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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32110028 No.32110028 [Reply] [Original]

We learned what we always knew to be true, if your oshi mentioned being bullied on stream, ie Gura, IRyS and Mumei then she is capable of empathy and has empathy for her audience and is self aware, even if she is a total fucking sperg like Mumei and had to fuck up once to realize it.
If your oshi was not bullied then she has no empathy for her viewers

>> No.32110130

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.32110256

so can i bully her to give her empathy?

>> No.32110537

depends on how well you think it worked on mori

>> No.32110718

When did mumei fuck up. Also when was IRyS bullied :(

>> No.32110736

is this how nerds who got bullied really think

>> No.32110743

IRyS said she was bullied in school for being a unathletic womenlet spaz

>> No.32110747

IRyS' chat always bullies her every stream

>> No.32110815 [DELETED] 

Sound engineer bullied her during sex

>> No.32110880

Is getting chosen last for dodgeball really being bullied. I mean I would also choose her last. Cute is cute but winning is winning

>> No.32110908

Where the fuck does this sound engineer rrat even come from lol. Did she spend too long 'working on a track' or something so people assumed she must be fucking the engineer?

>> No.32110927

she said they called her names and that she was upset about it and that her teacher in middle school called her a manlet and told her to go play with a 4 year old while the rest of the class played volleyball

>> No.32110978

Idk if this really qualifies as bullying honestly.

>> No.32111026

Irys sounds like the kind of person who doesn't forget a grudge. if one of her old bullies would show up and ask for forgiveness, she would tell them to fuck off.

>> No.32111086

How do you know they're not lying?

>> No.32111236

Mumei experienced the horror of Holo's unicorn first hand
>Her RM twitter got raided by containment breaker and force her to manually delete like 90%of her tweets
>Aruran attacked on twitter for involving Mumei on starsJP collab
>fucking Ren got ass blasted on twitter for @ing Mumei for no reason

>> No.32111407

Because I was the one who did it. I bullied them all. I actually try my hardest to bully as many people as possible, so as to permanently imprint myself into the memories of anyone that may be important. It's essential to further sustaining my lifespan.

>> No.32112544

mumei is also /here/

>> No.32113609

Don’t forget the furry that tried to get her MeToo’d.

>> No.32113780

Thats all bullying. Not hardcore but if you dont have a coping mechanism or outlet that shit can fuck you up

>> No.32113888

How do you know if anyone's not lying? You don't unless you fact check them, and in this instance you can't. So if that's still on your mind, i recommend walking away from this hobby or getting therapy.

>> No.32113983

explains why Kiara didn't have a yab in recent months

>> No.32113996

mumei raped someone?

>> No.32114033

>horror of Holo's unicorn
more like healthy gatekeepers

>> No.32114171

You gotta make your kid lift heavy when he's in middle school. Meat and gains. Then when he's on the football team he spots his ex-bully.

>> No.32114250

Naw he's just a hooman schizo.

>> No.32114657

She talked about getting her nails done and no one noticing so she was trying to show them off to staff during a recording by tapping her nails on the desk because she's a woman and wanted compliments. Like when a girl gets a new haircut and does that thing where she tries really hard to draw attention to it without outright saying it. It was a cute story but schizos ran with the idea she was trying to get attention from men

>> No.32114801

No, just some stupid shit about someone she knew a decade ago.

>> No.32114902

Thanks. Yeah that's just cute. All the music vtubers spend multiple hours every month talking to male producers and sound engineers so it's impressive a rrat was made from that.

>> No.32114966

why would a man notice a girl got her nails done or hair cut?

>> No.32115020
File: 134 KB, 799x1200, isekai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the music vtubers spend multiple hours every month talking to male producers and sound engineers
Aight, I'mma head out

>> No.32115137

Anon, they are sound engineers, not sandwich makers or dishwashers. Over 90% of sound engineers in the music industry are men

>> No.32115164

I don't know man I guess I might be a Stockholm syndromed fag because when I was a kid I got pantsed and had my face shoved into monkey bars and lost teeth
Not saying it has to get physical to be called bullying but even for verbal teasing being called a woman let seems kinda light. But if it hurt my wife all the same then I guess it doesn't matter

>> No.32115306
File: 93 KB, 918x919, 1661257083123470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your oshi was not bullied then she has no empathy for her viewers
That would imply that I was some faggot, like OP, that got bullied at school. Sucks to be your faggot.
I was top shit at my school, not some loser that ate lunch by themselves and got called names then cried in the bathroom about it while contemplating suicide.

>> No.32115310

Women still haven't realized that men don't give a shit about nails, hair or jewelry
It's a weird pissing contest women have with each other where they get all these expensive things to feel pretty because other women do it but genuinely no man gives a shit about these things

As long as a woman doesn't have a moustache or a shaved head they are pretty much okay by most men's standards

>> No.32115372

And that's why kayfabe is important to the point of graduating and blacklisting anyone who breaks it. When you pull back the curtain, you're literally just paying a woman to fuck musicians behind your back.
Women are lightweights. They don't know real.suffering because modern society and women's rights make their lives too easy.

>> No.32115392

I think hair matters... Idk man you wouldn't go for a girl with a hag bun would you?

>> No.32115394

Mori was bullied too but she's a total cunt. What gives?

>> No.32115740

we dont know what else happened to her, but she mentioned those things. She is a weirdo who had legos and watched boy love anime, not exactly what you would expect out of a popular stacy

>> No.32115777

when did I say anything about the watcher being bullied? I was saying women are incapable of feeling empathy unless the woman was bullied because women are heartless

>> No.32115867

Wealthy white girl who hates her grandparents for holding her mother accountable and now does everything she can to spite healthy social expectations and make everyone as miserable as her instead of embracing those expectations to spare other people what she went through syndrome. It's classic twitter tranny "burn down the world and replace it with nothing" bullshit. Not a traditional man myself,but you don't have to be ISIS to acknowledge that some things are the way they are and were the way they were for a reason. Idol culture, for example.

>> No.32115936

literally autism. Mori is the only one of the girls to admit to being diagnosed with being autistic. Also Mori clearly tried to be nice to the other girls, see her telling the homo begger faggots to fuck off about Gura. Mori doesn't do most of the cunty shit she does intentionally, she is just retarded.
Also Mori admitted she used to tell people to get raped and kill themselves online all the time, but now that /vt/ does it to her she realizes she was being a bitch

>> No.32116642

>Mori is the only one of the girls to admit to being diagnosed with being autistic.
Sauce? Really?

>> No.32118194

If she had to put up with what autistic men do, she would've long since roped herself.

>> No.32118516

>top of your school
>end up here

>> No.32119366

>female vtuber
>hot shit when she was young and beautiful
>reduced to making fun of chudcels on a jamaican bobsled usenet
It checks out
