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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31368789 No.31368789 [Reply] [Original]

I can't tell if Pippa is based or just trying to hard

>> No.31368964

crypto is for retards

>> No.31369025

If the government is capable of controlling whether or not crypto rebounds, how does crypto have any validity is a way of escaping government control? Pippa has a double digit IQ and hasn't thought about any of her positions.

>> No.31369037

I agree. If a currency is backed by anything but the US federal reserve it is worthless.

>> No.31369040

grifter. classic case

>> No.31369074
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>> No.31369077


>> No.31369102

>US federal reserves
so it's worthless anyway.

>> No.31369108

umm cryptobros how can the government influence the crypto market i thought it was supposed to be completely untouchable le epic anonymous guy fawkes style?

>> No.31369153

I lost $13k. Good thing I'm just a Neet with no debt, so can still recover.

>> No.31369263

So is Pippa so it checks out.

>> No.31369408

It’s already at that point. Memetics isn’t just a fringe concept; it’s been actively utilized since the 60’s. She’s thinking too immediately to her own being/surroundings.

>> No.31369527

>Wouldn't it be funny
Not really funny because there is no punchline. It would be fantastic though. Crypto is ruining the climate and, more importantly, GPU prices.

>> No.31369578

is she all pandering and no personality?

>> No.31369651

The NHK is keeping us lonely and depressed

>> No.31369687


>> No.31369699

If she was serious about the privacy angle then she wouldn't be advocating for crypto. The distributed ledger makes it trackable by design. If she really cares about privacy she'd be advocating for making cash transactions only.

>> No.31369812

She probably read/heard crypto being discussed and didn’t think the issue through beyond the suggested field.

>> No.31369905

A sad consequence of being terminally online.

>> No.31369907

Have you seen the gpu flood in Australia from Chinese crypto miners trying to dump all their processors? Shit's hilarious.

>> No.31369982

US dollars were backed by gold, then by petroleum but now is nothing but hopium. People's trust in its intrinsic value is the only thing keeping it from collapsing on itself.

>> No.31370181

We use Monero to buy drugs nowadays, it's truly anonymous, governments are desperately trying to stop people from buying it

>> No.31370411

>retards still think crypto is beyond the reach of, if not subversive to the government's/ruling class' control in any way that matters (muh drugs)
anyway when pippa is concerned the answer is always trying too hard

>> No.31370614

I feel like crypto destroyed the sense of value in zoomers

>> No.31370652


>> No.31370713

>another /pyon/ thread

>> No.31370876

What is cryptos backed by then

>> No.31370913
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Smells like assblasted loony troons.

>> No.31370924

the guy who buys it from you

>> No.31370927

crypto is falling because retards think it's some sort of investment
I remember when people actually used to buy stuff with bitcoin instead of waiting for number to go up to infinity
not using it to buy and sell = not real money = instability

>> No.31370955

we have to buy gold bros

>> No.31370993

buy silver retard. Silver ends the fed.

>> No.31370998

USD is backed by the US government killing you for not accepting their "worthless" money

>> No.31371017


>> No.31371054

What's a good investment then?

>> No.31371056

Crypto is easiest to control, since government controls electricity and internet by default.

Pickled mushrooms though? You can produce almost unlimited amount of them, eat them or sell them. Government doesn't want you to know that.

>> No.31371058

Pippa is a Metokur fan, so a bit of column A, a bit of column B.

>> No.31371102

Exactly. The irony of her posting this on the Internet, a platform the federal government has complete control of, especially on Twitter (a blatant propaganda and advertising website) of all places is just too much for me to handle. She and her fans can not possibly be this god damn stupid.

>> No.31371134

She knows her target audience (aka the marks she is grifting) thinks like this so she wrote that post to tell them what they want to hear. She didn't think about crypto itself at all and likely has no opinion on the subject. To these animals, everything is just meaningless posturing for the sake of pleasing their targets and later profit from them. This kind of internet celebrity is the most cynical form of life humanity has given birth to. Nina from Nijisanji is the same way albeit smarter about it.

>> No.31371171

>hey kids come buy drugs with Monero, it's completely safe I swear

>> No.31371176

Anon those are the sort of secrets that end with suicide by two gunshots to the back of the head.

>> No.31371210

>She and her fans can not possibly be this god damn stupid
Her fans think she isn't a grifter so I think you're fucking wrong on that one.

>> No.31371259

So they are commodities at best, with insane volatility.

>> No.31371310

I really should set up a vegetable and mushroom garden by the time my thirties roll around. My great grandad was the last gardener in my family tree, and it would be a shame to just lose a skill like that...

>> No.31371425

Bitcoin is an utter failure as a currency. Transactions take too long, gas prices are very variable and sometimes too high, the coin itself is too volatile, nobody actually accepts it for anything besides an exchange for dollars. The entire thing was doomed to just be treated as a ponzi scheme by retards because it never held any weight as an actual currency.

>> No.31371430

you just don't get it man, peepeepoopoo coin to the moon

>> No.31371903

I just can't believe how fucking stupid and vacuous some people are. These tweets of Pippa's are all that I need to see to never watch any of the people from this company.

>> No.31372009

She's just pandering to what /pol/tards want to hear since she knows her core audience loves when you larp as anti-authoritarian while simultaneously shilling snake oil scams. She knows she's too stupid to grasp any of the shit she talks about but just hides behind multiple layers of irony and sarcasm to claim she's just trolling when you call her a retard. It's completely lacking in sincerity and if you tried to force her to give a proper statement on her views with evidence instead of regurgitating memes she'd break down crying or desperately try to change the subject.

absolutely correct on every point

>> No.31372060


>> No.31372167

She moved across the country to be with a guy who lives with his mom. She's real stupid.

>> No.31372171

Pippa's just mad because she got Bogged and was someone else's exit liquidity. Crypto follows a 5 year cycle where new maximums and minimums are established; for instance, tell people in 2019 that bitcoin crashed to 19k.
Farmland and blue chip stocks

>> No.31372193

Wait a second she kept saying on the Tate stream that she doesn't know anything about crypto so doesn't have any opinions on it

>> No.31372264

I'm pretty sure she's just fucking stupid

>> No.31372269

I thought vtubers weren't supposed to talk about politics?

>> No.31372298

Pippa is 'retard woke' as in she understands the premises but not the purposes. Crypto is a great concept but it's currently being used just to rug pull idiots out of their money and has no real practical use for the average person (groceries, bill paying, etc.)

>> No.31372344

Stocks that pay out dividends and real estate

>> No.31372374

buncha Niji girls were running their mouths about abortion a while ago

>> No.31372430

Bitcoin does have some places you can effectively use it to purchase illegal goods. It's a very effective black market currency. Also I do think rugpulling idiots to make millions is a good strategy

>> No.31372762

>It's a very effective black market currency.
Bitcoin is the worst black market currency in existence, you'd be better off using cash. People got away with it early on due to the inherent anonymity of TOR/onion networks but bitcoin itself has zero anonymity built-in. Nowadays anyone who cares about doing illegal stuff is using Monero.

>> No.31372863

bitcoin saves your transactions on a public ledger forever for anyone to see. One slip up and you're done.
I'd legit rather buy illegal shit with cash, at least if I ever get busted for it it'd be right then and there.

>> No.31372943

>. Also I do think rugpulling idiots to make millions is a good strategy

The IRS and FBI disagree but if you can get away with it good luck to you.

>> No.31373074

time to stock up on ammo itll be worth more than gold soon

>> No.31373220

The US government (see Pelosi) agrees with me. The Fed's and it's are just there to keep niggercattle in their place. If you want to succeed watch what corrupt politicians do, not what they say

>> No.31373293

everything except monero uses KYC (Know Your Customer regulations eg dox yourself) you fucking moron

>> No.31373300

Wouldn't it be funny if she had hair.

>> No.31373532
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Gee I hope Pippa doesn't get cancelled or banned for her extremely controversial take "the government is watching you"!

>> No.31373950

>If the government is capable of controlling whether or not crypto rebounds
but they don't, not in a practical way at least
in my country (argentina) there's a blackmarket for usdt (and regular usd) because our government doesn't want us to get rid of our pesos
you just go to the exchange """office""", give them your physical money or send the coins to their wallet and they give you the equivalent amount of whatever you want to change it for
there is no way to trace the transaction and no way for the government to stop you

>> No.31375589

>people larping as crypto experts while thinking bitcoin is the only thing that exists
Arrogant retards.

>> No.31375647
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>a life's success is measured entirely by a bank account

>> No.31375726

So this is what pippatards consider comedic and based?

>> No.31375852

Sh...she doesn't know about hyper normalization.

>> No.31375883


>> No.31376077
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Lay off the redpills, rabbit. The less you "know things you shouldn't" the better you'll sleep. Ignorance is truly bliss and life is way too short.

>> No.31376221

Didnt she literally admit in Discord that she just playing crazy to get more of the dumb chud audience?

I really hope it works out for her. They are pretty fast at turning on each other.
