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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 260 KB, 500x313, 5b6d198e829e315372e24d14a8bf2a0a (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31204659 No.31204659 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

AkioAir auditions are opening very soon!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>31157814

>> No.31204878

i'm ngmi

>> No.31205429

What's with the scary totem pole thing in the background?

>> No.31205487
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Kaiser masterbaiting for your pleasure!


>> No.31205529
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Best ignore the threads, join my discord server.

>> No.31205630

Totem poles like that are blessed with energy that will deter sexpest babis

>> No.31205663
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You know one thing that's been on my mind, considering you like it so much, did you jerk off to the recording, repost anon?

>> No.31205763

her manager

>> No.31205833

rent free!

>> No.31205879

NTA but maybe.

>> No.31205956

NTA but yes.

>> No.31205973

I made affiliate!

>> No.31206079

NTA, i actually never bothered to listen to it.

>> No.31206351

>>31171208 (me)
Thanks for the funny replies lol. I've decided to just do the indefinite hiatus thing, and delete stuff once people forget. Less sadness that way.
You guys keep going at it. All the best frens.

>> No.31206382

Who are you nigger

>> No.31206395

Hey, me too!

>> No.31206460

No pls if you’re gonna die anyway lmk who you are, my balls are begging to bust.

>> No.31206490

Threads are where he gets all his "advice", he's scared of being irrelevant

>> No.31206587
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What does he even do outside of keeping track of graduations like an autistic freak? Does he have a job? Has he ever even gotten past 100 followers on any account? Does he just eat ice creame and watch vtubers who sound underage all day?

>> No.31206685

I kept trying to post my successful attempt on PC but it refused so here I am on my phone about to go to bed. The application I used is WoMic.


NTA but your voice is deeper than mine so I’m scared to. But I also find it to be valuable research. Maybe if I have a friend in the room with me my homo thoughts may dissipate.

>> No.31206742

Ugh forgot to link the previous comment
Meant for >>31202217

>> No.31206982
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I actually expected to find more and better resources on voice acting, I guess I'm gonna take proper singing lessons and hope to apply what I learn there.

>> No.31207208

Why not take acting lessons

>> No.31207684

once again newfypuppy/kitsurepls is crabbing and schizoposting in discord. i dont know why big v puts up with her

>> No.31207732


>> No.31207800

Schizoposting I don't care. Crabbing? Send receipts.

>> No.31207878

Time constraints and I honestly don't know if there are any in my area. I do want to do start doing theatre soonish so I might pick up something from there aswell.

>> No.31207910
File: 42 KB, 1213x289, Newfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get why newfypuppie/kitsurapls complains so much about being a ngmi. she doesnt shill herself anywhere and plays debuff games. what does she expect?

>> No.31208044


Yeah, I wonder...

>> No.31208148

Any recommendations or pointers for facetracking hardware? Based on experience from dicking around with FaceRig back in its infancy indicates my POS webcam won't be up to snuff. I have an iPhone 12 Mini in my possession if that'd work?

>> No.31208157

She puts zero effort into her content/her work so she assumes successful people do the same.
At the end of the day content creators who are successful don't just shitout work.

I used to work for an editing team and unless you're something like a league streamer like tobias or imaqtipie, I would say a majority of ccs are incredibly hands on with their content.

I mean look at someone like Shogun, the guy is a literal genius and puts in shitloads of effort into his covers and edits.

>> No.31208192

She's not wrong

>> No.31208785

Just watched an aspies vod who streamed to a total of two people for two hours. They got one message the whole time and it was at the very end saying cya. If I recall this aspie was gifted a model too that's not half bad. They run into the same bored mumbling commentary I see a lot of people do, with long silence and an almost non existent schedule. I question why these people stream at all.

My advice build some momentum before going live on twitch. Like sodapopin said, if you're under 100 ccw you should quit. They even had the babi buff too.

>> No.31208826

>babi buff

>> No.31208890

>2 hours 2 people
>gifted model
We stopped shitting on Azu a while back.

>> No.31208911

He did run defense for the loli vtuber hmmmm big thonk. Personally I see no value in any vtuber whose not a babi in all honesty. Imagine being anything else.

>> No.31209087

Why did they choose to fail? Why is that choice they made?

>> No.31209213

Kaiser stream to 2 viewers for 8 hours.

>> No.31209288

Yes a massive buff. Straight guys will of course love you because you're cute but not a w*men and there for not shit. Gay guys love you because your a guy. Women love you because you're like their gay best friend, and also not a w*men so they're not threatened by you. The math is sound

Babis rule.

>> No.31209519

>Straight guys will of course love you because you're cute but not a w*men
This is only the case if you can do a female voice and pass, but if its a female model with a gross sounding dude voice it's just offputting.
I think the only people who are into babis with man voices are gay men.

>> No.31209595

I have a theory that compared to a male with a male model they get a lot more clicks while streaming but retention is much worse. I wonder if that evens out or is worse at the end of the day.

>> No.31209773

>bitter w*men detected
>opinion disregarded

>> No.31209780

I think babis can be played for laughs successfully with both the right model and a very masculine voice. But it's a hard balancing act that requires skill and you would probably still do better as a male. I don't think anyone here could manage it honestly.

>> No.31210061

Geli is a good babi

>> No.31210140

Kaiser is a good babi

>> No.31210149

I'm going to love to stream to my 2 viewers today again. My vieweroshi's are the best!

>> No.31210292

I regret teaching the weirdos in /asp/ the crabs in a bucket analogy.

>> No.31211163

It seems you just did not get the noble message.

>> No.31211167

At least they’ve stopped talking about how they’re going to “morb”.

>> No.31211776

Stand back, I'm babi-ing!

>> No.31211931

everything is crabbing now for some reason

>> No.31211997


>> No.31212060

REMINDER, fuck /asp/ fuck /asp/cord, there is only one line of tips you need to know.

>Do your reps
>Stream for 1 year at the least
>Apply for corpos off cooldown
Then you ngmi.

Right now vtubing is in an industrial evolution, corpos are the best way to stand above mumblertubers who have oversaturated the market.
Be smart about your branding and marketing, remember there is no "game debuff" if you theme yourself around that game.
Find a niche, stream to that niche, even if you become 2view corpos will have a good grasp of how to market you when you audition.

>> No.31213135
File: 294 KB, 641x642, 42dkgu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many hours of aspiring/small indie vtubers have YOU watched this week? i've had at least 4 so far

>> No.31213552

why do you want them to fail by giving them this false anchor of hope by either another babi or something else
is it to stifle the competition?

>> No.31213578

I haven't watched any this week but I did stream for twelve hours

>> No.31213664

>not supporting your fellow /asp/ies

>> No.31213718

Autismbux I guess

>> No.31213958

I've actually never watched any of the /asp/ies before. I did click on one of the babinikus one time but then left immediately because all I heard was dead air and I didn't realize when I clicked that they were a babi

>> No.31214029
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Hope? I just want to fuck them.

>> No.31214030

you can't hear dead air, retard

>> No.31214106

3 /asp/ies
1 ex-corpo
5 below /lig/ chuubas

>> No.31214147

Yes, I can?

>> No.31214418

If you have tinnitus you can.

>> No.31214765

Thank you mashi...

>> No.31215082

I'm vtuber now

>> No.31215119

so proud of you for coming out of the closet!

>> No.31215230

why are most non tech related vtuber tips done by 2 views

>> No.31215324

Empty vessels make the most noise.

>> No.31215414

I thought we couldn't hear dead air?

>> No.31216317
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1660905569246105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the 2nd time- enough bullshit.

im looking for the right autist to coop elden ring. you stream it. we play it.

you are out there somewhere and i will find you

>> No.31216446

Azu is an ok babi

>> No.31216700

My indie oshi(JP) just graduated

>> No.31216880

Can't wait for the graduation

>> No.31217214

What's your avrage ccw I need you to have at least 20 for me to really want to desu. Otherwise I'll I'm doing is feeding competition with not a lot in return

>> No.31217322

corp i was planning to audition for moved their audition deadline closer and now i have to work harder on portfolio because i'm way too private when it comes to art
i took my brother's old adhd meds to focus or something but its just making me nervous

>> No.31217384

What are some good latinx aspies?

>> No.31217393

watching a 2 view male right now
people that are from this community specifically are under bad influence. i just can't like what they do

>> No.31217427

There are either good ones that can speak spanish or there are latinx ones.

>> No.31217451
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if thats a concern, then i wont be advertising shit.

i'll go even further: if me streaming at the same is also a problem, then i wont. i want elden ring. you want content. everybody will benefit.

>> No.31217518

Yuuyami Nix speaks spanish but I'm not sure where she's from

>> No.31217543

Taffy Nekuma is my wife and I'm glad she is on her way to the big leagues!

>> No.31217573

that one is a babi

>> No.31217574

Habla bien gringo puto

>> No.31217674

besides her, which aspies have a shot at /lig/?

>> No.31217731

I am torn between attempting to go outside and try to begin having a real life this weekend and streaming to at most 2 people

>> No.31217737

she has no shot. She is only getting attention from baiting coomers, her content is ass and laden with schizo behaviors and weird voice changer bs

>> No.31217776

Don't insult babis

>> No.31217806

if you go outside will it actually be more fun than streaming

>> No.31217829


>> No.31218040

will they ban nekuma if we report his twitter for kiddie shit

>> No.31218041

Hey I'm a
Vete mucho a la mierda pinche puto.

>> No.31218043

>i took my brother's old adhd meds to focus or something but its just making me nervous
You fucking retard.

>> No.31218057

Just go look for a person to play with or get some freinds if that's all you want. Otherwise you're not offering anything. The whole point is to both grow and be able to bounce off of someone for jokes and to.entertain.

>> No.31218060

Do you have a single fact to back that up? She has already gone on record saying she uses no voice changers, she just talks that way. Obviously it isn't her default voice and she is inflecting to do it, but that didn't stop others like Snuffy from gaining popularity doing it (before she turned into a raccoon.)

It is true though that she is only popular right now from coombait, and it is up to her to actually STREAM to convert that momentum into viewers.

>> No.31218143

he doesn't stream and is a pedo. These are some big debuffs desu.

>> No.31218199

1.5 on twitter converted to 250 on twitch is pretty lacking, compared to dog or sloth who have nearly 1:1 or 1:2 conversion rates

>> No.31218234

Is this the person who posted that horrible looking VRoid loli in a mico bikini?

>> No.31218692
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>> No.31218812
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>Just go look

I am brother. And I will.

>Otherwise you're not offering anything.

I respectfully disagree. You get someone who has a personality; who knows their shit about the game, but is willing take a backseat so the other person can shine. I want videogames. Everyone wins.

>The whole point is to both grow

I'm gonna assume you are the same anon. The whole point is to grow- unless [x] is less popular than [y]. Then its leeching. To which I responded by not advertising at all. This logic doesn't follow.

>be able to bounce off of someone for jokes and to.entertain.

The only way this doesn't happen is if you happen to have the personality of a wet noodle. I'll match your energy. But of course- we won't know for sure until we meet.

>> No.31218816

what is the x supposed to mean?

>> No.31218896

dumb retarded shit about making Spanish gender neutral when that's not how it works.

>> No.31218908

I have social anxiety and no real life friends so I have heavy doubts about that

>> No.31218967

I'll watch you!

>> No.31218968

A placeholder for a or o, as in latina/latino. Some retards trying to make Spanish gender neutral

>> No.31218976

But I'm spanishsexual! I only fuck latinos!

>> No.31219208

I have severe social anxiety too and was trying to stream to see if it helps me get over it. Still not sure if it helps or not.

>> No.31219377

Yes lol

>> No.31219485

I am the same. Yes collabs don't benefit the other person if you're a 2 view Andy. If i avrage a few hundred ccw, why should I collab with you? There's other streamers who benefit me more and have a proven track record as a performer. You're just a litteral who.

>> No.31219521

Go play in traffic.

>> No.31219582

you sound obnoxious

>> No.31219588

I get in my head about this sometimes too, but all of these content creators had to start somewhere. Might as well get those weekend viewers if this is truly is something you enjoy doing and want to succeed at. I just keep in touch with my buddies throughout the week and that seems to fulfill me socially well enough.

>> No.31219630

nta but I have a friend with a much higher ccw who wanted to collab with me because we get along regardless of the vtubing thing
I turned him down because I didn't want to feel like a leech but sometimes I regret it, not because of the numbers, but because it soured things

>> No.31219632

lol of course that was a babi. of course.

>> No.31219679

Still no evidence, how pathetic. Envy truly brings out the worst in people.

>> No.31219746
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I'm gonna be fair to you. From your perspective- you want to "collab" with someone of equal measure.

I'm not that. I'm some random motherfucker astroturfing this shitty website so maybe I can have fun with an aspiring vtuber on a game I love playing.

We have different goals. Thats fine.

>> No.31219955

wow now i wish i could unlearn this

>> No.31220005

I know you're baiting but I want to shit on the VRoid a little more. It looked really bizarre how the face had cartoonish black outlines but body didn't, and it looked strangely low resolution as well. Maybe those are quirks of in progress VRoid models that I wouldn't know anything about but it looked awful

>> No.31220086

He leaves the discord hugbox and people stop jerking him off? What is happening?

>> No.31220154

I've never been in the discord, just sharing my opinion on the avatar since I've seen it posted here a few times.

>> No.31220376

If it's of any consolation to you, only US born kids from immigrant parents are pushing for that, every Latino hates that shit and shits on those retards.

>> No.31220532

argies push that shit hard as well.

>> No.31220555

In my experience, I've only read retarded white and black kids post about that kind of stuff online. I've never run into a single person in real life that says Latinx. I mean, it's not even intended to be pronounced out loud. Lateenecks? Lateencks? Latin X?

>> No.31220567

That's just the retarded leftists.

>> No.31220618

Car anon here. Going live with some Spectral Souls! Www.twitch.tv/tiresiasbazaar

>> No.31221053

Supposedly Latin Ecks.

>> No.31221303
File: 254 KB, 600x690, 94ab151e70da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collabs are just fun, i invite people i want to talk to on my stream and i only want them to come on if they genuinely enjoy the idea of doing something with me. so far it worked out pretty well for me. nothing changed in terms of numbers, but i just want to do fun streams. not everything needs to be super complicated...

>> No.31221409

That's fair but you posted feet online and considered sharing a vocaroo of yourself masturbating with your friends

>> No.31222677


>> No.31222763

I'm no longer vtuber

>> No.31222811

I like Chase though.
I want to give him lots of children and be a good house wife for Knight Chase!

>> No.31222924

If you like what you hear he's streaming now!


>> No.31223070

She isn’t inflicting her voice. It’s involuntary. It’s her voice.

>> No.31223227

could meds have saved him

>> No.31223342

I don't think anybody does. Seeing how the only people watching are other /asp/ies.

>> No.31223635

Hag corrector is not an aspie

>> No.31223649
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>> No.31223739

Woah! 1 whole viewer!

>> No.31223822

the 2view femchuuba someone mentioned a while ago is so cute. i expected someone like this to have many viewers

>> No.31223876

Which one? I can tell you what's wrong with her.

>> No.31224022

Okay but go somewhere else? If all you're looking for is gaming buddies and not collab partners. That's fine and cool but this place is supposed to be for that?

>> No.31224097


>> No.31224178

i already know that the shit tier twitch viewers just want porn or gfe

>> No.31224278

ffs i thought the mapleposters fucked off

>> No.31224798


>> No.31225035

>always with Jignx

>> No.31225091
File: 82 KB, 280x389, GENOME_srs3_TALKING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing with Alien: Isolation

>> No.31225399

Jignx ain't there

>> No.31225937

It's also the same person who coincidentally made fun of the babis in the discord last night, which may also (theoretically LOL) may be she is being mentioned now in this thread, go figure

>> No.31225953
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>Okay but go somewhere else?


>If all you're looking for is gaming buddies and not collab partners.

I'll be honest- I don't know vtuber culture. That being said- our definitions of "collabs" are different. I'm a personality looking to play Elden Ring with another personality. If we gel, have a good time and ppl watch: thats a good enough collab in my book.

the focus on who has more viewers, ccws, etc is just fucking lame. i get why ppl care but i get the feeling (lurking these threads) that ppl need to be reminded that they should vtube for fun. not just for gain.

>> No.31226010

That is true, she wasn't mentioned before.
They want to talk about her because they're either bored or are upset that someone doesn't want to worship a male voice behind a female avatar

>> No.31226174
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>> No.31226215

Everyone hates babis.

>> No.31226320

Sloth is definitely female she's too dumb to be trans

>> No.31226328

A shame. I don't hate her.

>> No.31226356

found the babi

>> No.31226731

I'm gonna get ice cream at the convenience store!

>> No.31226777


dangerously based

>> No.31226835

fat person behavior from a discord moderator? what the

>> No.31226867

must be edited. why would a tranny supporter hate babis?

>> No.31227260

He's literally just like me

>> No.31227422

Come on down and join us for some sea of thieves in about 10 minutes.

>> No.31227490

stop posting this
or else

>> No.31227852
File: 14 KB, 381x122, uwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31228267

>300 to 1600
>in 3 days

>> No.31228266


>> No.31228323

what period of time is "cooldown"?

>> No.31228519

And, they were roommates

>> No.31228659

nice OP image
is this where i can learn lisp?

>> No.31228699

when will the babis shut up about their new target and go back to harassing maple

>> No.31228857

It is getting a little pathetic at this point.

>> No.31229018

They even tried targeting Lala some threads ago.

>> No.31229033

Maple is dead lmao

>> No.31229348

maple is not dead he said he was okay!

>> No.31231455
File: 862 KB, 760x926, craiyon_113628_psx_horror_game_muppet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creatine and cult murder with everyone's favorite pupet


>> No.31231968

Do you not understand? Maple's occultation will only make the devotion of his cult grow stronger. As with the Twelvers and Imam al-Mahdi, the Maplers will await with bated breath the day of his return, when he will purge the world of ignorance and error.

>> No.31232077

Like it was mentioned before, they attack female vtubers who are active in the asp

>> No.31232087


>> No.31232371

inb4 Maple sees this, returns, and then necks when he realises he's still a 1view

>> No.31233653

lol, rumao even

>> No.31233771

babis back at it again

>> No.31233784

I heard her dick is the biggest in /asp/

>> No.31233836

Certainly bigger than Visage's

>> No.31233864

Here's your (You) retard

>> No.31233933
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would another pink cat be detrimental to the scene?

>> No.31234005


>> No.31234064

Biological female, but a*str*li*n

>> No.31234173


>> No.31234190

>but a*str*li*n
At least you're not a Brit.
What are your stream times gonna be? AUS hours?

>> No.31234238

Vtubers are always graduating it's almost like they're lying

>> No.31234550


I think streaming helps, especially vtubing as you're not showing a face.

>> No.31234842

>streaming to at most 2 people
infinitely more than most people

>> No.31234988

Nta but I did a few times. Kaiser should do this more often.

>> No.31235337

A question any 1views who didn't relentlessly shill themselves: How long did it take you to start getting viewers beyond the 13 second curiosity click-through?

>> No.31235451

I got a couple of regulars almost immediately. My guess is it was the chat interaction that made them stick around.

>> No.31235487

Y'all scare me
Are all really small vtubers this demented?

>> No.31235631

Just wait for the Jignx debut

>> No.31235655
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>> No.31235695

i found someone few days after they started

>> No.31235728

No, honestly. Just lots of them.
Not too long, maybe a month or so. All I had to do was play games that I really enjoy and talk to the chatroom. I try my best to remember all of their names and the things they tell me, and I make sure to tell them I'm happy to see them again whenever they return to my stream.

>> No.31235815

I'm new here, who's jingx?
I don't even stream

>> No.31235884

It's not like there is a background check or interview before you can get started.

>> No.31236138

discord mod groomer, shills his server here a lot

>> No.31236227

Oh alright. Is that the /asp/cord mentioned here a lot?

>> No.31236506

>I make sure to tell them I'm happy to see them again
I'm hesitant to do this since I kind of buy into the "single viewer of streamer under more pressure than streamer" meme. Like if I immediately pile on the chat with any new name that pops up it might be overbearing or come off as desperate and they'll get turned off of watching.

>> No.31236763

Spain but lives in the US

No that actually means you only fuck Spaniards. There’s quite a few Mexicans, Hondurans and Uruguayan /asp/ies.

>> No.31236997

yes, good for schizos, bad for advice

>> No.31237169

I mean, I don't lovebomb them or anything. Just like "good to see you again." They're also not my only viewer. I haven't scared anybody away just yet, and I'm genuine whenever I say stuff like that.

>> No.31237222

I'll avoid it like the plague

>> No.31237427

I deliberately don't monitor my live viewcount, so I assume anyone that actually talks in chat won't mind a response. Regulars usually get a "yo, good to see ya, how ya been" or something along those lines.

>> No.31237683

I'm the person they replied to and I should clarify that I do that, too. I only peek at the viewer list on my phone whenever I take a bathroom break or whatever. I only engage with people who type in the chatroom.

>> No.31238544

I talked to her and her comfy times would be around 5 PM AEST, or midnight in PST, which is also Japan peak hours iirc

>> No.31238670

You her groomer or something?

>> No.31239033

BB you get into my head too well and I wish pain and suffering upon you for this

>> No.31239126

is that what we call managers now?

>> No.31239247


>> No.31239265

The fuck did I do this time?

>> No.31239617
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Clio live again at twitch.tv/clioaite

>> No.31239678

now now kitten daddy will take good care of you

>> No.31239696

Nothing at all...

>> No.31239760

I got a couple of regulars who kind of pushed me into becoming a chuuba from my oshi's community.
They've been there since the beginning.

>> No.31239938
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>> No.31241278

maybe ill make a free patreon or something like that for this stuff so it's kinda away from my channel i think snuffy has still some smut content on there right? maybe this was only a one-time thing, it was fun though. i like experimenting with different things.

>> No.31242293

One week left existing.
Feeling relieved.

>> No.31242363


>> No.31242821

Name yourself faggot.

>> No.31244582

Based on the things they say I think that most aspie chuubas are 20 or under. How far off am I?

>> No.31244644

30 yr old boomers larping

>> No.31244873

thanks jignx

>> No.31245108

They're either very dedicated at larping or emotionally stunted by a decade of more. Both are plausible.

>> No.31245437

God this hag's laugh is intoxicating

>> No.31245586

It's more of a cackle and she's very sweet.

>> No.31245650

How can below 25 years old even compete

>> No.31245868

You literally can't, at least not to me. I'm over 25 and have yet to find an indie vtuber younger than me that holds my attention.

>> No.31245871

Grooming bait

>> No.31246141

getting wet over Florryworry, Visage cucked in real time

>> No.31246264

I don't think they can. It's either pedo baiting or they say the most uninformed cringe takes all the time. And there is a time limit on the former.

>> No.31246480

im trying to stream using my linux pc.
adding -dumpstream option make the program not start. i can stream to my pc but i can't record it
half my screen is green for some reason

i don't need 70fps or 2k resolution, just a working recorder

>> No.31246667

>im trying to stream using my linux pc.
Godspeed to you, you madman.

>> No.31247006

its either that or winxp

>> No.31247021

I doubt you'll get a good answer here, unfortunately. I get the impression most of us use Windows over here. You would probably be better served scouring Reddit or hitting up /g/.
I love Linux too, but I gave up on it in the 2010s because WINE wasn't as good back then, and I play a lot of video games. I'm ditching Windows for good after I'm done with 10. They lied about it being the last release of Windows.

>> No.31247093

Oh damn, man. You might not be able to stream period. What hardware are you using?

>> No.31247699

desu i don't want to stream just to record, i just tought you guys would be the most proficient general on 4chan regarding recording stuff

>> No.31247952

Oh, buddy. This thread is a shitshow. It's mostly just posts from people in a Discord that talk ad nauseum about aspiring vtubers that were foolish enough to post themselves in this thread.

>> No.31248694

Someone sent me a scary marshmallow 9 days ago just saying I'm sorry...
It's my biggest fear that a fan of mine or someone I care about does anything dumb. As a lonely shut in, my viewers and few chuuba friends are all I have and I constantly think about them. I don't want to go full menhera on my twitter about it, but I love you anon.
I'm definitely not the best chuuba to support, my mental health has been on a downward spiral for months now and I'm unreliable. If you are apologizing for dropping me or something, I can accept it, I hate myself too. I only hope you're doing what's best for you and that you stay safe and healthy.

>> No.31249541
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had a pretty good stream cult of the lamb seems to be fun for people. idk my twitch stats but had a good youtube stream. twitch might have been like 30 -35 max, but it's growing day by day. just gotta keep grinding.

>> No.31249870

i can't find any good nswers on /g/ either...

>> No.31249940
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>> No.31250293

I blame Visage

>> No.31250383

Visage lied, people died

>> No.31250461

Join my groomercord.

>> No.31250467
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A skitzo in his fan was streaming seamlessly from a Linux laptop. And you can't from the comfort of your mothers basement?

>> No.31250660


>> No.31250771

Anytime corpo is up, make multiple auditions, look at your vods and pick out new things you want to highlight.
Study where you have deadair and try to be conscious of it.
It'll be awkward to fill in those gaps but keep trying to adjust it so it feels natural

A tip that I've heard jps give even to actors is to watch old televised rakugo

>> No.31251469

yes plz help

>> No.31251727

Some one taken to soon from this world. Who had profound knowledge about the ones who glow.

>> No.31251884

After watching dog's most recent vod I'm very confused why /here/ dislikes him. He is a very nice dog.

>> No.31251949

I dunno if you've noticed anon, but some people like to lie and upset people on purpose on 4chan sometimes.

>> No.31251952

He's tough competition for the babis

>> No.31252014

The crab meme is real, they will try to bring down anyone from /here/ with even a hint of success.

See: nekuma, a literally who no one /here/ cared about and immediately after blowing up on twitter the threads have been crabbing about her nonstop.

>> No.31252095

someone give me a list of a few babis so I can numberfag them

>> No.31252141

We could use a list of all /asp/ies. Anyone have something like that?

>> No.31252223

Bros how do I get my own groomers...I just want viewers who actually care about me...

>> No.31252321

the fuck 2 aikos??

>> No.31252330

What's happening is the brainlet retard you're replying to is crabbing out, just like anyone who shows promise and leaves the crab bucket. Zun got crabbed out hard because he has qualities that will help him make it and he stopped clinging to this useless shithole of /asp/ related places
They are narcissistic addicts suffering from withdrawal and so when the subject of their substance abuse leaves them in their co dependent relationship they lash out and scream and cry and piss themselves like retarded man children very sad
Also babi are disgusting and only homosexual women like them so get fucked in retards

>> No.31252346

What audience are you trying to build? I want to know what kind of chuubas people aim to be and what audience they want. If you say chill streamer/brotuber you should just give up btw.

>> No.31252481

spiritual enemy

>> No.31252601

Did you try not being a m*le?

>> No.31252652

I'll groom you if you're a male. But only if you're cute.

>> No.31253030

Which groomer do you want? If you join /asp/cord you will get groomed

>> No.31253414

I aim to attract fans of James Joyce.

>> No.31253472
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Babis should create their own general.
Babis will often cope about how they're just STREAMING FOR FUN XD Then get the fuck out of /asp/iring VTubers you fucking mongoloid retard.

>> No.31253542

Anybody who knowingly and intentionally debuffs themselves, and then has to cope about why it's actually a net neutral not a negative needs to get the fuck out now.

>> No.31253644

Big futa brown bear cock...

>> No.31253676

Gay guys hate babiniku. We like drag queens.

>> No.31254131

Why do you make statements with question marks?

>> No.31254197

Sounds like he's being passive aggressive.

>> No.31254285

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Add on to the list. It's a viewercorder collaboration thread.

Rooftop Noona

Babis will cope and seethe about how they aren't trans, and they're correct, but they're 100% undeniably to VTubing, what drag is to trans.
They are drag queens.

Death to all babi.

>> No.31254622

He sounds like a white woman on Tumblr trying to be black. Mori...

>> No.31254721

Never was male...
well...hasn't happened yet

>> No.31254791

Tell us who you are I'll groom you.

>> No.31254835

ain leaving is the beginning of the end for the /asp/cord, just watch

>> No.31254849
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Look at this Ottoman corrector.

>> No.31254905

Identify yourself. I'll attempt to groom you and fail, and then you can make fun of me in the thread, it'll be hilarious.

>> No.31255101

Some ones mad that babis run this thread

>> No.31255176

I want to lick that scar

>> No.31255218

Join my cult.

>> No.31255518

Yeah I'll join your groomercord man. Nice trip btw

>> No.31256179

Drag queens are usually gay dudes that dress up as extreme caricatures for a show that lasts a few hours.

>> No.31256324

Sorry I don't want to dox myself...
...okay how :P

>> No.31256787
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>> No.31256924


>> No.31257126

Compared to...?

>> No.31257221
File: 41 KB, 318x295, J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't usually stream weekdays because job and art.
>Worried that a 5 day gap will affect my streams.
>stream ended up mid and got some nice raids from friends and more.
>worried for nothing.

>> No.31257389

Newfy ywnbaw

>> No.31257435

Yes, and?

>> No.31257881

Sent ;^)

>...okay how :P
Pray to St. Jude every night before you go to bed.

>> No.31258148

Amazing, you barely know any babis

>> No.31258208

and yet they're all somehow awful either as streamers or people
the reality is i simply forgot about the other babis because they're usually even more boring than these queers

>> No.31258230

I love me babi
Simple as

>> No.31258320
File: 398 KB, 640x679, not_fair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not fair, everyone have charisma but have shitty numbers
meanwhile "hispanic" vtubers (spanish language) have an old pc, poor Internet, no charisma, no schedule, ugly model, poor audio config.
but guess what, everyone will go and watch you stream because we have a fucking stat called "FRIENDLY", YES WHEN A FRIEND GO LIVE WE DO THE IMPOSIBLE TO WATCH IT
Do you want easily triple your average viewers? just stream in spanish language
The downside is we are poor, we never subscribe, only follow

>> No.31258518

How do you explain alto?

>> No.31258540

Why would Ain leave the /asp/cord? Does she even have any other connections? Seems like a stupid move.

>> No.31258612

Nice try, Visage.

>> No.31258655

iunno, give me names I'll do some comparisons

>> No.31258755

maybe he's latino, but he's not part of the "spanish vtuber community"

>> No.31258806

Not even his own kind wants him...

>> No.31258922

But how do you know that when you don't know any babi?

>> No.31258944

he has a point.

>> No.31258968

I forgot to add Konrad.

>> No.31259098

Visage isn't wrong. Ain barely has any roots in any other places, and the only commitment she had to /asp/cord was occasionally posting and getting sucked off by everyone for being LE RANDOM LE ZANY LE EPIC :OOOOOO by a bunch of fucking faggots that would be impressed by her breathing. (Not her fault by the way, she's a good person).
She either thinks every other place will suck her off just as easily or is making a bad move in general with no real plan. I feel bad for her.

>> No.31259245

but we don't know him, he don't do collabs or is active in social media with other spanish vtubers.
maybe he don't want us

>> No.31259248

I want to play csgo with alto!

>> No.31259407

>"/asp/ies should leave this place it's not good for them"
>/asp/ie leaves the shithole
>"Such a bad move I feel bad for her"
Ain was stagnating and she made the right choice. Mucho respect for willing to start building back a proper audience instead of settling for the same fotm hoppers.

>> No.31259551

What the fuck are you guys talking about Man I left because of that video Visage posted where the guy is mortar and pestle'ing food to make inbred versions of its former selves

>> No.31259613

thread being thread again

>> No.31259910

>The video: what people think necromancy is
>Ain: what necromancy actually is

>> No.31260089
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I missed too many chances since 2010(JustinTV era) so I kind of giving up about numbers anymore, I just want to streaming happily.

t. Ainslie

>> No.31260158

okay I didn't watch the full video the first time but i rewatched it and got to the point where he mortar and pestle'd a hotdog WITH bun into a hotdog and i'm about to commit a crime

>> No.31260485

Knowing Ain this is just one of her ploys.

>> No.31260539

I really like someone who seems a little more open with their sexuality but I'm still scared that he'll reject me because I am another guy. Sometimes it feels like he is flirting back at me heavily though. Do I just keep quiet? Am I reading too hard into what otherwise is casual flirt playing?

>> No.31260542
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>> No.31260595

We don't want some racist tranny freak shitting up the thread with her ego fagging anyway.

>> No.31260645

Chase will never love you.

>> No.31261064

Oh no, racism.

>> No.31261261

Hes, ain , mirukuma, cublala

>> No.31261407

Obnoxious and le random.
ASMR coombait.
Literally deserves to make it. Best female 10view yet.

Miru and Cublala aren't fair, they're a cut above. The other two are more on par for basic females, and probably still blow babis out of the water. Especially Hes who acts like she's ADHD medication for spastics on a sugar rush.

>> No.31261492

Compared to Dog?

>> No.31261629

Peaked at 10 today and held at 9 ccv for the first time in a while without any raids. Once you start getting a reasonable amount of followers streaming at primetime on Friday/weekend really starts to show it's strength. Even though I almost always normally stream later I still do so well a bit earlier at primetime.

>> No.31261769

>Obnoxious and le random
I can save(groom) them

>> No.31261955

He’s doesn’t need saving. The whole act like your audience has ADHD thing is popular and sells well. She’s doing quite well on her own. I would wife her though.

>> No.31262305

>multiple languages
>art buff
>cute personality
Your chuuba has been dismissed. Nobody fucking likes trannies.

>> No.31262389

they’re all doing better though your personal preference or jealousy as bias doesn’t work
