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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 192 KB, 282x296, RedVeibae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3188594 No.3188594 [Reply] [Original]

>Came because I didn't have anything else to watch
>Stayed for the Undertale music
>Came again for the white hair red eye succubus

>> No.3189016

>check most popular clip of today
>get real discord porn session report

>> No.3189053

What a shame that she listen to rrats and can’t form her own opinion. Or think at all.

>> No.3189130

Too bad she's retarded

>> No.3190132

>her nyan and silver sit in CB watching dudes jerk off and cum and then make cum notes about what texture and consistency it is
This is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.3190235

Huh? That isn't true about hololive though but this was ages ago she said this stuff I think. Now she actually knows some Hololive idols and talks to Kiara I think she probably has a better idea. Namely that Hololive is not Ichikara which actually is a black company.

>> No.3190240

>Describes a job and calls it fucked up
God American millennials and zoomers are a scourge on this earth.

>> No.3190308

>You hear the shit idols who were fired say
Literally not a single talent who graduated badmouthed Hololive in any way. What a dumb bitch, she should learn that the info you give matters when you have a herd of fucking morons who take everything you say at face value

>> No.3190347

Oh so just like this board then?

>> No.3190398

Even worse. Vei is British.

>> No.3190408

Are you talking about Vei? You know she's a Brit, right?

>> No.3190415


>> No.3190437

react streamer with boring avatar

>> No.3190438

She was better when she was sub 1k.

>> No.3190577

>Cover is shit
Wow what a hot take no one has ever said that here before.

>> No.3190626

Brits are pretty much Americans, they import their shitty politics. The entire anglosphere is fucked up.

>> No.3190673
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, lulu shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VShojo shills at it again

>> No.3190678

Nice backpedaling.

>> No.3190724


>> No.3190833

she was sub 1000 for like 1 month and she was only playing animal crossing / minecraft then
are you serious?

>> No.3193858

The problem with her is that she hasn't said anything about this. Instead she's acting as if the stupid and misinformed things she said before never happened and is now attempting to get close to the same company and people she was shit talking like some Holler back girl.
If she said something about this, retracting her idiotic statement then that'll be fine but no she's just going to act as if everything is okay without a single shred of remorse or pride while attempting to leech from Hololive.
Fuck that shit.

>> No.3194004

Not everyone needs to make an apology when they get something wrong. It's fine if they move on and change their opinions on their own. If she got on stream and said "Ahem excuse me guys I said this and I was wrong and I want to apologize and" it would be stupid because it would just dredge up old shit and create more e-drama. Veibae said she had bad opinions about the idol industry for ages and refused to join companies until Vshoujo persuaded her and she started talking to ex-idols like Kiara. It's okay that she's changed her opinion and it's even better it hasn't devolved into e-drama bullshit because she dredged it up just to appease people who hold grudges over stupid shit someone said years ago.

>> No.3194225

The thing is she doesn't even need to bring the old stuff up or apologize. She could have just make a quick mention about Hololive and how although she wasn't too interest in it or whatever, now she has a changed opinion about it. But instead she's just trying to get close while having this bullshit hanging on her because she knows that no one will find out she was shit talking without a hint of fact. Don't really care about what she said about Cover, since Cover is pretty shit at times, but what piss me off is what she said about the talents calling them terrible for "supporting" Cover like a retard but now she's trying to get close to those same said talent. What the hell kind of stupid shit is that and how is she any different from that leeching faggot Conner?

>> No.3194370

>She didn't have to bring it up she just had to bring it up
This is dumb and you know it's dumb.
>She's trying to leech and get close
Have you ever had a job in an industry where people from different companies talk and get along with each other? Not everything is a business investment. I've had plenty of friends work in different companies in the same business sphere and we've all met up and gotten along or made friends with others. You reek of inexperience.
>omg she badmouthed cover!
Who cares? Cover isn't like that and they've proved it with their actions. Vei talks to Kiara and other holo's now and even has Keffiy rigging her 2d. So what's the problem she's obviously changed her mind about it by joining Vshoujo. Even if she hasn't who really cares? You don't have to agree with someone on everything and still like them. This kind of thinking that you can only like someone or something if it 100% aligns with you politically or in thought is so fucking retarded.

>> No.3194612

>>She didn't have to bring it up she just had to bring it up
A quick mention about how she think different about the talents of Hololive doesn't have to be bringing up the past. If she really does like them now, say something rather than hiding it since she's trying to get close anyway. It might be a bold face lie but she loses nothing might even gain points.
>>omg she badmouthed cover!
Again, don't care about cover. I'm more pissed at how she speaks about the talent with an almost idiotic and holier than thou attitude. She reeks of faggots who just parrot everything someone else said to her without a single thought and dragging the hard working talents through the mud just because they're in said company is a low blow. Shit talk Cover all you want, but my oshi does not deserve the slandering by you bitch.

Besides, aren't these whores all about political correctness and social justice? Maybe practice what you preach, cunt.

>> No.3194761

Damn you are absolutely malding. Based Vei dabbing on holotards.

>> No.3194801

>oshi works for Cover
Maybe reddit is more for you friend.

>> No.3194936

You better believe I am. My hateboner is stronger than usual. I already dislike Vwhores but to find someone who I can hate specifically brings me all kinds of schizo joy. It feels good.
But if I can be proven wrong in anyway by her, I'll fuck off. Until then I'm gonna have fun cumming to this.

>> No.3194986

Why are holocucks like this?

>> No.3195084

Just because someone said something stupid once doesn't mean they aren't smart. Just because someone said something smart inches doesn't mean they aren't stupid. If you completely decide that someone is dumb or stupid or evil based on one or two things they've said or opinions they hold you're an idiot. Vice versa to believe someone is good or intelligent because they said something good or intelligent a couple of times.
Once you get out in the real world you'll understand this.
>Dragging hard working talents through the mud
No she hasn't. She said that the talents were mistreated by cover. That's not dragging them through the mud. And besides veibaw has been very supportive of hololive and EN especially and they have been towards her too. Not to mention she's right in some ways and Kiara confirmed that hololive has rules for conduct whereas vshoujo doesn't. That's more a Japanese/western divide than anything to do with cover. But she's not entirely wrong.
Stop judging people wholly based on one or two things that emotionally riled you up once and stop alloying your emotions to control you.

>> No.3195254
File: 244 KB, 904x573, 1439229416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop judging people wholly based on one or two things that emotionally riled you up once and stop alloying your emotions to control you.
Anon, where the hell do you think you are? Besides, what does she have to worry about. I'm just one schizo on a shitposting site. I can't do anything about all this no matter how hard I try. I'm in fact very much a fan of her because of all this. She should be proud that she's able to give me such a strong hateboner, something that don't happen to often.

>> No.3195470

Like I said. You're emotionally controlled. You barely have any free will except being dragged in whichever way your floundering and undeveloped emotions drag you in that moment. You have no volition or concept of free will or rational thought. Just moving from edrama to edrama getting high literally off the fumes you generate for yourself, barely conscious or lucid in the world. I can't imagine being so weak as to hand the keys to my entire life and self over to "fight or flee" endorphins, chemicals and neuron fire rather than steering myself. I pity you.

>> No.3195565 [DELETED] 

Why are even giving him attention?

>> No.3195603

Why are you even giving him attention? What are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.3196271

I think it's right to always give someone a chance to better themselves. Ignoring it doesn't solve the problem, it just gets worse out of sight.

>> No.3196372

You’re wasting your time. Move on. Stop giving them (you)s. Ignoring them is how they die out cause what they want is your attention.

>> No.3196732 [DELETED] 

>You're wasting your time
I think my time is for me to waste as I see fit though right? Also ignoring it doesn't make it go away. These people aren't after (you)'s or attention, they are chasing emotional highs that only this sort of drama and deep seething hatred can provide.
Anyway I've said what I wanted to.

>> No.3199125

Ogey/10 improve your shilling tactics
