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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31165852 No.31165852 [Reply] [Original]

>hololive so stiff, muh purityfag filled with loser schizo who cant let their talent collab with other gender
>me corpo good me corpo male female collab okay lmao

also niji:
>catching fire on a drama because a female interacting with vox
>even worse this fella axia went hiatus because too much interaction with female leading to daily doxxing and personal attack toward this individual

what do they mean by this? nijibros explain?

>> No.31165960

Why are you trying to understand the logic of subhuman retards?

>> No.31166049
File: 202 KB, 447x377, Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvwwf6k.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers

>> No.31166599

Holy Jesus fucking ESL

>> No.31166655

>Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers
Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers

>> No.31166814


>> No.31167094

so basically Female niji fans acting like the usual holo male fans?

>> No.31168438

maybe he shouldn't have pandered to women so hard lol
>opens windows when there's a horde of bees outside
>oh gee why are they in my house!

>> No.31168880

>esl subhuman

>> No.31169417

so basically its fujos doing what the schizo holobronies do, see how anoying we find you.

>> No.31169466

Crazy how he went on hiatus. The professionals at hololive know that the correct response is to doxx your co-workers, go behind your corpo's back to dramatubers and get shitcanned immediately

>> No.31169543

It's been going since his debut desu, he didn't even have to pander.

>> No.31169649

Truth is..
Nijifag is just Holofag but switched from Male to Female.

>> No.31169930
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but why do i see stuff like this then

>> No.31169950

What makes what happened to Rushia so stupid is that something similar already happened to Towa and Watame and they set a precedent for handling it without self-destructing.

>> No.31170032

Not everyone is a real shitdick homo. Cope.

>> No.31170118
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or this white day exclusive merch featuring only 4 male livers handing (You) a special gift

>> No.31170247
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or a completely separate white day event where you can write a customized message to him which was completely optional for the male vtubers involved

>> No.31170296

Rope fujoyume.

>> No.31170362

Holy ESL.

>> No.31170436

i don't recall someone like ibu or shellin or leos having this issue though and neither them nor axia is gay
wonder why?
there are far bigger yumebaiters in the company like fuwa minato who releases music about having sex with his female fans and yet this never happened
wonder why?

>> No.31170447
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>> No.31171048

>New JP member successfully fucks a liver that has been active for years
Bros... hes ones of us and he made it...

>> No.31171168

>unicorn bad, fujo good
Looks consistent to me

>> No.31171366

>>unicorn bad
Where are they even saying that, isn't his problem unicorns who are shitting on Hima.

>> No.31173752

The funny thing is that this shit is industry standard, remember when Veibae started dating Sodapoppin and her fans flipped the fuck out over it? That time Reimu got harassed over calling Vox on stream (which he didn't do shit about until like two weeks after)? As it turns out it's not a matter of what brand they have attached to themselves anymore.

>> No.31175178

No it's fujo zhangs

>> No.31175403

I mean even Maimoto was in this one and I don't think his female fanbase is huge..

>> No.31175770

>Liking straight men

>> No.31176066

I will never forgive him for this...

>> No.31176595

He shat on his riakoi (gachikoi but more insane)
He shat on fujos too but it's the yumes who schizzed out on Hima for months ever since a certain Apex stream, then the fujos got insane after Lauren went through his dramas. But there is also another drama that's not been talked about in these threads, when Axia yumes were attacking Lauren yumes because Lauren is a bad influence, then fujos attacked both of them because their ship was getting broken up. Basically, a rehashing of Chronoir drama.

>> No.31176614

axia.. i kneel

>> No.31177119

pretty safe to say he could have nipped his chat's behavior in the bud immediately seeing as all his other male coworkers never got it this bad

>> No.31177156

is this the equivalent of Kuzuha and Blue oni drama?

>> No.31177388

cuckbeat deflection team working overtime

>> No.31177580

Also Matsuri, who is immature on top of being a menhera. Rushia is just a fucking idiot.

>> No.31177710

That means there is a chance for all of us...

>> No.31177804

I will now anti him out of pure jealousy.

>> No.31178016

Who are you trying to fool? fujos don't care if they're straight or not.

>> No.31178067

I want to be a vtuber at nijisanji, i want to have a cult of gays paying memeberships i want fujoshis throwing superchats at me i want to live the neet dream and forget about ever have any physical interaction with a female ever again
one day being a complete retard towards girls irl will pay off the day homos send red superchats to tell them good boy

>> No.31178299

>Lauren went through his dramas
Huh? I thought lauren was pretty squeaky clean

>> No.31178392

yes but it's more on male than female due to niji fan geography shifted to male-focused chuuba

>> No.31179360

it's probably because there's some convincing evidence that the rumors are true.

>> No.31182341

>kuzuha rindou drama where his voice shows up in her member stream at home
>kuzuha waves it off and silently quits membership streams, rindou tampers down and her schizos wander away and don't mess her chat/membership anymore
>axia himawari drama
>both bitch on stream and are taking legal action, all because they played monhun a bunch offline, not even a "voice caught at home" tier drama
safe to say nijisanji newbies aren't up to snuff

>> No.31182551


>> No.31182651

>drops a video explaining everything
>several official tweets about it
>still opts for the schizo story and demands an explanation to schizoshit

>> No.31182857

I am ESL myself so I have a hard time to comprehend what OP is trying to say here but let me explain, there is a difference between wanting the males and females to be able to interact, talk and stream with each other and crazy fujos stalking and threatening a streamer personally or disrupting other streams by making unrelated comments about the streamer "they are in love with".
The obsession and stalking, while in this case is fujo, is usually something you would link to the idol otaku mindset.

>> No.31183400

Once in a while SEAfags created a meme

>> No.31183456

Imagine he tapped her
She got preganananant
Decided to keep being Vtuber
Even incorporate their baby into the stream

>> No.31183879

Do you also believe Suisei has sex with Roberu?

>> No.31183930

>believing what either affected party has to say
>If the rumors are true, then why would they ever tell the truth? They would gain nothing from it.

>> No.31184862
File: 210 KB, 1200x1000, FOI9sYPaQAUN6hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cunts shit on unicorns
>corpos indulge anti-unicorns because "ARE WE COOL YET GIRLS?!"
>incorporate male vtubers and mixed gender collabs
>cunts proceed to terrorize the fags that gave them what they wanted
>fujos and yumes turn out to be worse than unicorns
>except there's no longer any self respecting unicorns left to defend them in the court of public opinion

>> No.31186130

Some of the boys over there act so gay they didn't bother backtracking until it's too late.

In Tempus the only one doing that is Magni

>> No.31186775

Well, neither Towa nor Matsuri or Watame made anywhere nearly as much from paypigs, so…

>> No.31187024

Nijisanji is like reversed Hololive and their female talents are basically Holostars

>> No.31187149

They literally have an official couple channel. You literally can't get more gay than that

>> No.31187377

>when Axia yumes were attacking Lauren yumes because Lauren is a bad influence
Drama tourist please. It was literally one (1) crazy yume and then both of their gachikoi blew the issue up by spamming Axia's tags about it when they should've literally blocked and ignored like normal people.

>> No.31187659

Roberu and Suisei didn't play monhun FIFTY-FOUR TIMES! Thats good as steamy sex right there

>> No.31190385

Same as VShoujo, Nijisanji's marketing is based on differentiating itself from Holo

>> No.31192597

I will never understand this shitstain, why would you become a male vtuber if you were triggered by being called cute or drawn with another male

Literally the ego of a fucking piece of broken glass

>> No.31193219

>/vt/ bitches nonstop about males, calling them all fags, demanding "brotubers"
>one male wants to stop being treated like a fag and be a brotuber
>"how dare you, know your place, all male vtubers should be okay with gay porn and a fanbase full of schizos"

>> No.31195497

>no yab
Nippleboi's yab is one of the funniest yab in vtubing history

>> No.31199019

Lauren hates faggots and gooks, he is kinda based.

>> No.31199296

That's Hololive. Nijisanji fans slick themselves daily to gay bait fanservice. Of course they're mad.

>> No.31200621

>This cope
Fujobaiting doesn't mean anything, Kanae has hit up several porn stars on twitter before and we know he was subbed to one fanza of an AV actress.
Kuzuha is dating the granny.

Both are straight.
