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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32164233 No.32164233 [Reply] [Original]

Goslings are the true winner now

>> No.32164307

what happened now

>> No.32164318
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>> No.32164419
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luv my oshi and dont care if she talks to a sweaty faggot
simple as

>> No.32164424

I dont want your clock tempus cocksleeve to talk to my shark wife

>> No.32164465
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yeah i'm feeling great.

>> No.32164679

I'm on cloud 9 baby. Tourists and homobeggers btfoed t.frommembersstream

>> No.32164922
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I'm winning son.

>> No.32165009
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>> No.32165483
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>parasocial can be bad but lets enjoy what we have

>> No.32170378

Won your NTR fantasy?

>> No.32170579
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You just wouldn't get it

>> No.32171039
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but at what cost?

>> No.32171560

These girls must absolutely hate parasocials and unicorns. Imagine getting a job to stream but you have to do these kind of shit stream to try to explain yourself, only to have every single sentence twisted back against you. All because some little retards behind a screen are mentally ill enough to think they have a chance with (virtual) you.

>> No.32171694

>one on one relationship

make up your mind faggot

>> No.32171770

Lmao, you fags are pathetic, you literally beat a mentally ill woman into submission with threat of removing financial support because she dared interact with some male autismos. In the end fault is mostly on her for caving instead of standing strong one way or the other. Also you fags can spend your money however you want, leaves a bad taste in my mouth that mentally ill fags like you abuse it like this though, it's just morally reprehensible, again also her fault for playing into your fags fantasies in the first place.

>> No.32171878

seething twitter user

>> No.32171895

>antis sperging out
you love to see it

>> No.32171931

Other than being perpetual losers?

>> No.32172025

>flashback to 6 months ago with kronii gushing about how much she enjoys her job and how she believes parasocial relation ships are, in her words, "a two way street", all before homoEN was a twinkle in Omega's eye
She was reading the book to educate herself and wanted to share it with us. Its the same reason she wanted to do a 2049 watchalong for so long. She wanted to know what the gosling meme was and understand why chat memes about it.

>> No.32172049

Cope and seethe
This is what being a talentless cam whore with an anime avatar earns you in the world
Try again with a real talent if you want to be respected and not held financially hostage by your target niche of lonely single men

>> No.32172167
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>> No.32172793

>getting read a parasocial book to like a child
I don't think so

>> No.32172951
File: 444 KB, 658x960, GoslingFordring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you bros are pulling through. Don't give up the fight and may you re-join the ranks. Just don't give up the advantage you've won

>> No.32173266

don't come back acting surprised when she collabs with them again kek

>> No.32174565

You're all getting played

>> No.32175174

yeah, WTF, I wanna know

>> No.32175587

Next time the drama will be on Mori for inviting her so I don’t give a shit

>> No.32175703

oh you poor child. it won't be that simple

>> No.32175979

Onus is on Mori, Bae, and Ollie since their required to be organizer/instigator.

>> No.32176675

Kronii is parasocial towards her gachis dude... That's why she wants to meet and talk with all of them.

>> No.32176753

>0 days without antis, tourists and homobeggars getting btfo.

>> No.32177830

based, fuck communism, hail capitalism

>> No.32178264

We didn't win anything, All of them postured and called us incels.. this is their normalfag hobby now.

>> No.32179013
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Ohnonono, I thought we had no power anon?
That we were only a small part of these girls revenue and not worth worrying about?

>> No.32179221

>got BTFO so hard he's hallucinating
you incels lost on every way possible it's embarassing, stop posting

>> No.32179295

he sounds like a lesbian

>> No.32179841

I was away for two weeks.
What did I miss?

>> No.32183044

holo EN collabed with tempus

>> No.32183065
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>Lmao, you fags are pathetic, you literally beat a mentally ill woman into submission with threat of removing financial support because she dared interact with some male autismos
No, I followed through. And I'll just keep getting away with it, because the customer is always right. Hope she enjoys competing with other generic variety streamers in an arena where only talent, charisma and clout matter. Good luck.

>> No.32184028

Reminder to the homofags that treating the boys as friends counts as a parasocial relationship too.
Reminder to everyone that feeling literally anything at all for any vtuber ever counts as a parasocial relationship as well.

>> No.32184330

I don't understand why anyone would want to gosling for Kronii to begin with, male collabs or not.

>> No.32185201
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>> No.32185366

This guy gets it.
This has been a 4chan specialty since the early /b/ days.

>> No.32185635

can someone elaborate what happened? just this morning everyone was doomposting about Kronii so please enlighten me on what I missed?

>> No.32185851

kronii read a book about parasocial relationships in her members to try to learn what vt was offering her

>> No.32188515

why are you replying to your own post?

>> No.32188780

>Is still going to collab with Tempus, just won't stream her PoV
Yay, more collabs she doesn't stream for, yay more collabs with Tempus? You're winning so hard right now.

>> No.32188890
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You truly have no idea

>> No.32189277
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You don't know the half it...
Members stream addressing the issue satisfied CGDCT and Gosling Kronies. Unicorns, Homobeggers, Tourists, and Dramafags basically got executed on the spot. TLDR homo collabs could still happen but they require some hoops to jump through and would be extremely rare as a result not to mention Stars content won't be on her channel at all. She defended her paypigs, gachis, and unicorns however from tourists saying that what they say is valid and no one should silence other people's perspective.

She than went on about parasocial relationships and how she's reading a book about them to understand her Kronies better.

>> No.32189370

So you're spamming every kronii thread with gosling faggotry because you're personally satisfied with her response?

>> No.32190336

Leave it to Kronii to half-ass things by trying to satisfy camps of people pulling in incompatible directions. This definitely won't fester or send a message that raising a big enough ruckus will make her back down from things in the future...compromise is a healthy and wonderful thing, except in instances where 2/3 of the parties involved feel like they're getting fucked over. I can't help but think this is going to end up hurting her worse in the long run than taking _some_ kind of stronger stand on it now, regardless of what that stand would be.

>> No.32190929

>homo collabs could still happen but they require some hoops to jump through and would be extremely rare as a result
correction, the only hoop to go through is she won't invite tempus for collab but she will accept if anybody invite her. she said she wants to collab with tempus like id did and her way is no pov so there will be no tempus content on her channel.

>> No.32191820

So she wants to have cake and eat it...

>> No.32192336

>It's ok bros, she explained why cucking us is a good thing, so we can be happy again

>> No.32192388

The hoops is that there has to be a middle man to orchestrate it also. Tempus don't reach out themselves it has to be the girls so that leaves Mori, Bae, and Ollie to organize things.

>> No.32192549
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Keep seething dramanegro

>> No.32193480

If anything this is directed at her special gachis, it's like all of you didn't learn anything after following her for so long.

>> No.32193711

>you just don't geeeet it bro
She's still going to collab with dudes.
She's still going to talk about her male friends on tweet spaces.
She's still going to belittle you for being maidenless (ie a virgin).

>> No.32193717

There is nothing more pathetic than a male who throws money at a woman simply for existing. This is a business transaction. If viewers don't like the content that their oshi is putting out, they are free to withhold that money. It's not abuse, it's not financial support. It's her job to appeal to her fanbase. If she doesn't like her fans, then she can go get a job somewhere else.

>> No.32193783

I know, that's why I dropped them the moment they started joking about cucking their viewers

>> No.32194144

It is but it's healthier than GFE, I already deal with people being fake to me on a daily basis at work, in this case though, the boys are just entertaining so I give them supas and will member them next week.

>> No.32194322

just once i want a chuuba that holds a parasocial relationship toward her audience. they just dont exist, oh well.

>> No.32194568

For these Goslings who keep trying to shape the narrative, here's the stream where you can watch it yourself.


>> No.32194612

> Mori, Bae, and Ollie to organize things.
So why are you acting like it's going to be rare?

>> No.32194692

what's up with redditors trying to gaslight people with goslings?

>> No.32194802
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Nice try dramanigger it ain't working
How often do they do cross branch large group Collabs? Oh right not that often especially with members like Kronii. This like the 3rd time Kronii has had a Collab with Mori.

>> No.32194837

Go back twitter /tourist/, already failed at falseflagging.

>> No.32194846

>Noooo you can't just link and watch the actual stream to hear exactly what she said!!!

>> No.32194845

Tourists and Redditors got btfoed in fact and are seething about it.

>> No.32194892

see >>32194568
We're too late.

>> No.32194940

thanks anon!

>> No.32194951
File: 26 KB, 479x417, tumblr_0c36dea84145dba7194c433d353863b2_1752653e_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and listen to what she said. Listen to her defending her gachis and concerned members from tourists, listen to her talk about wanting to be parasocial with her audience, listen to her talk about wanting compromise and limit Homocollabs for her viewers.

>> No.32195086

Post timestamps, faggots

>> No.32195129

nice LARP bro, have a (You) clap clap

>> No.32195140

Do your reps, don't let goslings tell you they weren't BTFO just as much as tourists.

>> No.32195327
File: 36 KB, 109x103, 1652449036372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will watch the VOD right? You won't be lazy and continue to embarrass yourself by not even trying riighht~

>> No.32195684

No, I'm not a member and that message is not meant for me. I will see what Kronii wants to present to me as a general greyname, but really I don't even want to watch her anytime soon. I'll probably see her in non-schizo mode collabing with Fauna or something and I'll know it's safe to watch her again.

>> No.32195810
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Understandable anon have a nice night

>> No.32195880

>tumblr file name
we need to talk

>> No.32195947

based, wanna cry?
act like a whore, get treated like a whore
act like a queen, get treated like a queen
simple as

>> No.32196064

M-mommy Kronii uuuuuu

>> No.32196152

Is this the perfect woman bros?

>> No.32196665

what a funny thread
do ENcucks really?

>> No.32199615

unrelated but what's the BGM, this is a genuine question because I've been trying to find it and I can't find it.

>> No.32200481

kronii's member stream

>> No.32200761

ollie complained a lot about her collab ideas with males(including indies and other agencies not just stars) being shut down left and right by management, so it's probably not as common or as easy as you thought.

>> No.32200854

Yaoi hands

>> No.32203299

I fucking told you

>> No.32203355

just watched it, I'm so fucking heartbroken

>> No.32206975
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>Gabe, shut up for a second
