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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 141 KB, 640x360, 2CFF0293-77A3-44F7-9C94-275463A03F1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32043535 No.32043535 [Reply] [Original]

If you thought the models were funny and posted about them, it’s your fault. If you thought the Mag spam was funny and joined in, it’s your fault. If you watched the debuts just to see what would happen, it’s your fault. They should have been shut out and ignored. Giving them attention made Cover think the audience actually wants to see them.

>> No.32043660 [DELETED] 
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I unironically liked them day 1. Sorry bro. Get cucked. I'm a proud cuck.

>> No.32044422
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>> No.32044479
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stop ban evading Gabe

>> No.32044508

Don't care, they are more fun to watch than the bitches

>> No.32044583

ye, but it's not my fault that you're still a virgin

>> No.32044590

OP really has that 'angry trans vegan firmly convinced that THIS time, the Twitter boycott of Chik-Fil-A will work' energy

>> No.32044765

Cancer that killed hololive

>> No.32045098

I enjoy watching them! They're really entertaining!

>> No.32045989

I regret none of it, I'm with my BOOOOOOOOOYSS

>> No.32046015

I just realized something. I don't even fucking like dead by daylight.

>> No.32046156

You're not supposed to admit you're a tranny when trying to troll.

>> No.32046643

is the cuckening upon us?

>> No.32046754

Tempus enjoyers keep on winning today

>> No.32046777

The estrogen filled unicorns seething like a woman on their period are the actual trannies though.

>> No.32046830

Your seething is making me happy.

>> No.32046837
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>> No.32046862

Meds, samefagging tranny

>> No.32046908

graduate them before any more damage is done

>> No.32046948

Your seething is making me happy.

>> No.32046959

newfags can't even read numbers kek

>> No.32046976

>he doesn't know what samefagging is
Look at the post times newnigger

>> No.32046989

is it my fault that the girls are so fucking shit so much so that gagging on regis's cock feel so much better than watching the girls? thats of course assuming if the girls even fucking stream at all like dude i know streaming is harder that i assume it is but fucking hell man there is no way it is harder than 8hr mon-sat office works staring at fucking excel spreadsheet earning min wage like dude pls ive had enough of this shit.

>> No.32047015
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>> No.32047017


>> No.32047070


>> No.32047079
File: 1.24 MB, 498x373, R (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I created Hololive and get plenty of pussy Do I give a fuck about what you want? The answer is no. Get fucked retard.

>> No.32047150

you've been exposed, stupid unicorn

>> No.32047204

bro u huffin maddin when you should be maggin flip the joint around

>> No.32047228


>> No.32047269

Unicorn is a Japanese-only subculture you weeaboo you will never be Japanese.

>> No.32047371


>> No.32047414
File: 69 KB, 666x666, 1657623723327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of HoloJP has collabed with males
>Stars already existed
>this one collab somehow destroyed hololive
Holobronies revealing themselves as newfags in real time

>> No.32047457


>> No.32047488

No you take your meds seething about women who don't fucking know you exist is not normal and it isn't based. All you're actually doing is exposing your hidden faggot tendencies like jealousy of other males having menhera breaks over dumb shit you know things actual faggots who suck and fuck dicks get stereotyped for irl. Get fucked retard.

>> No.32047506

Unicorn brothers, you guys are going about this the wrong way. Obviously the best path is to get a RL girlfriend and cuck your oshi instead. See how SHE likes it.

Keep pretending to be a gachi, make her say your name during superchat readings all sweet like, and the entire time you're actually cuddling with a tired OL who's waiting for the silly anime girl stream to end so the two of you can watch something on Netflix.

>> No.32047513
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Your seething is my meds, please give me more.

>> No.32047644

I think her COPE AND SEETHE tweet might work well too.

>> No.32047666

I just don't want to watch males

>> No.32047758
File: 240 KB, 768x768, kromegaroru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought you were SAFE? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.32047785

Then kill yourself now. Males are everywhere

>> No.32047940
File: 232 KB, 346x380, 1660466702628614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to watch males
Being a whore isn't normal
Streams involving a male and a female are not analogous to sex
It's just a game
She isn't your gf
You don't have to give them money
Twitch is cancer
Reddit is cancer
Normalfags are cancer
It's not supposed to be taken so seriously

>> No.32047981

Beautiful incel seethe

>> No.32048434

That's right, all 200 posters here could've changed the course of history

>> No.32048594

I want them. I like them. I want to see Altare with Kobo every week. I want to see them with the other ID girls too. HoloEN sucks so I don't care.

I only watch JP and Tempus.

>> No.32049548

Japanese vtubers understand idol culture, EN is going to lead to degradation of olive experience. Go back to twitch if you want to hear some dude flirt it up with a girl and there have been plenty of people complain about JPs collabing with men you fucking goldfish

>> No.32049633
File: 611 KB, 800x800, 1641781442390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in your dreams
never been prouder to be chumbud
For my oshi to collab she would need to stream

>> No.32049787

One thing I wonder when girls do this kind of content is who do they think it's for exactly? Do they truly believe the people that donate thousands to them and stay membered to them for years want to see them flirting with other men? Are they that disconnected from their fanbase that they don't understand they're causing the people who love them the most to suffer or do they just not give a fuck?

>> No.32049893

Modern western culture will always be a slippery slope. It's what happens when a culture vilifies discipline and moderation. That's the difference between JP and EN. Not that EOPs would understand.

>> No.32049926

Do you really need to ask?
They got thirsty for cock.

>> No.32050035

u all talking as if (You)r opinion ever mattered

>> No.32050294

so, why is it the boys fault your oshis are thirsty whores???

>> No.32050327

It just really defies logic. Even if I start from the assumption that I don't give a fuck about my fans and think about it in a purely self interested way there's no upside for the girls they're just damaging their own earnings potential for no gain.

>> No.32050333

if they weren't here there wouldn't be a problem

>> No.32050451

>It just really defies logic
anon, they are women...
hope it cleared things up

>> No.32051599

Ame told them to improve themselves and they didn't listened had they listened kronii would be laughing genuinely with them and not with altare. They never had a chance to begin with. They still don't see their oshi only see them as pay pigs.

>> No.32051783

Axelbros... every other Tempus member has collabed with at least 2 women. Nodoka perms when?

>> No.32051926

Either he's too busy with music stuff, or he's too shy to collab with women.

>> No.32052096

But the audience does want to see them, I'm having great fun!

>> No.32052121

The gain is maybe making a friend to play games offstream with so youre not so god damn lonely and sad all the time for once. Friends can be forever, a couple unicorns malding is garuntted to be temporary

>> No.32052220

That still doesn't make sense. You don't need to do an on stream collab to become friends off stream. You can literally just contact them on discord anytime and keep it all behind the scenes.

>> No.32052258
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>If you thought the models were funny and posted about them, it’s your fault. If you thought the Mag spam was funny and joined in, it’s your fault. If you watched the debuts just to see what would happen, it’s your fault.
What a coincidence, I did all of those

>> No.32052388

As an Axolotl I don't really care. If he finds a good collab partner it would be fund I guess but I would prefer my boy doesn't feel preassured to collab with the girls just because everyone else is.

>> No.32052409

Good god I want to see them. I just don't want to see the catalogue shat up like this.

Hopefully they stick to the usual suspects if they're gonna collab from now on.

>> No.32052479

then go back to their streams and tell them to stay in their lane before they fuck it up for everyone

>> No.32052945
File: 443 KB, 2048x1862, LOOKING GOOD KRONII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who's membered to Mori or Bae legitimately doesn't give a fuck whether or not they're collabing with males so theres no real loss, the only people who'd throw a fit are bitter retards who haven't watched them in months/years.

Since everyone who would be hurt by a collab like this has already stopped watching them they literally lose nothing by collabing. Plus /mans/ fujo's and yumes know for a fact Vesper is too autistic for any relationship and Regis is a literal Misogynist so they don't care either.

The only one who's lost out here is Kronii.

>> No.32053105
File: 317 KB, 764x720, MAG'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up nigger.

>> No.32053159
File: 1.45 MB, 1912x1536, 1660098617217283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What she lost? She still get pay with or without you unicorns.

>> No.32053226

>Guy is literally a himbo jock retard Chad
>Too shy to talk to his waifu
That'd be funny as fuck.

>> No.32053335

>Anyone who's membered to Mori or Bae legitimately doesn't give a fuck whether or not they're collabing with males so theres no real loss
This is true. Bae has no actual fans, just coomers watching for the model. The few people left watching Mori "Low CCV" Calliope have no standards. They would watch if the stream was 5 hours of a static image of dog feces.

>> No.32053361

You should watch the stream where Roberu met his Idolm@ster oshi. He was so spooked he tried to hide in a fake bush.

>> No.32053572
File: 1.71 MB, 1684x1191, Mori Is Down With The Kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae has fans, her fans are just all Normalfags and W*men. You're right about Mori though, all her fans are just fans of her music.

>> No.32053691

Only like half a dozen HoloJPs actively collab with males. You can't count Miko or Ayame or Subaru when they haven't done it in literal years.

>> No.32053758

I stopped watching HoloEN like almost a year ago because I was getting bored of how slow the gens were rolling out—which is a problem when they’re as loath to collab outside the company as they are.
You thought this was ironic shitposting gone wrong? No, I actually don’t care anymore, and literally the only reason I don’t watch them is that I only watch fleshtubers for the bro experience.
See what I did there? I got mildly irritated at something I didn’t like, and then I slowly drifted away.

>> No.32053898

They collab with me every day.

>> No.32054093
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I don't even know what their voices sound like I'm that removed from them

>> No.32054098

Bae has fans though? most of them exist outside of /vt/
Good on her for filtering unicorns and schizos early on

>> No.32054410

I'd do it again in a heartbeat

>> No.32054529


>> No.32054571

You will never be a woman

>> No.32054607

based and same

>> No.32054645

I liked the DBD collab, how about you guys?

>> No.32054709

You never watched a japanese idol in your life

>> No.32054792

please show me idols flirting with men in front of their audience

>> No.32054808

Shut up. Everyone is fine with the collabs. Hardcore unicorns should just go extinct already and leave their 2004 mindset behind.

>> No.32054840

Actually pretty funny, I was surprised how well altare and kronii bounced off of each other. He was the actual star of that collab by being unrepentingly vicious, which turned out to be a great ice breaker

>> No.32054904

Did not disprove my point

>> No.32054908

Our Axel bro needs to find a girl first that can understand his unique brand of autism. Just give him time and wait for him to actually want to do it.

>> No.32054955

I'm not even the guy you were originally replying to but you are as ignorant as he is

>> No.32055536

Case in point: One of the rare schizo coomer bae fan

>> No.32055758

Friends are forever and you have proven that your love is conditional and abusive

Sides their earnings are fine especially bae and Mori’s

>> No.32055798

Join me brother in ignoring all Dead by Daylight collabs, also would you like to join ignoring Phasmophobia too?

>> No.32056077

Falseflagging femcel

>> No.32056266

Anon that’s just abusive I’m embarrassed by you type of fraudship

>> No.32056632

Are *you* a fan of them? Why are you so invested in the streams of vtubers you don't even watch. Mori and Bae don't even have unicorns.

>> No.32056702
File: 27 KB, 742x717, regice-altare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

owned by Regice Altare

>> No.32056934

there are unicuck jannies amongus KEK
