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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32068641 No.32068641 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good Christian vtubers? Athena Bambina is live now
but I'm pretty sure she's just a /pol/tard larping as Christian.

>> No.32069019


>> No.32069195
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>> No.32069597

that's the one I watch. She has a discord with several other Christian streamers but not all of those are great.

>> No.32069735 [DELETED] 

Didn't Athena like share CP while also simultaneously being groomed by /pol/tards?

>> No.32069815

Abi is easily the biggest and most successful. Can't go wrong with her.

>> No.32069869 [DELETED] 

I once tried joining her Discord and she sent a DM. Nice strategy she has to keep the lonely retards here on a leash.

>> No.32069917

she's changed, she's a devout christian now

>> No.32070077

[x] doubt

>> No.32070083

Yeah, being groomed by /pol/ truly equates to being a "devout christian" lmao.
t. someone who was raised in a catholic environment

>> No.32070214

thankfully you escaped being groomed by catholics and got groomed by jews instead

>> No.32070261

Isn’t that like a requirement for being a catholic tho?

>> No.32070450

I'm watching one now

>> No.32070888

>nothing in about or twitter bio about Christ
Not a good Christuuba.

>> No.32072570

I'd shill my yt channel. But I only make videos on yt and don't livestream... yet. But Kaori Lupine and Kaito Tojiko are two Christian vtubers I follow. they're openly Christian even in their Twitter bio.

>> No.32073198

Anon, there's a lot of cringe on this board, you don't have to feel bad because there's always someone more cringe than you.

>> No.32073334

Not even Abi makes being christian her entire personality. Only LARPers who are compensating for something do that

>> No.32074207

I didn't say make it her entire personality. Presumably if it matters to you, you'll at least mention it in your bio.

>> No.32076044

Athena is the name of a non-Christian deity, why would she chose that name?

>> No.32076221

Kaori Lupine, but be warned, she's the embodiment of ADHD vtuber, just watching her can feel exhausting.

>> No.32078957

Listening to Athena and she let out some of the loudest burps I’ve heard…

>> No.32079236
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Protestants arent christians, they're just moralists.

If you cared about christian girls you'd go to church on sunday, you're not watching vtubers to find God or girls who care about God.

>> No.32085642

The only good Christian streamer. OP's example is a complete fucking psycho.

>> No.32093242

where the fuck am i?

>> No.32093473

Y'all are really listening to a vtuber read the bible?

>> No.32094515

You wouldn't?

>> No.32094692

now let em collab

>> No.32094713

Jokes on you, I watch Vtubers and go to church in Sunday!

>> No.32094868

>Kaori Lupine and Kaito Tojiko
Are these 2 related in some way? model and Bio seem pretty similar, I like that Kaori kid though he has a decent voice

>> No.32095398

>Kaori Lupine
Wait, what the fuck?

>> No.32102651

Ayamy is Catholic

>> No.32103181


>> No.32103490

You listen and watch a Vtuber do literally everything else. What's your point?

>> No.32103523

Let me guess, you are a full fledged faggot now?

>> No.32105616

Any evidence that Athena isn’t sincere in her Christianity or do people just say this because she isn’t left wing?

>> No.32108292

it's just seething twitter tourist atheists, she's an actual christian
they hate her because she said nigger once

>> No.32108357
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Yes. Christ is Lord


>> No.32108381

go back

>> No.32108423

yes. Seethe more troon

>> No.32108928

She'd never heard of the firmament in her Genesis stream.

>> No.32109075

>Using the "I went to Catholic School argument"
Have you read "The Trinity" by St Augustine? Or the Ambigua by Maximos the Confessor? You know nothing about the faith

>> No.32109082

Not knowing what a word means doesn't prove she doesn't believe in Jesus Christ.

>> No.32109226

atheists don't read books

>> No.32109347

Are you geek

>> No.32109434

>Protestants arent christian
This is pride. Stop trying to gatekeep Jesus.

Obviously some people who claim to be Christian are actually not, but this is true on all sides.

>> No.32110172

>stealth 8kun refugee thread

>> No.32113048

Yes. Ninomae Ina'nis
