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31451297 No.31451297 [Reply] [Original]

Here’s a small selection of the SPOILFAGS and STREAMSNIPING from Bae and Irys’ chat from yesterday’s RUST stream. Notice anything? This isn’t even 10% of the FAGGOTRY from this stream that ruined and deprived us of content. FUCK YOU

>> No.31451336

I made all of these posts

>> No.31451467

Honestly all of them should have members only on and start banning snipers. It's not gonna stop until they filter greys

>> No.31451515

MOST of these are members

>> No.31451530

>want to filter greys
>half the greens in OP's pic are also shitters

>> No.31451680

Anons, they are sniping with their grey accounts and reporting with their greens.

>> No.31451706


>> No.31451872

She could just not read chat.

Please be autistic elsewhere.

>> No.31452112

t. esl spoilfag

>> No.31452252

>Ina hates her chat
Finally, an EN member uses member's only.

>> No.31452332

Management needs to start timing these people out.

>> No.31452436

Do they not have mods?

>> No.31452480

Just like these fuckers love to send her these things, you guys should actually send her this image so she can ban them

>> No.31452684

You can only do so much when the chat is that fast and the number of people who spoil her is way too much.

>> No.31452719

Kronii used it for megaman. But like the picture shown it was members who were doing the shit and it led to even more fighting between members and greys.
The actual answer is to just pay some people to moderate and let them go wild on both members and greys.

>> No.31452784

Some people are just actually retarded and cannot read.

>> No.31452952

Interacting with their audience is vital for streamers you genius. Might as well recommending cutting off their internet connection.

>> No.31453155

No, it was mostly Grey's who were watching Kronii for the first time.
Also, I was only referring to Rust, originally.

>> No.31453175

My nigga her chat isn't as fast as xqc's and his chat is still fully moderated. His mods are actually doing their job, holos just need to hire mods.

>> No.31453227
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fuck chatfags

i don't even use the chat, and im grateful my oshi isn't filled with EOP trash

>> No.31453439

You know it’s bad when Irys says she’s not looking at chat anymore during Rust.

>> No.31453599

EN truly cannot behave...
Turns out Amelia was right to not get involved in any of this shit last night.
She played it right

>> No.31453708

Dont get it wrong. Last nights stream was great, despite chat. But I get Ame’s treatment of chat. Chat must be mercilessly bullied into submission.

>> No.31453736

EN is just a mess simply from chat culture

>> No.31453837

No lol. Only mods are on Foobs' channel to combat chinkspam. Some holos can have delegate mods from the ranks of their oldest members but the only one I know of that has done that is Matsuri, and the mod is a fucking tosspot that actively curtails her growth because he's a useless cunt.

>> No.31454020

There is no saving the EN community

>> No.31454114

Almost no JP mods either. It's crazy. Akirose has gotten bot raided for entire streams because she was with Fubuki

>> No.31454120

No mod is going to ban people for spoiling Rust unless the streamer is extremely autistic about it, which neither of them was (and neither of them even told chat not to do it at the beginning of the stream either). IRyS gave a light warning to chat after the stream not to overdo it or she'd have to turn on member-only mode / ignore chat, but that's about it.
All in all, hiring more mods isn't going to fix it.

>> No.31454486

>Notice anything?
No? I meant, it's bad, but am I supposed to notice anything else?

>> No.31454496

Not even members only could have saved this. Even they are in on it. What a fucking shame.

>> No.31454625
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Either the streamer lashes their fanbase or the fanbase lashes their streamer... Oh, such a power struggle...

>> No.31454747

Member-only isn't going to help when the chuuba herself didn't tell people not to spoil, and had a habit of letting chat backseat her. She gave chat a warning after the stream was over so it should get better.
Not sure why you guys are being all autistic about it as if something like this happens every single Rust stream or so.

>> No.31454824

you can guide a horse to water, but they won't drink it

>> No.31454993

Miko has a shit ton of members and she still managed to train the 35p to refrain from spoiling surprises in Rust. The ENs just need to put their foot down without sounding abrasive if they want to stop this behavior.

>> No.31455327

Never read EN chats they are absolute fucking trash. Not literally unreadable like Twitch but you'll often wish they were

>> No.31455530

I think if they explain that chat stream sniping robs them and the other holos of authentic interactions then most viewers would probably understand and take it well.

>> No.31455715

They can also be gifted subs.

>> No.31455717

That's what Irys did for a while.

>> No.31455929
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Twitch chat is miles better than shit like the nijimales and holoEN chat. Especially if you like interacting with your streamer and making actual jokes.

>> No.31455930

Not in OP's pic. Those with silver flower icon are 1 year+ members, and golden flowers are 6 months+. I see only one member with musical symbol (new member) in OP's pic.

>> No.31455979

Absolutely BASED.

>> No.31456022

This is pretty unique to EN fans unfortunately, and it's entirely because they don't watch anyone else's streams to learn the culture before they participate. If they had watched ANY of the JP girls' streams beforehand, they'd have known not to do this. However, they aren't entirely to blame. It seems that none of the girls told them not to pidgeon and never told them to stop when they did. Bae especially should have told her chat to stop after someone told her to look behind her when Irys was sneaking up on her.

>> No.31456090

I must have looked at different Twitch streams, then, or we have different taste. Nothing, not even Vox's fujos' drools, is more annoying than those PogChamp, 4Head, Dendi-whatever or Pepe spams.
(And you speak as if HoloEN chat doesn't interact with them and making jokes)

>> No.31456322

Lol, That's not the saying ESLchama. It's,
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

>> No.31456330

pls cover, I'll do it for free and won't have any direct contact with any talent, unleash me

>> No.31456335

That never works though as the tards doing it wont care and just makes the chat even more unusable as other people start trying to be pocket jannies by spamming at the snitches. The reality is that you just cant look at chat when playing these kinds of games when your audience is primarily EOPs

>> No.31456378

>but the only one I know of that has done that is Matsuri
Kiara used to do this, grabbed a couple from each region and rotated them monthly. She hasn't done it in a long time though, dunno if she got rid of them or just stopped rotating them.

>> No.31456429

same saying but i always thought it was guide, not lead.

>> No.31456594

ah, nice observation anon.

>> No.31456746

No it's not, you retarded zoomer. This type of shit is 1000x worse on twitch, mostly because the average age of twitch's audience is literally 14 according to Twitch itself.

The problem isn't grays or members. The problem comes from Westerners and SEA who join the chat and never think to lurk for a while first so that they can assimilate. They just assume it's like twitch, where there aren't any rules and you don't have to be considerate of other people's chat experience.

>> No.31456904

They can still delete their comments and time out some shitters. zero chat moderation is just dumb

>> No.31456914

That's a good observation, but guide and lead mean the exact same thing in this case, so you can use either interchangeably.
The second part is the part that I was correcting.

>> No.31456946

don't worry im not an ESL, i just forgot how the phrase went

>> No.31457532

based. At most I use the TL chat where you can only see the comments made by mods and translators

>> No.31457544

I just don't understand these people that spoil. Don't you want funny things to happen organically? Why do you want to cuck yourself out of good content by potentially ruining the moment

>> No.31457712

they're all drooling retards i doubt they even realize they're shitting up chat

>> No.31457899

what the fuck do horses and drinking water have to do with this, retard? We're talking about vtubers here

>> No.31458222

I think it's depends. Those from OP, for example, didn't actually ruin much (I felt a lot more frustrated at the "behind you" faggots in Bae's chat or those who kept pestering IRyS "Bae is on, go play with her" when she was preparing for the raid with Gura). In this specific case, if they didn't try to tell IRyS, nothing would happen - Baelz would just leave and IRyS found out her stable's door was destroyed - which was pretty much what happened even with all those pigeons. I assume they were trying to inform her to get her to come back home and kill Bae while the latter was trapped.
IRyS herself said in the post-stream chat that she relied on chat at times to tell her what was going on (i.e: where X is, what X is doing), but telling her everything unpromted could be a bit too much. However, thing is, she didn't inform them before the stream. You can't expect a bunch of enabled backseater and pigeons to suddenly behave properly.
Not to defend those faggots, of course. Just putting some more contexts into it

>> No.31458419

>implying i am only subbed to a single Holo

>> No.31458591

There were a lot of grey's who were only watching because she was playing Megaman, They expected her to be good at it right away and got mad that she wasn't picking-up the mechanics fast enough.
Kronie's knew what her skill level was, so they weren't nearly as bad, just over eager in trying to help.

>> No.31459088

Nta, it's not better but you're delusional if you think Holofags backseat less than the average Twitch stream

>> No.31459827

There are mods. I'm pretty sure I still see porn bots' messages getting deleted and those bots getting banned.
When it comes to backseating, though, I think the issue is more delicate. Each girls have different level of tolerant. Each fanbase is different from each other. You can't apply Ame's Teamate treatment on Gura's or IRyS' fanbase. If a mod costs a girl's viewers, who is going to take responsibility?

>> No.31460096

>Reading chat
>crying about chat
How cucked can this fanbase be

>> No.31460111

oh no, not muh rust!!!

>> No.31460245

Most people don't GAF. Only sensitive faggots like ledditor or OP do. Pigeons are retarded, but when even the chuuba themselves didn't have much issue with it, complaining about chat makes no sense

>> No.31463356

Miko also turned on members-only chat for her Rust streams. Maybe they're all going to do it from now on.

>> No.31464238

can't they just use an off-site chat for their members to filter out the most drooling of retards on youtube? I really think they should do that. Integrate an offsite IRC on stream or something like some streamers do

>> No.31464554

Free chat. Ina told the greys to chat there instead.

>> No.31476140

This game has done some interesting things to everyone's state of mind.

>> No.31478623


>> No.31479324

"lol i dont care. look how cool i am." You have to be over 13 to use this site btw

>> No.31479608

Except that they did care, to the point that Irys said she had to stop looking at chat after a while.

>> No.31479968

>the words, they’re killing me!
Are you a woman?

>> No.31481628

I saw Mumei's chat actively shouting down people trying to spoil shit, so it could just be that most of the girls are just unwilling or ineffective at tardwrangling sufficiently.

>> No.31484532

looks like it's just greys and gifted fags

>> No.31485251

Yet the worst thing that happened was the big fat wigger cringing everyone to death.

>> No.31485517

I swear they're all seaniggers, they always ruin everything.

>> No.31485719

this is why eops are cancer and so is twitch culture

>> No.31486972

“Don’t GAF” might be a slight exaggeration, but it’s true that most people don’t cry as loudly as some of you guys in this thread.
You brought up a case yourself: IRyS simply stopped looking at chat, and that was it. She didn’t even bother telling them to stop right there and then. She just gave some light warning after the stream and still is against turning off chat, and doesn’t want to turn on member-only yet either. Looking at this thread, you’d have expected her to go full Ame on those retards, but it was hardly to that extent

>> No.31487079

See >>31455930

>> No.31487086

This is the same shit that makes GTA roleplay a giant drama-hive of cancer; metagaming and spoiling shit for the streamer, basically ruining any possible interaction.
Gura had the right idea yesterday when she called out her chat for metagaming. The Holos better nip this in the bud quick or else things will spiral out of control.

>> No.31487663

this is part of being a streamer. either deal with it or ignore chat or don't be a streamer.

>> No.31488233

>This type of shit is 1000x worse on twitch

ok threadreader

>> No.31488789

people who spoil, streamsnipe, spam censor and DMCA are literal subhumans

>> No.31490571

You largely don't need to read the chat for that.

>> No.31492421
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>be streamer
>have a moderated chat
>with a fuckton of rules
>that no self respecting anon would participate in
>act surprised when it's filled with retards
Stallions are wild and free. But if what you want is domesticated pack mules, that's what you'll get. I hope they don't complain about the consequences of their own actions.

>> No.31492785

>defending the spoilfags
Might as well ask chuubas to stop doing live streams and upload videos of them playing the game instead
The chuubas need to train their audiences and the audiences too need to learn how to behave properly

>> No.31492828

Do HoloEN not tard wrangle their audiences early on? Because I have seen HoloJP tard wrangle their audiences early on and now the old audiences will help HoloJP tard wrangle the new audiences
To be fair, Myth probably had difficulty to tard wrangle their audiences early on because their audiences was big right at the start, but what about Project Hope and Council?

>> No.31492961

>They just assume it's like twitch, where there aren't any rules and you don't have to be considerate of other people's chat experience.
Nah, i watch twitchuubas, and i can tell you that just happens if the streamer/mods are dormats that let chat have their way and don't call out that stupid behaviour for what it is.

>> No.31492964

>Gura had the right idea yesterday when she called out her chat for metagaming.
kinda ironic considering she constantly stream snipes and even suggested irys start doing it

>> No.31494085

Twitch streamers also usually have policies for backseating, which the mods will then enforce if necessary. Most of the time it's ignored because the streamer isn't retarded enough to read chat while playing a damn game.

>> No.31494527

i fucking hope you are underage because i do not want to believe someone over 18 years old would write something this cringe

>> No.31498661

IRyS said it - she didn't think this would happen frequently because it's extremely rare for a lot of HoloEN members to be streaming Rust at the same time. That's true: before yesterday, there were usually only 1-3 EN members on at the same time at most, and they either grouped up or went full solo with minimal interactions instead of going against each other.
Thus, there wasn't any need to tardwrangle chat. Mind you, IRyS interacts with chat often and she did rely on chat to backseat and inform her little stuffs (i.e: where X is now, what is Y doing, what should I do for this) when she asked, so a blanket "No backseating" isn't something she want to do. She just didn't think they would be playing pigeon and informing her of every little things even when she didn't ask. Gave chat a light warning after the stream, so hopefully they will behave better next time

>> No.31500076

>EN Puts fut down
>/vt/ spends next 6 weeks having a temper tantrum and picking the wording apart looking for reasons to be a pissy bitch about it.
You are correct but we all know what's going to happen when they do.

>> No.31500315

Figures Gura would be the one to openly break one of the small handful of rules they implemented for this. Streamer and fanbase really do reflect each other.

>> No.31500360


I meant foot, fucking hell.

>> No.31500613

and then you all fags act surprised when another vtuber admits to hating her viewerbase
literal scum

>> No.31500667

GET FUCKED ! they should just ban all chat
inb4 "it was gifted greens"

>> No.31503727

bae and irys just have dogshit chat tho

>> No.31503884

Goombas chat is even worse

>> No.31504000

Bae's members are pretty well-behaved

>> No.31505131

Well i guess this is why ina put her chat into members only

>> No.31505200

Mumei tardwrangled and brainwashed her audience into becoming a cult, that’s why the backseating/metagaming complaints are about the others. I think KFP is also pretty well-disciplined.

>> No.31505280

KFP is also moderated, so if they sperg out they get hit, even if anons hated it at first i guess that improved quality a lot

>> No.31505327

Your oshi spends most of the time reacting to and interacting with chat in streams but you don’t know this because you’re just an EOP in denial.

>> No.31505716

Your oshi spends most of her time with a dildo up her cunt masturbating in front of a camera for old men

>> No.31505980

>it's greyname SEAnigs the mutt's said
>mattew klzr

>> No.31506640

I mean mutts alway lie

>> No.31511699

They just need personal mods. Kiara gets volunteer mods from trusted members every few months for example

>> No.31511955

>This is pretty unique to EN fans unfortunately,
No its not

>> No.31512162
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i never read chat and have never once typed a message in any chat
if its that full of turboautists, then i shall continue to ignore

>> No.31513242
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Fuck backseaters, reminds that there was a nice prank Kiara was gonna do to Mori by having her sleep in the Nether but chat had to be spoiling the fun. Kiara had to take one for the team and use the bed after Mori kept on refusing.

>> No.31513677

Fuck mori fuck backseaters

>> No.31518108

oh right that

>> No.31520625

She's a pussy and will never go against her chat regardless of how badly they behave

>> No.31520897

Another day another reminder that gifting members was a mistake
