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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32028903 No.32028903 [Reply] [Original]

If you hate Homo collabs then you need to eject from HoloEN now and take the JP pill. HoloEN is from now on a mixed gender branch

>> No.32028986

This has been said thousand times. Dumb anons just won't jump ship.

Krocucks had actually laughed at Teacucks during Tempus tattoo incident. And look at what happened today.

>> No.32029091

I want to desperately... But i don't know japanese.
Why can't live subs be real?

>> No.32029147

>Burned by Holo? You should watch Hol-

>> No.32029161

>Imagine embracing being an Unicorn a sub culture from Japan
ywnbj you weeaboo[\spoiler]

>> No.32029222

You don't need to know that much Japanese to enjoy JP unless it's a Zatsudan. Watch this clip, do you understand what's going on? If so you're ready for JP


>> No.32029275

Stop being a lazy faggot and do your fucking reps like everyone tells you, if I can manage to learn it after a decade of frying my brain with drugs I'm sure you can

>> No.32029280

The only EN worth watching ARE the boys. A diet of the EN boys and the JP girls is actually the right spot. You get your bro time, and you get time with your girlfriend. It's perfectly balanced.

>> No.32029328

Who else is there? Niji is 10x worse and Vshojo should be packed off to Saudi Arabia to pay for their crimes, inshallah.

>> No.32029590
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Yes, take JP pill. Just like FBK and Matsuri

>> No.32029605

Agreed. EN is dead to me.

>> No.32029767

This except also Roberu as he collects women from every other company while actively avoiding the holowhores.

>> No.32029818

Nobody likes Matsuri for that reason and even at her worst she doesn't drag other Holos into it like Mori does.

>> No.32029881

Didnt towa collab with rpr?

>> No.32030027

It only counts when it's with Holostars!

>> No.32030148

Towa had a yab earler in her career that revealed she was getting dicked down so her fanbase consists solely of women, saviorfags and FPS autists

>> No.32030250

>JP pill
No, not after Rushia.
JP is worse considering that even if they don't talk about or collab with males, you just KNOW they're lying. Hell some of them are married.
Also Coco and Rushia's new life should show you what JP's are only the way they are thanks to Cover's rules.

>> No.32030257

Didnt choco and roboco collab with astel?

>> No.32030310

Choco also collabed with her professors at highschool and college in bed. It's okay if it's whores.

>> No.32030328

Rushia is an example of what to do though, rumours got spread and she burned her Hololive career to show they were false which is why she kept all her Gachi. You think any of the EN whores would give up their Hololive cash to prove their purity to their fans? Of course not

>> No.32030446

Anon, please, your history revisionism.
She got fired. She didn't choose to give it up.

>> No.32030491

She took a risk to get the truth out to her fans, and ended up prosecuting a fair amount of the rumormongerers. I'd take Rushia over Mori any day of the week and the fact she makes so many roasties on here seethe is the proof she's better.

>> No.32030546
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Watch Lamy. Vtuber perfection.

>> No.32030561

Miko is bad example desu, she's the one that turned Oga into a holostars

>> No.32030570

You know matsuri is the most hated holo in jp right?

>> No.32030621

No you don't understand this irrelevant JP who killed her own career playing APEX collabs with Oga occassionally that means JP is the same as HoloEN aka Vshojo 2.0

>> No.32030632


>> No.32030775

Why is there such a difference in handling the matter of male collabs between EN and JP anyway, both by the streamers and the fans? Some people here are always quick to point out the few HoloJP that have done collabs with Holostars and/or Nijimales, but ultimately it's barely a handful out of 36 members. It's clear that in HoloJP collabs with males are the exception rather than the norm, and both the fans and the Holos are okay with this, you don't see the fans requesting such collabs and the girls don't really seem like they wanna do them. Meanwhile in EN, as soon as Tempus were announced, all that fans could talk about was potential collabs, and the girls were happy to jump at it as soon as it was possible. If you count Amelia's karaoke recording stunt as a collab (close enough to upset people just as much anyway) and also Mumei's collab with JP Stars a while back, then literally half of the EN members have done Holostars collabs.

>> No.32030844

Production Kawaii. All female idols with a strict ban on male collabs.

>> No.32030868

t. has statistics as his oshi

>> No.32030917
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I wish I was joking, anon

>> No.32030928

Mostly because the JPs have a keener sense of who their core fanbase is and the ENs naively think that normalfags are going to shell out for merch at a 200% markup if they slut it up

>> No.32030942

>strict ban on male collabs.
A solid proof that the agency doesn't understand the industry.
Sounds fake as shit. This is NOT how you captivate unicorns.

>> No.32030946

Issue is I don't know Japanese and I am too stupid to learn it before Hololive stops being a thing.

>> No.32030954

Anon she talked to a Japanese Keemstar who talked about vauge bullshit she sent to him on stream.
As far as I'm concerned she not only didn't clear her own name, but also put her gen mates and the rest of JP at risk.
You can cope as much as you want but Japanese woman are still woman at the end of the day, and even if she kept some of her gachi, she clearly lost hundreds of thousands of unicorns and was saved mostly by the very EN cancer everyone here bitches about.

>> No.32030991

so basically
>whore, japan
yeah, no

>> No.32031055
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Post a single collab that Pekora has done with Holostars or concede defeat

>> No.32031197

why singled out holostars? heck holostars JP are the safest male out there to collab

>> No.32031293

Because Holostars are employed by the same company and can access the same discords and probably have your oshis LINE if they've collabed. It's completely different than one off professional events hosted by a man. If you oshi collabs with a homo it means they're definitely chatting behind the scenes. You think Fubuki and Oga aren't constantly talking to each other?

>> No.32031448

I've actually been taking the Phase Connect pill recently, they're pretty good

>> No.32031521

The game was released in 2013.
Miko DLC was released in 2019 December.
Oga debuted in 2020 May.

1) if Miko and Oga knew each other, and Miko got him into hololive, why did Miko wait for 6 long years to do the VA? ALSO months before Oga's debut. What a coincidence.

2) Yagoo said the talents will get doxxed 100% (which is factual). If they're actually close friends or lovers, no way Cover allowed Miko to do that VA. Miko is not that dumb too. 5ch is able to trace everything.

The most logically explanation is Yagoo recruited Oga. Cover decided to promote both Miko and Oga’s game (two birds with one stone). Five months later, Oga debutted.

>> No.32031677

No, fuck Hololive as a whole (and Nijisanji). The future of vtubing is in indies and small corpos. I only watch Gura and hope she doesn't fuck up, and Phase Connect. I'm going in blind into Kawaii which is supposed to be a pure idol corp by design. Those are the options I've chosen.

Holothots can go fuck themselves, HoloEN is fucking dead.

>> No.32031680

>Playing Apex

>> No.32031705

surely you can make do with less

>> No.32031717

Kawaii has promise, I think I'll give them a shot and take the Kawaii pill. They seem dedicated to the CGDCT experience.

>> No.32031903

>6 long years to do the VA?
I don't get your reasoning of that 6 years
>What a coincidence.
Yes anon it's too good to be a coincidence
>If they're actually close friends
hololive is full of nepotism hire, do you forget that gamers are all Fubuki irl friends?
>or lovers
you jumped the gun anon, I never claimed as such
>5ch is able to trace everything.
not with Oga, it was an anon on holostars thread that found out his identity only several months ago

>> No.32031977
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Vtubing is culture from Japan. You partake in it.

>> No.32031979

>Kawaii which is supposed to be a pure idol corp by design
As far as I know, Reine is the only one who has appeared on stream with a male before.

>> No.32032033

It's literally just a difference in culture. It's the same reason ID are all friends with Holostars and collab with them, there's no culture of idol purity in Indonesia. There's no culture like that in the West either, but Myth ended up setting a precedent with EN by following JP's example from the beginning.

>> No.32032155

>I don't get your reasoning of that 6 years
Why Miko did VA literally AFTER Oga has joined the same company, but not during the 6 years span after the game was released?
How do you even rationalize this coincidence?

>hololive is full of nepotism hire
Of course. But do you think Cover actually wants to pick male talent who is closely related to another female talent in their past lives? Considering the power of 5ch?

>it was an anon on holostars thread that found out his identity only several months ago
....................... that miko oga rrat was older than months ago, anon.

>> No.32032197

JP market are losers who want to RP date an egirl. Granted half of the girls don't even do GFE, they also still don't do much male collabs or make it a big deal. JP vtubing is essentially a service; an interactive show. Even the least GFE JP chuba knows their audience are simps and will do some fan service every so often, but ultimately the community likes simply "hanging out" with a cute girl and listening to her talk and play games. There's also the idol aspect, which ultimately leads to the gachikoi wanting their favorite chuba to succeed, not necessarily out of some weird romantic obsession but because they adore her. At the end of the day however, the chuba is playing a character more than a real person, and the VA fucks off and does their normal life.
EN market on the other hand are half losers half normies. Normies just see chubas as streamers with a mask, but losers are weebs who want EN chubas to be just like the "submissive" Japanese idol chubas they don't understand. Unfortunately for the losers, streaming is very popular among normies in the west. Losers are also sex starved weebs who lack the average Japanese male beta characteristics, and tend to cry when things don't go their way. So when a loser cries about male collabs, the western chuba is confused, because the western normie audience and culture has no concept of such a thing. They too want to "hang out" with a cute girl talking and playing games, but that idol aspect is non existant and GFE isn't much of a thing when western simps can just get borderline full service from vshojo. So there is no "muh purity" because there's no idol culture. Thus the normie fans that vastly outnumber the losers insult them for demanding no males because in the west that's just straight up cringe. Normies will also take note that most western chubas aren't really much of a character. Western chubas are really just any twitch girl with an anime mask. Which is true when you consider most JP talent have been actors and entertainers who put on a show with bs emotions and reactions for audiences, while most of EN have just been dime a dozen shit posters and streamers.
tl;dr: culture shock and weeaboos

>> No.32032271
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>On a site dedicated to talking about anime and japanese culture
>On a board dedicated to talking about women streaming with anime avatars
>"The problem is weeaboos"
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.32032287

It's just the culture. Retards here were thinking EN would be a 1:1 of JP, but normal people in the West don't care about stuff "Idol Purity" or whatever. Kronii's numbers won't see a noticeable decline or anything of the sort because of this collab. This entire thing will blow over when the next "yab" happens and people will move onto that.

>> No.32032310

He's an insecure self-proclaimed "normie" and wants to project his insecurities on the actual fans (which he calls losers).

>> No.32032332

>EN's naively think that normalfags are going to shell out
It worked for Vshojo.
It worked for literally any non-vtuber woman who streams

>> No.32032489

Doesn't Aki put on concerts with a male guitarist?

>> No.32032519

Aki is married

>> No.32032727

>You can't call people weebs! We're on an anime board!
I'm fully aware anon but it all still applies. Weebs aren't angels, and if you want to talk semantics we're also on a site that houses /pol/ who thinks anime is degenerate.
Yes the "actual fans" definitely would be considered losers by a vast majority of people. Hell we're losers for being on this site, let alone for talking about fucking anime girls. Never claimed to be a normie considering I dislike Niji and Vshojo, nor do I see how any of these is even remotely about insecurities but say whatever helps you feel better about being called a loser.

>> No.32032730

Here's a different way to explain it.
Peko Miko has interactions in PL. We can speculate Miko brought Peko to Hololive.

IF Peko Miko has no interactions in PL. But suddenly has interactions after they joined the same company. We should speculate Cover brought them together. (This is exactly the miko oga case)
Of course you can go wild and speculate Miko brought Oga to Cover. Which is the far less logical explanation. Miko did VA in PL but never did VA for Oga's game until he joined Cover.

>> No.32032826

>Miko did VA literally AFTER Oga has joined the same company
anon did you read what your own post? >>32031521
>The game was released in 2013.
>Miko DLC was released in 2019 December.
>Oga debuted in 2020 May.

>pick male talent who is closely related to another female talent in their past lives
Towa and Astel are close friend and they're debuted almost at the same time frame
>miko oga rrat was older than months ago, anon.
Anon found out about him being orange juice man was around july-august last year

>> No.32032997

>anon did you read what your own post?
...........I will ask this just to be safe. Do you know it takes months to prepare for a debut right?

>Towa and Astel are close friend
How close? (off topic as Miko and Oga have no interactions in PL, I'm just curious)

>> No.32033008

Bitch literally doxxed her coworkers. You may meme at Mori being doxxbeat prime but green bitch really took it seriously. So keep your green whore or is it white now, I'm glad she got fucking axed

>> No.32033047

>Bitch literally doxxed her coworkers.
No she didn't. You fell for retarded 5chan rrats peddled by Filipino roasties and failed the IQ test

>> No.32033061

Yeah fucking right. What did cover say when she was fired? what was the reason?

>> No.32033093

Westerners want to dissolve the differences between male and female. The Japanese don't. Westerners are also overly feminist to the point where anything that panders to loser males is seen as dangerous and sick. The Japanese make jokes about gross pig otaku too, but they don't go so far that they try to take everything from them. There is actually a market that sells things to male NEET losers in Japan. That's why anime grew worldwide, because in our dying societies, there are tons of men who have no gf and live on welfare or with their parents, and they have no prospects or job, and escapist fantasy featuring girls who are young enough to be nonthreatening (but pedo seeming to normalfags) fueled the whole undercurrent of the thing. There are many amerime attempts at copying anime, but only the Japanese would make the cute girls doing cute things genre, because they actually allow the audience for that to be marketed to. If you tried to domestically make that in Europe or America it would have protest groups and be retracted. It's exactly the same with vtubing. The reason it became popular worldwide is for that same reason, only now EN is subverting that reason.

>> No.32033116

Showed her own discord messages and those of her manager. Nothing from other Holomems was shown. Do your reps and stop believing everything you read from antis

>> No.32033120

>Do you know it takes months to prepare for a debut right?
I can use the same argument, Do you know it takes months to prepare for company collaboration right?
>How close?
there are lots of photos of them together if you know where to look. It's because Astel is gay furry shotacon and Towa is... Towa that nobody make a fuss about it

>> No.32033152

I did. Now tell me the exact words cover said about the green bitch firing

>> No.32033175

Astelfags want to believe that he's a shy boy IRL lol

>> No.32033245

Honestly, if you want further proof of the difference between a Japanese Vtuber audience and an EN Vtuber audience, just look at all the JP comments that are basically like Uooooh SEGGS XD and then all the EN comments that are blatantly lying that despite being obsessed "I can't see her in that way".

>> No.32033261

>has been leaking information, including communications regarding business matters.
i.e showing her messages on her discord account to third parties. Nothing is mentioned about any other talents being affected, only "business matters" which is just her stuff.

>> No.32033296

>Seething about Rushia and GFE and HoloJP
Holy shit it was all true lmao

>> No.32033381

All those people who use the "like a girl's school" quote from Miko fail to realize that it's still like that, in JP and in EN. The difference is, while JP's "girl's school" and "boy's school" have enough members that they can mostly socialize among themselves, EN's branch "girl's school" and "boy's school" have low individual membership, are built close together, and have the more American culture of allowing friendship between men and women. So naturally some of the girls are heading over to the boy's school to make some friends and hang out (or more, but historically it's virtually impossible to prevent teens at single-gender schools from breaking the gender quarantine anyways. If anything, it just makes them more likely to rebel).

>> No.32033392

Making things up doesn't make you right, anon.

>> No.32033424

Post proof next thread?

>> No.32033430

>Do you know it takes months to prepare for company collaboration right?
Lets assume this is true. (i don't believe that's the case for an indie voice pack, but lets assume)
How do you know Oga is not closely affiliated with Cover personnel? If he is, it makes sense for Cover to use any of its talent for this collab. In this situation, it would be absurd to say a talent is related to partners or sponsors. Crazy logic.

Out of 6 years span, why did the VA occur in last year or last half year?

>Miko brought Oga to cover (main topic)
How do you even prove or speculate this if they have no interactions in PL? (we speculate Miko brought Peko to Cover due to their interactions in PL)

>> No.32033584
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Yeah okay dude.
Let me just go pretend I haven't seen all those doomer posts about simping, egirls, and cucks for the past 5 years.
Yup, western men are not simps, and are financially responsible.

>> No.32033610

do reps, also some holos have extremely dedicated live translators. I always see Lamy's translator in her chat whenever I'm watching her streams

>> No.32033644

Which of the HoloEN have still yet to become embroiled in Homoshit? I still wanna watch Gura, Fauna and maybe Kiwawa.

>> No.32033874

All of EN will eventually do a collab anon.
Western culture demands it's done at least once for validation. Even if they don't purely out of fear of schizos, the western audience is gonna start accusing them of being afraid even if they're not, and once the chubas (Mori) themselves start calling each other out, they'll cave.

>> No.32034053

>(i don't believe that's the case for an indie voice pack
it's full characters that has sprite, music, coding etc. Even recording voice lines take times
>How do you know Oga is not closely affiliated with Cover personnel?
why does this matter in this discussion?
>Crazy logic
Sana did art for holo before her debut
>why did the VA occur in last year or last half year?
because oga only interested on vtuber around that time, he said it on orange juice audio that he doesn't really paying attention on this vtuber thingie until Kizuna Ai played his game
> speculate this if they have no interactions in PL?
since you love goes of tangent, the I gladly make it simple for you
>Cover only hire experienced streamer
and or content creators
>Oga is neither of those
>Cover is full nepotism hire
>the only connection to cover was Miko working on his game and her and Oga character are in same dlc pack
besides, why do you trying so hard to defend MIko? Do you forget that she did collab with men just fine before gen 3 debut?

>> No.32034365

Go tell that to Nyanners or other content creators that've had their own reveals. You posting one image doesn't change anything, retard.

>> No.32034451

>Do you forget that she did collab with men just fine before gen 3 debut?
Not a problem. Almost all holos did that for survival. You also kept being off topic. Why?
>why do you trying so hard to defend MIko?
This is your speculation/projection. By same logic I can say you are trying hard to defame Miko/Oga. But I don't do baseless speculations.
>Cover only hire experienced streamer
That's definitely not true if they've hired Oga. And you are implying cover broke the rule for Miko despite all other nepos are experienced streamers. Do you really believe it?
Nothing with substance was presented for your speculation.

>> No.32034498

Anon, even a normalfag streamer like Asmongold has pointed out followers would drop him if he started dating someone because he was suddenly not relatable due to appearing better than them. The shit happens all the fucking time. Anyone that doesn't keep their personal life on lockdown is going to lose paypigs.

>> No.32034636

Isn't he dating some titty streamer or something? He use to at least

>> No.32035038

He dated that one golddigger whore while his popularity was still rising, so you're full of shit

>> No.32037177
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>> No.32040006

What? I was just making a point that if I can still learn a language after excessively abusing my mind and body during my 20s anyone who isn't a straight up retard can

>> No.32040221

EN is finished

>> No.32040278

Og hololive was a mixed branch

>> No.32040922

Yeah, finished catering to the minority

>> No.32041045

>enfag pretending to be an oldfag

>> No.32041330

>Nyanners BF destroyed her career bro. Just ignore that she still has over a million followers and still takes in more money than the average 9-5 in a month bro. It doesn't count unless the chuba is banking a million a year.

>> No.32044911
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>> No.32045037

>using Miko
OOOOOOOOH MAIMOTO SAN ! the fans of your collab partner are getting uppity again

>> No.32045095
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I'll have you choke on a sausage if you talk shit about family again

>> No.32045140

anon you are a loser too
don't pretend like you are above any of this
you are here writing paragraphs about it.
you are a loser alright. no better than the biggest unicorn.

>> No.32048134

He used to.
He said it himself retard and the fact he was dating her before was one of the reasons he said it.

>> No.32048209

Everyone can see what happened to her members and viewership, anon.

>> No.32048289

That's a lot of writing just to sound like an ignorant retard.

>> No.32048564

>at least half of JP has at one time collabed with Niji males
>JSL N5 clipwatchers are still trying to make shit up
Lmao even

>> No.32048865

I escape for different reasons, fren.
I'd be happy to work my ass off, make a better future for future humans etc. etc. But what is going on in western civilization just made me check out. It's all too depressing.
Take all my copes away from me and I just might join the ranks of those causing this. At least they seem to share in a vision worth fighting for, even If i despise it. Everyone else is just concerned with their own wellbeing for lack of any higher ideal to strife for, or is in love with the aesthetic of being an activist underdog. Or a narcissist performer. You've noticed nobody is "really" working their ass off anymore in the office. Right?
Handsome, sociable, gentle and non-virgin yada yada who cares btw.
This culture is my opium, and the NPCs want to take it away from me.

>> No.32050249

>it doesn't count unless you literally destroy your livelyhood
She was inclining, did the reveal, and now her viewers, membership rate, follower gain, basically every number you can think of, is down like 30-60%. I'm sure she'll manage but the bf reveal was the singular point that turned her from a growing 5view into a declining mid-tier 4view.

>> No.32051041

that's subaru retard miko was with the guy with red hat at least shitpost properly

>> No.32051221

>at least half of JP has at one time collabed with Niji males
not anymore so yes jp is still safe

>> No.32051276

>If you hate Homo
>posts a homo

>> No.32051660

I look forward to her being revealed as Rushia 2.0

>> No.32051706

>There's also the idol aspect, which ultimately leads to the gachikoi wanting their favorite chuba to succeed, not necessarily out of some weird romantic obsession but because they adore her.
Nigger what the fuck is this?
What do you think gachikoi means?
If you want your oshi to succeed you 推す her, if you have romantic feelings you are a ガチ恋勢.
Unicorn and gachikoi are not synonymous even if they often overlap.

>> No.32051788

why are ensharts like this?

>> No.32051908

I'm just going to go back to watching anime if Tempus is going to be a presence in EN's sphere. I would have been fine with them as long as I didn't have to see or hear them outside of their channels.

>> No.32051982

They're obsessed with cocks you see and can't stop thinking about it. Their entire existence is defined by the penis.
Honestly it's incredibly gay.

>> No.32052018

Your oshi spends all her waking hours drunk as fuck, she's probably fucked more men this month than all of EN put together.
Don't forget to buy her wedding ring though, she really needs the money for booze and abortions.

>> No.32052316

the thing is, Homo collabs are not even bad if done properly. From apex streams and tournaments, for examples, or the ones with Aruran or Roberu. The ones with holoEN... seems like they are 12yo girls watching BTS videos for the first time

>> No.32052573
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Maimoto did tons of things with all holos before the idolpocalypse

>> No.32052680

yeah? but maimoto wasn't that close with miko unlike that guy so schizos mostly use him if they want to shitpost about miko newfag

>> No.32052765

>Yes come watch content in a language you and I will never understand!

>> No.32052865

don't you listen to anime songs or songs in other languages even if you don't understand?

>> No.32056475

>HoloEn and NijiEn are the same trash now
Big yikes from me.

>> No.32056552
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>> No.32056888

Honestly this is the best way to enjoy holos, tempus is great and still has rooms to grow + JPs are still entertaining as usual. I miss early myth days but guess they peaked long time ago

>> No.32058036

>d-doesn't count

>> No.32061694


>> No.32061765

>will I have to see male collabs if I watch JP?
>no, they don’t do that anymore
