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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32123236 No.32123236 [Reply] [Original]

>Gura and Ina ditch out holoEN to join holoJP

>> No.32123429

As they should.

>> No.32123530

The only correct choice

>> No.32123565

Based of them

>> No.32124045
File: 1.94 MB, 2057x1697, wglar1k8v6p81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be more happy to have her as my oshi

>> No.32124561

Good for them. Hope they success and good luck

>> No.32124889
File: 39 KB, 256x256, communityIcon_m1xab17bcvx71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember when kronii was supposedly the gura killer, how the mighty have fallen

>> No.32124991

The only thing she killed is her reputation.

>> No.32125011

that's the curse of being Gura killer, they all fail.
Chloe was supposed to be Gura killer, but she joined her to be along side her for he ride.

>> No.32125194

I gave takodachis a lot of shit but I gotta admit you guys won this one, by a landslide

>> No.32125284

>if you can't fight them, you should join them.
chloe is smart orca!

>> No.32125548

If it means they don't collab with men then this is fine

>> No.32125886
File: 145 KB, 1053x478, VTSISTERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not her fault ame and kiara are talentess whores that deserve to rot in hell forever

>> No.32125986

nooooooooooooo i want gura to collab with altare, please don't go to jp guraaaaaaaaaa

>> No.32126514

Kiwawa could do the same with holotori, I'm not sure why she hasn't tried

>> No.32126585

Oh, that pic explains why she hasn't tried the holotori thing

>> No.32126662

because Holotori won't get traction, literally none of them got chemistry beyond being called birds.
Marine and Aqua love Gura and Ina

>> No.32126715

she had more chemistry with ID too lately

>> No.32126904

Gura transcends borders, it's her superpower. I can't describe it, other than say her being genuinely interested in Hololive and making friends.
I remeber when she talked on Minecraft stream how she almost didn't apply, but her mother said what's worst that could happen. How she got hooked on Fubuki and fell into the rabbithole.

tl;dr she's legit trying to become an idol

>> No.32126960

Absolutely based af. Isolate the rest of the Holowhore, just bring Fauna and maybe Mumei along

>> No.32127026

But only on vt

>> No.32127085

Eops chumbies are in danger to losing their oshi gura to nip gachikois and unicorns. Even gura is trying to abandon you esl retards for where the grass is greener. Kek

>> No.32127303

I could see some chemistry between Kiwawa, Reine and Subaru... probably Lui would get along well too but yeah, Moomers could feel kinda out of place by the language barrier

>> No.32127838
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yeah, i wasn't being unduly hyperbolic when i said orcschizo wants to murder her

>> No.32128225

Or they should shut down HoloEN
Only HoloJP knows how to create idol group

>> No.32130016

Possibly a good career move. Ditch streamers who hate idol culture and parasociality, but also ditch western values and conform to Japanese sekuhara culture. Otherwise, what's even the point. Japan isn't a land mass. It's a society and culture. Changing it to western values just makes being a part of that completely pointless since you could've just not associated with Japan in the first place.

>> No.32130100

I thought everyone is equal in Hololive and nobody gets preferential treatment? kek

>> No.32130291

Out of HoloEN only
and MAYBE Kiara
can be marketed as idols.

So of course you won't see the others in any of those themed events.

>> No.32130347

They'd fit in better there

>> No.32134719

t. Gabriel

>> No.32135223

Two of the best HoloENs personality-wise, preference-wise, model-wise and overall good vtubers wanting to escape that dumpsterfire?
It makes sense to anybody who is sane.

>> No.32137094

I thought Bae was labelled the Gura killer of Council.

>> No.32137156

The entirety of Council was labeled "Gura killer".

>> No.32138104

No wonder they flopped

>> No.32138249

it was mostly Bae, Mumei and Kronii

>> No.32138585

Based, leave HoloEN and let it rot with the whores.

>> No.32138663

What even is YWNBJ?

>> No.32138768

Oh, how the tables have turned...

>> No.32138952

anon use that brain of yours and think

>> No.32139309

You guys are mental. No one ever called a single member of council a 'gura killer'. Show me the tapes.

>> No.32139388

So they'll collab with the jp homos?

>> No.32139566

You will never be jabbed

>> No.32139729
File: 95 KB, 637x623, 1C6CFA4F-E375-442B-BFAC-2BA4EC55B125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura and Ina ditch out holoEN to join holoJP
Because they want to hide their boyfriends

>> No.32139778

Lurk more, fucking tourists are getting out of hand.

>> No.32139824

You Will Never Be Joyful

>> No.32139891


>> No.32139983

Thanks I'll save this image now for later ;)

>> No.32140030

Did you "forgor" about her Stars collab?

>> No.32140062

Ina is surprisngly a good singer, Violet is a banger.

>> No.32140283

You gotta be flat to be good. That's why only Ina and Gura made it.

>> No.32140445
File: 122 KB, 380x800, UWOWO-Virtual-YouTuber-Gawr-Gura-Cosplay-Costume-Hololive-Birthday-Summer-Swimsuit-Sandy-Beach-Swimming-Outfit.jpg_Q90.jpg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32143056

fauna can't sing

>> No.32143196 [DELETED] 

Ina yab'd was pretty bad though.
Nowhere near bad as Kroniis but still

>> No.32143271

Ina yab'd pretty bad though.
Nowhere near as bad as Kroniis but still

>> No.32144487

at this point, I don't even think gura would have to willingly. She'll actually get abducted by actual ninjas sent by the japanese government.

>> No.32144609

The 2 with confirmed BFs

>> No.32147927

How? They don't speak japanese

>> No.32148864

Damn that's awsome, now they can not stream in japanese instead of not streaming in english

>> No.32153667

Ehh, there are a lot of youtube comments getting deleted on her latest vids m8
Check the number and check back a couple hours later, her fans are genuinely upset at her

>> No.32154462

I can understand Ina joing Jp, but why gura?

>> No.32155311

The only two EN I actually like nowadays. I like fauna as well, the rest of EN can graduate for all I care.

>> No.32155583

People don’t realize, the moment someone gets labeled a gura killer the odds of chumbuds liking them falls drastically. It’s either you are with gura or against her.

>> No.32159021

How was the UMISEA mocap done for Gura and Ina? Marine convincingly touches Gura at one point, so are they paid dancers????

>> No.32159991

Mumei is a clone not a killer.

>> No.32161584

Ina already confirmed she is going to collab with males.
She is also feeling lonely in her new house and would love to get along with a half Korean blue boy

>> No.32161959


>> No.32162279

same as YWNBAW sans one key difference

>> No.32162334

scratch Ina and Fauna
Council can not into idoltry

>> No.32162418

you will never be jewish

>> No.32162486

>with funny images of polish pope John Paul II

>> No.32162696

It was them, the body movement matches the voice exhaustion, which you can compare to Shion's live.

>> No.32162750


>> No.32168001

>she replied with funny images of polish pope without any context
