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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31789672 No.31789672 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.31789835

Aqua the water onion.

>> No.31789872

is this real? no way

>> No.31790180
File: 122 KB, 475x346, 1661522226126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Gura and Ina are voice acting in English for this shit like with the PS02 promo I'll close the fucking tab and anti the fuck out of both.

I don't give two shits about the cunnyshark, but it's fucking known Ina can speak japanese well enough to be voice acting in that language.

>> No.31790237


>> No.31790340

Anon, she cannot act in either language

>> No.31790396

>Ina can speak japanese well enough to be voice acting in that language.
Ina can't voice act for her life in English, let alone Japanese.

>> No.31790500
File: 97 KB, 250x250, 1657767653674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The NGS promo
I know shes trying but goddamn her lines needed better delivery

>> No.31790522
File: 38 KB, 368x451, 1647697387760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about korean?

>> No.31790523


>> No.31790610

I hope Ina actually tries this time. Her emotionless first take readings almost ruined the original Umisea shorts. Gura was servicable.

>> No.31790648

Oh no anti-Umisea bros. I don't feel so good...

>> No.31790659

the most forced collab group

>> No.31790817

Marine is a fan of Gura, Gura is a fan of Marine, Aqua is a good friend of Marine and they do a lot of work together and Marine organized the whole thing over discord. How is it "forced"

>> No.31790923

>the number one Vtuber
>the number one JP Vtuber
>the legendary Nijikiller
>Gura’s translator
Name a stronger unit.

>> No.31791213
File: 256 KB, 460x442, 1659203116918329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Ina
Also gura doesn't even interact with her own gen

>> No.31791281

Marine and Ina have a lot of behind the scenes interaction both personal and work related. Marine and Aqua commissioned art from Ina a while before UMISEA happened.

>> No.31791314

I hope they speak English to make faggots like you seethe.

>> No.31791347

Gura is an autisit who needs to be tard wrangled and Marine is the best tard wrangler in the company.

>> No.31791536
File: 253 KB, 1447x2131, g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN in Hologra before ID
Fuck all of you

>> No.31791558

Idk how much Gura interact with Marine and Aqua offstream, but imo it will be looks less forced if they collabed naturally first before shoved in a sub unit everyone least expecting about

>> No.31791567

Probably due to A-Chan having to sit on on every collab to make sure it was working.

>> No.31791570

any unit that streams

>> No.31791588

Fuck you, we all know you gonna anti them regardless.

>> No.31791611

>Voice acting in any language


>> No.31791631

Anything that involves a modicum of socialization and change is "forced" to the average retard on /vt/.

>> No.31791642

She was only in the first one to help smooth it out a little. She wasn't in the Minecraft one which was the best one.

>> No.31791671

how bad is she that everyone is making fun of her?
Like she's literally playing herself - can't be that bad, right?

>> No.31791759

I see you didn't watch Umisea shorts.

>> No.31791811

Somehow, it's worse.

>> No.31791883

Iofi has been involved in one or two with Kiara.

>> No.31791945

Watch the shorts. A lot of the problems Ina has as a voice actress were exacerbated by a shitty ESL script she had to read from.

>> No.31791977


>> No.31792187

In Hologra? She was on main channel, but that's it.

>> No.31792289

Ina’s VA in the shorts were…. Something. Gura honestly didn’t do bad but I’d still prefer she read her lines in Japanese

>> No.31792441

>Ina speaks Korean in Hologra
>Ayame appears, cuts her down
>entirety of HoloJP shows up for a group shot, celebrating over Ina's corpse

>> No.31792457

Pretty much. A-chan making things more awkward instead of helping + the fact they probably released the worst collab song in the Hololive in the past 2 years hamper a lot of people feeling about Umisea despite everything else being great. I actually really enjoyed the v-comics they did.

>> No.31792473

Ina's VA quality is dependent on the writer. She was relatively OK in the Smol adventures, but that was primarily because the writer understood her better and didn't give her too many lines that would expose her weakness.

>> No.31792485

So Pekora X3 and Ina?

>> No.31792636

That would mean Ayame would have to get off the cock she's riding, which would ruin her world record run.

>> No.31792900

>10secs in and i have hit my cringe limit

>> No.31793017

It's an elaborate bait to encourage ayame to stream

>> No.31793025

Yes, too many people are focusing on the va and leaving the god awful terrible script of the hook. Yeah, Ina is not a good va, but the script they gave them did them absolutely no favor.

>> No.31793054

I literally couldn't watch any of the shorts because of her """acting.""" It's like one of those bad sitcom parodies where the actors pretend to be really bad at their job.

Gura was fine, though the Japanese translation was too literal and not colloquial enough.

>> No.31793185
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I dunno if this is because I've typed it before or not but lol

>> No.31793596

I hope Chloe joins them in the animation and the collabs. She can actually convey simple things in English

>> No.31793763

It uses the same kinda auto-complete as phones, so it's because you've typed it before yeah.

>> No.31793828

I can't believe that Chloe, Ina, Gura and Aqua are too busy to stream because Yagoo keeps pushing Umisea. What a Badgoo.

>> No.31793847

>the top liked comment is defending Ina while shitting on Gura for speaking "too fast"

Why are third worlders like this.

>> No.31793907

Unironically Kobo could be in Umisea in the future, but since she can't speak Japanese or English the Japanese don't know what to do with her since indonesian is incomprehensible to them.

>> No.31793952

The stinky Orca got invited in recently. Kbo joining wouldn't be a surprise

>> No.31793995

I decree they all learn a common language... ESPERANTO

>> No.31794061

Gura is allowed to use English, her Japanese makes me fucking cringe, I don't know why Susan always recommend her Duolingo vod to me

>> No.31794063

>Kobo can't speak English

>> No.31794165

Making cute noises isn't english.

>> No.31794224
File: 275 KB, 1298x448, 1656820505053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 months after Niji's Umisea deserted island debut
Took them long enough, and to think that Niji was the one copying them.

>> No.31794239

The third world is free from Anglo-Japanese colonization because they are based and don't give a fuck. But this is also why they are being colonized by the Chinese and Russians instead.

>> No.31794302

>gets on gura's channel
>prease subsclibe chumtomos :)
The end of gura.

>> No.31794416
File: 535 KB, 2048x1590, FQATqaIaQAA_0BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreams do come true

>> No.31794464

You should watch Kiara-Kobo & Mori-Kobo collab

>> No.31794487

why are they scared ? are Marine's armpits that powerful ?

>> No.31794529 [DELETED] 

Get rekt seanigger

>> No.31795921

Sure hope someone took screenshots of all the people saying Umisea was a failure and they were never going to meet up again.

>> No.31796382

Keep crying anti
Did this break you?

>> No.31797118

ESL-chama, use a different translation tool. I am mocking the antis.

>> No.31797267

I am ready for Ina's excellent intentional rendition of a shit boring monotone voice actor giving its worst!

>> No.31797327

>He's seething because EN is in Hologra now

>> No.31801472

based ultranationalist princess

>> No.31802720

I have no doubt in my mind we probably getting one with PekoMoona before the end of the year.
Hologra should be easy since all they need is their voice.

>> No.31803572

Proque? Habermas illas in la lingua international comprehenderea le latin scientific

>> No.31803640

>UMISEA bros
All one or two of you?

>> No.31803933

I don't like Umisea, but the way it lives rent free in some heads here makes me want to support it.

>> No.31805119


>> No.31805591
File: 134 KB, 799x1200, isekai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, I'mma head out

>> No.31807405

Maybe the day that HoloKR gets announced.


>> No.31808142

>I don't know why Susan always recommend her Duolingo vod to me
It's one of those mysteries that are just pointless to unveil I'm afraid.

>> No.31808517
File: 2.93 MB, 668x604, amewink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for this. It would be cool if they expand Umisea to include folks like Chloe and Kobo though.

>> No.31808653

Rian has nothing to do with sea

>> No.31809283


>> No.31809642

>NGS promo
Ina has the personality of a brick wall

>> No.31813938

I mean the wall is there, but it isn't precisely made out of bricks.

>> No.31814446

Chloe is pretty much guaranteed to be added. There is ad for Summer 3D live with Chloe, Aqua and Marine and it teased Gura and Ina as well.

>> No.31814644
File: 317 KB, 2057x1697, 1641131164519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura really has been winning hard
Learning JP
Appearing at Shion's live
Working on many big projects
New fully animated intro soon
New orisong soon
Appearing in hologra now

She's actually doing it. She's becoming an idol.

>> No.31818268

Minato literally means port in Japanese and her oshi mark is a fucking anchor.

>> No.31823652

where's chloe?

>> No.31824611

There's like 99,9% chance she will appear in Hologra as well.

>> No.31825666


>> No.31825887
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1643035410244.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww shit

>> No.31826329

same problem that contributes greatly to anime dubs being shit. Everybody focuses on the VA performance while completely ignoring the influence the god awful, unnatural, stilted, awkward script has.

>> No.31827729

More than half a year in and this is still a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.31832157

I like how they added wiggles to gura because she's a fish

>> No.31840652

who asked for this

>> No.31845058


>> No.31846562


>> No.31846754

>No Chloe

>> No.31848313

She isnt a fish you idiot!

>> No.31848653
File: 225 KB, 1569x1000, FaPnT5KX0AEZolE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure?

>> No.31853371

Luigis Mansion

>> No.31858064

Orcas are Mammals, not fishes

>> No.31861086

This video remind me of how to learn English cassettes from the 90s.
Yes, I'm that old.

>> No.31861398

Her not being able to speak English was the entire appeal of those Kiara collabs. She made Kiara of all people sound like a native English speaker.

>> No.31861621

If only sanners didn't set the bar that high

>> No.31862481

Man, back in the day I was so excited for Umisea because it had all my 4 favorite steamers together and truth be told I ended up really liking it (except for the song). But holy shit, what the hell happened to those girls during this time...

Marine barely streams and is relying on her horny persona way more often.

Aqua barely streams and seems to have dropped competitive games entirely.

Ina was only playing Elden Ring nonstop, doesn't even do drawing streams anymore.

Gura mostly remained the same I guess though.

>> No.31862606
File: 18 KB, 407x376, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sakamata

>> No.31862662

nooooooo i got traumatized by this

>> No.31862852

i believe this rrat

>> No.31862903

I have no idea what Ina's doing here, but it certainly isn't acting.

>> No.31862912

if it smells like fish, it's a fish

>> No.31863401

Shorts were terrible, song was awful, Mario Party was awkward, but the Minecraft stream was pretty good. Then the whole thing stopped.
Also your not fair, to the girls, especially to Marine whose year was crippled by health issues.

>> No.31863461

That's just because she doesn't bath.

>> No.31864185

Where’s her tail

>> No.31866930

Hologra are always bad because of how "lol so random" they try to be. Them being in english that you can actually understand is just gonna make it worse

>> No.31867075
File: 1.19 MB, 1259x701, goingmissing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new member: Suckamotor Chloe

>> No.31867185

Welp, it's in English. Down the drain it goes.

>> No.31867288

Ina's acting is not shit in this one. Nice.

>> No.31867539

>new member
more like replacement

>> No.31868102


>> No.31868302
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>> No.31870667
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, watch_v=Wrpz5U6eO78_snapshot_00.37_[2022.08.28_06.10.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it.

>> No.31871684

WTF /vt/ loves corpo forced collab now?

>> No.31872249

Wasn't forced. Marine and Ina both liked the idea. It was very much meddled with by Cover. They should have let them interact on their own before they put their grubby Jap fingers in to push products.

>> No.31874926

Don't lie to us, jp hates jp-en interactions

>> No.31875238
File: 36 KB, 465x659, 7D1B1F9D-DD31-4A73-A5B7-B4B6A827DC40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof or you’re just a nothingburger liar

>> No.31875665

Cunny enjoying jp bros I suppose

>> No.31875747

Why is Nanahira singing the ending at 1:20?

>> No.31880111


>> No.31882449

I don't like the addition of Chloe. Umisea was fine with just the four of them...
