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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31722911 No.31722911 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>31682109

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Determined Exterminators Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents
- Chuubanite doc

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.31722935
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP

>> No.31722991
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/t7gqwu (most recent)
>Vote post archive

- - -
> For the Anon who owns the bylaws rentry you no longer need to add the new bylaw entries since I did it.

>> No.31723049
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

Also be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
For the voting results of our /vtl/ team: >>30042825 ; >>30323043 ; >>31255836
Submissions for your vocaroo in the WAR chant and billboards (must be 512x96 or 1024x196) are still ongoing
Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrk

Last but not least, an anon stepped up and wanted to do a quick tourist's guide for the various nations of Vitubia! >>29911443
If you are up for it please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.
More details in the rentry below.

>> No.31723148
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Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V83JR2IoI8k [Embed]

>> No.31723263

But consider... Magic artillery.

>> No.31723557

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that. Gonna make a torsion siege engine to launch payloads that a traditional canon would've shattered with their blast

>> No.31723569
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Well, that is the date when the thread coalesced into its current identity. But many of the anons that make it up were present on the board, so personally I see that as whoever lived on the land before the nation was "founded". Imo, it's fine to write the history of these ancestors as well. Also, VTE stands for /vt/ Era! As opposed to the /jp/ Era.

>> No.31723761
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Right, what would the conversion be again? I'm just gonna pic rel if it conflicts too much with what I have in mind

>> No.31723829
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Wow, I missed a lot while I was asleep… Not that missing the “oldfag vs newfag” timeloop is a bad thing.
Hot. I’m blaming you for the bit of weight I put on over the summer.

>> No.31723887

The conversion isn't something all the threads have to follow, it was something that we used to lay out the current day and the date of the splitting of the board (This is something that seems to have been lost in transit, since you're not the first one to ask about that. Perhaps we should include a blurb about time in our introductory document). You can pick whatever date between 0 VTE and 1130 VTE, more later than earlier probably.

>> No.31723897

yeah you missed nothing, i am glad i took my nap when i did myself ince it was perfectly timed around the BS

>> No.31723908

Around 2.51 years per 24 irl hours. But you don't have to follow that closely. /mhm/ is around 200 years old in universe but they are only established in late march as a thread. And the calculation of 1120 VTE is done on 23rd of April. /mhm/ would be less than a century old if one follows that conversion strictly. Not to mention any threads that were made after 1120 VTE.

>> No.31723965

i made /vrt/ as old as i needed it to be and thats that. the time conversation is jsut a rough helping guide and not the "has to be" kind of thing.

>> No.31724014
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Magic railgun...

>> No.31724226

AS their current form, 200 but they have lore written for 500 years in the past.

>> No.31724336
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I don't think anyone in our thread poses a threat to no one, except in fighting over some topics. As for the VSPO thread... I love them but god, they do not like us, or at least a vocal portion doesn't. NASFAQ is a result of me and a few other Kenzokus constantly shitposting about Towa trying to get people to buy/sell so forth. She's one of the most in circulation chuubas in the game, higher than Marine even, so mission success.
Back to databasing all my Towa pictures, this is a lot more annoying than I thought it would be.

>> No.31724387

What matters is the thread itself. The prehistory of the region that would become the nation that represents a thread has a lot of wiggle room. Though its relations with neighbors before the establishment might need to be considered as well.

>> No.31724574

I am not starting anything back up, but I am somewhat concerned that this old vs new shit is pushing quality writers away. Mepper said that was the reason he is taking a break and I have noticed that a lot of new writers once they get hit by it lose motivation. This isn't a good thing imo and we have to figure out how to fix this issue.

>> No.31724656

Shit-stirrers stirring shit, what is there to do? Only option is to Just write, nigger harder to drown them out.

>> No.31724864

Paragraphs really just needs to drop it. Nobody, oldfag or newfag, seems to think it’s as big of an issue as he does.

>> No.31724884

Think what is an issue?

>> No.31725059

That newfags aren’t respecting oldfags “enough.” I think what he’s trying to say is that newfags are trying to overwrite old lore or write stuff that conflicts with already established lore, suggesting that the newfag either (a) doesn’t know the old lore because they never read it or (b) doesn’t care. The only time I’ve ever seen this happen was with Rosebud and Newbud but they talked about it and smoothed things over, and I don’t think I’ve seen Newbud since, so congrats… the schizos drove her off too.

>> No.31725122
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>> No.31725173

She just posted in last thread explaining the situation and also saying that she doesn't want to post much because of people like Paragraphs who have a vendetta against her.

Paragraphs also has the concept that oldfags are entitled to have rights regarding chuubanite creativity too, and implied that newfags in some way are parasitical in their lore. IDK what his problem is honestly.

>> No.31725228

Well, he isn't wrong that established lore shouldn't be overwritten by new lore without discussing it with the other authors. This discussion came up because a Commodus chapter made it sound like risuners hated kronies, and the situation was resolved by clarifying that Commodus represented a specific set of risuners, not all of them.
So, in other words, you're the one bringing up resolved timeloops for no reason.

>> No.31725408

I don't actually understand how the whole Commodus thing could be interpreted as speaking for all Risuners when:
>Story is set in 1120 to 1123
>He is a tribal chief on the border with mep
>He thinks of things differently than most Risuners in general.
It blows my mind that, perhaps in part because of OG writing risuners to be like himself, that we think Risuners or a group cannot think a certain way.

NTA, but this timeloop isn't resolved with Paragraphs at all.

>> No.31725431

"old fags" need to stop jumping at every statement made as if its a matter of fact set into stone and the basis of all future interactions of "newfags", let them build themselves. i understand where this comes from but if even just voicing ideas gets immeaditly reacted with timeloops ect and comparing it to some of the worst that has happened in the past it is just bad. Also "old fags" that see this done by others should not just stay silent like it is not their problem and actually voice themselves and call out other "old fags" if they see them reacting way too hard

"new fags" on the other hand should stop creating their nation in tandem of diplomacy of any kind, both good AND bad. i know Panon made war and conflict trendy and stuff but i honestly think it is a terrible idea to start a nation and before you even got your basic lore done for your thread already start declaring this and that nation as enemies and this and that nation as their strong allies. certain people also need to stop, and already seem to have done so, to jump new nations with "cool that you are here i always wanted to have our nations be best buddies/big enemies" before they got a feel for how things go.

when i look at the stuff /hisys/ about declaring themselves enemies of the whoel world before even having figured out what their nation is supposed to be, i can already see the timeloops in the making.

>> No.31725472

>Paragraphs who have a vendetta against her.
He sort of does, he went off on Alice for doing what Roseanon told her to do, which was get on him about be more social and friendly with nijiwriters. Eitherway, let this die until he arises to defend himself.

>> No.31725572
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Agreed Retrosenpai. I don't like opening diplomacy until things are in place for people!!!! At least, i don't anymore because this doesn't help. I cannot speak on the former because I am not an oldfag but I would stand up for people if, well you know why...

>> No.31725831

I did make it trendy I have fought myself kek., but I have also hardly ever made any diplomatic dealings with anyone. I think just you, mep and Alice to this point. That treaty with Alice needs updated as well because I don't think either one of us properly understood scale or how shit works then.

Regarding irys, idk because Watamelon did the same and no timeloops came because of him. I'll wait and see on that.

>> No.31725863

Anon, I’m pretty sure everybody agrees with the sentiment that new lore shouldn’t overwrite or conflict with old lore. Nobody is disagreeing with Paragraphs on the concept that old lore still matters and that new lore shouldn’t conflict with it— correct me if I’m wrong but I… don’t think anyone here has once said that new lore takes precedent over what’s established. That’s pretty obvious, and I doubt any instance of such here was intentional or malicious… call me optimistic but I genuinely just think Newbud was excited to share her ideas and had a little oversight, resulting in an accidental conflict with old lore. I know this is 4chan but I really don’t think every time something bad happens, it’s because someone was being a dick on purpose and wanted to stir shit. Sometimes you just lose track of a detail from old lore or forget to edit something. And scaring people who make mistakes off a la Newbud is shitty. She’s a good writer and now she feels hesitant to keep sharing because of a mishap. Don’t tell me *I’m* the one bringing up “resolved timeloops” when you guys are the ones who can’t calm the weird oldfag egoboner some of you seem to have. This is a collaborative project and having that sense of superiority or “us versus them” will get you nowhere.

>> No.31726027

I asked him to name one instance other than that, and he brought up Cunt and Nasa. I honestly have no clue where this idea that no one is respecting old lore came from when I sincerly even doubt the rosebud affair was anything more than you said. The fact that anons like Mepper are being pushed away, like newbud kind of ticks me off.

>> No.31726114

PPsenpai, how did you like my «Places of Note"» thing I am doing? How detailed should I make them?

>> No.31726177

First, kek at using both quatation marks. I like it, can't remember if I told you but this reminds me of my idea I had a long time ago about "Cities of Note" in the Pomerlane saga. Detail them as much as you want, you can always add on as you go.

>> No.31726208

You're making a lot of assumptions about me. I don't disagree with anything you say here, but if one such mishap happens, well, it should be discussed and resolved. And everyone should be civil and reasonable with each other during this discussion, which would resolve a lot of issues right there.

>> No.31726281

my keyboard has both and you know i am not feeling well lol. THANK YOU. I liked the idea too. I thought it added flavour to it all.

>> No.31726499
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>well, it should be discussed and resolved. And everyone should be civil and reasonable with each other during this discussion
…Which is what Rosebud and Newbud did in the days following the initial issue. They talked just fine amongst themselves and now people are still beating a dead horse because idk oldfags want to feel good or something. There’s nothing more to say. Read established lore, use it as a springboard for ideas and a guideline for what you want to do, but don’t treat established lore as some kind of exalted commandments that cannot be encroached upon whatsoever. Write new lore, share new ideas, but don’t kick down someone else or bulldoze other people and their work. Not a difficult concept to understand desu.

>> No.31726514

honestly you and alice are the worst examples of jsut how much the "lets sit back and see" approach we have most of the time is terrible and jsut how hard "old fags", myself included, actually failed at properly talking with you about stuff of this thread and the general feel of how things work and why it took waaay too long for the two of you properly integrating to the point that some even now still don't see the changes from back then and how well you actually now work with the thread.

as with what i have said in the past, you two are not without fault for it coming to this, but "old fags" also have to come to udnerstand that the fact this rift of generation is also to a big degree their own fault for never taking the chance to properly talk things out more and instead of saying "no this is bad and not how we do this." should have had more "i am sorry but this is in conflict with how we do it and these are the reasons why, let us work together on solving the issues and see how we get the spirit of your plan to work with the feel of the thread."

i honestly still feel so stupid about the misunderstanding of the city in /risu/ back then and see it as a tremendous failure on our side

and still trying to work on it, i was really happy that we managed to get the canal from a "no canals are evil" to a reasonable and well thought out thing that took reasonable issues into account and worked it out.

>> No.31726691
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Fun speculative biology fact, there are tentacles where instead of suckers there are barbs.

>> No.31726844
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I think another part of this issue is the tendency to jump to the worst conclusions about things, and it gets worse when stuff that was settled gets brought up; usually not maliciously but rather by someone who wasn't there again.
We all fucked up on our ends, I will take responsibility for what I did since everyone else will for what they did. I agree about the spirit of the plan idea. I think it's far easier to adapt lore, both old and new to fit in nicely than it is to hardline things. Like I said this last night but it is really refreshing to see Alice be willing to tear down her lore to the foundation to build it back better. Not everyone needs to do this nor is obligated, but I have always tried to make sure that I can fit my lore in with dragoons and Comfys. I'm actually honored when newfags include something from my lore into theirs without my permission, not that I want them to not ask me, but when I saw how Mepper wanted to have Pomeranian instructors and have a Royal Marriage, it really made me feel respected that he wanted to work with me like that. I think we all can reach out and figure out how to work things, even if sometimes they come out the wrong way.

Extremely proud of the canal that me and you largely did (kek I suggested it.) Check it out on the new Nijimap I am making it looks so nice.

>> No.31726876 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31726905

So, when did 2434 get the islands? I thought that issue was up for vote later on?

>> No.31726921

thank you retro senpai!!!!! It makes me feel great to hear this from you!!!!!

>> No.31726966

I can easily remove them, I put them there because map anon put them on his map. (I fucked up the location.) This was me trying to follow the 3.0 map honestly.

>> No.31727131
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>> No.31727168
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>start writing out historical conflict inside nation
>realize I haven't given much depth to the areas I'm trying to discuss
>shelf it and start a region document instead
Another day, Waranon...

>> No.31727236

I didn't even know what the hell the project was when I published chapter one of my saga. DO NOT DO THIS BTW. I recommend you keep this path because it is biting me in the ass that I didn't do any planning and just jumped in.

>> No.31727285
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Literally me

>> No.31727299

All the lore I've written has been recursively cascading instances of "wait, I need this, and this needs that" to write stories kek.

>> No.31727397

how the hell did you make such a good map on paint of all things. How can you even fit that many names on the map and still have it look nice. Why does this feel like one of the only properly scaled maps in this world?
Shit panon, you a genius but you also scare me with your power.

>> No.31727414

Ah. More timeloops. MEPPER IF YOU SEE THIS YOUR A PRETTY COOL GUY! I hope ri2ner and WARsuner think I'm reasonable with handling /risu/ as well as people in general. I know sometimes I can be fucking dumb but I try

>> No.31727484

You are. That's why I am fine with working with you. Just sick of how our nation is timeloop central man. Feel like Risu is sacred territory for non-Risuners at this point and I don't like that. It's our sacred land, not yours kek.
t. warsuner.

>> No.31727575

>Feel like Risu is sacred territory for non-Risuners at this point
I can feel this. For whatever reason, /risu/ is treated as holy ground for this thread (Kind of funny considering there really isn't much beyond wood, sex and nuts). Any attempts to write in Risu are bound to Timeloop unless you are me and just write a Duke Nukem tale.

>> No.31727661

Oh, Warsuner and Mepper, I love your shit so much man. I don't know if I have said that but its pure kino.

>> No.31727761

yeah, while i personally think that considering the worst possible "outcome" of any given thing, both for the proposed idea as well as what it would mean going forward for the rest of the thread, is something worth exploring to try and work out the issues then and there and make it so it cannot happen.
that should not come in tandem with assuming the worst possible "intent" behind an idea, propsal ect.
often times, just voicing an idea that goes to you because it sounds interesting ect, just to see what other think and as to not forget it later on, can simply come with having something not having been thought through more and the person simply not having seen the issue.

>> No.31727791

Have the feeling its because this thread
a. Thinks OGsuner cannot make his own judgements so they have to rush to defend lore in Risu
b. It's infinity/meat lore, which some anons consider to be the most sacred
c. Nostalgia fear. Which is the fear of losing something because of a perception of Nostalgia from the past.
I hope its the latter because the first one is insulting honestly. However, I honestly do feel like everyone protects OGsuner's lore more than he does himself.

>> No.31727891

>Voicing an idea that you haven't thought through.
Unironically, a lot of my own timeloops come from this. I am to blame here because I don't react well sometimes but heck, I just say shit to get the mind working with others and it gets taken a whole different direction.

>> No.31727932

honestly one of the things i want to do if i get to share an island with /nasfaqg/ is to write myself out of /risu/ completly and just have it be a place like any other that we trade at.
the fact the Retro Reich is there too is mostly getting forgotten anyway and whenever i bring the fact up it feels like i am just throwing a wrench into an already way too unstable maschine

>> No.31727995
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I hope this doesn't fall into the "expecting newfags to do xyz" but it would be so nice to have an ahoyrep. fill out the area around us. Bakatare would be really nice too!!!!

>> No.31728068

I will add that I have nothing against the island things, they are insignificant and completely reasonable most of the time. And I 100% agree about your concept there, probably a good idea considering Risu as a nation is timeloop central.
Would be great, I agree.

>> No.31728100

also since i just remembered sicne you mentioned something about pomeranian instructors but i had an idea for a blood ball kind of sport for the Retro Reich where it is like american football but teams are allowed to bring around 100t of equipment of all kinds to the field like shield and weapons, cannons or even horses for cavalery, and have a mention of one of the teams recently gotten better in strategies due to employing a new pomeranian coach^^

>> No.31728109

Well /vtl/ is pretty soon. Hope it would attract more new anons.

>> No.31728135
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speaking of Bakatare, what's the situation with Organic and myself on v7 and bakatare? Are we banned from writing lore for them?

>> No.31728194

Crop research today.

>> No.31728197

Absolutely! I think that would be cool. Make him a typical hardass you see them depicted as.
My opinion is go ahead, if you want. More lore is always good so long as you are willing to accept the nature of losing it should a rep come in and think twice.

>> No.31728211

let me ask you a question of my own, what is your purpose and goal for establishing lore for them?

>> No.31728252

me and emma were actually hoping you would be able to because it would allow some interesting lore.

>> No.31728311

I cannot speak for organic and v7, but for me, it is partially to explain why we are radicals the way we are. Sort of see it like a schism from Watamates in a way.

>> No.31728453

I always saw it as an attempt by other nations to harvest Risuner resources since they didn't have much of a military

>> No.31728553

>schism from Watamates in a way
Ah so watamates are around in-universe, I thought watamelons replaced them for some reason

>> No.31728622

I think Mep might be the exception despite being the one causing timeloops as i clearly remember Mepper saying that his nation wouldn't like the concept of Infinity using Risu as a springboard and that all they wanted was some wood. Considering Mep is going to invest more into Risu than Infinity just by looking at his plans, I definately think that is true

Here is the funny part, Risu has next to nothing useful beyond wood in resources.
>Poor iron quality
>few natural minerals
>etc. etc.
Boggles me honestly.

>> No.31728732

Yeah, Watamelon as a thread isn't a watame discussion thread like Bakatare is. It's a meme thread honestly, and I think that would be an interesting development. But Cunt, Roseanon and others said that you shouldn't write lore for other nations because it would discourage newfags; understandable even though I personally disagree given Mepper kind of inspired me with his thing.

>> No.31728741
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I went to sleep while there was a timeloop!!! I'm backreading everything but I hope it's all fixed now, right???

>> No.31728854

well i already got a baseline for the story it would feature the Tchaikovsky Terrors (a team with 21 cannons as their specialty) VS the Elegant Princesses (a team of brutish guys in cute dresses with brawns for brains mostly) and the team that the pomeranian would coach would be mentioned as one of the teams that palys "next time"

that is where i see a bit of an issue, if you write an unrelated thread interacting with your thread in a certain then that is kind of mixing lore that would be hard to ignore if a rep for that thread then comes in and he is forced into the situation of having to accept it in order to not start trouble as a newfag or to retcon it and with it a lot of lore based around that interaction.
it also sets the precedent of it being okay to write for your neighbor nations in a way to benefit your own vision of your own thread.

>> No.31728889
File: 357 KB, 695x1199, cuterion!6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its not alright!!!! ppsenpai made me such a great map that I have no way to repay him in any form of kindness... its so amazing.

>> No.31728965

Yeah... That is true even though I support the idea, because honestly, just sounds like a fun concept. Think that it should be understood if you do this, under no circumstances does this thread need to tell the newfag to not mess with it, and in fact flat out tell them that they do not have to opt into this at all.

>> No.31728996

Fair enough, I actually wanted to write a short story about Yonkisei fans meeting up at a pub for some drinks but with no bakatare and kanata thread rep around guess I'll put that on hold

>> No.31729019

the Retro Reich never cared for resources of /risu/, it simply was the most logical way to trade with /meat/ and having a closer relation to them meant a thread i could interact more deeply with.
it also turned into a bit of a trade hub which of course is of high interest for a nation with bigger focus on that

>> No.31729036

Alice, you don't have to repay me. Maybe I gave you special treatment but It does not require any form of payment. It's something I am doing for all Nijiwriters with my map.

>> No.31729055

Risu approached /morig/ first.

>> No.31729155

I think /risu/ approached most people first. Can't really call it a rape of /risu/ when the nation willingly spreads its legs.

>> No.31729157

That's also an exception, as Morig is in a similar situation to Mep there. I am sure Infinity and Meat can justify this as well. Part of this is Risu was the only nation active in the area.

>> No.31729161

People tend to not want to scrap things other people have put effort into, so probably the newfag would just accept the existing lore so as to not cause trouble to others. I think lore written about unrepped neighbours should be minimal and do its best to not assume much about said neighbour.

>> No.31729258
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Panon LOVE!! He's always doing some great stuff for the general!!!!

>> No.31729294

i miss my newfriends...but i am glad emma is here for me.

>> No.31729314

What it has is a perceived conquerable land and people, together with the potential to exploit the effect of Risu chuubanite. In a world where most nations are we established a still tribal and primitive land where other nations take a great interest is easy to make colonial scramble analogies I guess.

>> No.31729357

Speaking of V7, I wouldn't mind being the rep and working with Organic (?) . He has interesting ideas on it that I like a lot.

>> No.31729366

panon indifference

>> No.31729417
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>> No.31729447

i mean that should be the basic thinking for anythign that had included nonrepped nations in any way, even a story like mine with an Onobot visiting /hfz/ would be subject to that if a /hfz/ rep felt it did not properly line up with his vision of the nation.

the issue i see that even as much as we might be supportive of a new rep having his full freedom, he will most likely still feel reluctant to ignore established lore due to consideration as a "newfag", and this will be even stronger if retconning the lroe also means retconning several other lores and stories on top of that.

for an example take a look at how the /wah/-/mans/ situation played out, both considered themselves pretty new and did try to be considerate as much as possible towards the other that the issue kind of floated around for a while and i feel that if they had continued being just considerate and not speak their mind that both would feel bad about the result since they feel their consideration might have robbed them of something. that is however a big "what if" scenario so take this with a grain of salt and luckily both spoke their midn and seem to have come to a happy understanding.

>> No.31729475

Panon lust.

>> No.31729497
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PANON LOVE. Only reason I still have motivation to continue is knowing he can be extremely helpful to me and has given me leeway on some things in the future!

>> No.31729524
File: 253 KB, 406x372, 41363B12-D94F-4683-90C6-AC800A6682F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m newfriend!

>> No.31729542
File: 191 KB, 1150x850, 4c70d4e187eea88e313f00e054f04aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh we have a /v7/ rep now? Welcome!

Clocks need to be wiped off from the face of this planet

>> No.31729551
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Welcome, I am organic.

>> No.31729627
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>> No.31729707
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PPsenpai SEX

>> No.31729765

i am handing over the loredoc to you now. change the code to what you want, idk if you want me involved or not but i would be happy to as Zeta is sex.

>> No.31729774

nah sis, you are oldfriend at this point

>> No.31729884
File: 595 KB, 805x1200, 1661355039509971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeta is sex, and I want you to stay along. Somewhat inspired by the lolis next door. i dont want to combine nations but i want someone to work with that understands v7 like i do.

>> No.31729970
File: 55 KB, 474x655, cuterion!10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THANK YOU AND WELCOME NEWFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.31730016
File: 54 KB, 411x411, FbDvAAjXwAATpLr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here motivates me to keep going tbdesu!!!! Even though I don't have as much motivation as I had with my own lore I still want to help people with theirs!!! Also how are you rosebro!!!??? I haven't seen you today i think!!!!!

Hi kindred!!!!!!

>> No.31730036

sounds good to me, i am busy with irl stuff most of the time now but you have the keys to the car.

>> No.31730060

also before i forget to get this point across for the /watamelon/ rep

i however have no issue if you want to set up some basic lore for /bakatare/ to make them alive as a nation so that stories can explore the place or to have your own nation have some basic interactions with it from your own side of it. but as said before if that will ever get retconned by a rep that so be it.

to explain the difference maybe better:

i think it is fine to set up some basic lore for /bakatare/ that can stand on its own even if we were to delete all the nations around it from existence

i think it is not fine to have things ingrained into a nonrep nations lore that assumes certain relations of that nation with either your own nation or other nations.

>> No.31730087

No, I am Rosemaiden. Shit is confusing everyone. First Alice gets mistaken for me, and Rosesenpai does a lot.

>> No.31730207
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That was my plan, I just didn't know how to say this properly that my purpose was to just get it alive so that it can be used like this.

>> No.31730224
File: 213 KB, 816x627, 1660919945844499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry!!!! You and rosebro write really similarly it's hard for me to notice!!! I'll pay more attention!!!

Welcome newfriend!!!!! Enjoy your stay!!

>> No.31730329

PPSENPAI LOVE! He is a national treasure for everything he has done and put up with from us. Alice, I am just checking in fyi.
Aww, that's delightful that we made you feel this way. If you need help, come on over and ask ok?

>> No.31730411
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Haha thanks, but I don’t think so. I’ve only been here since early June iirc.

Welcome, new person! Have a good time!

Hello friend!! Hope you’re doing well!

>> No.31730462
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Thank you thank you. I have been here for a while posting, just never knew who to write for kek.

>> No.31730549
File: 246 KB, 1500x1272, 1661534918820739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realized it'd be more easy to understand if I mapped out the exact regions to show what I'm talking about

>> No.31730588

if you start writing for /v7/ then make sure to inform them about it.

>> No.31730606

also hi /v7/ potential new-ish friend

>> No.31730721

why were you unsure for whom to write?

>> No.31731219

Idk i am indecisive. Thought about lazulight yeah mhm mep ehe risu moona and v7

>> No.31731380

ahh ok, frequenting several threads, i see. thought maybe its something about /vtwbg/ that might be something worth looking into to work out but i guess not.

well better make sure to change the code for the rentry so no one else does it

>> No.31731486
File: 92 KB, 400x320, CEA5DBF2-5A83-474C-B54E-186492F6939C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we? I’ve always thought we’ve had fairly different styles of writing. Not to mention, I’m more the type to give Panon a friendly ribbing before complimenting him.

>> No.31731515

What did you think honestly? Might be worth it regardless.

>> No.31731844

i was just curious if there is something that might make people seem hesitant to rep for a certain nation like "not feeling strongly enough to a thread in contrast to established reps"

>> No.31732166

No, while i am indecisive and not picky, if it was shit, i wouldn’t hesitate to change it.

>> No.31732255

Maybe we do. I don’t particularly pay attention. btw, do you know why is our drama being graverobbed at this point?

>> No.31732321
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You both write a bit formally!!! Rosebro is way more formal tho!!!!

>> No.31732469

im not graverobbing or digging up the dead. you were a clear example of newfags attempting to spite oldfags and it set a precedent. i dont have much to say other that my point about lore and oldfags being respected remains valid in-spite of attempts to say otherwise.

>> No.31732588

nigga what are you on about

>> No.31732796

Please, never reply to me again. I have no desire to hear anything from you whatsoever because you are unbelievably rude to me, and want to dig up something that i resolved with the person I got into it with. I do not care about your feelings on this, and I am only saying this because you went out of your way to make your hatred of me apparent when you attack my colleague, alice, thinking it was me. Please, go worry about someone else. You make my existence here a problem for everyone else and i do not like that.

>> No.31732886

paragraphs, i understand what you want to say at its core but you really are not conveying this well at all

>> No.31732998

newbud is a classic example of someone who doesnt care about established lore and what came before her. she treated roseanon so poorly that he quit for a couple days. case in point of why oldfags deserve more rights over lore and respect.
its sad you think this way because you are a good writer. i thought you showed a lot of potential when you first wrote but its your attitude that gets you. i apologized to alice over what i did, but i wont to you because you wont apologize to roseanon. its sad, i hope you get some help but i have no respect for you and i would believe most of the thread agrees with me.

>> No.31733049

>i would believe most of the thread agrees with me
speak for yourself nigger, don't bring others into it

>> No.31733172

This actually makes me sad. Not only because of the fact that we would buy boats from you if needed but also because I understand I just threw myself at every active thread and some people have been forgotten. I wanted to get people involved with my expeditions as well as in story have risuners explore shit and bring back cool things. Apologies to anyone that feels ignored I just did a little too much I guess

>> No.31733258
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Not quite sure, to be honest. I skim over posts that seem dramatic.
Dragoon, my dear friend, I am your Rosebro. Speaking of, I never quite realized how affectionate a name that was. It’s cute, thank you.

>> No.31733311
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I call him rose sexpai for obvious reasons

>> No.31733325
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>Burger hours
>Dramas and timeloops
Every single time!

>> No.31733338

i think i am being rather clear, but i guess i havent. no need to explain it if you think its just badly worded, as that is expected from me kek.
most does not mean everyone, rather it means that a sizable majority of the thread would agree with my opinions. you obviously arent part of that and thats ok. my point still stands, nonetheless.

>> No.31733368
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Morning niggers, yall behaving?
>I skim over posts that seem dramatic.
Hey, how did you access my secret techniques?
Hey Founder

>> No.31733392

Fuck drama I just get sad every time I see it. Like why can't we all just write about trades, violence, magical bullshit, and squirrel sex?

>> No.31733415
File: 57 KB, 478x600, 04CC2B40-01A1-4BF9-B707-1985E856D3F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG… i think its that Risu as a place is constantly a source of drama. I know first hand…

>> No.31733445

I don't want to get involved but pretty much no one except one or two agree with what you said paragraphs...

>> No.31733507

Alright, listen up tosspot. No more of this. Drop it now, for the sake of yourself and this thread.

>> No.31733577
File: 599 KB, 1300x1440, 1C1BBE67-CA2E-4670-8D33-869DF4D6F385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is the power of pink.

>> No.31733610

who the fuck are you? this isnt about drama, its me stating my concerns about newfag rights and why i think it is a problem. if you take issue with this, we can be civil about it.

>> No.31733680

Can you tell paragraphs to drop the shit about you and newbud. Please.

>> No.31733695

ABANDON DRAMA HAVE SEX WITH SQUIRRELS! I guess my only take is to the anons who bring up bullshit about my nation would be for them to remember that I AM THE RISUNER REP. So whatever I say goes and if you don't like it then we can talk about and I'll try to see reason. But in the end I do have the final say in all things. Isn't that the point of a rep? I make lore and people write around it? And if I think something is complete fucking bullshit then I say "no bitch that's not how it works"?

TLDR if I say it's ok then it's ok you fucks

>> No.31733732

For the person who bitches about respect and courtesy the most, you are by far the person who deserves it the least. Other oldfags like PP and Rosebud actually help out and talk to the newfags and all you do is bitch, complain, whine, and sulk when you don’t get your way or when people disagree with you. You’re a fucking eyesore. Notice how like 80% of all timeloops or dramas always seem to come back to you. You are the constant in these situations, not these newfag boogeymen you keep making up in your head. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.31733758

well even if the old trade alliance gets retconned into nonexistence and the Retro Reich has never been to /risu/ at all, we still got ships sailing around so eventually one would have anchored in /risu/ and either through that or through /meat/ you would have heard of us and send the expedition so you can still have your Retro Stuff from us if that is your worry.
between divegrass stuff, health, my current story i am stumped with and my own need for freetime i just simply have not gotten around to the sidestory talkign about what kinda stuff all you got but that is still on the table, if for nothing else than allowing me to write a nice and cute shopping date between Ardy and Neriah.

>> No.31733790
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C'mon paragraphs please stop digging up a dead topic... You're the only one doing that...

>> No.31733817
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, MAIMAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were me my solution to the newfags is simple, give them the pioneer honeymoon phase. When they first join their first lore entries must NOT be diplomacy with immediate neighbours.
You people dont even have a roof to live under yet. No need to get involved with other matters.
They should be given wiggle room similar to us when we first started this bandwagon 7 months ago. Nobody had diplomacy and alliance on their minds. Only setting, culture, religion and history
TLDR; Give the newfags the LURK MOAR phase

>> No.31733832

By the way speaking of retrobro. Since I do watch his oshi on a semi regular basis I feel like asking this. What was the mission of the onobot? Was he just chilling in risuner territory or was he there for a specific reason?

>> No.31733936

I have yet to make a deal with anyone other than retro, alice and mepper. Been here for months. Albeit the question is if you first lore doc is literally the big one, does this rule apply. Either way, build your nation first.

>> No.31734022

When I first joined I was an inf protectorate and just accepted it (cuz I didn't fucking know what a protectorate was) then lots of anons told me HEY BRO JUST BE INDEPENDANT! And the canal was solved by me just saying, NO CANAL BUT YOU CAN BUILD A ROAD IF YOU WANT. There needs to be the power of compromise. Compromise is good.

>> No.31734037

Can we just agree that when anons are critical of xyz someone did in risu, their opinions dont mean shit till you weigh in.

>> No.31734049
File: 688 KB, 1170x1147, 136B325D-8C5B-4E79-A8EE-621F78459494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh I bypassed this effortlessly because I have no diplomatic relations nor any need for any. Who’d want to ally themselves with a weird Kindred fetish cult? I hope to start writing for the Holy Kingdom itself eventually so I can contribute more so maybe I’d look into diplomacy then.

>> No.31734074

Yes. I'm the fucking rep and what I say goes. Deal with it kek.

>> No.31734078
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I would tend to agree with this. I spent like... A month? Two? Writing lore before we did our first bit of diplomacy with Risu. Writing your nation's lore is a lot of fun.

>> No.31734144
File: 405 KB, 4000x4000, The Regions of Elysium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I can start writing the regions and give them names...

>> No.31734146

>Who would want to ally with people who have fetishes and love to fuck constantly

>> No.31734166

what Onobot are you talkign about? there never has been an Onobot in /risu/ so far.

The nation is more than just Onobots... long ago me, you and a /meat/head (and technicly a kronii but that is alreay retconned) agreed to a trade alliance that goes through /risu/ at its center. it is basicly just to have the three of us trade well with each other and have our nations on good terms.

but the fact you as the rep for /risu/ itself have completly forgotten about this and thus no one else cares for it either is why i think its better to just write the Retro Reich out of /risu/ since doing this constant reminder just to have it forgotten by the end of the week is tiring and it also makes me feel super bad when stuff is brought up and i have to be liek "hey remember that we also exist there and have an opinion on the matter too" while everyone then just ignores it anyway

>> No.31734185

panon isnt an oldfag, roseanon is though so you are correct. i am very helpful with chuubanite concepts and helping newfags out with them. otherwise, kek, not worth arguing about semantics with a schizo like you

>> No.31734262
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Onobots would simply to further learn the secrets of pregnancy

once they learn how babies are made NO ONE CAN STOP US!

>> No.31734348
File: 755 KB, 1727x2500, 1A7C7FDB-DF2C-4C3F-B70D-F728F6FCE7E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who’d want to ally themselves with a weird Kindred fetish cult?
The Kinbud alliance must thrive.

>> No.31734457

I also want to mention that the irystocrat specifically said the prompts are not helpful in starting up, so perhaps we should think of something else instea. I think several recent newfriends have said this as well

>> No.31734470
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Panon!!! If you're still here can you help me with map stuff???!!

>Who’d want to ally themselves with a weird Kindred fetish cult?
Actually playing 5D chess...

>> No.31734476
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feelsbadman. But if thats what you want then its your decision. I'm just sorry that I forgot because i tried to do so many different things at once and you were always on the sideline. Hell even rose sexpai has been on the sideline for a while now because i was SO FUCKING EXCITED about the tri fleet and especially the saplings.


>> No.31734537

What do you need? Will be a while before I get to Haha probably

>> No.31734543

>i am very helpful with chuubanite concepts and helping newfags out with them
>helping newfags

>> No.31734617

OG, i think you need to get others like Warsuner and Ri2ner to handle more things for you like even the simple logs sometimes. Would add dynamism to your characters and not overburden you.

>> No.31734640
File: 82 KB, 1002x1003, 350D3A9E-01CC-483F-9D2D-F8C03D1F07FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The four people I expected to reply all replied. GGEZ. You guys are absolutely welcome anytime; what we can’t offer in military might, we can offer in knowledge beyond your wildest dreams. And crops once I get those nailed down!

>> No.31734643

No problem!!! I just want to brainstorm some ideas and I want to know if they're gonna affect Pomerania in any away!!!

>> No.31734723
File: 430 KB, 1543x1401, 2878C8AD-178D-4E31-BF0A-9A494533F981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paragraphs helping newfags
>I’m the schizo here

>> No.31734759
File: 139 KB, 512x512, 3EE4F293-56EE-44BB-AEAA-BB659F0F6B5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPsenpai, do you have any ideas that you would like me to work on for Eliria?

>> No.31734780

paragraphs, you really are making a monkey out of yourself right now.

i firmly disagree with you and the rosepeople seem to have gotten over their differences a while ago. if anyone should bring this is up then it should be one of them fi they feel something is left unfinished.

also how can you seriously consider Panon a newfag after all he contributed over the, relatively long time he has been here? even more so knowing full well we discussed that making these distinctions are the very root of many of these issues we had that also includes the perceived disrespect...

if this is honestly how you tackle this issue than i feel you have regressed a lot from the improvements you made for yourself

>> No.31734799
File: 52 KB, 457x497, BruhNora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I dont agree with PG going on the offensive when the horse is 10 feet under, he is right about Rosemaiden doing the mistake of jumping onto someone else's work before working on hers.
Just let bygones be bygones
Rosemaiden, start writing for lore about NijiEN itself and you'll see the haters shut up. Capisce?
PG, keep your cool. We've talked about this before. You type faster than your head. So do not start typing while youre grumpy.

>build your nation first
It's because of this wild 'throw to the walls until it stick' strategy that we got unique ideas like /inf/ having its backstory being a volcanic frostpunk and Morig having a terraforming mountain.
Right now /v7/ is showing potential with his spy theming.
Mep and mhm are showing potential but they're currently missing their selling point, their points of interest.

Right. How do I untangle this mess
See the whole Risu becoming a communal cookie jar everyone and their mother trying to get their hands into is because of bandwagonning syndrome
It sounds like a joke but it's there
First the Kronies got in
Then us
Then during OG's BOATS saga he dragged plenty in including /uuu/, /nasa/ and /rose/
After /risu/'s neighbours joined, they also want a piece of that pie
It's... a perpetual cycle
It started by accident, and it wont stop until OG force his hands. or Ri2ner. Depends on who snaps out of their squirrel brain phase first.

>> No.31734804
File: 340 KB, 1448x2048, 1646944522668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a long time I honestly never knew what the actual fuck ri2ner was doing besides playing amogus. And WARsuner is a recent but very welcome addition and his commodus stories are kino as shit. There is also the fact that for a VERY long time I was the only risuner and my ideas went completely uncontested. Although I would only ask them to do stuff if they want to, never force them. I really fucking want to see ri2ners kibbo kift bois in action. WARsuner I just want him to keep doing his thing cuz him and mepper work great together and it was so sad seeing mepper disappointed like that.

>> No.31734810
File: 376 KB, 1080x969, 1661533727861990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I had an idea yesterday of a young clergyman visiting the cult only for him to get corrupted and become one of the bulls...

>> No.31734890
File: 353 KB, 1200x1697, 6E6B104F-72A3-4D13-8D88-895BA097395D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corruption kink
SEX SEX SEX I can work with that… poor boy won’t know what hit him until he has a harem of pregnant babes draped over his arms.

>> No.31734889
File: 130 KB, 1508x849, 04E93163-06FE-4028-AF75-6569C41DE750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, at the very least, loyal in my lust. But yes of course, we would be more than happy to visit.

>> No.31734916

I doubt it, and if they do, we can adapt either way. 2.0 map is more important overall rn.
Hey dragonsister, Go be yeahs rep because all we need is yeah and anyapetra to get reps for unity(JOKING). In seriousness, hmm, you could think of other things about the highly cultured realm that is Eliria.

>> No.31734968

>it wont stop until OG force his hands. or Ri2ner. Depends on who snaps out of their squirrel brain phase first.
Never then

>> No.31735004
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>> No.31735026

Warsuner is /risu/s best hope as he isnt squirrel brained kek. Rosemaiden did Nijien lore fyi

>> No.31735069
File: 222 KB, 850x1050, risusex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do you mean? I assume its to tell foreign entities to fuck off? Or am I just not getting it? Also someone made a good point we dont have fucking shit besides wood and prostitutes. I like to think that the entire world just REALLY loves squirrel pussy

>> No.31735085
File: 8 KB, 480x142, 1661541246663148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Double check whether you have 'LAND *F' next time!
Since this is a world building thread that phrase comes up too often

>> No.31735152
File: 102 KB, 875x551, B14C4C67-CAA6-4489-BB5E-C1BF2A80D24D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be looking forward to your story!!! Can’t fucking wait… the two horniest groups collide for a visit for the history books.

>> No.31735165

I do like Ethyria a lot! Can i still be write for Elira as their rep?

>> No.31735167
File: 64 KB, 182x171, CE0DA5E1-E920-4DD1-960D-967D106CF4F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that reminds me actually, I hope you forgive me butting in here, but it’s very much worth noting that Rosebutas are actually extremely reserved when it comes to other species. It took months of continuous flirting and teasing for Risuners to get anywhere, a very long time to melt the cold exterior. So, maybe it could be fun to see Kindreds whittle down the resistance of a Rosebuta. Seeing him go from cold and stoic to… Well, you know.

>> No.31735259

Oi, now you making me look like I forced you into this. I was joking around. If you really want to, go ask their thread and yes, you can write with me for Elira.

>> No.31735348

i do not mind writing stories with you going forward but the trade alliance was my second interaction with other threads and also the story i wrote as the origin story for it was my first tiem writing with a different anon together. seeing it being needed to be retconned over and over and forgotten by most of the rest since /meat/ seem to be the only people that even aknowledge it exists really stings and hurts, even more so if i bring it up and then either get aksed "what trade allaicne" or just straight up ignored. heck the epilogue of the origin story used to be like 4x the size before i had to cut stuff out over and over: https://rentry.org/9rbne

i actually wanted to use the cult, and even vox himself for a miracle in order to allow an Onobot to have a children with his wife, tho that is not gonna happen anymore. which i guess happened whiel you were away and probably have no idea what i am talking about, have this if you want to understand what i am talkign about, i am actually pretty proud of my part in it: https://rentry.org/khdnx

>> No.31735439
File: 257 KB, 630x751, 1661498870258412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that he would be educated his entire life on the dangers of non-traditionalist behavior just to falter at the first sight of the cult... Kindred cultists too OP pls nerf!!!!!!

It would have to do with the background of Selenium!!! Maybe Pomerania could be indirectly involved since I doubt it would change anything!!!

>> No.31735450

Just did! I thought it was a good suggestion!

>> No.31735518

History would be simple enough considering I have it on a plate for you already.
Elira love!

>> No.31735542

I remember this one. It was actually cute as fuck

>> No.31735585

Did NijiEN just get a rep for every nation? Petra is the last on Nijicontinent..

>> No.31735593

>Rosemaiden did Nijien lore fyi
Yes I know, but theyre ones that are tangential and branched off existing lore.
Such as the Rose knights
What nijiEN lacks is its own lore

>I assume its to tell foreign entities to fuck off
No. More of doing something with Risu that isnt tied to foreign involvement.
Currently Risu has none of those
/meat/ and /inf/ taught you how to build boats that you used to attract more foreign involvement
>we dont have fucking shit besides wood and prostitutes
Oh you do. Firrst of all, start writing stories that happen domestically!
Like, a witch coven hunting schizos. or your myth about turning a desert into a gargantuan forest!
No more foreign lore for the time being. Write about your own backyard

>since /meat/ seem to be the only people that even aknowledge it exists
Sometimes even Im surprised at /meat/'s standard. especially with /meat/bro casually weaving multiple events together in his story like the /pcg/ war

>> No.31735751
File: 217 KB, 850x662, sample_26325fd77104fc2177339cd81a2031c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write about your own backyard
This is actually a pretty good idea ngl. Holy shit I focused so much on other people I forgot to write cool shit about risuners being risuners! FUCK ME

>> No.31735766

Yep. Anya-Petra are the last ones. Quite the achievement honestly.

>> No.31735837

Warsuner had a cool idea about bandanas representing shit in Risuner culture. Maybe you can talk about that.

>> No.31735921
File: 122 KB, 800x1157, 9BC17F8B-4A9E-4DD8-8005-30FB1425AB7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so happy we are almost filled with reps!!!!! AMAZING. I ALREADY SAID HELLO BUT HELLO AGAIN DRAGONSISTER!!!!

>> No.31735931

wait what happened with nijisanji reps? i was distracted by having a fucking laughing fit thanks to the deadbeats

>> No.31735953

Ah never mind. maybe lend ri2ner a hand. She's doing exactly that with her risuner romanticists-renaissance-intellectuals

>> No.31736044


>> No.31736200

>/meat/bro casually weaving multiple events together in his story like the /pcg/ war
The Takeshi in /clg/ story should be the golden standard when it comes to writing macro-worldbuilding.

>> No.31736253
File: 238 KB, 1200x1697, 9AAE771D-5E13-440B-A775-5DFC950849BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corrupting cute, innocent men into becoming pussy-crazed sex fiends LOVE!! Kindred girls with demonic (literally) sex drives taking their virginities and showing them what they’ve been missing out on! Innocent Rosebutas and Selenium clergymen getting addicted to pregnant pussy!!!

Oooh, a story! I’m about to go touch grass for the day so I’ll read it later!

>> No.31736256

>macro worldbuilding

>> No.31736365
File: 83 KB, 271x254, FIL-DwvaUAMpOkM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait did we get a new rep? i am so lsot right now, my brain isnot functioning correct right now due to mixing sadness of the /risu/ situation and the funny that i get injected by 3beat for the divegrass

>> No.31736370

this is the reason i am trying to make the point about oldfag respect. how many actually read these old stories desu anymore? it is a shame that they will be forgotten by most except those who do remember those times

>> No.31736427

Here’s your fucking (You). Stop looping the same shit after the thread has moved on. Whoever said you’ve been improving lately was a liar.

>> No.31736482

I made a joke to my junior Dragonsister to become yeahs rep for unity and despite me telling her i was joking, she did it anyways.

>> No.31736514
File: 91 KB, 680x680, FbCdRmRUEAAVgqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah!!! It is!!! I just want to make it a bit more unique!!! Selenium got unified through a civil war!! So I want to expand more into what they exactly were!!!

Oh hi famelira!!!!!!!!! Sorry I forgot to say hello to you ;w;

I'm going to exorcize you!!!!!
>I’m about to go touch grass for the day so I’ll read it later!
Have fun!!!! I had enough of touching grass today!!! I'm too tired for anything tbdesu!!!

>> No.31736541

Yeah yeah yeah I get
We've been doing too many 'just write niggers' but no 'read nigga read'

>> No.31736543

im not looping, i am asking a genuine question if anyone even reads those stories anymore. i think it would help.

>> No.31736542

wait we had a dragonsister this whole time? not the dragoon?

>> No.31736660

Contrary to popular belief, Dragonbros and Dragonsisters are always Famelira and not Dragoons. This is how it always has been since debut. Even when Selen came, this was still the case. She also has wrote a good story for me if you want to check it out, its a under LazuLight lore and not in my lore doc

>> No.31736705

Just read nigga

>> No.31736763
File: 27 KB, 257x257, FUsQX2iVEAAN3Ux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i feel shamed that i missed this in its entirely, so much for oldfags deserving respect if they do not even know all reps of the thread

>> No.31736814

Its hard for you to know this when you arent an oldfag in NijiEN, like me. Read it, its called a royal romance and she did wonderfully.

>> No.31736874

I miss the /yeah/ rep
Where is he?

>> No.31736914

He handed the keys to me a while back, and now I am handing them to my junior.

>> No.31736929

wait i remember this story and dragonsis asking if she can write it, my brain just farted hard

>> No.31737179

what did i do to get everyone pissed at me? i thought what i was saying was clarifying and not controversial at all.

>> No.31737359

Where is the roaring forties, furious fifties and screaming sixties? How dangerous would the waters around rose be for example?

>> No.31737413

Worldbuilding on a large scale and linking multiple stories together. Like how in that story Takeus is
>sent on a mission to find the wreckage teleported in
>he was sent on the mission the The Twelve mentioned in
>he ended up in the Lumi part of /clg/
>which is now under /pcg/'s control
>and is under the occupation of the shogunate
And perhaps the best twist, the villain's last name is Montre, similar to the major mentioned in
Basically he took all the hanging threads and try to write a connected world

>> No.31737563

there is also the one where he tried to weave together the little RP session we had in thread about the end of /nasa/, stuff is kino

>> No.31737620
File: 97 KB, 226x221, 1660917356484285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As dangerous as rosemi herself kek

>> No.31737643

I dont get how Takeus is linked to pcg or the shogunate when this war happened before Takeus’s adventure. It happened in 1100 vte. I think a good example of what you are talking about is how Panon and Alice are tying things together with sol, and mepper

>> No.31737662

The fact that he wanted /nasa/ rep to hand over every abandoned and planned ideas to him really shows that he has something big in mind
/meat/ anons are scary

>> No.31737704

How can Takeus be related to clg when the war happened in 1097 VTE???????

>> No.31737778

There are three people I fear here
For the reasons you just mentioned, as they have done the same with other things.

>> No.31737902

>phase war broke takeus story
not a fan of this…paragraphs is right

>> No.31737904
File: 166 KB, 480x480, nasfaqg btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to have some interactions... /risu/ was our first.
And I love writing about risuners, trying to get into the squirrelfolk mindset is fun.

>> No.31738008


>> No.31738056

Did you guys even read what he wrote? He's not even in the war. He's commenting on the post-war changes
Literally the first chapter

>> No.31738127
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>>31734144 (me)
I swear, coming up with region (and region capital) names is going to break me mentally. I've almost finished with just the region names and it's been like 1.5h. This feels like a project that's gonna take all weekend. Am I missing anything of note in the thread?

>> No.31738191
File: 37 KB, 436x600, cutealice!20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takeus appears to be mistaken, since that isn't what happened.
>Holy Daimyo of Syndeonia
Remember, that Phase is absolutely still under self rule for the most part. The company may own a lot of land but the Emperor of Syndeonia rules over the land regardless.

>> No.31738218

not even jsut that... its clear that the timeline of the takeus story is ambigious as heck

>> No.31738261
File: 389 KB, 597x470, 1659718901936121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I arrived at a good time. No, we are not a colony of 2434. The treaty only mentions two pieces of land being ceded. Most of the problems come from the CIO.

>> No.31738311

SOL!!!! I missed you!!! I am currently doing a overhaul of my own lore with my new best friend, nijimales rep, emma. https://rentry.org/Tsukinode-Empire

>> No.31738386
File: 1023 KB, 678x761, sol1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Alice! Nice to see you as bright as ever. I will check it out right now.

>> No.31738601

It feels anachronistic, to be honest.

>> No.31738666
File: 107 KB, 840x1200, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
Basic history of the Republic.

-unclaimed land and different unaffiliated tribes are there
450 years ago
-Establishment of the city of settlers
-New faith is established, owl cult.
-Populators start settling outside the city
-brings conflict with natives
-Settlers war (lasts 5-10 years)
-brings control of region 04 and northern part of Region 05, skirmishes start against enemies in eastern parts
circa 400 years ago Region 04 is fully under control and actively being settled
-Republican Regime solidified, judicial branch wrestles law enforcement away from the military, first to ease logistics, second to reduce influence of the military
-Presidential office and council of state are separated into executive and legislative respectively by order of the president
-Voting system gets centralized and made universal
-Tensions boil in the eastern border
-Hill wars begin (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) the front is harsh and attrition warfare sets in. Hilly defenses stall every push. Artillery becomes a main part of Republican doctrine
-Religious organizations are split up and their powers reduced to avoid religious war among the population, decentralized worship begins
-Manufacture and technological improvements are desired to ease the burden on the population
-Department of education is formed and t
-Danger of famine is avoided by the mass planting of potatoes
By around 340 years ago Region 01 is fully under control
-Integration is forced upon the zone and settlers are pushed to further solidify control
-Potatoes start being exported to Hoshiyomia, bring in large amounts of income
-Representative system is reworked, regional parliaments are created quickly
-Lessons learned in the hill wars make the push towards the Mountains quicker than before
-Region 02 and 03 are conquered in just 20 years, formal contact is established with the mountain monks
-First great peace established, but hunger for a coast rekindles tensions
by around 280 years ago, first offensive wars of the Republic are launched
-The march to the sea, a series of wars with the goal of reaching the coast
Finished by 200 years ago

I'm tired and can't think of anything else, planning history is difficult. Unanchored

>> No.31738712
File: 795 KB, 1188x988, 1659719448798685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, to be fair. I have not mapped out my government, culture or anything aside from my economy. That is on me, not /meat/bro. Thus, when I get there, I expect he will certainly update it to reflect the current state of affairs.

>> No.31738816
File: 120 KB, 1200x630, sol7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Alice
>Love the work, I can tell you put your soul into it with your friend. It's hard to tell who wrote what because you two were so in sync. Incredible.
>Great maps, I assume PP made it.
>Great set up for economy, you can work easy with that.

>> No.31738850
File: 329 KB, 1108x877, 4787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on Im skimming through it
The timeline matches up I think.
War happened in 1090
Takeus' first encounter with /meat/ is during the start of the age of discovery 1120-30's
Him going on an adventure and commenting about it seems fair. I mean, it's not like some kronie would know about a war on a foreign continent

>> No.31738926

Would recommend looking at https://rentry.org/lusitania#history
for inspiration. He did it rather well and set it up nicely.

>> No.31738983

The issue is with wording this as a colony of the Shogunate, which it clearly is not.

>> No.31739013

yeah, just tryna get my outline done right now,
I'll also extend the age some more

>> No.31739034

Well that's on him. You should tell him that and any other issues you have

>> No.31739125

Not a bad idea, when I made my history of Pomerania, I centered it around "Ages" and important figures. Like Pomeranius, Arminius and Pomerlane to name a few. Important figures are crucial in forming a alternate history because otherwise its just dry and hard to map out. Think of great figures from the Republics past, war heros, villains, etc. Organic did a nice job of this in his own by talking about Kings and even listing them (Now you do not need to do this, that is just too much for a Republic.)

>> No.31739138
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1080, bigboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am back! Went ̶g̶a̶m̶i̶n̶g̶ doing research

>> No.31739241

why are you complaining about ambiguity when pcg has no government written in lore, no culture wrote down, nor anything other than a flag, economy and the fungus thing. simply put, you cannot complain about others when your own lore isn't mapped out. not to mention this came before your lore was in effect, but that is not an issue here desu.

>> No.31739267

I dont think they were ever meant to be starter prompts, more like general prompts for anyone

>> No.31739348
File: 218 KB, 443x595, 1659720581830691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, that is not me. I did not complain about such things but rather pointed out us being a colony just isn't accurate. I am a busy man, and only can really work a lot on the weekend because of my job, wife and kids. Please be patient with me. I am new to the thread, but I am here to add to everyone's lore, not take away like I feel you presume I will.

>> No.31739372
File: 180 KB, 500x500, kropray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nasfaqg... I'm not reliable to work with but I'd be interested to have some squirrelfolk visit us. Perhaps a re-supply stop or something if you are sailing south.

>> No.31739390

now i don't wanna pour oil into the fire but...

maybe read the Takeus story in peace and then form an opinion on it and if you think there might be mistakes point them out afterwards...

you guys literily just did exactly what we said we wanna work on and jumped to conclusions due to one post and went all "HWO CAN HE HAVE ANYTHIGN TO DO WITH X THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! IT IS WRONG!"...

>> No.31739460
File: 65 KB, 680x680, Fad-Qq7UsAEtYVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Sol!!! Nice to meet you!!!! I'm /haha/'s rep!!!

>> No.31739475

thats not an issue at all. not everyone has time, but i just want it to be known that /meat/ cannot be criticized when this is the case. i am just stating the facts of the situation and i am not wrong about your own lore not being mapped out, as you just admitted so while i will be patient with you, do not jump on others for things you yourself do not have wrote down for us all to know.

>> No.31739545

You know what's funny?
This is a repeat of the same old issue from before. The Panon Effect
>Anon posts a story
>Asks for opinions
>No one replies
>Assumed it's fine and continues writing
>People then start criticizing it a month later when it's too late

>> No.31739572

Haven't we met, regardless pleasure!
Retro, I am not telling him his story is bad. I am the phase rep so I am just pointing out that one aspect is wrong. I am also going to defend alice on this as it confused me at first as well when there was no date. Alas, no matter.
I am not criticizing meat nor anyone. I am just offering corrections based on the information I can give. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.31739665
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1680, cutealice!1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, i never said it was bad... I just said that one statement was inaccurate and i got confused... That's an easy fix and its FINE. If a numberfag came in and told me I did them wrong, I would fix Tachibana Go.

>> No.31739721

When has there ever been a timeloop over something I have written in Pomerlane unironically? Was it the dream argument I had with Paragraphs that one time? Genuinely curious. I've seen this happen to others but not me.

>> No.31739742

I think all your timeloops were related to your premature maps.

>> No.31739823

OH, THOSE ONES. I see, I see. The one time I think such an instance happened when (((Sakuran Rep))) threw a fit over it after it was discussed a week before. I don't count that personally. Most of the time, my maps were shat on immediately unless I forgot.

>> No.31739873

Alright so I'm late af to this discussion but I will still say my piece, as one of the two who discouraged you from it in the first place.
If all you will do is write lore that will establish the nation in its most basic form, I have little to no problem with it. HOWEVER, do this with the assumption that bakatare has no neighbours or its neighbours are not the ones that it currently has. Because if we allow you to "place" the nation on the map by writing some small lore for them, even if with best intentions, we have to also allow anyone else to do that, making the Province Proposal Mountain is working on essentially useless. And I still uphold that that Proposal is something that needs to go through for the future of this project.

>> No.31739917

im calling it the Panon Effect after your infamous 'give me reviews, get no reviews' curse
I think it was retro anon who got it worse, I think, i cant recognize people, When his story got critically blasted for getting things wrong and he said that nobody corrected the previous chapter when he asked for reviews

>> No.31739948

your initial reactions like: >>31737704 came off as very strong if i may say so.

also, you guys still seem to not actually have read the story at all if you think that takeus thinks that the current /pcg/ is mentioned as colony of /2434/

but i guess it is funny in a way to see the usual roles reversed for once

>> No.31739954

this is not me, i just woke up. is someone legitimately trying to false flag as me?

>> No.31739980
File: 53 KB, 680x680, Faao2DNUYAEvevb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry!!! I'm a bit forgetful so I don't remember some things!!!!

>> No.31740016
File: 131 KB, 463x453, extremebruh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone tried to falseflag as PG

>> No.31740031

ahh so it was not you after all, i had my doubts somewhere half the way since it came of as super strong and personal for how you usually write

>> No.31740037

paragraphs, you've made it, you've got your own schizo now.

>> No.31740051

Ah, true. I think me and Retro both got it over the c*nal thing we thought of together that finally got a timeloop done CORRECTLY and it keeps being brought up as Alice's idea kek.
Wonderful, well shit. That asshole did a lot of damage. Reminds me of when that asshole canceled my deal with Retro and retro thought it was me.

>> No.31740085

Im more impressed by how he got the writing style down!

>> No.31740113

Nah, mate, you are on your own with this. I stand with Rosemaiden. Ffs just let bygones be bygones.

>> No.31740120

Retrosenpai, that was me and I didn't quite understand what >Holy Daimyo of Syndeonia
meant nor the time scale. I didn't know if this was in the future or what!!

Also, I knew it wasn't paragraphs. He isn't that rude.

>> No.31740181

Lesson to be learned, when an anon asks for reviews/corrections you do it!
One little slip up and you'll be doing timeloops three chapters later. Nobody wants to rewrite that much

>> No.31740225
File: 108 KB, 243x233, noranekoconcern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why everyone makes me enter timeloops.
>Canal was you and retro
>Vassals were not even me
>Colony isn't a colony, just a versailles but worse treaty.

>> No.31740287

>I think it was retro anon who got it worse
It was Warsuner. He asked for opinions and nobody did. Then everyone ganged up on him later for getting their home lore wrong.

>> No.31740320

>Nobody wants to rewrite that much
See Alice. See me as well getting ready to tear down 17 chapters.
Kek, i forgot that this was true. I also was the one who gave you a powerful fleet because i thought it fit well. I don't think you have actually done much wrong from shitposting.

>> No.31740354

well now you know how it is to be on the side of the situation as the one who accidently overreacted based on a misunderstanding

because you never once stood up for yourself and said "no", even if the bulk of the work was doen by others, you readily accepted them all and wanted them

>> No.31740372

Warsuner was told by me, Alice, OG and Mepper he was doing great, then yesterday happened. When the rep of the two nations involved support you, idk what the heck people expected.

>> No.31740420

the writing style is easy enough i suppose. hopefully i won’t need a trip.

>> No.31740438
File: 47 KB, 440x600, cutelize!4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELL RETRO SENPAI, Let's give you a brand-new car, a diamond ring and a jacuzzi and see if you accept them happily!!! What am I supposed to say to my vassals? Screw off???? They are the ones screwing me!!! BUT its all in fun.

>> No.31740500

Fair enough. And by all means you guys can have a few risuners here and there on the mainland. Dont know if any actual risuners play or not though.

>> No.31740519

Probably a good idea to address the bullshit brought up since he did use your arguments, and tell us what you actually think so this doesn't repeat itself.

>> No.31740574

>then yesterday happened. When the rep of the two nations involved support you
The what? I dont recall getting involved with anything yesterday

>> No.31740634

Yesterday, WARsuner was ganged up for his story in Risu (It may have been another day timewise for you). Not you, either, I mean Warsuner was supported by OG and Mepper.

>> No.31740694

Fucking Alice being handed shit, accepting and the thread raging at her because someone handed her a timeloop might be the funniest thing I just learned. I had no clue that most of the timeloops she gets in weren't even her idea in the first place. Poor loli, fucking kek.

>> No.31740731

newbud, i said before i didn’t want to bring it up because it would be i by fair to roseanon. i don’t have any personal animosity towards you, and i am happy you both were able to resolve things, but i won’t pretend i wasn't disappointed with some aspects of that situation. i was not the person you were talking to, and i am sorry i didn’t notice and speak up sooner. i hope nothing goes wrong as a result of this.

>> No.31740746

Ah right. He wrote about a Risuner that disliked Kronies.
Which rustled everyone's jimmies.
I like it because it makes sense in-universe. not everything is homogenous. there would be people who disliked being colonized
opposition is a natural thing in culture and society

>> No.31740776
File: 357 KB, 850x926, cuterion!1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With friends like these, PPsenpai and my other friends are schizos in disguise!!!!! AM I HERE JUST SUFFER????!?

>> No.31740807

Sorry about what I said. fuck man even I fell for it

>> No.31740818
File: 638 KB, 1061x568, 1658167042014383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, now that I see it wasn't you its alright. Do not worry as I am not that boneheaded.

>> No.31740846
File: 65 KB, 169x169, ANGY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its any consolation, whoever seems to be going around falseflagging is doing a damn well job since he got the thread to believe he is me too >>31545315 dunno what he tried with this since he did not continue or tried to stir up shit in my name but he baited 3 people into believing it easily.

well it is hard to say how i would react when i never had the options, i have to fight to have people remember things they agreed to me with in the past as to not be forgotten entirely, one day i will be needing a longer health break and coem back treated as a new rep because everyone has forgotten about me... AND ITS ALL THE KFP'S FAULT, THEY AND THEIR MEMETICS ARE MANIPULATING OUR MINDS!!

>> No.31740871

There is a good reason I do not comment a lot of time on drama or anons acting badly. You never know if it is a schizo. I know that from personal experience too well so I wanted to see what happened over time.

>> No.31740927
File: 46 KB, 732x732, 1658971563451732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REMEMBER OUR DEAL!!!! I was actually thinking how it would work with Emma.BUT IT IS KFP AND PPSENPAIS FAULT FOR ALL OF THIS I AGREE.

>> No.31740975
File: 141 KB, 1031x1663, 1660767044294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trained in the hellish schizo trenches of /morig/, I am physically unable to bite bait. I offer counter-schizo operation lessons for modest fees.

>> No.31740984
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, 1657925031459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always is my fault, and the jew's too. We are conspiring against this thread.

>> No.31740992

I gaze at the bastions that divide the palace from the hordes of schizos beyond. Even from here in my seat, I can hear the scrapings of claws against the walls. Their feeble attempts at sieging down the league.
By the gods have the local population grew this much?

>> No.31741033

I haven't bit any bait since cunt made a deal with me. I don't even care about the aspects, hardly remember what was at stake for me. All I know is he isn't following his end and idc anymore.

>> No.31741059
File: 240 KB, 1500x1875, TimeToEat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the island...

Define what has a high interaction with retro chuubanite. From what I read I understood it reacting to sentimental items or objects that have a lot of emotion attached to them.

So correct me if I'm wrong, you intend to have the Retro Reich people mostly sell these sorts of items on the island?

The more money oriented people being on the island would make sense. The island probably wouldnt be known to most of the Serene Republic but I think perhaps the haggier types and appreciators of the older things could have outposts there.
Nasfaqg also has a large interest in ancient lost technology, so there is another potential shared point. If we want to, we could have nasfaqg and retro reich work together on a search for such lost technologies.

Do you think there would be any onobots there? I had a few ideas about how the island became a shared one. Perhaps the onobots or others from retro reich got there first, and later on some of the nasfaqg merchants traveling to the Council Lands stopped by there to establish small resupply points, or perhaps a merchant ship got blown off course by a storm and shipwrecked on the island, where the onobots/retro folk already there helped them. Then the merchants started making stops on the islands to sell and buy stuff from the retrofolk there, and eventually over the years started building on the island themselves, and soon the island had multiple small settlements of mixed origin.

Another idea was that maybe there are some ancient or pre-divide ruins on the island and both Retro Reich and Nasfaqg set up independent excavation sites there, unaware of the other. Then later on the two found each other and decided to cooperate. I might like this one better.

I also had an unrelated idea of a bunch of nasfaqg people hiring an onobot to help them on a mission to sneak inside the Stock Exchange to figure out how it all worked, which would end up with all of them, save for maybe the onobot, losing their minds lovecraft-style, because it is a well known fact that the inner workings of NASFAQ are eldritch magic that causes insanity in those who look too deep..

Reading the onobot document also made me think about the possibility of onobot-assisted matchmaking (and its horrible consequence) in nasfaqg. Perhaps Match & Ships Co. or Groomhags Co. could be a potential investment targets for the onobots.

But im just throwing you half-formed ideas here, dont take them too seriously yet. All I know is that I want a shared island.

Also sorry for a late response and possibly a horribly formatted post, it is very much a "flow of thought" post. Been preoccupied today and starting to feel quite tired.

>> No.31741118
File: 532 KB, 403x559, 1659895546468140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice, do you want to write about a naval victory over phase during the great war between us so you can include it in your lore and we can remember it on our end negatively as the turning point?

>> No.31741162
File: 115 KB, 210x330, 1661430851515783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you teached me the importance that going forward every oh so little deal needs a rentry just so i can shove it into their faces when they forget

but don't worry, i already assumed that the current deal will need to be either voided or reworked once you are done with reworking your stuff and i got no issue with that at all.

>> No.31741166

We do, one of the top 25 richest is a risuner (and a general fan of the IDs as well). They are also part of the Miyatsuko which Tripoint and Chronobanks belong to.
We have at least 1 other risuner too.

>> No.31741168
File: 64 KB, 600x415, 1642343475254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty easy. Literally just ignore nonconstructive negativity and repeated narratives, focus on something else like just writing. It takes a while, but eventually they'll seek greener pastures.

>> No.31741254
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Hey fucker don't give tips like that for free, you're losing me potential clients.

>> No.31741260
File: 2.84 MB, 498x309, 1659062517990723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES. But I need my economy done and that would be really really nice if you could do that for me~ PLEEEEAASEEE <3
There is a reason I have 20 trade deals in the lore archive. No one backs out or denies that way!!!!!
Easy for you to say, when you do not get attacked for 12 hours straight and still do not bite. DO that, and you will reach my level.

>> No.31741327

the fact that there are Risuners abroad who are urbanized and follow civilized ideas and philosophies would actually be great precedent for ri2ner's renaissance squirrel idea

>> No.31741337
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>> No.31741344
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Kek, your just like my daughters begging for me to take her to get ice cream after I just spent 10 hours working with clients. I can't resist it, I'll do it with pleasure.

>> No.31741406
File: 43 KB, 640x515, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay what?
First there are femanons in here
Now married anons with kids?
Where do you people came from?

>> No.31741419
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>> No.31741476

What do you think of giving schizos the "inifnity treatment" as in, grooming them or hornyposting them until they leave?

>> No.31741539

We always talk about the powerlevel of /meat/bros but I hate to break the news, there is a far more powerful force in this thread. Alice.
>Gets anons to do maps, climate, crops, economy, navy, trade companies, etc. by being a cute girl
>Gets anons that give her a canal, "colony" and two vassals. More than anything Infinity could get by just being a cute girl
>Gets schizos by being a cute girl
Anons, How exactly can a French loli have such power? This powerlevel is unmatched and is off the charts.

>> No.31741579

*alleged cute girl

>> No.31741581
File: 108 KB, 900x694, letsmakeadeal4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play cute, act tough and be "nice". These losers will give you the world on a platter. This is the winner's mentality.

>> No.31741598

you'll just permanently ruin your own thread culture, as it happened to them

>> No.31741616

Anon, we're on /vt/
We all came together under the same pretense of enjoying people larping as cute girls
Why do you think simping is a thing?

>> No.31741619

"ruin" is very subjective

>> No.31741644 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 692x644, 1661238446751456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It uh... It works, but detracts a lot if there's something actually going on like a stream for other generals or worldbuilding here. A powerful deadhours tool though.

>> No.31741652

ngl, i made myself a vassal of her just to ruffle jimmies (and drain her coffers). Warkop is shit and NijiID is dead so I take it out this way. (It also makes sense lore wise, give we are part of JP now.)

>> No.31741678

But does she know how to SEX properly? Most girls dont.

>> No.31741683

It's your colossally poor choice of words and the fact you completely ignored context when you made your first argument yesterday. The context wasn't new lore overwriting old lore, it was one single person in an entire nation disagreeing with common sentiment. The fact you chose to chime in on that with your argument about respecting oldfags made it seem like you were siding with the anon who insisted that risuners are too stupid to have any independent thoughts outside of groupthink, and additionally like the reason you were siding with them was because oldfags can do no wrong despite OGsuner himself having no problem with it. Your insistence on not respecting newbud also seems like a person vendetta. You keep saying she never apologized but she did, and those two have no beef with each other anymore. Bringing it back up constantly and ignoring the parts about the situation that don't fit your narrative is genuine schizo behavior. Paragraphsanon, I don't know if you're in a bad mood irl or something but I agree with the anons who say you're backsliding hard right now. To be specific you keep throwing around personal insults and looking down on others for making the discussion "illogical," which is the old big problem comfyanon advised you on that first time. Please take a moment to really try to examine your own behavior on this topic instead of instinctively going on the offensive.

>> No.31741746
File: 1.26 MB, 2400x3458, CuteAnge!4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil, but I can respect that being EVIL myself.

>> No.31741820

Pretty based, ngl. You also help fix timeloops about "vassals" by showing how you are screwing her like me and retro did with canals. Maybe Retro Reich can have its own canal now, eh??? (Kek, I am shitposting now)

>> No.31741861

That's not paragraphsenpai!!!!! Falseflagger was doing this to him.

>> No.31741916
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ZETA SEX. Anyways.

>> No.31741955
File: 1.41 MB, 1342x1854, 1661256258258558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very. How are things proceeding?

>> No.31741958
File: 147 KB, 850x1402, This adorable thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DRAGOON SEX. anyways.

>> No.31741989
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well it is not just that the item itself needs to have strong attachment by one or a few people. even a little attachment by many people can work just as well.
example one, lets say a lead pipe is sticking out of a wall on a main road in a city, no one really cares about it but since thousands of people walk past it and many notice it and are aware of it, that would get attachment.

second example: training swords of a garrison would have many soldiers use them over and over and whiel no one might have strong attachment to them, they all are having moderate attachment to them since they have used them daily.

now we can take these items that are high in emotional investment overall and then reforge them into something new while still holding this investment. as they become a new item they will over time lose the attachment of their original items but also gain new ones as the new item.

on the mainland, not every workshop needs each item to have a high emotional investment from the getgo, many just wanna refine old techniques of crafting ect and in fact many items could be low in investment or empty like someone who jsut wants to make the best damn nails ect. of course they would also still ahve master pieces of high investment or specialise in maintainign items way beyond what other nations would find to be the lifecycle of an item. ect.

now on this island however the people are VERY particular of items having these high investments sicne they consider these to be the true importance, even if perhaps the actual craftsmanship might be less impressive.
basicly retro snobs in a way

and sicne they value these things so highly for their retro investment, they also want to see them being appreciated appropiately and thus are more money oriented sicne of course soemthign selling for high moeny means it must be a high value item.

i am fine with Onobots being on the island, i would need to figure out more if i want them in a similar position here as on the mainland if i want to make a distinct difference. they would one way or another still be the upper class. maybe they are even more referred sicne they care less for moeny and can be big spenders, maybe they are seen less well because of the same reason and are perceived as not valuing money enough.

i think i like the idea of having found some ancient ruin of an old civilisation and both nations began to inspect them together and then as they started restoring the ruins simply began living in them and from there build up a huge city on the island together mroe itneresting. that would also make it feel more shared if both sides are on equal footing for the founding of the place. it also allows us to come up with some awesome ruin for a old chuuba and some potential cool artifacts we find there

i also like the stock exchange idea of yours so if you want soem characters to write it just say so and i will give it. the onobot being untouched by the knowledge and instead be known among plutocrats as a boogeyman that drives people isnane by trying to explain what he learned sounds funny as hell

>> No.31742024
File: 2.08 MB, 2066x2511, the prettiest owl youll ever see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooman appreciation. anyways.

>> No.31742029
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Good, very Good. I have done nothing but think this whole time about sex with Zeta. But never mind me, I need to world build not dream about sex with Zeta. I am just thinking of things I can do with Organic, i understand he is likely gone now so maybe tomorrow I start.

>> No.31742075

uhhh, based?

>> No.31742080
File: 16 KB, 842x600, 1651074612063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i proposed to alice a collab writing piece of all three of us for a cool naval battle if you also are itnerested

>> No.31742085
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>> No.31742096

That's what I get for replying before I finished the thread kek. No wonder it felt like a complete reversal of his behavior lately.

>> No.31742131
File: 1.24 MB, 1951x1098, 1659078544550972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. We need to figure out what's going on with you and I anyways. However, that might be a tad confusing unless you let one person write it because three sides sounds like a problem. PPanon maybe can supervise.

>> No.31742166

Panon... where the fuck would i even put a canal?

>> No.31742218

Little panhandle between that sea and the straight.

>> No.31742263
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, FYvqHxPakAA6wvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity Enjoyment. Anyway turns out writing blurbs for 14 regions is hard

>> No.31742529
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I want another dragoon to be active here!!!!

>> No.31742545

that sounds fucking ugly
sure, i need to figure out my navy before anyway with Panon, that would mean he also has a good udnerstanding of my navy too.

as for the people, the Retro Reich anvy will probably be high in morale and super pumped sicne they are the navy of a super peaceful nation and thus rarely do generations of the Navy even get a chance for naval combat on a grander scale. due to that they might be a bit overexcited and prone to overexending a bit. not to a degree that they jsut mindlessly rush in and do absolute stupid stuff but definitly prone to like chase further than they should ect. They should however have no issues with following combat alongside the shogunate since they will have proper respect for their navy.
after the war however when they get the spoil of the port initially they will then get confronted with the hate of the people from /pcg/ and come down from their high clouds back to reality and just hav eit sink in that even if these were enemies, they also were people with families ect., unable to shoulder the anomisity of /pcg/ as well as their own guilt of hwo they treated their enemies as a joyful fight, they will then very quickly retreat and give up the harbor before even fully settign down. The good relations they buidl with the shogunate will however lead to a more psotiive relation of the 2 natiosn and the eventuell trade deal we have while the veterans of the war will once a year coem down to /pcg/ in an anonymous fashion in order to donate large amount of money as well as toys from the Reich to orphanages in /pcg/, not to gain favours with the land but isntead to atone for their acts in the war as well as not being strong enough and support /pcg/ in rebuilding their nation and instead fleeing the nation as cowards.

>> No.31742668

If I can recommend to add tension, have them get overexcited in battle and the Imperial Navy having to bail them out. The Eastern Fleet is rather conservative in their approaches compared to the Western Fleet.

>> No.31742764

Also to add, defeating a enemy in a naval battle does not mean the port is yours. You would still have to bomb the shit out of the defenses.

>> No.31742903

Yeah... The Eastern Fleet is not daring and aggressive like the Western Fleet is. They aren't used to the threats the Westerners face and are used to fighting in traditional fashion like they did in (I am hoping Comfy will allow this) a war against one of the nenmen state or yeah. They have this arrogant atttitude that comes from them having never lost in battle before while the Westerners did many times. This will hurt them in the Phase Revolution but the First Phase War will confirm their biases. They will have oddballs that aren't arrogant, but the high admirals certainly are and believe their way of fighting a naval battle is the correct one.

>> No.31743058
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I will allow you to organize your sides. I think our fleet will be modern and sufficent during the time, but not as good as the Eastern Fleet's traditional tactics in action. I bet they would have the maneuvers down perfectly and know how to do everything the "right" way as good as anyone in the world. Probably would have more veterans if they aren't getting thrashed like the Western Fleet did. Am I correct Alice?

>> No.31743111

There's a Dragoonbeat, isn't there?

>> No.31743174

Yes!!!! I am not entirely how sure big it will be or what Retro Reich will bring but the big boys of the Eastern Fleet will be drilled to perfection and able to pull off anything traditional to perfection. I want to have an anecdote about the Eastern Fleet being "able to execute any maneuver as if it were second nature, no mistakes ever, everything timed to perfection as if it was a dance rather than a battle."

>> No.31743182
File: 323 KB, 1248x1842, 1634585449081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There sure is. Purple woman good.

>> No.31743185

no i meant after the war when we would ahve gotten a port as "spoils of war"

and yes i know most of what wrote has jack shit to do with a naval battle but i think these things are important too

my biggest critique towards the pomerlaine saga is the lack of heart, where are the motivations of those around pomerlane, where are those that support him silently liek his wife in maintain the nation as he is out to battle.
where is the inner turmoil of having lost someone dear to him like Pomerlious.
Where are the people that disagreed with the slaughter of Atalanta and planned on how to at least let some of the people secretly escape, aiding in their fleeing or those that only truly saw the horror when it began,
where is the soldier that in desperation at the act in front of him tries to adopt some innocent children and declarign them as pomeranians in order for them to escape the slaughter only to be brought in front of his mighty warrior pomerlane, declaring is unwavering lyoalty to him but also standing up for his beleive and ready to offer his own head for it if it means that some children get to live in exchange

>> No.31743229
File: 238 KB, 613x565, 1661540517973792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I check this thread every few days, and every time you guys are arguing about something... Why can't you just get along and as you so often say, just write niggers?

>> No.31743247

MEANWHILE, while the Western Fleet cannot match the easterners because of the loses they suffer, they have the better admirals in terms of innovativeness.

>> No.31743291

Yeah, Act I is a mess. I think I have fixed these issues as I went on but I need to refocus some things.

>> No.31743318

Tbh the only reason I remember you is that you once advised cutiegoon not to rp with me as he deserves a less menhera rp partner. In retrospect, good call.

>> No.31743358

ohh but it would also be cool if the /pcg/ navy oes something "stupid" that is not "by the book" that will throw of the eastern fleet and give them a bbit of a lecture and have the Retro Navy have to need to back them up in that to compensate for the lack of "creativity"

could make for some cool dialogue ala "heh, guess we are even now" "hmph, i guess we are but don't think we will let such a blunder happen ever again, be ready to learn the true might of the eastern fleet!"

>> No.31743381

Never did ask you, what is the state of each fleet in 1130. Has the Western Fleet closed the quality gap yet given that the disasters they suffered are past mostly.

>> No.31743464
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Kek, my foresight is legendary.

>> No.31743470
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hmm, that's up to Alice because she sort of wants the Eastern Fleet to have this 200 years of never losing until one of her disagraced western fleet admirals shows up in Phase and starts using unconventional tactics. Our fleet will likely be terrified of the eastern fleet, so much so that I cannot imagine us thinking outside of the box. Our fleet will be strong, relatively, but our admirals won't be good either.

>> No.31743542
File: 122 KB, 1280x960, Fa0qv4BagAA2dze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah!!!! But I want another dragoon to write for /haha/ as well!!!!

>> No.31743549

i mean they technicly would not be losing, they just got a bit more help from an ally

but jsut throwing out ideas anyway so we will see what sticks

>> No.31743552
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>>31743470 (me)
On the other hand, I can imagine the Phase admirals being salivating at the thought of your fleet being on the table because as you said, they have almost no experience. They will try to seek battle with them and not with the Eastern Fleet for a good reason.
TL;DR Eastern Fleet is scary but not yours.

>> No.31743567

I mean, really, there is hardly any erp going on. The poor guy is too pure to really erp back, so it's mostly just sekuhara from my side...

>> No.31743586

but,,, we are nice, just because we argue doesnt mean we hate each other.

>> No.31743615

Hold that thought!!! I need to think more about the dynamics here and need PPsenpais help on this because he seems to understand what wins naval battles.

>> No.31743660

they are not experienced in large scale combat, they still do escort work and maneuvors to train, they also got the bigger foudning of the Retro Reich in contrast to the standign army so they would certainly not be pushovers

if anything /pcg/ udnerestimating the Retro Navy for coming from a peaceful nation would prove fatal

>> No.31743710
File: 43 KB, 680x510, FbFZ2atVEAIEtCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just too embarrassing!!!!

>> No.31743751

I am not entirely sold on the concept that a unconventional attack would have much effect unless it was executed by a naval genius. There is a reason why they are not conventional. The Eastern Fleet will likely have excellent sailors, and gunners so it's hard to envision them getting into a bad situation. That's likely why they haven't lost because they don't put themselves into situations where they can lose.
Here is a good comparison, who would you rather face. The Royal Navy or the Swedish Navy in 1800? Same strength and everything, who is scarier to you?

>> No.31743835
File: 358 KB, 1700x2400, 1660800530074173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never be able to write smut like that, sweetie.

Let's practice. Set up a scenario and we'll go from there~

>> No.31743839
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 1661527315991479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to just write and just draw for the last... 7? hours while watching streams on the side. Wish I managed to get more done but I think I need to take a break for the rest of the day unless I'm asked something.

>> No.31743854

Also want to make this clear. Alice, Frigate Captains will always be of a different mindset that Ship-of-the-Line captains. The Eastern fleet depends on these as much as it does the conservative line tactics. Frigate captains are the Hussars of the sea, they are daring scrappy and daunting.

>> No.31743861
File: 922 KB, 2048x2048, Katzav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read "A Visit to Sabatangan" and once again incredibly good. Who ever you are Nasfaq friend you have incredibly good understanding of how to weave personal tension into a story that get you very invested in the characters. Good use of imagery as usual and really good worldbuilding for post yab Fandeads. Ten adda ten.

I also read the Niji-Empire world building stuff is interesting but I need to see the direction its taken in before I can make a judgement on how interesting it is. So far I think there's a potentially for a lot of really cool power dynamics with how the Emperor and Shoguns hold power in different ways, but once again I need to see the moving parts put into motion in a story before I judge if its any good. So far looks VERY promising though!

>> No.31743908

Here's is my favorite part. The Navy itself is not beholden to the shoguns and has a internal rivalry.

>> No.31743938
File: 40 KB, 126x144, takes a single med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also god damnit I knew we were infiltrated >>31743778

>> No.31743983

Retro, I can give you a better assessment of your fleet in a potential battle given what you have told me when I figure out things like the common shiptypes and such. That is important. If you are mostly frigates or sending Frigates, you likely won't be in the Line of Battle action but in a whole different engagement.

>> No.31744030
File: 1.01 MB, 424x498, 1656226367624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Mountain. Sabantangan is one of my favorite of nasfaqronie's stories, I really like how he did the characters in it.

>> No.31744031

I am also baking.

>> No.31744038

nah i get it that from a perceptive standpoint the "army of a peaceful nation that avoids war at all costs" would seem far less scary and weaker, but /pcg/ should also to a degree be aware that they are not pushovers due to them beign close enough to know about the Retro Reich and its navy so they should not be udnerestiamting them too much and just do a blunder due to that.

>> No.31744194
File: 42 KB, 600x600, FbGj7R3aIAEUk9N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not today maybe!!! Since it's the weekend I'm gonna drink a bit but I've been too tired recently to go out with my friends!!!

>> No.31744245
File: 763 KB, 1748x2480, The Kaiserin on her thronwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that part stuck out to me as very interesting as well. It reminds me kind of of how the way the Japanese Military worked during the Meiji and Showa, where it just sort of staged an invasion of Korea and Manchuria without telling the civilian government they were doing it. A lot of potential for interesting writing.

Yeah so far he's one of my favorite writers here. I think Sabatangan should really be the standard for the writing for this thread.

>> No.31744249

well as a very rough basis statement for what i think about

the Retro Reich anvy would be more quantity than quality, basicly where the /2434/ navy tries to aim for high quality ships with most modern equipment and newest shipbuildign techniques, the Retro Reich would have many outdated ships but jsut in stupid amount, of course not all of them, our shiwrights also improve over tiem and learn new techniques so we would have also new and modern ships but the numbers would be lower to compensate for the mass of older ships to make them on scale with other navies. our most priced flagship proably would be some oversized version fo some old ship that got maintained over time and had lots of chuuabnite worked into it and its equipment always exchanged for better one to make it stand up to mighty ships of the lien jsut as well since outdated in the retro reich is far from worse

>> No.31744304
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>> No.31744420

I want to jump off a cliff, I forgot the thread title AND posted in V7 for one of the posts.
Fresh bread with Gunpowder taste.

>> No.31744499

>my spoiler
You know you want to, and one of these days you will say "fuck it" and just go for it hehe~

>> No.31744524
File: 26 KB, 800x884, Live wawa reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy Vey, have I done? the "Alice gets NTR'D" arc isn't set to happen for another 2 months.

>> No.31744563


>> No.31744633


>> No.31744753


I'm glad you've presumably read and enjoyed "Metal Cocks and Meat Clocks" though.

>> No.31745451

yes i have, and i am certain now that kfp is behind the meat and bones concpiracy
