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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32136140 No.32136140 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think management realizes they went too far or are they rolling their eyes waiting for things to go back to normal?

>> No.32136239

Not tempus fault you're a fucking retard.

>> No.32136267
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They're waiting... OP.

>> No.32136306
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>> No.32136389

what makes you think this isn't intentional? a tranny who hates you wormed his way into a managerial role and now cucks you on purpose. it's what they do

>> No.32136392
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the unicorn fears this

>> No.32136402

Management is probably ecstatic about the fact that Tempus is their best performing Stars gen by far.

>> No.32136410

Nice fictional vtuber debut mockup, OP. Maybe you should reach out to vtubers and see if they need any graphic design done.

>> No.32136476

Lmao they are 100% happy that they can finally push the stars without backlash

>> No.32136490

They will stop collabs for 2 weeks and then try again. This time with Ame since she already fucked up, so chance of backlash is much smaller.

>> No.32136499

>Do you think management realizes they went too far
Here is your answer

>> No.32136566 [DELETED] 

Trannies are winning. The resistance is falling.

>> No.32136670

No idea. They wouldn't have pushed Stars like this with the JP girls though. But I guess that might be one of the reasons they flopped, so maybe this is just their new tactic.

>> No.32136740

I think it is. They should calm down with the collabs with the girls. A few now and then is fine, StarsJP does that as well, but there have been a lot in a very short time and it doesn't feel right.

>> No.32136833 [DELETED] 

Omegatranny is happy. He's killing incels and making the best homo gen.

>> No.32136968

No one in management is forcing the collabs, anon. Calli was the one who organized the dead by daylight collab, and she had already reached out to the Stars. Bae also had expressed she wished to collab with them before.
Stop acting as if this were some machiavellian plot to destroy (you).

>> No.32137082

>Stop acting as if this were some machiavellian plot to destroy (you).
pfff, from the very beginning holoEN was devised to break the EOPeasants polluting jp streams. the final stage of the plan is now underway

>> No.32137354
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Why would management be upset with the most successful male generation so far?

>> No.32137539

Hello Gabe

>> No.32137606

Things are normal, it's literally only your tiny hugbox of retards that are losing it.
They're not affected in the least.

>> No.32137612

management and every hired talent are rolling their eyes at the bitching of a tiny percentage of their viewerbase that have somehow convinced themselves they’re the most important factor, yes.

>> No.32137633

HoloStars is yagoo's idea, it came out better than they expected, but it is still unprofitable

En menagment has nothing to do here

>> No.32137730
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Feels good being a tempura and having multiple kino streams literally every day. Sucks to be fans of the girls they collab with I guess.

>> No.32137779

You and Kronii are the problem, not Tempus.

>> No.32137815

Unicorns will die. Nobody will notice.

Numbers are unchanged.

>> No.32137826

You schizos will try to pin blame on a sockpuppet Twitter account for anything.

>> No.32137847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.32137882

Unicorns are antis at this point. Get the fuck out.

>> No.32137918

Nah, I'm a fan of both the girls and the boys and I've been having a blast with the collabs.

>> No.32137985

based and normal anon in this sea of insanity

>> No.32138055

By the current timezones I'm gonna guess you're a pajeet.

>> No.32138070 [DELETED] 

Go back to NijiEN faggot

>> No.32138095

Okay bootlicker

>> No.32138109

I think TEMPUS is living rent free on your head, that's what I think

>> No.32138120

That fuck head omega wants this mori is helping him and both will push hard for more male collabs

>> No.32138144
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OP, we're all rolling our eyes at you schizos, not just management.

>> No.32138236

Imagine watching the HoloSummer concert and deciding that you want Hololive to be more like Mori and Bae and Kronii instead

>> No.32138423

posted from the inside of a school locker

>> No.32138452

Shut up Ame! Kronii is stealing Regis from you!

>> No.32138483

Who would've thought that her "I want to collab more with the Stars" and "I always support the Stars" meant that she was waiting for StarsEN so she wouldn't have to give a fuck about StarsJP ever again.

>> No.32138485

Altare already moved on to taking Axel's mom to Applebees for consensual hand holding already, both Kronii and Ame are old news.

>> No.32138496

>at this point
I was a Tempus anti as soon as they were announced. Western male streamers are not acceptable in Hololive.

>> No.32138571

>People are so mindbroken they unironically think that management is mandating the collabs and that the girls aren't the ones reaching out

>> No.32138635


>> No.32138703

The best these normalfag tourists can do is parrot "touch grass incel" and "get shoved in a locker nerd". They don't realize that that's the point. Hololive literally exists to cater to us. They have the rest of pop culture to cater to them.

>> No.32138709

You now that Holostars can't initiate Holo collabs isn't?
>Oh but they could have been rejected it
Yeah I think the same but they're probably didn't think so much about it because they're still newbues and Callie had already invited them.
Also Holostars don't reject collab invitations in general soany Collab between them it's HoloEN fault.

>> No.32138714

I still won't watch your twitchfaggots.

>> No.32138775

Nope, still Tempus' fault. If they weren't prepared to reject Mori they don't belong here and need to be graduated.

>> No.32138784
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>> No.32138802

We all know it was Mori who reached out though. She then dragged Kronii into it

>> No.32139045

>normalfag tourists
They aren't tourists any more, they're a fucking infestation since tempiss debuted.

>> No.32139157

They aren’t here to appease you.
And when I join StarsEN2 I’m gonna accept every collab offer just to piss you off specifically.

>> No.32139204

that's why you'll never make it in

>> No.32139211

They'll go back to normal. You chumps keep crawling back anyway.

>> No.32139459

Be careful

>> No.32139492

I think the problem is that they tried to hard to not make Tempus fall into irrelevancy like their JP counterparts in uproar.
Only they tried to hard just started forcing it down everyones throats. Then they let their collab ban get reduce and instead of letting them collab with JP stars to try and boost them they let their first collabs be with the girls.
This really a case of them either needing to tell Ollie and Mori to calm down or to not of made the collabs happen.
They also made the guys have that 1 stream a day 1 hour limit for a while so I am pretty sure they were trying to pull a Desuwa.

>> No.32139512 [DELETED] 

*cums inside your oshi*

>> No.32139803

>They also made the guys have that 1 stream a day 1 hour limit for a while so I am pretty sure they were trying to pull a Desuwa.
They did it because most hololive viewers aren't used to streamers playing games for more than 2 hours.

>> No.32139847


>> No.32139919

Stopped reading because you are retarded

>> No.32140014 [DELETED] 

ITT niggers seething over irrelevant drama. niggers gotta nig or in this case, pajeets gotta pajeet.

>> No.32140051

Gonna let you in on a little secret. Mori = Omega. It's all planned and calculated.

>> No.32140138

Omegay wants to change the dynamic of HoloEN with forced collabs with Tempiss, but he doesn't realize that gender segregation and CGDCT is what made Hololive relevant.
In the end HoloEN will lose its brand identity and the Leddit tourists will abandon thr ship without giving any money to Cover

>> No.32140323

>In the end HoloEN will lose its brand identity and the Leddit tourists will abandon thr ship
This is the worst part. These retards will advocate for change until holoEN is completely unrecognizable, and then leave because it's shit without ever realising that they are the ones that destroyed it.

>> No.32140495

All going according to plan.


>> No.32140655

Omegatroon wants EN to be Nijisanji.

>> No.32141049

In the end, the unicorn bucks weren't effective enough then.

>> No.32141091

It's sad to see the state of HoloEN, but the only thing we can do is speed up the departure of the hardcore fans so that HoloEN's death is quick and doesn't spread to HoloJP

>> No.32141620

Considering how their viewership plummeted while almost every single JP increased do they even have unicorns anymore? The only one who can compete against HoloJP's numbers is Gura and even she struggles. Fucking Koyori got 24k with her karaoke stream from a couple of hours ago while IRyS and Mori barely got more than 12k in their recent ones. And yes, I know these numbers are still great even if they're inferior to JP, but shouldn't it be the contrary? Why is the EN branch who's supposed to target a much bigger audience failing on that regard while the one who pretty much exclusively speaks a language only one country speaks is doing much better?

>> No.32141840

I'm coming round to this way of thinking. Myth seemed fine at first, even if Mori was clearly a problem she was contained, but it feels like the cancerous part of the EN fanbase reached critical mass with tempiss and now it's not worth salvaging.

>> No.32141893

At the end of the day, japanese fans are way more dedicated to vtubing as a whole.

>> No.32141982

I miss my femboy profussy, give him back please you fucks.

>> No.32142296

But is this the only explanation for it? I feel like it's way too reductionist and ignores how there are other western vtubers out there managing to beat a lot of HoloEN members in numbers, tho I also don't have a conclusive answer for why we're seeing this happening with Hololive. /#/ will talk about the late-2020/early-2021 viewership cull that happened exclusively with HoloEN, but I fail to see how they in almost 2 years weren't able to go back to their old numbers, or at least close to it, while some JP girls effectively doubled theirs in the same time period.

>> No.32142678

Non schizo answer: Japan is single 120mil country with single timezone vs EOPs and ESLs around the globe in different timezones. Also Twitch was and is dominating western streaming platform and with advent of EN Vtubing many viewers migrated there or are not interested in YT. For Japs seems like YT was natural evolution from NND as afaik Twitch was never that big there.

>> No.32142961

Is this really a problem? English is spoken in a multitude of countries on different timezones so I would expect their pool of possible viewers to be much bigger than JOPs.
>twitch vs youtube
While I can definitely see this it still boggles my mind how people willingly accept the invasive ads. Yeah, adblock works but it's a fucking arms race with Twitch always trying to make sure you lose fucking minutes of the stream watching their shitty ads.

>> No.32143044

Do not speak illy of my boys.
Your oshi was a whore before them and she'll remain one.

>> No.32143167

I don't like unicucks anymore than you do but I doubt they're seething over mori and baelz since mori is a lost cause ans baelz already let it known she wanted to collab with them. They're seething more over kronii. Since they think lesbian don't talk to men and wanted kronii to fall all over her heel for them instead because "muh idols culture" cope narrative they keep pushing.

>> No.32143348

>In the end HoloEN will lose its brand identity
Already lost it for me. I still watch my oshi the same since she stayed away from the controversy, but I've stopped caring about hololive as a whole. I've found myself skipping streams I wouldn't have missed a month or two ago in favor of indies or vidya.

>> No.32144171

Other reason why their HoloEN reclined: novelty wear off, strong numerous competition (normalfags loves VShojos and large indies, because they are part of Twitch "culture" in which most of their viewers grew), western viewers are conditioned for non-stop consumption, that's why smaller Twitch streamers have to stream 6-8 hours per day, otherwise they will be forgotten in week. Breaks, tummy hort etc didn;t help EN either.

>> No.32145286

The second one. It’s always going to be our fault not theirs.

>> No.32145542

"They went too far" meaning "Tempus accepted a collab with literally the two most obvious girls that were going to collab with them - the ones who have been shilling them the most out of everyone - and Kronii, who people seem to think is an actual lesbian"

Lol, they've gone too far!!

>> No.32145644

Game permissions have also been shit for Hololive as a whole. Unless you like seeing the same 5 games recycled forever, there's nothing really to watch. Only new content I've seen in months I actually cared to watch is Subaru's JRPG streams.

>> No.32145723

>management realizes they went too far
Are you joking? Yagoo has fucking dreamed Stars was this succesful for years, he couldn't give a shit about holoEN whores as long as his boys are keeping his dream alive

>> No.32145901

Nah Tempus are doing fine. Magni and Vesper are both great and I hope to see them grow. They won't have the explosive growth the easier gender gets but they're genuinely entertaining without being fujobait or relying on models for a carry like 99% of vtubers.

>> No.32146041

Yagoo is living his dream through holostarEN i don't see how nobody else can see it he's even a magmite.

>> No.32146075

Ame is a femcel

>> No.32146123

Tempus is the most successful Holostars operation yet and the fact that Uproar, previously, was very successful (by holostars standards) will only encourage Cover to keep trying and building on it. Maybe HoloKR will include males at launch to appeal to Kpop fans (female).

>> No.32146153
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>doesn't feel right.

>> No.32146168

This is just a takodachi but less cringy.

>> No.32146441

things will never go back to normal so it's going to be a long wait

>> No.32146806

>HoloEN will lose its brand identity and the Leddit tourists will abandon thr ship without giving any money to Cover
The truth. These epic male collabs are just going to piss off the original fanbase and then the heckin ledditerinos and normalfags will desert when they start losing popularity.

>> No.32146984

You can do all the mental gymnastics you want about Tempus but the problem is and will always be Mori, she never cared about Hololives culture and is the one spearheading the collabs, Kronii and the boys aren't to blame, like always it's Mori

>> No.32147071

There's enough blame for all of them and management to get a portion, though I concede Mori probably deserves the lion's share.

>> No.32147245

and is still a joke compared to everything else

>> No.32147297
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>> No.32147353

Yagoo loves them. Good luck.

>> No.32147576

If you had a schizo moment over Tempus collabs then you do not deserve to be loved

>> No.32147715

Leddit and Discord tourists are in full force

>> No.32148004

Don't forget Twitter.

>> No.32148707

He's just a little guy!

>> No.32149013

OP, they wanted for this shit to happen. Just like most westoids, they'd love nothing more than to infiltrate niche hobbies and ruin its established culture from the inside.

>> No.32149989

Yeah, yagoo is a westoid who infiltrated Hololive to destroy it by creating Holostars.

>> No.32150085

I was talking about EN management as per OP's post, anon, but sure.

>> No.32152198

>3 of them can barely understand any japanese
>all their EN-speaking senpais are girls
nigga who dey supposed to collab with? Your mom?

>> No.32152591

Your crack den has been dispersed. Stop acting entitled to your fix and actually seek help to treat the underlying mental illness.

>> No.32152664

Management is watching numbers dip exactly as they expected and are waiting for the schitzos to just leave already so they can stop having to worry about them.

>> No.32156193

nobody cares

>> No.32156582

Why not? Give one sensible reason

>> No.32162966


>> No.32163000

