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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 595 KB, 700x1820, 1653592221888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31375172 No.31375172 [Reply] [Original]

This duck is really something else. She's demolishing the face of Hololive on a daily basis.

>> No.31375266

No way those viewer counts are real. Miko’s are definitely edited.

>> No.31375282

Kek the schizo got BTFO'd hard on /jp/ he has to post it here. Pathetic

>> No.31375328


>> No.31375387

I got this image from a matome site like 10 minutes ago.

>> No.31375456

Just ignore, he's just having a schizo episode.

>> No.31375492

Yet, other than the 1st and 2nd videos. Most Rust streams by the big players are doing much better in VODs with less stream time put into them. It's like her free talk streams that have high consistent viewership but nobody watches after it that initial stream.

>> No.31375545

Had enough replying to yourself on /jp/? you didn't even try to change your posting style for fuck's sake

>> No.31375550


>> No.31375610

Subaru's huge duck energy is too much.

>> No.31375682

Subaru's just got lucky Miko doesn't play WWE during the weekends

>> No.31375781
File: 256 KB, 1300x1500, 1632869377347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this being posted on /jp/ negate Subaru doing really well against Miko in the same timeslot?

>> No.31375850

Why are the 35p getting so upset? Can’t even acknowledge how far Subaru has come without losing their minds.

>> No.31375969

>The face of hololive
Because you're just trolling and baiting. I bet you don't even watch Subaru in the first place. Also it's not the correct place. Go to >>>/#/ instead for your numberfaggotty

>> No.31376036

Trolling and baiting by comparing RPG streams being played at the exact same time?

>> No.31376157

Nobody but number obsessed schizos like you care. You posted this in the /jp/ thread and didn't get the replies you wanted, so now you decided to fling your shit here. Consider suicide.

>> No.31376196

Subaru is a better streamer. Miko relies on huge buff games like Rust. Same as Pekora.

>> No.31376252

Yes if you put the words like demolish and face of hololive then it's just trolling and baiting. And like I said it's not the correct place for your numberfaggotry.

>> No.31376368

Plus you already posted this in /jp/ to just to troll.

>> No.31376484

shitty bait

>> No.31376507

because literally who gives a shit.

>> No.31376598
File: 531 KB, 1212x1184, 1660737060282068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numberfag tries to pit holofags against each other to farm (You)s

>> No.31376601

Subaru’s Rpg streams are some of the best vtubers have to offer. Her Abyss streams were legendary. Which is great because Subaru doesn’t even care about numbers but gets them anyway.

>> No.31376657

It's just Mikoschizo from /jp/ but apparently he also posts on /vt/

>> No.31376722

The only schizo in this thread is the pathetic 35p who keeps calling OP a schizo and a troll despite the ip count not going up when he does.

>> No.31376749

Pathetic schizo

>> No.31376809

Not surprising, Subaru is a better streamer and Persona 4 is a better game.

>> No.31377038

Kinda funny because even when peko still did RPGs at noon with Miko and Subaru, Subaru still beat Miko then. Seems Peko’s viewers went to the duck

>> No.31377089

Who cares, Miko is one of the most watched female streamer. Meanwhile Subaru is a literal who

>> No.31377112

kys numbernigger

>> No.31377177

He's not even numbernigger, just a schizo from /jp/

>> No.31377182

Sad but true.

>> No.31377271

lol you aren't fooling faggot
I know you're that faggot who started subaru vs miko fanbase war a few days ago in /jp/

>> No.31377358

He didn't even show up during Subaru's stream, that means he doesn't even watch Subaru and only trying to stir shit. You know what to do

>> No.31377362

You seem awfully insecure. Just hide the thread if you don't like seeing Miko's low views compared to Subaru's.

>> No.31377477

You're the one being schizo and breaking containment. You should post this on /#/ instead

>> No.31377509
File: 710 KB, 1060x1200, 1658824166826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck was always more powerful.

>> No.31377558

>You seem awfully insecure

>> No.31377593

Trying too hard

>> No.31377704

Subaru gets lots of great fanart. Mio not so much.

>> No.31377751 [DELETED] 


>> No.31377754

>pitting Subaru and Miko because of muh numbers
>When they are irl friends
Where's the logic?

>> No.31377816

Miko* Mio gets lots of hot fanart too

>> No.31377846

good for her. The VOD length kind of scares me, but maybe one day I'll check it out. I miss Endurance Run

>> No.31377919

Post your Subaru's membership, you know I already asked you before

>> No.31377918

so what now schizo? you got ass blasted in /jp/ now in /vt/. What is your next move?

>> No.31378026

I can't believe Subaru killed the rest of her gen mates to soak up their viewers.

>> No.31378052

Well at least everyone already knows he's a containment breaking samefagging schizo

>> No.31378055
File: 281 KB, 1240x1754, 1658061848115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can schizo post with it? How about no.

>> No.31378167

the /jp/ thread has a lot of posts making fun of Miko tho

>> No.31378219

I like how with each image, Miko gets more visibly upset with less views while Subaru just has the same three faces

>> No.31378257

yeah because you keep replying to yourself fucking nigger

>> No.31378338

You know exactly that I already said this too in /jp/: just post it with your next membership billing date and add the current date watermark.
But yet you still haven't posted your membership because you're not even a subatomo. You're just a schizo

>> No.31378387

Persona 4 is unironically a better game than FFX

>> No.31378427

That I agree

>> No.31378475

Subaru is also a better streamer than Miko. Getting 11k views at this stage of Miko's career is just pathetic. Suisei gets more than that in watchalongs.

>> No.31378566

Alright this one really is a schizo lmao

>> No.31378607

now lets see the rust streams
also this isn't fair since subaru is literally a jrpg holo while those games are debuff for miko

>> No.31378678

>now lets see the rust streams
what a cope

>> No.31378812

>subaru vs miko
100% nijifaggot from numbers thread

>> No.31378866

What cope? Miko's latest rust stream already has more views than Subaru's persona 4 even with less hours streamed.

>> No.31378868

There’s a reason Subaru gets invited to so many lives. Everyone loves her.

>> No.31379030

>Everyone loves her
that's true but nobody loves you faggot kys

>> No.31379073

Everyone loves Miko and Subaru. But not you, you're a nobody

>> No.31379088

>I'm not coping I'm just talking about a completely different game at a different time that started right after sankisei's collab

>> No.31379294

Subaru is just a one hit wonder and a FOTM just like that niji

>> No.31379411

Why should it matter if it's a different game and a different time? numbers are numbers. Now you're the one coping here

>> No.31379507
File: 37 KB, 1492x564, 1635501929651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soul of hololive

>> No.31379587


>> No.31379620


>> No.31379667

This. Meanwhile Miko is a hololive staple, who actually matters. Which other holos actually got a handwritten congratulatory letter by Yagoo?

>> No.31379848

>Which other holos actually got a handwritten congratulatory letter by Yagoo?
I'm sure all the homofailures did. So Miko is in great company!

>> No.31379957
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, 1661072413516796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the holos who actually matter for the company. The faces and the foundations. No Subaru, no Pekora, no Marine, no Korone. But these 4 including Miko.

>> No.31380068

And they didn't. Miko's the only one who got it in the whole company.

>> No.31380088

Where are all the Miko sponsorships then?

>> No.31380276

Her mane-chan rarely accept sponsorship for Miko, because Miko is always busy, actual busy unlike the other 3.

>> No.31380346

So busy she spends all her time in Rust.

>> No.31380368

Miko and Pekora rely on the holobox to give them numbers. Subaru is a natural streamer which is why she gets good viewer numbers.

>> No.31380403

Duh, streaming is literally her job

>> No.31380465

She's playing Rust on and off stream. Obviously she's not too busy for a game sponsorship. The problem is no game companies want to sponsor her.

>> No.31380485

Only nijiniggers use that word, way to out yourself

>> No.31380566

She just had a yokai watch sponsorship

>> No.31380692

It’s a term coined in 5ch holo threads you stupidass eop. It’s used to shit on nijiniggers usually.

>> No.31380696

Cowardly schizo, as no imagination and begs for attentionon on his knees and with his mouth whide open. Poor little fellow.

>> No.31380876

Now you're the EOP, I bet you browse that site using google translate too lol

>> No.31381076

Retarded and nonsensical logic. Typical of a 35p

>> No.31381088

Schizo thread, go back to /jp/

>> No.31381540

Really though, how does Subaru pull those numbers? Miko can only pull 41k in Rust with Peko raid buff.

>> No.31381564

Schizo really has lost his mind lol. Imagine trying to pit actual good friends for no reason. It's not even like Pekora and Miko where there are a lot of rrats about them

>> No.31381669

>Subaru continues to improve as a streamer and is rewarded with more attention for her efforts
I mean, where is the surprise here?

>> No.31381742

The duck is love. She has protagonist energy.

>> No.31381754

Miko already pulled 40k+ in rust multiple times even before Peko raid. Holy hell man, you don't even know what you're talking about, you're one shitty amateur schizo.

>> No.31381897

Oh and also Subaru hasn't pulled 40k in rust yet. The max viewers she could get was only 30k viewers lol

>> No.31381901

Miko can't pull 40k in a solo stream. Only when she interacts with others in Rust.

>> No.31382051

You know that's just your cope, when even with interacting with other holos Subaru couldn't get 40k

>> No.31382247

Subaru is growing. Her watchalong get more views than Miko’s rpg streams.

>> No.31382337

It's impossible not to interact with other holos in rust when you could meet other holos randomly or when they suddenly raid your base.

>> No.31382410

Fuck off to /#/ or go kys

>> No.31382442

Schizo shitting on chuubas
>Look at me! I am a badass
Anons shitting on the schizo
>Please stop my pussy hurts too much!

>> No.31382461

>her watchalong get more views
>not viewers
No they didn't

>> No.31382586

>the FACE of Hololive
These bait threads are starting to become like youtube clickbait drama channel titles now. /vt/ is really spiraling downwards...

>> No.31382589

What would Miko even have without Rust for good numbers?

>> No.31382653

How many times have you replied to this thread? You know people can see the ip count, right? Everytime you reply, the ip count never goes up.

>> No.31382758

WWE, GTA, many more
It's not even /vt/ it's the schizo from /jp/

>> No.31382771 [DELETED] 

you don't know how to count then. /sage

>> No.31382784

Everybody loves Subaru and Miko but I would much rather watch Persona vs. Final Fantasy 10

>> No.31382816

wwe gta or literally any western games

>> No.31382843

Don't even pretend you're not resetting your router or phone network just to samefag schizo

>> No.31382899

lmao do you fags even bother to look at the past when you say shit like this?

>> No.31382953

Atlus are against people streaming their games, so Hololive getting permission for P4 is kind of a big deal. Whoever streamed P4 first was always going to get big numbers. FFX has already been streamed to death.

>> No.31383005

The schizo is a newfag of course

>> No.31383147

Who cares? Miko is cute and Subaru looks like a horse

>> No.31383152

Could you imagine if an EN member tried playing either of those games? At the rate they stream they'd lose permissions 1/3rd of the way into it. It would take them 1+ year but they would probably drop it 2 streams in anyways

>> No.31383196

Persona is a buff game, FF10 isn't. It's no wonder Mori begged for an hour or so to play it. She was right. Persona numbers too stronk.

>> No.31383239

>the most popular Final Fantasy game in Japan isn't a buff game

>> No.31383286

Not compared to Persona. That franchise has a cult following.

>> No.31383388

Persona is popular worldwide, everywhere.

>> No.31383433

You're really retarded if you think Persona 4 is more popular than FF10 in Japan. Japanese still make memes about FF10.
Miko's DQ5 streams got bad views too, and it;s the most popular RPG in Japan.

>> No.31383645

>in Japan
There’s your problem. Most 35p are SEA or South American

>> No.31383919

You would be really stupid to think that a majority of a holoJP fanbase is from somewhere else than Japan.

>> No.31384037

Looking at this thread and seeing 35p repeat themselves over and over really gives off the SEAsl vibe

>> No.31384043

Most foreigner/kaigai 35P are from America, Miko had a survey about this before.

>> No.31384090

>Implying japan's popularity matters compared to worldwide
Kek jpschizo coping hard as fuck is not even funny.

>> No.31384229

Most of Subaru's Persona viewers are Japanese. 98% of her chat is Japanese.

>> No.31384322

Persona 4 is reddit's favorite JRPG. Of course more people would watch it.

>> No.31384456

Is Subaru botting? That ccv and like ratio is weird

>> No.31384467

Full of greynames though, so most of them are just tourists

>> No.31384543

Tourists don't leave like

>> No.31384796

They both still make more money than anyone in /#/ ever will

>> No.31384834

Fucking numberniggers

>> No.31384906

>Miko rust
>#8 trending on YouTube gaming
>Subaru P4
>not trending even with more live viewers
I think she's definitely botting

>> No.31384942

Looking at the her usual schedule and these streams doing way better than any other stream she does (even the zatsudans she got famous for) i'm going to guess the timing of the streams with almost no other people streaming and her still banking on supposedly being a normie help lots to get all the holobox viewers that will get whoever is streaming. I'm betting in any other hour with more competition they will probably do way worse.
What is wild is that the numbers still don't go considerably down after so many streams of this, though.

>> No.31385139

Have to add too, you get used to some ballpark of viewers for some holos until one day many more than usual decide to stream (maybe a multiple pov event, maybe a holiday in japan) and that's when you realize how many tourists there are overlapping who is the most popular streaming at the moment.
They heavily benefit from the fact that in average most holos really don't stream that much so you have a lot of free space to not overlap with many people at the same time.

>> No.31385186

I figure this thread would be as good as any to mention this but
>watching her reaction to finding out Morooka dies
>”Isn’t that like a “I know who you are and what you guys are doing” kind of message from the killer?”
I never even considered that angle on my first play through, that’s pretty bright of her desu. I don’t even think the game brings that up as a possibility iirc

>> No.31385205

Tourists that appear in her every stream?

>> No.31385310
File: 224 KB, 464x640, 1639465358096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying way too hard

>> No.31385396

>multiple pov event
Like amongus collabs? they always make em seems like a big event everytime. You could check the numbers during the collabs I guess.

>> No.31385621
File: 152 KB, 868x1080, 1612088823115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This schizo is a nousagi and probably an ex PekoMikofag who decided to direct his hatred about it at Miko
Any time.miConet do anything he goes in a frenzy and shits up the Miko and or miConet thread, but I guess it wasn't enough
Join me in laughing at this walking circus of a person

>> No.31385729

Then stop replying to this damn thread you dumbass

>> No.31385789

no, I will expose your bare ass for everyone to see you deranged retard

>> No.31385938

I mean stop bumping this thread you retard.

>> No.31385998

I... I seriously think nobody sponsors her because of the GTA fame and/or the way she talks, which sounds weird by now, but i bet it's just like that

>> No.31386079
File: 954 KB, 1236x755, 1642585344011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko gets bad views on her songs too. Dumb mush mouth retard wants to put out an album too LOL

>> No.31386186

>hiring autist baby voice to shill your product

>> No.31386278

those views aren't bad at all for a holo who is known for bad at singing wtf are you talking about? and the views are still rising

>> No.31386279

>moving goalpost
Also that's a pretty good numbers, even doing better than all Subaru's original songs

>> No.31386401

why schizopost about Miko?
you have no good material
you never did
you always end up looking like a retard
does humiliation turn you on?

>> No.31386601
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>> No.31386751
File: 44 KB, 602x140, 1656476326284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru beating Miko in hours watched this month too.

>> No.31386776
File: 791 KB, 800x564, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31386796

miko lives rent free in nijiniggers and indos's heads. They just can't stop seething at her

>> No.31386853

Only because Miko took 2 days break on Friday and Saturday. Also the month is not over yet.

>> No.31386963

Nah he is afraid of being humiliated. That is why he hides behind vtubers. Throwing shit while avoiding any personal criticism. The same goes for every othe "schizo" in this place, every single one of them is a afraid of confrontation.

>> No.31387034

Nah, that's 2 days ago's numbers. Miko already beat Subaru by now (as in today)

>> No.31387123

Unless you can provide some actual data, you are incorrect.

>> No.31387344

This thread is for making fun of Miko and praising Subaru. Take your retarded shit to your therapist.

>> No.31387386

It's only 1500 difference. Just calculate then compare Miko and Subaru streams from yesterday (views/duration). And Miko already has more watch hours by now.

>> No.31387481

>This thread is for making fun of Miko
no only you and we're humiliating you for being a faggot

>> No.31387593

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.31387635
File: 203 KB, 350x297, 1653483583940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko's last WWE stream didn't even break 40k rofl
No wonder she stopped

>> No.31387782

You should know that it was a guerilla stream, she didn't even have the time to make the thumbnail

>> No.31387803

no new members characters creation and still getting those numbers is quite impressive actually

>> No.31387802

Wait I thought it was guaranteed 60k???

>> No.31388005

Inconsistent schedule, used to be a biweekly but now it's only once a month. The momentum kinda died, but it's guaranteed to pick up again when the next season starts.

>> No.31388028

Miko’s anniversary live is still below 800k

>> No.31388113

don't know who is your oshi but seething this much at miko will not make your oshi relevant

>> No.31388211

>>31388005 (me)
Also she's still planning for the WWE offcollab as the season 2 finale. Then she will start the next season again.

>> No.31388282

another anon mindbroken by /#/

>> No.31388362

Better than niji numbers

>> No.31388514

35p really will bite any bait. Damn. Not even chumbuds are this bad.

>> No.31388602

Literally how is that exactly a bad numbers? jesas you're just throwing shit against the wall and see what sticks lmao

>> No.31388886

another schizo mindbroken by 35CHADS
keep fighting the good fight don't let the schizos win

>> No.31388986

>none of the two fanbases post porn to nuke this thread

>> No.31389154

Nah I want this board to see how the schizo actually got mindbroken by 35P, now he's just posting nonsense after nonsense

>> No.31389165
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, 1661123514520053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had something wrong in your image. Don't worry anon, I fixed it.

>> No.31389524

Miko wishes she was as popular as Aqua. Aqua has had 3 real concerts with real audiences. Miko can't even get an invite to a holo 'live' concert.

>> No.31389590

It's not my image, it's official from here https://youtu.be/zHD5MCUezVo

>> No.31389682

Aqua couldn't even get 100k on her anniversary live

>> No.31389716

I watched her FF7 playthrough over several months, but it was worth it. It was really enjoyable, she gets emotionally invested in these RPG games.

>> No.31389829

Speaking of FF7, Miko’s attempt at a play through was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had kidney stones.

>> No.31389991

It was the first time Miko playing a jrpg

>> No.31390516

Miko lost morning show AND RPGs to Subaru

>> No.31390645

Schizos should kill themselves.

>> No.31390678

yeah they say she is protgonist of hololive lol

>> No.31390701

Yup as expected the schizo is frail and cries as soon she becomes the target

>> No.31390710

Aqua's fallen hard from not streaming for her fans. She's no longer first army anymore unless she can prove otherwise, but not even reaching 100k on a birthday or anniversary live speaks of recline from 1st army to 2nd army. Even Towa got more than her.

>> No.31390829

now put Suisei in there

>> No.31391010

Aqua's Apex streams did better than anything Miko ever did.

>> No.31391044

damn he really is replying to himself bluntly
he isn't even hiding it anymore

>> No.31391408

Pathetic schizo

>> No.31391608
File: 165 KB, 1457x1032, 1639602227748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru could fall asleep on stream and get more views than Miko playing an rpg

>> No.31391912

you lost the gold nijibro just deal with it since it will keeps happening for rest of this year

>> No.31392156

Fuck, hololive Jp is really on another level how is their live viewership so big? Dont give me to vod cope, i just checked and Subaru vods views are higher than myth minus Gawr Gura obviously.

>> No.31392308

Your low effort bait doesn't even worth my reply anymore

>> No.31392484

I’m 35p and Subaru is not bad. I think Miko is being better of streamer though.

>> No.31392760

Fun fact: only schizos use lowercase p for 35P, don't believe me? Ctrl+F 35P

>> No.31392943

Entire thread and not a single actual reason why Miko gets such low views in her rpg streams.

>> No.31393015

Is even more impressive when you remember that the language barrier filter many potential viewers. Imagine if they hired professional live translators.

>> No.31393116

I already gave you the reason in /jp/, no need to repeat myself over and over again. Because I know this is just a schizo thread

>> No.31393200

>Oh no a slight difference in numbers better make a fucking thread instead of posting in the fucking numberfag general

>> No.31393201

No one invites Miko to their lives

>> No.31393310

>slight difference in numbers

>> No.31393404

I remember Marine called Miko ざこ once. It seems it was true all along.

>> No.31393621

And yet you are still here bitching about someone better than you. Every shitpost you make about a vtuber is always going to be a reminder than a woman is better than you. You are going to remember that next time you to sleep.

>> No.31393677

She was in Polka's live

>> No.31393789

>didn't sing

>> No.31393828

and Subaru's been in 13 lives this year

>> No.31394150

>imblybing mibo has friends and not victims and prospective victims

>> No.31394328

All the guests didn't sing

>> No.31394376

Yeah so it hardly counts as being invited to a concert when you don't sing.

>> No.31394560

>no it's doesn't count just because I said it doesn't count, see

>> No.31395002

Yeah they really are impressive.
HoloEN started out strong but has only gotten weaker but it's the reverse for their senpai, guess that starting from the bottom is a big help for their grindset, look at how the jp celebrate when they reach a milestone and compare it to the EN who cant seem to be bothered since it was a just a matter of time until it happened for them.

>> No.31395326

You realize she was in both Polka's lives right? She sang 4 songs at Polka's birthday live.

>> No.31395384

2nd only to Suisei. Miko on the other hand is at the other end of the list.

>> No.31396458

it looks really funny how Miko keeps rotating the FF10 image

>> No.31396551

She gets sadder the less views she gets.

>> No.31396659

It's because of the story

>> No.31396838

>20k total cross six streama
Ftfy numberfag now kys you disengenious cunt

>> No.31397231

FF10 is just not as interesting as P4.

As a 35P, I thank Duck for motivating me to finally dust off P4 from my steam backlog.
Hearing golden era Kugimiya voicing a strip dance monster is just what the doctor ordered.

>> No.31397356

Subaru doesn’t care about numbers but gets them
Miko obsesses over them yet rarely gets them outside huge buff games
Funny how the world works

>> No.31397439

Miko literally doesn't give a shit about numbers newfaggot

>> No.31397824

Tell me how is she a numberfag anon

>> No.31398116

The reason is Miko's viewers just aren't into jrpgs. But the most important thing is most of her viewers are NEET otaku who sleep during the day and awake at night. That's why even her Minecraft hardcore streams also didn't get that much viewers either. Simply put, non primetime = bad time to stream for Miko

>> No.31398980


>> No.31399273

how about you post the weekday numbers when the duck struggle to get more than 15k?
and run away most of the time when overlapped by pekomiko

also she is clearly botted when she fucking Z almost every single time
until the nips tally stopped counting Z, she suddenly stops Zing too

>> No.31399402

That makes sense.

>> No.31399681
File: 35 KB, 1540x582, 1659578652943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the Z?

>> No.31400490

Cringe thread

>> No.31400637

35p are officially subatomos doormats.

>> No.31400700

There's no subatomo here

>> No.31401238
File: 63 KB, 431x800, 1652610182882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all standing on top of you, doormat.

>> No.31401378

How long ago was her most recent members post? How many days ago was it.

>> No.31401692

Come on pussy. How many days ago was it? How many comments are there on it too?

>> No.31402879

I kneel to the duck.

>> No.31403127
File: 233 KB, 962x545, 1654127209252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru would beat this in a watchalong. Pathetic.

>> No.31403163 [DELETED] 

>I'm a subatomo
>No I won't show you my membership you'll just use it for shitposting
Prove you are fag. Don't make me whip out mine and call you out for being a fucking sub N5 mudslime

>> No.31403373

Noon is just not a good time to stream for Miko. She also streamed bokunatsu and Minecraft hardcore last year and didn't get big numbers either.

>> No.31404292

damn I tried watching Miko play MC but she's awful. back to Gura

>> No.31404417

No more bait

>> No.31404724

You mean like Persona? Subaru's numbers are like Miko's FFX numbers for every other stream. Japan really likes Persona.

>> No.31404798

Miko is struggling to break 9k, let alone 10k. Subaru had this problem..about 2 years ago LOL

>> No.31404981

Look at her likes tho, that's pretty fucking sus

>> No.31405227

OMG sisters, Subaru laughed at Miko's death in minecraft, they tooootally hate each other, look!


>> No.31405437

>Monday noon
Japanese are working, Americans are asleep. Miko has no problems getting 20k during primetime.

>> No.31407671

shitty thread

>> No.31409153

shitty bait

>> No.31409481

Subaru is the face of Hololive

>> No.31409935


>> No.31410118

These are the official faces and foundations of hololive >>31379957

>> No.31416733
File: 126 KB, 596x692, 935-F8FC-4A9B6ACF9B-908-E9565D783182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool discord for bros who want to hang out with other like-minded degens to hang out with more than just vidya n vtubers
no tr00ns allowed
discord gg/XUJ2CHcX

>> No.31418508

if you mean her mc series, you should probably learn about jp timeslots

>> No.31418742

based and funny

>> No.31418783

add 5th spot for pekora and we're good.
