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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.13 MB, 320x276, Menace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31560573 No.31560573 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently due to constant harassment and death threats. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss45cq

>> No.31560593

Lumi won?

>> No.31560617

She is a terrible person. Im glad she will finally be leaving

>> No.31560680

sei won

>> No.31560724

You can end lumis career with one post just say it.

>> No.31560740

is this the end of Aetheria?

>> No.31560771

Niji Wave 7?

>> No.31560787

*checks subs count*

>> No.31560841

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.31560904

Qrd on her dramas

>> No.31560951

She needs to out everything Lumi did in a twitlonger, I'm so tired of phasefags shitting up the catalog shilling her

>> No.31560979

Shut up menace

>> No.31560989

Shut the fuck up Sei. Haven't ruined enough lives yet?

>> No.31561011

nice clickbait anon, are you a clipfag by any chance? its a hiatus.

>> No.31561041

Menace is notorious at this point for leaking shit. Stfu.

>> No.31561123

Guess a schizophrenic moderator from the same company doxxing girls into retirement and spamming threads with gore and porn and harrasing people out of communities should be kept quiet.

>> No.31561163


>> No.31561241

have not seen any vtuber come back from these "hiatus"

>> No.31561282
File: 30 KB, 600x600, m16 nanora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's still an entirely different term than "retire", clipper-chama

>> No.31561489

good riddance

>> No.31561564

Lumi did nothing wrong, you fags have literally never had any proof of anything

>> No.31561999

Oh nyo

>> No.31562723

(other than collecting high level schizos and doxxers)

>> No.31562732

Man that sucks, such a good model and voice.

>> No.31562878

Thats true, then again there are so many Vtubers as grains of sand in a desert with many these days having good models

>> No.31563198

With what I dunno this person?

>> No.31563303

Who do you think is the one shitting up the catalog? It ain't her or her fans, it's CL fans.
They all started doing it at the same time.

>> No.31563813
File: 117 KB, 640x994, white knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constant harassment and death threats
So what you're saying is that ideologically motivated tribes are laying terroristic siege to the common trade route that is the internet. Were it within my power to secure said route and enable the voluntaristic flow of commerce, I'd do so immediately. Alas, one anon can't reverse the inevitability of widespread social decay.

>> No.31565273

>just said she was getting a redesign the other day
>fucking hiatus now
Menace, why...I love you.

>> No.31565361

What did she do that prompted the death threats?

>> No.31565970

too low subs count.
HoloEN is far more possible

>> No.31566194

So i guess this psychopath forced her to end the career in the end

>> No.31566287

This is the most painfully subhuman autismal thing I've seen for at least a month, thanks

>> No.31566326

And menance leaked his shit, no wonder she got him on her throat

>> No.31566368

She made Lumi and Kiki angry

>> No.31566521

Isn’t that lumis bf?

>> No.31566546

No, but IT WAS one of her mods.
The nigger is also in Phase connect server on a new persona but not as mod anymore

>> No.31566581 [DELETED] 

Good. This girl is one of the most evil vtubers on the EN community.

>> No.31566609

Quick reach around please?

>> No.31566756

Not bf no, but she's his BDSM sex Slave and they do petplay ERP on discord

>> No.31566810

Subhumans like that can have partners?

>> No.31566968

>the other nigga just stops replying and he talks to himself
Also fuck, its so hard to believe that out there theres really retards who spend their free time shitting up threads. Its something that I just cant fathom.

>> No.31567076

Never actually proofed.
What was real is that he was part of the mod team of hers

>> No.31567116

How new to 4chan are you that this surprises you?
There have been schizo att whoring tripfags since at least 2007

>> No.31567178

Been here since 2009. Yes, it surprises me.
I will never get used to actual retards.

>> No.31567697

>Menace in EN3
This will be hilarious if true

>> No.31568110

Kiki would kill herself lmao

>> No.31568464

what do you mean never proofed? there used to be a screenshot floating around of their discord roles where she had something like Pet and he had Master or something similar. i don't remember which kinkterms they used but it was obviously a sub/dom thing.

>> No.31568556

Forgot to add, it was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.31568752

>discord screenshots

>> No.31568776

Subs too low for nijisanji, was too much of a drama whore in public for hololive. Either she's gone or small corpo, which I doubt.

>> No.31568869

>Gezu (Megbert's aka Menace art mama's friend)
>Menace herself
complete west indies victory. I hope is Koopa is proud of the trail she blazed.

>> No.31569025

Gezu is already in Kawaii Gen 3

>> No.31569086

Really? I watched her ASMR not long ago and she was fine

>> No.31569565

Next time think twice before causing harm to an innocent girl like Kiki just for your personal corpo

>> No.31569881

>nothing is real and everything i haven't personally seen, heard or experienced is a lie

>> No.31569976

There's no solid proof of Menace leaking anything about Kiki yet everyone believes that rumao anything against Menace in favor of anyone who hates her will always win.

>> No.31570183

There is no other explanation and everything points to her. No one among Lumi circle had any motive for this the leaks were a big pain in the ass showing both her mods in a bad light.
Meg has shown schizo tendencies before like during that suicide hotline stream, she was the one to leave the discord just before the leaks, she was the one with the most ties to /wvt/ and the most bothered by Sei dumb actions.
There's just no one else but here.

>> No.31570252

Yet there's no solid proof and she's getting harassed for it.

>> No.31570413

Hell yeah a schizo thread

>> No.31570454

these threads makes me want to get a NAS and just scrape everything vtuber-related and just store it forever. so fucking tired of the constant gaslighting by deflecting simps.

>> No.31570513

Where you even in that suicide hotline stream? Name that steamer then. I was and Menace was against streaming suicide hotline volunteer work as content. All that proves is Menace is not in favor of anything that morally represensible.

>> No.31570543

There's definite proof that Menace was shit-talking Lumi with other Cyberlive talents and management behind her back. Reap what you so, bitch. Never understood why people /here/ put her on a pedestal. Definition of "I know her when she was here so even though her content has completely changed and gotten worse I don't care!"

>> No.31570606

>2view drama thread

>> No.31570646

>There's definite proof
see >>31568752

>> No.31570705

Cottoncandyreviews, and she was having a blast until someone in thread pointed out it was a bit fucked up and then she switched her discourse

>> No.31570722

>Reap what you so, bitch
Love that American education system!

>> No.31570813

Bullshit Sei. *We* were having a blast before Megbert stepped in and be a buzzkill. I don"t agree with her and I certainly found it funny, but she wasn't laughing along with us.

>> No.31571153

>"provide proof!"
>provides proof
>"the proof is fake!"
flat earth-tier retardation

>> No.31571190

To be fair if the only proof is discord screenshots its safe to assume its fake

>> No.31571523

Widespread my cum on your ass, pussyboy

>> No.31572179

The only proof they'll accept is literally tte vtuber saying it on stream themselves then RT it with a timestamp of them signin the proof as real in a picture.

>> No.31572290

it's incredibly easy to fake discord screenshots, I don't like menace and I believe the leaks but you're retarded if you call those screenshots definitive proof

>> No.31572327

Gezu went into Kawaii
> Menace
> Anywhere NEAR holo

>> No.31572693

Will pyonfags follow her footsteps?

>> No.31572966

Cyberlive is the worst thing to happen to the small corpo scene, no one should have given them any attention back when they had their enjou kosai tier goals on debut.

>> No.31573332

the fact that Lumi kept it running longer than it should've while these absolute troglodytes that are her co-workers are stabbing her at the back, including a /wvt/ranny like Menace is absolutely preposterous. Typical women behaviour

>> No.31573491

>No one among Lumi circle had any motive for this the leaks were a big pain in the ass showing both her mods in a bad light.
There were plenty of people in that server, some of which were dads, who also had a beef with Kiki.
How easy everyone forgets. You retards got played.

>> No.31573534

there's no such thing as "definitive proof". proof is about adding substance to a theory, thickening it like a roux.

>> No.31573660

>some of which were dads, who also had a beef with Kiki.
it's literally just one schizo from Kiwifarms

>> No.31573923

>root of the problem is discord schizos

>> No.31574213

This, if there is any hate or contempt to have, it's to that CEO and his underage GF who also fucked over all the fans who bought nonexistant merch. Those 2 were all of the company staff (until vera was given gen2 management) yet didn't even do anything.
I'd call that the worst management ever but calling it management is already giving it too much praise
See https://archive.alice.al/vt/thread/31237749/#31257424%20https://archive.alice.al/vt/thread/23703565/#23802431%20https://archive.alice.al/vt/thread/20420458/#20457023

>> No.31574342

>No one among Lumi circle had any motive for this the leaks
Sei Gael leaks just happened and were the most damaging ones. Kik Sei leaks could have been a good chance to get rid of the head mod by another mod who hated Sei, which now we know were plenty.
It is well known now quite a few of them were jealous of his position as the head mod. The second in command always aims for the chair.
Not saying this happened, but there is a reason why she got rid of all of them in the first place.

>> No.31574443

The only "dad" in that server was Z** and he has 0 motive to harm either Kiki or Menace, he even made BGM for the Kiki I remember some dude sperging about it in pyon.

>> No.31574968

Koopa for EN3 would be better, she even already has the excuse for not streaming.

>> No.31574982
File: 277 KB, 631x1728, 1634713427300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has 0 motive to harm Kiki
you are extremely lacking critical information
Zia approached Kiki, he gets closer to any vtuber on the catalog. He dropped her soon after. Check the events involving the discord account that was trolling bea's server.

Banned him from her past life's chat, for a start.

Plus, Zia is a confirmed mentally ill medicated drugaddict. He had schizo attacks in the past and was caught redhanded attacking himself. He doesn't need a reason
How did doxxman epick hacker Sei let this mega schizo get into Lumi's inner circle speak tomes about his incompetence, even beyond confessing all his sins to known schizo /wvt/ Gael.

>> No.31575501

It was the public roles in her discord pre-Sei breakdown. I think the roles were kusogaki for Lumi and brat tamer for Sei? Very well could have been a joke, but it was there

>> No.31575695

You do realise those were actually Lumi’s idea right? She let all the blame go onto Hylo but it was Lumi who suggested it.

>> No.31575807

/We/ won bros!
another Menhera bites the dust!

>> No.31575930
File: 348 KB, 678x621, 1659985669949219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that people like this exist explains a lot about this place

>> No.31576047

>/wvt/ faggots
>Schizo Phasecuck mods
>/yah/cord fags
>The usual /pyon/schizos who bring kiki up at every drama
Somehow she managed to gather the worst schizos of /vt/

>> No.31576293

proof next thread? Also, my post isn't defending Lumi in any way, I'm shitting collectively on everyone that was part of that shitshow

>> No.31576325

>constant harassment and death threats
lol based

>> No.31576513

Here's everything Lumi did:
-Be cute
-Be based
-Lumi love

>> No.31576529

All me
t. Champyon

>> No.31576622
File: 192 KB, 503x503, 1660743414220086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really confused by why anime girls or 4chan is this important to people.

>> No.31576755

He feels powerful when he exerts control over the thread. He explains it quite clearly in the messages desu.

>> No.31576968

Because people like him are so fucked up in their head they unironically find sexual pleasure in shitposting

>> No.31578180

>worst thing
That's Dramafag Connect by far.

>> No.31578185
File: 864 KB, 1402x1968, The face that strikes fear in the hearts of Lumi mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will drive them from the thread any way I can.
Always remember the only thing a doxx schizo fears is an Anyaposter

>> No.31579630

More drama please

>> No.31579830

oh hey menace

>> No.31579930

nigger that's Petra...

>> No.31579946

Who ?

>> No.31579980

Alright for starters here, Zia was never in any inner circle of Lumi's.
Which is what makes things complicated. For him to get the leaks and for him to manufacture the dumb Kiki DM thing, he had to have someone who was actually in the server (which had less than 10 people in it...).
It could only be Menace, Bea, or Eira. Eira seems non-confrontational to me. Bea is the type to do it but has no attachment to /wvt/. Menace... Menace indirectly admitted to doing it by making a big deal in the server's chat about it before deleting everything and leaving.
Zia indirectly confessed in Virial's DMs via his retarded typing style and the way he tried defending the leaker.

None of you have to believe me, not really sure what possesses me to post anything about this after 6 months of silence, but here I am I suppose.

>> No.31580080

Honestly I wish beatani would apologize to Kiki for the message. I don't think she ever did

>> No.31580581

Kiki did seem heartbroken after reading it, yeah.
Can't say I care much on that specific topic, but I understand what you mean.
Some people might say there is beauty in brutal honesty...

And for Kiki who is likely to ego search this, let me say that I never actually ate rabbit stew. It was a joke. Frankly I never had a problem with you. Good luck.

>> No.31580833

Still can't see much motive in multiple aspects of this theory unless menace is dating him or something. Maybe that's why she went on hiatus, for the honeymoon.

>> No.31580915

why would she apologize? I like Kiki but she's mostly right even though she was being harsh. Kiki's behavior and content attract schizos. Most "goslings" are just sad and depressed lonely men but some of them can be extremely dangerous and mentally ill.

>> No.31581001

I'm all ears if you have a better theory. In fact, I've got nothing better to do for the next 2 hours or so. Give me your theories and I'll give my thoughts, maybe even screencaps if I can dig them up.

>> No.31581164

honestly this. Kiki has almost cut back on gfe entirely at this point probably because it was the wake up call she needed.

>> No.31581218

Everyone agreed with Bea in the server back then. Kiki kept spamming and pinging her for collab and stuff. If anything she was nicer than she had to be.

>> No.31581420

Eh she was pretty new to vtubing at that point and was a fan. Yes she was probably annoying but unintentionally.

>> No.31581613

>my poor heretuber
Why do people get schizo attached to these kinds of girls? Do they think they'll get to fuck them? Are they the girls themselves? Is it just a feature of being mentally ill? The internet was certainly better before twitch ruined it.

>> No.31581667

>Is it just a feature of being mentally ill?

>> No.31581748

Why would anyone get attached to a vtuber at all?

>> No.31581853


>> No.31581863

because they're just like me...

>> No.31581867

>Do they think they'll get to fuck them?
It actually sometimes happens, unfortunately.
>Are they the girls themselves?
It does happen too.

>> No.31581883

I have no theories but screencaps but would be interesting

>> No.31581887

The fact that she went from not liking GFE in her PL to going full on GFE was always a huge red flag to me.

>> No.31581936

This anon is not me

>> No.31582006


>> No.31582078

Even if she wasn’t in lumis circle she always welcomed him with open arms verbally. Would chat with other similar size vtubers with both of them chatting

>> No.31582178

Any theory based on "known/obvious typing style" is bogus since the most obvious it is the easiest it is to imitate and an easy scapegoat. Many vtubers like Sloth or Veleck had this happen.
Also menace leaked the server in wvt much before if you wanna go with that, using her green vn guy as image.

>> No.31582287

What went wrong with a man’s life that he ends up harassing and sending death threats to some poor and harmless cute girl?

>> No.31582293

This. The reason I avoided her past life is exactly because of her stance on lonely men.

>> No.31582639
File: 109 KB, 719x571, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Zia telling Virial why he thinks Menace would do it. The multiple edits on his part is due to his poor English, a recurring feature in any interaction you might have with him.
He tried to delete it as well as other messages because he was paranoid of his own wording.

>> No.31582999

>random discord screenshot without its context
Here we go again...

>> No.31583018

>trusting a schizophrenic pedophile drug addict
How low does it get

>> No.31583152

Wait but his reasoning isn't wrong? Of all people there, only a few care about wvt, of those, only megbert seems emotional enough to do it. If asked the most likely culprit, I would have thought the same.

>> No.31583329

Sadly that's how it goes with these things. Full context is ugly and takes too long to disseminate.
I'm not out here to blanket accuse anyone for that matter, I'd love to get to the bottom of what the hell happened 8 months ago. If Zia had no involvement then I apologize. Hell, if someone sent me picture perfect proof that the leaker wasn't Menace, I would go out of my way to personally apologize to Menace even. Maybe she'll say "woah" to me again, who knows.

>> No.31583373

This is why vtubers absolutely need to be in a relationship. Imagine not being able to release the stress after being a virtual friend to hundreds of lonely men.

>> No.31583415

Not saying his reasoning is wrong, I just chose a random screencap that I could find that no one has ever seen before.
I'm just saying a number of things don't really add up for Zia. Who knows, maybe the guy just really loves drama and involved himself to such a high degree because of that.

>> No.31583523

Just opening this thread but why would you have a DM like this now, did someone from Lumi's close circle go rogue? Would be hilarious.

>> No.31583541

Wherever Bea and the Dads existed there was schizo bullshit, to blame it on someone else for the crime of being a decent person is so fucking absurd

>> No.31583648

Funny you should say that...
But no, I'm just bored and interested in seeing what other anons think might've went down all those months ago.

>> No.31583737

Lumi will crash and burn. Screencap everything you can.

>> No.31583823

Yeah, me.

>> No.31583982

The only dad in the server was Eira, and Lumi if you really want to stretch the definition.

>> No.31584483

the leaks are from zia I have them from the same source
he impersonates people all the time to both attack and defend himself too

>> No.31584515

Why isn't simply "menace leaked it in public" even considered?
It's much more realistic than some 5d chess of her leaking it to someone she has no relation with, only for him to leak it himself and then hint it could be her without showing the proof he had (DMs of the leaks) it's just way too convoluted, he wouldn't have said it's likely meg if she was close enough to leak the discord. Why not the much more straightforward option.

>> No.31584582

>Why not the much more straightforward option
because it's too normal and boring

>> No.31584685

She only has two mods left now, all the other mods (including Sei on an alt) were either purged or quit on their own.

>> No.31584745

Oh, a lot of things in this thread make sense now.

>> No.31584962

This thread is upsetting me. Menace is a good girl right? and Lumi is a good girl? I try to enjoy without reading 4chan, but 4chan is happening in the background.

Who was the bad one here?

>> No.31585011


>> No.31585028

Lumi but Menace created a bunch of people that hate her for going against their precious /here/ chuuba so Menace has more antis.

>> No.31585062

>Who was the bad one here

>> No.31585355

>Who was the bad one here?
Their discordfaggots and mods

>> No.31585424

So its not the girls themselves though right? I'm subbed to both Menace and Lumi and like them both but i don't want to support someone whos being mean behind the scenes.

>> No.31585450
File: 720 KB, 1284x2476, 1649544588322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're making this way more complicated than it needs. Menace leaked it, both attempting to frame Sei and harm Lumi, remember the group DM gen2 had shit talking lumi?
No need to write a movie script.
See pic.

>> No.31585529

Lumi is in a relationship with >>31566194 this schizo. She knows everything about what he's done but doesn't care.

>> No.31585544

Well... >>31585450
But in the end, none of all this is worth hating anyone, just silly things. No crimes here.

>> No.31585546

Bea saw that Lumi was super attached to some crazy schizo mod of hers and thought the meltdown would be really funny if she exposed him and got him fired. The meltdown was absolutely hilarious and it all worked way better than when they tried to make up shit about another Bea target

>> No.31585562

Well Lumi has a controversial bf/mod/"owner" >>31566194
And Menace has this >>31585450

>> No.31585589

Do you really think they just did that for no reason?

>> No.31585616

women do that

>> No.31585654

They really do hate each other.

>> No.31585671

Menace directly references Sei

>> No.31585717

All i know from this is just WOMAN MOMENTO
And that Menance will be in next HoloEN group and the schizo that hates her will raid /hlgg/

>> No.31585744

>Lumi has a controversial bf/mod/"owner"
the fuck is wrong with Phase Connect? their members are all fucked up

>> No.31585768

Ok? Wrongdoers always think they have a good reason, that they are in the right, what does change? Countries at war are both convinced the other is the bad one.

>> No.31585828

>look at this shit-talk, it's Menace's fault
>no shit-talking by Menace in the screenshot
Get better bait

>> No.31585830

Come again?

>> No.31585836

I would kill myself

>> No.31585851

4chan pandering vtubers thinking the short term explosive growth will work out for them in the long run. stepping on everyone it took to get there

>> No.31585898

BDSM daddy owner, slave master relationship

>> No.31585925

That's their "brand"

>> No.31585943

Lumi keeps getting more and more disgusting by the day

>> No.31585982

Why put off tomorrow what you could do today?

>> No.31586049

Which was the reference? Discord? Youtube?

>> No.31586070


>> No.31586091

This is just a rrat, on the level of z*a dating menace to trick her into leaking the discord to him.
>"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact"

>> No.31586230

>rratspreader trying to call out rrats

>> No.31586237

cool art

>> No.31586249

But both those rrats are true, he just seduces vtubers to make them quit out of a power fantasy.

>> No.31586274

a few weeks ago one of Lumi's mods was being a faggot and insulting fans in /pcg/ and it caused enough of a stink that Lumi or the other mods noticed and then suddenly the shitposts stopped and one of the mods (presumably the same guy) quietly lost mod status soon after

>> No.31586276

>t. Lumi

>> No.31586456

This quote always gets brought up when defending people. The fact is truth gets posted here at times. Stuff posted here can actually matter a lot. Your little 4chan quote doesn't protect you.

>> No.31586483

What the fuck is wrong with Phaseconnect mods? Sei, organizing damage control raids because of /vt/ bait threads and this too. Did they managed to hire the most retarded 4chan posters?

>> No.31586538

I choose to believe the rrats
Fuck Lumi

>> No.31586578

Think about it anon, what kind of person would want to be a mod?

>> No.31586588

Just like when the kiki drama was coming out I was there. Within minutes Lumi ended up unfollowing her on twitter. She lives here.

>> No.31586634

4chan edgy pandering chuubas attract 4chan edgy virgin losers

>> No.31586661

Retarded groomers with power fantasies I guess

>> No.31586698

Sei was the one dating Z. He shared with him screenshots of the discord regularly, and they would laugh together.
Then Gael (Sei's ex) leaked his own DMs with Sei, Z got hurt seeing he did that with other people than him and leaked the leaks.
In the end, everyone is a faggot.

>> No.31586738

I hope the menace in Ethyria follows suit

>> No.31586742

It worked out pretty well for a certain pink cat

>> No.31586768

Her edgy content was 10 years ago. It wouldn't fly in this age. Imagine if Lumi sang the moonman song.

>> No.31586796


>> No.31586806

>In the end, everyone is a faggot
Especially >>31560573

>> No.31586810

>these are the people that argue with you

>> No.31587149

it was 10 years ago and she wasn't even an adult back then.
And fucking honestly good for her for dropping the gimmick. You faggots should grow up too.

>> No.31587151

Lumi might not be responsibe personally, but she 100% knows the schizo harassing menance and she has done nothing

>> No.31587198

why wouldn't it work, lumi is doing great

>> No.31587347

Menace's thing doesn't seem to bad there. looks more like its a knee jerk reaction from someone who feels betrayed and doesn't know how to direct that feeling.

>> No.31587373

I didn't say it wouldn't work. It works pandering to 4chan and the right. It won't work out for you in the long run is what I said there will be many problems to deal with in the future.

>> No.31587389

Why is Lumi responsible for something her ex-mod did before they even knew each other? She went as far as to purge all her mods except her editor and the head Phase guy. There's nothing else you can reasonably expect her to do.

>> No.31587711

I should just stick with corpos instead of the drama of indies...

>> No.31587736

this is a corpo you retard

>> No.31587808

i should just stick with big corpos instead of the drama of small corpos....

>> No.31587834

These are small corpo girls. What you mean is any sub 1k viewcount corpo chubba is what you should drop.

>> No.31587951

I chose this rrat. It works with my theory of mods being faggots.

>> No.31588086
File: 498 KB, 1438x1072, 1632058290169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also funny that Menace used to shit on goslings and GFE all the time (even asking to not have any lewd), and reincarnated into exactly GFE and gosling bait.

>> No.31588132

>two faced cunt
Perfect candidate for HoloEN.

>> No.31588188
File: 984 KB, 972x1200, 1643794341593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at least with big corpos there are no dramas like that, time to watch Hololive.

>> No.31588319

At least it isn’t with eternally here schizo doxxing moderators

>> No.31588400

Funnily enough there have been leaks and stuff posted on 5ch and even rushia self posting (and confirming by liking a tweet of a screencap of her self-post)

>> No.31588494

I much rather have a girl who used to shit on GFE then starts doing GFE than a girl who used to do GFE and then starts shitting on GFE

>> No.31588497

This thread proves that /asp/ and /wvt/ were mistakes and any "hey anons im a girl and i want to be chuba" threads need to be deleted on sight.

>> No.31588554

It's just /clg/ 2.0 honestly, eceleb board with some of those small ecelebs and their circles posting

>> No.31588645

>I much rather have a girl who used to shit on GFE then starts doing GFE
No because it comes off as extremely manipulative, much more thant the opposite.

>> No.31588666

>vtubing is the same as cosplay
Who would've thought.

>> No.31588810

So she wasn’t doxxing people and trying to control the ecosystem

>> No.31589077

The Rushia drama was fun. This petty mud flinging is embarasing.

>> No.31589597

Pedos don't have self awareness or critical thinking anon, there is no point in telling them to get over it. They will seethe forever.

>> No.31589757

Is it dyslexiacs or newfags who keep confusing /cgl/ and /clg/ for the thousandth time?

>> No.31589820

>Most "goslings" are just sad and depressed lonely men
>but some of them can be extremely dangerous and mentally ill.
OK? But mentally ill people can also not be goslings, what's your point? None of them have done anything to hurt Kiki, but we know a lot of the schizos that harrass her are very much in the anti GFE camp

>> No.31589833

Yeah whatever I meant /cgl/ and wrote /clg/ after seeing that thread's name too many times, the context of the message makes it clear enough.

>> No.31590025

They are much, much more prevalent among those goslings, especially the ones at /pyon/. Thankfully most seem to have their head too far in the ground o realize.
But if they knew the truth
-especially those who spent ton of money and got a ring- and someone found her address she'd be lucky to only end up dead in one piece. I'm not joking. It's why Menace leaking those screenshots was very irresponsible, she didn't think twice about endangering an underage mentally ill girl like that.

>> No.31590060

Honestly yeah, I'm almost afraid for her.

>> No.31591437


>> No.31591479


>> No.31591494

lol unlucky
mod a fucking mentally deranged 4channer.
10 times more schizo than the average 4channer on a red board

>> No.31591792

There is always the huge danger that someone here is absolutely sick.
He doesn't have to be from this board but it's still amazing how much damage one person can do

>> No.31591884

You're living in a fantasy land lmao, pyon doesn't have goslings anymore bro, you heard some sister rumors from 6 months ago and repeat and rehash it like a gossiping little girl without doing any fact checking of your own. You just like the sound of the schizo gosling narrative because it sounds sensational. Most of them fucked off when the rumors of her dating Lumi's mod came out, nobody hunted her down and murdered her for that. Even if you look at Rushia or had a much bigger yab and much more parasocial fans with actual rings none of them went after her. Start living in reality and stop perpetuating this silly gossip and actual check out our threads sometimes and you'll find there not as scary as you've been told.

>> No.31591905
File: 165 KB, 720x2167, Screenshot_20220801_194538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31591984

What is this?

>> No.31592102

You fags proved you're still a schizo cult when you bullied your way into the /vrt/ thread.

>> No.31592168

PCG's vtubers bodyount.

>> No.31592189

>rumors of her dating Lumi's mod
I’ve never felt so disgusted in my life
To think I considered watching her, thanks for the warning

>> No.31592247

Was Lumi’s too big to fit in the list?

>> No.31592260

I still don't get it
It says talent price with some weird comment at the bottom

>> No.31592281

This board would be a better place if everyone who knows what the fuck is going on in this thread could be permanently banned.

>> No.31592286

pcg auctioned off cutouts of the talents at ax, noone bid on lumi's

>> No.31592287

Bro, what the fuck does that have to do with goslings? The guys that regular /vrt/ are probably the least schizo of Kiki's fans. Of course it's a fucking dad complaining about GFE schizos lol

>> No.31592483


>> No.31592521

That's what the leaks are about and why Menace was targeted by /pyon/, proof that they were e-dating and that he dumped her because she was menhera and lying to him about her age.

>> No.31592628


>> No.31592663

As far as I have ever been able to tell, her problem is that she’s smart, a girl, and autistic. Every time she’s tried to purposely not act like a Stacy, she just comes off as one even more.
Lumi’s the hot kind of autist you want to fuck, not the annoying kind like Mori.

>> No.31592822

Cool knight pic

>> No.31592853

OOF I wasn't the one who asked but thats rough sheesh, on the other side, (does pippa lil silly voice) PIPA? 800 DOLLARS OHMAIGAAAHD

>> No.31592918

Thanks for providing an example of how /pyon/ chose to cope. It's interest that the leaks split people into three groups: those accusing Sei of leaking the screenshots, those accusing Menace of leaking the screenshots (either directly or through Zia), and /pyon/, who chose to accuse Menace of faking the screenshots instead.

>> No.31592933

No pyon still has goslings its just split between people that accept the rrats and still love her regardless and people that never explored the rrats deeply. Goslings aren't dangerous this is a meme, the real danger are dramafags.

>> No.31593020

I didn't even think some people were still claiming all this shit was fake screenshots kek. When all this fucking drama happened because it was real leaks and caused troubles.

>> No.31593051

Assuming goslings are dangerous is a femoid meme. Oh no we women are so oppressed men will literally kill us if we don't sleep with them.

>> No.31593074

Dads hate goslings with a passion for some reason so they make them out to be this scary scum of the earth when it's just lonely and sad people that like escapism

>> No.31593138

You're doing the very same dumb thing by grouping a whole fanbase as one entity because of a few dudes. Whatever.

>> No.31593144

t. parasocial fuck that is gonna shoot up a school or something

>> No.31593163

I can't figure out whats going on here. is this girl stabbing eachother in the back drama and then followers/mods are taking revenge by doxing and death threats

>> No.31593169

Women don't actually think that they just say that to get sympathy, if they actually thought that then all women would have their dad/brother/boyfriend physically present with them when outside to avoid being islam'd. It just goes to show women are bad people, generally speaking.

>> No.31593208

Dude we're the kind of people that don't want to risk the mild discomfort of asking a girl out let alone breaking the law.

>> No.31593237

This word doesn't mean anything anymore since she's not autistic, she's just not hot enough to be a fleshtuber.

>> No.31593251

>Dads hate goslings with a passion for some reason
It's because they're crabs in a bucket goslinging for Bea and malding when she gives her attention to anyone else. They're competing.

>> No.31593318

This. Its just covered under their layers of irony that they use to cope

>> No.31593319

I mean that's deserved when you give special attention to your inner circle of 5-8 schizo namefags, to lump everybody else in the same circle as you fags is retarded, we're not as crazy as you

>> No.31593740

Women were a mistake

>> No.31594668

Does beatani even stream anymore or does her thread just exist as a weird schizo junction of cancer?

>> No.31594791

Most of her fans don't use that thread, it's just a small group of people and I wouldn't say it's representative, it's called /risuna/ and not /yah/ for a reason.
She sometimes stream when she feels like it but she moved on to other stuff in her life now.

>> No.31594932

Jannies should remove it

>> No.31595124

exactly what is the purpose of this thread? to throw shit at each other with biased information? show how you hate others and how you are superior?

>> No.31595256

I just want to cry for Menace, I didn't know her too well but the few ASMR streams I managed to watch were all very sweet, why would anyone want to hurt her?

>> No.31595325

Lumi won, thank fucking god this whore was a bitch. I hope that Panda whore is next

>> No.31595402

>why would anyone want to hurt her?
Maybe Menace was "very sweet". Sadly people cannot separate character and performer, and shit up this thread with all this terrible shit her performer did.

>> No.31595520

It didnt seem like there was a lot of bad she did? maybe i'm just stupid though.

>> No.31595587

me and menace play connect the dots on her face daily

>> No.31595618

She didn't but someone is going to make it out to be incredibly awful so everyone hates her.

>> No.31595693

Well it's fair to see it that way anon, in the same way, no one named in this thread didn't do a lot of bad too. No murderer, no one who stole or beat up someone else, no one who ruined anther's life. It's all little misdeeds.
People simply want gossip and chase the feeling of affecting other people's life.

>> No.31595775

this is so sad, it's like going to a funeral and everything starts fighting and blaming distant relatives for things that happened to you.

>> No.31595806
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I'd be happy if this meant Megbert coming back

>> No.31595827
File: 122 KB, 900x900, 53453534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words.
She will be missed dearly by me.
Hope she gets better.

>> No.31595836

Is this the first time you've seen a bait thread newfag? It draws in the worst types on /vt/: dramafags, I hope there aren't any actual vtubers in here talking about this shit.

>> No.31595915

the death threats were likely from people in this thread who are falseflagging

>> No.31595977

The death threats probably don't even exist

>> No.31596015

finally someone said it

>> No.31596112

Are there any lumi schizo mods in this thread? Give it to me honest, what are my chances of buying my way into her good graces and seeing those titties?

>> No.31596441

0. She purged her mods recently and has been making fun of jannies for weeks now.

>> No.31596561

So virial can finally be honest about what happened?

>> No.31596575

Since the early weeveetee days I've been saying she's Holo material, I hope that's what's happening anyway

>> No.31596695

Fuck, money can't buy happiness

>> No.31596762

Who keeps harassing these vtubers? What gets a human being so mentally ill that they keep on writing her/going to her channel?
If you get triggered by a vtuber or how they handle chat/males whatever, just dont watch them.

Its like everybody here is some <20 year old kid.

>> No.31597175

Thats how 99% of us sane people act but the 1% like this >>31576622 and they ruin it for everybody

>> No.31599934

good thing none of Kiki's following are from Australia

>> No.31599956

Lumi's fans are crazy and mentally ill.

>> No.31599997

its not them but (you) know that

>> No.31600341

it's always the same with these threads, they reach page 10 and someone bumps them.

>> No.31600615

its a good hint to notice the time gaps and what the narrative of the bumper is


>> No.31600716

fuck phase connect

>> No.31600978

Another /here/ chuuba for the fisherman. Phase connect gen 3 is already looking strong.

>> No.31601142

She applied for gen 2 and turned them down for Cyber. She then caused drama behind the scenes against Lumi. No way she is going over there now, she missed her chance.

>> No.31601514
File: 1.90 MB, 2205x1970, 1661304232144150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi is a BAD WOMAN??

>> No.31602409


>> No.31603396

so virial and sei no longer mods?

>> No.31603475

sei for a long long time
virial a bit ago

>> No.31603476

What about the walmart greeter Wilhelm? I remember being annoyed in the old lumi threads about all the dick sucking going on for that dude

>> No.31603681

wenham left of his accord as its his nature to orbit 2views and groom them then leave when they get to big, his current target is miia

>> No.31603781

I can't blame him 2views streams where your messages can actually be read are just much more comfy than 3views, I'd do the same

>> No.31603867

>death threats
Vtubing is serious fucking business.

>> No.31603948

holoen 3 or nijisanjien gen 3 ?

>> No.31604020

Some people are just that pathetic bro, and this is something streamers in general deal with, not just vtubers.

>> No.31604038

rrat; its vshojo because melody is a menace asmr enjoyer

menace will lead the semi-seiso gen

>> No.31605054

Because you use this site like a normal person, whether you believe it or not. You probably only use a small part of the site, right? And you know how to filter/ignore the worst ones.
Then there's losers who want to affect "reality" by steering the discourse through what means they can. Some are driven by ideology and others because it's the only mark on the world they can leave.
>yes haha, *i'm* the one who ruined X or Y thing. it was all me!

>> No.31605124
File: 349 KB, 341x499, Penn_Jillette.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out with the trash

>> No.31605743


>> No.31607160
File: 281 KB, 890x853, 1633825591955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that guy that used to send gore for lulz is probably no longer angry and doesn't have a grudge anymoreHe seems like a reasonable individual.
Kiki seems pretty sane, too, bet it is all water under the bridge.
Also Misaki, the ex manager everyone from both camps shat on? She probably no longer cares.
Those male chuubas that wanted to groom her back in /wvt/, including the one and only spooky of PC fame? Bet they moved on.
The diaperschizo that sent threats to anyone, spams the /wvt/ thread for 12 hours a day and is currently under investigation by the police and who also hated meg? Nah. How could he?
That one k-poper whose life got ruined? Bet she isn't angry.
The random schizos pestering /aeg/ wouldnt do these jokes in her marshmallows too, right?
You guys should really check /wvt/. It's a wonderful world of adventure

>> No.31607447

Why in the fuck would I check a schizo circle jerk? You guys have the worst threads on /vt/, it's no fucking wonder all the crazy schizo tripfags are wvt natives, yall are off your fucking meds.

>> No.31607537

is this bait or did you really, unironically missed the blatant sarcasm of the last line after all this fucking message...?

>> No.31607576

Somehow, he did. People just want to be angry no matter what I guess.

>> No.31607589

I saw you were an anya poster, read your opening statement, and your closing statement and skipped the rest.

>> No.31607650

I'm not even that guy, I never understood anya posters and their numbers and hierarchy... some seem to bring up politics often is all I know

>> No.31607740

Thats the single most impossible possibility.

>> No.31608349


>> No.31609531

You're delusional, champs would make fun of you if you posted this in /pyon/. Most champs still see kiki see themselves as kiki's husbands and they're serious about that

>> No.31610344

90% of the posts in pyon are either about how much they love kiki or how much they want to fuck her and drink her piss

>> No.31610687

Thats a shame, I liked her model and voice.

>> No.31611415

The first one is a ritual post, the second is part and parcel for every vt thread you newfag

>> No.31611543

you have no idea how much champs love kiki. Most champs are husbands and they take the marriage stuff seriously

>> No.31611798
File: 1.28 MB, 858x1080, 1635763265128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing a doxx schizo fears is an anyaposter
This has been documented
