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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.35 MB, 1940x1481, only5dollafornight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3150000 No.3150000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it allowed? I thought they were idols.
Is Cover trying not to lose western market to VShojo?

>> No.3150086

It's only Ollie and she is already gone

>> No.3150128

who cares about indogs

>> No.3150156

Where have you been for the last month?

>> No.3150162

Nice digits

>> No.3150170

Check those quads. Also, is it that hard to mute your microphone, Ollie? Christ.

>> No.3150184

do you really not have anything better to do than spread harmful narratives about a young girl who was just making noises because that's what she does

>> No.3150195

do you really not have anything better to do than being a cuck?

>> No.3150219

Hey violently dehydrated in 3D nice fucking thread. I'll admit you got good taste in music at least.

>> No.3150245

Not him but those noises...
You can even hear a sloppy wet smooch at the end of the video after her moan.

>> No.3150248

Holy shit, I thought it was a stupid rrat, but this clip...

>> No.3150252

Why are you puritans so mad? That shit was hot af.

>> No.3150259
File: 33 KB, 525x525, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice numbers

>> No.3150272

That's teeth sucking, she does it quite often

>> No.3150282

congratulations, you've made the word "cuck" devoid of any meaning

>> No.3150283

That's some cool numbers.

>> No.3150325

Every single time, cope

>> No.3150349

How long do you think it'll take before cover copystrikes it?

>> No.3150360

You can't read, you can't even watch streams. Why are you on /vt/?

>> No.3150382

It'll probably drown in the millions of other clips, author was too retarded to even add tags

>> No.3150448

Explain >>3132754
And don't even start with "She does it every stream", because >>3133865

>> No.3150476

>/vt/ and rrat king is the reason Cover Corp. And hololive falls

Man really is his own worst enemy, he destroys everything he touch, especially the ones he love most dearly

>> No.3150479


>> No.3150494

The only reason you're on this board is to stir shit up. Please just leave.

>> No.3150496

Reasonable doubt is alone sufficient to destroy your argument.

>> No.3150512

So you can't? As expected

>> No.3150535

Someone getting fucked isn't like the hentais, anon, theres a lot more noises involved especially considering her mic setup and the way body tracking works.

>> No.3150541

>that kiss at the end
so hot

>> No.3150563

As bad as contrarianism is, this board is not your personal hugbox. Please just leave.

>> No.3150567

Please have sex (or at least watch porn) before trying to claim that a woman clearly not having sex is having sex.

>> No.3150574

Why would you link your own channel? With your email in it, now they're coming for you

>> No.3150587

Hello, following vtubers since end of 2017 person here, with the knowledge I gained from following vtubers moans through the years; I can assuredly affirm that it was her cat.

>> No.3150644

Learn to read, zomcucks, it wasn't sex, she was fingered.

>> No.3150703
File: 100 KB, 741x619, done my part.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your part, anon.

>> No.3150744

how is that against youtube rules?

>> No.3150763

>Anime girls must never be lusted over. Sexuality is a sin.
Why? I don’t get it.

>> No.3150805


You are aware youtube doesn't actually respond to reports unless its about copyright or breaking a US law, right?

>> No.3150816

>literally nothing
I don't know whether she, her fans, or her antis are more annoying. Go by a life already.

>> No.3150824
File: 794 KB, 1063x1463, 6473727262626637473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, that you're trying to argue with schizos like this,

>> No.3150827

You are clearly an atheist and your opinion can be discarded.

>> No.3150853

If enough people report something they'll usually look at it.

>> No.3150884


You would need it to be in a high proportion relative to the traffic it receives, and it would have to hit specific keywords their bots look for. If its just gossip shit they won't even save your report after 24 hours is over.

>> No.3150891

Anime girl can whore herself and take a risk of exposing outside streams,
doing it publicly is a cardinal sin, especially for those labeled as idols
also did she explained that situation or commented on it in coherent way?
if not, hate is justified, what's next is only her call.

>> No.3150896
File: 327 KB, 1638x2048, 1619902591778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are rrating about Ollie but what about Marine and her scandalous sexual escapades on stream? I mean come on, anons. Try harder.

>> No.3150920

They only look at it if it trends on twitter or multiple big youtube channels talk about it.
Other than that they don't really give a shit.

>> No.3150928

He forgot that youtube only deletes "false" narratives that go against their narratives. (Right wing news, Covid, Joe Biden, etc.)

>> No.3150951
File: 856 KB, 1508x1368, 1618903707524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3150953

So now you are trying to erase the evidence? Too bad, zomcuck, YouTube doesn't give a shit. You can't hide the truth.

>> No.3151006

Too bad sick fuck degenerate zombraps can't get this deleted by spamming CP like they did to a previous ollie thread.

>> No.3151019

So what, she was pretending to be fingered?

Yagoo basically came out in support of Marine's content a couple months ago. Has something happened since then?

>> No.3151020

just report it to cover retard, youtube isnt going to do shit

>> No.3151059

If you think that's what sex sounds like you're not just a virgin, you're an idiot.

>> No.3151063

stop promoting yourself

>> No.3151105

Jannies you did this, rrat bros just wanted to rrat and now that it's out of the bag the zomcucks turned hostile are out for blood.

>> No.3151113

No it's just that obviously people are overreacting to the Ollie incident when it's clear that Cover is okay with this type of indecency a la Marine's streams and behavior. So it's silly for people to cry over a thing like this when there have been plenty of cases before that have been accepted by the same audience.

>> No.3151136

>Posts the truth

Anon are you retarded?

>> No.3151228

>pro-zombie are the ones who are out for blood
Are you even reading the thread or..?

>> No.3151238

It may seem like a mild distinction from the viewers point of view, but recording yourself having sexual relations is a step beyond just referencing sex on stream.

>> No.3151269

>out of the bag
anon the clip is a week old and has less than 100 views, its just OP baiting for views

>> No.3151282
File: 53 KB, 1393x660, read it for fucks sake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why no one is just simply reposting the posts that debunked the whole thing months ago. Most faggots in threads like these are probably nijiniggers, /jp/fags and other detractors who hate hololive and want to see it burn.

>> No.3151307


>> No.3151322

Its either the work of a lone, deluded autist or someone who thinks they can start a shitstorm

>> No.3151345

Isle 4, I heard they restocked

>> No.3151350

This pic is the biggest cope I've seen, not even explained the wet smack

>> No.3151366

>expecting actual paranoid schizophrenics to see reason
/vt/ is crawling with mentally ill antis. Jannies should step the fuck up already.

>> No.3151389

Holy cope, I'm starting to understand why the Isle 4 meme was funny

>> No.3151402

Yes, that is what is called referencing sex

>> No.3151414
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care about some of them

>> No.3151429
File: 22 KB, 400x533, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's waiting for you anon

>> No.3151438

>isle4crossboarder got unbanned and joined the party
Now only pedowojak is left, and I'm not staying here for it

>> No.3151453

>everyone who dares to criticise my oshi is an anti
Holy cope
>Jannies should step the fuck up already
CP zombcuck is banned so you want jannies to censor the truth just because it offends you?

>> No.3151457

Go back to snopes and post your lies over there faggot.

>> No.3151465

At this point the only reason you still believe the rrat is because you WANT to believe it. You hate Ollie for whatever other reason and you WANT this to be real in order to graduate her. You are not welcome in /vt/.

>> No.3151470

there is a context behind video(and source stream) you posted
but where is the context of zombie lewd noises durning a collab?
or maybe im blind and her stream was named "collab with fingers in my cunt"?

>> No.3151479

Literally- LITERALLY- one guy who's been spamming it from the beginning. It's why it popped up suddenly out of nowhere, has such little ground to stand on, the same forced memes no one else uses, and why there are always the same exact "cope" responses in a sea of people asking what the fuck he's talking about. But because retards can't help but jump at bait, he's gotten so much attention that it's starting to actually manifest, and one or two other retards might be falling for it without realizing.

>> No.3151514

You're literally hallucinating and expecting to be taken seriously.

>> No.3151526

So does that mean they're actually banning people? That's fucked up, no wonder this shit got big, if it's just a meme why do they have to go through such Lengths

>> No.3151541

BRO stop this. You're not helping Ollie or your fellow zomcucks with this massive cope

>> No.3151569

Careful man, I heard too much of copium is deadly

>> No.3151574

This board has rogue jannies. Try posting anything critical of Shartemis in the Shartemis thread. Anything that doesn't break the rules like: "SHARTEMIS VIEWS ARE TANKING KEK". Your message will get deleted for sure and you might get banned.

>> No.3151575

Threads are being purged
Comments under that video are deleted as well
They are trying to damage control, but it's too late

>> No.3151694

So many coping zomcucks are here, did Ollie finally cried in her Discord and now they are trying to cause a copium shortage?

>> No.3151713

>Over half the thread is one guy samrfagging
So why did that one Kiara schizo get banned for samrfagging, but this guy keeps spamming his rrat and there's no public execution?

>> No.3151748

>BRO stop this. You're not helping Ollie or your fellow zomcucks with this massive cope
I see you've forgotten to post your wojak.

>> No.3151761

i hate that i have to share this board with people like you

>> No.3151789

the amount of copium in this thread is outstanding

>> No.3151847

just tell zombie on discord to explain that situation and all rrats gonna disappear

>> No.3151868

No one else says this retard. No one else has ever said this. It's literally just you.

>> No.3151871

Friendly reminder that she will not graduate just because you samefag about a rrat from months ago.

>> No.3151876

God how I'd like to see the look on your faggot face if mods added poster IDs.

>> No.3151932

Seek help and kill yourself! Cuck

>> No.3151977


>> No.3152002

Your kind is not welcome on this board.

>> No.3152015

Why are you even here? Why did you leave Reddit? Go back to your hugbox, cucks

>> No.3152060

The IP number has not moved for a while, just saying.

>> No.3152095

All me, baby

>> No.3152111

Fuck you white knight cuck

>> No.3152112

hi anon, also me

>> No.3152126

No one thinks it's more than one person. But for some reason they won't stop feeding him attention.

>> No.3152139

These are my two posts on this thread.
Let's rat him out

>> No.3152142

>the schizoid posting "cuck", "copium" etc. on /vt/ accusing anyone of being from Reddit
It's a fucking miracle that you've managed to convince even a few other anons of your bullshit.

>> No.3152265

I posted that shartemis was a retarded troon for not showing offline while watching a pirated stream let's see about that. Makes sense that trannies and jannies would stick together

>> No.3152282
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, EDVj90_U0AASVUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it allowed? I thought they were idols.
we're talking about the same "idol" company that allowed its female talents to talk about pornographic games involving children with adult males from a different company.

>> No.3152365

Ollie and Kiara need to graduate soon.

>> No.3152399

Talking about it and doing it on stream are two different things, anon

>> No.3152558
File: 975 KB, 1280x1442, 1618725871888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3152613

I remember that she leaked her boyfriend's voice in an Apex collab with Reine.

>> No.3152668

You have fingered a girl before to say that that's what it sounds like right anon? I have and for me she sounded different, fake moans.

>> No.3152700

wtf I love Ollie now

>> No.3152834

Your first mistake was assuming any of these schizos have ever seen a vagina in real life

>> No.3152874

are you with that faggot who said he only comes here for drama and shitflinging because he's convinced himself that "that's all this website is for"? I'm a newfag at only 10 years, but do you genuinely believe that anyone who doesnt act like a schizophrenic manchild comes from reddit?

>> No.3152876

Poor Reine, she has to deal with a genmate who does shit like that during their collabs and wants to destroy their careers and careers of their senpais

>> No.3152916

Anon, he constantly uses words like "cuck" and "copium". It should be fairly obvious that he's simply projecting.

>> No.3152935

What a unique and original thread that hasn't been posted and debunked 1000x over.

>> No.3153021

Watch out anon, OP will say ">debooonk" and post a crude drawing of a fat balding mouth agape neckbeard along with it.

>> No.3153041

virgins actually think women moan during sex

>> No.3153089

Oh no, the schizo is gonna try to hurt my feelings. Whatever shall I do?

>> No.3153137

Good evening zoomrades, the reason this shit keeps happening is because of a certain farm like website that deals in kiwi's, they where told to fuck off because of this weak rrat so the 12 year olds that inhabit that site came here to samefag each other.

>> No.3153171

Anon, there is no need to humiliate yourself like that. The fact that your oshi is a whore is enough of an embarrassment

>> No.3153189

Anon, this is just gonna result in you getting banned instead.
