.32254398

Ahaha good one anon

>> No.32254439

Wonder if he's sad that he's losing subs from b2

>> No.32254494

>Conveniently doesn't provide the data or proof that it would negate the previous statement...

>> No.32254515

>get btfo because you're so retarded you only use youtube numbers
>Vox will pass pekora on youtube in another 6 months anyway
>seethes and copes over it

>> No.32255193

>Vox will pass pekora on youtube in another 6 months anyway
nijifags in charge of maths

>> No.32257496

>Getting money out of b2.

>> No.32257642

>i wish kobo could collab with vox

sorry man kobo wont collab with literal whos

>> No.32257710
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Demons are afraid of water

>> No.32260229

I hope there's another giga popular male chuuba (maybe from starsEN) who mostly play runescape, not numberfag but somehow get huge number because by being charismatic, entertaining and didnt do asmr rape kink, to fucking show him how it's done.
He will fucking rope himself if he saw another male chuuba get 10k~20k playing runescape consistently & popular because of it. He fucking wish that's him

>> No.32261651

Cope. Vox is popular in the two world's biggest superpowers. Kobo is popular in a continental sized slum shithole

>> No.32265493

you wish chinkoid

>> No.32265540

I just read Vox's numberfag rant. That dude is gonna crack one of these days.

>> No.32266606

Btw what happened to the monkey?

>> No.32268280

What is this fucking psychosis here on display? You have an OP with a dude literally numberfagging blatantly in the stream and somehow everything has to come back to Hololive. You can't accept responsibility even when it's laid right at your feet? What a coward.

>> No.32270626

Wow I almost feel sorry for him
...but this is the bed he made and he's gotta lie in it now

>> No.32271625

No. Streamers are functionally always on the job. Any moment they are not doing something related to their branding - Twitter, editing Youtube videos, streaming, coming up with collaborations, coming up with ideas, is an active detriment to their careers, because their careers are so heavily reliant on the algorithm.

>> No.32271942

damn, hologirls must spend a lot of time coming up with stuff especially ayame

>> No.32273348

ayo dis nigga watched a vox stream

>> No.32273803

Now type that without crying

>> No.32274216

I don't understand why people get upset if streamers talk about numbers. He's not even complaining, he's just talking about his thoughts and feelings.

Does it shock people that professional streamers care about their livelihood? Do they think Hollywood actors and actresses enjoy putting their lives on social media 24/7?

>> No.32274317

Being in the entertainment business sounds like fun, but instead of one boss to please you have thousands who might like or hate you for things you've never done or have no control over.

I'm not a streamer and I never will be. In some ways I envy those who can earn a living playing video games, but in other ways I'm happy that I can go to work, turn my brain off, and not give a shit about what anyone thinks if I just do the bare minimum of my job.

>> No.32275110

That's a twitch mindset
It's not true for holo or niji JP and shouldn't be true for niji EN unless something's really wrong

>> No.32275142
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it's not too late, Vox.
you can play runescape whenever you want without caring of number while still get decent salary & support from management

>> No.32275203

NO. holo dont need that faggot

>> No.32275223

I'm not saying much hate for the numberfagging
More pity than hate, general disdain for overt numberfagging, and just all around even lower opinion of their management

>> No.32275239

voxwhore is below her lmaoo

>> No.32275260

>>32275223 (me)

>> No.32275346

Paul li is a real bastard isnt he.
no wonder nijien keep playing buff game

>> No.32275373

Please dont let him be stars.

>> No.32275733
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Vox bilibili revenue, it's pretty good number considering he's only did 1-2 streams on bilibili per month,1.7M yuan is like 240k burgerbucks, that number is from his bilibili debut month on May. However i don't think it can beat Pegor's numbers, especially if you add revenue from other things.

>> No.32276094

The cumrag belongs in a dumpster, not in another company

>> No.32277880

are you implying he lacks SOVL?

>> No.32278039

guys do I delete my tweet so that it gets more likes?

>> No.32278859

give him the numbers

>> No.32279044

>Stars EN 2
>his character is being a king instead of a lord
>his fanbase addresses him as sire
>he's an oni instead of a demon
>10k+ CCV runescape and FNAF content, gun cleaning & Lego ASMR. bonus always get more than 2k~3k SC in each stream
Vox would fucking kill himself

>> No.32279500
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just stop being a holo#nigger

>> No.32280543
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ah yes, the catalog.

>> No.32280614

Yeah but he is a man it is okay gor him to numberfag.

>> No.32282670

Most chuubas are numberfags to a certain extent because their numbers affected their earnings but holy shit to rant about it on stream is disgraceful

>> No.32283409

>implying china is a superpower
>implying he's popular in na

>> No.32285764

the second scenario is totally what has happened. I hope that now that enna and selen (and in minor scale, Pomu) are inclining, management takes care of the girl side of the branch more seriously

>> No.32286013
File: 304 KB, 730x854, puchi lux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe they made an entire animated series and branded it as "just for Luxiem".
This level of blatant favoritism just doesn't work with the "family" atmosphere a lot of their livers are trying to craft.

>> No.32286150

Really disappointed at the Luxiem dudes not putting their foot down and telling management off for being retarded.
If they really wanted to do this, they should have done it over at bilibili, hidden away.

>> No.32286877

if we're not twisting every word they say into drama what are we meant to post about?

>> No.32290071


>> No.32291354

Don't expect too much from Bilibili revenue, speaking from experience as a frequent gacha game streamer over there. They'll take a large cut and keep your money for as long as they can because there's a lot of shitty law over there.
But then again he's under a company, so who knows.

>> No.32291531

Never gonna happen. Enjoy your numberfagging gamer wave!

>> No.32292270

The crazy thing is that Elira appeared in Puchisanji JP. But for the EN audience, it’s only PuchiLuxiem, not even for other males in later waves, just Luxiem.
Why bother joining NijiEN at this point when you can see how the management treats other talents and how they’re huge numberfags.

>> No.32292616
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait WHAT?
What the fuck, they put her in JP?
And gave no subtitles?
Damn this was before Luxiem so their plans were OBVIOUSLY different at the time... man I feel bad for the girls.
