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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32139470 No.32139470 [Reply] [Original]

Is Amelia Watson old enough to actually be familiar with gadgets from 1990?

>> No.32139533

She's in her mid 20's like me.

>> No.32139612

she traveled in time to the 90's to make this video

>> No.32139651

Based on her tastes in anime and the games she mentioned playing growing up, I think she's just about old enough to be considered a 90's kid

>> No.32139932

Her family was low class, so they bought those things for her

>> No.32140038

Most of these things were still common at the turn of the millenium

>> No.32140110

she is not, not really

>> No.32140137

Those are early 2000s you filthy goddamn zoomer trash.

>> No.32140141

A lot of kids got to play around with technology a generation before them as hand me downs. More so if your parents were poorfags.

>> No.32140162

lol no

>> No.32140173

I will judge her based on where she puts pogs on the list.

>> No.32140210

Everyone born in the 1990s pretends they remember the 1980s.

>> No.32140229

No they're not, they just arrived late to your third world country.

>> No.32140324

It's okay. She ran the list by Vesper last night

>> No.32140453
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No, because those things are from the early 00s', one of the worst in term of electronic design (thanks Apple, as usual).

>> No.32140534

Just like every zoomer is apparently nostalgic for the N64.

>> No.32140722

No! Vesper stay away from that whore, I'll protect your wizard status!

>> No.32140828

"90s" nostalgia is almost always actually for the early 2000s

>> No.32141040
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 1631170883060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a time traveler retard

>> No.32141518

>ywn be a 19yo zoomer nostalgic for the times when your older cousin Greg used to show you his N64 before he went off to Afghanistan and became MIA

>> No.32142913

Nigger the dog was released in 2001, the boombox in the very early 2000s to try and cash in on the imac craze, and the phone is again early 2000s vintage. Stop trying to pretend you're not too retarded to breath without a wrangler and kill yourself immediately.

>> No.32143069

The 2000s were part of the long 90s. 90s ended when the iPhone came out, 2007

>> No.32143251

she's not but I don't see how that conflicts with the image you provided

>> No.32143887

What da dog doing?

>> No.32146151
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Who knows, but I am. And I can say as a boomer that slider phones are the real nostalgia item. There wasn't a point to 'em over a bar phone, but they were novel nonetheless.

>> No.32146678

this seems like a retarded idea... how can you rank stuff like cell phones and CD players, they were all we had at the time and obviously they sucked.

>> No.32147079
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you know thats just made up lore right? the hololive members are just normal human streamers

>> No.32147167

Greg realized that the place where women have no rights was where he would rather be so he stayed and got himself a nice harem.

>> No.32147185

Therefore, no

>> No.32147272


>> No.32147333

no but she was poor enough her family probably used a lot of 90s tech for a while.

>> No.32147683
File: 108 KB, 670x364, Korny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you zoomers even know about 90s tech?

>> No.32148055

Nokia 3310 launch: September 1, 2000.
Poo-chi Dog launch: April 1, 2000.
Naxa NPB-251: Can't find launch date, but it seems to be older than the year 2000, in fact it's still sold.

>> No.32148203
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>A bunch of gadgets from the early 2000's. Most of the people think this stuff is so old it's from the 90's.
Maybe I should have never come back to this place and just let the zoomers continue to pervert something I used to love.

>> No.32148273

The stream title literally says 90s.

>> No.32148329

>The 2000s were part of the long 90s. 90s ended when the iPhone came out, 2007

I argue 90s ended after 9/11 happened. Afterwards felt like a sophomore age until the recession.

>> No.32148343

You can take it in small doses so in another 10 years the 30yo zoomers will be seething about teenage Gen Alpha kids talking about old stuff from the 2010s.

>> No.32148374

Come back Moot, it's not too late.

>> No.32148436

I think it's more indicating that people born in the 90's really just came of age in the 2000's and it all blends together for them. For all we know the actual video will be more 90's related and that's just a template issue.

>> No.32148441

>90s ended when the iPhone came out, 2007
You're actually retarded, Y2K aesthetic was birth out of the late 90's and it's called Y2K >>32148329
This is closer to the truth.

>> No.32148542
File: 37 KB, 480x356, Pocket_Rocker (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"90s" tech like Hit Clips or 90s tech like this shit?

>> No.32148721

sometimes I miss simpler times

>> No.32149023
File: 202 KB, 924x1363, 1647569589622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example of early 90's tech

>> No.32149070

>came of age
Fuck yeah.

>> No.32149242

I'd guess it's possible but it's just not likely. I was born in the late 80s and know fucking nothing about the 80s and don't pretend I do. Like my earliest memories of legos at preschool or whatever maybe had some 80s ones mixed in and that's like the oldest toy exposure I got. Then again it could have just been my area, everyone I knew had a genesis or SNES even in the early 90s and I didn't know any actually-poor kids with an NES.

>> No.32149479

>I was born in the late 80s and know fucking nothing about the 80s
I refuse to believe that, I grew up with 80's shit and I was born in the 90's but I rented all classic 80's movies, watch 80's cartoons on TV in reruns and play with 80's toys and games my family bought used at different stores. Nes was as much my childhood as N64 or Gamecube.

>> No.32149528

>early zoomer

>> No.32149903

I should qualify of course I watched 80s TV and movies a bunch, like the OT star wars was one of my favorite things and I remember campy stuff like Dark Crystal and Neverending Story. However, my everyday feeling/experience, items, toys etc weren't much 80s in the slightest. I would think I'm basically the walking definition of 90s kid but really don't feel like I knew the 80s at all. For example I liked Transformers for a time, and sometimes saw reruns of the old show but never had the old ones, just whatever was in the stores at the time which was 90s stuff, then Beast Wars took over and was the coolest shit because it was in 3D.

>> No.32149969

Unless she lived in a third world slum, poor to the brim, then yes it would.
However this is not the case for her.

>> No.32150070


>> No.32150167

Aw ok that makes more sense kek, I think anyone in age group of video rental and cable TV grew up with every era of media because they use to rerun on TV and put out everything on video at least to a point but yeah not really 80's kid unless you grew up completely in that culture I guess. Like I might of loved 80's Ninja Turtles as a kid but the 00's ones are ones I can actually call my Turtles because I grew up with the culture around or something like that like you and Beast Wars.

>> No.32150305
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, CF2F22D3-BE9D-46AF-BEDD-8A9875E71CBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently she grew up playing Super Nintendo games. She once mentioned that she played Pocky and Rocky 2. I wonder if she still has it. I wonder if she has any idea what it’s worth.

>> No.32150416

Ame is a hag

>> No.32150457

Is this going to be one of those situations where boomers get angry at a zoomer talking about their technology?
Calm down boomers

>> No.32150709

There's a ton of shit that crossed over the late 90s into the 00s I would think she very-plausibly knew of or even used. Tamagotchis (and their many knockoffs like Nanopets etc) for example. Pokemon kind of blurred right into the 00s and you would have seen/known of OG gameboys (probably mostly gameboy pockets/colors for her by then) because people were playing it on those and like half the kids at my school were playing/trading it or the cards.

>> No.32150762

I'm older than her and all that stuff was from her lifetime. The question of being familiar with it is entirely subjective though.

I remember a world before the XBox but it doesn't mean I'm familiar with the launch of the XBox because we were a one-console home and I didn't care about video game culture. The main console for me until the Playstation was the fucking NES which was discontinued before I was born. Most people my age have no memories of it.

>> No.32150785

God I wish I had all my retro game shit, I had as a kid.

>> No.32150902

I use to be one of those kids bought games and systems new or old (didn't care about the age and how I gotta play all types of shit) and trade them in for other shit back when local game stores still a thing, it's blessing cuz I got to play all types of shit but cursed cuz I didn't keep any of it.

>> No.32151570

New tech wasn't that fast in the 90's and start 00's
So, if you were from a poor family then you got in a bit late to everything but it was still fresh and fun.
It's only from mid 00's that tech went faster and faster..

>> No.32155356

god I miss my brickphone

>> No.32156177

She's the youngest Myth member (yes, even Gura) and during her first Dectective Diaries stream she said that she's a zoomer. She seemed to grow up on old systems and hand-me-downs, so she's probably at least familiar with all of these.

>> No.32156397

Nokia was the good shit.
No she isn't, Gura is the youngest but only by one year against Amelia.

>> No.32156481
File: 301 KB, 1080x1800, Zoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like, "What do you zoomers even know about tech?"

>> No.32158244


>> No.32158407

I was born on sept.10 2001 and I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday.

>> No.32158591

>corded phones

>> No.32158733

most of the stuff made in the 90s carried over till the mid 2000s

>> No.32158844

desu ame has "90s tech" in the title so its on her too

>> No.32159069

we dont know ame's age

>> No.32159527

That's almost entirely down to micro-transactions.

>> No.32159882

She'll know about the toys.

>> No.32160634

25 going to 26 next year

>> No.32163366

s-shes white right?

>> No.32163456
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>> No.32163474

I had two
Loved that thing

>> No.32163642
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>> No.32165092

She's off-white, Americans would classify her as white (which is why this site mocks Americans for being mutts).

>> No.32165424

like italian or some med thing?

>> No.32165592

Lurk more faggot

>> No.32165702

Well she's not hispanic but people mistake them as such.

>> No.32165864

Her skin is pale as fuck though

>> No.32166221

ame is chinese

>> No.32170524


>> No.32170602

Based patriot, time to sign up to die in the Ukrainian war to save america.

>> No.32170997
File: 506 KB, 660x440, image_2022-08-31_211715529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely wrong, most of the list came from the last 3 years of the 90s. Hell if memory serves me 1997 CES saw more than one million square feet of exhibition space for the first time, and it’s been hovering at about that size ever since.

>> No.32171502

In 2001, recruitment was up 72% and of those 48% met eligbility. This year they are down to 22% from 2019 and only 20% or so meet eligbility, vast majority unfit for eligibility ( notably most were not physically fit enough)

>> No.32172226

That's not notable, nu-americans are fat memes like the characters from Wall-E.

>> No.32174671

I want to impregnate Ame's rm

>> No.32174838

Aww yeah, I was firing up C&C Red Alert 2, had just watched the awesome intro. Then someone called me to the tv. It was like..really?

>> No.32176620

Why is no one talking about the sex face

>> No.32178098

Those fucking delicious armpits and fat tits... Man oh man... That waist too, dear lord.
