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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31566475 No.31566475 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so loveable? What did riku do wrong?

>> No.31566506 [DELETED] 

built for bbc

>> No.31566572

he's old.

>> No.31566591

he doesn't have Riku's punchable face

>> No.31566598


>> No.31566636


>> No.31566638

Damn, that ugly face looks so punchable

>> No.31566641

Tribal corpo monkey thread

>> No.31566665

why are nijifags so fragile?

>> No.31566705

Why do you think we call them nijiniggers?

>> No.31566732

>trustworthy middle aged businessman
>zoomer than inherited the company

>> No.31566758

seething already? kek

>> No.31566770

Small dog syndrome

>> No.31566859


>> No.31566903
File: 63 KB, 500x700, s167.daydaynews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, he looks like a father figure for all the girls and he also looks like a younger takeshi kitano

>> No.31566924
File: 21 KB, 463x453, 1600819796752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely think that Yagoo used to be a sunday school teacher.
He is that friendly looking. Like, you have to be a really disturbed individuals to hate Yagoo

>> No.31566957
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So, Jomon's genes is the answer.

>> No.31566960

You know
At first I thought the Yagoo thing was a funny meme
Got a few laughs out of my, ngl
Over the course of 2 years, tho it got old real quick.
Of course, people are gonna keep spamming it bcuz 'LOL YAGOO'

But we really need to let it die.
Every time it gets posted it gets a little less funny.
Surprising, seeing how it wasn't even funny to begin with.
Turns out a middle aged japanese man posing with cute products can't really keep up

Guys, you gotta find something better to do with your lives.
Instead of jerking yourselves off to Yagoo, maybe try something productive
Really. It needs to stop.
Like. Now.

>> No.31566987
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>you have to be a really disturbed individuals to hate a whoremonger

>> No.31567078

>What did Riku do wrong?
he Axed Niji ID, so Indogs in general hates him

>> No.31567119
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>reddit spacing
go back.
see, a really disturbed individuals.

>> No.31567143


>> No.31567149 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31567199

>What did riku do wrong?

>> No.31567208

The community and the talents are the ones memeing him and he does not mind it.
The other guy memes himself to look cool, even forcing his talents to shill his coolness.

>> No.31567213


>> No.31567217
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>western roasties
>body count = 0

>> No.31567358
File: 388 KB, 610x426, riku leno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku isn't the original Nijisanji CEO. I would argue that Yagoo is also 20 years older and Riku looks like Jay Leno's bastard son. Also the Riku memes are painfully astroturfed as a response to Yagoo memes, but Yagoo successfully inserted himself early on as a business move to build goodwill with the fanbase so he wouldn't be blamed for all the fucked up shit his company does to fuck their women over.

>> No.31567367
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What are you saying? I am a cool guy.

>> No.31567371

He doesn't look like Beat Takeshi at all

>> No.31567452

Halo effect

>> No.31567544

>Yagoo successfully inserted himself early on as a business move to build goodwill with the fanbase
Yagoo is well-loved because of how he was described by his talents during the infancy of the company. He was always at the background but the talents and fans want to drag him into the front. Meanwhile, Riku wanted attention that he did this>>31567367

>> No.31567562
File: 18 KB, 365x315, 5f878dab20025f1c5f59c180e0be7e29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there

>> No.31567573

He's like a cool uncle

>> No.31567585

Jomons is just a meme

>> No.31567861


>> No.31568289

Yagoo is humble about it.

>> No.31568545

Chad Veteran Engineer vs Virgin University Dropout

>> No.31568546

He also axed nijiKR, so the hate is justified

>> No.31568665
File: 1.04 MB, 897x898, 1634914307861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon he didn't even know NijiKR existed until she reminded him

>> No.31568687

why don't you suck his dick

>> No.31568748

so humble he gets photos taken of himself and posted everywhere on the internet.
so humble he poses to shill every single merch.
so humble he tries to turn himself into a meme.

Who is the CEO of Vshojo? Nobody knows, nobody cares. Because he doesn't want to be famous. Yagoo does want to be famous. He's so short and physically weak he's never felt like a big man before.

>> No.31568801

Is he in the Kawasaki Warehouse Arcade in that pic? Wanted to visit it last time I was there, but wasn't able to. Sucks that it was permanently closed a couple of years ago.

>> No.31568858
File: 2.46 MB, 720x406, 1661340893228114.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of his childhood... Yagoo high school bullying video leak!

>> No.31568916

Even so Yagoo didn't give up on his dying branches (HoloID before Pekora interaction and especially HoloStars) and the talents have talked about Yagoo supporting them since day 1, going out on meals to discuss future plans together, etc.

Becoming a well beloved figure in the community is just a bonus he gets enjoy

>> No.31568931

>Who is the CEO of Vshojo?
Some fat hapa fuck

>> No.31568995

I find it ironic that not only is Vshojo more successful than hololive, the CEO is more humble, and the fanbase is arguably much more healthy. Hololive has the school shooter incel crowd.

It's rich irony I think

>> No.31569003

He's a saviourfag. hololive and holostars are basically homes for broken boys and girls. e.g.aruran was homeless before joining holostars, subaru's house burned down before joining hololive, kobo doesn't even have a pc before hololive, mori was working multiple job iirc including applebees,etc.

>> No.31569045

telling a bullshit backstory is how they court donations you idiot

>> No.31569080

Reddit Meme Review

>> No.31569084

>Bring up Riku for no reason other than because your are rent free monkey

>> No.31569096
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>> No.31569129
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>> No.31569165

>Aqua, Suisei and Sora beating the shit out of Yagoo in highschool
>pantsing Yagoo
>making Yagoo run through the hallways with his tiny, soft Japanese micropenis on display, profusely apologising to the hall monitors A-chan and Nodoka

>> No.31569171

Kek, destroyed

>> No.31569190

Anon you're missing the point. Vshojo just roped in a bunch of already successful vtubers, Hololive built it from practically 0. He supported the Stars boys through thick and thin and didn't give up on them. Does the Vshojo CEO drop by his chuubas streams or retweet their schedules at all?

>> No.31569193
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>> No.31569206

I knew you numbermonkey were a closet faggot

>> No.31569213

* cums on you *

>> No.31569223

He ripped off Nijisanji's entire business model and had major investors backing.

>> No.31569308

>Nijisanji invented streaming

>> No.31569470

>Nijisanji invented idols

>> No.31569563

>Nijisanji is AKB48

>> No.31569578

Nijiniggers don't even know their own company kek

>> No.31569669

For a second i thougt this was Chris "back alley" studio and he was an interview guest....

>> No.31569679

>these corpobootlicker sucking yacuck cock.

Here I thought yall just pretending to be faggots

>> No.31569749


>> No.31569751

I wonder who his roommate is

>> No.31569801

He didn't give up on stars despite the more than rough beginning and for that I'll suck his dick anyday


>> No.31569826

Hey, that's me!

>> No.31569853


>> No.31569866

No one believe this since the Coco/Rushia incident
All those backstories are probably BS, hard to disprove because Asians are undoxable antisocials who don't expose their private lives, we know most ENs were girls/boys doing well enough before joining Hololive.

>> No.31570093

Wash your vag

>> No.31570181

yellow bugman fingers wrote this post

>> No.31570678


>> No.31571207

Probably because all of the EOP newfags were basically forced to latch onto him for an extended period of time as one of the few things they could confidently reference to identify as a vtuber fan.

>> No.31574353


> 今でこそ注目される田角さんだが、大失敗も経験している。2017年、別の動画サービスを仲間と立ち上げたが、投資元が見つからず事業を畳んでいる
Although Mr. Tazumi is now in the spotlight, he has also experienced major failures: In 2017, he launched another video service with a few colleagues, but the business folded when they could not find an investment source.
> バーチャルYouTuberの事業をはじめる以前に、4つの事業を立ち上げたのですが、失敗しました。出資を受けることができず、2人いた仲間も辞めて、自分だけが残って。
"Before starting the virtual YouTuber business, I had started four businesses, but they failed. I couldn't get investment, two of my colleagues quit, and I was the only one left."

> ただ、もともとの性格でいえば、ダラダラしがちで。だからこそ、逆に短期集中で一気にやっちゃいたいんですよね。
It's just that my personality is the "lazy" type. So I prefer to do things in short, concentrated bursts.
> さすがに人生の全部を集中するなんて無理なので、「やる時」と「やらない時」をきっぱり分けるようにしています。
Obviously it's impossible to concentrate on everything in life all at once, so I try to make a clear distinction between "when to do" and "when not to do".
> バーチャルYouTuber市場は立ち上がったばかりの市場。集中して取り組みたいですね。
The virtual YouTuber market is a market that has just started. I want to concentrate on it.
> 「すぐに結果が出る、短期勝負がしたい」
Title : I want to play the game in a way that I get immediate results.
> じつは、バーチャルYouTuberで勝負をしたのも、短期集中に向いている事業だと思ったから
In reality, we went with virtual YouTubers because we thought it was a business suited for short-term focus.

> 日本でもフィッシャーズの「笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。」という動画が少しずつバズりはじめていて。マーケットもありそうだし、animoji×生配信をテーマにしようと考えていきました。
In Japan, the video series from "The Fishers'" called "YLYL : Animated emoji." got viral, and there seemed to be a market for it (This thing : [YouTube] 笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。 (embed)).
> 流行りはじめていたanimojiとライブ配信、この掛け合わせに集中をすれば、自分でも勝負ができると思ったんです。
I thought that if I concentrated on the combination of animoji and live streaming - which was starting to become popular - I could compete in this field.
> その頃、バーチャルYouTuber『キズナアイ』が100万登録突破し、めちゃくちゃ盛り上がってきていて。女性YouTuberの中でも上位にランクインしてきて。
Around that time, VTuber "Kizuna Ai" had just surpassed 1M subs and was getting very popular. She was ranked high among female YouTubers.

> バーチャルYouTuberがくることは間違いなかった。その波に乗っかろうと「にじさんじ」をリリースしました。
There was no doubt that virtual YouTubers were coming. I released "Nijisanji" to ride that wave.
> この先、バーチャルYouTuberもいつまで伸び続けるかわからないですよね
In the future, we don't really know how long virtual YouTubers will continue to grow.
> ただ、それでいいと思ってるんです。次に「来る」と思った領域があったら、そこにどんどん張っていく。
However, I think that's fine. If I see a field that I think will be the next viral thing, I'll just expand into it.
> なんせ僕は短期集中タイプなので(笑)
After all, I am a short-term-focus type of person (lol).

>> No.31575221

I want to protect that smile

>> No.31578774
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>> No.31580373

> grassroots meme born from one of the talents misreading his name
> mostly memes brought up by the talents and fans, occasionally adopted.
> talents all talk about him as a fun guy, but also have no qualms about shitting on him jokingly (normally taboo in JP culture to do that to your CEO).
> mostly good business decisions and takes care of the talents (especially stars, who he personally managed and saviorfagged into relevance).
> all talents (including stars) get top of the line custom merch.
> actually took a pay cut himself the one time they fucked up (trusting zhangs).
> fans ironically beg for his merch, but it's always done as meme prizes and never as actual merch.

> top down meme forced by management.
> unironically released merch of himself, when there was almost zero demand.
> inserted himself many times into Niji main channel.
> talents never shit on him, typical JP CEO style.
> the few talent interactions paint him as an arrogant prick (e.g. Millie's interview story).
> horrible business decisions (ACCELERATE, Nijifes cancelation, DLsite yab etc.)
> cookie cutter merch for every talent, sometimes doesn't even let the talent pay to improve it themselves (Selen).
> makes his own custom plushie merch and sends it to all the livers as a "gift", adding insult to injury.
> does not take responsibility for any wrongdoing done by the company and prefers to shift blame (nippleman, ibrahim).
> does not take care of low performance branches and just prunes them (current bodycount : NijiTW, NijiHK, NijiKR, NijiIN, NijiID and Yunenographia).

Is it any wonder why one is loved but the other is reviled?

>> No.31580562

>CEO of Vshojo
I thought VShojo wasn't a "corporation"

>> No.31580740

>Vshojo more successful than hololive, the CEO is more humble
> actual bootlickers projecting

>> No.31580785
File: 123 KB, 1170x720, Riku puppet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo puppet?

>> No.31580864

Is this jav? Code please

>> No.31581138

The fact that Coco shits on Yagoo and Kson doesn't stop praising Gunrun is probably the one thing that got me to start getting disillusioned by Kson.

>> No.31581570

you clever fuck

>> No.31581884


>> No.31582247

I also noticed that and that irks me in so many ways away from VShojo.
Wondering if we will ever know, but I assume that she got blacklisted from JP companies and VShojo is the only way for her to stay relevant and the Talent Freedom meme is reality.
Sad to see her like this.

>> No.31582416

>Coco shits on Yagoo
>spent a week building a monument for him in minecraft

>> No.31583480

>so humble he gets photos taken of himself and posted everywhere on the internet.

People where fishing for his photos way before he even conceded.

>so humble he poses to shill every single merch.

He was asked to do so by talent. As people though it was funny , chances are that talent continues to ask for it.

>so humble he tries to turn himself into a meme.

No, he was turned into a meme by her talents, he just took it with grace. People ran with it and it continues because he is a good sport about it.

>> No.31583535

This JAV is the biggest disappointment in history.

Don't bother anon. Unless you like hypnotizing people into thinking they're babies.

>> No.31583545

Your bat soup is cold zhang

>> No.31583864

>My ass

>> No.31583910

Full cover when?

>> No.31583931

Yagoo and Riku mogged

>> No.31584452

> ただ、もともとの性格でいえば、ダラダラしがちで。だからこそ、逆に短期集中で一気にやっちゃいたいんですよね。
>It's just that my personality is the "lazy" type. So I prefer to do things in short, concentrated bursts.
> さすがに人生の全部を集中するなんて無理なので、「やる時」と「やらない時」をきっぱり分けるようにしています。
>"Obviously it's impossible to concentrate on everything in life all at once, so I try to make a clear distinction between "when to do" and "when not to do"."
Damn, I can really relate to him.

>> No.31584978
File: 391 KB, 754x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello zhang, eating good from your social credit balance?

>> No.31585214

What the fuck

>> No.31585227

Op wasn't even insulting riku, it's a fucking meme here that he looks like a super villain with a master plan while yagoo is just a loveable old man, only you and those faggots above are making it into a tribal war.

>> No.31585811

Very nice.

>> No.31586144

>Vshojo more successful than hololive
HAHAHAHA vshojo shill really ?

>> No.31586466

Why butt into niji and holo discussion? no one cares about your twitch whores

>> No.31586615

Nijishojo alliance is very real, its why you rarely see Vshojofags shit on Nijisanji in these threads despite everything Hololive gets shit on for ia shared with Niji, like talent freedom.

>> No.31586688

Because when they do they just get called Holofags LOL.

>> No.31586751

Riku doesn't need astroturfed memes to prove himself. He's a self-made millionaire for a reason.

>> No.31587539

Yagoo gives the impression of a dad who doesn't quite understand what all you kids are on about but still plays along. More or less how Sora roped him into this.

Riku gives the impression of that smarmy little rich kid fuck, you know the one that pops up in everyone's childhood. You get a toy, he shows up with a bigger one, you got a PS3 for Christmas, his dad bought him a PS3 and a 360 and he has allllll the games and if you beg him really hard, he will let you play with him. Basically, the only way to get along with him is to kiss his ass 24/7 otherwise you just want to punch his cunt face in.

>> No.31587545

no, it's the Yokohama Ramen museum

>> No.31587866

> praising Gunrun
would be more than enough to come to that conclusion

>> No.31588294

>no astroturfing

>> No.31588328

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.31588538

How does one praise gunrun?

>> No.31588735

thanks for the laugh

>> No.31589272

Because reddit memed him into being lovable.

>> No.31589412

He already was

>> No.31589429
File: 182 KB, 349x362, 1659376619543937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you let me decide on that anon.

>> No.31589522
File: 26 KB, 510x455, 1661082884580651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, tatsucuck

>> No.31589627


>> No.31589773

I don't even think Kson did anything wrong.
Moving to Vshojo is by all accounts only beneficial for her.
I was just expecting to inject some humor into the situation instead of making the post-redebut stream seem like an excuses stream. Rib the guy a bit. Add some color to the situation. That's what Coco would have done.

>> No.31591826

This has to a bot, what does this have to do with YAGOO?

>> No.31591912

>nijisanji invented Japanese

>> No.31591972

So the Niji discord defense force is a real thing? They just come into these threads each week with the same arguments.

>> No.31592069

You’ve never heard of discovering a trend and just running with it? Besides, how new are you to this whole thing to not know that people talking about Yagoo and not the girls has been a thing since before EN even started?

>> No.31599285

>trustworthy businessman
I mean I don't think that's it

>> No.31601045

I always think back to Miyabi talking about starting with basically negative views. And how Yagoo and Shinove would talk with him and they'd discuss what to do. He's the CEO of the company, but he would take the time to talk with him. He and Shinove really worked hard to make sure that Stars succeeded. Yagoo seems to genuinely want his employees to succeed, not just for money.

>> No.31601640

You tried a little too hard with this one, anon. 3/10 bait.

>> No.31603040
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Well played, anon.

>> No.31603637
File: 1.98 MB, 2000x1442, 1660007783793561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least his merch is as shitty as the rest of the companies talents.

>> No.31604441
File: 107 KB, 228x221, 1661105290953846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31604509

>Who is the CEO of Vshojo?
that pink jumper spic who showed himself with kuson on stage

>> No.31605398

Don't forget treating Aruran to lunch back when he was really struggling.

>> No.31605484
File: 771 KB, 695x1014, 1642175657675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cringe
