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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31603332 No.31603332 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.31603377

Stop posting your garbage, retard.

>> No.31603494

Thanks for posting so I can block your channel permanently

>> No.31603581

>responding to Gura.
>on a I think 4 day old tweet I think at the time he did it on a person that wouldn't even respond anyway.
How is this news?

>> No.31603885

I'm more concerned with why Gura is calling herself with a beetle's horn an ant.

>> No.31604122
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Watame's gargantuan pussy

>> No.31604382

>second khyofag thread
very cool, keep it up shill

>> No.31604479

World would be a significantly better place if this dude killed himself

>> No.31604491
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>> No.31604575

Is there a way to frighten these dramafags? Like make them afraid for their life, so they stop dramafagging.

>> No.31604651

Isn't she the best?

>> No.31604747

I want to watch the video but I don't want to give this fagboy a view.

>> No.31604763

jesus, this is not looking good holobros. they're calling us dirty incels

>> No.31604893

...and here's why that's a good thing

>> No.31604904


>> No.31605026

I still don't fucking get it. You see tons of Niji and Holo interactions on a weekly basis yet this is the guy that apparently the straw that broke the camel's back and keeps making you guys seethe. We just had an Elira x Kiara interaction yesterday and the Tempus guys talk to Iluna people constantly, especially Magni and Scarle, do you retards conveniently choose to ignore those? Be consistent or kill yourselves.

>> No.31605060

>missed the depressed nousagi thread
I guess that officially means he's /ourguy/

>> No.31605164

Keep posting and drown the catalog

>> No.31605178

this is one-sided though, it's just an autist making shitty replies to people (mostly people with numbers) he doesn't know
he was known for doing this in his pl too

>> No.31605192

It's not interaction though. One sided tweets are not interaction.

>> No.31605405


>> No.31605595


I mean an interaction has to fucking start from one side right, it doesn't matter that he's getting ignored, people were shitting on him the moment he tweeted at Mumei *because* he tweeted at Mumei, and when he started doing it "correctly" (replying instead of out-of-the-blue @ing) people still shat on him, even before we "knew" more cross-company people would also not reply to him. And of course those people have numbers, he's part of the newest addition to Niji, clearly the only people he can interact with (that aren't from his gen/Tempus) are senpais. (This isn't a new concept either)

>> No.31605808

this guy did more damage to hololive's reputation than chinks, kek

>> No.31606287

If by 'reputation damage' you mean, gatekeeping Niji's chinklover fanbase then sure. Literally anything to keep these companies as separate as possible so I don't have to risk watching talentless niji scum.

>> No.31606432

> teakeks damage controlling on the comments
why are they like this

>> No.31606505

Taiwan is a country.

>> No.31606512

>mostly people with numbers
except not, he replies to a bunch of random people, but you won't be seeing threads about those

>> No.31606532

>Fucks your whife then fucks his whife

>> No.31606574

Remember to have ad-block on, load up the vid, pause at 00:01 and leave a dislike

>> No.31606621

> hololive's reputation
they don't have any

>> No.31606718

blue exorcist rip-off

>> No.31606793

> reputation
negative reputation kek

>> No.31606830
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>> No.31606867


>> No.31606921

This is true!

>> No.31606945

No go after them and thei'll fuck you up.

>> No.31606955

t. cumbud

>> No.31607678

This dude is a huge normalfag that is desperately trying to be relevant but he's painfully uninteresting.

>> No.31607873

Kill yourself Khyo you disgusting faggot. Reported the video for child abuse for an easy take down

>> No.31607890

>People STILL don't know why Ren is just @ing some of the HoloEN girls
Remember when saying "do your reps" encouraged /vt/ to know what the fuck they were talking about?

>> No.31607936

>hololive gen 0,1,2 leech niji including nijimales for months
>no males allowed miko even collabs with nijimales
>now that holo is bigger they never collab with nijimales again
But THIS is leeching?

>> No.31607951

WOMEN PRETENDING TO BE ANIME GIRLS company of choice aside, if you are this upset about someone replying to a message on twitter, you really need to look up mental health services in your company of origin. And if you are going along with it just because you saw other people on your side doing it, you really need to consider whether the people you are listening to have the mental stability to be telling you why you should be angry.

>> No.31608053


>> No.31608080

>Gura ignores the message, but keeps talking to them on a discord call
I still have no idea why people cling to corpo shit when basically everyone moving forwards is friends or close acquaintances

>> No.31608193

another chance for the holo fanbase to prove why they are the embarassment of the vtuber spectrum

>> No.31608251

I'm starting to hate this faggot for the amount of shit he's stirring

>> No.31608411

He only sent a reply, it's not his fault that people are starting wars over it

>> No.31608450


>> No.31608521

He actually sent 16 replies so far of which all but one to altare got ignored, knowing well all the shitposters from this shithole that jump in to make a drama under the holo comments. He's either stupid or doing it for fun which is worse.

>> No.31608632


>knowing well all the shitposters from this shithole that jump in to make a drama


schizomeds plz

>> No.31608746

stupit cunt I'm telling you what happens under his replies everytime, all the stupid dramatuber channels are making videos of it, and then you have the whiteknights blowing it out of proportion and sucking his cock too.

>> No.31608823

Dude's just doing his own thing, why should he bow to containment breakers shitposting, why should he dictate his actions because of things that shouldn't even be happening because, I dunno, /vt/ decided to make him their tweeter punchbag?

>> No.31608972

There are currently 2 threads like this on the catalog, same drama tubers link and nothing more.
It was 3, but the other one got archived, bit SUS if you ask me.

>> No.31608999

He pretty much ruined the first contact, people don't complain when Kiara talks with Pomu or Mori talks with Vox, the whole "I'm too innocent guys I just love all vtubers XD" feels like a really strong act to make him look like an unity saint

>> No.31609166

You'll understand once your realize the context of his actions -
1. Guy is obviously doing it for clout, based on his PL (used to do the same thing there, tagging random corpo accounts and asking for sponsorships).
2. Replying in a way that cannot proceed the conversation (i.e. how exactly is Gura supposed to reply to "are you looking for Risotto" or whatever it was he typed?). Indicating that conversation is the last thing he's looking for.
3. The two times he actually GOT a reply (both from the Tempus boys) he never carried forward the conversion, indicating that all he wanted was the reply and the clout, not making friends.
4. The absolute unity Holos like Ollie and Mori UTTERLY ignored him, because they're aware of the first 3 points.

Holofags are laughing at him, "holofans" (niji sockpuppets) are seething at him to generate drama, Nijisisters hate him for causing them second hand embarrassment (because they're the only fanbase that consists of people who genuinely like the NijiEN livers) and want him to just fuck off or stop doing this shit, and adolescent nijiniggers just call him BASED because they relate to someone that has zero social skills.

>> No.31609281
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Same one dramafag kek

>> No.31609297

> actually thinking twitter drama does anything
Majority of the fanbase doesn't even know this guy exists anon
only terminally online faggots like you think this is some big thing

>> No.31609308
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Its amazing how you twist your pretzels and try to find some incredibly meaning in some asshole replying to tweets.
Now THIS is prime schizo posting, imagine the brain of this man, starting at that tweet for hours, scribbling shit on a notepad and tossing it away till he finally reaches this conclusion.
Holy fucking shit. This is true schizophrenia and I actually lived with a real schizo patient so trust me on this.

>> No.31609387
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>> No.31609415

stupid faggot trying to get views on youtube to get more viewers for his dead twitch channel. Dude literally streams to 9 viewers

>> No.31609463

case in point

>> No.31609625
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>gets more views in less than half the time
Nothin' personnel.

>> No.31609722

both these niggers should get raped by a pack of somalians

>> No.31609828

I'm not wrong if he had first normal interaction with some of the Holo girls we wouldn't be here, now he will forever be know has Ren the leech or atleast the guy that likes to poke the nest

>> No.31610060

Starting with Mumei poisoned the well for him. Bringing doxxfags down on her head sours things for people who remember the constant doxxposting and raging antis from her first two months, right down to the fake nudes and the doxxing furry trying to get her MeToo’d on Twitter.

>> No.31610110

Theyve made good advancements on meds anon, you might have a real future someday.

>> No.31610153

guys does absolutely nothing and gets several threads and tweets telling everyone they're not mad. Yes, he's a chad. Nijis don't give a fuck because it's literally nothing but holoseethe is off the charts. Couldve just said who cares and moved on but you had to larp about protecting your maiden on twitter

>> No.31610386

Kek, it's so fucking funny how much seethe this guy can bring here doing almost nothing. Holochuds are pathetic

>> No.31610589

these accounts are newly created and only replies to NijiEN posts. And you are taking a dramatuber seriously who only posts information from these accounts to try to make it seem there is drama. He would have more credibility if he's using threads from here as proof but he probably cant because of all the niggers

>> No.31611248

>Yes, he's a chad
Like Trump, since this strategy is his playbook.
>act retard
>don't know etiquette
>get retards mad at you (probably buy some, like that gura account)
>drama channels pick it up
>it gets parroted
>you are now popular

>> No.31612069

I just did this too he's a fucking sea retard

>> No.31612334

Can't wait for the fbi to raid this guy's house to seize his stash of hololive doxxes

>> No.31613031
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Hello there fellow Bajs.

>> No.31613179

>I am not mad about this says the anon posting the same thread for the 30th time
>Everyone hates him says the anon as he posts his schizo theory yet again
Truly the rrats starve without drama.

>> No.31613267

>False posters
>Khyo shilling himself

>> No.31613514

I think you three should just neck yourselves

>> No.31613760

What etiquette? It's fucking Twitter, you absolute loser

>> No.31614094

Even on twatter, it's somewhat of a faux-pass to @ people unsolicited. It's why, when giving credits, you sometimes see @/user.

>> No.31614104

Why yes OP, I do hate troons and yes, this thread has caused me to spread hatred of you trannies further. Hololive rules, idol culture is eternal and universal, and killing troons is moral and correct globally, forever.

>> No.31614199


>> No.31614290

...by desperatly trying to get their attention. Because the only way he managed to get any attention was when he fucked up with the reply to Mumei, so his management told him to make his entire personality being chasing after more popular vtubers, so that's all he can do now.
And here's what the obsessed shitposters on /vt/ have to say about it:

>> No.31614325

He'll have to do it quicker than Tempus

>> No.31614491

Yes, and if you take a quick look at Ren's feed, he does that often.

However, if you're replying to a tweet, you @ them
Because that's just how replies work

>> No.31614546

Axel replied too.

>> No.31614669

>Everybody's friends and close with each other

Sir please drink Ur meds today

>> No.31614745

Please wake me up from cryocapsule when Gura respond.

>> No.31614786

Wrong, it's only a faux-pass to untag someone in a string of tweets like if you and another person are talking in their replies.
You naturally @ someone when you reply to them dumb dramanig.

>> No.31615556

Ha You're the guy who called me nigger and faggot the other day! I bet your twitter friends don't know that

>> No.31616033

> 2022
> still having TDS

>> No.31616406

he knows not how to conduct himself in front of his elders
he brings shame upon the sisterhood
a thousand curses upon his bloodline

>> No.31616669

Good work anon, keep falseflaging as a dramanigger so we can remember how much we despise them, especially this one

>> No.31619872

This faggot literally wants both his cocksuckers and his antis to talk about him and you troglodytes here chimping at each other like monkey circus while the guy is smiling in satisfaction.

>> No.31620024

He's literally the only good tuber of his gen, good for him

>> No.31620866

The problem is that the first time, he @ Mumei out of nowhere, it wasn't a reply. That is like putting her on the spot.

>> No.31621016

Amerimutts really love unprofessional Twatter niggers like him.

>> No.31621659

OK, and?

Do you have any idea how many Twitter notifications these people get? Probably the only reason Mumei would even notice is because Holofags had a meltdown over it.

Ren @'d Mumei. Him and a hundred thousand other people.
Big fucking deal.

>> No.31622582

Do u really think mumei gives a shit about an old friend @ her on Twitter?

>> No.31623018

I think she’d prefer not to worry about doxxfags and antis finding an excuse to act out again. You’ll notice that she hasn’t really interacted with people she knew before Hololive.

>> No.31624709

The fuck is that? Trump's strategy is worth of study in the sense that it side-stepped the previously considered monopoly of the burger media in the mind of burgers.
In that sense, what Ren is doing is similar because it makes you remember him. And his fans will say it's "something small, what are you complaining about". Which they are right, in a way.

>> No.31625780


>> No.31626598
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Well written and reasoned post.
A shame it'll be met with nothing but "take your meds" and/or "cope and seethe" fags who are no different than "L + ratio" twitter zoomer faggots.

>> No.31626937
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>> No.31627619

I'm not part of the containment breakers and doxxfags on his replies, I'm merely explaining why these idiots did it to begin with
