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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32119197 No.32119197 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.32119372

She's right, but it won't mean anything for the retards who use model quality as an excuse to tweet and do nothing.

>> No.32119521

Yeah maybe if you got in early when there were only a handful of vtubers and it didn't matter as much sure but now that the landscape has completely changed this is like saying go start a construction company with just a shovel.

>> No.32119548

She omits the part where you have to be a girl and have a personality

>> No.32119564

>Woman doesn't understand that she was an early adopter and got lucky and that things are different now
The quality of rigging was also way worse back then.

>> No.32119607

She is correct in what she's saying , even a PNG would be enough for a start... but just being a vtweeter all day and complaining how hard it is without doing shit ain't gonna grow you.

>> No.32119623

Its true

>> No.32119727

its good for gaining experience only because no company would hire someone with no experience in streaming

>> No.32119756

Learn to use AI https://youtu.be/UFwchlPIivU and be ahead of the curve

>> No.32119766

every single successful vtuber says this

>> No.32119850

My thoughts is she's a woman and she has a terminal illness that got her pity and sympathy points and she lucked out. It would have been very easy for her to be a nobody.

>> No.32120193

Nearly everyone in Vshojo started from nothing, the free bin or scraps.
Not everyone can win the attention lotto, also, not everyone is interesting enough or charismatic enough for streaming success.

>> No.32120258

Even established streamers swapping to Vtubing have made this mistake, look at rpr dropping (in his words) 5 figures into his model and debut and his viewership has gone down substantially, there's no reason to go crazy thinking you need to be Hololive tier quality from day 1

>> No.32120566

As someone in construction you can 100% do this and be successful.

>> No.32120597

She's not wrong and if you do it that way you might also spare yourself thousands of dollars on shit you don't need if you find out that streaming isn't for you.
Imagine wasting thousands of dollars on a setup, a goXLR, a top of the line gaming rig, a secondary streaming rig, a vtuber model with 12 toggles, a streamdeck XL and then find out you're fucking boring and have a bad personality? Yikes.

>> No.32120699

lol no

>> No.32122255

>Check dude's github
>Requires High end GPU/Ios device
>and a fucking MAYA license (possible to crack but still)
Interesting choice, a vtuber model would easily be cheaper than something like this solution from scratch. Not that I don't believe that you can start anywhere and still make it, just pointing out a bad suggestion.

>> No.32122788

Even if you have an expensive model it's worthless if you have no experience in streaming or end up not enjoying it and waste a lot of money. Should be obvious.

>> No.32123649

she’s right but some of the en holos did have pretty small streaming experience (still had youtube channels or other shit though)

>> No.32125609

I agree to a point but you can't just go with a generic anime model anymore the bar is way too high you need something more unique now

>> No.32125737

I'm not going to believe someone hiding their family

>> No.32126020

pretty legit

>> No.32126236

Yeah this shit wouldve worked back in 2017. Def not working now that vtubing is as big as it is.

>> No.32126431

Completely right. You can be a vtuber to "just be yourself" and have fun. The problem is, a lot of "vtubers" don't actually care about vtubing and just wanna do the bare minimum while collecting simpbux. So they leech, and they network, and they slaughter unicorns for their blood in the belief that the short term gain will be worth it, and they do everything they can for the money so that they can make a career out of streaming. But for what? At the end of the day, when they're lording over a bunch of soulless ironic weebs and everyone is just pretending to care about things, with their brand image being that of a canniving, greedy cunt who'll stab anyone and everyone in the back for a paycheck, what will it all have been for? Is that really the dream they were aspiring to?

Point is, the streamers who do it for sovl nowadays will usually never get big, because the ones who do normally sacrifice their soul piece by piece in pursuit of making it until there's nothing of value left for anyone to care much about. But then, even if a vtuber does make it through wholesome means, there's no guarantee they won't change as a result just by having to suddenly juggle more fans than they can handle. At the end of the day, I don't see the point in patronizing vtubers whose community exceeds the size of a small friend group, because only in a small friend group will (You) ever really matter.

tldr Genuinely good, wholesome, unironic vtubers probably do exist and live in the glorified dumpster, and thinking you need the whole gamut of expensive assets to start off is basically broadcasting to the world that you're only in it for yourself, just wanna play anime dress up, think it's all about (You), and probably don't care all that much about your fans, growing a fanbase organically, or have much confidence in yourself. Fact is,vtubing isn't for everyone. But those who can...can. Because the tweet isn't about success or reaching milestones. If a vtuber's goal is to just screw around streaming, pngs will suffice. Because at the end of the day, the streamer is always the be all end all carry for their model.

t. A guy who watches indy male and female vtubers with uninspired models play cool robot games far more than any corpos playing fotm.

>> No.32126488

early adopter + picked up by melody + boosted by nyanners and connor + chronic illness sob story

>> No.32126596
File: 112 KB, 828x1543, 1633560998858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers have a moral duty to lie to their audiences. This protects both the audience and the streamer.
Exposing every intimate detail of your life to thousands of people, a few of which are actual psychopaths and the occasional serial killer, will not do any good.
Vtubing & strong kayfabe are tools to stream without fear of getting swatted or stalked.
The fact that some are willing to give by posting real-life pics is disheartening for sure.
I will not watch a vtuber who tells me the truth, for if this person doesn't concern about her own safety worrying about them is a waste of emotional energy.

>> No.32126626

women are retarded, please understand.

>> No.32126645

Anyaposter... I kneel...

>> No.32126663

Nowadays you can't use free models anymore because someone else will have snatched it already and call you out for identity theft or call you a copycat.

Mouse is talking out of her ass on this one. Literally "hey I did this thing back when nobody gave a shit and it worked out!", maybe that's the reason it worked out?? Because you could go on websites and use free models because no one cared?

It's not that easy anymore.

>> No.32126754

>back in my day
Is Ironmouse becoming boomer? Boomermouse incoming?

>> No.32126768

The way I found out about Mouse was when HoloLive picked off and she showed up in a Clipper's content as "Poor bedridden girl gets 2000 dollar donation to realize her dreams".

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve anything, but pretending that she got there without a little 'additional help' from a certain clipper is just downright ignorant.

>> No.32126817

She's right. It's a shame she's stuck with the stink of vshitshow's whoredom tainting her, though.

>> No.32127215

She didn't get lucky. Anyone that thinks that is either a retard or a envious 2view.
I don't watch her aside from some clips, but she's obviously a very smart streamer that understood what was endearing about the new shape of vtubers (set by holo) and adapted "Ironmouse" somewhat to that shape.

>> No.32127218

That's a seemingly decent takeon the surface...marred by the fact that it actually comes off as a rationalization for lying to and leading fans on like a profiteering psychopath. There's a difference between "I won't tell you that" and "I'll feed you a load of bullshit for completely self serving reasons." If I find out about the latter, they're dead to me from that point forward.
The tweet clearly wasn't about success. It's literally just pointing out that the bar to becoming a vtuber is much lower than people (on Twitter, presumably) make it out to be. They just wanna speedrun success and get to the part where they get showered with money just for showing up, without having to do any of the grunt work.

>> No.32127229

This is a retarded take.
People listen to streams (keyword: listen) because they enjoy what they hear. If you want cute gifs of images just go to pixiv or whatever. A good streamer could be doing voice only and still pull in listeners ( aka a podcast)

>> No.32127234

Boomermouse would be kino

>> No.32127311 [DELETED] 

>Tips of becoming a vtuber: Be you and have fun
Either insanely dumb or super fake.

>> No.32127500

I dont watch Ironmouse but I would tune in to Boomermouse, just attack everything with boomer logic.

>> No.32128284

she was far more one-note horny pre-vshojo
I'm not even sure what people on /vt/ mean whan they call someone a whore nowadays

>> No.32128556

probably some scale between had a bf in ;high school and truck stop lizards.

>> No.32128598

Wasn't this woman a popular internet celebrity beforehand? Way to be disingenuous.

>> No.32128648

More like making connections and leeching to pull in listeners. Otherwise you will be with 1 viewer forever even if you are great.
>Also be a woman.

>> No.32128655

It's literally the "just be yourself" meme, which everyone at this point knows means "try to be the best version of yourself and project that out to the world." That doesn't mean you'll succeed. But you will find out one way or another if you enjoy vtubing or even have charisma. If you wanna be a vtuber even after trying it out, but actually think you're fucking awful and uninteresting when rewatching your own streams, that's actually a great impetus to get a real personality with real interests and hone your content/persona around that. At that point, you either gitgud or wash out, and if you gitgud then that's when the training wheels are supposed to come off.

tldr Expensive setups are ideal for professionals, but pros have knowledge, experience and passion born from solving problems and conquering adversity. Likewise, if you can't vtube with a png then you shouldn't vtube at all. Real vtubers can proverbially cut down trees with figurative wooden swords, and that's what makes them strong.

>> No.32128926

I don't really think she's a whore, I just can't respect her since she's associated with vshitshow.

>> No.32129485

I think it's less about the cost and more about the fact that all the rigging in the world can't fix a lousy personality or a boring streamer.

>> No.32129677
File: 36 KB, 304x250, 1661694036301130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true and correct

>> No.32129773
File: 129 KB, 300x300, 1646681365315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's kind of ill, thats the personality.
Now pay up, wheres the pitty bucks?

>> No.32129866

brother, there is a vtuber i watch because she streams retro games from my childhood every day at the perfect window for me to view. her model seems pretty simple and she does like a half body cam for some reason, but i don't care because she plays games i like
the model doesn't fucking matter. just be interesting and stream.

>> No.32130178

It was tweeted to a girl, and I don’t about personality, there’s corpo vtubers that have a lot of viewers compared to a creative or fun 2views, then again there’s a lot of cases of having fun, in your face and easy to clip kind of personalities (like Chibidoki case) that blew up, by management of themselves and knowing how the buisness works.

It’s always a in between, Mouse is a unique case, she’s always has done it for the fun of it and having to deal with loneliness that she overworks herself to stream out of that loneliness.

It’s literally just be yourself, have fun, don’t pressure it because you spent 1000 on equipment and don’t be a twat that wants money, because who’s gonna watch that shit. And btw, one of the friends she used to raid, Aethel (long before he dated the Nyan) is a prime example that with 500-1000 loyal viewers you make it better than a shitty job.

>> No.32130226

Sanest vtuber fan

>> No.32130500

Well she's charismatic and she can sing. Most VTubers have neither and build a fanbase just because they have a sexy model or they're part of a successful company.

>> No.32130755

Explain how filian is popular than.

>> No.32130905

>Wasn't this woman a popular internet celebrity beforehand?
Your ass is the source. She was a literal nobody with a twitter account.

>> No.32131332

>"I'll feed you a load of bullshit for completely self serving reasons." If I find out about the latter, they're dead to me from that point forward.
Good thing that doesn't apply to Ironmouse then.

>> No.32131405

No, you goddamn idiot. You're thinking of Nyanners.

>> No.32131431

Don’t blow expensive equipment

Just stream and see what happens. 0.65% of Twitchs active streamer base at any point is partnered so don’t expect simpbucks, just a hobby

>> No.32131855

I don't watch her, but you shouldn't be such a basic bitch that you let your personal feelings about someone get in the way of acknowledging when they're right.
>interacts with men who aren't me
>uses a 3d model (as ai intended)
>actually uses said model to make content featuring her doing things with said model (as ai intended)
>woman on the internet
>perky personality
She panders to normalfags and gets numbers for it, but she's also not relevant within "weeb circles" specifically because of the cultural divide. Popularity is relative to who you want to be popular with, and the criteria for popularity within certain groups is different and at times conflicting. For catalog posters, she's basically irrelevant.

With that said, vtubers who actually care about being vtubers should be using 3d instead of 2d donut steels if possible, since 3d is literally the end goal. Even if that was a fiasco for AI, that's specifically because Ai was a donut steel diluted into a generic model, fucking with her brand and identity. Using an originally non-unique model that fits your personality and allows for greater expressiveness than a Live2D, then becoming an iconic incarnation of that model, is unironically better than just being a bootleg Holosanji literal who without the brand buff.

>> No.32132219 [DELETED] 

Buddy what the literal fuck are you talking about.

>> No.32132290

>I don't watch her, but you shouldn't be such a basic bitch that you let your personal feelings about someone get in the way of acknowledging when they're right.
Buddy what the literal fuck are you talking about.

>> No.32132313

You could get away with that in 2017-2020. Doing that now you're just gonna be a 2-view at best for the rest of your career.

>> No.32132718

You gotta start somewhere.

>> No.32132991

It's actually more accessible to get into the "free model" side of vtubing now. We have multiple programs that allow you to customize an avatar and stream it. You can use it to get your bearings and test if you're suited for streaming, then move on to something more personalized if you're ready for it.
If you drop thousands of dollars for streaming assets before you even see if you can hold a conversation for more than an hour you are an idiot.

>> No.32133117

She's giving advice to people who don't want advice, they want an express ticket to the top 1% without putting in the work

>> No.32133287


>> No.32133435

You don't have to be so negative all the time. She's also giving it to people that are nervous about starting but now have reassuring words.

>> No.32133476

Because most vt are just whores who want to get easy cash only to find out they have 0 characteristic. It's sad.

>> No.32133508

As much as I dislike her company and the eceleb circle hovering them, she’s not wrong about that. Too many people treat it like you need a $60,000 model to gain entry. They don’t realize that indies having huge buy-ins are either getting scammed AND are shitty at being chuubas, or are getting scammed because they think they will be waysided by more advanced models.

>> No.32133577

In reality, people will judge you by your model quality and will only check you out if you look interesting otherwise all those pre-debut chuubas from hololive and nijisanji should all fucking have the same subs before they said anything.

>> No.32133597

If you're blowing a load of money on a brand new channel and character you're either exceedingly naive or trying to replace effort with spending.

>> No.32133839

Pretty much

>> No.32133881
File: 194 KB, 500x639, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Anon? That's not was I was saying at all. That's what Ironmouse was advising against, and I was agreeing with her.
Are you a dumbdumb?

>> No.32133918

She is right, the amount of Vtubers who buy expensive ass models and debut expecting to be an instant success is staggering.

>> No.32133966

You don't need to be a girl to be a succesful vtuber.

>> No.32134036

Hololive models are midtier, but I agree with you.

>> No.32134100

She got nowhere until she got a paid model so idk what her point is

>> No.32134153

>people will judge you by your model quality
>and will only check you out if you look interesting
It's not that simple. Quality is one part of it, but looks, aesthetics and thematics also play a role. Game/content choice is another factor. The Youtube algorithm often recommends vtubers with content similar to what you like watching, especially for more niche games. It's not as simple as "just have a good model."

There's also the issue of the model being uncharacteristic and a bad fit. If you get an 11/10 model in the form of a drop dead gorgeous onee-san and then stream with some shitty uwu loli voice, praying for gap moe will be your only saving grace. "Just get a good model" is the "just hit the gym, take a shower and buy some nice clothes" of vtubing. The clothes actually have to look good on you for it to matter.

>> No.32134214

People presub to Holo because their talent scouts are usually pretty damn good.

>> No.32134226


>> No.32134239

it has been proven time and time again that the moment viewers hear a woman's voice they boost her out of ELO hell by about stream three because vtuber fans are SEA coomers that lose their shit the moment a female shows interest in their shit hobbies

>> No.32134502

The point has been stated MULTIPLE times in this very thread, you're just dumb for not understanding it.

>> No.32135233

Fucking leeching whore

>> No.32135314

Who, exactly, do you think she's leeching from?

>> No.32135477

People presub to hololive because they recognize the blue doritos

>> No.32135498

0 views/saviorfags, by virtue signaling, and showing fake empathy, fucking fake whore

>> No.32135602

everyone you've ever met has lied to you at some point. or do you still think Santa us real.

>> No.32135747

Explain Luxiem then? They literally changed the EN landscape of Vtubing.

>> No.32135788

Bad example. Someone whose never been lied to wouldn't have ever believed in the jolly fat man in the first place. All you've done is make my point. Telling fuckhuge lies is cancerous.

>> No.32135816


>> No.32135831 [DELETED] 

Isn't she old and with a child?

>> No.32135876

I've watched 4chan threads complain a Vtuber got a new model and how dare they beg for money when all they did was go to pixiv and download a model from booth for free.

>> No.32135902

try searching them on youtube retard. Their the Vtubers with the highest earnings

>> No.32136026

Never heard of 'em

>> No.32136066

Oh it's a group.
I dunno I only know Vox here

>> No.32137206


>> No.32138486

You'd bust your back if you were really in construction.

>> No.32138566

but i love my vtweeter friends :c

>> No.32138626

No, you just have to be interesting *ba dum tsss*

>> No.32138692

well ironmouse is not successful she's just dumb

>> No.32138754

No she was a Twitter whore before vtubing

>> No.32138830

Yes, but retards on /here/ would tell you otherwise

>> No.32139000

>people still fall for this fake whore
Hey guys give me a reminder... Ironmouse has two... what again...? I recall her having the first one for around 14 years now... Oh by the way, she flat out said it on stream before she was corpo

>> No.32139078

You literally don't need anything when nobody is watching you, yeah. Ironmouses only started growing thanks to melody's crew noise and collabs

>> No.32139088

There is a pic with archived tweets but jannies ban people posting it.

>> No.32139762

untapped en market
noctyx and tempus didn't do as good as they did

>> No.32142487

On the one hand she's right in that you don't need expensive shit to start with, and she's replying to a retard new vtuber who streams for 2 months, wonders why is she not a 9001views and thinks it must be because her shit isnt expensive enough since she's perfect anyways. Full retard, reminds me of Artrannies of the blue.
On the other hand the medium is infinitely more saturated than when mouse began vtubing. That said, it was smart for her to get on the vtubing train early, as every early adopter of a new trend are the ones who benefit the most. Current new vtubers have it way more difficult to pop out but it's not impossible, it just takes being good, luck for discoverability, and lots of grinding.

tl;dr: deal with it, stop vtweeting, commit to the grind or fuck off

>> No.32142536

rather than right or wrong, it's just stupid advice

>> No.32145792


>> No.32145904

2 bottle of meds for you?
Stop trying to bring up personal life like it matters on this discurssion.

>> No.32146279

I'm professional producer.
I'm glad to hear this bullshit.
That means it will be much easier for me to do my job. When so much fairly cowards around.
Respected. Keep brainwashing audience.

>> No.32146758

>be a girl
There are famous successful males.
>have a personality
You clearly haven't watched Vshojo.

>> No.32146860

The shittiest model was this one blue pink girl from Vshojo
I wont bother looking up the name

>> No.32147105


She had nearly triple digit viewers right from the beginning, so like most notable Twitch streamers she didn't actually start from nothing and had a massive leg up which lead to where she got to.

>> No.32147174

>Current new vtubers have it way more difficult to pop out but it's not impossible
so then isn't what Ironmouse said the wrong advice? If you want to be successful, debuffing yourself by having a shitty model/assets isn't going to make it any easier especially in a saturated market. You need some level of polish to stand out. Ironmouse is just spreading her survivorship bias IMO

>> No.32147242

you can do the climb anyways with a passable model. You can even use model upgrades as reason for hype and celebrations later down the line.

>> No.32147358


Making it as a streamer has very little to do with how much fun you're having or how charismatic you are or how good you are at a game.
Literally all that matters is eyes on your channel. There are AWFUL streamers who average thousands of viewers regularly because that many eyes happened to find them.
Imagine you're a 2view streamer with 10 followers. Imagine you piss off Gura or something to the point where she replies to you on Twitter to call you out or something. You will have just gained more eyes on your channel than you know what to do with and the growth boost will be MASSIVE.

>> No.32147448

Basically what gura said
Just start even as a pngtuber. Anyway just start streaming, have fun and do your best

>> No.32147544

Another day another popular ENtuber casually breaking the 4th wall.
In JP it's an unwritten rule that you don't talk about meta shit like models or irl faces.
They keep disrespecting the medium.

>> No.32147756 [DELETED] 

>be you
When is she gonna recognize her roommate's daughter?

>> No.32147757

Just start, slosh around for a month or two without viewers, give up you meant.

>> No.32147862

people need to realize to make it as a streamer you need a leg up. like nobody walks into hollywood and starts being cast in movies, anyone who is a name in hollywood is someone born into the industry who got hard carried by their parents. 99% of the big twitch streamers started out as just irl friends of existing big streamers and they got carried to the top. there isn't a streamer today who gets 5k+ views who actually started at zero just having fun.
If you've streamed for a week and have under 50 subscribers you will never break that number because you don't have the leg up required, plain and simple.

>> No.32148686

>you can do the climb anyways with a passable model
true true. and this just splitting hairs but say you want to take vtubing serious and want it as a career why would you not enter it prepared and give yourself the best possible start imaginable?

I get the barrier to entry is pretty low and some people just do it for fun and to fart around but if you want to join the ranks of the top vtubers and earn a living from vtubing then you should treat it as a business and invest in it as much you can and give yourself a head start over everyone else because there are PLENTY of talented people also trying to claw their way up

>> No.32148882

It would be very interesting to read something like an in-deep AAR in ten years on how vtubing developed from indies into corpos. Hopefully with some books from the insiders too.

>> No.32148974

survivor bias

>> No.32149078

She's right, but you'll have to cope with having no viewers for a long time. That can be fine if you're in it for the experience or for the fun of it or whatever. But if you're specifically looking for the big viewer numbers and the big paycheck that can come along with that, it's going to eat away at you.

>> No.32149081

So endless milking of simps over "illness" is the way to chuba success, got it.

>> No.32149150

>from indies to corpos to indie/corpo hybrid and finally back to monke

>> No.32149184

She is fundamentally stupid and doesn't comprehend how markets evolve and peak over time.
Fuck Vtweeters though.

>> No.32149222

Hololive and some Nijis still have that crappy rigging. At the end of the day it is about being entertaining and then getting lucky enough to get noticed. That's all it is. Mouse is right that you don't need a top end $10k model to be a good vtuber, the model is just window dressing for the soul. We "oooh" and "aaah" at it (and shitpost about it) but ultimately we care about the person doing the streaming.

>> No.32149349

It's the same thing Mori said in her song, which Mouse did a whole rant about. Her motto has been shortened down to "just do it" for anybody who wants to do it but refuses to start because they're either in their own head about what it takes to be big (which other streamers have said is a bad mentality to have) or they're just afraid and would rather sit around tweeting all day.

>> No.32149469

Well, rejection is painful.

>> No.32149929

Yeah, sure, that's the reason why.

>> No.32150006

its half true, people usually dont like model changing that much, plus she started early, now if the model is bad nobody watches.

>> No.32150090

She literally didn't have over 50 viewers until January 2020 for her birthday stream. It is very easy to look up her history and verify it.

>> No.32150187

That worked 3 years ago
Your model can get you thousands of followers before you even stream depending on appearance
Things have changed
If your a male Indy. Go with muscles and a fighter style. The female indys like that and might collab

>> No.32150255

Sure, but that just emphasizes a point. If you're getting into streaming to become the next Ludwig or whatever then you're retarded and should stop now before you start. Mouse didn't stream to get famous, she streamed to reach out to people because she was lonely. Dozens of other streamers have said similar shit. Most of the successful ones never set out to be successful (though now that they are, there's so content brained that you'd never know they were once from humble origins).

>> No.32150309

What changed?

>> No.32150381

But don't you have to sound like one to avoid introducing incongruency? Though I imagine it can help with jokes and be a source of content by itself as well.

>> No.32150407

>now if the model is bad nobody watches.
This is literally not true. As long as HL and Niji exist this will never be true. There are also dozens of vtubers out there that have good numbers (IE, numbers that they can use to get partnered on Twitch and survive with as a job) who have shitty models. People get too enamored with the massive quality rigging of Veibae, Silver's new one, Shylily's model, or any of the other massively interesting models that came out, and think that's what got them where they are. Other than Lily, that's not true at all. They only got those models after they'd already had a following. They're pushing the technology, sure, but that's to try to keep on top and because they can afford it.

>> No.32150515

COVID mostly. COVID helped a lot of streamers suddenly get big, vtubers were just in the right place / right time for that to happen. Melody hit the world in February, she became friends with Mel and Nux and others, Hololive EN launched in September 2020, then VShojo 2 months later. Really, 2020 is when she finally got big and a lot of it had to do with people staying indoors all day with nothing to do but watch streams.

>> No.32150615

Thought so. I wonder how big the final market for chuba types. Is it even growing anymore?

>> No.32150641

A good example of a recent male vtuber that is getting popular is Maori vtuber . He’s a big Stone Mountain of muscles his shorts have a bulge. He’s collabing with a lot of girls
Is a recently new vtuber

>> No.32150917

Seems to be. I would also argue that the current expansion of the vtuber market is NOT in corporation vtubers but in indies. We're seeing a lot more indies suddenly hauling in rather large numbers on Twitch that they previously didn't, while the corporate ones are somewhat stagnant. No idea what's going on YouTube tho.

>> No.32151018

Aquaman ripoff then?

>> No.32151058

There are only two things that matter, audio quality and performance so the stream isn't constantly stuttering. While there are tons of para social fucks that want to have a connection by seeing a streamer, there are people that still have no representation of who they are and just have captured content and audio only.

>> No.32151097

Shes lying to everyone and to herself, VSHOJO only cares about estamblished Streamers that bring a huge following, they don't give a fuck about indies.

At least Mori's RM is honest about the scam:
Lately I'm just an alien sailing on my "self-made-in"
BS that I shell out
Tell my fans they'll do well
Shout from the mountain I dwell
But does this ring any bells?
That I don't mention the hell
And changed the topic from the hot tip that they prolly won't sell
I paint a pretty little image, it looks swell from a distance
Blacking out the spell that gave this nobody an existence
Called "luck"

>> No.32151189

She really needs to work on her lyrics.

>> No.32151316

Luck is the cope of literal retards.
Study trends and marketing you lazy whores.

>> No.32151332

True, tho I appreciate the honesty u know?

>> No.32151497

You don't need to study shit to understand that people locked in four walls will turn to electronic entertainment.

>> No.32151526

She got in on the ground level and blew up entirely because of the timing of COVID and being able to market her sickness. She does have a personality and a characteristic voice and singing talent but this is the main thing that got her where she is.

>> No.32151607

I remember those crying videos. I'm ashamed to say I felt something back then.
Well, once beaten and all that.

>> No.32152530

I've seen people stream with a PNG of public domain clipart or a model bought off booth for like $50
literally the only thing stopping you from streaming is your desire to actually stream (and I guess your internet connection but if you can watch streams that's almost assuredly a non-factor)

>> No.32152629

And how successful were they with this cheapo shit?
We all know they were not.

>> No.32152728

I've been a 1 view for almost 3 months now with a 5 dollar shitty model I bought. (I can peak at up to 20 ccv sometimes though) I spent almost 1k on a new model and it's almost done, can't wait. I'm glad I just started streaming when I did. I do hope my new model will help me grow but I'm ok with just my normal rate of growth that I have even now. I'm at the point where having just a few fans is fucking exhilarating and I want to just improve my streams for them and not even worry about reaching new people that much. She's right that you should just start streaming.

>> No.32152875

a lot more successful than someone that's a forever TBA

>> No.32152936

Present CCV graphs then!
False dichotomy, and you know it.

>> No.32153507

there's a lot of high profile meatspace content creators who have never been swatted or similar and even if they dont write their address on stream, they aren't going out of their way to be secretive about it
what's wrong with the audience chuubas attract?

>> No.32153609

>VSHOJO only cares about estamblished Streamers that bring a huge following, they don't give a fuck about indies.
Yesterday I watched Nyanners collab with Coqui, Tobs, Callie (not that one), Meat and Krimbo.

>> No.32153727

I always find this sentiment empty when it comes from her, since she got in before the big boom. The scene has drastically changed since she was a literal who.

>> No.32153853

ya know. there's a free platform with zero cost for entry for vtubers
and it has some of the most soulful avatars

>> No.32154055

h puh-lease. There's a lot of pioneer Vtubers who can't ride the trend and lost in obscurity.
The main thing is audience engagement. Ironmouse and Marine are well known for their good engagement rate.
Building an audience/community ensure that you have loyal followers no matter what

>> No.32154163

If the thread is still going after I get off work I'll post a graph. Not that it's impressive or anything. Well, it might be slightly impressive for a male, females would have a much easier time doing what I am doing.

>> No.32154223

Ugh, Vtweeters are the worst
They WILL fall into politic sooner or later
The last thing I want to hear is anime girl talking about American politic, AGAIN.

>> No.32154338

Bitch won't have a good take to save her life anyway.
But what if it was a basedboy, talking about burgers being total NPCs on every end of political spectrum?

>> No.32154512

Why you want to know their family that bad?
You want to doxx them? Swat them? Give them grief for every little mistake the vtuber made?
I know /vt/ is full of schizo but you're a psychopath and need to be taken down

>> No.32154714

Back in 2020 it was simply interesting and mentally engaging to try and find out who Gura's folks are. I can understand why doxers do the things they do.

>> No.32154858

Just because many don't get swatted or stalked the chance is never zero
Better safe than getting gun aimed at you by a paranoid cop or some creepy mouthbreather break into your house and murderape you

Talking about swatting, Ludwig got his house swatted very recently.

>> No.32154980

Swatting is coward shit anyway. Showing up on stream and beating the fuck out of streamer is based and redpilled.

>> No.32155120
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>> No.32155212

Yeah, I will never understand (US)Americans obsession with face reveal.
Their culture is revolved around individualism so much they want to see the face behind an avatar so much
This character worship is very apparent with how obsessed they're with the like of Steve Jobs or recently arrested Theranos founder
For them, the basic entertainment is not enough, they must know the individual behind them and their private life
Even obsessed with their hobbies, clothings, and other personal quirks.
Like it's not about liking someone, but being that someone.
I mean remember Princess Diana or Britney Spears? Holy shit that's one of the worst thing happened to a woman who just want to be left alone.

>> No.32155345

I often look up voice actors. I think most people are just naturally curious about these kinds of things.
You're both schizos.

>> No.32155376

>She doesn't pander to my specific fetish, that's why I hate her
State of /vt/ users nowadays.....

>> No.32155447

>pop starlet or literal princess slag social butterfly
>wanted to be left alone

>> No.32155663

>parasocial retard or idiot with a vendetta breaks into a streamers house
Are people this stupid? Don’t most popular streamers live in fucking Texas too?

>> No.32155682

People who called vtubers whore are unicorns delusional enough to think that the parasocial relationship is real
Like that one crazy guy who shoot a vtuber after her concert just because all her songs were meant for him and him only.
That kind of "relationship" is impossible to maintain for a long period of time.

>> No.32155841

lol look at this clip watcher.

>> No.32155925

He's completely right.

>> No.32156066

unironically a vtuber boomer
>all I needed was a free model and shitty laptop
>kids these days

>> No.32156092

>N-no you see I can't stream because I just have to pay for this one model upgrade first or this one expensive microphone first or I have to commission these overlays or improve my singing or or or
Cope. Streamers stream, if you're not streaming then your hobby is just an expensive form of daydreaming.

>> No.32156109

No, the guy you're replying to is right and you're yet another retarded clipfaggot.

>> No.32156169

Oh please, model isn't everything. There's this cute Vtuber with matching voice but she's boring af and only use her cute avatar but nothing else.

>> No.32156256

At least it work as a filter to keep bad streamers for wanting to be a Vtuber as a shortcut to fame.

>> No.32156367

>The highest earner in Vtubing industry is a male Vtuber

>> No.32156501

lol you sounds like typical guy who got lied to too many times and now projecting it everywhere.

>> No.32156688

Just because you're hunched on your computer everyday and the heaviest thing you lift is canned drink I don't think you know what kind of things people do in construction job anon.
Also do you think people in construction job still doing their job like ancient Egyptians did?

>> No.32156861

>I'm professional producer.

>> No.32156977

That's funny because she based her entire early persona off her supposed illness. Still have no idea how she blew up

>> No.32157155

You also need a pleasing voice anon.
Imagine having high pitched voice like that redneck in the Simpsons and trying to be a vtuber

>> No.32157260

WTF are you talking about? She started without that, and many people still don't know about her illness yet but still follow her because she stream almost everyday.

>> No.32157722

/vt/ has tried to find a hate boner for Ironmouse because she dares to successfully collab with everybody, so the best they can do is attack her illness either calling it "fake" or her "milking it". I find it hilarious the anti fucks can't decide if she's faking it or it's real and she's milking it. My guess is the "faking it" crowd didn't get anywhere so now this is the angle they take.

>> No.32157800

I would unironically watch a high pitched redneck vtuber.

>> No.32157860

*one crazy guy who shot a youtuber
Sorry for type

>> No.32157881

Still worthless.

>> No.32158212

I mean there's this streamer girl with tourette who got stalked to the point the stalker knew her day to day life
Or Nijisanji liver Lulu who also quit because the stalking got too intense
Or Coco had a delivery guy barging in uninvited to the point she had to buy a stun gun
Or that singer youtuber who got shot dead after concert
Or creepy stream snipers who follow female live streamers and try to molest them mid stream

The last one is probably similar to /vt/ users who think all women are whores

>> No.32158519

found the tabloid reading, welfare leech UK cunt
I'm glad that UK left EU. At least you cunts only ruin your own people.

>> No.32158665

>Implying basement dwellers have the courage and strength to do that

>> No.32158828

This is her best model btw

>> No.32158841

>My hobby is to be a creep who stalk strangers for fun!
Go get your meds

>> No.32159018

I don't care, it's still politic.
I came to vtubing scene for entertainment
If I want politic, I can turn on MSM and kill my braincells

>> No.32159199

Okay I laughed
But I imagine Zuckerberg suddenly want that Vtuber piece of pie
Imagine the chaos, people already malding over Sony's vtubers.

>> No.32159488

There's nothing schizo about questioning why someone would want to look up a voice actors family. Unless they go out to events in regards of their work with their family then just keep the lid closed because they don't want that sort of exposure for them.

>> No.32161112

lol look at this schizo trying to justify their reasoning

>> No.32161436

This is such stupid, retarded advice. This isn't 2017 anymore, VTubing isn't a novelty and most women don't are saviorfag bait. You need a good model, good assets and some resemblance of an idea of what you're doing. This is just the Mocca x Lyrica bullshit again.

>> No.32162142

This is wrong. The age of free models and no technology has long passed, the market is saturated. If you don't at least have a decent model, you're not going to stand out enough in the sea of vtubers.
It's like if PewDiePie told everyone that he began his career on YT with a shitty webcam and nothing else so you can do the same - sure, that's how he started, but the standards changed since then.

>> No.32162686
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Its actually peaking at 18 or so, but yeah. Theres my relatively small numbers after 3 months of a really shitty 5$ model. My low numbers lately have mostly been due to trying to venture off into playing new games and trying new things with varying results.

>> No.32163952

>be interesting
gr8 cope

>> No.32164394

>no mic

yea this is how you know she's lying

>> No.32164835

It really is dependant in what games you play how half of new ppl will find you
What game does the best for you
Check out twitch strike website for data analysis on games

>> No.32165503

My best games tend to be Go (the board game), and various classic roguelikes. Very niche games to be sure, but Go in particular is a very good way for a starting person to get eyeballs on them and even raids from 2-3 view streamers. Roguelikes are not as good, but I have streamed them enough that a lot of my regulars will show up to those streams and even people that started to watch me for go stuff will watch those streams sometimes.

What I am streaming is probably not ideal, but its resulting in small but seemingly steady growth so I am happy. And vtubing is just a hobby so I am fine with just having fun playing games I like.

>> No.32166707

I support this take. However I would allow some exceptions like Norio.

>> No.32166922

A lot of the shit people pay for like overlays and expensive models and whatever are horribly overvalued imo, but you can't skip on a mic like she says.

>> No.32167156

These are excellent numbers for 3 months

>> No.32167681

Ironmouse is a good girl. A force for good. I'm glad we have her.

She's gonna regret becoming so emotionally dependent on someone who will never be her boyfriend though.

>> No.32168458

I mean this is something I really don't understand, the constant reinforcement of "you don't need expensive stuff" than WHY TF YOU GOT THE EXPENSIVE STUFF?? like why arr you saying it doesn't matter when the moment you got the boost and the money you got better shit if the "garbage" stuff was working alright from the beginning ?

>> No.32168753
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Im pretty happy with it. Keep in mind max viewers is a bit misleading of a statistic, I have about 3.5 average ccv all things considered (would be something like 5 if I only played buff games), but max viewers is definitely more interesting to look at and my growth is more clear using that statistic.

>> No.32169541

>Start selling burger on roadside booth
>Said burger turn out to be good, gaining a shit ton of profit
>With said money the guy rented a more permanent and better place and start selling his burger there
That's how you sound.

>> No.32169710

>but you can't skip on a mic like she says.
you can absolutely pick up a passable condenser mic for like $70 and put some noise suppression on it and itll be totally fine for streaming

>> No.32169884

Who are you, your Vtuber persona I mean

>> No.32170162

NTA but are you retarded? This is the exact opposite of what he's saying. What he's saying is that if you could make it with just a burger on the roadside, then you wouldn't try to grow as soon as you get the resources. You won't grow if you don't invest. A little burger stand on the side of the road will only get you so far.

>> No.32170396

>"weeb circles"
who gives a fuck about what weeb circles want
you can't get anywhere succesful from pandering to here
all /here/ chuubas are disasters, no fucking exceptions

>> No.32170557

lol you're the one that's retarded.
One of the biggest business I know started with the guy selling it on the roadside as well

>> No.32170627

NTA, but I think you missed the point as well
Holy shit everyone on this board is FUCKING retarded
KYSKYSKYS all of you

>> No.32170812

I'd have to agree. Get a model, get a mic, get a phone and stream. Build your audience, make some money and then upgrade your model. Hell, bait tons of donos and superchats with a reveal stream so you can order some outfits and bait more money all over again. Act like you're growing with your audience and get those whales dedicated by making them feel like they're part of something.

>> No.32171570
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Im a little slime. For a little while longer at least. Freeofme on twitch.

>> No.32174129


>> No.32174324

>food analogy

>> No.32177471

Will check your content
Not a guaranteed sub, but hey, I want to see what you bring to the party

>> No.32179488

My vagina isn't a personality?! Wut?

>> No.32179712

Just cough every once on a while and get high often, ez pity and no drawbacks

>> No.32179840

It will give you important experience... talking to yourself, learn how to edit video etc

>> No.32179987

Yeah way more painful than working a job you don't care about just so you can eat and pay the bills for years all while wondering if you could had made it after you watch some retard become a millionaire and you think i could do what they do.

>> No.32186018

no professional mic retard. She already said used to have an airpod for stream.

>> No.32186530
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>the rich cunt is saying money dont matter
pottery. stay classy, ms lung.

>> No.32189417

Okay I already checked your content, there's several critics I want to give:
>You have a good voice, but I felt you mumbled a lot and your audience engagement is low. I don't know if you even have audience since I only watch the VODs but I felt you need to be more proactive.
>I understand you like GO, but to be honest if you want to find bigger outreach find a game that palatable for bigger audience. When you have a growing and steady audience you can always throw in your GO session once a week
>I like your Slime character, but I felt it's too simple and not really have something to sell. The face is too plain as well. For better example Debiru from Nijisanji maybe a small devil but he also have interesting quirks and personality and also expressive face.
>Adjust your mic, I put the volume to max but I can't hear you sometimes.
>I know some people here hate "leeches" but sometimes having vtuber friends and networking helped. You want to be a Vtuber, stop listening to /vt/ gatekeepers.

>> No.32190596

Ah, thanks for your critiques. I appreciate it.

>You have a good voice, but I felt you mumbled a lot and your audience engagement is low. I don't know if you even have audience since I only watch the VODs but I felt you need to be more proactive.
Noted. Its something I am attempting to improve over time. Never been a great conversationalist but improving this is part of why I am streaming in the first place. I think I do work well with chatters when there are any. But at this level most of the time you are streaming with little to no chat interaction, last time I calculated it was about 22 chat messages an hour, and often they come in bursts so there are long periods with nothing to work with. Its definitely something I can always improve though. Particularly when I play go its difficult to keep up talking, I think I am much better in other types of games.

>I understand you like GO, but to be honest if you want to find bigger outreach find a game that palatable for bigger audience. When you have a growing and steady audience you can always throw in your GO session once a week
I didnt really intend to stream Go quite so much, but Im not kidding when I said its by far the best way I have found for me to get any traction and I have tried quite a few things to gain an audience. Most of my current regular viewers are pretty much from the go streams, so in a way its working the opposite of this. I am streaming it to grow and will try branching out from it later. I think the first time I streamed Go I got a 150 person raid from another go streamer, something that was honestly scary at the time because I was very inexperienced. (I could theoretically try to replicate farming big raids like this if I was try harding trying to grow as big as possible, but its not something I really go for)

>I like your Slime character, but I felt it's too simple and not really have something to sell. The face is too plain as well. For better example Debiru from Nijisanji maybe a small devil but he also have interesting quirks and personality and also expressive face.
Agreed, gonna come out with a new model in a few weeks at the latest. It going to be quite a huge upgrade from the 5$ one I am using now. Its been months in the making and I am quite excited about it.

>Adjust your mic, I put the volume to max but I can't hear you sometimes.
Ah, good to know. Ill work on improving that. I think the problem is sometimes I get a bit too far away from the mic so I will make sure to try and not do that.

>I know some people here hate "leeches" but sometimes having vtuber friends and networking helped. You want to be a Vtuber, stop listening to /vt/ gatekeepers.
Good advice. Theoretically I know this is something I should do, but making friends is something I have not done in a long long time. However its something I will think about and make attempts at improving in the future. I think such things will become easier as I gain an audience and followers, such collabs seem to be pretty much seen as business by most if not all vtubers.

>> No.32192646

>Most of my current regular viewers are pretty much from the go streams, so in a way its working the opposite of this
Oh I see. I'm surprised that GO has a strong presence on Twitch. I understand that it's not that mainstream on the west and the only one who almost popularize it was Hikaru no Go manga.

I'm gonna check out your twitch from time to time. Unlike other people here on /vt/ who only love to seethe and shitting over successful Vtubers, you actually doing something and it's surprisingly rare in /vt/ nowadays. Hell, I can even appreciate that Suipiss dude because at least he made the board interesting.

>> No.32193937

Oh thanks. Its nice to get feedback.

Go is a really interesting case on twitch, it has a pretty high number of viewers compared to the number of streamers for some reason. And a lot of these viewers will literally only watch go 90% of the time, so if you are the only person streaming go (not at all hard to do) you will have a good and steady stream of people constantly coming in to check you out. The other interesting thing about it is that there is a very strong culture of go streamers always raiding into other go streamers, so if you are one of the few other streamers streaming at the time that one of the biggest go streamers is you have a huge chance of catching his raid as he ends.

Not sure if there are any other very tightly knit communities like this on twitch, though I suspect there might be. Not sure if there are any other board games with just the right size of an audience to hit the sweet spot like go does, chess is likely way too popular and other board games are likely too small. I tried streaming shogi a bit and its probably 20+ times smaller than go so its probably not worth my time beyond just doing it for fun. Maybe speed running some of the more popular speedrunning games might have a community that does these kinds of things, I am not really sure.

>> No.32195253

Bao just had a fucking breakdown on a twitter space

>> No.32195882

What happened?

>> No.32196033

Itonmouse based

>> No.32196075

She might be an expert at how indie Vtubing was 5 years ago, but she is clueless about the game nowadays. Good example of survivorship bias and why you shouldn't listen to 'successful' e-celebs. This is worthless.

>> No.32196327

I joined kinda late but she was crying and saying "I wish I didn't have to worry about brand safety I wish people just didn't make shit up about me, I hate it when people make fun of me when I'm sad on twitter... I wish I didn't have to worry about people leaking my face and my shit all the time" she continued and the last think she said that I remeber clearly is "I'm unhappy" and apparenlty tiktok just started to throw hate at her

>> No.32196593

Wanting to be an entertainer or public figure of some kind does not mean you want people chasing you and shoving cameras in your face at all times.

>> No.32199374

Man I feel bad for her. Of all Indie that got involved with tons of stupid yabs she's pretty clean and fun.
Why weirdos always targeting the nice one

>> No.32201163

She removed that post it seems and she posted "I oversharing again didn't I"
Poor girl had to deal with antis alone.

>> No.32201295

This desu. The market is really saturated atm and if you’re a literal who streaming to 0 viewers with a shit model/streaming equipment you’re not going to incline unless you’re really entertaining despite the scuff/get lucky with a groomer that’s great in shilling.

>> No.32202258

