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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31262281 No.31262281 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

AkioAir auditions are opening very soon!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>31204659

>> No.31263235

That's the point. Learn to read.
They're all doing better, but I'm saying there's no need to completely obliterate the babis. You should give them a sporting chance, or try to, so throw the worst performing females at the babis instead of the average ones, or at least don't throw the best at them.
Executions are not bloodsports.

>> No.31263273


>> No.31263572

I thought we were friends

>> No.31263869

Nope. Now kneel for Queen Miyu.

>> No.31263950
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Gonna find more skeb artists, hope will be someone can draw tank this time.

>> No.31263986

Have fun! Just got my first skeb accepted, I'm really excited to see how it turns out

>> No.31263994

Which aspie has the cutest toes?

>> No.31264081

Knight Chase.
Knight Chase.
Knight Chase.
and possibly Knight Chase as an extra contender for the third place position above.

>> No.31264737

That must’ve been in reference to Taffy exploding and suddenly turning into a fucking cunt against the rest of the server.

>> No.31264756

taffy isn’t a babi though

>> No.31264832

Taffy is still a backstabbing asshole though

>> No.31264856

they grew and left the bucket

>> No.31264905

what happened? not in groomercord

>> No.31264929
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>> No.31264966
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>> No.31264989

what female aspies would be considered the worst? I feel like a lot of them still at the least entertain and care for their fans, which is the most important thing to do as a streamer
(say sloth and I'll microwave your ballsack)

>> No.31265142
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Return to bunn mode

>> No.31265258

Someone posted a screenshot of their latest media posts on their Twitter which was mostly the lower part of their swimsuit model, and they freaked out, called us all disgusting, and left in a giant huff.

>> No.31265582

I want mashi to turn me into kemono

>> No.31266878

are anime watchalongs good content? discuss.

>> No.31266898

If you only "stream for fun" you are ngmi

>> No.31266901


>> No.31266923

If you're streaming for fun you don't care about making it anyway

>> No.31266990

that doesn't matter, 'making it' is so differently defined based on where you're coming at the subject. making it could simply mean making friends, finding a community, filling loneliness. it doesn't matter in the end

>> No.31266991

The moment when you start streaming=you already made it.
All others are bonus.

>> No.31266994
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for the 3rd time- enough bullshit.

im looking for the right autist to coop elden ring. you stream it. we play it.

the search continues. fun will be had

>> No.31267627

i already made it anon

>> No.31267982

Sloth is pretty terrible though

>> No.31268479
File: 838 KB, 942x960, Ed2hnmnWoAIPuKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me an /asp/ie or near /asp/ie that has an actually nice voice?
I have a better voice than all of the /asp/ies I've tried watching so far and I'M NOT EVEN A VTuber!

I just want someone who has an actually nice voice that I can sleep or chill to. I want to pretend I have friends.

>> No.31268532


>> No.31268535

specifically that reason
backstabbing bitch cunt, just like all women
turned on us and left us behind as soon as she could monkeybranch to someone bigger better up the cock carousel

>> No.31268573
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And those people should get the fuck out of /asp/ asap.

>> No.31268605

aspiring has a specific connotation in regards to 'making it' though, making it is just the popular euphemism, you're in /asp/ not /making it/ you fucking retard mongoloid nigger

>> No.31268714
File: 217 KB, 506x406, qktdGZ8h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing you are looking for a girl? I like Rena's voice i wished she'd talk a little more though... come on rena massage your brainfolds and vomit out some more nonsense!


I think most /asp/ girls are a little higher energy, you could probably fall asleep to Mashi if she had a little better audio setup. (the AC is a little annoying) I'd recommend myself, but i'm m*le. I kinda cater my streams directly for people to fall asleep in sort of.

>> No.31268749

sloth isn’t an aspie though

>> No.31268750

All those are f*males???

>> No.31268786

Your reading comprehension reps

>> No.31268919

Xia is graduated and I watch half of the others, yes Rena is good. They all have nice voices. Most of the females do.
I was talking about males. I would watch you Kaiser, but like I said I need a male with a voice better than mine or it feels unwatchable.

>> No.31269249

vocaroo or die, i need proof so i can talk your voice down and make me feel better about myself by nitpicking things. (fair enough)

faust has a good voice, i think he has a better voice than me but i think he needs to stream more.


>> No.31269577

My voice is better. Do you have any better than his? Just list 'em out and I'll check 'em.

>> No.31270456

I'm sorry I'm out. I'm not sure what you are looking for, I guess you'll just have to die on your ivory tower alone, blessed voice anon.

>> No.31270652

Gelisor has a relaxing voice

>> No.31271023


>> No.31271193

Any voocaroo for your voice.

>> No.31271253

>ain left jignx /asp/cord

Actually based.

>> No.31271348

It ain't easy being a groomer. Some people don't respect the hustle.

>> No.31271445

I want to get better (be funnier, engage with chat better, grow, etc), but wanting those is a side effect of streaming for fun & me thinking it'd be more fun if I was better at it. My office job pays well enough that I don't really need to worry about $ in the day to day. I don't know if I'd enjoy streaming as much as I do if I was reliant on it to live instead of a hobby that I'm not really "gaining" anything from + honestly if I did it as a job/tried to do so I'd probably be way more menhera about it even if I was successful

>> No.31271449

If you don’t see use you leave that’s basically it

>> No.31271497
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>same thing happened to Lance
>Lance isn't allowed in the server because of it

>> No.31271553

This is ignoring the huge elephant in the room on lances shitty behavior in said discords

>> No.31271574

Provide the proof of shitty behavior

>> No.31271651
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My ass

>> No.31271699

You know what I didn't even think of Gelisor, because his voice isn't better than mine, but it's pretty close, and definitely better than all the other male /asp/ies.

>> No.31271701

By shitty behavior you mean not allowing random viewercorders of course

>> No.31271752

If it’s locked behind discord layers that even some of lance’s friends don’t have when it’s shittalking abbot them how am I supposed to know

>> No.31271782

Do I really need to upload a vocaroo?
I don't want to embarrass the /asp/ies or for any of the male /asp/ies to kill themselves, that's just not what I'm after here.
Also, I'm literally not a VTuber so it's not really my place to do as such.

>> No.31271806

What the fuck are you saying then?

>Lance has shitty behavior!
Provide proof then.
>I don't have proof they hide it well!
???????????????? Where the fuck are you getting this from then? Seems like it's just coming out of your ass to find rrats with no proof just so he keeps getting the hate he always received for at most being autistic.

>> No.31271821

The acoustics of having your head so far up your ass must be amazing

>> No.31271829

JJ must be retarded. Visage literally has a pet schizo who likes to go menhera when he thinks people are nitpicking his example chuubas or criticizing them IN THE DISCORD SERVER. Literal untouchable pet monster.

>> No.31272021

So you think being able to recognize that I shouldn't post a voacroo of my voice in the thread to help VTubers because I'm not, and that would be the wrong place for me to do that, is a sign of a lack of self awareness? What a stupid contradictory take.
It's quite literally the opposite. The only person with their head up their ass, lacking in self awareness, is you, my friend.

>> No.31272136

If your voice is so good, show it. Go on.

>> No.31272350

Why are you posting in the aspiring vtuber thread at all?

>> No.31272442

To find aspiring male VTubers I can watch based on voice, the closest is Gelisor, but the babi part is kind of a debuff.
I would, I just don't feel like it since I'm sick, I have a cold right now. Maybe later.

>> No.31272466

Is it worth streaming if you won't be able to keep up a consistent schedule until a few months from now?

>> No.31272585

You can start with trying to get basic equipment and prepping social circles and such no need to rush into it if you aren’t ready

>> No.31272687

It would be good practice and it might help you find out what works so you can schedule appropriately in the future

>> No.31272728

I've been going for about 7 months now without a consistent schedule and I'd say the experience has been worth it.

>> No.31272875
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Babi or femboy?

>> No.31272999

Babi so I can tell myself I'm not gay while jerking off to their voices

>> No.31273044

I have all my stuff in and have done a few streams, but my sleep schedule & work schedule have been messy up until recently & now I have family commitments jumping in heavily that won't be done until early next year. I have no idea how to use social media without it being forced.
I should probably just quit being a bitch and stream though. Even twice a week is probably enough.

>> No.31273085

Powerful post.
This though. When I'm jerking it to Chase's streams I can pretend it's one of those bro things where you act gay ironically as a joke and call each other faggots.

>> No.31273108

what the fuck is a babi.

>> No.31273153

mfw no one likes femboys ;-;

>> No.31273486

>Babiniku (Japanese: バ美肉) is a Japanese term for an online avatar depicting an anime-style female character used by content creators who are often (but not always) male.[1] The term is an abbreviation of "virtual bishoujo juniku" (バーチャル美少女受肉, meaning "virtual girl incarnation") or "virtual bishoujo self juniku" (バーチャル美少女セルフ受肉, meaning "virtual girl self-incarnation").[1][2]

>> No.31273527


>> No.31273819

Well babis are more hated so

>> No.31274318

Femboys require more effort to succeed but a failed femboy is a babi essentially

>> No.31274996

What's your metric for good voice? There's a few I think are cute but don't know if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.31275189

My first two streams were in spanish and i can confirm the support thing, the first one had 7 ccv and a lot of chat interaction despite the dead air, wish i hadn't lost the VOD (Even if it had no chat overlay or model). I choose to stream in english because i want to practice my pronunciation, although i have no excuse for not interacting more with other hispanic vtubers outside the few hispanic /here/chuubas.
I know this is most likely a shitpost but if you really want to, DM me your friend code on twitter, keep in mind tho i don't have prime on my vtuber account and that ping will be pretty bad unless you're in Argentina/Brazil/Chile/Uruguay

>> No.31275414

Honestly I'm kind of giving up on finding one. My metric was just a male voice that screams SEX to men and women alike.
Give me your cute males and I will watch them instead.

>> No.31275837

Auxilia Genome

>> No.31276096

Aux is a good one, I like his voice. I don't watch too many male /asp/ies so my knowledge is limited but him and Tann are nice.

>> No.31276417

Maple sex?

>> No.31276990

Overhauling and retooling Azu…

>> No.31277297


>> No.31278432

I sing better than you but I’m not gonna link myself teehee

>> No.31278552

Why r u tranny

>> No.31278598

The only verifiable shit talking lance has done is against spooki and let's be honest spooki deserves it.

>> No.31278611

Shut up you'll never be maple sex

>> No.31278798

Furry max huge buff

>> No.31278805

Give me a link to the espcord you baka.

>> No.31279248

Just take it slow really just stream,and get used to it

>> No.31279451

He didn’t hide his dislike for spooki ever either. They butted heads publicly multiple times and are known to dislike each other. Lance actually had the balls to say it to his face unlike others.

>> No.31279792

I think lance is legitimately too autistic to hide his shit talking

>> No.31279805

Which /asp/ie do you want to see become furry?

>> No.31279909

Bringing this up again - will an iPhone 12 Mini work well for facetracking?

>> No.31279948
File: 130 KB, 575x501, pray4clio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute hag Clio making gains

>> No.31279987

Boring female who would be a 2view if she had a dick.

>> No.31280109

Anything X and up will work.

>> No.31280487

Trueno should stop denying it and get a Kemo model

>> No.31280615

Her EU4 stream nerding about history was pretty cute and comfy

>> No.31281196

Idk if i'm allowed to

>> No.31281971

>Learning the rigging and animation for a few friends who want to get into this
>2 are men who want to do male characters
>Been fooling around with their models to make 30 second animations and rigging additional artstyles like aheago face, yandere face, shading whatever
>Comfortable with the effort expended because theyre already small-time streamers, they just want to transition into vtubing because theyre weebs
>One is a man who already has commissioned and received a big titty lewdtuber model png set, which he is waiting for me to rig once I gitgud
Be honest, If I put ~40-60 hours into getting his shit animated, will he crash and burn when he inevitably lets it slip he is a dude behind an ecchi model? I dont actully follow most of this and it was a revelation to me when they told me the big female vtubers were actually female

>> No.31281985
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>I don't care so much that I had to make this post about how much I don't care!


>> No.31282456

>Noona gone

let's go, it's all tumbling down, the poweruser exodus is upon us

>> No.31282728

is this the babi exodus we've always wanted?

>> No.31283437

Kaiser has the best male voice I've heard out of all the aspies.

>> No.31283802

All of it is true though. I thought that was all part of their shtick as a vtuber that is too creepy and too gross to be real. Now I'm realizing that's just how they are when dialed to normal.

>> No.31284034

A few days before their meltdown the discord was cheering them on for a twitter post shilling their skills to a corpo chuuba. It's strange that they lashed out at supporters but I'm guessing that the private reaction to their pitch set them off.

>> No.31284125

what big dick raids are some of these babis getting? They shouldn't have anything more than 5 peak viewers.

>> No.31284192

Fuck off

>> No.31284236

How are they stealing the female buff and getting away with it? Oh no no no no no no.

>> No.31284539

Why am I afraid to leave /asp/cord
I have no idea why

>> No.31284622

Visage will anti you until the day you die. And other /asp/ vtubers will shit talk you behind their backs for bowing to the thread.

>> No.31284629

Hello sir.. please show sexy voice so I can nut (No Homo) Here is my voice Im the one speaking first and I got my older brother to speak after.


>> No.31284734

If your male and expect to be popular forget about it unless you are trying for a company

>> No.31284737
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This is gold coming from Visage and Bunzel.

>> No.31284834

Could be the fear of missing out? things should be fine for you if you leave since I doubt any bad will come of it

>> No.31284902
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FOMO is real

>> No.31284974

That has never happened.

>> No.31285024

Got permission to do so, expires in 24 hours

>> No.31285044
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How many times has visage streamed? Bunzel has streamed 4 times in the past 6 months. Why should people listen to him?

>> No.31285054

yes I agree they got nice voices!

>> No.31285154

>that has an actually nice voice?
what is your definition of a nice voice?

>> No.31285162

Discord leaks didn't happen nearly as much until viewercord got involved. It's all so tiresome

>> No.31285203

bunzel's a clown. He only rears his ugly head when the opportunity to shit on someone arises

>> No.31285260

One thing at a time my friend.. its better to focus primarily on one thing to not feel so overwhelmed. get some streaming done and once you get used to that move onto social media. hope things go well and goodluck!

>> No.31285420

Why listen to any of them? It doesn't matter if they have 0 viewers or 20 viewers. It's all the same amount. You only make a dent in digital culture when you're getting hundreds of viewers. Even when a streamer isn't small with only a few hundred ccv that popularity doesn't translate into understanding and giving good advice. None of them are going to give you the formula for success in 10 easy steps. So why listen to any of them?

>> No.31285503

I'm not saying to but it's one 2view calling another person a 2view and Bunzel is taking the side of Visage who has zero experience in anything just because he's a fellow viewercorder.

>> No.31285543

>So why listen to any of them?
this is the problem with /asp/. no anon here is serious about growing. they only see this place and the discord as a social group to talk about niche vtubers and play with the fantasy of streaming. if they wanted to grow they would have figured out this place has no real value and left long ago.

the anons who stay here and the discord don't care to grow. they're just here to shitpost and talk with people they share an interest with.

>> No.31285589

This is the absolute fucking truth. None of these people know what they're talking about. The key ingredients are consistency, talent, and LUCK. That third one is in caps because it's the most important. Yes, you have to put your name out there a bit. But at the end of the day most of the shit discussed here, on /wvt/, on the discords, wherever- it's all just people trying to convince themselves that what they're doing is working.

>> No.31285640

And they stay here to get stuck in their never ending raid cycles thinking they're doing good. Veleck stagnated, Mint stagnated, Koragi stagnated. Lot of good those /here/ raids do huh?

>> No.31285694

None of it matters.
Maybe if people stopped content creating in the thread by writing reviews of advice posts they could create something of value to someone.

>> No.31285697

and it's a shame because lots of these people are genuinely talented. Koragi is bona-fide hololive material, no two ways about it.

>> No.31286177
File: 1.02 MB, 644x1080, vegas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

streaming fallout new vegas because postal is acting weird. come on down

>> No.31286199

Speaking of the cycle of /here/ raids. Someone raided bones, bones raided woozle, woozle just raided Letania. Nice lovely /here/ cycle.

>> No.31286218

theres all this talk about "leaving", fuck are you supposed to go? your whole personality is saying crass and offensive shit with no real talent, whos taking you in besides wvt?

>> No.31286337

>fuck are you supposed to go?
twitter, discord, tiktok and youtube
>your whole personality is saying crass and offensive shit with no real talent, whos taking you in besides wvt?
if you want to be edgy and pander to 4chan that's on you. but unless you're a huge player who got in early like lumi or marimari already you're competing against hundreds of tradcam streamers who have the same 4chan personality. either accept it and remain a 2view forever or change it up and put a filter on your mouth and start appealing to normies.

remember there's 80 unique ips in here and 120 ips in /wvt/ on a good day and most of them don't watch vtubers. keep that in mind when you want to keep the 4chan sense of humor on stream.

>> No.31286421

I was afraid. This place definitely hates me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the discord does too, and I remember feeling sad about it for a while but I honestly feel great about it now. Seeing myself grow and realising that I can sort of stand on my own two feet without having to worry about not succeeding cause I’m not networking with the discord /asp/ies or appeasing le epic /vt/ crowd really took a weight off my shoulders. I hope if you do leave anon that you also realise that you can be amazing yourself, and that you do great things.

I still love you all though. I hope everyone that posts here succeeds.

>> No.31286475
File: 112 KB, 1080x970, Screenshot_20220820-111705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I thought lance had no viewers? What's this average of 7?

>> No.31286503

You don't need to leave or go somewhere. Just like create content 5head.

>> No.31286523

Higher than bunzels average unironically if you deduct those huge raids bunzel gets by squeezing into /here/ chuubas DMs.

>> No.31286531

you have to keep in mind that /asp/ /wvt/ and adjacents have lived their lives doing nothing but repeating ritualposts and shit that they're perpetually 6 months behind on what's actually happening.

>> No.31286646

Someone compare Miyu's stats with the babis, isn't she a 2view?

>> No.31286662

I didn't have to leave the aspcord, I got kicked out and I'm still not exactly sure why

>> No.31286676
File: 747 KB, 1287x841, 1653490894503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we just going to ignore that Bunzel collabed with Rin Wasabi, the back desks biggest schizo just because he was /here/? When has Lance collabed with Rin?

>> No.31286746

We know Gael

>> No.31286817

How many of those viewers had vt or ch at the end of their names is the real question

>> No.31286829

Same for bunzel.

>> No.31286964

You guys are boooooooooooring today. Talk about your crush or something.

>> No.31287053

Prim my beloved!

>> No.31287065

Mimic anon update: Apparently, he pussied out and decided to just make a 3d model based on the sketches

>> No.31287112

Probably not a lot? He isn't liked here.

>> No.31287181

I wanna be ravaged by Eraxs, I want to groom me

>> No.31287188

I don't she likes me back but talking to her is the highlight of my days.

>> No.31287212

I wish I could accept that people actually like me. It doesn't matter how many people DM me saying my stream made their bad day better, or how many anons say I'm GMI. My menhera runs too deep.
Vtubing gave me a place where I can finally be myself and somehow be accepted for that and some days I'm the happiest I've ever been, but the cycle of "I'm not good enough for them" always returns.

>> No.31287277

they're talking behind your back just like your family does

>> No.31287283

What site is that from?

>> No.31287364

I hope they do, that would be easier to accept than thinking these people do just like me for me.

>> No.31287378

Twitch tracker from what bunzel linked in that screen shot above

>> No.31287441

Eraxs is straight

>> No.31287722

I know <3

>> No.31287787

What the fuck does poweruser even mean, no one watches Noona

>> No.31287797

Holy shit, that site is really generous with its viewer estimations, at least for very small streamers. It puts me at 10 average viewers for this week. Sullygnome seems to underestimate by a little bit, it has me at 3 average viewers. The official twitch number for the week was 3.9 average viewers.

>> No.31287865

poweruser means someone who posted in the discord all the time, silly

>> No.31287894

>The official twitch number for the week was 3.9 average viewers.
this is the only one that matters. if you're not a twitch partner ignore sullygnome and twitchtracker. the numbers mean nothing for a chuuba that small.

>> No.31287963

I just want to go back to babi breeding, man.

>> No.31288580

Who has ever made it from that server lel?

>> No.31288588

Sullygome isn't completely useless. It just underestimates a lot, but it at least seems consistent in how it underestimates. It seems like it could be used to look at very long term trends even on small channels.

>> No.31288658

I'll start.


>> No.31288708

Breed the alien, make cute cyborg alien babies

>> No.31288774

>used to look at very long term trends
the only long term trend you'll see is that you're ngmi if you only do the bare minimum like every one of the millions of streamers on twitch. 75 ccv for twitch partner is an arbitrary measure and plenty of partners never make it but it's better measurement than looking at your trending growth from 8 viewers to 14 viewers over 10 months.

ignore these metrics. just market and network to get your name out there.

>> No.31288839

Maybe his babies will actually watch him

>> No.31288942


>> No.31289058

anyone got any tips on doing covers on a budget? budget being 0

>> No.31289094

don't. just sing acapella karaoke.

>> No.31289229

Compressor + reverb + practice

>> No.31289350


>> No.31289470
File: 559 KB, 925x1815, 9BE4D626-AEC0-49DF-9102-E9E2418322A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to carefully vet your raid targets, don’t want your 8 viewers to get upset!

>> No.31289570

Does anyone here have any experience buying ad space?

>> No.31289642

based responsible strong creator

>> No.31290206

Good morning, arsepee. I hope Discorders have a happy backbiting today!

>> No.31290766
File: 527 KB, 640x360, 1658858651749830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, its been about a month since I last did this. So time for another analysis of the most important metric to me, chat messages per hour streamed.

So this month I got about 25 chat messages per hour or one almost every other minute (and a total of 1494 messages this month). Last month I got just under 20 messages an hour, and the month prior I got about 11. So this is a pretty good amount of growth over the last month. Really encouraging.

>> No.31291073

That means nothing. You should care about unique chatters rather than the amount of messages. I can easily pump 25 messages in less than 5 minutes and then leave forever.

>> No.31291135

Based as fuck

>> No.31291280

For cute males I think dog is your answer in terms of /asp/.

>> No.31291375

Hmm. Well unique chatters went from 37 last month to 61 this month, so that is going up even faster.

>> No.31291394

You should ask jay what he thinks about the random art people he raided in the past

>> No.31291702

Talking to you feels nice too...

>> No.31291989

I don't he likes me back but talking to him is the highlight of my days.

>> No.31292309

Why are you people like this

>> No.31292433

One guy has a relatively successful ASMR channel with 300k+ views but I don’t know if that’s screaming “sex”

>> No.31292527

Dog bussy...

>> No.31292647

He's definitely more masculine than feminine despite whatever the rrat may be about his biological gender. Maybe I'd poke more fun about it if he was a case like Jester or a flat out babi but I think he passes well enough.

>> No.31292659

maybe if you watched them you'd see why

>> No.31292742

I have a crush on Houshou Marine. And I agree, this was an especially boring issue of Gay Retard Quarterly.

>> No.31293286

>get the last follower I need for affiliate on twitch
>48 hours pass and still not updated

>> No.31293705

This, I know people call it a she for the meme but it weirds me out because in my head thats a whole male

>> No.31293890

Has Jester actually said theyre ftm or prefer male pronouns and stuff? Or is this rrats

>> No.31293982

it's rrats, they're basing it off of one message that doesn't even really confirm anything and could easily be a joke

>> No.31294080

What does any of this mean?

>> No.31294269

I pretend that she's a tomboy.

>> No.31294819

this is a huge cope

>> No.31294926

Right Jester vaguely alluded to being trans, why are we assuming FtM instead of MtF?

>> No.31295085

One is more noticeable than the other

>> No.31295127

get mogged

>> No.31295291

Did Jester leave /asp/cord?

>> No.31295382

not yet

>> No.31295409

What is your ideal cute male design?

>> No.31295530

Did she make any offensive remarks to babis, also known as MtF transexuals?

>> No.31295802

I've wandered into /lgbt/ from the front page a few times and I think they might be more accurately described as "reppers"

>> No.31295877

Preppers without the pp?

>> No.31295913

Men with pp that repress their urges to troon out

>> No.31296014

So... Men that aren't retarded enough to destroy their lives over a weird sexual fetish?

>> No.31296063

Yes lol

>> No.31296159

I just want to be cute, dammit
Is that too much to ask???

>> No.31296170

Maple is the most clearly repping troon ever

>> No.31296221

But these babis are already partaking in a woman's activity, gossiping and backstabbing.

>> No.31296337

Not all babis

>> No.31296405

People in these threads be like "OMG IM DOING AMAZING, IM GMI" and then they have like 10 viewers....

>> No.31296477

How many viewers do you have?

>> No.31296479

Not true, babis are unity

>> No.31296488

ong peopel do be wilin senpai

>> No.31296493

be a cute male
being cute isn’t strictly a feminine trait c

>> No.31296518

Yet Jignx still shills here.

>> No.31296532

People in these threads are talking about things nobody ever said

>> No.31296579

babis drive like THIS
but wamen, they be driving like... THIS

>> No.31296580
File: 3.79 MB, 512x640, 1651587208213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more fembabis.

>> No.31296698

there's literally a 10 view person posted a few posts back

>> No.31297053

everyone starts somewhere.
You are aspiring to be bigger and good it’s got to come from somewhere and takes time and patience and perfecting technique.
It’s not a one day and night thing

>> No.31297363

Mint literally got partner a month ago and is still growing? This is the second time you’ve said this, weird post.

>> No.31297574

I dont get how people can delude themselves into thinking 10 viewers is good.
Would their brains explode if they got 100?

>> No.31297618

Lmao, these losers never answer questions like these. Probably a literal 1 view that quit a month in after streaming 5 times.

>> No.31297667

it's a nice milestone to celebrate

>> No.31297724

being interesting enough or at least having the perseverance to escape the absolute sea of 0views is an achievement

>> No.31297819

If you are growing then 10 viewers makes you feel great. If you are on the decline 100 viewers will make you feel like trash. Thats just how people work.

>> No.31298155

There are people like you who would shit on vtubers for thinking 10000 viewers is a good number.

>> No.31298229

Numbers. Numbers! Having an active chatroom and repeat viewers is more important to me than numbers at this point in the game.

>> No.31298273

wow, stop crabbing anon.

>> No.31298308
File: 3 KB, 98x123, 1912821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


babi legs...

>> No.31298350

I'm more of a crab walking around on the beach, happy to find a nice meal in the sand every now and then

>> No.31298404

she could be better if she didn't read the threads. just a while ago she was losing it on stream and i could instantly tell that she was talking about things that had been posted here

>> No.31298635

how do i become a 2view

>> No.31298676

>Join visagecord
>Join lancecord
>Keep circle jerking and complaining about thread
Easy formula.

>> No.31298695

someone is grimmi

>> No.31298784

/wvt/ is very connected to each other, either through the raid or by Twitch algos

>> No.31298833

Built for Visage cock

>> No.31298843

That sucks! :(

>> No.31298934

only if they accept you

>> No.31298990

Kaiser is cute...

>> No.31299272

Would it be considered bad to shill yourself on the "/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers" general on vt? Assuming you are playing retro games of course. Are there other threads that it would not be considered rude to shill yourself on as long as it is within the thread theme and done respectfully? I know /wvt/ is basically a free for all and almost all the shilling there is self posted.

>> No.31299499

ngmi. just do it instead of asking what random anons that don't even watch you think

>> No.31299518

>Would it be considered bad to shill yourself
It will never be not bad only tolerably bad.

>> No.31299536

Kaiser's revealing his wrists on stream! Whore!

>> No.31299617

Pretty sure everyone shills their streams until someone shills for them.

>> No.31299652

Shill yourself but pretend it's from someone else

>> No.31299851

/vrt/ only cares about females who play retro games, don't even bother as a male

>> No.31300409

I shilled myself there once and got a repeat viewer from there, but I've been too chickenshit to post myself anywhere on /vt/ since getting shittalked in /asp/.

>> No.31300474

Thoughts on babi

>> No.31300515

which one

>> No.31300531

Females hate them
Guys are okay with them

>> No.31300566

Love me babi
simple as

>> No.31300571

Do you want fanart?

>> No.31300603

Not a fan, pretty much an instant turn off for me. Am a man

>> No.31300636

Why do females act like babis are their direct competition anyway? Is it because they realize once the babi formula is perfected they can't rely on sex appeal anymore?

>> No.31300786

Men know how to please men the best.

>> No.31300838


>> No.31300890

Sure? Who wouldnt?

>> No.31300901

As a babi I get the general feeling that I shouldn’t exist as one and I’m seriously considering either silently reincarnating or side-grading to a non-female-but-feminine-looking avatar.
I blame you guys for this.

>> No.31300906

name a babi from a corpo

>> No.31301012

Ainslie? Azu?

>> No.31301013

yugo asuma
reverse babi

>> No.31301040

Good, do it.

>> No.31301063

As a babi I am having a great time not trying to appeal to disgusting fujos and am considering 2nd and 3rd outfits already

>> No.31301081

Both males and females hate them, what are you on? Click on a stream, dude voice. Western babis are a plague.

>> No.31301100

Real nigga babis not reverse

>> No.31301111

I draw like shit, d-doesn't bother you?

>> No.31301164

If that would make you feel more comfortable, do it. I posted earlier that men using a female avatar is an instant turnoff for me, but that’s ultimately just my opinion.

>> No.31301193

Quite literally all viewercreeps

>> No.31301227

I have a lot more respect for fujos than your autogynephilic ass.

>> No.31301343

I don't think anybody would care if its not amazing. Somebody caring enough to spend the time to draw for somebody else is just flattering no matter who it is.

>> No.31301568
File: 206 KB, 589x301, 1644063156613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boring female who would be a 2view if she had a dick.

>> No.31301660

I can't wait until I get my first piece of fanart.

>> No.31301767

I'll draw you something anon

>> No.31301768

they also leak other servers and spread out and fight in the main server with people but visage doesn’t do anything because he loves his untouchable little pet monsters

>> No.31301861

This thread has more IPs than retro and the people there don't really like selfposters that much
The rule has always been to lurk before posting

>> No.31301888

As long as it's not inflation fetish fanart you'll probably be happy

>> No.31302083
File: 1.11 MB, 868x1228, 1632533351150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a defunct corpo.

>> No.31302159

Anyone that could have benefitted from Aspcord already got said benefit and left. Spoiler alert: no male benefitted from Aspcord except maybe Elliot and that’s a stretch. If you’re still there, and if you’re a male in general, you are cucks. The purpose of Aspcord was scoop up all the new girls that seemed groomable and get them in with the wvt crowd, to the benefit of older wvts and groomers. Pack it up, you moved too slow or are too weird or have no potential or Someone more popular than you didn’t like you or you’re a babi.

>> No.31302202

Way too fucking cute

>> No.31302207

Elliott didn't benefit and lost his wife because he'd rather stream to 2 viewers.

>> No.31302227

babis here will never be as good as tomari mari

>> No.31302268

I hope you do! I'm considering posting myself on this board again in the future but probably not tonight. I'm also not cute or a girl; I understand if that's a dealbreaker.
I would probably be happy with that too. My model in particular would probably look pretty hilarious like that.

>> No.31302349

Now I know how trans and homosexuals feel…

>> No.31302375

Living in an apartment with other roommates and being forced to share a room with your lesbian ex wife... The tragedy of it all.

>> No.31302394

is this actually his situation? holy shit

>> No.31302403

>I'm ok with it I have /asp/cord to talk about my 10 viewers! I'm doing fine!

>> No.31302466

The true purpose was to disrupt the thread. Alto is pretty much gone, Kaiser is more irrelevant by the day, ain fucked off to bigger chuuba discords, many males had their spirits broken. Nothing but crabs left.

>> No.31302467

I learned this information from the thread and he actually happened to be here while I remarked on how miserable and awful that sounds. He responded with the assurance that they're still friends and that he just can't afford to live anywhere else right now. Poor dude.

>> No.31302555

I've said it before, but I regret teaching you bitches about crabs in a bucket. You're not entirely wrong just please, please stop using crabs incorrectly it makes my brain leak out of my ears every time I read posts like this

>> No.31302561

Maybe he should stop streaming 500 hours a year and get a real job or do something actually productive instead of crabbing in his /asp/cords

>> No.31302590

I’m not going to let you win, babi haters.

>> No.31302624

He's a teacher, right? I'd say that counts as a real job. Maybe he should just get a summer job too.

>> No.31302659

I'm still here, i just anonpost unless someone brings me up

>> No.31302685

We're not competing with you, we just don't watch you. Don't pay us any mind, seriously.

>> No.31302706

Mari is something else, nobody can compete with him. The way he moves in 3D streams.

>> No.31302771

There's a reason why corpos doesn't have babis

>> No.31303377

Forget being a married couple having to already have roommates, now you're a divorced couple in a room together with other random niggas in the same apartment

>> No.31303460

Elliot lives the plot of an ntr doujin

>> No.31303569

>stream to abunch of strangers
>no social anxiety

>talk to some bum on the street

Why am I such a pussy

>> No.31303675

What is the point of hating on babis?
All I can really liken it to is hating on people for making a new meta. I don't get why it's interesting to shit on people who have found something that works for them. These guys are still aspies regardless of your shit timelooping "opinions". You guys are just projecting your jealousy and contempt over your own lack of direction and success.

>> No.31303719

Fuck you Miyu if you actually hate babis at least they do better ASMR than you.

>> No.31303782

My rrat is that Elliott doesn't stand up for lance because he's jealous and resentful.

>> No.31303808

>t. angry babi

>> No.31303811

This is a good question. 4chan is a huge place
This is asp

>> No.31303884

Can I post to a specific games thread or is that against the rules

>> No.31303908

babis are nothing but disappointment. they use the model to bait viewers that leave when they notice that the voice does not fit the model

>> No.31303936

>small petite girl model
>big brolic black guy voice
Choose one

>> No.31303960

The good ones that I know are full blown transsexuals now.

>> No.31304289

>thread most active when discord most active
>but the same people shitting down my throat in the thread aren’t the people I make nice with in the discord
How does it feel to be a bunch of two faced womanly bitches? Fuck all of you. I’ve even been openly crabbed by you schizoid personalities in the discord because you just can’t help yourself but shit on males you don’t like fucking freaks.

>> No.31304345

Bye Rin, we don’t like you or care what you have to say or think.

>> No.31304380
File: 98 KB, 300x300, C473B9A9-25DE-479F-8DCF-F2E827203717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babi this babi that I’m just sitting here like

>> No.31304444

not me anon. i don't have any reason to post here.

>> No.31304446

I was never relevant anon, nobody here cares about the stuff I do. And i figured that out when i came here back in february. I'm pretty much just here for entertainment and plan to get through all my stream ideas until next year and then i'll be gone for good.

>> No.31304462

Maybe having a anonymous board where you can shit talk eachother isn't the best idea

Plus I hate women and love babis

>> No.31304478

di*per shitter

>> No.31304553

Stop trying to entertain these heartless faggots and start making good content
I'd fuck you btw (cat form)

>> No.31304740

I think most of 4chan you will just get banned for anything like that.

>> No.31304820
File: 2.28 MB, 1416x1392, yugoasuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male model
>female voice
I guess it's okay when women do it

>> No.31304828

Don't forget she came out as a LESBIAN divorcing him after being MARRIED

>> No.31304876

The content I want to make will never be "good", but I want to make content i enjoy. Besides no matter how good a chuuba is, they will still get shit on by /vt/ so what is your idea of "good content"? I put a lot of effort into Menhera Monday, but it's content that appeals to pretty much nobody. It still is fulfilling to create it regardless. And if i can piss off people by posting feet and breathing into a mic, that's just a fun side-hustle.

>> No.31304887

He has no guts more like it. Wherever the socialization is he will go to the /asp/cord with the less downtime.

>> No.31304901

Sex so bad it turned her gay. What’s the micro penis size? Do we know?

>> No.31305102

This babis bigger then each and all yall.BABIS RUN THIS THREAD

>> No.31305207

t. Miyu

>> No.31305292

idk like at least you'll find out if people hate you right?

>> No.31305415

Damn maby I should cater to pedos for likes on twatter. It's my least engaged platform because fuck twatter

>> No.31305452

She's streaming right now.

>> No.31305539

If you don't enjoy (enjoy meaning not absolutely hating it) making it then don't do it. Streaming and making YouTube videos is a hobby to me not a profession. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't put EFFORT into my stuff

If I could tell you what good content is I would. The numbers do matter but are unpredictable and hard to swallow when it doesnt always do good. Start with shorter and easier then work your way up to more challenging tasks

>> No.31305633

dm me, and maybe we can work something out.

>> No.31305639

No that sounds great as fuck lol. I want them to have deepest chocolatey voice and say stereotypical weeb shit

>> No.31305649

I’m there to get a little bit of advice and watch it implode.
The implosion comes first.

>> No.31305708

Konrad I want to ERP with you.

>> No.31305763

I feel like I'm obnoxious in the discords so I stopped talking lol. Nobody was taking the discords seriously so I wasn't either which is why I think the discords get hate. But here we have knight sex and discord is groomers so take advice only if you feel like it's do-able .

>> No.31305997

Why are female vtubers like this?

>> No.31306050

because they are cute

>> No.31306069
File: 443 KB, 2451x1148, 5BD0697B-1DDC-4E1B-B543-77210306EFDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys should I do flesh fang or regular fang (i’m autistic)

>> No.31306107

What does a “deep chocolatey voice” mean and do I have one?

>> No.31306125

it's really up to you, but i really love flesh fang

>> No.31306149

it's really up to you, but i really hate flesh fang

>> No.31306167

Because their retarded holes who without a pussy would get zero attention and vtubing they don't have to worry about being 2/10s which gives their already inflated egos even more gas.

>> No.31306197

Regular. Skin fangs are overrated.

>> No.31306231

Post a vocaroo dark chocolate. I'm trying to make smores

>> No.31306258

Knight sex knight sex knight sex

>> No.31306278

What do I read?

>> No.31306519

does his ex-wife chuub?

>> No.31306548

She used to when they were married

>> No.31306850
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because context is incredibly important. Streaming to strangers in the comfort of your environment, where you get to dictate the majority of the flow of conversation makes it easier to communicate. You don't have to worry about outward responses or other ppl's thinking processes when at most you'll get a few text messages back.

Thats something I appreciate about streaming. Slowly over time you understand how to communicate better, but it doesn't prepare you as well for IRL responses (listening, taking feedback, etc). So its still important to work on that.

Now stop being a pussy and play Elden Ring

>> No.31306875

i see why the babis in the server harass the girls

>> No.31307498

You sound like you need a friend more than actually wanting to play elden ring for content

>> No.31307536

friends exist only in movies

>> No.31307605

I'm going to have to man up if I want to have any chance of making it with my/asp/ crush
how do I become a bag of money? women like that, right? can I make it without a degree? I don't think I could ever make above minimum wage as a streamer

>> No.31307675

Become an art fag

>> No.31307702

You can make it just fine, dog made like $200 his last stream.

>> No.31307742

Are you this unhappy. Internet friends can be real. Not with internet women though.

>> No.31307807

I want to hear miyu fart so badly

>> No.31307977

That won't work, she's not that big so I'll just flood her art tag and look like a massive turbo simp

>> No.31308120

Not true, have you seen MinsterPDuke?Vtubers adore him

>> No.31308248

Please explain what potential benefits there are to it and what benefits there are to this thread. To spice things up a little you can only name benefits that aren't a short google search away.

What's that? Delete it all?

>> No.31308487


No, I'm pretty sure I'm looking to play Elden Ring

>> No.31308595

we can be friends anon. I will buy elden ring and we can play it together.

>> No.31308748

The hag is going to conquer Europe twitch.tv/clioaite

>> No.31308972
File: 6 KB, 300x300, 13904890182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based. I will be waiting. Our journey will be legendary.

And when I say legendary, I mean incredibly autistic

But being real for a second: I'm not actually looking for a friend. As long as we chill and enjoy the adventure- we can go our separate ways. I'm just looking for a good time

>> No.31309096

Is there a link to the Discord? I just want to look

>> No.31309241

I need fucking life advice now not vtuber advice to cure social anxiety at this point

>> No.31309423

