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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31157660 No.31157660 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that the jewbas are quintessential idols
>started from nothing, literally picked up off the street
>most didn't know anything about the culture they were getting into and are learning as they go
>trying to make it big in unfavorable circumstances
>neo is a bubbly, somewhat naive fangirl type who is self conscious about her voice
>emi started streaming to overcome her social anxiety while dealing with chronic illness
>katta admires the vtubing industry and works the hardest to achieve popularity at the expense of her health
>nikki is a tired office lady with a childish spirit who wants to use vtubing to break out of her boring life
>lily, while trying to play the gaki role and actually being quite smart, has huge self confidence issues and a heart of gold
>only you, the viewer can save them and help them reach their idol dream
it's so perfect it's like the cast of an actual anime

>> No.31160677

I like Katt. I should try Nikki more

>> No.31160785
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>most didn't know anything about the culture they were getting into and are learning as they go

I want to give them a chance but this isn't a good sign. They start questioning basic things as "why shouldn't I post my real face"

>> No.31160963

My government gives you enough money as it is. I don't want to watch your tubers.

>> No.31161114 [DELETED] 

Which part of all kikes should die do you not understand?

>> No.31161179

>literally picked up off the street
which one of them is a former soldier and participated in massacring the Palestinians?? i might consider subbing

>> No.31161267

Kattarina, she speaks Russian, Hebrew and English and I think one other language(French?) actual Mossad agent.

>> No.31161290


>> No.31161299
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So, OP, what do these quintessential idol jewbas think of the goyim? You know, just about everyone reading your thread.

>> No.31161367

just wanted to share these cute girls, this isn't /pol/

>> No.31161425

>the eye janny watches over this thread
Yeah nah, not my cup of tea.

>> No.31161441

they aren't that dumb, management will bonk them before they even consider it

>> No.31162657

they love them much they speak only english now
maybe some hebrew if someone types in chat

>> No.31164329
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>> No.31165100

>uses your money to further destabilize your country
Kind of worth it

>> No.31166116

we die for your stupidass cold war. now watch our jewbas.

>> No.31166249

the /pol/ translation of the talmud is really trying hard here, well done.

>> No.31166352

didn't read, do they do any /u/?

>> No.31167654


she also played doki doki literture club

>> No.31167954
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>> No.31168629

4th languege is arabic but did she ever use it?

>> No.31169226

Nikki is my kike wife, get your own.

>> No.31169501
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>> No.31169738

She is a bi slut though

>> No.31169880

>in her service day as mossad agent

>> No.31170254

Kattarina has covid, caughs her lungs out and has missile syrens during the stream, and she still streams. Some other vtubers hit their pinky toe on a piece of furniture and take 2 weeks off.
Respect for these girls.

>> No.31170486

you know, if /lgbt/ is kicking out a letter, they should start with t

>> No.31170827

>he thinks the Bs and Ts aren't the same people
stay in your lane, anon, trust me on this one.

>> No.31171179

dunno, you soun suspicious. b being t sounds like t propeganda to get into lgb.

>> No.31171339

Wow they are cute

>> No.31171451

based, don't let the trannies infiltrate your groomers club

>> No.31171855

>caughs her lungs
Your spelling reps.

>> No.31175171

the 'b' in lgbt is 'bisexual' aka there are only 2 genders. ts tried to replace b with p (pansexual) so it will become lgpt. as you know its still lgBt, and us honest people should support b against the t not group them together.

>> No.31178792

Holy shit my dick hard.
Does that mean i get to bring one of her friends for a threesome? Cuz the demon mesugaki is looking pretty good.

>> No.31180307

I need an edit of them dancing to Hava Nagila

>> No.31180389

The demonic Zionist regime will be destroyed, inshallah

>> No.31180719
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jjust put hava nagila in the bg

>> No.31180760

fuck you niggers for not even bumping our general

>> No.31182607

This is our general now

>> No.31182828

It's not like her dog died.

>> No.31183059

i want to wife these chuubas, correct them, make them use the correct patch of the book, as Allah intended

>> No.31183233

Jews cannot be idols because they are the spawn of Satan.

>> No.31183419

and? god said not to worship idols so spawn of satan being idols fits right in.

don't use our book with patches
write your own

>> No.31183422

if dubs, jews will get purged again, just like 80+ years ago

>> No.31183551

if not dubs, said purge will happen when all of humanity dies when the sun explodes

>> No.31183631

Not today, schlomo. You were never chosen by God.

>> No.31183887

Man this made me laugh really hard

>> No.31187525

if not dubs, you are a schmok

>> No.31187650

Military service is mandatory in Israel so all of them? Unless some of them are arab-israeli.

>> No.31190276

i will not watch jewesses, simple as

>> No.31190303

fuck off ariel I'm not watching your shitty 2views

>> No.31190980

Unironically, they are better than 99% of the chubas in this board

>> No.31191035

stop trying to get me to watch the jewbas or at least use worse material im a sucker for disillusioned office ladies

>> No.31191217

you will watch the jewbas, and you will save them.

>> No.31191272

No, I will shoot them and put them to concentration camps.

>> No.31191973
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just try it

>> No.31193902


>> No.31194721

No, YOU went and picked your fight with sand people.

>> No.31194923

is that really what burger schools teach?

>> No.31196348


>> No.31196530

nikki needs a channel trailer

>> No.31196623

No, american schools don't teach shit.
Truth to be told, you picked your own destiny. It's your own fault. Enjoy american funding while you can.

>> No.31196807

same can be said about usa, wo picked us as their first ally in the middle east. we need maintance but we proved our worth.

>> No.31197718

@me when the zatsudans start

>> No.31200349
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I love this watermelon

>> No.31200925

Neo's voice fits her model so little it's fucking hilarious to watch her.

>> No.31201015

Because they're hideous goblins

>> No.31201113

but her voice is so fucking sex

>> No.31201185

I don't dislike her voice itself, I just think it doesn't fit that tiny fox girl.

>> No.31201199


>> No.31201256
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>> No.31201296

Free palestine

>> No.31201656

America picked Persia (well Oman technically but no-one cares about them) to be their first ally in the Middle East. Putting it mildly they are no longer allies, mostly because Persia voted in some commies who wanted to nationalise their oil and limit the shah's power, and some dramatic events that ended up ensuing from that decision. But Israel has definitely not been uninvolved in disputes between Iran and the US.

>> No.31203325

ill take two

>> No.31205519


>> No.31208443

they are cute

>> No.31212832

Welcome back

>> No.31213752

they're plotting something
they always are

>> No.31214478

yes, making money in the vtuber market

>> No.31217835

An entertaining cockroach is still a cockroach.

>> No.31221930


>> No.31224955

