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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31222114 No.31222114 [Reply] [Original]

Amane Kanata... is forgotten.

>> No.31222160


>> No.31222204

Anon, you don’t get it. She just can’t resist flat chested women.


>> No.31222218

Kanata is more relevant than kson now.

>> No.31222231

>I got this angel avatar made for you
>Sorry Kson I'm not joining a bunch of whores.
Michael Cat is plan B.

>> No.31222394

Rushia, Kson and Kanata are some of the most boring and overrated whores. Seeing them all crumble over their shitty womahn decisions and priorities gives me immense pleasure. Seeing the decline of talentless leeching whores in real-time is just priceless.

>> No.31222832


>> No.31222974

She got all the blood she could out of Kson and has decided to move on and leech from Marine now.

>> No.31223115

No one could possibly believe this

>> No.31223206

Nigger what?

>> No.31223683

He's right though.
Kanata made it through idol activities, Kson is struggling

>> No.31223778

Kson is not really doing that well anymore anons, I mean she's doing great, but she's not among the top anymore

>> No.31223824

Maybe kanata shouldn’t have dropped her instantly when cover asked and resisted at least a little

>> No.31223854

Most eop’s don’t even know who kanata is

>> No.31224259
File: 1.61 MB, 1268x1060, Kekson is inclining dudes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you'd have to be a fucking moron to believe that Vshitshow didn't massively buff Kson.

>> No.31224677

You should probably look up what "relevant" means. Kson garners constant discussion and has a dozen /vt/ threads about her daily, meanwhile I honestly forgot Kanata existed for the past month until I saw this thread today.

>> No.31224794

Go ask in # and they will prove it from all angles that more people watch Kanata than Kson

>> No.31224935

She hasn't joined the alternate timeline yet. This will come to change.

>> No.31224966

>Kanata is relevant because Pekora's fans watch her play Rust when she's offline

>> No.31224976 [DELETED] 

>Proving things with numbers
They had a meltdown last time I made some graphs with data I collected for a while, the thread only purpose is to spam bait threads in the catalogue. Containment, my ass

>> No.31225042

Sadly none of them are declining

>> No.31225479

>Doesn't understand the word "all angles"
>Doesn't know there are sites to check data
>Proceed to list one example (which has nothing to back that up)

>> No.31225548

>Kson is relevant because of Twitter
You a big Feesh fan too? People that don't watch streams don't matter.

>> No.31225595

>numbers master
But can a numbers master refute or debunk this? >>31222218

>> No.31225616

I bet any one of them makes more money that you do.

>> No.31225692

>numberESLs making angry replies instead of just looking up what "relevant" means

>> No.31225715

by this metric sana is one of the most relevant vtubers of all time while someone such as fubuki has no influence whatsoever.

>> No.31225768

What do you mean? There's a flat angel right there.

>> No.31225772

But she’s a leech

>> No.31225896

The difference is Fubuki used to have a lot of influence and garnered a lot of discussion in the past while Kanata literally never did.

>> No.31225966

Do you have anything to back up that statement?

>> No.31225991

I would be careful using that word in a Kson thread

>> No.31226067

Only for kson fags
(despite whether that word is right or wrong)

>> No.31226200

He doesn't lol

>> No.31226221

By Kanata's own admission there's no one in Hololive who loves her like Coco did. There's no one left for her to leech from.

>> No.31226473

There is no singular host like Coco so she is trying multi-mouthed leeching from Marine, Lamy, and all of HoloX.

>> No.31226487

>Amane Kanata

>> No.31226503

michael is worse than hoomans
she will mindbreak kson

>> No.31226552

Interpreting "relevance" as "youtube viewers" rather than "influence on the industry" is a clear sign of being ESL. Or perhaps actual autism.

>> No.31226648
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>> No.31227166

holy delusion

>> No.31227197

maybe in numbers, influence is anothet thing retard

>> No.31227236

Kson had/has way more influence on the Vtuber community

>> No.31227240

the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.

Can you prove "relevance" should be referred to "influence on the industry" rather than "views/popularity"?

>> No.31227303

stay away from drugs kid

>> No.31227352

who cares about eop?

>> No.31227358
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>> No.31227922

That's how the word is always used in the entertainment industry.

>> No.31228333

Kekson did

>> No.31228401

Kanata pretended to for a while.
>"I want to learn English!"

>> No.31228720


>> No.31228773 [DELETED] 

That’s kike talk. Talk like a human, kike.

>> No.31228814

That's not a proof though. I can say most people refer vtuber's relevance to popularity. If a chuuba is no longer popular, she is no longer relevant, merely an relic from the past.

>> No.31229152

Holy esl batman

>> No.31229239

You aren't going to find a research paper on the meaning of and everyday uses of every random word you come across. The only proof you're going to get in this case is by observing actual native English speakers talking and paying attention to how they're using their words. The fact that the Anon who made that post had a dozen other Anons call him retarded is all the proof you should need.

>> No.31229407

>the fact that retards on 4chan called this retard on 4chan retard means that he is clearly retarded

>> No.31229430

I hate how much sense this makes.

>> No.31229529

>The fact that the Anon who made that post had a dozen other Anons call him retarded is all the proof you should need.
NTA and I have no stake in this particular argument, but kudos to you man. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen anyone post on 4chan in my 16 years on this website. You deserve an award for this.

>> No.31229573

>dozen other Anons call him retarded is all the proof you should need.
Could be samefagging. I can do that if you want lol. Schizos always samefag non-stop without providing evidence.
>observing actual native English speakers talking and paying attention to how they're using their words.
I can use every words you've said for my argument kek

>> No.31229626

Kson is like Bojack Horseman she makes a living off his past fame but nobody watch her now

>> No.31229728

LMAO, Kanata is even higher than NotRushia now.

>> No.31229952

>saw an anon mistakenly typed a "an"
>HOLY batman
You're even more retarded than the anon that you're replying to

>> No.31230025

This. And some retards above argued about relevancy lol

>> No.31230304

>bojack horseman
yeah i get this reference for zoomers or furries or whatever

>> No.31230317

She's Kanatten

>> No.31230358

Kanata's beating the absolute shit out of Kson in terms of numbers. Which means she's beating the shit out of Kson in terms of relevance, too. Because numbers are the barometer by which relevance is measured. But why are you faggots trying to pretend Kson's a big deal? She's small time now but she seems to be happy where she is. Isn't that good enough?

>> No.31230365

>being asked to provide evidence
>long text to say "I have no evidence"
What is this retardness

>> No.31230375

It's fucked up but it turns out that Kson was the opportunistic leech all along.

>> No.31230546

>Holobronies praising Kanata despite totally mocked her as leech last year
Holobronies motto: As long as Cover need me, i will suck Yagoo dick.

>> No.31230719

I understand you are extremely autistic but when it comes to language people just talking to each other IS proof. Assuming you aren't using Google translate, you are a fairly high level English speaker, you have reached the point where you will often find situations like this where words have specific colloquial meanings and there is no "proof" or "evidence" because no native speakers write shit like that down. You literally need to get over yourself and start accepting "just trust me bro" from native speakers or you will never advance. If you're that suspicious of random people on the internet, get an English teacher and ask them instead.

>> No.31230929

The correct word is "retardation" by the way.

>> No.31231015

>can't prove the definition of a word
>oh no he doesn't understand Native English

>> No.31231140

She's now living with Marine and Lamey

>> No.31231155

Do you realize I can pasta your reply for my argument?
Cmon......You are not refuting or proving anything at all.

>> No.31231343

This isn't an argument, I'm giving you helpful advice so you can learn the language.

>> No.31231349

why do retards always get caught up on semantics...
anyway kson's a bit of a has-been. idk what to tell anyone. she could've owned the world but she decided not to. so now she's doing the same shit she used to with a worse cohort for less money and less views

>> No.31231446

I want all of you niggers to be hanged
I fucking hate dramafaggots so much get the fuck out of my hobby.

>> No.31231544

if you're the person asserting "influence over views" then it's not that he doesn't understand the language, it's that you're trying to push the value of an intangible against something that's measureable -- and frankly, even that intangible is clearly waning. you might as well argue that kizuna ai is more relevant than kanata. at this point kson is only relevant as a focal point for gossip. views, believe it or not, matter. they are an indirect reflection of influence. if you're "influential but have no views" then you're a paper tiger. how hard is that to understand?
tl;dr: maybe you understand english, but your reasoning is awful

>> No.31231561

That's merely your speculation (aka voices in your head) which is something I can do but rather not to.
Back to topic, you still can't prove "relevance" should be referred to "influence on the industry" rather than "views/popularity"

>> No.31231592

What will happen if I do that?

>> No.31231652

>why do retards always get caught up on semantics...
LOL no shit
look at this retard >>31230929

>> No.31231674

i will agree with that anon that you're being a little overly pedantic here, but it's also true that he's stuttering and flustering trying to come up with a meaningful example of her influence besides poaching a dredged up rushia

>> No.31231684

Why does she call herself an indie vtuber even though she belongs to a company?

>> No.31231817

because she wants to have her cake and cry about not having it too

>> No.31231834

Seems like the anons in this thread didn't watch Kanata's steam where she was saying Marine is her best friend and that KanaMari is eternal.

>> No.31231916

KanaCoco was eternal too. When Marine retires due to vocal issues next year she will forget all about that and move on to a new host.

>> No.31232079

so is kson

>> No.31232276

Can Vshojo terminate Kson like Cover did to Kson?


>> No.31232312

Kanata and Marine have been friends since way before Hololive anon, there's a reason Marine runs to Kanata first whenever she needs advice for anything, from health to mental stuff.

>> No.31232344

I mean Rushia

>> No.31232418

Kanata deserves it.
She threw away Hoshi no Kanata.

>> No.31232598

That is Suisei....

>> No.31232614

>how hard is that to understand?
That anon only knows "native english" and if you disagree with him you are no longer native and need to get an english teacher immediately.

Why don't you agree with him and become native again? lol

>> No.31232686 [DELETED] 
File: 632 KB, 2160x3840, 1669637095908716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small discord community where /vt/sisters who want to hang with other like-minded degens for non-vtuber stuff hang!
no troons allowed

>> No.31233149

Because she ignored the game's license to use it and streamed it. Vshojo is an NA company, so they don't know what copyright is.
Vshojofags think it is "talent freedom".

>> No.31233157

Then you don't know enough about Kanata's roommate, Kanata and Marine's roommates follow each other and there's been twitter exchanges since 2016 or so. Only issue is to find them you have to dig through the older threads since Marine's roommate is private and Kanata's deleted her older tweets.

>> No.31233256

I like Kanata :)

>> No.31233633

Ok, I concede

>> No.31233815

>it's that you're trying to push the value of an intangible against something that's measureable
I agree it's hard to quantify influence, and it often is closely linked to viewers, but you can measure it reasonably well by observing what people are talking about in vtuber fan communities such as this one, and discarding that aspect entirely to focus solely on numbers is absolutely retarded. Here's a couple examples why:

Asacoco - it always had fairly low CCV. But it's already in marketing textbooks due to its influence. The highest viewed episode of Asacoco is under 900k views and only reached that due to unusual circumstances. Most are under 150k.

Compare that to this video:
Almost 2 million views. It's in the upper echelon of vtuber videos according to views. But does this 10 second dance video from almost 2 years ago have any relevance at all? No.

>> No.31233897

Asafuckingcoco is in marketing books? Jesus.

>> No.31234120

>Hateboner for Coco in the eyes of wannabe Japanese EOP's/ESL's is strong as ever.

>> No.31234204

what blue doritos do to a motherfucker

>> No.31234537

I see, Heimins are still delusional as ever

>> No.31234904

Holy fucking meds

>> No.31235443

This is exactly what you would say to a person who said something like
>Ah, I looked at Coco's channel, and she is a popular vtuber due to her viral dance video, cover songs, and graduation. Because those have the most views.
There are more important metrics than views whether your autism permits you to recognize them or not.

>> No.31236019

Holofags still salty that their previous talents joined a different company

>> No.31236080

I didn’t ask

>> No.31236140

>Asacoco is in marketing textbooks
Bro you can't just say that and not provide a source. Not because I don't believe you, but because that's hilarious and >we want to see it.

>> No.31236629

>Holofags still salty that their previous talents joined a different company
I'm actually pleased because they showed that it's safer and easier to just stay in the Holobox.

>> No.31236719

But can you blame her? Suisei was far less popular than Coco back then

>> No.31236756

Kanata ... Mission acomplished!

>> No.31236812

THIS. I'm glad two tumors were gone.

>> No.31236919

>Kanata is more relevant than kson now.
That's a fact given the Hololive buff.
B-U-T Kanata doesn't have Talent Freedom and can never do chaturbate or titty streaming.

>> No.31237162

But the seething remains

>> No.31238329

but kanata and flare are still there

>> No.31238378

It's good to know that they agree with Connor.
These girls only have the benefit of the brand not talent or effort to earn those numbers.

>> No.31238503

>But the seething remains
Baffling post. Also "seething" is an adjective.

>> No.31238576

Anything wrong with Flare?

>> No.31238712

You know that applies to vshojo too, fucking nigger faggot.

>> No.31238756

what the fuck is wrong with you guys

there's literally nothing wrong with any of them. stop buying into schizo bullshit.

>> No.31238843

Post Cock!!!

>> No.31238884

Flare is the biggest tumor of Hololive.

>> No.31239039

By your logic, Tokino Sora is less relavant than Okayu.


>> No.31239142

>It's good to know that they agree with Connor.
>These girls only have the benefit of the brand not talent or effort to earn those numbers.
Connor was wrong on two things though.
1) There are holos who made the brand relevant and holos who made relevant by the brand.
2) If you can get into Hololive, you get success automatically, regardless how bad you are. The thing is thousands are applying for the spot.

Coco and Rushia contributed to Hololive brand a lot, but also screwed the brand badly. But that's all behind us now. Both Hololive and Vshojo are doing good.

>> No.31239443

You are too reasonable and sane in this /vt/. I suggest you to go back and never return in this shit hole

>> No.31239599

Is Kanata still leeching?

>> No.31239836

She is leeching Hololive

>> No.31239851
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what are /vt/ sisters seething about now?

>> No.31239852

Not really.
They were already known as indis and kept their names.
Quite different from being complete unknowns and gaining thousands of followers without even making their debut.

>> No.31239894

Sanest person I have seen over there, please leave this site and live a happy life

>> No.31240204

Sleep well, comfy souchou.

>> No.31240205

Both are influenced by same brand buff. Also, both are not very popular (compared to holo aces). Many casuals know Pekora but not Okayu.
I would say Pekora is more relevant than Kizuna Ai. Just look at the hot topics and discussions, and trendings. If a star is relevant, she pops up non stop in all places. (outside of dramaland vt of course lol). People will follow her closely.
A good measurement of popularity is recent views. Logically, if no one watches a chuuba, she can't be relevant. She could be relevant in the past though

>> No.31240533

You shouldn't stay here dude

>> No.31240723

>Kanata will never leave a sweet deal at a vtuber company to become a generic titty streamer whose first antics are showing cleavage and panty shots
Kanatabros...not like this...

>> No.31240839

Welsh having shit takes is nothing new

>> No.31241147

>recent views
Fact is Okayu usually has more CCV and recent views than Tokino Sora.

By your logic, Tokino Sora is less relavant than Okayu and Tokino Sora is same tier as Aki Rosenthal in relavant term.

>> No.31241225
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My oshii, whom did nothing wrong

>> No.31241229

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.31241387
File: 627 KB, 829x1200, FYM5E0IagAEYYW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanatach did nothing wrong except that she keeps sabotaging kanataso

>> No.31241676

The funny thing about Connor's take about it not mattering what people put on their resume because they will succeed once they get in? He wasn't talking out his ass. He was reciting shit he heard from an inside source. Can you guess who? I'll give you a hint: She lied on her resume about being good at Japanese to get hired, and then completely fumbled it once she got in and ended up being called a crackhead because she couldn't follow along.

>> No.31242673

>By your logic, Tokino Sora is less relavant than Okayu
As I've said both are not very popular (compared to holo aces).
> Tokino Sora is same tier as Aki Rosenthal in relavant term.
Again, they are both not popular. You don't really say a 20views is more relevant than a 2view. I mean, what's the point.

>> No.31244732


>> No.31246377

I believe this.

>> No.31248223


>> No.31248414
File: 695 KB, 784x588, TalentFreedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't do things like pic related with Kanata in a collab

too little talent freedom

>> No.31248614

Kanata backstabbed both of them

>> No.31251829
File: 67 KB, 1516x591, 1643852453308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're leaking views nonstop and becoming less and less relevant. They couldn't even reach 6k yesterday
Watching both of them self destruct is so entertaining lmao

>> No.31253773

Everyone that enjoys money.

>> No.31253995


>> No.31254072

This thread was about Kson abandoning Kanata and immediately grooming a new replacement and somehow numberfags took it over.

>> No.31254213

Numberfags are the cancer of Vtubing.

>> No.31254258
File: 967 KB, 1500x1500, pphamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rrat makes sense so I'll believe it
Fuck the dragon bitch

>> No.31254271

>kson chose VEIBAE and the other vshitshow whores over her own room mate
Absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.31254368

Kson is american. Anglos will call you their best friend one day, then completely forget about you the day after. Never trust an anglo.

>> No.31254532

>The retard introvert that somehow got bullied by Suisei and her sister of all people
More and more i'm realizing she was more Coco's burden than a friend
>I'm gonna stand my ground and stick with C-chan in this apartment!
>Oh wait nevermind, A-chan told me to move so i'm out of here tomorrow

>> No.31254543

It's not tho. The model was made after Miguel Gato decided to join VShojo.

>> No.31254755

>Most EOP fo not know who Kanata is
You know that is good, because most EOP who watch VTubers are fucking retards

>> No.31254836

while you make up imaginary fights in your head, they have sweaty lesbian sex.

>> No.31254907

The only correct post in the thread.

>> No.31255120

Who the fuck cares about the amount of doscussion a VTuber gets on /here/ that has nothing to do with their overall popularity you fucking retard, this board is fucking irrelevant to most VTubers that isn't pandering directly to it

>> No.31255136

>they have sweaty lesbian sex
Greasy amerilard fingers wrote this post

>> No.31255225

>Make up
My dude, Kanata's near first words when coco left was she was sticking with her no matter what, then the 2nd thing she said when Kson join Vshitshow is she's immediately moving out "For reasons"
If that's not a turncoat, i don't know what is

>> No.31255243

I wonder if there's any chance this rrat is true

>> No.31255366

ching chong for you too

>> No.31255396

>using this board to measure relevancy

>> No.31255582

You would be correct though

>> No.31255622

>the chuuba you stream with all the time moves to different agency and immediately replaces you with a chuuba that is similar to you but has better numbers and chemistry
Has this happened to anyone else besides Kanata and shondo

>> No.31255828

>the other day they went out together and had a good talk
>sex trip to a ryokan coming soon
either kanata's or coco's side, they should watch streams and stop being retarded.

>> No.31256943 [DELETED] 

But they cannot be friends just because Kanata devided to not live with KSon anymore, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.31257005

But they cannot be friends just because Kanata devided to not live with KSon anymore, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.31257070

>all these ignorant eops replying

>> No.31257410
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Tribal losers are the only ones worrying about how "relevant" someone is anyway. First try being entertaining.

>> No.31257434

More relevant than fatson yeah, less relevant than Coco.

>> No.31257738

She recently confirmed that she didn't know what Nazuna's model actually looked like until she made the official announcement, so she had no input

>> No.31257901


>> No.31258837

The extra kicker that Kson talked before about numberfagging and how you oughta do things you actually enjoy regardless of numbers. Gloating about relevancy and self-destructing turns out to be self-gratification if the people you're railing against don't go menhera over it.
Especially since, you know, there's plenty of money to be made more than the average numberfag here can hope for

>> No.31259309

They can absolutely kick her out if they wanted/needed to for some reason.
