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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31475274 No.31475274 [Reply] [Original]

Was the journey fun, anons?

>> No.31475313


>> No.31475462

council was a mistake

>> No.31475519

>Bae turning into a whore
>Mumei giving up her identity to become Gura #2
>Kronii toeing the line of laziness before punishments
>Only Fauna is trying anymore

>> No.31475750

They didn't do as well as expected

>> No.31475932

>Fulgur was right from the start
This was why Yagoo made the campaign against him, because he knew he was 100% right and couldn't cope

>> No.31476157 [DELETED] 

No it's been kind of depressing. Sana's absence is very noticeable in collabs with all of council.

>> No.31476495
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>> No.31476530

I don’t even watch Council. But glad that the brown one is gone. She always ruined really good fanart.

>> No.31476673


>> No.31477047

This a pretty disappointing anniversary. Doesn't seem like they planned much and padded it out to meet a certain time quota. It's like trying to mirror Myths' anniversary but doing it poorly. If they didn't have someone else make the smol model for them, I don't think they'd try anything else. Also, a pretty lame anniversary announcement of mascot merch even if some look good. How about something that is closer to the actual Council members to sell. A cover would've been preferable. I worry Council is just coasting by on other's ideas instead of breaking the mold and doing their own thing.

>> No.31477265

Oh God I hate rat's song. Peak Zoomer cringe.

>> No.31477832

worst gen

>> No.31478039

really smelling the nijinigger stench ITT

>> No.31478179

the anniversary was very mysteriously last month. now, understandably, they don't have a lot to do this month.

>> No.31479935

What about Sana

>> No.31480046


>> No.31480159

Lazy gen does lazy celebration. Hopefully gen 3 are better.

>> No.31480352

>1 year
You'd better be lying.

>> No.31480355

The song's intro is basically Yakuza's Friday Night

>> No.31480426

I like em. Krofaunmei are my favorites out of EN.

>> No.31480486

Lets look Council's accomplishments for their year:
>Everyone had an orisong
>A member graduated
end of list

>> No.31480528

It's all downhill from when here, boyo

>> No.31480588

You mean SNOT?

>> No.31480632

Can't wait for EN3, council has zero creativity and just repeats everything myth has done

>> No.31480664


>> No.31480797

I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

>> No.31481105

nah as a holofag i hate sana

>> No.31481189
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>> No.31481337

Yes I hate that everything council done was just a shadow of myth.

>> No.31481499

Laziest gen ever. Sana and Kronii alone made me almost completely give up on council. Luckily Fauna and Moomi can be good entrertainers. Bae is just awful all across the board.
I still cant believe that Kronii got a times square tribute for doing nothing.

>> No.31481518

Their Ame was Sana, and she's spending the merch and graduation money on +500 gacha pulls on chink games. Ofc new ideas aren't their strong point now

>> No.31481743

Pretty meh. Also just ripping off Myth anniversary stream in a worse way keeps giving them the image of being merely a shadow of Myth. The Sana shilling was too much for somebody that barely gave a fuck about Hololive.

>> No.31482009

This stream made me realize that no, I genuinely haven't felt enriched, inspired or impressed by council at all. The realization of the sunk cost fallacy is just kicking in and I'm freaking out over it. They are such a disappointment

>> No.31482108

Did you discover HL during the first wave of covid and are trying to relive it anon.

>> No.31482224

It's always the saplings

>> No.31482273


>> No.31482437

Nah EN3 would be as uncreative as council

>> No.31482501

Yeah, but even with their ups and downs I'm still pretty happy with Myth and IRyS. Most I can say about Council is that some of them were different from what I expected from their debuts? Holox and Tempus got parts that stuck with me right away. When I try and think of the best council moments I've got maybe 1 Fauna moment, Kronii's Gwak and the rest is only when they're collabing with a different member

>> No.31482601

They didn't do as well as expected

>> No.31482692

I'm starting to believe the rrat that EN3 was shelved because they couldn't get 5 people who met their standards.

>> No.31482729

Bae was always a [woman who interacted with a man]. When she actually started giving a fuck about her channel I felt she was redeeming herself.
Mumei was already Canadian Gura, but where Gura joining Hololive was the best career decision of her life, Mumei is still struggling to catch up to her past life's #s. Do your reps, Mumei has always been the way she is.
Kronii isn't especially lazier than anyone else, so I'll defend her there. She is however very fucking dumb. Everyone who watches her wants to see tits and I don't remember seeing them in months, so I'm not sure why anyone watches her solo stream anymore.
I don't watch Fauna but from what I can tell she hasn't changed much.

>> No.31482784

Sweet we get to coast on our two wheeled device and let gravity do all the work. Things are looking great!

>> No.31482790

what standards

>> No.31482834

Its funny cause he took off for a month following the graduation.
In reality he was getting 3 injections jammed into his spine.

>> No.31482854

Tempus is En3. You are waiting for En4

>> No.31482915

For me personally it was their kayfabe right out of the gate that really threw me off. The whole Concepts thing didn't do them any favors as it was just generally hard to pla off of. Not to mention Mumei's I FORGOR, Bae being le quirky random, Kronii's whole Narcissus larp was just too heavy handed. The only one of the bunch I can really tolerate is Fauna as a passive stream running on the side or Bae when she's not being hyper. Bae seems really fuckable though so I'll still give her the time of day.

>> No.31482923

It's a random thread about Council in the catalog. Only way it would be more blatant is if OP had one of the official artworks from debut, or if someone was alluding to doxxshit and using terms like "PL" and "liver."

>> No.31483007

>Mumei is still struggling to catch up to her past life's #s
this might be the most blatantly untrue thing I've read all day and i spent my free time shitposting on this board
you're only right about her playing the exact same character
not even a hooman btw, kinda dislike that cult

>> No.31483042

>She is however very fucking dumb. Everyone who watches her wants to see tits and I don't remember seeing them in months
Because she fucking hate the fact that her model have such big boobies, we love it but she don't.

>> No.31483117

What's so special about Mumei past? I don't understand. To me she is pretty unique as an EN member, JP love her too.

>> No.31483205

>omegatranny refuses to let council have cunny
>it flops
Hope they learned from this.

>> No.31483269

I think he's trying to pretend that roommate accounts blew up overnight before they joined Hololive when he made the Gura/Mumei comparison.

>> No.31483328

I feel indifferent.
Council is just so aggresively mediocre, no leaders, no creative types, they always feel like myth accesories in those collabs(outside of SNOT I guess).
Sana not being able to last till the graduation just rubs me the wrong way, it wasn't that far off and would have been a nicer send off.

>> No.31483424

Her RM was over 1mil subs, which only dipped to 999k at the start of August. Do your reps

>> No.31483530

If they were able to play into their characters themes at their own discretion, like it is now, i think they're be in a better spot in general perception.
Having to fulfil some lorefags kayfabe turned a lot of people, and did cause most of the girls to have to push themselves intio a really unnatural personality the whole time, rather than just playing into it at opportune times.

>> No.31483614

Literally the closest you can get to finding and hiring a second Gura. Doxxfags briefly thought she was going to be Petra, so Nijinigs like to dig up old shit from her personal life to trash her.

>> No.31483617

No, I was implying their previous channels were already successful, but where Gura's reach skyrocketed, Mumei's was cut in half.

>> No.31483721

I enjoyed watching their stream until they suddenly introduced Omega out of nowhere. Everything went downhill afterwards.

>> No.31483797

Anon, subcounts and viewership are not one-to-one. She's getting more exposure than she could have previously gotten, just like Gura.

>> No.31483929

At first I thought Sana was too lolrandom, but I ignored it. Then Mumei's debut was so catastrophic I broke my 5 year leave from this site just to see what the actual fuck her deal was and then just watched as everyone poked fun at bae for having the wrong chat linked and some guy talking about STDs.
The concepts were shitty and underused, either go all in or stick to an idea people can relate to. The way that Cover has been such massive cowards about their kayfabe has left a bad taste in my mouth and gives me a worse impression of the company than the reality.
I'm strongly debating if I should go back to just watching myth, I was a lot happier and didn't feel like I was missing out all the time. Council doesn't even fill in dead hours, they break whenever myth do, they never satisfied any niche that needed to be filled.

>> No.31483984

hey retard, no one cares about dead subs when you cant pull even 1k ccv consistently. saying that mumei is cathing up to her old channel is hilarious. literal numberfag brain rot

>> No.31484042

She was a 3view when she did livestreams. Looks like you're the one who needs to do reps.

>> No.31484308

You guys realize that the only fags who start numberfagging outside that godforsaken general are the ones that got laughed out for failing to meet even that threads pitifully low standards, right? Moron probably can't understand anything more complex than "one number bigger than other number."

>> No.31484367

>no one cares about deadsubs
>retards still saying gura is 'da biggest vtuber'

>> No.31484506

cant wait for fulgurs comment about them

>> No.31484633

What this anon said

Council is similar to Gen 5
>Losing a member
>No leader

But Gen 5 has 2 specialists with Botan in Gaming and Lamy in GFE while Council has none

>> No.31484751
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>Hey Council got everything sorted for your 1 year anniversary stream
>just got a couple things finished before then
1 day before stream
>Hey council remember how everything is sorted
>yeah nah it ain't
>I'm sure you can figure it out
>Just get Ame to help
>I'm sure it wont be a hassle for her :)

>> No.31484823

Just read the thread.

>> No.31484912

I bet it'll be
>I miss sanananana

>> No.31484944
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I unironically like council more than myth and watch all 4 of them more than any myth girl. I will never understand why you faggots hate them so much.

>> No.31485232

This is hilariously getting off track. The whole point was the comparison of her to Gura. Gura (a quirky weirdo whose RM already had 1mil subs) hit that same number in a little over a single month and currently makes an estimated $22.9K - $367K per year, according so socialblade (also doesn't everyone here accuse a huge chunk of Gura's subs to be dead too? lol). Mumei (a quirky weirdo whose RM already had 1mil subs) has still not reached 1 mil subs after one year and, according to socialblade, is still estimated to be making less than half that Gura does. Call me a numberfag all you want, the numbers I am stating are facts.

>> No.31485584

Gen 5 has Nene. She is ibsanely charismatic and entertaining. Mogs the shit out of all Holo EN's

>> No.31485677

why are saplings like this?

>> No.31485692

It's always the big titty ones that have problems.
Coco, aloe, Sana.

Gen3 better have more flat chested cunnys in order to be successful. After all hololive is a company to entertain pedophiles.

>> No.31485701

>doubling down
sub count isn't the be-all end-all, and Mumei has wider reach simply by being part of Hololive than she did beforehand. She's not playing catch-up at all.

>> No.31485837

Sana made the models but did jackshit for ideas or creativity. she was out of the loop by the half year event.

>> No.31486125

What's up with EOPs deifying Nene? She's the one with least views and the only one still below 1M subs.

>> No.31486132

how could you forget PolPol like that my man?
Polden alone is better content than 90% of what Council produced.

>> No.31486553

I think IRyS is good

>> No.31486617

>back problems

>> No.31486632

Botan IS the gen 5 leader anon, she's the one that takes charge when nobody else does and when Aloe graduated she kept it together while everyone else was a sobbing mess.

>> No.31486761

This is why having Hags in a group is essential. They can keep their shit together.

>> No.31487000
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Shut yo bitch ass up.

>> No.31487568

The rat should've gone, not Sana. EN deserved gen 3, not male. What a terrible year

>> No.31487571

I like council collab-wise better than myth. I think myth has stronger individual streamers, but council collabs feel more natural.

>> No.31487737

not if a hag can fix it

>> No.31487860

Blackest looking white man I ever saw in my life.

>> No.31488011

Only Japanese hags can do the job, we're doomed.

>> No.31492801

I wanna be as cool as this guy

>> No.31494216

Is he larping or genuine feeling?

>> No.31496393

The only fun I have is when that fucking brownie graduated.

>> No.31496563
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>hire people with no chemistry
>sana nopes out before stars, flips off hololive on the way out and earns /vt/'s respect
>bae and kronii all but suck off vesper on stream
>fauna and mumei aren't dynamic or entertaining
>was it fun?
Not really, no.

>> No.31498398

roru rumao.
They could debut five pieces of cardboard tomorrow, and as long as they just have the coveted blue dorito brand buff next to their name, the braindead normie consoomer fanbase would carry them to a six-figgy subcount just for existing

>> No.31498476

Fulgur is too busy having unprotected sex with the chink traitor whore Sana to care about the rest of Council anymore

>> No.31498589
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No wonder about this part of their song.
(For brainlets, one of the common ways to refer to "the beginning and the end" is "the alpha and the omega")

>> No.31498622

The most, or only, memorable thing Council did in their one year of existence was having one of their members graduate.

EN3 can't come soon enough. It'll make or break the branch, either by being a golden generation that carries HoloEN to new heights or being the final nail in the coffin for HoloENs continued downward slide into mediocrity

>> No.31500023

JP didn't exactly have spectacular debuts tho
Peko and Miko only succeeded long into their careers
Councils (probably Fauna) might be this type as well

>> No.31500154

Council are better streamers than Myth overall, people seething about Council are just braindead numberfags who only tune into big events

>> No.31500201

Literally council cope lmao

>> No.31500225

It's NOT when Gura isn't there.

>> No.31500428

Myth mega cope

>> No.31500474

Myth has zero chemistry too.

>> No.31500550


>> No.31500687

I don't hate council, but I don't see anything remarkable about them either

>> No.31500962

no, but I still feel bad about her graduating

>> No.31501306

I watch a fair bit of Council without having any of them as an oshi and the year in review is really disappointing. This anniversary stream is incredibly fitting. Poorly organised, padded out, fake emotional beats and a soulless performance at the end. Individually they are decent content creators but there's nothing that brings them together as a group like Myth. You need an Ame to plan these big events, a Kiara that holds everyone to higher standards set by the JP's, a Mori that has insane work ethic, a Gura that knows entertainment value and an Ina that is a team player that has no ego and loves her gen mates. There's no one in Council that wants to step up, not just to lead but to even help. The most you have is Mumei and to a lesser extent Bae, the rest are happy to follow

>> No.31501394

They needed to hire a wise hag with leadership potential for Sana, instead of Ina's friend who didn't actually enjoy being in Hololive.

>> No.31501409

Surprised that of all the Mamas only Wadarco had drawn something for the anniversary.

>> No.31501858

Ina no ego www

>> No.31501928

I only watch jp most of the time but I guess I'm a nijinigger now
