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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32216370 No.32216370 [Reply] [Original]

The customer is always right.

>> No.32216558

No. The customer is very often very wrong.
That's how you get Karens.

>> No.32216626

come on kronii, just say that you will collab with anyone you like and leave them in the mud

they won't be bothered to rage at you anymore..

>> No.32216792
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I personally think she can collab with whoever she wants

However. The kind of people that send money to a girl streamer that they will never even meet for acting cute while playing videogames are already deranged. I like vtubers but I have donated exactly $0 in like 2 years of following because whenever I think about sending money I realize I would rather spend it on myself or my mom. Someone that donates to streamers is too far gone, and it's no wonder the big donators are upset at something most normal people would consider nothing special

>> No.32216902

"Karen" is an anti-white psyop

>> No.32216987

The chat dynamic changes as soon as a male enters the stream, the attention of the streamer is no longer on the chat.
INB4 What about female collabs, Nobody cares, people like watching cute girls having fun. Same with tempus boys collabing with each other it's just bros.
With tempus collabs chat is always the third wheel. No exceptions.

>Don't you have friends of the opposite sex?
>Do you guys not have phones?

>> No.32217260
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>i don't support her financially
>i think she should leave her viewers who financially support her
I don't understand, tourists.

>> No.32217302

says you, Tempbros read SCs during collabs, sucks to suck

>> No.32217334

Based and hornpilled

>> No.32217408

looks like a bunch of greynames who've never been a part of Kronii's membership

>> No.32217433

you can blame the karens because 100% of them are white

>> No.32217485

did connor condom money affect mori's viewership?

Chances are that she'll just garner the same normie audience bae and ollie has.

>> No.32217502

Nono, personally I don't care. But it's up to her if she wants male collabs or to keep the paypigs. In the end, paypigs are just one part of the community, but they are also an important one if this is her only source of income

>> No.32217521

She can do what she wants.

However, her audience can also do what they want. If someone dislikes the change in content, they can leave, drop their monetary support and take it elsewhere, or voice their complaints and try telling her to maybe get it back on track.

She can then decide how to deal with it. For example simply ignore it and hope it burns itself out (probably not the worst method, looking at how more bad the alternatives are), or ... streisand-effecting it up by arguing it out in public and overexplaining herself badly. That she chose the latter just makes this whole shitshow even funnier

>> No.32217537

They aren't raging, though? Kronii keeps doing what she wants, but the discord trannies refuse to listen to her.

>> No.32217617

>the customer
she literally said "wow look at all these new faces" and kept joking around with chat about it. She was accepting of the opinions of her long time fans about the tempus collabs but she was shitting on dramaniggers the whole time.

>> No.32217625

Yep he is retarded.
That's why unicorns win they actually put their money where their mouths are.

>> No.32217632

As opposed to what? Niggers and chinks?

>> No.32217734

>leeches out of hololive

>> No.32217804
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>I personally think she can collab with whoever she wants

>> No.32217875
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>did connor condom money affect mori's viewership?

>> No.32217912

imagine being a top 10 kronii superchatter right now and having to pretend everything is fine while she's getting dicked down by tempus

>> No.32217924

She is better off without these guys. A momentary decrease in numbers is not a big deal if she keeps inclining.

>> No.32217979

Anon. Here are some hard truth bombs:
>Every female after the age of 14 has a bf.
>You are a little paypiggy. You are not a customer. You are a loney guy who desperatly gives money to an idea for a good time. Its basically like an overcosted version of cinema. Do you expect the director to change his script for your shitty $20?

It is crazy how far some people here have gone of the deep end.

>> No.32217986

not that anon, but the whole point of 4chan is you faggots posting your opinion, so shut the fuck up or add something to the conversation cunt

>> No.32218008

Guess I'm wrong

>> No.32218063

Most based anon, least schizoid VT poster

>> No.32218097
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>not that anon

>> No.32218273

>Don't you have friends of the opposite sex?
certified mask-off woman moment, revealing that she really doesn't understand shit about her own privileged position, the nature of the business she's in, or who the fans who support her actually are.

Yeah no shit girl, the people who watch your every video and donate hundreds of dollars to you with loving messages probably don't have a lot of female friends. If they did, they wouldn't waste their time and money simping for some anime girl on the internet anyway.
But sure, fuck em if they actually expect something for their money, they're not entitled to tell her anything (but she's of course entitled to their continued money, with no strings attached), after all that'd be muh toxic idol culture. Then you're in the wrong company bitch. Try Vshojo, I heard they have talent freedom for whores like you.

>> No.32218303

>100% of them are white
Can tell you've never lived around black women lol.

>> No.32218421

I don't get it. If the original problem was Kronii collabing with men, why are people arguing about the validity of ships

>> No.32218580

Yes it actually is. Extreme paypigs are in lower number and if you wanna make cash, keeping them is what matters more. The paypig who constantly is dropping hundreds will out pay the 100 normalfags who drop fivers.

>> No.32218606

women never see how an environment is before they join so they completely lack the perspective others have. I've been in multiple guilds/chats where some people act one way, then when a women join they completely change. not their fault but it's funny how ignorant it comes off when they say something like that.

>> No.32218708

>it's okay to be a shitty person because black women are worse

>> No.32218875

Because that's what Kronii thinks the problem is.

>> No.32218889

Her income is about to nosedive. Mori cornered the EN cuck market. Other ENs have to compete for the few oil barron gachikois. She had a lot of them. They'll now fuck off to other ENs. Kronii will probably go from making bank to making less money than she could make at a real job after Google's and cover's. Just watch.

>> No.32218892

Literally yes. A karen complaining to management is an annoyance at best. I've seen negresses trash entire stores when they don't get their way. You're another dumb guy trying to run false equivalences. Typical.

>> No.32218916

The customer is cringe.
But the retarded clock is even more cringe.
There's a reason why the best way to deal with drama tends to be just shutting up.

>> No.32218922
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He wasn't me. I am that original anon that said "personally" twice

>Yeah no shit girl, the people who watch your every video and donate hundreds of dollars to you with loving messages probably don't have a lot of female friends. If they did, they wouldn't waste their time and money simping for some anime girl on the internet anyway.
This is right on the mark. She is free to do whatever she wants but vtuber fans are mostly social outcasts and when they see some other guy interacting with the girl they like, something they will never ever be able to do no matter how much they donate, some of them will get mad and leave. And I get that feeling despite never donating. Why donate so the girl you like can fool around with other dudes? If you donate because you just like her content and want to leave a tip then you won't care about male collabs, but the guys that donate because they love the streamer will get mad and leave

>> No.32218923

This but unironically.
All these cuckolds sperging out about "talent freedom" are the same retards who have never spent a single dime on hololive and probably AT BEST bought bootleg merch on amazon and aliexpress.

Easy for assholes like this to flip out about talent freedom when they've never invested their own income into someone's success. This shit reminds me of the Twittards that argue about how games need censorship in 2022 but haven't played a game in over 10 years that isn't free to play. Actually ridiculous.

Hate the unicorns for hating male collabs, at least they're actual financial supporters of the girls who give a shit about them - not MANS cuckolds who spout out shit about talent freedom towards a corporate Vtuber working under a company.

>> No.32219107

because Kronii didn't understand what people were upset about and brought "shipping" into it, thinking this was what it's about. Which lead to a very unnecessary confusing side track of arguments where she had to flip flop between "don't ship me, please!" and "actually, shipping is okay!" multiple times already because she keeps overexplaining herself trying to please everyone and only making it worse

>> No.32219112

>That's why unicorns win they actually put their money where their mouths are.
If I were in their shoes, I sure as fuck would pay more attention to the hundreds of goslings who invested hundreds of thousands on me than the thousands who contributed hundreds of thousands of VOD views to unaffiliated clip channels.

>> No.32219137

Can't respect something that doesn't respect itself.

>> No.32219160

>Every female after the age of 14 has a bf.

Only in the west

>> No.32219235

Using the evil actions of another to justify your own is pathetic, especially sicce talking to the manager isn't the worst thing Karen's are accused of.

>> No.32219241

I wonder how Cover would react to "lowest superchat income b- but hey at least she has a lot of subscribers!!".

I'm sure they'll be happy to take their cut of the ad revenue I guess LOL

>> No.32219261
File: 233 KB, 1789x848, Screenshot 2022-09-01 at 23-49-48 HOSC_A_QUPjHbpJ0YY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one red superchat
>3rd world spic and brazillian currency
Is that it? Embarrassing.
Looks like most customers don't care.

>> No.32219327

I would pay money to meet one of those people in real life and have a talk with them. I want to understand what makes a person act like this. I hope it's all ironic and they are not THAT pathetic.

>> No.32219328
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The whole point of 4chan is to shitpost. Nothing else. Just shitposting. If you earnestpost, then you need to go back to R-ddit or Tw-tter. Simple as.

>> No.32219356
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>> No.32219468

>The whole point of /vt/ is to shitpost.
fixed that for you, there are some boards when you can be genuine

>> No.32219485

But but but but muh talent freedom.

>> No.32219489

>Twitter filename
>Misses the point of 4chan completely
You are the reason this board is an unuseable cesspool. Go back.

>> No.32219562

>Greyname tourist opinion

>> No.32219609

>Her income is about to nosedive

I have heard that before and it never happens and the poster never acknowledges their mistake. So I guess I will (not) talk to you in a month about how her superchat money increased

>> No.32219619

Nigga, stfu. Are you even talking to me or the voices in your head, schizo? I didn't say white karens were justified. You said karens are all white. I said they are not, and black ones are far FAR worse. Yes, I recognize levels to this shit. Now fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.32219627

Customers are frequently wrong.

>> No.32219668

Man, Holoniggers are such a fucking joke. Either you become so delusional that even collabs with males won't change anything for you or you come to realize that beta orbiting around an e-hooker won't make you happy and it's time to move on from that delusion. Everything else is just pathetic and embarrassing.

>> No.32219673

>If you donate because you just like her content and want to leave a tip then you won't care about male collabs
You're missing something.
If you "like her content" and her content is "cute girl being cute, with no males", then of course you'll dislike it if that content now changes to include males.
You don't have to be in love with the girl to not want males, you just want them to stick to their original content that you came for.

>> No.32219792

>Greyname Tourist are never right

>> No.32219863

Mori just had less than 3K viewers.
It's fucking over, Tempiss collab debuff is happening.

>> No.32219933
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LMAO cry more

>> No.32220032

He doesn't have to anon. If your father knew what you were browsing on twitter, thats the only guy worth shedding tears for.

>> No.32220068

>I """INVESTED""" a lot of money on this e-whore and now she talked to a fricking m*le. My life is ruined now.

>> No.32220131

How can anything be a cancer to EN?

Did you fags not see Holorust season finale?

Shit made me realize how much of a leech HoloEN is. They literally piggyback off of every JP and ID event, like fuck off!

HOW TF DID THEY MANAGE TO FUCK UP THAT UP. All they had to do was fucking shoot each other and these morons for some reason managed to avoid every single content op and ended up fucking leeching on JP once again!

I'm fucking done with these lazy af westerners and their lazy work ethic.

The JP who does English learning streams show visible improvement with their English btw, what about EN? Nothing. They're still as fucking clueless as the day they were born.

How fucking inferior is that branch? Absolute bird shit- no. Bird shit is actually more valuable than HoloEN

>> No.32220243

I love Zeta's Interaction with the JP

>> No.32220365

I'm pretty sure Calli just speaks Japanese like a retard because she thinks it's funny, which is also retarded in a sense

>> No.32220378

Still haven't built the MC ID portal.

>> No.32220388

this is why no one takes you seriously

>> No.32220416

My wife Goorah had fun with her JP seniors. Bae and IRyS joined halfway

>> No.32220450

Superchatting a chuuba doesn't mean you buy their entertainment, it just means you like it enough to want to support it financially as well.
(You) don't get to choose content provided for free.

>> No.32220498

Yeah, these 3 are the only ones that I see as really into it.

>> No.32220497

You literally tried to imply that the worst thing white women do is complain to management. Here's an idea for you, maybe Karen isn't an anti-white psyop and the Karen meme is just the end result of your own terrible behaviour.

>> No.32220509

I heard that elevens are actually posting here during all this. Is this one? Who the fuck writes like this?
Is this elevens or zhangs?

>> No.32220588

Still waiting for the day EN realizes Hololive is their job and their job includes producing content.

I actually wonder how JP feels having these leeches suck on the content they spent hours to learn then apply only to get nothing in return

>> No.32220615

Is this CG reference?

>> No.32220681

Yes, elevens.

>> No.32220742

Uhhh Lelouch?

>> No.32220755

>You literally tried to imply that the worst thing white women do is complain to management.
Except when I said that black karens are worse than white ones. Which implies that white ones are still bad. Here's an idea for you, maybe, I'm not that anon who claimed it was an anti-white psyop, or you're either a retarded ESL, or a plain schizo, and the voices you hear in your head or in your twitter feed aren't real?

>> No.32220776
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>> No.32220854

Really? Because I think Mori speaks Japanese like a retard because she sucks at Japanese.

>> No.32221166

She does suck but originally she didn't use to speak like this, it's a gimmick

>> No.32221210

She's probably the type to play it off to hide the fact her best is less than mediocre, so no, I don't think her actual Japanese is retarded but it's probably bad retarded in a more realistic way.

Her cartoonish Japanese is her way of hiding the fact she still sucks at it despite having lived in Japan for years. I'm convinced she just has a learning disability, basically the type of person to suck at something no matter how much work or passion they put into it

>> No.32221236

>le twitter
>le ESL
Are you able to argue without bringing in strawmen?

>> No.32221395

Based JPbro speaking facts

>> No.32221435
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bro, I'm done. I suggest you leave this website and never return. It's always these little verbal ticks that give you fags away.

>> No.32221472

Even Japs can speak English now?

EOPs are too outmatched

>> No.32221522


>> No.32221625

I fucking hate being born an american.

>> No.32221673

Or what? You call me an ESL twitter user again?

>> No.32221699

And yet they are listened to because of that money
They invest into unironically having a big say into what Hololive does.

>> No.32221725

You are not supposed to fall for bait every single time.

>> No.32221727

I'm just not a schizo and would rather use my ability to watch streams and read eroge.

>> No.32221752

Isn’t this when she was streaming less too due to universal stuff?

>> No.32221915

I legit hope y'all hang yourselves or something

>> No.32221934

Incredibly based SCs.

>> No.32221974

Just check the other ENs who are these paragons and you'll see similar graph during that. Heck probably worse.
If anything that was during Luxiem and NijiEN's rise, so NijiEN was the one killing HoloEN if you wanna go by that anon's narrative.

>> No.32221978

Girls past the 4th gen are mostly leeches that would never make hololive that big if they were in recruited on the first gens. The original talents endured all that shit for years but the new snowflakes can't deal with it.

>> No.32222210

>"If I had asked people want they wanted, they probably would have said a faster horse" - Henry Ford

>> No.32222326

And the old talents collabed with men and are friends behind the stage. They're also friends before vtubing.
What now?

>> No.32222341

What game?

>> No.32222413

Except unicorns aren’t a big pay source.

>> No.32222537

Mentally ill retards. I wish they would collab more with Tempus as a big fuck you to these schizos, but it won't happen now

>> No.32222566

Calli's an actual Karen irl, and she's about as autistic as Connor. They give the same tryhard "2 cool 4 skool" vibe despite being in industries filled with what they consider losers.

Sorry anon, but they're a match made in heaven

>> No.32222636

>Tempus is the cancer of HoloEN
Simple and to the point.

>> No.32222708
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>bug behaviour
I seriously hope you don't do this, /vt/.

>> No.32222710

LMAO they're based. bless them

>> No.32222743

I hope this never happens, not until he makes Ironmouse's sextape

>> No.32222806

>rather spend his money on his mom instead of oshi
You will never have sex with your mom, and that's the hard truth

>> No.32222862

You fantasize about that brown crippled whale too?

>> No.32222910

yeah, me

>> No.32222963
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If I was her, these people being my fans would be a hard pill to swallow. I'd unironically consider graduation.

>> No.32222964


>> No.32222997

The original talent that collabed with males got way more shit than the new snowflakes but dealt with it without being retarded. Its no wonder that the JP girls don't like to collab with these snowflakes.

>> No.32223027

i argue white karen are worse, since sheboon often use physical force so you are justified to hit her back, while Karen just yells at your face and in no way you are justified to punch her first even though you really want to

>> No.32223072

That's the point. They're not fans so they can objectively see how shitty things really are

>> No.32223109

Even worse when you realize that they're pretty much shitting on what the JP Stars worked hard on if they keep this up.

At least JP knew their fucking place and kept to themselves most of the time instead of having to constantly leech on the Holo girls because they know better.

Tempus will be a tumor eventually.

>> No.32223123

When will EN learn that talking about this shit like she has just makes it worse? Seriously just shut the fuck up and either collab with males and accept you'll lose the more invested paypigs or don't and keep them. Trying to reason with them isn't going to stop them leaving if you keep collabing with males, it's just going to cause more drama and attract trolls.

>> No.32223245

This. Axel has noticed, but the rest are sadly oblivious to it and being just used by the retarded girls.

>> No.32223354

it was calli setting it up though, jp stars don't turn down collabs if they get invited either

>> No.32223439

>Join hololive
>fanbase predominantly filled with men
>lonely men are obviously the ones with the most money to spare for a anime girl larper
Don't have to be a genius to know these guys aren't interested in seeing anime bishie collabs. Should have joined another company if you don't like that, but then again the money must be why she came here.

>> No.32223692

Tempus leeches on EN while EN leeches on JP and ID

God bless JP for practically keeping Holocontent afloat and huge appreciation for ID for making an effort in holding their side of the line.

Let's hope Gen3 are more mature than their senpais because they would really have to step up as leaders considering how much of a lost cause the previous generations are

>> No.32223832

I find it hard to believe all the guys are completely powerless to just say "no". They are taking the risks to try and leech while knowing the type of controversy that can happen when involving someone outside the usual suspects.

>> No.32223840

This eleven is even replying to himself. This is quite fascinating.
Is this what improving yourself means?

>> No.32223856

Just let me enjoy female streamers in peace. It's all I want. I don't care if fujos get their yaoi bait and make prostitutes. Just let me enjoy my girls in peace.

Why is this so hard for them to understand?
>but you're a new face so that means you never watched or bought merch in the past!
I just don't have any reason to spam emotes or throw donations every stream. But if a streamer turns to shit yes I'm going to start speaking up.

>> No.32223905

>leeches on JP and ID
>ID not being the biggest leeches out there
Anon tell me one thing ID did for hololive.

>> No.32223927

They're the ones paying her bill, If she wants to be a whore she should graduate and join the other whores in vshojo instead of shitting up hololive.

>> No.32223963

Then Calli must die, she's a demon that's rolling the dice too much.

>> No.32224032

ID gave us Moona and Reine's delicious titties

>> No.32224039

Because they have nothing to lose by it.
If gura hit me up to collab, hell yeah I would. But I'm not dumb enough to start pestering them about it.

>> No.32224108

I miss Anya's delicious titties....

>> No.32224153

OP's point is that the girls focus on the guys. The guys are self aware enough to still pay attention to chat but the HoloEN girls ignore chat instinctively and put their focus on the man they're collabing with.

>> No.32224156

>spend it on myself or my mom
notice how the only woman in this loser's life is his mom

>> No.32224164

That is so much shittaste in a such few words.

>> No.32224168

>while knowing the type of controversy that can happen
The guys are chilling though. They're grown men lmao

>> No.32224305

Imagine giving money just to bitch about human interaction.

>> No.32224646 [DELETED] 

I didn't say they are not capable of saying no, but I think you can't invite someone and them call them a leech for accepting it

>> No.32224722

Let's say VTuber is the same as professional wrestling. Does that mean collab with men is just essentially breaking the kayfabe? Like, you won't care whatever the person behind the character is doing outside the stream. If you're whore in RL, at least don't put your whorish character in your VTuber character, or so I think. It can be connected to the saying that whatever happened in the stream is just for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.32224773

Didn't they host an event? They also participated and had their own booths in the MC summer fest

You have to be an absolute retard to not realise content is a commodity and ID is for sure producing content

On the contrary, what has EN done to reciprocate?

JP and ID spent hours learning the ropes of MC and applied what they learn in creative ways. That's actual fucking work they do. EN on the other hand just quits halfway because they lose interest or think it's too hard, while their peers only keep on improving.

They got left in the dust by ID within a few months. That's just downright pathetic.
These girls need to be reminded that they're selling content and they should fix their mindset instead of focusing on just what they enjoy.

Hololive is their job, not a hobby they do every now and again to boost their ego

>> No.32224865

The only woman a man needs

>> No.32224979

I didn't say they are not capable of saying no, but I don't think you can invite someone and then call them a leech for accepting it

>> No.32225008
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Yeah dude spending money on some otaku egirl is a better investment than spending it on the woman that raised you. Dumbass.

>> No.32225109

Look at ID numbers and tell me they added anything to hololive success. EN was a mistake for the quality of the content but at least it inflated JP numbers by 2 times. ID is just a side note like CN was.

>> No.32225131

Holy based unicorns actually doing something about a situation for once. There should be more of this so they get the message instead of circlejerking in a hugbox where their oshi can't see it.

>> No.32225172

>Does that mean collab with men is just essentially breaking the kayfabe?

Only if you do GFE content

>> No.32225250

How retarded are you, really? You're numberfagging in an argument about events?

Actually fuck off and don't wear your helmet on your way out. We need less retards like you in humanity's gene pool.

>> No.32225386

Why are you pulling numbers when the issue is about content?

How are those two connected?

>> No.32225430

>bring out hard evidence
>idfag can't deal with it and start to sperg in response
No wonder you like ID since you are as retarded as them.

>> No.32225491

man, i'm sorry that your mom treated you like a garbage

>> No.32225590

>Look at ID numbers and tell me they added anything to hololive success. EN was a mistake for the quality of the content but at least it inflated JP numbers by 2 times. ID is just a side note like CN was.


>> No.32225619

What content anon? What they added to JP? I didn't consider content because there is nothing to consider.

>> No.32225651

But how is that evidence? You think bringing out numbers justifies your argument without having a logic behind it?

Is what's inside your head a tumor and not a brain, because it doesn't seem like it's functioning like it's intended.

>> No.32225847

I've seen more rage and vitriol from the anti unicorn side.
CGDCT chads have been quite polite.

>> No.32225849


>> No.32225868

That's subjective. The only fact here is the girls participated in their content and people saw it, meanwhile EN had zero creations in that event. They just showed up, leeched off the other girls' creations, then left.

>> No.32225926

She's too cool for nipnigers. The gaijin enclave isn't helping either.

>> No.32226081

I thought she's a coom for Japs, or did I read her character wrong?

>> No.32226161
File: 64 KB, 239x215, 1659644469075921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys not have phones?
You're not allowed to be that based here, anon.

>> No.32226203

What is subjective? Their worth isn't because they never created anything or brought any large group towards hololive, you would have to use a blindfold not to see how objectively speaking, ID never did anything for JP.

>> No.32226312

Content is content. Popularity in itself isn't content. Don't be a retard and fill up the hole you're in instead of digging it deeper.

>> No.32226411

>Content is content
and they never did any outside of fingering

>> No.32226450

ID mc creations in summer fest is not content? Are you okay anon?

>> No.32226475

>Having so much of a cuck mentality that you think everyone is cucking you when in reality, no one really cares about you
>So much of a delusional cuck that you literally spend money to complain about how you believe that you're being cucked
The absolute state of Kronii's. You love to see it.

>> No.32226486

Ah your one of those assholes that see streetpreformers and think you can dictate what song they play because you gave them some money aren’t ya.
Streams are free shows akin to street performances where you are tipping. Member content is the one you get some say in because you are paying for it.

>> No.32226559

You're running away from reality at this point. People might actually think I'm 1-manning this debate and intentionally making one-side seem like an absolute retard just to entertain the people visiting this thread

>> No.32226633

Iofi has connected important people with Hololive like Pochi-sensei. It's why Reine exists.

>> No.32226659

but... saying fingered shouldve solved everything...

>> No.32226724

>look at ID numbers
>fucking Zeta and Anya had higher numbers than Mori during the Rust event just now
Guess people are sick of tempiss cocksleeves.

>> No.32226820

Probably because Zeta and Anya had content while EN was allergic.

It's actually impressive how they managed to fuck that up when all they had to do was shoot each other.

>> No.32226837

>t. has never worked retail and dealt with them

>> No.32226849

Actually the problem is probably the ongoing rust drama where chat is sperging out. So now rust gets low views because chat got called out.

>> No.32226897

Calli ragequitting was cathartic

>> No.32226901

>jp stars don't turn down collabs if they get invited either
They do, Roberu did, and they bailed from Ollie's Among Us collab.

>> No.32226933

What exactly do you think that has to do with that anon's post? You claimed that all Karens are white. He pointed out that blacks can be Karens, too. How exactly do you get from "shitty behavior is found in all races" to "it's okay because someone else does it?" Are you retarded or just foreign?

>> No.32227000

>I'm convinced she just has a learning disability, basically the type of person to suck at something no matter how much work or passion they put into it
This might be why. Too much lean has left her like Gura. Language learning is too hard when your limited short term memory prevents you from attaining long term memories. Both these women are a cautionary tale of alcoholism.

>> No.32227016

EN fucking up something so simple is Chat's fault somehow


>> No.32227067

Fair enough. So... Does the heat towards Kronii justifiable? I want to incline that the Hologirls by default aren't your "girlfriend" unless they implicitly or explicitly show otherwise. But, I think I have to see it case-by-case. I think Gura (big idol energy) and Fauna (did ASMR that makes males unironically lean towards her) will take serious hate if they ever collab with males. And it'll fit with the logic.

>> No.32227101

Customers are morons who don't know what they want unless you tell them and are easily frightened and confused by too many options. If you don't like what she does take your money elsewhere and stop whining like a little bitch.

>> No.32227157

Mumei is our one last hope of having an American chuuba actually learn proper Japanese.

>> No.32227188

Funniest shit i read all day

>> No.32227197

Women exist irl retard

>> No.32227261

That's an overgeneralization if I've ever seen one.

It's not even a race or nationality. Anon just straight up said anyone who's a customer is a moron. Kek

>> No.32227274

>The customer is always right
OP hasn't ever worked a menial job in services otherwise he would know this is a load of bullshit.

>> No.32227289

I have faith in Gura. I have a lot more faith in Mumei, though, since Mumei might have double Gura's IQ and work ethic.

>> No.32227319

I'm glad it wasn't just me who thought they saw Mumei's improvement.

>> No.32227359

1. That phrase is utter bollocks and anyone who has ever worked a job where you directly serve customers knows this.

2. Those are /vt/ schizos who committed the cardinal sin of breaking containment

>> No.32227365

Sweet home Alabama

>> No.32227441

Does Mumei ever break character? I saw her roommate and it's actually impressive how she goes from one to another.

>> No.32227472

If only half of teamates have the courage to utter their mind like this
The one who spoke up his opinion was bullied and labeled as villain, shame.

>> No.32227500

>majority of people dont care about the collabs because they realize that it's coworkers doing work stuff
>a handful of loud unicorns pretend like their opinion matters when they arent even her main source of supas
biggest nothingburger ever, everyone should just stfu, especially Kronii herself
Let this blow over and let the unicorns off themselves in peace

>> No.32227522

Gura has legit brain damage from her binge drinking. Mumei still has the capacity to retain the knowledge to learn a new language.
She's been doing her reps unlike her other EOP genmate. I'd love for Fauna to learn some conversational level Japanese. Plenty of Nips would go nuts to hear gaijin speaking JP to them for ASMR.

>> No.32227538

like most memes it's based in a true phenomenon (obnoxious white women being overbearing with customer service and such things) but it has been turned into a tool to shame people for having decent social standards and expectations of unwritten social contracts and etiquette, and especially for noticing the decline in such things.

>> No.32227588

I mean, you are talking about mc like it was an addition when JP has been putting the the same content for years. I can't take you seriously when you want to put that crap as something that actually helped JP in any way or format. It's clear you love those girls enough to give them prizes just for participation so I feel like there is nothing I should add because the points about numbers and content are still up there.

>> No.32227667

Anon most of the merch unicorns get is bootleg too because of the reseller issue fuckwad.

And unicorns make it worse cause they buy in bulk

>> No.32227697

>I'd love for Fauna to learn some conversational level Japanese.

She has to. I need both her and Mumei to survive EN's eventual demise and get transfered to JP.
