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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31157814 No.31157814 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

AkioAir auditions are opening very soon!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>31100965

>> No.31157974

Jignx did nothing wrong

>> No.31158069

>ragdoll will never serenade you to sleep with her harp
it hurts

>> No.31158169

Alright, everyone who applied to either Holo or Niji recently (as in, after Tempus and ILUNA), reply to this post, say which company you are aiming for and why you think they'll pick you.

>> No.31158213

i'm probably better off riding off my own brand desu if what anons say about anti's being true is real

>> No.31158236
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>> No.31158254

what did they say about antis

>> No.31158301

Grimmi is made for Jignx cock.

>> No.31158312

god I'm embarrassed to be taffy's vtuber child

>> No.31158319

Who are the cream of the crop /asp/ies? Ain and Dog right? Do you think they'd make it into corpos?

>> No.31158379


>> No.31158539

rena is sleeping in vc right now, go away chase

>> No.31158692

Ain, no. Dog, maybe. I nominate Hes as corpo potential.

I don't mean this as disrespect to Ain either, she pushes the boundaries too much for a corpo environment. I can see one of her antics making her blow up as an indie, though.

>> No.31158841

Dog probably. His streams are pretty fun without relying on that weird sex culture shit that is Vtubing now

>> No.31158878

None. Corpo doesn't align with my goals nor will I be a corpo tier content creator. In addition, being slave to corpo's will sounds boring.

>> No.31159022

based perma 2view

>> No.31159172

can someone please tell me which aspie is "dog", like, what is his twitch or whatever, i wanna check him out

>> No.31159262

>get 1k views
simple as

>> No.31159329

No but maybe consider my nigga boseph instead

>> No.31159509

>Jignx: "fuck chinks, fuck arabs, fuck whites, fuck jews, fuck blacks..."

>Taffy: "fuck trannies"


>> No.31159532

>still shills his server here

>> No.31159565

no taffy, it's because you're a retarded shameless cunny-baiting faggot

>> No.31159760

I'm not even a dog whiteknight and I hate Nijifags even more but his content seems like it's right up that alley, maybe better than some of the quieter ones.

>> No.31159849
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Just be EN Ange ffs dog... Ease a bit with the Theranos voice...

>> No.31159962

im not writing these things, im busy in a sleep call with rena rn

>> No.31160072

Oh I kind of hear it. I feel like he was trying to ease his voice with the host he was redebuting with but seems like he's given up on it.

>> No.31160191

They've put on a fatwa on you. Goodspeed, Taffy.

>> No.31160247 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31160709

But she'll harp on at you to clean your room.

>> No.31161024

God deku was such a retard for that lmao

>> No.31161073

Taffy was always like that. Very strange person and if it's really a woman then they're not a normal woman. Nobody thought their meltdown was real until they left because that's how they normally act. What if the way they normally act was not an ironic joke but how they always were normally?

A true bonafide schizo pedophile roid raging at everything.

>> No.31161095

Discordfag schizo was right

Warns of us the discord schizos shilling discord
and like clockwork
This appears

There is no saving any of you
Burn in hell all of you

>> No.31161200

the babi circle needs to stop stirring up random stuff

>> No.31161362

Love you Faust

>> No.31161471

What is it, what’s the name?

>> No.31161833

another server

>> No.31161849

>he thinks it's the babis and not just viewercord farming a few laughs at the thread's expense

>> No.31161945

but enough about Visage

>> No.31162034

love my mama

>> No.31162055

all the babis are nice anyway

>> No.31162139

Faust do you endorse Taffy's statements?

>> No.31162262

Fuck yeah

>> No.31162693

Nobody triggered them. They just exploded when someone posted their twitter like they post that stuff themselves all the time. Nobody had beef with nekuma but nekuma has beef with their own brain. As much as we all love drama there is no there there except one person that has a mental illness.

>> No.31162947

Are you having a stroke while typing this?

>> No.31162969

Nah dog doesn't care. He told his viewers on stream that he has a few accounts floating around, one being a host and another one I forget

>> No.31162997

posting twitter is doxxing bro

>> No.31163072

they called you guys trannies and you proceeded to seethe about them for the past thread and this one lol

>> No.31163083

when the fuck did you turn into a therapist anon?

>> No.31163236

Taffy posted about wanting lots of thread drama. Everyone was cool about it but very surprised. Except the doll. She said she was glad the freak finally left.

>> No.31163286
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>the babi circle needs to stop stirring up random stuff


>he thinks it's the babis and not just viewercord

It is the babis

>all the babis are nice anyway


trust me folks, we have some of the nicest sex pests, some of the best, even if they have zero game skull emoji

>> No.31163306

Reminder, fuck /asp/ fuck these threads the best advice you can ever be given is

>Do your reps
>Stream for at least a year
>Apply for corpo's off cooldown

>> No.31163411

Nobody did. It's 3 am in the UK, shouldn't you be in bed instead of sock puppetting?

>> No.31163465

Hell yeah, motherfucker. That's more or less exactly what I have planned for myself. Halfway through step two right now. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make it.

>> No.31163488

either way, i'd think you'd be happier as an indie

>> No.31163548

this is amazing

>> No.31163577

I don't talk to them either but you wont see me crapping the bed and sperging about it.

>> No.31163603

Trust me you will fucking make it, the era of exploration is over for vtubing, it is squarely the era of industrial revolution.
They need all hands on deck and even if the indie sphere is oversaturated that doesn't mean it's oversaturated with good content.

99% of vtubers are just fuckboys with zero personality.

Remember this and do your reps, give yourself the edge that they don't have.

>> No.31163728

If you don't plan on making a career/have a stable income. Then yeah, do it as a hobby but anyone planning on seriously trying to be a vtuber should be aiming for corpos.
That isn't debatable, the indie scene is way too full of gutter dogshit right now.
If you aren't building a portfolio with your reps, you're fucking up majorly if you want to vtube long term as a money making thing.

>> No.31163755

yeah she was sleeping with me!

>> No.31163851

Its no wonder the women don't interact with the discord anymore

>> No.31163989

I say that I want to make it but I seldom stream, never do social media reps, and suck at streaming

>> No.31164042

based i hope you had lots of loving e sex

>> No.31164054

Nice way to out yourself retard

>> No.31164116


did we quite literally forcibly re-feminize dog?

asp is powerful

>> No.31164219

>cut up and stir fry some mildly spicy yellow peppers
>decide to do my traditional pre stream fap after dinner
>dick starts mildly burning halfway through
>wtf I washed my hands and everything
>oh well
>finish fapping
>dong really starts burning now
>decide to take a shower
>shit. now asshole is starting to burn for some reason, am pretty sure I never even touched it during shower
>burning sensation is now alternatively pulsing from dong to bum hole and back to dong
>now dong wont go below half mast for some reason. not even horny

Should I stream anyway? Think my viewers will notice me acting different? Oh well, fuck it. CHUBAAAAAAAAAA MY DONG DIED LETS GOOOOOOOOO.

>> No.31164232

I'm trying to do it. I've never really had the passion that I have for streaming and vtubing in particular for anything else in my life. I'll brute force this goal of mine if I have to.

>> No.31164272

Honestly, speaking from a lot of experience, it's actually one of the most tame 4chan spinoff spaces.

>> No.31164299

Reminder that the same people who will pat you on the back for your achievements on the aspcord are the same people who will talk shit about you here.
Leave while you can before it's too late.

>> No.31164333

Best of luck anon, one random is cheering you on at least.

>> No.31164358

Okay, first, I'm fucking cackling at you as I type this anon I'm so sorry for your holes
Second, I wouldn't stream if my dick was doing that right now. It probably didn't die and will just take a little while to chill out again. You fucking dork lmfao

>> No.31164430

It's quite easy. Just stop being 15 years old and it will either stop or you will stop caring.

>> No.31164480

it only got this bad when the public aspcord was made and allowed viewers in
lancecord didn't even have a fraction of this drama leak into the threads

>> No.31164587

really makes you think

>> No.31164588

I didnt :) keep seething knuckledragger

>> No.31164640

Nah his host identity was some any pronouns non binary gender fluid shit

>> No.31164661

o7 Thank you for the numbers!

>> No.31164729

i refuse to believe that
it's just viewers screenshotting
people in the server are nice

>> No.31164802


i know sexpest babis are everywhere be careful

>> No.31164923

oversaturation is a meme
don't blame it for your lack of viewers
market and network more

>> No.31164992
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>> No.31165052

>Oversaturation is a meme
Unless you have marvel level marketing you aren't making it past the other 800k+ vtubers ahead of you.

>> No.31165127

You will never be a good viewer.

>> No.31165204

A channel can't exist on hype alone?

>> No.31165328

>you aren't making it past the other 800k+ vtubers ahead of you.
how are 0views ahead of you?

>> No.31165424


yeah but the voice act is slowly dropping

>> No.31165645

No? do you not know how algorithms work? you might as well just buy a lottery ticket. Even in JP there are perpetual 2 views that have been streaming for 4 years already.
It's just not how content creation works unless you plan on doing what greek did and trolling people more popular than you.

You'll be 0view with them perpetually too anon. Do you really think sitting and playing apex will talking to 5 view and posting on twitter and in discords will bring people to you?
If it did why aren't there less 0 views? it's because 0views are the majority of the indie scene by default.
This isn't even just a vtuber issue alone, this is a content creator issue.
Vtubers are in a very special situation however because right now corpos are hiring like madmen.

>> No.31165677

the sensation is probably it flowing in your blood to the rest of your skin the penis and scrotum carry a lot of blood below the skin along the capillaries because the penis requires a lot of blood during periods of arousal but thats just my hypothesis you will probably be fine but keep in mind the scrotum is several times better at absorbing things into the body than other areas of skin

>> No.31165975

Can ESLs make it?

Bonus: Male

>> No.31165980

he sounded the same its just because he was singing a lot on the host streams in a high ass range

>> No.31166054

Depends on how cute your accent is.

>> No.31166069

Do you not know how sarcasm works? Don't answer that.

>> No.31166451

I miss gifting 2 views jaypees crates of bottled water and ramen.

>> No.31166494


>> No.31166511

I applied to holo but they aren't gonna pick me lol

>> No.31166570

Is it disrespectful to make fanart, but using a "crazy look" gesture?

>> No.31166632

Clio is live at twitch.tv/clioaite

>> No.31167123

Thanks Visage

>> No.31167152

Dropping in to shill myself. A couple people told me my mic quality was trash so I've made some audio changes in my most recent couple of streams, hoping it's an improvement.

>> No.31167357
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NOOOO I forgot the image! Everyone will scroll past my attention whoring if there's no image!

>> No.31167483

Why youtube?

>> No.31167528
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What should my theme be? I was thinking maybe pepe, is there already a pepe vtuber? Is pepe a hate symbol and banned on twitch?

>> No.31167641

Pepe is too generic and there are lots that use png pepe, even normie cam streamers use png pepe if they don't want to use a cam. Pepe isn't banned on twitch, idk if you use BTTV or 7tv extension for twitch but they're filled with pepe emotes

>> No.31167917

Now, hear me out...

>> No.31167940

Sounds better though it still needs improvement or a better mic.

>> No.31168029

you aiming for corpo?

>> No.31168159

Yeah, they weren't lying about your mic

>> No.31168230

im sorry for lying to my friends
ill be ok
youre all better off without me in your lives

>> No.31168341

I love you

>> No.31168457

I will dm you and you will like it

>> No.31168505
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>Pepe is too generic and there are lots that use png pepe, even normie cam streamers use png pepe if they don't want to use a cam
I see, well I guess I need to come up with something that will make me stand out then. I actually got a commission for making a vtuber avatar for my friends gf, so I thought I'd try making one for myself as well.
>Pepe isn't banned on twitch, idk if you use BTTV or 7tv extension for twitch but they're filled with pepe emotes
I don't use twitch at all and don't use youtube for watching streamers so I wasn't sure.
What a Hitler avatar? That'd be funny but I'm sure it wouldn't be allowed.

What about a boomer avatar? Has there been one of those? I could play power washer, lawn mower sims, fishing games, stuff of a boomer nature. Could be funny.

>> No.31168707

Thanks for admitting it Mirage

>> No.31169043
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Gonna relax with some chill Minecraft noises.

>> No.31169749

It’s a retarded idea to preemptively break up with my boyfriend in case of yab, right?

>> No.31169764
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the only way m*les can make it is to stream their suicides

>> No.31169767


>> No.31169844

But.. but. Shoxto. Bungo. Kyo. Merry.

>> No.31170261
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all sex pests and a degenerate tranny

>> No.31170342

Yes but do it anyway

>> No.31170471

Sex pests or not, they still made it.

>> No.31170520

incredibly; multiple chuubas have kept their relationships under wraps publicly without problem for multiple years
though if you have to ask, i question how strong your relationship with them is in the first place

>> No.31170563

Break up with him and I'll be your new bf. I won't bother you during your streams

>> No.31170609


>> No.31170760

I don't even watch Twitch so Youtube was the natural choice for me. Plus I wanted to upload clips of myself to get in on the clip market so I was going to have a youtube channel anyway. >>31168159
I know, but I think I've improved it, >>31167940 agrees that I have (thanks for the input). Further improvement is definitely something for me to keep in mind for the future.
I was thinking independent but maybe corpo is worth considering? I don't know much about it. The only thought I've given it is having to answer to only myself and my audience seems better than also having to answer to a corporation.

>> No.31170903
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they all will really make it when they join the 41%. they are a legitimate mistake of nature.

>> No.31170937

AHHH I missed an enter everything is wrong today I'm NGMI!

>> No.31170985

>I don't even watch Twitch so Youtube was the natural choice for me
Thats not a good reason. Youtube is too shit for very smaller streamers. There are multiple cases where chuubas went to twitch and inclined there, after streaming on youtube for over a year to no one

>> No.31170994
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>> No.31171054

How the fuck is he everywhere

>> No.31171114

Kyo isn't even a tranny, hes a femboy. The others are males. You're way too retarded

>> No.31171180

40 year old virgin that lives on the threads.

>> No.31171208

Just found out that I'm dying. Running on a time limit type deal. Planning to leave this hobby soon and go do all the things I haven't done yet. Is it better to just delete everything and disappear or graduate with some made up excuse?

>> No.31171224

clio posted herself in wvt a bit ago and he has an affinity for hags
attenboro also seems to check out most people that stop by wvt at least once

>> No.31171450

I'm old so if I had my birth year on my username I'd be way too embarrassed everytime I chatted (not older than him though)

Hag appreciator? Hes based then

>> No.31171544

he's a pretty young college student i believe
probably in his early 20s if I had to guess

>> No.31171563
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nah, go away tranny lover. stop shilling your tranny shit, babis or whatever. you clearly don't belong here

>> No.31171583

No he's not.

>> No.31171622

Love you too NGMI anon

>> No.31171699

he constantly talks about being busy with finals during the months that those are usually happening so I kinda just get that impression

>> No.31171762

He larps as a younger person.

>> No.31171857

Femboys have vaginas and giant tits?

>> No.31172029

trip fags don't belong here but here you are

I don't know if you're pretending but I meant irl he is a femboy

>> No.31172151

Why are we talking about vtubers IRL

>> No.31172214

Because the question was
>can males make it
and irl he is a male

>> No.31172220
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I rember when I used to get talked about a lot
Glad that mostly stopped.

>> No.31172271

Kyo is not a femboy irl what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.31172278


>> No.31172311

If you spam like a whore ofc you'll get talked about

>> No.31172357

He posted an airbrushed picture of his thighs. Femboy confirmed.

>> No.31172358

Give me proof he isnt

>> No.31172622

That would require doxxing. Either way if you think him trolling makes him a femboy you're either a dumb fujo or a dumb rrat.

>> No.31172685

graduate so we can tribut--i mean, salute you.

>> No.31172748

link stream

>> No.31172833

Who is the purest and sweetest babi?

>> No.31172955


>> No.31173039

He posted pics of his feet. Not pure

>> No.31173172

Literally posted a vocaroo of himself master baiting too but ok.

>> No.31173242

.. I got him to post it. Feet are lewder

>> No.31173291


rooftop noona

>> No.31173321
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>master baiting

>> No.31173446

A lot of them are pure.
Such as Ainslie, Azu, Konrad, Noona, Nasu, The Nue.

>> No.31173739

followed because hag
immediately left because arknights.

>> No.31173909
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If you are who I think you are then it was fun talking to you. Good luck in whatever you do in the future.

>> No.31174077
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>checking her twitter profile
I hope she will stream EU4.

>> No.31174085

Thank you for watching everyone!

>> No.31174660

I'm proud to be a salmon

>> No.31175051

I shall! I might do that for the next demo stream

>> No.31175165

How do you guys react to rrats about yourself or your friends? They make me really angry. How do you guys deal with those feelings? Can this think skin mentality be changed?

>> No.31175289

I encourage rrats about myself because I think they're funny. I'll fight rrats about my friends, within reason.

>> No.31175343

I needed some inspiration for youtube videos and I felt like these channels popped out to me


On a side note what makes Charlie's videos pull so many views. He is easily watchable but his dry humor can only get him so far

>> No.31175935

Rrats about me are good publicity.
And while I encourage my friends to see rrats as a W, I do get mad about rrats about them if I'm being honest.

>> No.31175992

What do you actually showcase in an audition video for a corpo? A shortened demo debut? A showcase of talents? Clips of content and streams you've made? I've never understood what corpos are looking for specifically.

>> No.31176110

Was in her chat for the end of her stream and made a bad joke. Can safely confirm she’s not /here/

>> No.31176453

My friends are 3D human beings that I've known for years and not /asp/ies, so I don't really have any experience with this.

>> No.31176459


Same here. But to be honest I’m usually the only one who makes rrats about myself or Jay____

>> No.31176522

Gawr Gura/!?!?/1

>> No.31176526

Was stagnating viewer wise and getting a tad demoralized at the slower growth. But now I'm starting to see the light on the other side. Same number of chat messages or so, but way more people talking. And a decent ammount of new people. Hit sub goal too. Feeling good.

>> No.31176564

I've avoided that guy like the plague after he said that he masturbates to shotas in this thread.

>> No.31176624

Wasn't that Kaiser?

>> No.31176648

milk your final days

>> No.31176666

*monotone voice*
Oh my God I can’t believe you found out. Now I must make a hasty exit. Growl Goomer, away

>> No.31176816

Checked. Abayo Gordo Gorda

>> No.31177130

I can't exactly find the post, but I had a conversation with the /asp/ies back in April about how masturbating to loli or shota porn makes you a pedophile and I remember him chiming in with something in support of it. Something like "I would never draw it but I would masturbate to it"

>> No.31177183

I want to milk them for their final days.

>> No.31177359

how do i get more paypigs? ig i have a gosling fanbase but all of them are poorfags hnnnngh;;

>> No.31177637

Aw guys thanks for thinking im a pure and sweet babi, i really appreciate it :)

>> No.31177850

All men are pigs

>> No.31177925

You're replying to a man who was repulsed by that, for what it's worth. His art looks fucking ugly too.

>> No.31178007

>His art looks fucking ugly too.
now you're just crabbing, his art is fine.

>> No.31178045

It reminds me of airbrushed t-shirts from the state fair.

>> No.31178133

Taffy did nothing wrong for calling out the babi menace

>> No.31178386

Kind of weird since Noona is married

>> No.31178389

does hating babis make you a tranny?
or is it projection?

>> No.31178788

Weird that Nekuma is calling out circle jerks since he was getting jerked off pretty hard

>> No.31178856

weird that Ribbon invited Sprinkle over but didn't invite me

>> No.31179683

Knight Chase SEXO!!

>> No.31180012

She's a pedophile lol. Litteral cool brain degen who deserves the cross.

>> No.31180332
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Rev is coming back soon

>> No.31180514

Is it still going to be an ugly vroid?

>> No.31180621
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>> No.31180692

Is he or she the /asp/ie Reda?

>> No.31180703


>> No.31181055

Why are we making out girls to be trannies seems like cope especially from the all inclusive pro lgbtq aspcord that supported cordy

>> No.31181068

What's up with taffy? I thought the model was cute until I saw the swimsuit. 100% pedo

>> No.31181124

>Thread less than 6 hours old
>Already at 200
Can we get another 700 reply schizo thread aspies?

>> No.31181137


hopefully the person who called you a sexpest will kill themself

unforgivable ngmi behavior

>> No.31181162


>> No.31181208

most trannies self hate hard though.

>> No.31181232

it’s someone samefagging against based taffy must be a babi

>> No.31181529

Now that I've thought about it, I'm pretty confident that this is Nekuma talking about herself.

>> No.31181769

Knight Chase won't beat the final boss with this setup in this run, there's a reason you don't ignore the engine power, because you're just wasting the pilot skill you've been building all game and while max shields and damage buffed systems are good, the lack of engines will really hurt you against the special bomb weapon in most stages, but more importantly, will cause your shit to get pushed in with near 80 percent certainty against the bosses drone stage.

>> No.31181915

Obviously, I meant engine skills for the engine not piloting. You want higher evasion as a counter to the bomb special weapon, as well as the other build counters for the other special weapons if you can afford most of them.
The point was that engine evasion is the hard counter to the drone stage, which takes up nearly an entire phase and the offensive capacity at that point.

>> No.31182337

>Ainslie is calling Taffy a
Looks like we found our Taffy anti.

>> No.31182509
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Nice! Keep on truckin!

>> No.31182904

>pedo chuuba
Based, I've needed someone to fill the void after Carol

>> No.31183039
File: 445 KB, 250x188, ConfusedJack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made clips of my own streams a few times
>posted on twitter, in discord servers, etc
>max 20 views
>made a clip, uploaded it with no self promo whatsoever
I don't fucking understand the internet

>> No.31183124

Babis are based, trans are not. Simple as.

>> No.31183275

I made this kind of mistake all the time sorry.

>> No.31183454

Pronouns are unironically very hard, eurobro.

>> No.31183671

babis are trannies in denial it’s a pipeline

>> No.31183801

Yeah, I can't think of literally any other reason why a man would want to be represented as a woman when they become a vtuber. It's at least autogynephillic.

>> No.31184069
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Nope. 100% male but there are days I'd rather stare at a big titty loli than a dude.

>> No.31184201

Your Discord and Twitter friends think your link sharing is spam.

>> No.31184352

It do be like that

>> No.31184590
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Dark souls 3, starting with a boss that I highly suspect to be a dragon.

>> No.31185061

I want to make my favorite /asp/ie into a father!

>> No.31185111

You can’t do that babi bussy has no reproductive function

>> No.31185151

I'm thinking of trying to apply for the new NijiEN gamer auditions, but aside from knowing how to set up streams and being generally good with tech, I have no streaming experience. I work in Sales and Marketing so I'm ok with talking a lot about anything and everything though. Is it worth applying now or would it be a waste of time?

>> No.31185197

You won't make it. Audition if you want to for fun though.

>> No.31185208

Dog bussy...

>> No.31185267

I want to impregnate him. Or have him impregnate me. Either one.

>> No.31185448

Gender sure is confusing in the 20s

>> No.31185935

I just learned you can spam refresh your own VODs to increase view count.

>> No.31186082

Are you talking about Twitch? Nobody cares about Twitch VOD view count.

>> No.31186188

Yeah but you can pretend you're not a literal 1view which is good enough for me.

>> No.31186259

1 or 2 view is never about VOD view count.

>> No.31186544

It's usually a representation of your type of girls, sometimes your fetish packed into your model.
My vtuber model really doesn't look like me.

>> No.31187035

>"I am a man and I want to be a vtuber!"
>"I want to be a girl instead!"
There you go. Can't be more clear-cut than that.

>> No.31187074
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SEA auditions open

>> No.31187151


>> No.31187419

and now you will tell me she does not fear using gamer words? based, sounds like she will make it

>> No.31187630

I think it is better to just be based and let it be a constant yet subtle general disposition. Inner control, confidence and its concrete manifestation, conveyed to the audience. It becomes more overt as we go through the personality layers and, even when faced with resistance (of varying moral relevance) by the external world and its agents, one remains of benevolent yet firm when dealing with those you hope to love (platonically).

>> No.31187766


>> No.31187774

shut up and stream

>> No.31188994

Junii is doing okay.

>> No.31189205
File: 7 KB, 300x300, JUSTDOITPUSSY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough bullshit.

im looking for the right autist to coop elden ring. you stream it. we play it.

i know one of you retards are up for the challenge

>> No.31189322

Turning Azu on and off repeatedly…
Where’s the power button?

>> No.31189705

Sorry for dumb question but if someone is getting streamlab donations, that means they're using Streamlabs OBS right? I have been using OBS Studio but it seems like streamlabs might be the more popular option right?

>> No.31189831

Not really. You can set up Streamlabs without installing their bloated version of OBS. And SL is very slimy when it comes to donations, signing up your donators for useless subscriptions to their shitty services. Use something else for donations if you can.

>> No.31190046

Who? And is there a requirement that the person streaming is a VTuber? Because incase you didn't realize, the thread is run by viewercord.
Viewercord ran this thread into the stars. Queers btfo.

>> No.31190081

prostate power button...

>> No.31190115

Literal autogynephilia retard. You're sexually attracted to your own persona.

>> No.31190261

Viewercord, whats that? Oh, you mean groomercord?

>> No.31190299

>taffy blows up on twitter
>immediately shits on the thread and /asp/

>> No.31190333
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>And is there a requirement that the person streaming is a VTuber?

nope- but for the relevance to this thread, it would be a bonus. they get content. i get elden ring. thread gets a stream. everyone wins.


literally dont know and dont care.

>> No.31190442
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>> No.31190499


>> No.31190510

Blowing up with VRChat pedos not anything to do with vtubers.

>> No.31190553

Any requirements on time? Would it be a new game?

>> No.31190807
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i'll adapt to the vtuber's schedule, but all i ask in return is that they intend to finish the run with me. i'll stay flexible- they stay consistent. that should be fair.

>Would it be a new game?

depends on who i get. i know my shit about Elden Ring. if they never played before- we'll do vanilla. if they want a guided experience, i can do that. if they prefer taking the lead, i'll follow. if they already played but still want to do a challenge run- we'll do it. personally, i'm hoping they'd be interested in trying out a randomizer/modded run, but it'll take setup (which hopefully i can guide thru via instruction and downloading zip files i'll provide).

>> No.31191199

Jignx please

>> No.31191225

Azu it was a joooook. A funny jook.

>> No.31191317

I remember that. Jay is fucking based.

>> No.31191565

I don't know if anyone else noticed but they've been advertising themselves on multiple threads for over a year now so it's good to see they are finally getting attention on twitter at least. I still think the voice changer is grating so their content isn't for me but maybe this will be the first /asp/ie in a while to blow up and make it.

>> No.31191813

>maybe this will be the first /asp/ie in a while to blow up and make it.
They are getting 1000 twitter follows from VRChat coomers who want to wank to the cunny model. That's not making it as a vtuber in any sense of the word.

>> No.31192887

i have really not noticed but he probably uses different threads and my twitter was never connected to drama vtuber feeds

>> No.31193518
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>my audition
am i GMI...?

>> No.31193662

if you used the same audition video for every place you auditioned to it could be that don’t make that mistake

>> No.31193778

Does anybody use an iPhone as a microphone for their PC?

>> No.31194769

This has kingly energy. I would play with you but I'm not a VTuber. Good luck.

>> No.31194839

I'd be interested in doing a randomizer run (have beat the game once so I have some experience) but my availability isn't the greatest

>> No.31194868

>taffy is the new zun
Timeloops people. TIMELOOPS!!
We work doubletime here at the time factory.

>> No.31194949

Terrible idea and I'm not even sure how you would set that up, especially using an iPhone over an android (which are all shit anyway).

>> No.31194995

There is basically nothing in common. ZUN is a streamer and Taffy is a VRC erper.

>> No.31195268

No, that's not a timeloop

Dog streams?

>> No.31195451

What does asp think about Miyu?

>> No.31195579

She took the dildos and ran

>> No.31195743

You can still yab and mention an ex boyfriend

>> No.31196847
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Unless your male

>> No.31196900

A waste of time because, if you dont have either:
a) Extensive stream experience and maybe even a big following
b) A pro e-sports player
Then you arent gonna make it. Check the audition form, they wanna get into the e-sports market.
Do you even do any other sort of content creation that you post online? (Art, videos, music) If not, then absolutely no chance.

>> No.31196918
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Ur a nigger

>> No.31196997

i only sent it to one company

>> No.31197168

How many fucking buzzwords can you fit into one post? You sound like one of those fucking AIs trained to write postmodernist essays.

>> No.31197263

Only way to tell is if you get the email telling you youre thru to the second phase.
And even then, you are competing with a pool that reduced from 100,000 to 1,000 and only 4-5 will make it.

>> No.31197842

I’m a VTuber, Said the viewer to the fly.

>> No.31197864

your own views count towards the views

>> No.31197976

Yet you two will bend over backwards, probably let yourselves be spit roasted by niggers, if it meant getting another own in on Taffy in the thread. Just like you’ve been doing back to back this whole morning. Curious.
How many times do you need to repeat that the girl with a cute natural loli voice is a tranny before you actually start believing it yourselves?

>> No.31198032

Says the tripfag.

>> No.31198101

i haven't clicked on my own video once

>> No.31198427

Probably Chinese

>> No.31198606
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Your literally the tripfag meanwhile my posts have nothing identifiable. Kill yourself.

>> No.31198673

Jesus, what a schizo.
They're both trannies.

>> No.31198764

and you assume most vtuber fans aren't doing the same? are you aware of how coomer twitter works? are you aware of the existence of vshojo? do you assume people bring out the idol sticks and coo at the vshojo girls?

>> No.31198855

lmao, the babis wish they could garner as much attention as her

>> No.31198897

the babis don't hate the trannies though?

>> No.31198995

Whatever you use to sell yourself on the written answers, you show it on the video. Talk the talk, and walk the walk

>> No.31199000

I do
T. Babi

>> No.31199005

they hate on the girls because it is what they lack
they want to poke at someone, maybe miyu, maybe ain, maybe mashi, maybe anyone
its how they cope with their situation

>> No.31199016

True, especially since the babi -> tranny pipeline is real

>> No.31199062
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Babis are cringe. Brotubers are the future. Bros lift up bros kings lift up kings w*men and weak men don't deserve our attention.

>> No.31199115

It's half and half. As a babi I don't want to be associated with trans.

No I feel very sympathetic of the girls

>> No.31199141

Babis living rent free again? Let’s go?

>> No.31199157

Every time a babi mentions that they use a female avatar because they want to be cute, i laugh
we know what you actually want, why don't you go back to jerking off to your sissy porn? fucking kek

>> No.31199211

>Female Avatar
>Male Voice
people will associate you as trans

>> No.31199319

If there's one thing i learned from being on 4chan is when someone says "i know" it actually means they know nothing at all.

I wonder how confused some people here get when I'm changing to a male model.

>> No.31199374
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Man cannot rebuild himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.

>> No.31199700

Link your stream bro

>> No.31200000
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I'm doing a sea of thieves collab tonight with Kumavennas, another great brotuber.

>> No.31200007

Someone floated the Miyu is trans rear a few times but it never caught on. Same thing with Taffy but it’s caught on because of the whole messed up mic thing.

>> No.31200042

Man I'm feeling a bit down today, I've been having communication problems with the rigger that I hired for two months now. I told them that the 18th was my final deadline and that if they couldn't manage that I'd want a refund, and now it's almost the 20th and they haven't responded to my most recent dm. I just don't know what to do, tell them I want a refund and move on? Even though they might be done and making my audience wait longer when I've already teased it? It's just so frustrating, especially when the rigger has gone "oh it'll be done soon! I'll keep you updated" and then never messaging me until I engage them again. Aaaagh

>> No.31200085

>knight chase jerking off to tomboy hentai and wishing he was the girl
This idea is actually making me really horny lol

>> No.31200179

Never tease shit unless you have it or is like at least 80% done...
Id honestly say, refund and find someone else, or youll be stuck waiting instead of looking for someone better with that time.

>> No.31200274

Yeah, I realized that mistake, I understand I went wrong there. Are there any riggers capable of delivering a decent quality in like, an odd month or so?

>> No.31200311

Bannerlord Endgame

>> No.31200339

What happens after death? Having my disgusting consciousness disappear sounds good but an eternity of torment also feels deserved.

>> No.31200358

I can back this up and I'm not even there.

>> No.31200459

Why does Knight Chase not have sex posters when he is so cute? Discuss.

>> No.31200700

because its a male

>> No.31200946

>debuff games
>dead air

>> No.31201224

Chuubas go to the great content creation house in the sky. Forced to stream for the rest of eternity. Every day their subs/followers are reset and they are forced to build themselves up from nothing and experience the joys of making it or the pain of ending as a literal 2 view.

>> No.31201356

In theory I could do it but it really depends on how detailed your model is and how complex you want the rigging to be.

Here's my carrd if you're interested.

>> No.31201611

I’m legitimately getting tired of using my system audio mic and my Android phone’s screen broke so it’s been out of commission for the past couple months.

I’ve spent the most of the morning installing and rebooting my PC (multiple times) to try out some software that could *maybe* allow me to use an iPhone as a wireless microphone on Windows. I’m aware of how awful of an idea this is, but either it works and I can go back to streaming normally or it doesn’t and I can become an hero and jump in front of a truck for wasting this much time. Sorry for the crudeness at the end, I’m in a bad mood because of a helicopter parent.

>> No.31201769

i'll send you a dm if things don't work out with this rigger, thanks man

>> No.31201929
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Can vouch for marburg. he did my rigging, and it turned out really well.

>> No.31202217

the iphone actually has a mic that can sound better than some mics that get recommended here. i always thought its a bit funny that miyus twitter streams sound better than her twitch streams and she is supposed to be using the wave mic that people recommend here often

>> No.31202222

You're gonna get sent to the most agonizing hell imaginable where nothing happens and you're stuck with the same thoughts in your head for eternity.

>> No.31202309


>> No.31202339

I guess it's because you can't use the same phone you use for facetracking as a mic.

>> No.31202691

What monitors do you guys use in your setup?

>> No.31202771

why do you ask? just get the biggest one with the highest resolution and refresh rate you can afford

>> No.31202817

A 24” spare TV that my parents had lying around, due to their poor financial decisions.

>> No.31202870

I fell for the widescreen meme and got one of those, if you want to get a monitor, don't get a widescreen one.

>> No.31203162

Some monitor I bought at a Japanese mall with a label I couldn't read but it's 1080p and that's good enough

>> No.31203233

what do people do to garner attention predebut? i have everything set up i just dont know how to get the ball rolling

>> No.31203708

a lot of twitter marketing, talk to smaller creators and actively engage in their content.
I would also recommend doing some streams here and there, yes it takes away from the point of a debut, but you need the experience really. Plus it can be good to grab at least one or two people interested in you while you grow your experience. If you'd like, you can save your live2d for later and use a png if you'd like to. good luck anon!!

>> No.31203714

what sort of model do you have? png, l2d, 3d?

>> No.31203834

Ren tried to skinwalk her once by trying to sound like a girl
